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目的了解重庆地区医学与非医学生的器官捐献认知及差异,为制定策略提高重庆市大学生器官捐献认知提供参考。方法采用器官捐赠量表与死亡态度描绘量表对重庆市全日制本科二年级医学生276名及非医学生278名进行问卷调查。结果重庆地区大学生愿意捐献器官率为12.09%;器官捐献意愿、知识、态度得分分别为2.27±0.87、7.19±1.44、4.60±0.97,死亡态度得分为91.26±19.28;医学生器官捐献认知及死亡态度得分优于非医学生(P0.05,P0.01);死亡态度与器官捐献态度呈负相关(P0.01)。结论重庆地区大学生器官捐献认知和愿意捐献器官率低,可通过帮助大学生树立科学的死亡态度来改善其器官捐献态度,提高愿意捐献器官率。  相似文献   

目的 调查本科护生器官捐献认知与意愿并分析其影响因素,为制定提升护生捐献意愿策略提供参考。 方法 采用方便抽样法及自制问卷对367名在校本科护生进行调查。 结果 护生器官捐献知识总分为2(1,3)分,愿意、不确定、不愿意器官捐献的比例为46.0%、33.0%、21.0%;促进护生器官捐献的主要因素是“帮助被疾病折磨的患者,让自己的生命更有价值”(58.3%),阻碍其捐献的主要因素是“担心遗体不被尊重或被他人用于牟利”(32.2%);年级、自我评价和当志愿者宣传的意愿是器官捐献知识得分的独立影响因素,性别、对家人捐献态度及当志愿者宣传意愿是护生捐献意愿的影响因素(P<0.05,P<0.01)。 结论 护生的器官捐献知识得分和意愿都有较大的提升空间,应多路径加强器官捐献知识的宣教,完善捐献善后机制,促进捐献意愿的确立,提高捐献率。  相似文献   

目的调查重庆市重症监护室(ICU)护士对器官捐献态度及意愿的现状并分析其影响因素。方法本研究整群抽取重庆市具有器官移植资质的全部三甲医院共计4所,采用便利抽样法选取321名在上述医院ICU工作的护士实施问卷调查。统计ICU护士器官捐献态度和意愿的得分情况;采用Spearman相关性分析分析器官捐献态度和意愿的相关性;采用多重线性回归分析器官捐献态度和意愿的影响因素。结果该组ICU护士器官捐献态度的平均得分为(3.5±0.9)分,器官捐献意愿的中位得分为2(2~3)分。ICU护士的器官捐献态度与意愿呈正相关(P0.001)。无偿献血经历、家庭成员对器官捐献的态度、劝捐经历是ICU护士器官捐献意愿的影响因素(均为P0.05),其中无偿献血经历、家庭成员对器官捐献的态度同时也是ICU护士器官捐献态度的影响因素(均为P0.05)。结论 ICU护士对器官捐献的态度中立,自身捐献器官的意愿较低,其主要影响因素为无偿献血经历、家庭成员对器官捐献的态度、劝捐经历。  相似文献   

目的探讨烟台市居民器官捐献意愿的影响因素并构思有效的器官捐献宣传模式。方法采用便利抽样的方法对烟台市10个区县的居民进行问卷调查。内容包括社会人口学特征、器官移植和器官捐献相关知识获取途径、影响器官捐献意愿的因素、潜在顾虑的相关问题等。同时在居民器官捐献调研过程中,尝试建立器官捐献宣传的"承光模式"。结果烟台市居民对器官捐献的认知处于较低水平,有44.6%的居民有捐献器官的意愿。年龄、文化程度均会对居民器官捐献的意愿有影响(均为P0.05)。其中大部分居民通过电视、广播、网络了解到器官捐献的内容。居民对器官捐献相关知识回答正确率较低。传统观念和社会舆论是影响居民的器官捐献意愿的主要因素,分别占38.1%和25.9%。家人的反对会大幅降低居民的志愿捐献率,而给予经济补偿和社会救助会大幅提高居民的志愿捐献率。知晓可以通过支付宝进行器官捐献登记的居民仅有16.3%,反映了宣传力度不足。在居民器官捐献调研过程中,我们尝试建立器官捐献宣传的"承光模式",即由本地医学院校发起,逐步辐射到全国的器官捐献宣传模式。结论烟台市居民器官捐献意愿主要受器官捐献认知水平的影响,需要加强器官捐献的宣传力度,参考"承光模式",由本地医学院校发起,依托医学生群体,通过多种途径提高本地居民对器官捐献的认知水平和参与度,最终扩展到全国,可能有利于提高我国公民的志愿捐献率。  相似文献   

