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Plantar forefoot defects have been reconstructed using a wide variety of techniques, including skin grafts, local flaps, and free tissue transfer. The distally based, retrograde-flow medial plantar island flap provides coverage with durable plantar skin from the nonweight-bearing instep area to reconstruct defects at the metatarsal heads. This technique requires careful flap dissection, and the anterior reach of the flap is limited by its pedicle length and vascular pivot point location. The authors describe two cases using this flap for reconstruction of tumor resection defects (5 x 6 cm and 5 x 8 cm) involving the distal forefoot, toes, and webspaces. One case required venous supercharging of a congested flap with an interpositional vein graft. Technical aspects of the design, elevation, and inset of the flap that enhance its versatility and reliability are presented. The reverse-flow medial plantar fasciocutaneous island flap should be considered an option for forefoot defects that extend anteriorly onto the metatarsal heads, including defects involving the toes and webspaces.  相似文献   

目的 探讨创伤性拇趾缺损的修复方法及临床效果。方法 自 1995年 1月以来 ,应用两种皮瓣修复创伤性拇趾缺损 2 4例 ,其中应用蒂部延长的足底内侧岛状皮瓣 11例 ,远端筋膜蒂足内侧岛状皮瓣 13例。结果  11例蒂部延长的足底内侧岛状皮瓣全部成活 ;13例远端筋膜蒂足内侧岛状皮瓣中 11例全部成活、 2例皮瓣远端皮缘少许坏死。结论 蒂部延长的足底内侧岛状皮瓣适用于修复拇趾远节和近节部分缺损的修复 ;远端筋膜蒂足内侧岛状皮瓣适用于近跖趾关节拇趾缺损的修复  相似文献   

足底内侧逆行岛状皮瓣修复前足底顽固性溃疡   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 为临床前足底顽固性溃疡的修复提供一种方法。 方法 自 1 998年起 ,应用以足底内侧血管束远端为蒂的足底内侧逆行岛状皮瓣修复前足底顽固性溃疡 5例 ,同期矫正局部畸形 ,皮瓣切取范围 3.5~ 5.0 cm×4.0~ 5.5 cm,术后注意皮瓣区近期不负重 ,保持清洁干燥。 结果 皮瓣全部成活 ,随访 6~ 1 4个月 ,皮瓣质地好 ,可见较厚角化层 ,但皮瓣痛觉迟钝 ,患足可负重行走 ,溃疡无复发。 结论 以足底内侧动静脉为蒂的逆行岛状皮瓣血运好 ,适用于修复前足底顽固性溃疡  相似文献   

足内侧逆行岛状皮瓣修复前足皮肤缺损   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的 研究修复前足皮肤缺损的新方法。方法 在解剖学研究的基础上 ,利用足底内侧动脉终支与第 1跖骨底动脉、足底深动脉及足底深弓的吻合 ,设计逆行足底内侧血管及足内侧皮穿支蒂岛状皮瓣修复前足皮肤缺损创面。结果 临床应用 6例 ,皮瓣面积 4cm× 3cm~ 11cm× 9cm ,血管蒂长 6~ 11cm ,皮瓣全部成活 ,随访 6~ 2 4个月 ,外形与功能改善满意。结论 本皮瓣是修复前足皮肤缺损的最佳选择之一。  相似文献   

Chronic plantar and dorsal forefoot ulcer may result from injury, structural deformity, and abnormal sensation or circulation. It is not uncommon that the distal portion of the affected toes is deficient functionally in these patients. A filleted toe flap from the expendable functionless toe can provide a durable, stable, and sensate skin flap of 4 to 5.5 cm for coverage of the forefoot defect. In this report, five cases of dorsal forefoot defects and four cases of plantar forefoot defects due to ischemia (N = 3), trophic change (N = 2), and diabetes (N = 4) were treated with filleted toe flaps. One flap failed due to postoperative deep infection. The other eight filleted toe flaps survived but 2 patients underwent secondary amputations 7 months and 2 two years later because of secondary diabetic foot infections.  相似文献   

The medial plantar fasciocutaneous flap provides structurally similar tissue to plantar foot, posterior heel, and ankle defects with its thick glabrous plantar skin, shock-absorbing fibrofatty subcutaneous tissue, and plantar fascia. During the past 4 years, 24 patients (20 men, 4 women) with skin and soft-tissue defects over the plantar foot, posterior heel, or ankle were treated. They ranged in age from 20 to 42 years (mean, 24 y). The medial plantar flap was transposed to the defects in four different ways: proximally pedicled sensorial island flaps (N = 18), reverse-flow island flaps (N = 2), free flaps (N = 2), and cross-foot flaps (N = 2). Flap size varied from a width of 2 to 5.5 cm and a length of 5 to 7.5 cm. The follow-up period ranged from 2 to 18 months (mean, 9 mo). Partial flap loss was observed in one free flap and one reverse-flow island flap. Partial skin graft lost in the donor site required regrafting in one patient. Durable, sensate coverage of the defects was achieved in all patients.  相似文献   

