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In treating uncomplicated abdominal aortic aenurysm, endovascular aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR) has been employed as a good alternative to open repair with low perioperative morbidity and mortality. However, the aneurysm can enlarge or rupture even after EVAR as a result of device failure, endoleak, or graft migration. We experienced two cases of aneurismal rupture after EVAR, which were successfully treated by surgical extra-anatomic bypass.  相似文献   

Aortoenteric fistulation (AEF) is a well-documented late complication of open abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair, occurring in between 0.4% and 4% of cases. In the absence of an anastomosis, AEF is likely to be rare after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) and has only recently been described in the literature as a result of mechanical stent failure or migration. We present the case of a 61-year-old man who underwent EVAR for an AAA with a "nonspecific" periaortic inflammatory mass. Six months postoperatively, an AEF developed, presenting with metastatic sepsis followed by septic infective thromboembolization to his right leg, and amputation was necessary. His stent was well positioned and mechanically intact. We emphasize the need for vigilance about the risk of AEF when adopting an endovascular approach to repair the AAA with a nonspecific periaortic inflammatory mass and highlight the need for awareness about the unusual septic manifestations of AEF.  相似文献   

Endovascular abdominal aneurysm repair (EVAR) is popular because of its low invasiveness and feasibility for high-risk patients. Endoleak is common after EVAR and is characterized by blood flow within the aneurysm sac but outside the stent graft. Type II or collateral endoleak commonly results from retrograde filling of the aneurysm from collateral visceral vessels, lumbar, inferior mesenteric, accessory renal or sacral arteries. Collateral leaks are generally thought to be benign and over half of the early leaks will seal spontaneously. Sporadically, collateral endoleak could lead to aneurysm sac pressurization and place the patient at ongoing risk of rupture. Herein, we report an uncommon case of early post-stent graft placement symptomatic abdominal aortic aneurysm associated with type II endoleak.  相似文献   

It is known that following an endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) procedure, patients may experience endoleaks, device migration, stent fractures, graft deterioration, or aneurysm growth that might require a reintervention. In this review management strategies of reinterventions after EVAR in contemporary practice will be discussed. The current endovascular treatment options of Type I endoleak involve securing of the attachment site with percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty, stent-graft extension, or placement of a stent at the proximal attachment site. Moreover, the use of endostaples to secure the position of the proximal cuff to the primary endograft have been developed. Type II endoleaks can be managed conservatively if the aneurysm is shrinking or remains stable. Otherwise, reinterventions include transarterial embolization, translumbar embolization, transcaval embolization, direct thrombin injection, and endoscopic or open ligation of the lumbar and mesenteric arteries. There is little debate regarding the treatment of type III endoleaks, including deployement of additional stent graft components to bridge the defect. Endovascular treatment of endotension includes endovascular conversion stent or relining of the stent graft. Alternative options are puncture of the aneurysm sac and removal of the aneurysm sac content. In case of migration large balloon-expandable stents can be used to improve the seal between the components, or devices that deploy staples to secure endovascular grafts to the aortic wall to secure endovascular components together. In conclusion, the first treatment options for reinterventions after EVAR are catheter based nowadays.  相似文献   

We report the successful endovascular repair of a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in a multimorbid patient 8 months after endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR). A 74-year-old man with a history of EVAR 8 months earlier presented with hypotension, severe back pain, and tenderness on abdominal palpation. A contrast-enhanced computed tomographic scan showed a large retroperitoneal hematoma and confirmed the diagnosis of secondary abdominal aortic rupture. Because the patient had severe comorbidities, the endovascular method was chosen for further management. Two stent grafts were placed appropriately to eliminate a type 1a and a type 3 endoleak owing to modular separation of the left iliac graft limb from the main body stent graft. An additional self-expanding stent was deployed in the solitary right renal artery to open its origin, which was partially overlapped by the proximal cuff. The patient was discharged on the tenth postoperative day and is alive and well 1 year postoperatively. This case indicates that endovascular repair is feasible not only in cases of primarily ruptured AAAs but also in secondarily ruptured AAAs after failure of EVAR.  相似文献   