目的了解广东省流动人口的器官捐献意愿现状,探讨其影响因素。方法采用问卷调查法,调查流动人口的一般资料及器官捐献意愿、器官捐献知识、器官捐献态度、死亡态度、家庭讨论(器官捐献)意愿等。各变量与流动人口器官捐献意愿的相关分析采用Spearman秩相关。多因素分析采用多重线性回归模型分析。结果在流动人口中,女性、来源于城市、家庭人均月收入4 001~5 000元、有认识器官捐献者或家属、有认识接受器官者或家属的人器官捐献意愿较高(均为P0.05)。流动人口的器官捐献意愿、器官捐献知识、器官捐献态度、家庭讨论意愿得分分别为(1.95±0.91)分、(5.02±2.40)分、(92.00±16.78)分、(3.98±1.28)分。家庭讨论意愿、器官捐献知识、认同器官捐献价值与器官捐献意愿呈正相关(P0.05~0.01);阻碍器官捐献原因、死亡恐惧与器官捐献意愿呈负相关(均为P0.01)。多重线性回归分析共有5个变量进入回归模型,包括家庭讨论意愿、器官捐献知识、认同器官捐献价值、阻碍器官捐献原因、死亡恐惧。结论广东省流动人口的器官捐献意愿处于中等偏下水平,家庭讨论意愿、器官捐献知识水平、认同器官捐献价值、阻碍器官捐献原因、死亡恐惧水平是流动人口器官捐献意愿的影响因素。  相似文献   

目的调查护理学专业学生(护生)的器官捐献知信行及其死亡态度现状。方法采用方便抽样法选取天津市3所医学院校共409名护生为研究对象,采用器官捐献量表和中文版死亡态度描绘量表进行横断面调查。采用Epidata 3.1软件录入问卷,总结409名护生的一般情况,分析护生器官捐献知信行现状、死亡态度现状,并对护生死亡态度与器官捐献意愿相关性进行分析。结果护生器官捐献知识了解不够全面,捐献态度大致上呈现出中立或偏正向态度;仅有10.5%的护生愿意捐献器官。护生对死亡态度倾向于自然接受。器官捐献意愿与死亡态度有一定的相关性,其中死亡恐惧是影响护生器官捐献意愿的主要因素(P0.05)。结论目前我国护理专业学生器官捐献意愿仍处于较低水平,并受到死亡恐惧的影响。社会、医学院校应针对当前现状对护生加强死亡教育,帮助其树立积极的死亡态度,促进器官捐献事业的发展。  相似文献   

目的调查合肥地区居民公民逝世后器官捐献知识知晓情况及意愿,并分析器官捐献意愿影响因素。 方法选取合肥市4个城区辖区内及2个乡镇的10个社区的居民作为研究对象。以社区卫生服务中心为调查现场,采取随机便利抽样调查法对居民开展问卷调查。问卷调查内容包括人口社会学资料以及器官捐献相关知识及捐献意愿。根据居民"是否愿意捐献器官救治亲朋好友或需要救治的人"条目的调查结果(剔除"不能确定"者)将其分为同意捐献组和不同意捐献组。采用配对t检验比较两组居民年龄。采用χ2检验比较两组居民性别、城乡差异、文化程度、是否了解器官捐献程序、国家相关法律是否完善、家属是否同意、对相关机构是否信任、对捐献途径是否了解及是否受传统观念影响。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。 结果最终纳入7 520名居民参与问卷调查,平均年龄(35±10)岁(18~84岁),其中男性3 824名(50.8%);城镇居民4 150名(55.2%);职业以退休人员、农民、工人、自由职业和学生为主,分别为1 570(20.9%)、1 177(15.6%)、1 140(15.2%)、1 089(14.5%)和1 088名(14.5%);文化程度初中及以上有4 262名(56.7%)。79.6%居民听说过器官捐献(5 982/7 520),85.7%居民不知晓器官捐献流程(6 444/7 520),96.9%居民表示身边无人接受过器官捐献(7 287/7 520)。居民获取器官捐献知识以电视和报纸为主,分别占57.3%(4 306/7 520)和23.7%(1 784/7 520)。86.9%居民愿意主动向身边人宣传器官捐献相关知识,愿意签署器官捐献意向书以及捐献器官救治亲朋好友或需要救治的人的居民分别占36.8%(2 766/7 520)和30.7%(2 308/7 520)。年龄、城乡差异、文化程度、器官捐献程序不了解、家属不同意、对相关机构不信任、对捐献途径不了解及传统观念影响等均是影响居民器官捐献意愿的因素(t=6.63, χ2=7.13、6.87、4.61、14.88、4.24、11.81和10.53,P均<0.05)。 结论影响居民器官捐献意愿的因素众多,多途径增加器官捐献知识的宣传,提高居民对公民逝世后器官捐献的认识至关重要。  相似文献   

