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目的评价桡骨远端骨膜瓣转位联合松质骨植骨治疗陈旧性舟状骨骨折的临床疗效。方法2010年1月-2011年10月对12例陈旧性舟状骨骨折患者行桡骨远端骨膜瓣转位联合松质骨植骨治疗,并采用改良Mayo腕关节功能评分评估患者术前、术后腕关节功能。结果12例均获得随访时间12-17个月,优良率为90.9%。治疗后腕关节功能得到改善。结论桡骨远端骨膜瓣转位联合松质骨植骨治疗陈旧性舟状骨骨折,手术过程相对简单,疗效满意。  相似文献   

目的探讨AO加压空心钉并桡骨远端骨膜瓣翻转植骨治疗腕舟状骨陈旧性骨折的疗效。方法对11例舟状骨骨折患者应用AO加压空心钉并桡骨远端骨膜瓣植骨治疗,随访6~18个月。结果除1例并发桡腕关节炎的患者行桡骨茎突切除,术后腕部有轻度活动受限外,其余患者均良好愈合。结论采用AO加压空心钉并桡骨远端骨膜瓣翻转植骨是治疗腕舟状骨陈旧性骨折的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨应用桡动脉腕掌支骨膜瓣治疗陈旧性舟状骨骨折的临床疗效。方法根据桡动脉腕掌支解剖学基础,于桡骨远端掌侧切取桡动脉腕掌血管穿支骨膜瓣,同时采用自体松质骨植骨、克氏针内固定治疗10例陈旧性舟状骨骨折患者。术后定期行腕关节X线、三维CT检查,观察舟状骨骨折愈合情况。结果患者均获得随访,时间6~23个月。术后4~7个月舟状骨骨折全部愈合。末次随访时根据Krimmer标准评价疗效:优5例,良3例,可2例。结论桡动脉腕掌支骨膜瓣血供丰富,血管蒂长,旋转弧度大,是治疗陈旧性舟状骨骨折不愈合较好的方法。  相似文献   

复杂距骨骨折脱位的手术策略   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的探讨并评价HawkinsⅢ型、Ⅳ型距骨骨折手术治疗方法。方法分别行踝关节内侧或/和前外侧入路,切开复位内固定治疗Ⅲ型距骨骨折9足、Ⅳ型4足。踝关节内侧或/和前外侧入路,切开复位内固定结合带跗外侧血管蒂骨瓣、骨膜瓣移植术治疗Ⅲ型距骨骨折6足、Ⅳ型3足。内踝截骨或/和腓骨下端截骨入路,切开复位内固定结合带跗外侧血管蒂骨瓣、骨膜瓣移植术治疗Ⅲ型骨折12足、Ⅳ型骨折6足。内踝截骨或/和腓骨下端截骨入路,切开复位内固定结合带跗内侧或内踝前动脉血管蒂骨瓣、骨膜瓣移植术治疗Ⅲ型距骨骨折11足、Ⅳ型5足。结果56足获2~11年随访,骨愈合54足,骨不连2足;骨缺血性坏死14足;创伤性关节炎21足。按AOFAS标准评价:优18足,良25足,可11足,差2足,优良率76.8%。结论注意保护骨折部残存血运,重建骨折端血供,是提高复杂距骨骨折脱位术后疗效的关键。以截骨入路,带血管蒂骨膜移植结合切开复位内固定术为最佳手术方案,不需一期行关节融合术。  相似文献   

目的探讨Herbert螺钉内固定加带桡动脉返支茎突骨膜骨瓣植入治疗腕舟状骨骨不连的临床疗效。方法自2006年6月至2010年12月采用Herbert螺钉内固定加带桡动脉返支茎突骨膜骨瓣植入治疗腕舟状骨陈旧性骨折16例。结果 15例患者随访5~24个月,全部达优良,骨折全部愈合。根据Constant-Murley评分,治疗前与治疗后比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论对于腕舟状骨骨不连,采用带蒂桡动脉返支茎突骨膜骨瓣加Herbert螺钉内固定为腕舟状骨不连提供一种理想且有效的治疗方法。  相似文献   

自 1992年采用桡动脉返支为蒂的桡骨骨瓣或骨膜瓣移植加桡骨茎突切除治疗陈旧性舟状骨骨折不连接 2 0例。术后随访 1~ 10年。结果 :所有病例均于 12周内愈合 ,腕关节功能显著改善。体会 :桡动脉茎突返支位置表浅 ,变异少 ,手术操作简单 ,能显著提高舟骨骨折愈合率。应用桡动脉茎突返支为蒂的桡骨骨瓣或骨膜瓣移植治疗舟状骨骨折不连接@朱晓光$河北医科大学第三医院手外科 @周君琳$河北医科大学第三医院手外科 @张克亮$河北医科大学第三医院手外科  相似文献   

