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一个完美自信的微笑可以大大提升个人的魅力。微笑美学已成为患者寻求正畸治疗的主要原因,而且是正畸医生的治疗目标。正畸医生有必要了解面部美学和当前社会对面部吸引力的偏好。正畸医生了解微笑美学的指标,可以用于指导临床操作,从而达到最佳的治疗效果。该文归纳了笑线、笑弧、颊廊、牙齿、牙龈等影响微笑美学的因素并从微笑的微观美学和迷你美学两方面作一综述。  相似文献   

目的调查正畸患者对姿势位微笑时上唇位置高度的主观美学评价,探讨不同年龄、性别正畸求治人群是否存在微笑美学的审美差异,以期为正畸临床提供美学参考依据。方法选取理想男、女姿势位微笑面下1/3照片各1张,利用Photoshop软件对上唇位置进行变动,形成男、女微笑系列图片各11张,设计临床电子调查问卷。随机选择于山东大学口腔医院进行正畸治疗的患者300名,由患者选出最美的姿势位微笑图片3张,进行统计学分析。结果不同年龄组患者对微笑唇位置的审美有显著性差异(P<0.05),相对于青年组,中青年组和中年组更倾向于较低的上唇位置;不同性别组患者对微笑唇位置的审美差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论不同正畸患者对姿势位微笑上唇位置的审美偏好有差异,微笑的审美受到年龄的影响,医生在诊治过程中应充分考虑不同年龄患者的审美期望。  相似文献   

露龈微笑对颜面美貌的影响以及正畸治疗的措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 :分析正畸临床开唇露齿、露龈微笑患者的颅面、牙颌特征 ,以及微笑露龈对颜面美观的危害 ,提出正畸临床对露龈微笑的诊断内容并对不同生长发育阶段的正畸露龈患者的正畸治疗方法进行讨论 ,总结其特点和应注意的问题 ,为正畸临床的治疗提供参考与指导。方法 :总结了四川大学华西口腔医学院正畸科就诊的开唇露齿、露龈微笑患者共 5 0例 ,通过治疗前后X线头影测量及面像分析总结 ,归纳出影响患者露龈微笑的牙颌面结构因素 ,以及正畸治疗在不同阶段的方法与特点。结果 :影响正畸临床开唇露齿、露龈微笑患者的颅、颌、面结构因素包括 :①上下牙槽高度过大 ;②上切牙临床牙冠长度及倾斜度 ;③腭平面前下旋转 ;④上唇长度短 ;⑤唇间隙增大 ,开唇露齿 ;⑥上颌骨前突 ,颅底角增大。正畸临床诊断应包括 :患者在最大微笑时露龈的量 (>2mm为露龈微笑 )、上下唇间隙 (>3 4mm为开唇露齿 )、前牙牙槽高度及上切牙牙冠长度等方面的指标。并认为应建立相应的国人 (或不同地区国人 )的诊断露龈微笑的唇齿正常值数据 ,以指导临床对开唇露齿、露龈微笑的诊断。对露龈微笑的矫治 ,正畸治疗提倡尽早进行唇肌肌功能训练 (闭唇 10 12hr/天 ) ,生长发育期儿童可用包括FR功能调节器、activator在内的功能矫治器进行口周肌训  相似文献   

数字化微笑设计作为口腔美学的基础性程序,已被越来越多的口腔医生用于临床诊断和治疗,可与传统模型技术及其他数字化技术相结合,促进医患、医技、医医的交流沟通,显著提高治疗的精准性、可预测性、实施效率及成功率。数字化微笑设计除了广泛应用于口腔修复领域,还可联合牙周、正畸、颌面外科等学科进行综合治疗。该文就数字化微笑设计在前牙美学修复中应用的现状及发展作一综述。  相似文献   

目的:调查成人正畸患者对露龈微笑的审美认知,并探讨医师的专业知识对正畸患者审美认知的影响。方法建立露龈微笑模型,采用电子调查问卷对正畸患者进行问卷调查。结果调查样本共计99例,露龈微笑的审美理想值-1.0 mm,可接受程度为2.0 mm。经医师对患者进行审美干预后可接受程度为2.5 mm。结论露龈微笑的理想值和可接受度可以为临床治疗提供一定的量化标准,正畸患者接受正畸专业知识干预后,对微笑显露牙龈的可接受程度增大。  相似文献   

