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目的:探讨广东地区宫颈癌组织中HPV16肿瘤相关性抗原E6基因序列的多态性及同源性。方法:采用通用引物PCR直接测序法对宫颈癌标本中的HPV分型,从舍有HPV16型的标本中采用自行设计的多重引物通过巢式PCR扩增出HPV16E6,经DNA序列测定法检测其基因变异,进而分析其同源性。结果:50例宫颈癌组织HPV-DNA的检出率为78%.其中HPV16和HPV18型混合感染18例,单纯HPV16型感染15例。含有HPV16型的标本34例中扩增出HPV16E 625例。其中178位核苷酸变异较大,变异率为72%,其相应氨基酸均由天冬氨酸变为谷氨酸。结论:HPV16E6 DNA序列发生碱基替换的区域主要在氨基端94~241位,羧基端相对保守,未见变异。广东地区宫颈癌组织中HPV16E6的热点突变为Nt178。  相似文献   

宫颈癌组织中HPV16E6序列多态性及同源性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨广东地区宫颈癌组织中HPV16肿瘤相关性抗原E6基因序列的多态性及同源性。方法采用通用引物PCR直接测序法对宫颈癌标本中的HPV分型,从含有HPV16型的标本中采用自行设计的多重引物通过巢式PCR扩增出HPV16E6,经DNA序列测定法检测其基因变异,进而分析其同源性。结果50例宫颈癌组织HPV-DNA的检出率为78%,其中HPV16和HPV18型混合感染18例,单纯HPV16型感染15例。含有HPV16型的标本34例中扩增出HPV16E625例。其中178位核苷酸变异较大,变异率为72%,其相应氨基酸均由天冬氨酸变为谷氨酸。结论HPV16E6DNA序列发生碱基替换的区域主要在氨基端94~241位,羧基端相对保守,未见变异。广东地区宫颈癌组织中HPV16E6的热点突变为Nt178。  相似文献   

新疆维吾尔族妇女宫颈癌组织HPV16型E6基因变异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:新疆维吾尔族妇女宫颈癌的发生主要与人乳头状瘤病毒16(HPV16)感染相关,特定的HPV16 E6突变株具有更高的致癌危险性.本研究通过检测维吾尔族妇女宫颈癌组织中HPV16 E6基因突变情况,探讨其与维吾尔族妇女宫颈癌高发的关系.方法:从140例维吾尔族妇女宫颈癌石蜡包埋组织中提取DNA作为模板,PCR 扩增HPV16 E6 全长基因,PCR 产物直接测序,进行突变分析.结果:本组维吾尔族妇女宫颈癌组织中HPV16的阳性率是73.6%(103/140),91例E6基因测序及分析结果表明,维吾尔族妇女宫颈癌组织中存在HPV16 E6变异株,其中49例(53.8%)分离株发生L83V突变,4例(4.39%)发生D25E突变,2例(2.20%)发生D64E/L83V突变,36例(39.6%)与野生型相同.结论:新疆维吾尔族妇女宫颈癌患者HPV16 E6基因发生变异,主要以L83V突变为主,HPV16变异株在维吾尔族妇女宫颈癌患者中的分布可能与维吾尔族妇女宫颈癌高发存在一定关系.  相似文献   

孙峰  哈小琴  吕同德  邢传平  刘斌  曹晓哲 《癌症》2009,28(5):478-482
背景与目的:高危型人乳头瘤病毒(humanpa pillomavirus,HPV)以16型最为常见,HPV16E6是宫颈癌主要的致癌基因之一,特定的E6突变是宫颈癌发生的主要因素之一。本研究主要观察兰州地区宫颈癌组织中是否存在E6突变,并探讨了突变与宫颈癌发生的关系。方法:以23例宫颈癌手术切除标本及5例正常宫颈组织的DNA作为模板,PCR扩增HPV-16E6基因201-523位,PCR产物直接测序.分析其HPV16E6基因的突变规律。结果:PCR扩增结果表明5例正常宫颈组织中HPV16E6阳性率为0%(0/5),宫颈癌组织中HPV16E6阳性率为82.61%(19/23),对18例样本PCR产物的测序和序列分析结果表明,6例(33.33%)E6基因与原型相同,12例(66.67%)E6基因发生突变,其中11例(61.11%)发生了350G突变。同时,在1例样本(5.56%)发现了249G突变。结论:兰州地区宫颈癌组织中存在着非常高的HPV感染率,且多数HP116E6发生了突变。  相似文献   

