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目的 应用心肌肌钙蛋白评价心脏瓣膜置换术中含血停搏液对心肌保护的优越性。方法 将50例心脏瓣膜置换术患者随机分为冷血心脏停搏液组和晶体心脏停搏液组,分别于转流前,主动脉阻断30分钟和60分钟,开放主动脉后20分钟,术后1天,3天和7天采血测定心肌肌钙蛋白T亚韵及心肌酶谱。结果 cTnT的敏感性优于心肌酶谱,cTnT的释放和心肌酶的渗出与心肌缺血的时间成正比,主动脉阻断30分钟以上者差异有显著性,心  相似文献   

光量子冷血停搏液的心肌保护作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨光量子冷血停搏液的心肌保护效果。方法 建立离体兔心工作模型,将实验动物分为冷晶体停搏液组、冷血停搏液组、光量子冷血停搏液组和温血停搏液组,每组8只。心脏停搏30分钟,复灌30分钟。结果 复温复灌10分钟及30分钟时,光量子冷血组的冠脉流出量、心肌含水量、心肌内ATP和磷酸肌酸(CP)含量的变化均明显优于冷晶体组和冷血组(P〈0.05)。结论 光量子冷血停搏液能够改善心肌本身循环,增加氧的  相似文献   

目的探讨温血诱导心脏停搏及终末温血灌注技术在婴幼儿先天性心脏病(CHD)手术中对心肌的保护作用。方法将40例<3岁CHD患儿随机分成2组:温血诱导心脏停搏+终末温血灌注组(温血组);冷晶体液心脏停搏组(冷晶体组)。2组主动脉阻断时间无明显差异;体外循环前、后分别抽血测定乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、肌酸激酶(CK)、肌钙蛋白T(TnT);电子显微镜观察两组缺血后心肌超微结构。结果发现冷晶体组LDH(197.9±73.6U/L),CK(107.6±50.6U/L),TnT(8.9±4.0μg/L)升高值均高于温血组(85.2±47.7U/L,55.8±35.9U/L和3.3±2.4μg/L,P<0.05),电子显微镜观察缺血后超微结构温血组优于冷晶体组。结论温血诱导心脏停搏及终末温血灌注技术对婴幼儿心肌保护作用有利  相似文献   

腺苷预处理对体外循环术后心肌肌钙蛋白变化的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 探讨腺苷预处理对心脏直视手术的心肌保护效果。方法 30例择期心瓣膜置换术患者随机分成实验组和对照组,每组15例。实验组在术前行腺苷预处理。分别于转流前、主动脉阻断30分钟和60分钟、主动脉开放后30分钟及术后24小时采血测定心肌肌钙蛋白T(cTnT)、心肌酶谱和丙二醛。结果 腺苷预处理cTnT和心肌酶外漏明显减少,丙二醛生成减少。结论 腺苷预处理能减轻心肌肌缺血再灌注损伤。  相似文献   

温血灌注与冷晶体心脏停搏液灌注对心肌酶学的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的比较温氧合血连续灌注与冷晶体心脏停搏液间断灌注心肌酶学变化,探索更有效的心肌保护方法。方法将阻断时间在60分钟以上16例患者随机分为温血灌注组(A组)和冷晶体灌注组(B组),每组8人。分别于主动脉阻断前和主动脉阻断60分钟后取部分心肌组织测定其超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和脂质过氧化物(LPO)并进行对比分析。结果阻断前和阻断后2组SOD和LPO含量无差异,阻断后B组SOD含量比阻断前显著降低(P<0.01);而阻断后LPO含量明显增高(P<0.01)。结论温血连续灌注能有效减轻心肌缺血与再灌注损伤,满足心肌需氧代谢,保持停搏心肌抗氧化系统稳定  相似文献   