目的了解护士及护生对器官捐献的认知情况及意愿,分析影响护士的影响因素。方法采用自制量表对济南市2所省级、3所市级医院的401名护士及护生进行调查。结果护士及护生对器官捐献知识得分为(12.34±3.19)分;113人愿意捐献自己的器官;其中30人已在国家器官捐献网站进行登记。单因素分析显示,所在科室,身边有人捐献过器官以及在工作中参与过器官捐献是影响护士及护生自身器官捐献意愿的重要因素(P0.05,P0.01)。结论护士及护生对器官捐献相关知识的了解仍处于较低水平,医院开展培训课程有利于提高医护人员积极参与器官捐献相关工作的意愿。  相似文献   

中国人均国民生产总值和人均医疗卫生投资较低,预示了在中国建立器官捐献系统较发达国家将会更加困难。"弹性假定同意"是经过多年多国实践检验的、能快速增加器官捐献率的知情同意法则,它既符合WHO器官捐献原则,在尊重供体捐献意愿的前提下,充分尊重家属的知情同意权,同时也尊重不愿或不能捐献器官人群的人权,其经济易行的优点更加符合中国作为发展中国家的现实。心死亡器官捐献、高效率的器官捐献登记系统、帮扶政策三者的有机结合,似乎更加符合中国现阶段国情,是中国器官捐献可持续发展需要深入研究和探讨的问题。  相似文献   

目的 探索认知和情感态度对公众器官捐献意愿的影响及促进路径.方法 采用便利抽样的方法,并以ABC态度模型为理论基础,建立中介效应和结构方程模型,探索认知和情感态度对于公众器官捐献意愿的影响及提升路径.结果 在4565名被调查者中,621名明确表示不愿意在自己去世后捐献器官,701名表示愿意在自己去世后捐献器官,仅259...  相似文献   



In the Netherlands, as in many other countries, a paucity of research exists on the attitudes and intentions of medical students toward organ donation. These students are of interest for the effect that increasing medical knowledge might have on the willingness to register as a donor.


To examine which factors determine medical students' willingness to register as donors.


We conducted a cross-sectional survey among medical students at the University of Amsterdam. Our questionnaire included questions on actual donor registration, motives, knowledge, and attitudes toward donation. To assess which factors were related to self-reported donor registration status, we conducted multivariate logistic regression analyses.


We received 506 questionnaires (response rate at least 84%). The majority of respondents (80%) intended to donate organs, while 59% were registered. Self-reported medical knowledge and positive attitudes on donation were independently associated with registering as a donor. A rising study year was associated with registering as a donor; this could be explained by increasing medical knowledge and changing attitudes.


The results of our study suggest that willingness to register as a donor increases with a rising level of knowledge on organ donation up to some minimal level.  相似文献   

目的了解北京市医学类与非医学类高校学生对人体器官移植认识程度及捐献意愿度,并探讨两类院校学生对器官移植的认知差异。方法采用问卷调查方法非概率抽样选取北京4所医学类高校和4所非医学类高校960名在校学生。调查内容包括对器官移植的认识程度、对大学校园内器官移植宣传的看法、个人器官捐献的意愿度三个方面。结果问卷回收率91.9%(882/960)。97.3%(858/882)的学生知晓器官移植这一概念,且93.9%(828/882)的学生认为器官移植是一项造福人类的事业。除媒体传播外,两类高校的学生在获取器官移植知识的途径上有差异(χ2=11.20,P0.05)。医学院校内75.2%(306/407)的学生认为有必要进行器官移植的宣传,而非医院校内仅有58.1%(275/473)的学生认为器官移植的宣传是有必要的,两者比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=28.33,P0.01)。在器官捐献意愿度方面,医学类高校学生捐献的意愿度远远高于非医学校学生(χ2=6.054,P0.05)。结论北京市医学类与非医学类高校学生对器官移植有较好的了解和认识,但是在宣传的普及程度和捐献意愿度上两类高校学生存在较大差异。  相似文献   