带血管筋膜蒂桡骨茎突骨膜骨瓣修复舟状骨骨不连   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
舟状骨骨折、骨不连的发病率较高,影响手腕关节功能。我们于2000年2月~2003年10月,用带血管筋膜蒂桡骨茎突骨膜骨瓣治疗舟状骨骨不连10例,报告如下。  相似文献   

目的总结带血管蒂胫骨远端骨膜瓣移植联合去白细胞富血小板血浆在手术治疗距骨缺血性坏死中应用临床经验。方法回顾性分析自2016-07—2018-06诊治的14例距骨缺血性坏死,术中于胫骨远端前侧切取带血管蒂的骨膜瓣,于胫骨远端前侧凿取骨皮质备用,将松质骨与提取的去白细胞富血小板血浆充分混合后植入骨隧道,再将骨膜瓣转位植入骨隧道并与周围组织缝合固定。结果 14例均获得随访,随访时间平均25.8(12~36)个月。切口均一期愈合,未出现感染及神经血管损伤。采用Kenwright标准对术后疗效进行评价:优5例(术前Ficat-Arlet分期:Ⅱ期3例,Ⅲ期2例;症状完全缓解),良8例(术前Ficat-Arlet分期:Ⅱ期3例,Ⅲ期5例;5例症状完全缓解,3例症状部分缓解),可1例(术前Ficat-Arlet分期为Ⅲ期,症状缓解不明显)。结论带血管蒂胫骨远端骨膜瓣移植联合去白细胞富血小板血浆注入手术治疗距骨缺血性坏死临床疗效满意,为手术治疗距骨缺血性坏死提供了一种新的术式选择。  相似文献   

<正>成人足舟状骨自发性坏死,又称Mueller-Weiss病,是一种少见疾病,以足内侧中部局限性疼痛为主要临床表现,多与生物力学变异、血管结构、舟状骨延迟骨化及骨软骨炎等原因有关。近些年来,随着对该病的认识逐渐加深,从发病机制、临床特点、诊断及治疗均有了一定的研究,在此作一综述,提高大家对该病的认识。1发病机制Mueller-Weiss病于1927年发现,为临床上少见的成人足舟状骨自发性坏死,目前发病机制不明,考虑与足舟状骨  相似文献   

目的 探讨治疗晚期月骨无菌性坏死、月骨陈旧性脱位的新术式。方法 对2例晚期月骨无菌性坏死及1例陈旧性月骨脱位行月骨摘除后,自体骨膜联合带血管筋膜蒂骨瓣移植替代月骨术。结果 随访8~36月,2例腕痛消失,1例腕痛缓解,保持了腕高、腕骨间的稳定和腕关节功能。X线照片示替代月骨骨瓣的位置及密度基本正常。结论 应用自体骨膜联合带蒂骨瓣移植作为月骨的替代物,对晚期月骨无菌性坏死及陈旧性脱位的治疗,操作简便、创伤小、临床效果好。  相似文献   

带血管蒂舟骨瓣移位术的应用解剖   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:为治疗距骨骨折提供新术式的解剖学基础.方法:在30侧灌注红色乳胶的成人下肢标本上,对舟骨背侧面形态、血供来源进行观测.结果:舟骨背侧面动脉主要来自内踝前动脉、跗内侧动脉以及足底内侧动脉浅支,分别发3~5支、1~3支和1~2支外径在0.2~1.0mm之间的骨膜支,形成骨膜动脉网.结论:以内踝前血管为蒂,可切取舟骨背侧2.0cm×1.0cm×0.5cm大小的骨瓣,用于距骨颈骨折修复.术式经临床应用证实,手术简便,效果可靠.  相似文献   

The Kidner procedure has been the most frequently recommended form of surgical treatment for the painful accessory navicular. This formal relocation of the posterior tibial tendon is said to restore the dynamic balance to the foot which is lost when the posterior tibial tendon gives an abnormal insertion into the accessory ossicle. The literature was reviewed to ascertain what is known or what is believed about the accessory navicular and the role of the posterior tibial tendon in the support of the longitudinal arch of the foot. Eighteen patients who had simple excision of the accessory navicular were reviewed to assess the success of such a procedure. In follow-up they all had very satisfactory results. A second group of 208 patients with non-traumatic foot complaints were reviewed to determine the incidence of accessory navicular and its association with the flat foot. Twenty-nine cases of previously undetected accessory navicular were identified in this group giving us a total of 179 patients without accessory navicular and 49 patients with accessory navicular available for study. There was no significant difference between the arch in these 2 groups of patients. Based on the findings in this study, the accessory navicular plays no role in the development of a flat foot. Simple excision of the prominent ossicle seems to be the surgical procedure of choice when conservative means of management fail.  相似文献   