复杂瘤颈的近肾腹主动脉瘤腔内修复中烟囱技术的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨瘤颈解剖复杂的近肾腹主动脉瘤(juxtarenal aortic aneurysms,JAA)腔内修复(endovascular aneurysmrepair,EVAR)中应用烟囱技术的价值。方法 2007年1月~2011年10月,对7例瘤颈复杂的JAA采用EVAR治疗。由于瘤颈解剖结构不适于标准的腔内修复方案,术中自肱动脉穿刺预先于可能被覆膜支架主体覆盖的肾动脉置入导丝,置入修复腹主动脉瘤的覆膜支架主体后造影明确肾动脉覆盖情况,于相应肾动脉置入自膨支架或球囊扩张支架,以延长瘤颈长度使之符合EVAR要求,并有效保护肾动脉(即烟囱技术),然后再完成标准EVAR操作。结果 7例手术全部获成功。7例使用9枚肾动脉支架,其中5枚球扩支架,4枚自膨支架。腔内治疗最后的造影显示:腹主动脉瘤(abdominal aortic aneurysm,AAA)瘤腔隔绝良好,肾动脉血流良好。术中1例近端Ⅰ型内漏,近端增加Cuff后内漏消失;1例造影显示少量的Ⅱ型内漏,无须处理。7例随访1~52个月,平均11.6月:1例术后2个月因心功能衰竭死亡;1例Ⅱ型内漏术后3个月随访内漏消失;肾动脉烟囱支架均保持通畅。结论对于不适宜行开腹手术治疗的瘤颈解剖不佳的JAA,烟囱技术是传统EVAR技术的有效补充,远期效果及肾动脉支架长期通畅性尚需要进一步观察。  相似文献   

目的: 探讨腹主动脉瘤(abdominal aortic aneurysm, AAA)腔内修复术后发生内漏的危险因素。方法: 回顾性分析2014年1月至2015年10月272例AAA病人行腔内修复术的临床资料和术后3、6、12、24、36个月随访结果。分析腔内修复术后各型内漏发生率及其与临床特征、支架类型、动脉瘤颈结构的关系。结果: 272例病人腔内修复术后内漏总发生率为15.8%(43/272),其中Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ或Ⅳ型以及张力性内漏(Ⅴ型)的发生率分别为7.4%(20/272)、6.3%(17/272)、1.5%(4/272)和0.7%(2/272)。Ⅰ型内漏多在随访3个月时发现,而其他类型内漏在随访12个月或更晚发现。动脉瘤近端瘤颈短(<1.5 cm)、重度扭曲(>45°)、形状不规则或钙化程度高(>25%)与Ⅰa型内漏发生显著相关(P<0.05)。持续通畅的肠系膜下动脉以及存在≥2根罪犯血管是Ⅱ型内漏发生的危险因素(P<0.05)。年龄、美国麻醉医师协会(American Society of Anesthesiologists, ASA)病情分级、吸烟以及合并高血压、糖尿病、冠心病、肺部疾病等对内漏发生率无影响。不同类型的人工血管支架对内漏发生有显著影响(P=0.047)。与其他类型支架相比,Endurant支架的内漏发生率最低(10.7%)。结论: 制定腔内修复手术方案时,应充分评估AAA的特征和内漏风险,以期达到较好的疗效。  相似文献   

Type II endoleaks after endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm (EVAR) are a result of retrograde flow from arterial branches (e.g., lumbar and inferior mesenteric) refilling the aneurysm sac, which has been excluded by the stent graft. Controversy continues with regard to the clinical significance and treatment of type II endoleaks. To develop recommendations for management, we analyzed outcome data from 10 EVAR trials completed over the last 5 years involving a total of 2,617 cases. The incidence of type II endoleak at discharge or 30 days was 6-17%, at 6 months 4.5-8%, and at 1 year 1-5%. Successful resolution of endoleak following secondary interventions was observed in 11-100% of cases. There were 10 conversions to open repair and no ruptures related to type II endoleak. In patients observed for 12 months with computed tomography and/or ultrasound, approximately one-half of type II endoleaks disappeared spontaneously. In the absence of a type I endoleak, our analysis of the current literature suggests that intervention for type II endoleak should be undertaken for abdominal aortic aneurysm sac enlargement occurring after 6 months, persistence for >12 months without abdominal aortic aneurysm sac enlargement, or an aneurysm sac pressure >20% of systolic blood pressure; translumbar aneurysm sac thrombosis and intra-arterial feeding vessel occlusion appear to be prudent management options. Presented at the Twenty-second Annual Meeting of the Southern California Vascular Surgery Society, San Diego, CA, May 1, 2004.  相似文献   