1,6-二磷酸果糖停搏液心肌保护的对比研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 观察外源性1 ,6二磷酸果糖( F D P) 用于心脏停搏液,对心脏直视术期间心肌缺血的保护作用。方法 将16 例心脏瓣膜置换术患者随机分成 St . ThomsⅡ号停搏液组( 对照组) 及 F D P停搏液组( 实验组) 。观察两组不同停搏液灌注后病人心肌酶 C P K、心肌肌钙蛋白 T( C Tn T) 的动态变化、术中心脏停搏情况、术后心脏复苏及血流动力学状况。结果  F D P 停搏液组血清 C P K、 C Tn T 水平明显低于对照组。 F D P 加入停搏液能显著降低冠状静脉窦流出液 M D A 的含量,心脏超微结构保存较好,术中心脏诱导停搏时间短,术后心脏复苏好,血流动力学稳定。结论 外源性 F D P 用于心脏停搏液,有明显的心肌保护效果。  相似文献   

氨基酸对未成熟心肌保护作用的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究天门冬氨酸或(和)谷氨酸强化血停搏液对未成熟心肌的保护效果。将24只出生3~4周新西兰幼兔随机均分成4组:I组为冷血停搏液组,I组天门冬氨酸(20mmol/L)强化组,II组谷氨酸(20mmol/L)强化组,IV组谷氨酸加天门冬氨酸(各20mmol/L)强化组。结果表明,心功能指标心输出量(CO)恢复百分率IV组、I组明显少于I组(P<0.01);左室收缩压(LVSP)恢复百分率I、II、IV组明显少于I组(P<0.01);左室舒张压(LVDP)及左室压力微分(dp/dt)恢复百分率I、II、IV组优于I组(P<0.05)。乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)和磷酸肌酶(CK)漏出量(U/L)中,LDH漏出量I组优于I组(P<0.05),II、IV组明显优于I组(P<0.01);CK漏出量II、IV组明显优于I组(P<0.01)。I、II、IV组心肌含水量(%)明显优于I组(P<0.01)。I、II、IV组心肌结构保护明显优于I组。结论:谷氨酸或(和)天门冬氨酸强化血停搏液能明显增强对未成熟心肌的保护作用。氨基酸强化组间之所以差别不显著可能与模型有关  相似文献   

吡那地尔介导超极化心脏停搏液对心肌的保护作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:为了提高心脏停搏液的心肌保护作用,探讨含吡那地尔(pinacidil)超极化心脏停搏液对心肌的保护作用。方法:32只新西兰兔根据体外循环中使用不同的心脏停搏液分为对照组和实验组,对照组用St Thomas Ⅱ号心脏停搏液,实验组用含吡那地尔(50μmol/L)的心脏停搏液。两组又根据主动脉阻断后是否再灌注,分别分为两组(对照组A、对照组B、实验组A、实验组B),每组8只兔。对照组A和实验组A在主动脉阻断60分钟后结束实验;对照组B和实验组B于主动脉阻断60分钟、复滞30分钟结束实验。记录心脏电机械停搏时间,复跳时的心律失常情况,测定实验结束时各组心肌三磷酸腺苷(ATP)、总腺苷酸(TAN)、Ca^2 、丙二醛(MDA)含量,对照组B和实验组B血清心肌酶含量,并观察心肌超微结构变化。结果:4组心脏均迅速发生电机械停搏,对照组B、实验组B复跳时均发生心律失常3例,未发生严重心律失常;实验组A和实验组B的ATP、TAN分别高于对照组A和对照组B(P<0.01),而Ca^2 和MDA分别显著低于对照组A和对照组B(P<0.05),实验组B心肌酶的漏出量显著低于对照组B(P<0.01)。实验组B超微结构损伤轻,优于对照组B。结论:含吡那地尔的心脏停搏液对心肌保护的作用优于高K^ 心脏停搏液。  相似文献   

