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涎石病是最常见的涎腺导管疾病,传统的诊疗方法均存一些不足之处;涎腺内窥镜下检查,治疗涎腺导管病变,是近年来在口腔颌面外科开展的一项新技术。本文就涎腺内窥镜下涎腺导管病变的表现,涎腺内窥镜技术的应用,适应证及相关器械作综述。  相似文献   

体外冲击波碎石术(ESWL)治疗涎腺结石的研究国内尚未见报道。本文通过动物实验证明碎石术的冲击波对涎腺及脑组织没有造成损伤。结合国外研究情况,我们认为用这种技术治疗涎石病是可行的,是一种很有希望的作手术治疗的新途径。  相似文献   

目的 分析涎腺内镜在涎石病的诊断与治疗中的临床价值.方法 对52例(43例颌下腺、9例腮腺)涎石病行内镜探查及取石术.结果 34例颌下腺导管前段和(或)后段结石中,24例在内镜下直接取石;2例经手术及内镜取石;8例手术取石.8例颌下腺导管腺门处结石在内镜辅助下手术取石.9例腮腺结石中3例以抓篮取石;3例直接切开导管口取石;1例以抓篮套锁后于颊部切开取石.取石成功的49例随访1个月~2年无复发.结论 涎腺内镜可提高涎石病的诊断敏感性,且多数结石可在内镜辅助下取出.  相似文献   

涎石病是涎腺常见的疾病,主要累及大涎腺.当腺体发生涎石阻塞时,会出现与进食相关的肿胀、疼痛等症状.随着内窥镜技术的发展,可以对涎石进行直视下的诊断和治疗,创伤也更小.但是关于涎石的病因学及确切的形成机制目前尚不明确,本文就涎腺结石形成的过程及机制进行综述.结石通常是由矿化的内核及外周层状结构所构成.机体在刺激因素作用下...  相似文献   

涎腺或其导管内形成涎石并发生一系列的病理改变称涎石病。此病临床上不多见,现就作者收集1981年1月—1986年6月的23例报告分析如下。  相似文献   

患者 ,男性 ,39岁。无意中发现左上唇粘膜下一黄豆大肿块 ,无痛 ,压之质地硬 ,边界清楚 ,活动度好 ,表面粘膜光滑无破溃。全身检查无异常。在局麻下切除肿块 ,肿块为涎腺  作者单位 :2 2 30 0 1江苏淮阴 ,解放军八二医院口腔科样组织 ,剖开后内有一枚绿豆大小结石 ,质地坚硬、表面光滑、色淡黄 ,肿块涎腺组织送病检 ,报告为涎腺组织及脉管内鳞状上皮轻度增生唇涎腺涎石病1例@赵东林!223001江苏淮阴$解放军八二医院口腔科 @徐金玉!223001江苏淮阴$解放军八二医院口腔科  相似文献   

涎石病是一种常见病,主要发生于颌下腺(占80%~90%),腮腺较少(占5%~20%),舌下腺及小涎腺更少。男性稍多。左右侧有同样的患病率,但两侧同时发病者少见。颌下腺高的发病率可能与其腺体内的pH,粘蛋白和Ca~(++)含量高及导管的解剖位置有关。至今尚未有涎石病与系统性疾病间的关系的报道,本研究发现涎腺结石与肾结石同时存在的病例.本文就245例涎石病患者的治疗探讨如下。材料和方法 1968~1988年共治疗245例涎石病患者.记载了患者的年龄,性别,发病部位,症状与体征,与进食的关系、辅助放射线摄片检查,治疗方法等等。  相似文献   

<正> 自1795年德国Bozzini发明第一具原始金属直管内窥镜以来,医学内窥镜迄今已有200年历史,一直到1957光导纤维问世以来,内窥镜进入一个突飞猛进的时代。随着电子内窥镜、超声内窥镜、激光内窥镜的问世,大大提高了内窥镜的诊断和治疗范围。自从1990年Kart首次应用纤维内窥镜诊断和治疗涎腺疾病以来,纤维内窥镜在涎腺疾病特别是涎石病的诊断和应用得到日益广泛的应用。  相似文献   

非肥胖型糖尿病小鼠自发性涎腺炎的发生与发展;家兔失神经支配腮腺导管改道术后唾液成分的分析;涎腺导管癌9例报道及文献复习;颌下腺导管内涎石取出术的疗效分析;副腮腺涎石病;  相似文献   

涎石病在涎腺疾患中是较为常见的疾病之一,对涎石成份与结构的精确分析,可为深入探讨涎石成因和防治方法提供重要的线索和依据。我们用电子探针 X 线显微分析法(简称电子探针,Electron mictoprobeanalysis)对颌下腺导管结石剖面进行了观  相似文献   