ǻ���޸������Ƹ���������   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
应用跨肾动脉支架人工血管腔内修复术治疗腹主动脉瘤,并探讨其手术适应证,操作要点及并发症的预防。方法对2例病人采用全麻,在动态数字减影血管造影监测下用跨肾动脉支架分叉型人工血管对腹主动脉瘤进行了腔内修复术,结果手术中DSA提示动脉瘤消失,无内漏发生。术后1周及分别随访3和9个月,螺旋CT检查提示腔内人工血管无移位扭曲,血流通畅无内漏发生,结论腹主动脉瘤腔内修复术手术创伤小,病人恢复快,跨肾动支架人工  相似文献   

Secondary aortoesophageal fistula (AEF) is a rare but catastrophic complication that occurs after thoracic aortic reconstruction. Recently endoluminal stent grafts have been used in selected patients with a thoracic aortic aneurysm, dissection, or traumatic aortic transection. A 24-year-old woman had massive upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding 15 months after endoluminal stent graft placement because of traumatic descending thoracic aortic transection. Evaluation demonstrated an AEF from the mid-esophagus to the endoluminal stent graft. The endoluminal graft was explanted, with primary repair of the thoracic aortic defect and simultaneous primary repair of the esophageal injury. The patient is well 15 months after open repair of the AEF.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Endovascular stent graft repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) prevents rupture by excluding the aneurysm sac from systemic arterial pressure. Current surveillance protocols after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) follow secondary markers of sac pressurization, namely, endoleak and sac enlargement. We report the first clinical experience with the use of a permanently implantable, ultrasound-activated remote pressure transducer to measure intrasac pressure after EVAR. METHODS: Over 7 months, 14 patients underwent EVAR of an infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm with implantation of an ultrasound-activated remote pressure transducer fixed to the outside of the stent graft and exposed to the excluded aortic sac. Twelve patients received modular bifurcated stent grafts, and 2 patients received aortouniiliac devices. Intrasac pressures were measured directly with an intravascular catheter and by the remote sensor at stent-graft deployment. Follow-up sac pressures were measured with a remote sensor and correlated with systemic arterial pressure at every follow-up visit. Mean follow-up was 2.6 +/-1.9 months. RESULTS: Excellent concordance was found between catheter-derived and transducer-derived intrasac pressssure intraoperatively. Pulsatile waveforms were seen in all functioning transducers at each evaluation interval. One implant ceased to function at 2 months of follow-up. In 1 patient a type I endoleak was diagnosed on 1-month computed tomography (CT) scans; 3 type II endoleaks were observed. Those patients with complete exclusion of the aneurysm on CT scans had a significant difference in systemic and sac systolic pressures initially (P <.001) and at 1 month (P <.001). Initial sac diastolic pressures were higher than systemic diastolic pressures (P <.001). The ratio of systemic to sac systolic pressure increased over time in those patients with complete aneurysm exclusion ( P <.001). Four of 6 patients with no endoleak and greater than 1-month follow-up had diminution of sac systolic pressure to 40 mm Hg or less by 3 months. CONCLUSION: This is the first report of a totally implantable chronic pressure transducer to monitor the results of EVAR in human beings. Aneurysm exclusion leads to gradual diminution of sac pressure over several months. Additional clinical follow-up will be necessary to determine whether aneurysm sac pressure monitoring can replace CT in the long-term surveillance of patients after EVAR.  相似文献   

Unlike open aortic aneurysm repair, follow-up is vital for endovascular aneurysm repair. If there is no perigraft flow or endoleak after endograft placement, the natural history is a decrease in aneurysm size. However, a significant number of aneurysms after endograft repair enlarge without apparent endoleak, and ruptures have occurred in this situation. Aneurysms so treated also can develop a late, secondary endoleak that leads to rupture. Late stent deformation has been noted in abdominal and thoracic applications, and deformation can ultimately lead to graft thrombosis, endoleak, and aneurysm rupture. For these reasons, regular postoperative imaging will likely be needed for the life of the patient after endovascular aortic aneurysm repair, and it must be capable of accurately detecting endoleak, aneurysm expansion, graft migration, and graft deformation. As with the entire field of endovascular surgery, imaging techniques and recommendations regarding their use are changing rapidly. However, a combination of examinations appears superior to any single test. Only long-term follow-up data can determine which methods will become standard, but physical examination, abdominal radiographs, and spiral computed tomography (CT) with specialized 3D reconstruction protocols are the current gold standard. In centers of excellence, color or power Doppler ultrasound is a useful adjunctive study and ultimately may decrease the required frequency of more expensive studies such as CT with specialized protocols.  相似文献   

