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目的总结十字缝合技术在肠造口还纳手术中的应用体会。方法接受双腔造口还纳手术22例,采用十字缝合技术。距离造口边缘0.2 cm横行连续缝合皮肤,关闭造口;游离肠管,行肠吻合后,肠管还纳入腹腔,连续缝合腹直肌鞘;可吸收缝线环形缝合皮下脂肪组织,打结时保留1 cm孔隙;标记0、3、6、9点4个位点,将4个位点造口边缘皮肤提拉到造口中心,在提拉后的皮肤上标记提拉前皮肤边缘的所处位置,三角形切除标记点到造口边缘的皮肤,可吸收缝线缝合皮肤边缘4个点的皮下组织,收紧打结,中央保留0.5 cm小孔,放置引流条。2-0可吸收缝线间断缝合切口。结果平均术中失血量20 ml(10~40 ml),平均手术时间70分钟(60~90分钟),平均术后住院时间6.5天(5~8天)。22例病人中,仅1例术后第2天发生切口感染,感染率4.5%。切口愈合平均时间17天(14~22天)。术后平均随访14个月(10~21个月),病人对切口美容效果平均满意度9分(6~10分)。结论十字缝合技术能够降低切口张力,缩短切口愈合和住院时间,术后美容效果满意,不增加手术时间和术后疼痛,可安全、有效用于肠造口还纳。  相似文献   

目的:比较预防性横结肠造瘘与末端回肠造瘘应用于直肠癌低位前切除术的临床效果。方法:回顾分析79例低位直肠癌行保肛并预防性肠造瘘手术患者临床资料,其中预防性横结肠造瘘33例,预防性末端回肠造瘘46例。比较两组患者术后吻合口瘘、造瘘口相关并发症发生情况以及血清炎症因子水平。结果:两组患者术前资料具有可比性。横结肠造瘘组发生吻合口瘘2例(6.06%),末端回肠造瘘组4例(8.70%),两组间差异无统计学意义(P0.05);横结肠造瘘组切口感染发生率高于末端回肠造瘘组(P0.05),其他造瘘口相关并发症发生率两组间差异无统计学意义(均P0.05);与术前两组血清C-RP及IL-6水平比较,差异无统计学意义(均P0.05);横结肠造瘘组术后24、48、72 h血清C-RP及IL-6水平均明显高于末端回肠造瘘组(均P0.05)。结论:低位直肠癌前切术中,采用预防性横结肠造瘘与预防性末端回肠造瘘在防止吻合口瘘方面效果相似,但末端回肠造瘘术在减轻术后创伤应激反应,减少并发症方面优于横结肠造瘘术。  相似文献   

手术方法1.经腹直肌分离切口:缝合腹膜后用10号丝线于腹膜外将同侧腹直肌前鞘和腹直肌缝合,每针间距3~4cm,一般切口3~4针即可,暂不打结。然后常规缝合腹直肌前鞘,再将减张线打结。松紧度要适当,最后缝合皮肤。2.旁正中切口:同法将切口侧整个腹直肌前鞘和腹直肌与腹白线缝合。3.正中切口:同法于腹膜外距切缘1~1.5cm  相似文献   

目的观察预防性末端回肠造瘘对直肠癌患者保肛手术后转归的影响。方法将直肠癌保肛手术患者分为预防性末端回肠造瘘组与未行预防性末端回肠造瘘组,比较两组围手术期WBC、CRP、IL-6和TNF-a水平,以及术后首次排气,排便时间、术后住院时间和术后并发症发生情况。结果预防性末端回肠造瘘组术后第1dWBC、CRP、IL-6和TNF-~水平与未行预防性末端回肠造瘘组差异无统计学意义(P〉O.05),术后第3dCRP和IL-6水平显著低于未行预防性末端回肠造瘘组,预防性末端回肠造瘘组术后首次排气、排便时间显著早于未行预防性末端回肠造瘘组,术后住院时间显著短于未行预防性末端回肠造瘘组,术后并发症发生例数显著少于未行预防性末端回肠造瘘组,差异有统计学意义(P〈o.05)。结论直肠癌患者保肛手术后行预防性末端回肠造瘘可减轻术后创伤应激反应,促进肠功能恢复,降低手术相关并发症的发生率。  相似文献   