30℃血停搏液心肌保护的临床与基础研究(158例报告)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自1991.6~1992.6采用30℃血停搏液持续灌注进行心肌保护,对158名病人行心内直视手术。主动脉阻断11~155min,心脏自动复跳率82.3%,手术成功率98.7%,心肌生化及超微结构改变30℃血停搏液均优于冷停搏液对照组(P<0.01)。且阻断时间越长,差异越显著。本方法是一种较理想的心肌保护方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨卡托普利心脏停搏液对缺血再灌注心肌保护作用的机制。方法:12只绵羊,随机均分为对照组(I组)和卡托普利组(I组)。常规建立体外循环,心脏停搏60分钟,再灌注30分钟。I组采用仁济医院冷晶体停搏液,II组在停搏液中加入卡托普利23μmol/L。观察冠状窦血中一氧化氮(NO)、肌酸磷酸激酶(CPK)、环磷酸鸟苷(cGMP)、心肌丙二醛(MDA)含量及心肌NO合酶(NOS)同功酶活性的变化,监测心肌功能。结果:再灌注后I组心肌血NO、CPK、cGMP、心肌MDA均明显升高,I组低于I组(P<0.05或0.01)。II组再灌注后心肌原生型NO合酶(cNOS)活性明显高于I组,而诱导型NO合酶(iNOS)及总NOS活性显著低于I组(P<0.01或0.001)。两组再灌注后心肌功能均降低,I组较I组更为显著。再灌注后NO的变化与心肌MDA和CPK之间呈正相关(P<0.001和0.01)。结论:缺血再灌注心肌损伤与过量NO产生有关,卡托普利通过调节NOS同功酶活性,维持正常NO水平起到保护作用。  相似文献   

目的:通过临床应用,评价冷血停搏液对未成熟心肌代谢的影响。方法:50例行择期法洛四联症根治术病儿随机分为2组,对照组用10℃改良St.Thomas 1停搏液(CCP),试验组用冷血停搏液(BCP),阻断升主动脉前,开放升主动脉1,3,10min分别由冠状静脉窦和动脉同时取血测定血气,电解质,乳酸,丙二醛(MDA)等含量。结果:再灌注后BCP组心肌氧提取率,乳酸摄取率恢复较快(P<0.05),再灌注各时点两组均出现钾离子释放和MDA升高;再灌注后BCP组钙离子摄取较低(P<0.05),结论:冷血停搏液对再灌注后的离子平衡,氧化谢,糖代谢恢复优于冷晶体停搏液。  相似文献   

Effects of L-arginine cardioplegia on myocardium   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Infusion of L-arginine (a precursor of nitric oxide, NO) in cardioplegia was examined to test its effect on metabolism of myocardium after myocardial ischemia and reperfusion (IR). Twenty-eight patients undergoing valve replacement were involved and randomly divided into two groups: the control group (crystalloid cardioplegia) and the experimental group (crystalloid cardioplegia + L-arginine). Blood samples were taken both before aortic clamping and after aortic unclamping from right radial artery to measure the concentrations of NO2-/NO3-, lactic acid (LA), malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and xanthine oxidase (XOD). In the control group, the NO2-/NO3- level decreased at aortic unclamping, and 30 min later, it decreased significantly as compared with that before aortic clamping (p < .05). In the experimental group, it increased at aortic unclamping (p < .05), and 60 min later, increased to the peak. Five, fifteen, and thirty min after aortic unclamping, the concentrations of LA and MDA in the experimental group were lower than those in the control group (p < .05). Thirty and sixty min after aortic unclamping, the concentrations of SOD remained higher in the experimental group than those in the control group (p < .05). There was no difference between groups in the concentrations of XOD. The addition of L-arginine to the cardioplegia can protect the myocardium from injury by releasing nitric oxide.  相似文献   

The effect of histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate (HTK) solution for myocardial protection has been shown in experimental and clinical studies using long ischemic times and high dosages. In our study we compared myocardial protection in isolated coronary bypass with a short period of ischemia using low dosage HTK and cold crystalloid cardioplegia. Each group contained 21 coronary artery disease patients. Cardioplegic solutions were administered antegrade in 10 to 15 mL/kg in one shot. This dosage of HTK was lower than that mentioned in the literature. We measured malondialdehyde, lactate, creatine kinase, creatine kinase-MB, and troponin-I levels. Aortic clamping time in the HTK group 33.9 +/- 8.2 minutes, versus 36.2 +/- 11.3 minutes in the crystalloid cardioplegia group (P > .05). Levels of creatine kinase and malondialdehyde were lower in HTK group at 24 hours and 2 minutes, respectively. Lactate levels were lower in the crystalloid cardioplegia group at 2 minutes in the coronary sinus serum sample, but there were no statistically differences among ischemic serum markers in both groups. Only intervals between aortic clamping and cardiac arrest were statistically meaningful (HTK 63.3 +/- 14.7 seconds versus crystalloid cardioplegia 53.6 +/- 15.6 seconds, P = .044). Our study shows that use of low-dose HTK for short clamping time operations is as successful for myocardial protection as crystalloid cardioplegia. Longer times for fibrillation can be explained with the low levels of potassium in HTK solution, but this length did not cause a biochemical or clinical difference.  相似文献   