Cho JS  Dillavou ED  Rhee RY  Makaroun MS 《Journal of vascular surgery》2004,39(6):1178-41; discussion 2141-2
OBJECTIVES: Behavior of the abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) sac after endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR) is graft-dependent. The Excluder endograft has been associated with less sac regression than some other stent grafts. Long-term follow-up has not been reported. METHODS: Between May 1999 and July 2002, 50 patients underwent EVAR with the Excluder bifurcated endoprosthesis. These patients were followed up prospectively with computed tomography (CT) at 1, 6, and 12 months and yearly thereafter. One immediate conversion to open surgery and three deaths occurred within 6 months. One additional patient was lost to follow-up. The remaining 45 patients, 35 men and 10 women, were followed up for at least 1 year, and form the basis for this report. Their mean age was 73 +/- 5.5 years. The minor axis diameter at the largest area of the AAA on CT examination was compared with the baseline measurement at 1 month and to the smallest size previously recorded during follow-up. Change in sac size of 5 mm or greater was considered significant. Mean follow-up was 2.7 +/- 1.2 years (range, 1-4 years). Nominal variables were compared with the chi(2) test, and continuous variables with the Student t test. RESULTS: A significant decrease in average AAA sac diameter was observed at 6-month, 1-year, and 2-year follow-up. These differences were lost by the 3-year evaluation, because of delayed sac growth (n = 9) and re-expansion of once shrunken aneurysms (n = 3). The probability of freedom from sac growth or re-expansion at 4 years was only 43%. At last follow-up, sac expansion occurred in the absence of active endoleak in nine patients. Type II endoleak was associated with sac expansion in three patients (P =.003), resulting in one conversion to open surgery after the 4-year follow-up. No graft migrations, AAA ruptures, or aneurysm-related deaths were noted. CONCLUSIONS: Late aneurysm sac growth or re-expansion after EVAR with the Excluder device is common, even in the absence of endoleak. Although the incidence of important clinical sequelae is low at this point, the incidence of aneurysm expansion should be taken into consideration during the risk-benefit assessment before EVAR repair with the Excluder device.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) has become a popular treatment for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). This study examines conformational changes in the infrarenal aortas of patients in whom proximal seal zone failures (PSF) developed after EVAR. METHODS: All 189 patients with aortic endograft underwent routine post-EVAR computed tomographic scan surveillance. Patients identified with proximal type I endoleaks, type III endoleaks, or proximal component separation without demonstrable endoleak underwent three-dimensional reconstruction of the computed tomographic scans from which measurements of the migration, length, volume, and angulation of the infrarenal aorta were made. RESULTS: Five patients (3%) had PSF develop, four of whom had aortic extender cuffs. Although changes in the AAA volume and aortic neck angle were slight or variable, the mean AAA length increased 34 mm and the mean aortic body angulation increased 17 degrees (P =.03 and.01, respectively). Lengthening and migration caused proximal component separation in four patients, with concomitant migration in two patients. Two patients underwent endovascular repair, two patients needed explantation of the endograft, and one patient awaits endovascular repair. Proximal component separation and type III endoleak recurred in one patient and were repaired with a custom-fitted graft. CONCLUSION: PSF of aortic endografts is associated with proximal angulation and lengthening of the infrarenal aorta. These findings reinforce the importance of proper initial deployment to minimize the need for aortic extender cuffs, which pose a risk of late endoleak development.  相似文献   