张琳  谷岩 《口腔正畸学》2012,19(4):206-209
目的通过对治疗结束女性患者微笑像的主观评价,了解影响微笑美学主观评价的相关因素;探讨专业正畸医生与普通人对微笑美学的评价的一致性。方法14-27岁正畸治疗结束女性80名,Ⅰ类骨型、牙齿排列整齐,覆合覆盖正常,磨牙和尖牙关系均为I类关系。拔牙42例,非拔牙38例。收集面下三分之一微笑像,将全部图片随机编号,按照恒定的顺序排列后分发到评价人员手中,分别由10名有经验正畸医生和10名普通人对微笑像做主观评价(VAS)。结果专业正畸医生和普通人对微笑像的评分差异有统计学意义(P〈0.001);拔牙组和非拔牙组微笑像的美学得分差异不显著。正畸医生与普通人微笑主观评价(VAS评分)与微笑指数呈正相关,与微笑高度、牙龈暴露程度、尖牙宽度比例、可见牙列宽度比例呈负相关。结论拔牙与非拔牙矫治本身对微笑美学主观评分的影响无显著差异,牙龈暴露程度是影响微笑美学主观评分的主要因素。  相似文献   

微笑是人类共同的语言。和谐自然,怡人的微笑是人体美学的重要部分。在人际交往中它能给人留下良好的最初印象,因而增加了个体在社会中被接受的机会。作为最重要的面部表情,微笑是表达友好、赞同和欣赏的基本方式。国际知名正畸专家,挪威奥斯陆大学的Dr.Bjorn.VZachrisson将此问题提到了学术研究的高度,指出对微笑美的追求应成为正畸治疗的目标之一.他就“正畸学与微笑中的美容因素”于1996年12月25日在我院作了精彩演讲,在座均感耳目一新,受益颇丰。微笑是否符合美容要求不是绝对的,但对其一般描述性特征的了解将有助于在口腔…  相似文献   

目的采用脑功能磁共振成像(fMRI)技术探究正常成人对正畸治疗前后面孔审美认知的脑激活模式。方法以96张不同吸引力正畸治疗前后的微笑面孔作为刺激材料,在20名健康志愿者对微笑面孔进行审美评价的同时利用fMRI进行全脑数据采集,用SPM8软件处理功能成像数据,分析不同面孔刺激的脑区激活情况。结果枕叶、颞叶、梭状回等脑区参与了正畸前后面孔审美的认知过程。对于高吸引力组面孔,正畸前较正畸后显著激活右侧额内侧回、右侧额中回、右侧中央前回;对于低吸引力组,正畸前较正畸后显著激活右侧旁中央小叶、右侧顶下小叶、左侧颞中回、双侧扣带回、左侧楔前叶。结论多个功能脑区协同参与了正畸前后面孔的审美认知过程,正畸前面孔相对于正畸后面孔显著引起认知、注意、情绪相关脑区的激活改变。  相似文献   

摘要随着生活水平的逐步提高,希望通过正畸治疗改善面部容貌的患者日趋增多,对牙龈与容貌之间的关系亦日益重视。本文就正畸治疗中影响微笑的几种牙龈表现及其相关因素进行综述。  相似文献   

成人正畸治疗对生活质量的影响   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
目的:研究正畸治疗对成人患者日常生活质量的影响。方法:随机抽取正畸治疗复诊患者400名进行问卷调查,年龄18~45岁,其中男90名,女310名。采用"口腔健康状况对日常行为影响量表"对患者进行测评。结果:正畸治疗对日常生活中进食、清洁、微笑的影响较大,疗程越长对患者工作学习的影响越大(P〈0.05);正畸治疗对不同性别、不同年龄成人患者影响不同,女性患者认为对口腔卫生的护理更费时间,而男性则认为对社会交往的影响更明显(P〈0.05);年轻患者(小于25岁)认为佩戴矫治器对日常生活中微笑的影响更显著(P〈0.05)。结论:正畸治疗影响成人患者的生活质量,在矫治初期、长疗程中表现更为明显;而不同性别,不同年龄的成人患者对正畸治疗影响日常生活各个方面的感受各不相同。  相似文献   

A fundamental goal of orthodontics is to improve the smile, but no objective criteria exist to assess the lip-teeth relationship, establish objectives of treatment or measure treatment outcome. Here we propose a method to digitally measure the smile characteristics of orthodontic patients. Specifically, the ‘posed smile’ is measured. By definition the posed smile is voluntary and not elicited by an emotion. It can be a learned greeting or a signal of appeasement and can be sustained. The posed smile is reliably repeatable. The multimedia computer program for smile measurement we developed was based on studies of the utility of the smile photograph and the assessment of the lip-teeth characteristics of the posed smile in treated and untreated patients. On the computer screen a grid, or smile mesh, employs horizontal and vertical lines to measure eleven attributes of a smile. Not all orthodontically ‘well-treated’ patients with exemplary plaster casts exhibit desirable anterior tooth display while smiling. We suggest that the photographic analysis of an unstrained posed smile might be a standard orthodontic record.  相似文献   

