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<正>牙内陷(Dense invaginatus)是牙齿发育时期成釉器出现皱折向内陷入牙乳头所致的发育畸形。根据牙形态异常和内陷的深浅,常分为畸形舌侧窝、畸形舌侧尖和牙中牙3种。由于其解剖上的薄弱点,多数患者会因牙髓根尖周炎症就诊,本文报告1例以根尖周炎为初诊断的牙内陷病例。  相似文献   

本文报告1例因牙齿根面畸形导致严重根尖病变及牙周破坏的牙周牙髓联合病变的左上侧切牙,瘘道长期不愈,腭侧窄而深牙周袋,严重根尖病变及牙槽骨垂直吸收。通过显微根管治疗、根尖手术、引导牙周组织再生术治疗,实现了控制根尖及牙周感染,达到了保留患牙的目的。  相似文献   

本文报告1例因牙齿根面畸形导致严重根尖病变及牙周破坏的牙周牙髓联合病变的左上侧切牙,瘘道长期不愈,腭侧窄而深牙周袋,严重根尖病变及牙槽骨垂直吸收。通过显微根管治疗、根尖手术、引导牙周组织再生术治疗,实现了控制根尖及牙周感染,达到了保留患牙的目的。  相似文献   

患者:王×,女,17岁。因(?)反复发炎就诊。检查:(?)死髓牙,唇侧牙龈有一瘘管,有脓性分泌物流出。舌侧有一畸形舌侧沟,沿此沟探针可达根尖,牙周袋9mm,牙齿不松动。治疗经过:首先做根管治疗。观察2周,瘘管未愈合。于是在局麻下,于(?)腭侧远中纵形切开牙龈及骨膜,翻开龈瓣,见腭侧骨板部分破坏。牙根暴露,  相似文献   

意向性牙再植术治疗上颌侧切牙畸形舌侧沟1例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本病例为上颌侧切牙畸形舌侧沟致牙周牙髓联合病损病例,唇腭根面的凹陷、腭侧窄而深牙周袋、根管系统的峡部、破坏严重的唇腭骨板和迁延不愈的瘘道等,给控制根管内外感染保留该牙提出了严重挑战。本病例采用显微根管治疗技术、意向性牙再植术以及纳米生物活性材料,实现了对该患牙的感染控制、患牙保留以及牙周新附着的形成。  相似文献   

刘某,男,26岁,90年10月因22根部窦道反复溢脓4年余就诊,1年前在某院进行根管治疗术,疗效不佳,检查:22唇颊侧近中龈乳头和龈颊沟底1/2处有一窦道,探查向腭侧和根尖延伸,牙Ⅰ度松动,舌面窝深陷,有一畸形舌侧沟自此越过舌隆突的近中向根尖延伸。  相似文献   

应用MTA封闭根尖和修补根管侧穿的临床疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察MTA(mineral trioxide aggregate)治疗根尖敞开和根管侧穿患牙的临床疗效.方法:病例选择于解放军第306医院牙体牙髓科门诊患者共计23 例,其中根尖部敞开7 例、根管内吸收、根折造成根管侧穿6 例、医源性根管侧穿10 例.病程0.5~24 个月, X线片显示23 例均有根部或根尖周透射影.常规根管清理消毒、封药,于根管显微镜下采用MTA封闭根尖开放部位,形成屏障后热胶垂直加压法充填根管, 6、 12 个月进行复查.结果:1 例失访, 6 个月复诊根尖周透射影增大1 例,根尖周透射影减小20 例,1 例无明显变化.12 个月复诊根尖区透射影消失9 例,根尖周透射影减小5 例,无明显变化2 例.结论:应用MTA封闭根尖和修补根管侧穿的临床短期疗效良好,在根管显微镜下实施有助于提高MTA充填的准确性和密合性.  相似文献   

根管治疗术是治疗牙髓病及根尖周病的一种方法。通过清除根管内的炎症牙髓和坏死物质,并进行消毒,最后充填根管,防止发生根尖周病变或促进根尖周病变的愈合。对牙齿解剖形态的充分掌握是根管治疗成功的关键之一。上颌第二磨牙的解剖形态复杂,其中腭侧为双根管的发生率  相似文献   

牙内陷可能是由于成釉器卷曲或增生深入牙乳头而引起的牙齿发育异常,常发生于上颌侧切牙。本文报道1例发生于下颌侧切牙的双根管牙内陷伴根尖周炎。通过根管治疗,9个月复查患牙无明显症状,根尖周炎症减轻。  相似文献   

唇腭裂是一种最常见的口腔颌面部先天发育畸形,1987年国内统计资料新生儿疾病的发病率为1.82‰.先天发育缺陷及手术修复常导致患儿颅面骨骼形态发育异常;而对于牙列,裂隙局部的干扰常出现在侧切牙区,表现为裂隙邻近牙齿的畸形、扭转,牙齿的先天缺失及多生牙的出现.研究认为乳牙列更常常发现多生牙,而恒牙列多表现为裂侧侧切牙缺失.本文旨在研究唇腭裂畸形对患者裂侧恒侧切牙发育的影响.  相似文献   

Aspiration of a foreign object is uncommon in a patient with a tracheostomy. The following case history describes the consequences of failure to diagnose an aspirated object and how the aspiration of an exfoliated tooth can occur despite the presence of a tracheostomy tube. Dentists play an important role in preventing foreign body aspiration in debilitated patients.  相似文献   

BackgroundNerve injury is a known and accepted risk of many oral surgical and dental procedures. Such injuries may occur despite the practitioner's providing the best of care. Taking proactive measures during evaluation and surgery may reduce the incidence of nerve injury.ResultsInjuries to the peripheral branches of the trigeminal nerve can cause unfavorable effects on orofacial sensation and related functions such as eating, drinking, washing, speaking, shaving and kissing.ConclusionsWhen nerve injuries secondary to dental or oral surgery procedures fail to resolve promptly and the resulting dysesthesia is unacceptable to the patient, timely treatment gives the patient the best chance of a favorable outcome. Treatment may involve surgical exploration and repair of the injured nerve.Practical ImplicationsRecognition of and prompt referral for nerve injuries give the patient the best chance of achieving improvement or recovery of sensory function in the distribution of the injured nerve.  相似文献   

Treatment of a cracked tooth can be difficult and unpredictable. Quite often, the most predictable treatment possible is simply extraction. This is a case report of the treatment of a cracked tooth with a resin-ionomer restoration and a connective tissue with partial-thickness double pedicle graft. The crack was detected during a routine root coverage procedure using this type of graft. A resin-ionomer was used to repair the crack. Then, the root coverage procedure was completed. Complete root coverage was obtained, including the portion of the root that was repaired. The results remained stable and the tooth treated remained asymptomatic. Clinically, the treatment was a success.  相似文献   

Bone wax was used to stop bleeding of the diploic vessels after harvesting cranial bone for reconstruction of an orbital floor defect. After five months a fistula in the overlying skin of the donor site appeared and was eventually surgically explored. Remnants of bone wax and surrounding inflammatory tissue were removed and the fistula was excised. Histological examination revealed a foreign body granuloma. The use of bone wax and possible alternative local haemostatic agents and their complications are discussed.  相似文献   

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