[目的]检测新疆维吾尔族宫颈癌及癌前病变患者人乳头状瘤病毒16型(HPV16)存在状态,探索其与维族宫颈病变进展关系。[方法]对HPV16阳性维族宫颈鳞癌(SCC)和宫颈上皮内瘤变(CIN)活检标本采用多重实时PCR检测HPV16 E2和E6拷贝数,通过E2/E6比值判断HPV16 DNA的存在状态。[结果]随着宫颈病变程度加重,游离型HPV16逐渐减少,并且随着宫颈病变级别的升高,HPV16整合比率(混合型+整合型)逐渐上升。在CINⅠ、CINⅡ/Ⅲ、SCC以及宫颈癌Ⅰ~Ⅳ期中,整合率(1-E2/E6)都呈上升趋势,但无统计学差异。[结论]HPV16 E2基因断裂可能是新疆维吾尔族妇女宫颈癌的致病因素之一,但尚不能认为整合率是评价维吾尔族宫颈癌前病变进展的参考指标之一。  相似文献   

宫颈癌组织HPV58的检测及其E7基因的克隆和表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 检测宫颈癌组织中人乳头瘤病毒 5 8型 (HPV5 8)并克隆表达其E7基因。方法采用GP5 /GP6 引物系统扩增 5 8例宫颈癌组织 ,将荧光偏振 (FP)检测技术与模板指导的末端延伸反应 (TDI FP)结合 ,检测HPV5 8,确定HPV5 8感染阳性宫颈癌组织。用特异引物从HPV5 8阳性标本中扩增HPV5 8早期表达蛋白E7基因 ,将其连入pGEM TEasy载体 ,获得克隆重组体HPV5 8E7 pGEM T ,并测序验证。将E7基因与pRSET A融合表达载体连接 ,获得E7表达重组体pRSET 5 8E7,转化大肠杆菌BL2 1(DE3) ,并用IPTG诱导表达。结果  5 8例宫颈癌标本中 ,HPV5 8阳性 10例 ,占 5 2例HPV阳性标本的 19.2 %。从其中扩增到了HPV5 8E7基因并构建了其克隆和表达重组体。其表达重组体经IPTG诱导后 ,可表达Mr16× 10 3 的HPV5 8E7His6融合蛋白 ,表达量占菌体蛋白的 30 %。结论 欧美国家少见的高危HPV5 8在中国陕西人宫颈癌组织中并不少见。HPV5 8E7重组表达体可在大肠杆菌中高效表达 ,为HPV5 8相关肿瘤诊断试剂及疫苗的研制奠定了初步基础  相似文献   

新疆维吾尔族妇女宫颈癌组织中HPV16型E6基因突变分析   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
Ma ZH  Zhang FC  Mei XD  Ma CL  Liu KJ 《癌症》2004,23(9):1016-1020
背景与目的:高危型人乳头状瘤病毒16和18(human papillomavirus type16 and 18,HPV16,HPV18)是宫颈癌主要病因之一,尤其以HPV16最为常见,其中HPV16E6是主要癌基因之一。在一些地区,特定的E6基因突变株是宫颈癌发生的危险因素。新疆南部维吾尔族聚居区足宫颈癌高发区,我们已在前期的研究中发现该地区HPV16E6基因发生突变。本研究旨在检测该突变在新疆南部维吾尔族妇女宫颈癌组织中的分布规律,并探讨其与该地区宫颈癌高发的关系。方法:从35例中国新疆南部维吾尔族妇女宫颈癌活检标本中提取组织DNA作为模板,PCR扩增HPV16E6全长基因,PCR产物直接测序或克隆后测序,分析新疆维吾尔族妇女宫颈癌组织中HPV16E6基因的突变。结果:PCR检测结果表明宫颈癌组织中HPV16E6阳性率为82.86%(29/35);26例中E6分离片段的测序和序列分析表明,15例(57.69%)分离株E6基因与原型相同,另有11例(42.31%)E6基因突变,其中9例(34.62%)分离株发生了L83V突变,2例(7.69%)分离株发生rL83V/D63E突变。结论:中国新疆南部地区HPV16E6基囚发生变异,其原型和变异型在该地区维吾尔族宫颈癌患者巾的分布规律可能与该地区宫颈癌高发存在一定关系。  相似文献   