BackgroundTransplantation is a successful procedure that prolongs the lives of people suffering from debilitating diseases. The purpose of this study was to assess medical students' attitude toward organ donation.MethodsThe study population consisted of 262 medical students with a mean age of 22.1 ± 2.5 years who were surveyed using a reliable questionnaire that examined their attitudes and willingness. All data analyses were performed using Chi-square and analysis of variance tests with SPSS.ResultsThe medical students had highly positive attitude toward organ donation (mean score 4.34 ± 0.46) and a great willingness. Participants were more willing to donate their own organs than those of a deceased relative (85% vs 49.2%) to help others more than to develop science (91.2% vs 8.8%). The greatest willingness among students was kidney (84%) donation. There was no correlation between age, gender, education levels, and attitude toward organ donation.ConclusionThese findings necessitate an organized education program of medical students in all aspects of organ and tissue donation.  相似文献   



The important shortage of organ donors is still a fundamental public health problem in France. Improving the knowledge and attitudes of health care professionals could help to promote organ donation. The aim of this survey was to evaluate the level of knowledge of medical students and their gaps about organ donation prior to any medical course.

Materials and Methods

A survey was conducted among 571 first-year medical students at a medical faculty in Lyon. Their knowledge, attitudes, personal views, and perceptions toward organ donation and transplantation were investigated prior to any medical course. A 31-item anonymous questionnaire including queries about personal views of organ donation, factual knowledge, and awareness of French law was distributed to the students.


To “willingness to donate a kidney to a relative,” 97.7% of respondents consented, 0.9% objected, and 1.4% did not answer. Their attitudes toward cadaveric organ donation were different: 81.1% agreed, 13.5% refused, and 5.4% did not answer. Regarding their knowledge about which organs could be transplanted, 95% of the respondents were aware of the possibility to transplant a face and 14% thought that xenotransplantation was performed nowadays.


First-year medical students have a good knowledge level regarding the organ donation and transplantation system prior to their medical course. Some gaps remain which could be improved. The results of this study supported a greater emphasis on providing information regarding transplantation in medical schools to improve the knowledge of future health care professionals. A follow-up survey of the participants at the end of their medical course will be interesting to assess the progress of their attitudes.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Increasing healthcare professionals' knowledge about organ and tissue donation; the national mandates regarding referral compliance; and the effect on donors, donor families, and transplant recipients is a challenging task. Physicians not routinely involved in organ donation or transplantation are some of the most difficult professionals for organ procurement organizations to access. A course for medical students was developed to initiate the transfer of information, comfort, and familiarity with the organ and tissue donation process. METHODS: Discussions with a local medical school revealed that little organized education on organ and tissue donation existed. An elective course was developed consisting of 2-hour lectures, once a week for 6 weeks. Topics included an overview of tissue and organ donation, history and significance of the current crisis, determination of brain death and its role in organ donation, tissue donation, pretransplant and posttransplant processes, ethical issues, and the donor family and recipient experience. RESULTS: A thorough course proposal was presented to the medical school's Chairman of Surgery and Chairman of Transplantation. The proposal was approved for first- and second-year medical students. CONCLUSION: Offering medical students a unique and comprehensive course may attract curious students who could become future champions for donation. This type of educational approach may significantly influence future interactions between physicians and organ procurement organizations. If more organ procurement organizations implement this type of program, the medical students' knowledge of donation will not only affect and benefit the local organ procurement organization's service area but other procurement organizations throughout the country as well.  相似文献   