目的探讨直肠癌Miles术中结肠造口旁疝的预防。方法采取左下腹经腹直肌或经腹直肌旁造口位置,留取适当乙状结肠肠段,减少乙状结肠系膜脂肪,分层缝合方法行乙状结肠单腔永久性造口。结果在20例经腹直肌结肠造口患者中,无结肠造口旁疝发生;26例经腹直肌旁结肠造口患者中,有2例发生造口旁疝。结论为预防结肠造口旁疝的发生,手术中应选择经腹直肌造口,避免造口段肠管过长,肠系膜脂肪保留过多;合理选择腹壁造口直径;实行分层缝合方法。  相似文献   

低位直肠癌行末端回肠造口可减少吻合口瘘的发生率及吻合口瘘引起的严重并发症,但木端回肠造口也有狭窄、梗阻、造口旁疝、出血、脱垂等并发症,本研究报道1例直肠癌术后末端回肠造口近端肠管严重脱垂的患者。  相似文献   

目的建立一种简单、安全、并发症少、容易制作和还纳的无支撑回肠造口。方法于右下腹经腹直肌作一造口隧道.将造口处肠段从隧道中牵出,关腹后于造口远端将回肠楔形切开.将造口近端肠管与隧道的真皮层作外翻缝合.将远端肠壁与造口处的真皮层作直接缝合。结果本组共13例患者依该法进行回肠造口.均于术后2~3d内出现造口内排气。所有造口均未出现回缩情况,1例造口处水肿、自行恢复:1例造口周围皮肤炎,经对症治疗后好转:1例出现造口旁疝,未予处理。结论无支撑回肠造口是一种制作简易、安全性好、粪便转流彻底、并发症少、易于护理、易于还纳的造口方式。  相似文献   

目的 研究末端回肠保护性造瘘术在超低位直肠癌(rectal cancer,RC)保肛手术中的价值. 方法 对湖州市中心医院2008年5月至2012年1月30例超低位RC患者于保肛手术中行临时性末端回肠保护性造瘘术,观察吻合口瘘发生情况. 结果 全部30例均保肛成功,发生吻合口瘘1例. 结论 末端回肠保护性造瘘可明显降低吻合口瘘发生率.  相似文献   

目的观察结直肠癌Ⅰ期根治切除吻合术中,末段回肠造瘘预防高危吻合口漏的效果。方法对58例高吻合口漏风险的结直肠癌患者,行结直肠Ⅰ期根治切除吻合术,术中预防性末段回肠造瘘。回顾分析患者的诊疗资料。结果术后造瘘口处感染1例、手术切口感染2例、肠梗阻1例、吻合口漏1例、肺部感染1例、盆腔感染1例,均保守治疗治愈,无围手术期死亡患者。结论对高危吻合口漏的结直肠癌患者,Ⅰ期肿瘤根治性切除同时行预防性末端回肠袢式造瘘,可降低吻合口漏并发症的发生率。  相似文献   

我院自 1 998年 1 0月开始 ,对腹部横切口的妇产科手术采取皮下间断缝合法缝合。已经完成的 42 6例手术切口愈合良好 ,平整美观 ,总结如下。1 临床资料1 1 一般资料全组 42 6例 ,平均年龄 39 2 (1 2~ 72 )岁。 42 6例患者全部为下腹部横切口 ,切口长度 5~ 1 4cm。所施手术包括剖宫产术1 35例 ,全子宫切除术 1 76例 ,子宫肌瘤剔除术 1 7例 ,附件手术98例。1 2 手术方法常规操作缝合腹膜及腹直肌前鞘 ,不必缝合皮下脂肪层。应用可吸收合成缝线 (1 0或 1号线均可 )间断缝合皮下组织 2~ 3针 (视切口长度而定 )。具体方法是 :自一侧皮…  相似文献   