A 40-year-old man with Stanford type B dissection underwent his first endovascular repair (EVAR) in April 2004 by Talent thoracic stent graft. He had an uncomplicated recovery and maintained good blood pressure control. However, a new retrograde dissection appeared in September 2004. The new dissection involved his aortic arch and ascending thoracic aorta to the opening of the coronary arteries. To reconstruct the aortic arch, bypasses between the right common carotid artery (RCCA), left common carotid artery and left subclavian artery were performed before endovascular repair. A modified bifurcated Talent stent graft was deployed from the RCCA to the ascending thoracic aorta with a long limb in the innominate artery and a short limb in the aortic arch. A further two pieces of graft were deployed via the common femoral artery. The ascending thoracic aorta and aortic arch were reconstructed completely by the bifurcated stent graft. The final angiography confirmed that there was good stent graft configuration, normal blood flow, and stable haemodynamics. No endoleak or other major complications were encountered. This result indicated that it is possible to reconstruct the aortic arch with a bifurcated stent graft and could be a new endovascular repair model for complex thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Conventional management of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is by open repair and is associated with a mortality rate of 2-6 per cent. Endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) is an alternative technique first introduced in 1991. A systematic review was undertaken of the evidence for the safety and efficacy of elective EVAR in the management of asymptomatic infrarenal AAA. METHODS: Thirteen electronic bibliographical databases were searched, covering biomedical, health-related, science and social science literature. Outcomes were assessed with respect to efficacy (successful deployment, technical success, conversion rates and secondary intervention rates) and safety (30-day mortality rate, procedure morbidity rates and technical issues-endoleaks, graft thrombosis, stenosis and migration). RESULTS: Of 606 reports identified, 61 met the inclusion criteria (three randomized and 15 non-randomized controlled trials, and 43 uncontrolled studies). There were 29 059 participants in total; 19,804 underwent EVAR. Deployment was successful in 97.6 per cent of cases. Technical success (complete aneurysm exclusion) was 81.9 per cent at discharge and 88.8 per cent at 30 days. Secondary intervention to treat endoleak or maintain graft patency was required in 16.2 per cent of patients. Mean stay in the intensive care unit and mean hospital stay were significantly shorter following EVAR. The 30-day mortality rate for EVAR was 1.6 per cent (randomized controlled trials) and 2.0 per cent in nonrandomized trials and case series. Technical complications comprised stent migration (4.0 per cent), graft limb thrombosis (3.9 per cent), endoleak (type I, 6.8 per cent; type II, 10.3 per cent; type III, 4.2 per cent) and access artery injury (4.8 per cent). DISCUSSION: EVAR is technically effective and safe, with lower short-term morbidity and mortality rates than open surgery. However, there is a need for extended follow-up as the long-term success of EVAR in preventing aneurysm-related deaths is not yet known.  相似文献   

高危复杂腹主动脉瘤腔内修复术临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Liu B  Liu CW  Zheng YH  Li YJ  Wu JD  Wu WW  Ye W  Song XJ  Zeng R  Chen YX  Shao J  Chen Y  Ni L 《中华外科杂志》2011,49(10):878-882
目的 评估应用多种腔内技术治疗高危复杂腹主动脉瘤的可行性.方法 2001年1月至2010年12月,共138例腹主动脉瘤患者接受腹主动脉腔内修复术(EVAR),其中9例患者为高危复杂性腹主动脉瘤.男性8例,女性1例,年龄26~87岁,平均67岁.其中2例近肾腹主动脉假性动脉瘤,5例近肾腹主动脉瘤,1例腹主动脉瘤合并双髂总动脉瘤及左侧髂内动脉瘤,1例EVAR术后右髂内动脉瘤.所采用的腔内技术包括:主动脉支架开窗技术和扇形技术2例,烟囱技术5例,球囊辅助下髂内动脉瘤腔内治疗1例和球囊辅助反转支架技术1例.结果 所有腔内技术均获得成功.术中支架释放后即刻发现内漏4例,其中1例患者为Ⅰ型和Ⅲ型内漏,经大动脉球囊扩张后内漏消失;2例Ⅰ型内漏,其中1例行弹簧栓栓塞成功,另1例行近端裸支架成功.1例Ⅱ型内漏,经随访瘤腔直径未增大,未处理.随访4~79个月,平均25.9个月.无动脉瘤破裂,动脉瘤瘤体直径均有不同程度的缩小.随访过程中7例患者的靶血管(肾动脉、肠系膜上动脉和髂内动脉)均保持通畅.1例髂内动脉重建支架术后18个月血栓形成,但无盆腔缺血等症状.结论 对于不能耐受手术的高危复杂腹主动脉瘤患者,选择合适的腔内技术可以增加EVAR术的成功率,近、中期效果满意.  相似文献   