BackgroundFinancial incentives for deceased organ donation are associated with many controversial ethical issues. This study examines the perspectives of medical students and staff members on financial incentives for the families of brain-dead organ donors.MethodologyA structured survey form was used between December 7, 2017 and January 28, 2018 to elicit opinions on financial incentives for the families of brain-dead organ donors. Forty-three medical staff members and 81 medical students participated in the survey voluntarily. The opinions on the financial incentive system and the relationship between willingness to give information about organ donation to families and a financial incentive system were assessed.ResultsThe majority of the participants (81.4%) had positive thoughts on organ donation. More than half of the participants (60.5%) thought that the financial incentive system did not erode the ethical purity of organ donation. As charge doctors, most respondents (84.6%) were willing to give information about organ donation to family members in the presence of financial incentives. However, the percentage decreased significantly to 60.5% when financial incentive was no longer factored into consideration (P < .001).LimitationThe study population is small, and the participants are not representative of the general population.ConclusionThe opinions of medical students and medical staff on financial incentives for deceased organ donation were generally positive. Financial incentives proved to be a potential influencing factor as an option of organ donation to be given to families.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThis systematic review synthesizes qualitative evidence on the experiences of donor families after consent to organ donation.MethodsThis robust, qualitative systematic review included an exhaustive search of electronic databases, including PubMed, Scopus, EBSCO PsycINFO, and CINAHL Complete. Manual searches of reference lists and gray literature were conducted to achieve a comprehensive identification of all relevant research. A qualitative study design served to capture the experiences of donor families after organ donation consent.ResultsA total of 6 articles that met the eligibility criteria were identified and included in this review. Three key themes emerged from the primary research: 1. family members were ambivalent about consent due to the ambiguity of brain death; 2. conversations about donation requirements proved uncomfortable; and 3. support is needed after donation.ConclusionsFamily members demonstrated ongoing ambivalence and distress that lasted for weeks after organ donation due to the ambiguity of brain death. Some family members were unhappy with having been approached for a conversation about organ donation. Donor families were not always able to deal with the difficulties they faced after their decision about organ donation. Health care professionals should provide ongoing care and updated information to family members. This review helped to identify family members’ needs for both psychological and financial assistance.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Medical students and medical professionals have knowledge deficits related to organ and tissue transplantation. OBJECTIVE: To implement and evaluate a medical education intervention on organ and tissue donation designed for first-year medical students. STUDY DESIGN: Independent sample pretest and posttest design. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: First-year medical students attending University at Buffalo School of Medicine during fall 2005 and fall 2006 terms. INTERVENTION: A 1-hour lecture on the background of organ donation, donor eligibility (eg, living vs deceased donation), policies and roles during transplantation (eg, role of physician and organ procurement organization), and the organ-matching process. After the lecture, students participated in a small-group interaction that used standardized patients who role-played 1 of 2 scenarios designed to test students' knowledge and communication about organ and tissue donation. OUTCOME MEASURES: Knowledge, self-efficacy, family discussion, and enrollment into state organ and tissue registry. RESULTS: Significant increases from pretest to posttest in medical students' knowledge, self-efficacy, and family notification of donation intentions were found. The intervention was successful in increasing students' knowledge and awareness about organ and tissue donation. Future research should implement and evaluate a course-long curriculum on donation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study was conducted to clarify the knowledge and attitudes of Chinese university students regarding living organ donation and analyze the determinants impacting their decisions. METHODS: A questionnaire was delivered to college students chosen by random assignment. The data was analyzed by Statistics Package for Social Science (SPSS) software. RESULTS: Of 434 participants, 49.8% indicated they would be willing to be living organ donors, 58.4% believed living organ donation could ease the organ shortage, 48.2% thought that the recovery rate of recipients of living organ donors transplants was equal to or even better than deceased donation, 62.4% designated relatives as their most probable recipients, 48.0% argued that partial compensation was an effective method to increase live organ donation, and 53.7% wished to donate through transplantation centers. According to univariate analysis, attitudes regarding the value of life, relationship between body integrity and health as well as body integrity and conventional culture were factors that impacted on an individual's decision. Students' knowledge of the value of living organ transplantation and their economic background were considered to be determinants of individual willingness. Furthermore, the operation's impact on quality of life and postoperative complications were additional concerns. Multivariate analysis indicated that other factors influencing students' willingness to donate included attitudes toward the relationship between body integrity and health, beliefs regarding body integrity and conventional culture, value of living donor organ transplantation, economic background of students, and anxiety about the impact on postoperative complications. CONCLUSIONS: Numerous students were willing to participate in living organ donation. At the same time, social education and advertisements for living organ donation were far from adequate, having little or no influence on the decision-making process.  相似文献   

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