目的:探讨低位直肠癌病人保肛根治手术中,应用简易支撑架联合一针缝合行末端回肠双腔造口的可行性及效果。方法:回顾性分析2019年12月至2021年5月我院普外科有术后吻合口漏高危因素的直肠癌病人。病人行腹腔镜辅助低位直肠癌根治术和末端回肠双腔造口术。分为简易支撑架联合一针缝合造口组35例,传统缝合造口组35例。术前、术后资料行统计学分析。结果:两组病人一般资料及术后造口相关并发症发生率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。所有病人住院期间均未出现严重并发症。所有病人末端回肠造口均成功还纳。简易支撑架联合一针缝合造口组病人一期造口时间[(13.77±2.02) min比(22.66±3.64)min(P<0.001)];二期造口还纳时间[(88.14±28.03) min比(103.29±30.96) min(P=0.04)]和术后总住院时间[(14.54±2.32) d比(17.34±4.57) d(P=0.002)];以及一期手术住院费用[(42 057.98±4 938.69)元比(44 728.46±5 223.62)元,(P=0.03)]和二期造口还纳手术出血量[(17....  相似文献   

目的 比较采用倒刺线连续缝合法和传统三针缝合法用于腹腔镜胃十二指肠穿孔修补的疗效与并发症情况。方法 回顾性分析2015年1月至2019年8月汕头潮南民生医院被诊断为胃十二指肠穿孔并接受腹腔镜穿孔修补术的患者103例,分为三针法组和倒刺线法组,其中三针法组55例,倒刺线法组48例,比较两组患者的手术时间、住院时间和术后并发症情况。结果 倒刺线法组的手术时间显著短于三针法组(45.50+10.30min比55.30+13.80min,P<0.001)。两组患者在住院天数、术后肠胀气、腹腔脓肿及二次手术情况的比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 腹腔镜下采用倒刺线连续缝合胃十二指肠溃疡穿孔方法简便可行,修补穿孔也更为牢固可靠,值得推广。  相似文献   

肠造口在肠道良恶性疾病治疗和创伤救治中发挥重要作用,其规范化实施是减少造口并发症、提高造口病人生活质量的关键。外科医师首先要建立肠造口是肠道与皮肤吻合口的概念,术前应由外科医师、造口治疗师、病人及家属共同选择造口部位。应采取个体化危险因素评估以决定是否行预防性造口。规范化操作包括:合理选择造口部位、腹部切口大小、腹壁通道宽度以及造口外置高度,良好缝合造口肠管与腹壁各层组织等。造口旁疝是最常见的造口远期并发症。女性、肥胖、糖尿病等是造口旁疝常见的危险因素,多项研究结果表明,腹膜外造口和预防性补片置入能降低造口旁疝发生率。  相似文献   

Stoma complications: a multivariate analysis   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Duchesne JC  Wang YZ  Weintraub SL  Boyle M  Hunt JP 《The American surgeon》2002,68(11):961-6; discussion 966
Construction of a gastrointestinal stoma is a frequently performed surgical procedure. We sought to analyze a large cohort to document the frequency and types of ostomy complications and the risk factors associated with them. The charts of patients undergoing a procedure which resulted in ostomy during a 3-year period were reviewed. Demographics, indication, ostomy type/location, perioperative risk factors, and complications were recorded. Case-control methodology was used to determine crude odds ratios and multiple logistic regression was used to calculate adjusted odds ratios. A P value of less than 0.05 was considered significant. An ostomy was constructed in 204 patients and records were available for 164. Forty-one patients (25.0%) had ostomy complications. Sixteen of these complications (39.0%) occurred within one month of the procedure. Complications included prolapse in nine (22%), necrosis in nine (22%), stenosis in seven (17%), irritation in seven (17%), infection in six (15%), bleeding in two (5%), and retraction in two (5%). Gender, cancer, trauma, diverticulitis, emergency surgery, ileostomy, and ostomy location/type were not associated with a stoma complication. Significant predictors of ostomy malfunction are presented as odds ratios (ORs) with 95 per cent confidence intervals (CIs) and include inflammatory bowel disease (OR = 4.49; 95% CI = 1.16-17.36) and obesity (OR = 2.66; 95% CI = 1.15-6.16). The care of an enterostomal nurse was found to prevent complications (OR = 0.15; 95% CI = 0.03-0.69). We conclude that ostomies have a high risk of complication, which is not related to stoma location or type. Obesity and inflammatory bowel disease predispose to complications. Enterostomal nursing may be instrumental in preventing complications.  相似文献   