The advent of endovascular therapy has had a profound impact on repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). Prudent patient selection, particularly in regard to unfavorable anatomy, is emerging as perhaps the most important determinant of endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR) outcome. The aim of this study was to examine the association of one such anatomic factor, proximal aortic neck angulation, with the incidence of adverse events following EVAR. Prospectively collected data on 289 EVAR repairs with the Talent endograft (Medtronic, Inc., Minneapolis, MN) from March 1998 to June 2000 were analyzed. Stent graft–specific adverse events studied were migration, endoleak, kinking, thrombosis, and AAA expansion. Computed tomography (CT) scanning with three-dimensional post-processing and/or aortography was used to measure aortic neck angle. Patients were categorized into one of four groups according to their neck angle: I (0-10°); II (11-39°); III (40-59°); or IV (60-85°). Outcomes were evaluated by chi-squared analysis and ANOVA. There was a direct correlation between AAA diameter and neck angle (p = 0.002). There was no difference in endoleak rate (p = 0.877), stent migration (p = 0.850), or AAA expansion rate (p = 0.599) between groups. Device kinking >45° was associated with neck angulation 60° (p = 0.013), but not with other adverse outcomes. The average neck angle was 30° in patients with endoleaks and 31° in patients without endoleaks. Increasing aortic neck angulation was not associated with the selected adverse outcomes within 1 year following EVAR with the Talent stent graft using suprarenal fixation with the exception of graft kinking. This may be related to the graft design that permits suprarenal aortic fixatiou of the proximal stent graft, Whether severe degrees of angulation of 60° or greater can be safely treated with suprarenal fixation requires further study.Presented at the Twenty-ninth Annual Meeting of the Peripheral Vascular Surgery Society, Anaheim, CA, June 4-5, 2004.  相似文献   

Guo W  Liu XP  Yin T  Jia X  Zhang HP  Liang FQ  Zhang GH 《中华外科杂志》2007,45(23):1604-1607
目的探讨主动脉腔内修复术后中远期并发症的处理方法与效果。方法1999年5月至2007年6月对21例主动脉病变腔内修复术后中远期并发症进行了再次处理。其中腹主动脉瘤(AAA)15例,胸主动脉动脉瘤(TAA)3例,主动脉夹层(TAD)3例。并发症:Ⅰ型内漏11例,Ⅱ型内漏4例,Ⅲ型内漏2例;移植物阻塞4例。应用延长支架型血管技术处理Ⅰ、Ⅲ型内漏(6例),应用“侧孔”、“凹口”、“分叉”支架型血管结合颈部血管旁路手术重建主动脉弓处理Ⅰ型内漏(3例),应用栓塞技术处理Ⅱ型内漏(4例),应用取栓和旁路手术技术处理移植物阻塞(4例),应用开放手术技术处理动脉瘤破裂(1例)。结果20例(95.2%)应用腔内技术作为二次处理主要手段,二次处理30d内死亡1例(4.7%),因技术需要而修改器材结构者3例。二次术后仍存在内漏者5例(29.4%,5/17)。二次干预瘤体相关性死亡3例(14.3%)。结论内漏和移植物阻塞是腔内修复术后主要中远期并发症,其主要原因是原发性内漏的延续和移植物移位。腔内技术可作为二次处理的主要手段。主动脉弓部病变进行二次干预有更大的挑战性。  相似文献   

Endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm: current status   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
INTRODUCTION: Endovascular aneurysm surgery (EVAR) was introduced a decade ago. Early results are promising, however, there remain concerns regarding the longer-term durability of this technique. Consequently, the national multi-centre EVAR trial has been commenced to define the role of endovascular surgery in the management of abdominal aortic aneurysm. DISCUSSION: Successful EVAR requires accurate pre-operative assessment of aneurysm morphology. Current stent-grafts allow 60% of all infra-renal AAA to be treated. Reduced physiological stress and low peri-operative morbidity and mortality rates have been demonstrated with this technique when compared to open repair. Endoleak is an Achilles heel of EVAR, although in itself does not accurately predict outcome. First and second generation devices are estimated to have a 1% per year risk of rupture. CONCLUSIONS: Increased understanding of the issues surrounding aneurysm morphology and successful stent-grafting have allowed a major reduction of early type I endoleak. Late endoleak and graft migration remain problematic. Type I and III endoleaks are risk factors for subsequent rupture although the significance of type II endoleak remains uncertain. More robust indicators of outcome success/failure are required so that follow-up may be rationalised.  相似文献   

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