We compared the regional myocardial perfusion of blood cardioplegic solution (BCP) and crystalloid cardioplegic solution (CCP) in 14 mongrel dogs. Cardiopulmonary bypass was established at 28 degrees C, and a hydraulic occluder was placed around the proximal left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery. In group 1 (N = 7) collateral coronary arteries were ligated; in group 2 (N = 7) collateral coronary arteries were left in situ. After the aorta was clamped, BCP and CCP were alternately perfused at 200 ml/min. The occluder was inflated to produce moderate, severe, and critical LAD stenosis, and regional perfusion was measured by xenon-133 washout with the Silicon Avalanche Radiation Detector. BCP infusion produced a consistently higher aortic pressure, but CCP flow was better than BCP flow under all conditions, particularly without coronary collaterals (p less than .05). Regional myocardial perfusion of CCP is superior to BCP.  相似文献   

The comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the use of blood and crystalloid cardioplegia in valve prosthetics with prolonged clamping of the aorta was carried out. The use of blood cardioplegia is preferable, especially in patients with low functional myocardial reserve.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The effect of terminal warm blood cardioplegia was analyzed in 191 patients undergoing either coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) or prosthetic heart valve replacement between Jan. 1990 and Dec. 1995. METHODS: Patients were subdivided into 3 historical cohorts based on the method of myocardial protection: Group A (n = 106), multidose cold crystalloid glucose-potassium cardioplegia, alone; Group B (n = 37), cold crystalloid glucose-potassium cardioplegia plus terminal warm blood cardioplegia, Group C (n = 48), cardioplegia induction with cold crystalloid glucose-potassium cardioplegia, maintenance with multidose cold blood cardioplegia, and terminal warm blood cardioplegia. RESULTS: Of patients undergoing CABG, 5.6% of group A, 70.4% of group B, and 86.7% of group C spontaneously resumed sinus rhythm after aortic declamping, as did 9.1% of group A, 60.0% of group B, and 55.6% of group C of patients undergoing prosthetic heart valve replacement. The incidence of spontaneous recovery was significantly better in groups B and C than in group A (p < 0.05). Over 90% of patients without terminal warm blood cardioplegia developed ventricular fibrillation or tachycardia requiring electrical cardioversion (p < 0.05). Postoperatively, patients without terminal warm blood cardioplegia required temporary epicardial pacing more frequently than those with terminal warm blood cardioplegia (p < 0.05). In patients undergoing prosthetic heart valve replacement, groups B and C, the incidence of postoperative atrial fibrillation was significantly lower than in group A. CONCLUSION: Terminal warm blood cardioplegia thus promoted better postoperative electrophysiological cardiac recovery.  相似文献   

The effects of sanguineous and asanguineous cardioplegia on the generation of myocardial acid in the hypertrophied human heart during aortic clamping and reflow were elucidated by continuous intraoperative monitoring of myocardial pH in 42 patients undergoing valve replacement, with or without coronary bypass. The patients were divided into three groups: Group I (n = 14) received intermittent crystalloid cardioplegia; group II (n = 14) received intermittent blood cardioplegia; and group III (n = 14) received continuous blood cardioplegia. The groups were matched according to six previously elucidated determinants of myocardial acidosis. Measurements were made of myocardial pH, hydrogen ion concentration ([H+]), and the difference in pH units between myocardial pH and the pH of neutrality of water at the corresponding temperature (delta pHn). Throughout aortic clamping, myocardial pH in groups I and II fell significantly by 0.46 +/- 0.08 and 0.15 +/- 0.07 units, respectively (p less than 0.001) between the groups). In contrast, myocardial pH remained statistically unchanged throughout aortic clamping in group III (p less than 0.001 compared to groups I and II). Similar relationships were observed in [H+] and delta pHn during aortic clamping. During the early reflow, myocardial acidosis was observed in all three groups and delta pHn in group III increased from -0.26 +/- 0.10 at the end of aortic clamping to -0.57 +/- 0.07 during reperfusion (p less than 0.03). Patients in groups II and III required significantly less inotropic and mechanical cardiac support than patients in group I (p = 0.017). Hence, although continuous blood cardioplegia does not completely prevent acid accumulation during reflow, it provides better metabolic protection of the hypertrophied human heart than either intermittent crystalloid or intermittent blood cardioplegia.  相似文献   