宫颈癌及癌前病变HPV-16存在状态检测的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:为建立理想的HPV存在状态检测方法,了解宫颈癌及癌前病变HPV一16DNA的整合状况.初步探讨HPV-16DNA整合在宫颈癌发生发展中的作用及HPV-16整合状态检测可能具有的临床应用价值方法:采用多重实时PCR同管定量检测HPV-16E2和E6基因,根据E2/E6比值来判定HPV-16DNA的存在状态:并对HPV-16阳性的51例宫颈鳞癌和49例宫颈上皮内瘤样病变石蜡标本进行检测.结果:1)HPV—16E2、E6标准曲线相关系数均为1.00,扩增效率均在95%以上:2)确定0,81作为多重实时PCR区分游离型和混合型HPV-16的界值、3)CINⅠ中HPV—16大多以游离方式存在,但仍有整合的发生(42,9%);CINⅡ和CINⅢ中HPV—16以混合型为主:浸润癌中以整合型HPV—16为主。4)HPV-16整合发生率与不同程度的宫颈病变有关,并且随着宫颈病变级别的升高HPV-16整合发生率呈上升趋势-5)Ⅱ+Ⅲ期宫颈癌中整合型HPV—16所占比例显著高于Ⅰ期宫颈癌结论:1)多重实时定量PCR是一种敏感性高、简便快速的HPV—16病毒存在状态的检测方法2)HPV-16整合是宫颈癌变的早期事件,与宫颈癌前病变的进展有关。3)宫颈癌中整合型HPV—16的发生可能具有预后价值、  相似文献   

宫颈癌是全球15 ~44岁女性中第二常见的恶性肿瘤,每年的死亡人数约为265 653人,在中国,宫颈癌的发生率及死亡率仍较高.高危型人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)持续感染是宫颈癌前病变及宫颈癌发生的必要条件,HPV16是最常见的高危人乳头瘤病毒.HPV16编码的E6和E7蛋白在HPV相关的肿瘤中起关键作用.近年来的研究揭示了HPV16 E6、E7基因的变异引起氨基酸变化可影响E6、E7蛋白与p53、pRb 的结合,进而与宿主细胞恶性转化相关.本文将对近年来HPV16 E6、E7变异在宫颈癌发生发展中的作用作一综述.  相似文献   

