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目的探讨电话随访加强骨科家庭康复患者教育的效果。方法通过有计划定时的规范护士电话随访,对骨科患者的家庭康复进行有针对性的专科指导。结果通过电话随访,骨科患者家庭康复的意识、使用支具及功能锻炼的遵医性得到提高。结论电话随访对骨科家庭康复患者教育可起到督促、咨询、指导作用,同时可融洽护患、医患关系。  相似文献   

家庭护理流程化管理模式在脑卒中患者社区康复中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对社区24例脑卒中患者应用家庭护理流程化管理模式,结果本组患者均能生活自理,全部达到康复标准。认为脑卒中患者在社区康复过程中应用家庭护理流程化管理模式收到良好效果,不但患者躯体功能、社会功能、生活质量明显提高,患者及家属对护理服务高度满意,而且规范了家庭护理服务方式,保证了护理服务的连续性、整体性、服务和需求的匹配性,降低了家庭护理服务的负荷。  相似文献   

家庭康复和医院康复治疗小儿脑瘫疗效比较研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
目的:探讨小儿脑性瘫痪(CP)全面康复治疗有效而经济的方法。方法:将206例小儿脑瘫患者分为家庭康复组、医院康复组、家庭康复加医院康复组和未经治疗的对照组,进行疗效比较研究和追踪观察。结果:家庭康复的总有效率为78.0%,与对照组比较,差异有非常显著性(P<0.01);与医院康复组有效率75.0%相比,差异无显著性(P>0.05);与家庭康复加医院康复组有效率94.4%相比,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论:小儿脑瘫的家庭康复是一种有效、简便、经济的方法;有条件的可以采用家庭康复与医院康复相结合的方法,疗效更佳。  相似文献   

<正>偏瘫是脑卒中最常见的后遗症之一。据美国卒中协会(American Stroke Association,ASA)统计,目前在美国脑卒中仍然是一个重要的致残性和致死性病因[1]。在我国,幸存的脑卒中患者中,偏瘫患者高达80%以上[2]。我国由于医疗资源有限,康复医疗还存在着较大的缺口[3]。为使患者早日康复,尽快回归家庭和社会,急需积极的家庭康复治疗[4]。国内外研究显示[5-6],全面了解偏瘫患者家庭康复的各种影响因  相似文献   

032521社区脑罕中患者家雁康复状况调查及护理对策涨华,二刀中国全科医学一加02,5(5)一388一389,393 对62名患者及其主要照顾者进行人户问卷调查。结果发现,脑卒中患者遗留有多种功能障碍,部分生活方式不利于康复,缺乏家庭康复训练,家庭设施未行相应改造,患者的综合自理能力及主要照顾者的照顾能力间差别有显著性意义(尸<0.05)。护理:1.对患者进行家庭整体康复护理评估;2.根据评估结果,确定患者的自理缺陷、主要的护理问题及治疗性的自理需要;3.制定家庭康复护理计划;4.根据康复护理计划,为患者及其主要照顾者提供适宜的家庭康复护理服务;5.…  相似文献   

脑卒中偏瘫患者家庭康复   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文讨论脑卒中偏瘫患者家庭康复的误区和现存问题,强调加强脑卒中偏瘫患者的家庭康复意识,并进行针对性家庭康复护理指导。  相似文献   

精神疾病发病人数逐年上升,严重影响或限制了患者重大生活活动与日常社会参与,给家庭和社会带来沉重负担,已经成为严重的社会问题。现代精神康复基于患者自主权的原则,专注于解决严重精神疾病患者的心理社会与职业问题,让患者最大程度的融于社会,提高生活质量。康复策略和循证实践是康复治疗师最常用的精神康复理念。精神康复策略是实现精神康复目标的干预措施,包括认知康复、技能培训、社会支持及职业康复干预。精神康复循证实践包括:主张性社区治疗、家庭心理教育、支持性就业、疾病管理与康复和综合性双层诊断治疗。精神康复今后的研究应侧重于通过多学科方式克服心理社会障碍和利用循证实践更好地为社会服务。  相似文献   

综述了小儿脑性瘫痪( CP)的家庭康复护理方面的文献,包括病因、家庭康复和家庭康复护理指导等3个方面,认为护理人员通过了解CP的病因及家庭康复,有效地对患儿的心理护理、日常生活护理、运动功能训练、语言训练、安全护理进行家庭康复护理指导,对改善CP患儿的功能恢复具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的:研究综合康复护理措施对大面积烧伤患者的生活质量及护理满意度的影响。方法将大面积烧伤患者60例纳入研究对象,根据康复期护理方法不同分为给予常规护理的对照组和给予综合康复护理措施的观察组,比较两组患者的护理满意度、生活质量以及社会职能。结果观察组患者的护理满意度优于对照组,自我实现、健康责任、运动、营养、人际关系、应对压力评分均高于对照组,职业和工作、婚姻职能、父母职能、社会退缩性、家庭外社会活动、家庭内活动、家庭职能、个人生活理解、对外界的兴趣和关心、责任心和计划性等社会功能缺陷评分均低于对照组( P<0.05、0.001)。结论综合康复护理措施有助于提高患者的护理满意度,改善其生活质量,增强其社会活动参与能力,是大面积烧伤患者康复期理想的护理方法。  相似文献   

