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了解胰十二指肠切除术治疗胰头和壶腹部癌的效果和影响病人生存的因素。方法:分析230例胰头和壶腹部癌的主要表现,辅助检查、手术并发症、手术死亡率,调查术后生存情况及影响病人长期生存的因素。结果:本组病人出现黄疽90.9%,腹痛56.1%,发热32.6%,白陶土样大便13.5%。B超、CT和ERCP检查准确率分别为68.3%、79.3%和66.6%。手术并发症72例(31.3%),死亡20例(8.7%)。术后1、3、5年存活率分别为46.7%,17.4%和52%。肿瘤直径、淋巴结转移和切缘状态是影响病人术后生存的因素,而肿瘤分化程度和病人年龄对生存率无明显影响。结论:胰头和壶腹部癌临床表现有多样性,B超和CT等辅助检查有局限性,手术有高并发症,5年生存率低下,手术治疗远近期效果都不理想。  相似文献   

Sixty-three patients who had undergone pancreatoduodenectomy for carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater were analyzed with respect to tumor extent and prognosis. The postoperative mortality rate was 3% and overall survival rates 3 and 5 years after surgery were 55% and 46%, respectively. pTNM stage did not reflect prognosis after resection in patients at stages 2 and 3, while pancreatic invasion and regional lymph node metastasis clearly reflected prognosis after resection. Of the 26 patients who had no pancreatic invasion, regional lymph node metastasis was seen in only 19%, whereas of the 37 patients with pancreatic invasion, 62% exhibited lymph node metastasis. These factors were significantly correlated (P<0.001). Pancreatic invasion appeared to be an indirect indicator of regional lymph node metastasis. We conclude that, to improve prognosis for patients with pancreatic invasion, extended resection including extended lymphadenectomy, is a preferable additional procedure.  相似文献   

We report a rare type of aneurysm of the sinus of Valsalva. The orifice of the aneurysm was in the right sinus of Valsalva and protruded superiorly, which is a direction not typical of right sinus of Valsalva aneurysms. Intraoperatively, it became clear that the aneurysm was located in the right sinus of Valsalva with extracardiac protrusion. Inspection through the aortotomy revealed that the orifice of the aneurysm opened between the orifice of the right coronary artery and the commissure between the right and left coronary cusps. The aneurysm was obliterated with a pledgeted suture from outside the orifice of the aneurysm. Early prophylactic surgical treatment of the aneurysm makes the operation simple and prevents subsequent development of complications, such as compression of the coronary artery, thrombosis, and/or spontaneous rupture.  相似文献   

根治性切除治疗胰头癌的手术体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 总结提高胰头癌手术根治率和降低术后并发症发生率的经验。方法 回顾性分析我院1996年1月至2005年3月期间的55例胰头癌根治术患者的临床资料。结果 本组55例胰头癌根治性切除术患者中男31例,女24例,均为胰腺导管癌。2002年前、后根治率分别为25.9%(29/112)和34.7%(26/75),并发症发生率分别为48.3%(14/29)和19.2%(5/26)。提高根治性手术技巧包括胰周淋巴结及神经丛清扫、联合血管切除、综合无血术野技术等。结论 提高胰头癌手术根治率和降低术后并发症发生率有赖于对胰头癌病理生理特点的深入了解和手术技巧的成熟。  相似文献   

胰十二指肠切除术治疗胰头及壶腹部癌(附97例临床分析)   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
为提高胰头及壶腹部癌的疗效,总结97例胰十二指肠切除术(PD)治疗胰头及壶腹部癌的诊治经验。癌肿切除率为34.4%,手术并发症发生率为38.4%,手术死亡率为11.3%,术后1、3和5年生存率分别为68.8%、43.1%和30.0%。认为要提高本病早期诊断率,必须对可疑高危病人提高警惕,首选B超检查,B超和ERCP两项联合检查可提高本病早期诊断。  相似文献   