目的探讨足拇趾残端缺损的修复方法及临床疗效。方法应用5种皮瓣修复39例足拇趾残端缺损,其中足底内侧岛状皮瓣8例,第1跖背动脉岛状皮瓣9例,跗内侧岛状皮瓣11例,跗外侧岛状皮瓣5例,静脉皮瓣6例。皮瓣切取面积2.5 cm×3.5 cm5 cm×7 cm。结果33例带蒂岛状皮瓣中完全成活32例,1例足底内侧岛状皮瓣发生部分坏死,换药后愈合,皮瓣质地柔软,外形良好。6例游离皮瓣中5例完全成活,1例术后早期呈暗紫红色,肿胀,有散在水疱,2周后皮瓣颜色、外观逐渐恢复正常。34例获随访,时间10个月3年,患肢行走功能正常,皮瓣不臃肿,质地柔软,保护性感觉部分恢复,耐摩擦、耐压,无皮肤破溃发生。结论足拇指残端创面修复的皮瓣种类较多,应根据临床具体情况选择合适的皮瓣,可达到较满意的修复效果。  相似文献   

Soft tissue coverage of the medial ankle and foot remains a difficult, challenging, and often frustrating problem to patients as well as surgeons. To our knowledge, the abductor hallucis muscle flap is not frequently used and only a few well documented cases were found in literature. The purpose of this paper is to report and to present the long-term results of a series of four patients who underwent reconstruction of foot and ankle defects with the abductor hallucis muscle flap.In two cases, the abductor hallucis muscle flap was transposed in combination with a medialis pedis flap to cover a medial ankle defect, whereas in another case it was combined with a medial plantar flap. In this latter case, the muscle flap served to fill up a calcaneal dead space after osteomyelitis debridement, whereas the cutaneous flap was used to replace debrided skin at the heel. The abductor hallucis flap was used as a distally-based turnover flap to cover a large forefoot defect in a fourth case. Follow-up period ranged between 18 and 64 months (mean 43.3). In the early postoperative period, two flaps healed completely In two patients marginal flap necrosis occurred which was subsequently skin grafted. No donor-site complication occurred in any of the patients. In all cases, protective sensation of the skin was satisfactory as early as 6 months. In two cases mild hyperkeratosis at the skin graft border to the sole skin (non-weight bearing area of medial plantar and medialis pedis flap donor site) was present, but probably related to poor foot care. All patients were fully mobile as early as 3 months after treatment. In the long-term follow-up (43.3 months), all flaps provided with durable coverage. Functional gait deficit due to consumtion of the abductor hallucis muscle was not apparent.Our long-term results demonstrated that the abductor hallucis muscle flap is a versatile, and reliable flap suitable for the reconstruction of foot and ankle defects. Utilizing the abductor hallucis muscle as a pedicled flap (distally or proximally-based) with or without conjoined regional fasciocutaneous flaps offers a successful and durable alternative to microsurgical tree flaps for small to moderate defects over the calcaneus region, medial ankle, medial foot, and forefoot with exposed bone, tendon, or joint.  相似文献   

目的 探讨足内侧岛状皮瓣逆行转位修复足前部皮肤缺损的术式.方法 48侧成尸足标本经动脉灌注红色乳胶,5侧新鲜足标本动脉造影,观测躅横动脉、第一跖底动脉、足底内侧动脉深支的外径、分布及其之间的吻合,并对躅趾底内侧动脉浅支进行分型,观察足内侧皮瓣内的动脉吻合和分布范围.临床上应用足内侧逆行岛状皮瓣修复足前部皮肤缺损12例,男11例,女1例;年龄12~54岁,平均32岁.皮肤缺损面积2.5 cm×3.5 cm~7.5 cm×9.5 cm.结果 <足母>横动脉与躅趾胫侧趾底固有动脉、<足母>趾腓侧趾底固有动脉、第一跖底动脉远侧段吻合形成动脉环.<足母>展肌上缘动脉弓和足底内侧动脉深支内侧支在<足母>展肌表面形成动脉网.临床上采用足内侧逆行岛状皮瓣修复足前部皮肤缺损12例均获得成功.皮瓣切取面积3 cm×4 cm~8 cm×10 cm.全部病例随访1~3年,平均2年,皮瓣全部成活,无破溃、臃肿,足、踝部功能正常,足部血供佳.结论 足内侧岛状皮瓣逆行转位修复足前部皮肤缺损,皮瓣旋转点最远可前移至<足母>趾近节趾中点,皮瓣切取面积大、血供好、手术方式简便、切取后对足部血供影响较小,是修复足前部皮肤缺损的理想皮瓣.  相似文献   

Y-V血管蒂延长技术在(足母)甲瓣供区修复中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨Y-V血管蒂延长技术在<足母>甲瓣供区修复中的应用方法与效果.方法 15例躅甲瓣移植供区接受了局部岛状皮瓣修复手术,其中选用跗外侧皮瓣修复9例,选用跗内侧皮瓣5例,选用足底内侧皮瓣1例,所有皮瓣的血管蒂切取均采用了Y-V血管延长技术.结果 15例修复供区的逆转皮瓣全部成活,其中1例足底内侧皮瓣术后静脉危象,经局部放血3 d后恢复正常.术后随访6~12个月,平均10个月,修复后的躅趾长度接近正常,外观平整无臃肿,局部无溃疡和瘢痕形成,穿鞋和行走功能无影响.在3种皮瓣中,以跗内侧皮瓣修复效果最为满意.结论 Y-V血管延长技术用于<足母>甲瓣供区修复中,能使常规方法不能转移的足部局部皮瓣扩大应用范围,取得满意疗效.  相似文献   

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