背景与目的:丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶31(serine/threonine kinases 31,STK31)基因在人类多种癌症中扮演重要角色,且STK31基因的表达受其启动子及第一外显子区甲基化状态的影响;病毒感染与肿瘤组织中某些抑癌基因启动子区高甲基化有关。本研究旨在探讨宫颈癌细胞系中HPV16 E6、E7及E6/E7癌基因对STK31基因甲基化状态及表达的影响,以及不同种类甲基转移酶(DNA methyltransferases,DNMTs)基因在STK31基因甲基化中的潜在作用。方法:构建外源性HPV16 E6、E7以及E6/E7基因共表达慢病毒,分别感染人乳头瘤病毒(human papillomavirus,HPV)阴性宫颈癌细胞系HT-3及C33A,获得稳定转染的细胞系;采用亚硫酸氢盐基因组测序法(bisulfite genomic sequencing,BGS)和甲基化特异性PCR (methylation-specific PCR,MSP)检测3种HPV阳性宫颈癌细胞系HeLa、SiHa和CasKi以及HPV阴性宫颈癌细胞系HT-3和C33A转染前后STK31基因的甲基化状态;RT-PCR及蛋白[质]印迹法(Western blot)检测上述宫颈癌细胞系中STK31基因的表达以及DNMT1、DNMT2、DNMT3a、DNMT3b和DNMT3L基因在HPV16转染前后宫颈癌细胞系及HPV阳性、HPV阴性宫颈癌组织中的表达情况。结果:外源性HPV16 E6、E7以及E6/E7基因可在HPV阴性宫颈癌细胞系中稳定表达。3种HPV阳性细胞系HeLa、SiHa和CasKi中STK31基因呈低甲基化状态,STK31 mRNA及蛋白质表达阳性;2种HPV阴性细胞系HT-3、C33A中STK31基因则表现为高甲基化状态,STK31 mRNA及蛋白质表达缺失;与未感染慢病毒HT-3和C33A细胞系比较,外源性HPV16 E7以及E6/E7表达的HT-3和C33A细胞系STK31基因甲基化程度降低,其mRNA及蛋白质重新表达。DNMT1、DNMT3a和DNMT3b基因在HT-3E6/E7和C33AE6/E7细胞系中mRNA水平分别高于HT-3空载细胞系和C33A空载细胞系,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。DNMT1、DNMT3a和DNMT3b基因的mRNA水平在HPV16阳性宫颈癌组织中的表达高于其在HPV阴性宫颈癌组织中的表达,差异有统计学意义(t=5.997,P<0.001;t=6.743,P<0.001;t=7.926,P<0.001)。DNMT2在HT-3E6/E7和C33AE6/E7细胞系中mRNA表达水平分别低于HT-3空载细胞系和C33A空载细胞系,差异有统计学意义(t=7.451,P<0.001;t=2.451,P<0.05);DNMT2基因转录水平在HPV16阳性宫颈癌组织中低于HPV阴性宫颈癌组织(t=9.134,P<0.001)。DNMT3LmRNA表达水平在宫颈癌细胞系转染前后及HPV阴阳性宫颈癌组织中的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:HPV感染可导致STK31基因启动子及第1外显子区甲基化状态降低,低甲基化状态促进该基因表达。STK31基因的表达受其启动子及第1外显子区甲基化状态的调控。HPV16 E7、E6/E7基因可能通过影响DNMT2的表达参与调控癌基因STK31基因启动子及第1外显子区甲基化状态。  相似文献   

Fresh-frozen biopsies were obtained from 61 patients at diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (HNSCC) for study of the prevalence and physical status of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA. The frequency of HPV DNA and genotypes were determined by SPF10 PCR screening with a general probe hybridization and INNO-LiPA HPV genotyping assay. In addition, a single-phase PCR with primers FAP 59/64 and a nested PCR with primers CP 65/70 and CP 66/69 served to detect particularly cutaneous HPV types. By the sensitive SPF10 PCR and INNO-LiPA assay, 37 of 61 (61%) samples were positive for HPV. HPV-16 was the most frequently detected type (31 of 37, 84%). Multiple infections were found in 8 of 37 (22%) of the HPV-positive samples, and co-infection by HPV-16 and HPV-33 was predominant. No cutaneous HPV types were detected. Patients with HPV-positive tumors had similar prognosis as those with HPV-negative ones. Real-time PCR analysis of the HPV-16 positive samples indicated the presence of integrated (11 of 23, 48%), episomal (8 of 23, 35%) and mixed forms (4 of 23, 17%) of HPV DNA. The viral load of HPV DNA exhibited large variation. The median copy numbers of E6 DNA in tonsillar specimens were approximately 80,000 times higher than that in nontonsillar HNSCC ones. Patients with episomal viral DNA were more frequently found to have large (T3-T4) tumors at diagnosis than were those with integrated or mixed forms.  相似文献   

K C Yiu  D P Huang  M K Chan  W Foo 《Oncogene》1991,6(8):1339-1342
The presence of human papillomavirus (HPV) in 15 cervical carcinoma specimens obtained from Hong Kong Chinese patients was analyzed by Southern blot hybridization studies. In nine (60%) of them, HPV 16 genomes were detected, while two others (13.3%) were found to harbor HPV DNA of unknown type closely related to HPV 16. All of them were classified as squamous cell carcinomas according to WHO guidelines. In addition, the presence of HPV 18 was shown in another two (13.3%) squamous cell carcinoma samples. Among the nine tumors harboring HPV 16, four specimens (44.4%) have HPV in integrated forms, while four others (44.4%) have HPV in episomal forms. The simultaneous presence of both episomal and integrated forms was demonstrated in the remaining tissue sample (11.2%). The result obtained here indicates a strong association between HPV infection and cervical carcinogenesis in Hong Kong Chinese, with HPV 16 prevalent in squamous cell carcinoma. Moreover, the persistence of HPV 16 episomes in some of the tumor specimens suggests that extrachromosomal HPV DNA, possibly acting synergistically with other oncogenic factors, is also capable of inducing cervical cancer.  相似文献   