目的 探讨主动脉窦瘤破裂局部病理改变及其合并主动脉瓣关闭不全的手术方法。方法  3 6例主动脉窦瘤破裂 (RASV)合并主动脉瓣关闭不全 (AI) 15例、室间隔缺损 (VSD) 2 6例。补片修补 3 5例 ,其中合并VSD的均以一片法修补 ,合并AI的主动脉瓣置换 (AVR) 6例 ,主动脉瓣成形 4例。手术取材作病理检查 5例。结果 本组 3 6例中手术死亡 2例 ( 5 .6% )。存活的 3 4例病人均经门诊复查或通信随访 0 .3~ 18年 ,其中 2例死亡。病理检查见RASV合并VSD的瘤壁为纤维素样坏死或玻璃样变性。结论 主动脉窦壁纤维素样或玻璃样变性可能是其形成的病理基础。合并主动脉瓣关闭不全时应探查其病变程度 ,酌情一期矫正 ,瓣膜损伤明显时宜行主动脉瓣置换 ,对主动脉瓣环细小的病例 ,可借修补VSD和RASV的补片扩大主动脉瓣环。  相似文献   

目的:观察中药周期性阶段疗法治疗黄褐斑的临床疗效。方法:将123例患者随机分为两组,治疗组62例,采用月经后服用补精血颗粒与月经前及经期服用理气养血活血颗粒的周期性阶段治疗;对照组61例,采用补精活血颗粒的持续性给药治疗,2个疗程后判定临床疗效。结果:总有效率治疗组为95.08%,对照组为93.22%,两组比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论:两组临床疗效相当,均能有效治疗黄褐斑。  相似文献   

目的探讨如何提高胰头壶腹部恶性肿瘤的手术切除率和手术成功率。方法对1981~1997年收治的71例胰头十二指肠切除术患者的术后并发症、病死率及术前术中诊断情况进行分析。结果71例中恶性肿瘤61例,良性疾病10例(14.2%),有并发症24例(33.8%),死亡8例(11.2%)。结论要提高胰头壶腹恶性肿瘤的手术切除率和治愈率,关键是早期诊断、妥善的围手术期处理和精湛的手术技巧。  相似文献   

法洛四联症根治术后近期疗效的影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 分析影响法洛四联症(TOF)根治术后近期疗效的主要风险因素,探讨改善疗效的方法。方法 219例TOF患者根据手术后近期疗效的不同分为两组,A组(n=110):术后心功能恢复良好,术后2周内能顺利出院,无严重并发症发生,出院时心功能分级(NYHA)Ⅰ或Ⅱ级,随访6个月内左心室射血分数(LVEF)〉0.50;B组(n=109):术后2周内未能出院,有严重并发症发生,出院时心功能分级(NYHA)Ⅱ或Ⅲ级,随访6个月内LVEF〈0.50。分析比较两组患者的临床资料,并用logistic回归和模型选择分析影响TOF根治术后近期疗效的危险因素。结果 A组心功能恢复好、无死亡患者,出院时心功能(NYHA)为Ⅰ或Ⅱ级,LVEF〉0.50;B组死亡8例(7.34%),生存患者出院时心功能(NYHA)为Ⅱ或Ⅲ级,LVEF〈0.50(P〈0.01)。A组患者术后24h胸腔引流量、辅助呼吸时间、正性肌力药物维持循环时间和住院时间均少于或短于B组(P〈0.01);而B组患者的体外循环时间和升主动脉阻断时间长于A组,跨瓣环补片的比率大于A组,Nakata指数小于A组(P〈0.01)。logistic回归分析结果显示:手术年龄(OR=0.69)、术前血氧饱和度(0R=0.98)、红细胞压积(OR=0.94)、跨瓣环补片数(OR=46.86)、Nakata指数(OR=16.90)、术后胸腔引流量(OR=0.84)、心律失常(0R=0.87)和术后切口感染发生率(OR=63.57)等对TOF根治术后近期疗效有明显的影响(P〈0.01)。结论 提早行TOF根治手术的年龄、术前降低红细胞压积、改善外周血氧饱和度、早期加行姑息手术以促进肺动脉发育,加强围手术期监护等是提高TOF根治术后近期疗效的有效措施。  相似文献   