Sialolithiasis is the second most common disease of the salivary glands. Sialolithiasis accounts for the most common cause of salivary gland obstruction, leading to recurrent painful swelling of the involved gland, which often becomes worse while eating. Sialoliths can occur in any of the salivary glands but appear most frequently in the submandibular gland and its duct. Very few cases of giant submandibular sialoliths have been reported in the literature. This article reports two cases of unusually large submandibular sialoliths, with clinical and radiographical signs and management. The article also reviews the various diagnostic modalities and treatment options available.  相似文献   

Sialolithiasis is one of the most common disorders of particular major salivary glands. It is caused by sialolith within the ducts or parenchyma of particularly major salivary glands. Although sialolithasis is not uncommon, it often is clinically misdiagnosed when minor salivary glands are affected. This article describes the clinical and microscopic findings of nine cases of sialolithiasis of minor salivary glands. The lesions frequently appeared as single and asymptomatic nodules in middle-aged patients. Only three sites were affected: four lesions were found in the upper lip, three in the buccal mucosa, and two in the lower lip. The most common clinical hypotheses for diagnosis were mucocele, sialoadenitis, and benign salivary gland tumor. Sialolithiasis of minor salivary glands was misdiagnosed frequently. It should be considered as a possible diagnosis when swelling of the oral tissues is observed.  相似文献   

Sialolithiasis is the occurrence of calcified masses within salivary ducts or glands, formed by deposition of calcium salts around a central nidus of organic material. A case is reported which affected an accessory salivary gland of the upper lip.  相似文献   

Sialolithiasis is the phenomenon of blockage of the salivary glands. It frequently is associated with swelling, pain, and infection of the affected gland. Clinically, sialolithiasis manifests as an increase in the size of the affected gland and increased salivary secretion that results in pain during eating. It occurs mainly in the submandibular gland and less frequently in the parotid gland. This article presents a case involving a 23-year-old woman with Down syndrome who demonstrated sialolithiasis in the parotid duct gland. The sialolith was radiographed and removed surgically.  相似文献   

Sialolithiasis, salivary gland calculus, is a relatively uncommon condition, which may present as a painful, recurrent swelling of the affected salivary gland or duct. It can also be associated with a bacterial infection, as a result of the physical obstruction of salivary flow. This report describes the treatment of a patient with an unusually large sialolith in the submandibular duct. The patient presented with an apparent dento-alveolar abscess.  相似文献   

Sialolithiasis is a common disease of the major salivary glands. A supplement to the traditional therapies is extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy of the calculus. This method has been adopted from the therapy of renal or bladder calculi. Patients with a solitary calculus of parotid or submandibular gland were treated with a specially designed lithotriptor. In a retrospective study the results of this therapy were analysed. The success rate was far better for parotid gland calculi than for submandibular calculi. We could not find better results than those published in literature with other devices. In our therapeutic concept, sialolithotripsy is the therapy of first choice for single parotid gland calculi. For submandibular gland calculus this method is advisable in selected cases only.  相似文献   

Salivary duct lithiasis is a condition characterized by the obstruction of a salivary gland or its excretory duct due to the formation of calcareous concretions or sialoliths resulting in salivary ectasia and even provoking the subsequent dilation of the salivary gland. Sialolithiasis accounts for 30% of salivary diseases and most commonly involves the submaxillary gland (83 to 94%) and less frequently the parotid (4 to 10%) and sublingual glands (1 to 7%). The present study reports the case of a 45-year-old male patient complaining of bad breath and foul-tasting mouth at meal times and presenting with a salivary calculus in left Stensen's duct. Once the patient was diagnosed, the sialolith was surgically removed using local anesthesia. In this paper we have also updated a series of concepts related to the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of sialolithiasis.  相似文献   

Sialolithiasis may be the most common disease of the salivary glands in patients more than 20 years of age. Approximately 19% of sialoliths occur in the parotid gland. Of these, only up to 71% can be successfully diagnosed radiographically. The remaining 29% provide a diagnostic dilemma. Xeroradiography, because of its tissue-edge enhancement, can distinguish tissue margins of different density more dramatically than can conventional imaging and is an invaluable aid in the diagnosis of nonradiopaque sialoliths.  相似文献   

Sialolithiasis, or the formation of sialoliths or salivary stones, typically occurs in the ducts of the submandibular and parotid glands of middle-aged adults. Pain and swelling are often among the first signs and symptoms. Obstructive sialadentitis, epidemic parotitis (mumps) and salivary gland tumors, should all be included in the differential diagnosis for sialolithiasis.  相似文献   

A study of 55 submandibular salivary gland excisions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines 55 cases involving patients who underwent submandibular gland excision. Their preoperative diagnostic examinations, postoperative complications, and glandular pathology are discussed. Sialolithiasis was the main histopathological finding, followed by chronic sialadenitis. Temporary paresis of the mandibular branch of the facial nerve was the most common postoperative complication. Removing the submandibular salivary gland may be followed by a number of complications, most of which can be avoided if the appropriate surgical technique is applied.  相似文献   

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