The content of the effluent from an ileostomy is high‐volume, liquid, and contains proteolytic enzymes. It is crucial to maintain a stoma appliance that protects the surrounding skin. This is an interesting report of a 74‐year‐old female who present bladder carcinoma and underwent total cystectomy, ileal conduit, low anterior resection of the rectum and loop ileostomy for covering the anastomosis at July 7, 2002. After surgery, the stoma was depressed in fatty abdomen and resulted in the trouble surrounding skin. The erosion around stoma was not healed easily. We applied bFGF spray to the erosion around the ileostomy. One week later, an ostomy appliance was able to apply longer, because of reducing exudates from the erosion. The difficulty to maintain the good status surrounding skin with ileostomy was higher up with increasing meal and activities of diary living. The application of bFGF spray advanced the healing skin erosion. It is useful for caring the skin trouble with ileostomy.  相似文献   

Safety of the temporary loop ileostomy   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Objective To evaluate the complications of the temporary loop ileostomy. Method A retrospective study of 222 consecutive patients with low anterior resection, ileal pouch‐anal anastomosis or continent ileostomy and a diverting loop ileostomy routinely fashioned during the primary operation. The loop ileostomy was closed in 213 patients (96%) during the minimum follow‐up period of 15 months. Results Four patients (2%) required preterm closure of the ostomy due to stomal retraction (n = 3) or bowel obstruction (n = 1). Four patients were readmitted due to transient bowel obstruction that resolved without surgery. After closure of the loop ileostomy a total of 27 patients (13%) had complications. In 7 patients emergency re‐operation was done due to small bowel obstruction (n = 5) or intra‐abdominal abscess (n = 2). Elective re‐operation was done in 5 patients for hernia at the site of the previous stoma. Despite the use of a loop ileostomy there was 1 postoperative death after the initial operation in consequence of anastomotic leakage. There was 1 death in consequence of closure of the loop ileostomy after 3 weeks due to intra‐abdominal sepsis and heart failure. Conclusion In this series closure of the ostomy wasassociated with one death (0.5%) and overall ostomy‐related morbidity included the need to re‐operate in 6%.  相似文献   

Purpose Creation of a temporary ostomy is a surgical tool to divert stool from a more distal area of concern (anastomosis, inflammation, etc). To provide a true benefit, the morbidity/mortality from the ostomy takedown itself should be minimal. The aim of our study was therefore to evaluate our own experience and determine the complications and mortality of stoma closure in relation to the type and location of the respective ostomy. Methods Patients undergoing an elective takedown of a temporary ostomy at our teaching institution between January 1999 and July 2005 were included in our analysis, and the medical records were retrospectively reviewed. Excluded were only patients with relevant chart deficiencies and nonelective stoma revisions/takedowns. Data collected included general demographics; the type and location of the stoma; the operative technique; and the type, timing, and impact of complications. Perioperative morbidity was defined as complications occurring within 30 days from the operation. Results 156 patients (median age 45 years, range 18–85) were included in the analysis: 31 loop and 59 end colostomy reversals and 56 loop and 10 end ileostomy takedowns. Mean follow-up was 6 months. The overall mortality rate was low (0.65%, 1/156 patients). However, the morbidity rate was 36.5% (57 patients), with 6 (3.8%) systemic complications and 51 (32.7%) local complications. Minor would infection (34 patients, 21.8%) and postoperative ileus (9 patients, 5.7%) were the most common surgery-related complications, but they generally resolved with conservative management. Anastomotic leak and formation/persistence of an enterocutaneous fistula (6 patients, 3.8%) were the most serious local complications and required reintervention in all of the patients. Closure of a loop colostomy accounted for half and Hartmann reversals for one third of these complications, as opposed to ileostomy takedowns, which accounted for only one sixth (1.8% absolute risk). Conclusion Takedown of a temporary ostomy has a low mortality but a nonnegligible morbidity. The stoma location (large vs. small bowel) has a higher impact than the type of stoma construction (end vs. loop) on the incidence and severity of complications.  相似文献   