A nine years old boy, who had suffered septic arthritis at the age of two years and presented now with a limp, hip instability, leg length discrepancy. The patient was treated by adductor tenotomy and upper tibial pin traction. When head remnant reached the level of the acetabulum, open reduction and Pemberton osteotomy was done to achieve cover of the femoral head. The purpose of this report is to highlight the six years followup of reconstruction of sequale of septic arthritis of hip joint.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Organs of Zuckerkandl (O of Z) harbor the potential for deadly paragangliomas. Paragangliomas are one of the surgical causes of hypertension. Major treatises of medicine offer very little information on this topic. METHODS: PubMed Medline and Google searches were performed to obtain reported cases of paragangliomas of the O of Z. A total of 135 cases of paragangliomas of the O of Z were found. Each case was reviewed and charted. Charts then were analyzed. RESULTS: Seventy-four percent of patients with this neoplasm have hypertension. Eighty percent of patients undergo an operation with more than 30% having an incorrect preoperative diagnosis. These tumors have a 43% mortality when presenting acutely. CONCLUSIONS: Individuals aged < or =50 years with hypertension should be considered for screening for pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma with uring and/or serum catecholamines. Twenty-four-hour collections for urinary metanephrines and vanillylmandelic acid are diagnostic of functional tumors. A high degree of suspicion should follow with radiologic and chemical diagnostic studies. Triple-phase helical computed tomographic scans, metaiodobenzyl-guanidine scans, and magnetic resonance imaging with gadolinium-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid infusion are the standard for radiologic diagnosis. Treatment is always surgical excision. Phase II trials are in order for neoadjuvant and adjuvant treatment options.  相似文献   

The optimum method for the appropriate introduction of innovative technologies into orthopedics is a vital but vexing issue. Compromises in the introduction process are driven by (a) the magnitude of the problem addressed (incidence and severity), (b) the advantages and risks of the proposed solution, and (c) the “universal dilemma,” meaning the inherent “gap” between all the nonhuman supporting data and the unknowns of both efficacy and long-term safety in large human usage over many years. Drawing on the data generated and the actual decision tree used in the introduction of a new highly cross-linked polyethylene as a case study, this article illustrates these “subsequent dilemmas.”  相似文献   

蒲兴海 《中国骨伤》1996,9(3):29-30
应用超关节夹板固定加悬垂石膏治疗肱骨中下段骨折27例。经治疗后随访,X片复查骨折均在6~8周内愈合。无一例延迟愈合或不愈合。作者认为:夹板固定及石膏塑造同时并用,达到固定和牵引,维持骨折的稳定,消除局部剪力,促进骨愈合的目的。  相似文献   

Most of the conditions that physicians treat each day impact a patient’s quality of life rather than the length or quantity of life. In orthopaedic surgery, traditional objective measures of patient outcome have included range of motion, strength, or radiographic variables. Although these measures have gained wide acceptance through their long-standing use, they are usually very poor indicators of the functional and psychological aspects of health. It makes sense to measure the phenomenon of health-related quality of life when assessing the relative efficacies of treatments that are available. If we can accept that health-related quality of life is important to measure, the next steps are to understand the types of instruments that are available and the appropriate methods by which these instruments should be developed and tested. Instruments fall into 2 general categories: generic or specific, each with specific advantages and disadvantages. The methodology for the development of quality of life tools emphasizes patient input and feedback. Determination of validity, reliability, and responsiveness in patients similar to those who will participate in trials is an important part of establishing the usefulness of an instrument.  相似文献   