Histologically classified biopsies from 83 women with invasive cervical carcinoma were analyzed by dot blot hybridization for human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18 infection. Sixty of the 83 (72.3%) were found to contain HPV DNA, of which 43 (51.8%) contained HPV 16 DNA, 12 (14.5%) contained HPV 18 DNA and 5 (6.0%) contained both HPV 16 and 18 DNAs. Southern blot analysis on 65 specimens gave similar results. Of 23 specimens negative by dot blot, 21 were tested by the polymerase chain reaction. Seventeen of the 21 were positive for HPV DNA, of which 13 contained HPV 16 DNA and 4 contained both HPV 16 and 18 DNAs. In all, 95.1% (77/81) were positive for HPV 16 and/or 18 DNA sequences.  相似文献   

Histologically classified biopsies from 83 women with invasive cervical carcinoma were analyzed by dot blot hybridization for human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18 infection. Sixty of the 83 (72.3%) were found to contain HPV DNA, of which 43 (51.8%) contained HPV 16 DNA, 12 (14.5%) contained HPV 18 DNA and 5 (6.0%) contained both HPV 16 and 18 DNAs. Southern blot analysis on 65 specimens gave similar results. Of 23 specimens negative by dot blot, 21 were tested by the polymerase chain reaction. Seventeen of the 21 were positive for HPV DNA, of which 13 contained HPV 16 DNA and 4 contained both HPV 16 and 18 DNAs. In all, 95.1% (77/81) were positive for HPV 16 and/or 18 DNA sequences.  相似文献   

HPV16 and HPV18 integration into host cell DNA contributes to malignant transformation. Viral physical status was compared among samples from different tumour areas, and from tumour and paired non-lesional adjacent epithelium, in order to evaluate the levels of HPV integration that could account for local recurrences. Fifty-nine surgical biopsies were collected from 24 women with HPV16 and/or HPV18-associated genital tumours, including 3 preinvasive and 21 invasive lesions. HPV integration was analysed by type-specific and multiplex PCRs for E6, E1 and E2 sequences. Nine tumours contained HPV16, 1 HPV18 and 14 both viruses. Intra-tumour heterogeneity occurred in 3 of the 10 tumours with multiple sampling (30%), including different HPV16 physical forms between core and periphery in 2 cases, and different type of HPV infection in 1 case. Almost all tumours contained integrated forms of either HPV16 and/or HPV18. Analysis of the 15 tumour-free tissues displayed 11 HPV-positive (73%) and 4 HPV-negative tissues. HPV16 was pure integrated in 1 case, mixed in 1 and episomal in 8, whereas HPV18 was integrated in all 6 positive tissues (100%). When compared to the corresponding tumour, the positive control mucosa contained the same HPV type and the same physical status as the tumour in 6 cases, whereas 5 samples contained different HPV16 physical forms, episomal DNA being more frequent than in the lesion. These data showing the presence of high-risk HPV integrated forms in normal mucosa, especially in HPV18-positive cases, indicate that the research of viral integration in the adjacent tumour tissues may be a valuable tool in assessing risk factors for local recurrences.  相似文献   