Multiple accessory navicular bones is an extremely rare condition. To the best of our knowledge, only 8 cases in 2 imaging studies have been published. We report a case of a patient with flat foot with 2 accessory navicular bones. This patient needed to be treated surgically, and the surgery was successful, with short-term follow-up. We believe this is the first case of multiple accessory navicular bones to be treated surgically in English literature. The incidence of multiple accessory navicular bones might be higher. There is a risk to remaining ossicles without resection or fixation during surgery; therefore, we strongly recommend using not only radiographs, but also 3-dimensional computed tomography scans or magnetic resonance imaging scans to confirm the type of accessory navicular bone, at least before surgery, for both painful accessory navicular bone and flat foot with accessory navicular bone.  相似文献   

The results of 17 patients who had been treated by simple excision, for symptomatic accessory navicular were reviewed 2 to 5 years postoperatively. Although all patients had good or excellent results by subjective criteria, careful examination revealed difficulty in performing the "single-heel rise test" in 8 patients who also had preexisting flat feet. These results suggest the necessity for an objective evaluation system, as well as a different treatment approach, for the association of accessory navicular and flat foot. Received: September 3, 1999 / Accepted: December 7, 1999  相似文献   

单纯副舟骨切除术治疗足副舟骨疼痛综合征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
池雷霆  李程  张东  李智  黄波  张廷玖  庾明  王枰稀 《中国骨伤》2009,22(12):933-934
目的:观察及评价单纯副舟骨切除术治疗足副舟骨疼痛综合征的临床疗效。方法:从2006年11月至2008年12月,收治足副舟骨疼痛综合征患者23例25足,全部采用单纯副舟骨切除术治疗,其中男14例,女9例;年龄8~35岁,平均14.6岁;病程6个月~12年。主要症状是跑步或行走后足疼痛,多为间歇性,查体足舟骨粗隆处异常突起伴压痛,X线或CT检查发现副舟骨存在。治疗是以足副舟骨为中心做一长约2cm弧形切口,剖开或部分切断胫后肌腱,暴露出副舟骨并切除,明显突起的舟骨隆突部分咬除和修整,胫后肌腱均予修复。术后佩戴内翻位支具2周扶双拐不负重行走,2周后逐渐弃拐负重,3个月内避免剧烈跑跳运动。有残留症状者结合理疗和足弓垫支撑垫等处理措施。术后随访评估患者症状缓解程度及活动恢复情况。结果:所有病例术后随访3~18个月,平均12个月。症状完全消失21足,大部分缓解4足(其中3足合并轻度扁平足,1足合并陈旧扭伤)。平均住院5d,无切口感染,均恢复日常生活和工作。结论:单纯副舟骨切除术治疗足副舟骨疼痛综合征,对胫后肌腱损伤小,不干扰足底内侧纵弓,术后无须长时间制动,住院时间短,创伤小,临床疗效较好,特别适合无扁平足及陈旧足外伤患者。  相似文献   

Complete dislocation of the tarsal navicular, without fracture of the navicular, is an uncommon injury. A review of the published data revealed only 15 previous reported cases. The rarity of this injury can be attributed to the rigid bony and ligamentous support surrounding the navicular, which usually undergoes fracture and dislocation rather than pure dislocation of the navicular. The mechanism and appropriate treatment of this injury remains unclear. In the present report, we describe the case of a 29-year-old male who sustained complete dislocation of the tarsal navicular, without fracture of the navicular, along with fractures of the cuboid and calcaneus, when he was involved in a motor vehicle collision. The proposed mechanism of injury in this case was that of a pronation-abduction force applied to the midfoot, resulting in a transient midtarsal dislocation and disruption of the ligamentous support of the navicular, with medial dislocation of the navicular when the midtarsal dislocation was reduced. The anterolateral calcaneus and cuboid fractures were likely from an avulsion injury through the bifurcate ligament. The patient was treated successfully with closed reduction and Kirschner wire fixation of the navicular combined with application of a spanning external fixator. The pins and external fixator were removed at 7 weeks postoperatively, and the navicular was stable at that time. The patient was lost to follow-up shortly thereafter.  相似文献   