To establish diagnostic criteria for osteoporosis using roentgenograms of vertebral bodies, the posterior margin, anterior margin, and central portion heights of 14 vertebral bodies in 242 healthy women were measured. It was demonstrated that the measurement of vertebral heights using a digitizer by one expert could be made with high accuracy, based on the results of comparison between roentgenograms on a 50% reduced scale and ordinary-scale roentgenograms as well as those of daily and day-to-day variations of the measured values. According to these measurements, the seventh thoracic vertebra showed the most marked tendency toward wedge formation and the fifth lumbar vertebra toward reverse-wedge formation. In the measurement of vertebral body heights, the accuracy decreased at vertebral levels where the images of thoracic vertebral bodies are superimposed upon by the shadows of cardiovascular organs. Because the variations in measurement values in Japanese were not significant in comparison with those in European and American persons, means minus 3 SD were almost the same as means minus 25% designated in Japan with respect to the ratio of anterior to posterior margin heights of vertebral bodies. Moreover, the means minus 3 SD were almost equal to means minus 20%, with respect to the ratio of central to posterior margin heights of vertebral bodies. Thus, our conclusion is that the definition of vertebral deformity as designated in Japan is sufficiently accurate for the diagnosis of osteoporosis. Received: May 29, 1997 / Accepted: Oct. 24, 1997  相似文献   

小指掌指关节筋膜皮瓣修复小指近中节皮肤缺损   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的探讨应用手背小指掌指关节筋膜皮瓣修复小指近、中节掌/背侧皮肤缺损的方法。方法根据小指近、中节掌背侧皮肤缺损的形状、面积,以小指伸肌腱走行体表投影为皮瓣的轴心线设计应用手背小指掌指关节筋膜皮瓣修复小指近、中节掌/背侧皮肤缺损创面21例。结果皮瓣全部成活,术后3~15个月随访,皮瓣质地优良,外形与功能恢复满意。结论手背小指掌指关节筋膜皮瓣手术操作简单、安全可靠,术后治疗、护理较为容易,外形与功能恢复满意,是手外科修复小指近、中节皮肤缺损创面较为理想的方法。  相似文献   

Human embryos and fetuses were investigated histologically to elucidate the possible pathogenesis of congenital malformations of the vertebral body. Special attention was paid to the early development of the vertebral column, particularly the often-questioned stage of resegmentation, important as the stage during which the malformations might develop. Evidence of resegmentation was found in 7 embryos ranging from 7 mm C-R length (5 weeks after fertilization) to 13 mm (6 weeks). Moreover, the formation of the definitive vertebral body was considered to be intimately related to the intersegmental artery. As for Junghanns' concept that the cartilaginous body consists of two lateral halves, it was not observed in our specimens, nor was it found in the latest literature on normal vertebral development. Congenital malformations of the vertebral body were classified into two categories: failure of formation and failure of segmentation. They were demonstrated in an embryo of 13 mm and a fetus of 70 mm which were in the developmental stages of chondrification and early ossification, respectively. According to these observations, we conclude that most malformations of the vertebral body occur in the early stage of definitive vertebral body anlage formation.  相似文献   

低位肱骨髁上骨折创伤机制和固定与生物力学关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
对36例伸直尺偏型低位肱骨髁上骨折的创伤机制和固定与生物力学关系进行初步探讨,并运用传统手法加中药治疗,促使肘关节功能恢复良好,无肘内翻32例,占88.9%。肘内翻及骨化性肌炎4例,占11.1%。  相似文献   

目的 评价内镜下胆汁内引流术(ERBD)治疗胰头癌胆道梗阻的临床疗效.方法 46例胰头癌胆道梗阻患者进行ERBD治疗(塑料支架或金属支架).结果 46例患者置入支架39例成功.术后患者血清总胆红素(104.67±15.49)μmol/L较术前(371.37±49.23)μmol/L明显降低(P<0.01),肝功能改善[...  相似文献   

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