Zheng Y  Peng ZL  Lou JY  Wang H 《癌症》2006,25(3):373-377
背景与目的:人乳头瘤病毒(humanpapillomavirus,HPV)感染与宫颈癌发生发展密切相关,高危型HPV病毒整合入宿主细胞是细胞转化及癌变的关键。病毒整合状态的检测对深入探讨宫颈癌发生发展机制及预测宫颈病变的转归有一定的临床意义。然而目前尚没有一种理想的能够用于各种临床标本的HPV存在状态的检测方法。本研究旨在探讨HPV-16存在状态的理想检测方法。方法:以HPV-16质粒为标准品,利用两种不同的荧光报告基团,采用多重实时PCR同管定量检测HPV-16E2和E6基因,根据E2和E6基因拷贝数的比值(E2/E6)来判定HPV-16的存在状态;对HPV-16阳性的宫颈癌SiHa细胞和27例宫颈鳞癌新鲜标本进行多重实时PCR与Southern杂交检测,将两种检测方法的结果进行比较。结果:(1)多重实时PCR所得到的HPV-16E2、E6标准曲线相关性好,相关系数均为1.00,扩增效率均在95%以上。(2)对系列稀释的HPV-16质粒进行重复检测,确定了E2/E6比值为1时该多重实时PCR检测系统的95%参考值范围为0.81~1.29,以0.81作为区分游离型和混合型HPV-16的界值。(3)多重实时PCR与Southern杂交检测均发现SiHa细胞中HPV-16呈整合型,27例鳞癌中22例获得了一致的检测结果,符合率为81.5%,Kappa值为0.844,P<0.001。结论:多重实时定量PCR是一种可靠的、便于临床应用的检测HPV-16病毒存在状态的方法,具有省时、简便快速、高通量的优点,并且能用于石蜡切片以及病灶较小、DNA含量少的宫颈癌前病变组织或宫颈细胞学标本。  相似文献   

The presence of human papillomavirus (HPV) sequences in 21 biopsies from cervical carcinomas, II specimens of tissues adjacent to tumours, 2 specimens of cervical tissues with radiation fibrosis from patients after radiation therapy of cervical cancer and 7 normal epithelial tissues from the patients with other genital tumours were examined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Southern-blot analysis. All tumours were HPV-positive by type-specific PCR and 86% by Southern-blot analysis. In normal epithelial and adjacent tissues, HPV sequences were detected in 20% of samples by Southern-blot analysis and in 70% of samples by PCR, including 2 cases of tissues after radiation therapy. HPV 16 was the most prevalent type in tumours (18/21) as well as in normal epithelial tissues (5/7). One HPV-positive tumour contained HPV18 DNA and 2 were doubly infected with HPVs 16 and 18 (2/21). The persistence of exclusively episomal HPV16 DNA was observed in 5 out of 11 tumours examined: 3 cases of squamous-cell carcinomas on the early stage of tumour progression and 2 advanced tumours (squamous-cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma). The integration of HPV16 genome was detected in 6 out of 11 tumours, but most of them contained episomal forms of viral DNA simultaneously (5 out of 6). The integrative HPV18 genome was found in 2 tumours examined, and the persistence of episomal forms was also observed in one of them. Our data demonstrate that cervical tumours are associated invariably with high-risk types of HPV in Russia. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

H Nonogaki  S Fujii  I Konishi  Y Nanbu  S Ozaki  Y Ishikawa  T Mori 《Cancer》1990,66(12):2620-2627
To investigate the estrogen receptor (ER) status of cells during carcinogenesis of the uterine cervix, the immunohistochemical reactivity for a monoclonal anti-ER antibody (H 222) was studied in 26 normal cervical specimens, 21 cases of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), and 21 cases of invasive cervical carcinoma. In addition, the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA (types 6/11, 16/18, or 31/33/35) was analyzed by in situ hybridization. In the normal cervix, basal cells of the squamous epithelium, metaplastic cells, and endocervical glandular cells were ER positive. In contrast, neoplastic cells of CIN (17 of 21 cases) and invasive carcinoma (19 of 21 cases) were ER negative. The remaining four cases of CIN and two cases of invasive carcinoma were focally ER positive. The HPV DNA analysis revealed that HPV DNA in ER-negative cases was either types 16/18 or undetectable, but all ER-positive neoplasms contained HPV DNA types 31/33/35. These results suggest that most neoplastic cells in CIN and invasive cervical carcinoma lose their ER expression and that this may be related to the HPV DNA types which they possess.  相似文献   

Out of 16 cases involving a cervical carcinoma that were investigated by Southern blot hybridization, found were human papilloma virus (HPV) types 16 and 18 DNA sequences in 8 (50%) and in one (6.3%), respectively. Six out of the 8 HPV 16-positive specimens were from squamous cell carcinomas, one was from an adenocarcinoma, and the remaining specimen was from an argyrophil small cell carcinoma. In 7 out of 9 HPV-positive specimens, the viral sequences were integrated in the tumor cell genome, whereas in the remaining two they were not integrated and remained circular and/or oligomeric in form.  相似文献   

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