体外循环心脏手术相关因素致肌钙蛋白T变化的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Zhang D  Jin S  Wei S  Wang X  Sun B 《中华外科杂志》2000,38(5):372-374
目的 观察体外循环心脏手术相关因素致心肌细胞的损害程度,通过心肌肌钙蛋白T变化找出其相对规律及数据,为临床提供心肌保护措施及理论根据。方法 随机选择37例心脏手术,其中心脏瓣膜替换术15例,先天性心脏病15例,冠状动脉搭桥7例,于手术前、停机时、术后5h、术后第1天、术后第2天抽 血检测肌钙蛋白T浓度的变化经统计学处理,q检验进行对比研究。结果 (1)主动脉阻断时间〉60min组术后5小时肌钙蛋白  相似文献   

Feng J  Bianchi C  Li J  Sellke FW 《The Annals of thoracic surgery》2004,77(4):1384-9; discussion 1389-90
BACKGROUND: Expression of Bcl-2 family proteins and activation of terminal caspase 3 are important for ischemia-reperfusion-induced apoptosis. Bad and Bax are pro-apoptotic proteins, whereas, phosphorylation of Bad inhibits its binding to and inactivation of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2. Thus, decreases in phospho-Bad would be proapoptotic. We investigated if blood (BCP) or crystalloid cardioplegia (CCP) differentially affects apoptosis gene-related proteins. METHODS: Rabbit hearts were perfused with Krebs-Henseleit buffer (KHB) on a Langendorff apparatus. Control hearts (n = 6) were perfused for 90 minutes without cardioplegic ischemia. In the other two groups, hearts were arrested for 30 minutes (37 degrees C) with BCP (n = 6) or with CCP (n = 6) administered continuously (1.5 mL/min). The hearts were reperfused for 30 minutes with KHB. Left ventricle (LV) performance was measured before cardioplegic arrest and at 30 minutes of reperfusion. In vitro relaxation responses of precontracted microvessels (100-180 microm) were obtained in a pressurized no-flow state. Total and activated or phosphorylated caspase 3, Bcl-2, Bad, and Bax were measured by quantitative immunoblotting using specific antibodies. RESULTS: Blood cardioplegia significantly improved the recovery of LV developed pressure compared to CCP (p < 0.05). The endothelium-dependent relaxation in response to adenosine 5'-diphosphate was greater after BCP than after CCP (59.9 +/- 4% vs 26.9 +/- 6%, respectively; p < 0.05). There were no differences in total protein levels of caspase 3, Bcl-2, Bad, and Bax between the groups. Both BCP and CCP increased caspase 3 activity as compared with controls, but CCP caused more activation of caspase 3 than BCP (6.2 +/- 0.7 fold vs 3.1 +/- 0.4, p < 0.05). Both BCP and CCP induced phosphorylation of Bad at Ser(112), but BCP caused greater phosphorylation of Bad (3.5 +/- 0.2 fold vs 2.0 +/- 0.12 fold, respectively, p < 0.05) than CCP. CONCLUSIONS: Blood cardioplegia is superior to CCP in inhibiting the activation of caspase 3 and in increasing phospho-Bad. These actions of BCP were associated with improved LV function and endothelium-dependent relaxation of coronary microvessels. These results may provide molecular mechanisms by which to improve myocardial protection during cardiac surgery.  相似文献   

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