Background Brooke ileostomy and colostomy are associated with infection in the stomal and/or main wounds, leading to complications. The source of infection is feces from the open lumen. The objective of the present study was to find a way to prevent infection and subsequent complications. It was started in 1986 by serendipity after discovery that if wound contamination from intestinal contents is stopped in the immediate postoperative period, by a complete small/large intestinal obstruction, infection and complications are prevented. This study was based on the principle of delayed-primary wound closure. Methods and procedures Following its initial discovery for a Brooke ileostomy, the procedure was used for both ileostomy and colostomy. The stapled stoma was fixed to the opening in rectus sheath. It was covered with an appliance that has a transparent pouch, allowing daily inspection. During the period of postoperative ileus, there is angiogenesis on the serosal surface, making it refractory to infection. The stoma tends to bulge with the appearance of peristalsis. Stoma was then opened with electrocautery in a bedside procedure. The mucosal cuff protrudes, everts, advances with peristalsis, and “grafts” itself on angiogenesis on the surface of a single layer of serosa. The advancing margin of the mucosal cuff fuses with the circumference of the opening in dermis. The maturation of the stoma is natural and automatic. Absence of sutures reduced the tissue trauma and foreign body reaction, resulting in better wound healing. This new procedure was named “delayed-primary self-maturation” (DPSM). Results Thirty seven colostomies and nine ileostomies were performed using DPSM. Infection in the stomal and/or main wound and subsequent complications were prevented. Conclusions Delayed-primary self-maturation is technically easier and more scientific than a conventional ileostomy or colostomy and is recommended for all types of stomas. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   



Construction of a stoma is a common procedure in pediatric surgical practice. For care of these stomas, commercially available devices such as ostomy bag, either disposable or of longer duration are usually used. These are expensive, particularly in countries like Bangladesh, and proper-sized ones are not always available. We have found an alternative for stoma care, betel leaf, which is suitable for Bangladeshis. We report the outcome of its use.


After construction of stoma, at first zinc oxide paste was applied on the peristomal skin. A betel leaf with shiny, smooth surface outwards and rough surface inwards was put over the stoma with a hole made in the center according to the size of stoma. Another intact leaf covers the stomal opening. When bowel movement occurs, the overlying intact leaf was removed and the fecal matter was washed away from both. The leaves were reused after cleaning. Leaves were changed every 2 to 3 days. From June 1998 to December 2005, in the department of pediatric surgery, Chittagong Medical College and Hospital, Chittagong, Bangladesh, a total of 623 patients had exteriorization of bowel. Of this total, 495 stomas were cared for with betel leaves and 128 with ostomy bags.


Of 623 children, 287 had sigmoid colostomy, 211 had transverse colostomy, 105 had ileostomy, and 20 had jejunostomy. Of the 495 children under betel leaf stoma care, 13 patients (2.6%) developed skin excoriation. There were no allergic reactions. Of the 128 patients using ostomy bag, 52 (40.65%) had skin excoriation. Twenty-four (18.75%) children developed some allergic reactions to adhesive. Monthly costs for betel leaves were 15 cents (10 BDT), whereas ostomy bags cost about US$24.


In the care of stoma, betel leaves are cheap, easy to handle, nonirritant, and nonallergic.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic ileostomy and colostomy.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
OBJECTIVE: The technical features of laparoscopic ileostomy and colostomy are described. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: A diverting ileostomy or colostomy can be performed with minimal trauma by laparoscopic techniques. This is distinct from the complex laparoscopic and laparoscopic-assisted resections of small and large bowel. To date the technical features of creating a diverting ileostomy or colostomy have not been emphasized sufficiently. METHODS: Standard laparoscopic techniques are used to create a pneumoperitoneum. After mobilization of the ileum or colon, a stoma is made on the abdominal wall. A trocar is introduced at the site where the stoma is located, thus reducing the technical problems associated with creating and maturing a stoma while the abdomen is insufflated. RESULTS: This approach obviates the need for a laparotomy while creating an ileostomy or colostomy. The technical features of creating a double-barrel ostomy, an end-ostomy with a stapled distal limb, and a loop ostomy are described. The postoperative recovery is prompt with a rapid return of intestinal function and early discharge from the hospital. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic ileostomy and colostomy are straightforward procedures that reduce postoperative discomfort and ileus, and reduce the length of hospital stay.  相似文献   

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