目的:分析山西籍青年人姿势微笑位美学定性指标,探讨性别对微笑特征的影响,为前牙美学区域修复治疗提供参考依据。方法:选取20~30岁个别正常140例受试者,男68例,女72例,平均年龄25.6岁。采用视频录像的方式记录姿势微笑位的整个过程,使用计算机软件获取姿势微笑位图像。对微笑线、微笑弧、上唇曲度、上颌前牙与下唇的关系、微笑宽度进行定性分析。使用Pearson chi-square检验分析性别组间微笑指标,微笑定性指标之间采用Spearman相关分析。结果:在总体样本中,中微笑线(59.3%)、平行微笑弧(71.4%)、笔直上唇曲线(51.4%)、上前牙与下唇不接触(72.9%)以及微笑宽度显示至第二前磨牙(54.3%)较为常见。除了微笑线(P=0.040)和上颌前牙与下唇的接触关系(P=0.039)以外,其它定性指标在性别间无统计学差异。微笑线和上前牙与下唇的接触关系相关、微笑宽度和上前牙与下唇的接触关系相关(P<0.05)。结论:中微笑线、平行微笑弧、笔直上唇曲度、上前牙与下唇不接触以及微笑宽度显示至第二前磨牙的微笑特征在受试者中占比较高。微笑线和上颌前牙与下唇的接触关系差异在性别组间有统计学意义,女性较男性显示更高的微笑线,易出现下唇覆盖上颌前牙的唇齿关系。笑线越高,上前牙与下唇的接触关系越易出现覆盖关系;笑线越低,上前牙与下唇的接触关系越易出现不接触关系。微笑时牙齿显露数量少,上前牙与下唇的接触关系越易出现覆盖关系;微笑时牙齿显露数量多,上前牙与下唇的接触关系越易出现不接触关系。  相似文献   

Smile aesthetics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gill DS  Naini FB  Tredwin CJ 《Dental update》2007,34(3):152-4, 157-8
The aim of this article is to outline some of the factors practitioners should take into consideration when planning optimal smile aesthetics. The components of the smile that will be discussed include the smile arc, incisor/gingival display, smile width, gingival aesthetics, tooth proportionality/symmetry, contacts/connectors/embrasures and the dental midlines. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A systematic evaluation of the components of the smile when planning treatment will help to improve smile aesthetics and produce greater patient and dentist satisfaction.  相似文献   

The importance of incisor positioning in the esthetic smile: the smile arc.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The smile arc is defined as the relationship of the curvature of the incisal edges of the maxillary incisors and canines to the curvature of the lower lip in the posed smile. The ideal smile arc has the maxillary incisal edge curvature parallel to the curvature of the lower lip. Evaluation of anterior smile esthetics must include both static and dynamic evaluations of profile, frontal, and 45 degrees views to optimize both dental and facial appearance in orthodontic planning and treatment. This article presents the concept of the smile arc and how it relates to orthodontics-from the recognition of its importance, to its impact on orthodontic treatment planning, to how procedures and mechanics are adapted to optimize the appearance of the smile. Three cases are used to illustrate how treatment is directed, emphasizing how facial and smile goal setting go hand in hand.  相似文献   

Smile aesthetics     
D S Gill  F B Naini  C J Tredwin 《SADJ》2008,63(5):270, 272-270, 275
The aim of this article is to outline some of the factors practitioners should take into consideration when planning optimal smile aesthetics. The components of the smile that will be discussed include the smile are, incisor/gingival display, smile width, gingival aesthetics, tooth proportionality/symmetry, contacts/connectors/embrasures and the dental midlines.  相似文献   

Properly aligned teeth and a beautiful smile are the twin goals of orthodontic treatment. Unfortunately, a change in the smile arc is sometimes an unintended consequence of proper alignment. We used 3-dimensional dental models and visualization techniques, including curve-fitting and image-processing algorithms, to analyze smile arcs with respect to different parameters. The results show that smile consonance depends greatly on the conversational distance and the angle of elevation between the viewer and the smile.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To investigate self-perception of smile attractiveness and to determine the role of smile line and other aspects correlated with smile attractiveness and their influence on personality traits. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Participants judged their smile attractiveness with a patient-specific questionnaire. The questionnaire contained a spontaneous smiling photograph of the participant. Objective smile-line height was measured using a digital videographic method for smile analysis. Personality was assessed with the Dutch Personality Index. RESULTS: Cronbach's alpha for the smile judgment questionnaire was .77. The results showed that size of teeth, visibility of teeth, and upper lip position were critical factors in self-perception of smile attractiveness (social dimension). Color of teeth and gingival display were critical factors in satisfaction with smile appearance (individual dimension). Participants, smiling with teeth entirely displayed and some gingival display (two to four millimeters), perceived their smile line as most esthetic. Smiles with disproportional gingival display were judged negatively and correlated with the personality characteristics of neuroticism and self-esteem. Visibility and position of teeth correlated with dominance. CONCLUSION: The results of this research underpin the psychosocial importance and the dental significance of an attractive smile.  相似文献   

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