We compared bone and articular morphology of the talus and navicular in clinically diagnosed flatfeet and evaluated their potential contribution to talo‐navicular joint instability. We used CT images to develop 3D models of talus and navicular bones of 10 clinically diagnosed flatfeet and 15 non‐flatfeet. We quantified their global bone dimensions, inclination and dimensions of the articular surfaces and their curvatures. Additionally, ratios of six talar and navicular dimensions were calculated. The values for these parameters were then compared between both groups. In flatfeet, the talar head faced more proximal and its width was larger compared to non‐flatfeet. Also the navicular cup faced more proximal and its depth was significantly increased. Furthermore, we observed a more protruding talar head compared to the navicular cup in the control group with the articular surface depth being relatively larger for the navicular cups when compared to the talus in flatfeet. The ratio of the talar and navicular articular surface height was decreased in flatfeet, suggesting increased height of navicular cups relative to the articulating talar heads. Our results show that flatfoot deformity is associated with morphological changes of talar and navicular articular surfaces that can favor medial arch collapse and forefoot abduction. © 2012 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 31: 282–287, 2013  相似文献   

目的探讨副舟骨切除结合胫后肌腱止点前置重建治疗副舟骨源性平足症的方法及临床疗效。方法 2006年5月-2011年6月,收治33例(40足)经6个月以上保守治疗无效的副舟骨源性平足症患者。男14例(17足),女19例(23足);年龄16~56岁,平均30.1岁。均有双侧副舟骨,其中单侧发病26例,双侧7例。出现平足症状至入院时间为7个月~9年,中位时间24个月。中足功能采用美国矫形足踝协会(AOFAS)评分标准评定为(47.9±7.3)分。X线片检查示,均有足部Ⅱ型副舟骨,足弓高度不同程度丢失,均伴后足轻度畸形。术中切除副舟骨,行胫后肌腱止点前置带线锚钉重建术治疗。结果术后患者切口均Ⅰ期愈合,无相关并发症发生。术后30例(36足)患者获随访,随访时间6~54个月,平均23个月。患者术后6个月足部疼痛均消失,足部外观明显改善。末次随访时中足功能AOFAS评分为(90.4±2.0)分,与术前比较差异有统计学意义(t=29.73,P=0.00)。X线片检查,均无内固定锚钉松动、断裂等发生;足弓高度、跟骨倾斜角、跟距角及距骨-第1跖骨角与术前比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论采用副舟骨切除结合胫后肌腱止点前置重建治疗副舟骨源性平足症可有效纠正平足畸形,足功能恢复好,并发症少。  相似文献   



The navicular drop test is a measure to evaluate the function of the medial longitudinal arch, which is important for examination of patients with overuse injuries. Conflicting results have been found with regard to differences in navicular drop between healthy and injured participants. Normal values have not yet been established as foot length, age, gender, and Body Mass Index (BMI) may influence the navicular drop. The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of foot length, age, gender, and BMI on the navicular drop during walking.


Navicular drop was measured with a novel technique (Video Sequence Analysis, VSA) using 2D video. Flat reflective markers were placed on the medial side of the calcaneus, the navicular tuberosity, and the head of the first metatarsal bone. The navicular drop was calculated as the perpendicular distance between the marker on the navicular tuberosity and the line between the markers on calcaneus and first metatarsal head. The distance between the floor and the line in standing position between the markers on calcaneus and first metatarsal were added afterwards.


280 randomly selected participants without any foot problems were analysed during treadmill walking (144 men, 136 women). Foot length had a significant influence on the navicular drop in both men (p < 0.001) and women (p = 0.015), whereas no significant effect was found of age (p = 0.27) or BMI (p = 0.88). Per 10 mm increase in foot length, the navicular drop increased by 0.40 mm for males and 0.31 mm for females. Linear models were created to calculate the navicular drop relative to foot length.


The study demonstrated that the dynamic navicular drop is influenced by foot length and gender. Lack of adjustment for these factors may explain, at least to some extent, the disagreement between previous studies on navicular drop. Future studies should account for differences in these parameters.  相似文献   

Relative movement of the navicular bone during normal walking.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to determine the pattern and magnitude of navicular bone (NB) movement during walking as well as the relationship between dynamic NB and rearfoot movement. The angle of rearfoot and displacement of the NB was recorded in 106 subjects using the 6D Research electromagnetic tracking system. The relative change in the height of the NB between foot flat and heel-off was 7.9 mm. The NB seems to undergo significant vertical as well as medial displacement during the stance phase of normal walking. This motion is also correlated with rearfoot motion during walking.  相似文献   

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