综述了脑卒中患者的家庭康复护理措施,包括住院阶段的诊断及康复护理、出院前的康复护理、出院后的康复护理,认为精心细致的护理可有效降低病死率和致残率,同时使家庭其他成员参与康复护理可使患者及家庭能尽早摆脱病痛及沉重的负荷,使患者最大限度地从身体的残障中尽快恢复,尽早回归社会。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify overall patient satisfaction, through the identification of the particular aspects of patient satisfaction that were most likely to cause patients to recommend the rehabilitation hospital to others. The research entailed analysing secondary data from a quality improvement programme for medical rehabilitation, conducted from 1997 until 2004, in seven rehabilitation hospitals in Germany. Overall patient satisfaction and several potential predictors were examined in relation to 120,825 patients who had received inpatient medical rehabilitation. Recommending the rehabilitation hospital to others is a measure of overall patient satisfaction with the rehabilitation. Logistic regression was used to identify the factors that predicted patient satisfaction or dissatisfaction at discharge from the rehabilitation hospital. Overall satisfaction was mainly determined by the general atmosphere in the hospital, successful rehabilitation and the medical care. The general atmosphere was strongly associated with admission procedures, accommodation, catering, service, organisation and nursing care. In conclusion, the results suggest that in order to increase the rate of recommendation, rehabilitation hospitals should aim for not only high quality in medical care, but also the creation of a pleasant atmosphere.  相似文献   

Cancer patients receive rehabilitation services in acute hospitalizations, rehabilitation wards, outpatient rehabilitation facilities, and home settings. Given the complexity and acuity of their medical care coupled with the long-term effects of the cancer and its treatments, patient safety is a significant concern in the delivery of rehabilitation services for this population. Cancer survivorship is growing in importance as a significant number of adults and children diagnosed with cancer are surviving beyond the 5-year mark. The goal of this article is to provide an overview to rehabilitation clinicians on the topic of patient safety in the rehabilitation of cancer patients.  相似文献   

Spinal cord injuries are devastating. The injured person faces many unknowns including surgical procedures, hospitalization and rehabilitation. Frequently, the transition from acute care to rehabilitation is frightening. In the intensive care unit (ICU), the patient receives one-to-one nursing care and develops trust, but then may feel abandoned when faced with rehabilitation. In order to facilitate readiness for rehabilitation, coordinators of the Southeastern Michigan Spinal Cord Injury System proposed a checklist of activities designed to meet individual patient and family needs. Coordinators assess the patient within 24 hours of admission to the spinal ICU. The physiatrist is notified of the admission and recommends initial therapies as appropriate. The patient is followed through the acute phase and preparations are made for rehabilitation. A checklist format has been developed to coordinate the transfer. This article describes the checklist and its use at our institution.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors describe a creative rehabilitation process that used painting a mural and writing for publication as interventions. The successful rehabilitation process is described from the perspective of the patient as well as the rehabilitation nurse. Creative strategies often are needed when a patient does not readily respond to traditional rehabilitation methods. A patient's interests, talents, and concerns often can be creatively aligned with the rehabilitation goals of the nurse and can result in unique interventions that have successful outcomes. Painting a mural and coauthoring this article became the primary rehabilitation interventions for a patient with expressive aphasia and impaired mobility, secondary to his stroke in 1987.  相似文献   

Rehabilitation nursing care of the stroke patient is a challenge. When the nurse understands and practices rehabilitative nursing care based on neurophysiologic and neurodevelopmental principles of normal movement, the care of the stroke patient is most rewarding. The nurse becomes an equal member of the rehabilitation team because there is a sharing of knowledge of how well each patient is achieving goals outlined for and with him or her by the team. Potentially, rehabilitation goals can be achieved early; however, there is a tremendous need for research in all areas of rehabilitation nursing to build on a scientific foundation of rehabilitation nursing research.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a geriatric rehabilitation nursing model developed on the basis of the nursing and rehabilitation literature. That literature comprised some 120 articles addressing the rehabilitation of elderly patients and the work done by nurses in that process, various philosophical questions and the results of geriatric rehabilitation. One-third of these articles has been evaluated on the strength of the articles' evidence, and these are discussed in this paper. The findings show that the main factors in geriatric rehabilitation nursing are the patient with health or functional problems and the nurse with professional values, knowledge and skills. The patient is part of a family and the nurse works as part of a multidisciplinary team. In the geriatric rehabilitation process, the patient and the nurse work in close interaction. The aims of rehabilitation depend upon the patient's commitment to the objective and upon the nurse's commitment to help the patient achieve that objective. A health orientation, goal-oriented work, nursing decision-making and a rehabilitative approach to work are all central to this effort. Work is organized in multidisciplinary teams where nurses have equal responsibilities with other professional staff. Testing and development of the model is ongoing.  相似文献   

In rehabilitation nursing, the patient classification systems or acuity models and nurse-staffing ratios are not supported by empirical evidence. Moreover there are no studies published characterizing nursing hours per patient day, proportion of RN staff and impact of agency nurses in inpatient rehabilitation settings. The purpose of this prospective observational study was to describe rehabilitation nurse staffing patterns, to validate the impact of rehabilitation nursing on patient outcomes, and to test whether existing patient measures on severity and outcomes in rehabilitation could be used as a proxy for burden of care to predict rehabilitation nurse staffing ceilings and daily nurse staffing requirements. A total of 54 rehabilitation facilities in the United States, stratified by geography, were randomly selected to participate in the study.  相似文献   

The rehabilitation of patients after terrorist attacks has received scant attention in the literature. A case is reported of a patient injured in a letter-bomb explosion; his injuries were bilateral hand loss, loss of one eye, and perforated ear-drums. The successful rehabilitation of this patient to normal work in 8 months is described. A rehabilitation plan for management of similar patients is given.  相似文献   

The rehabilitation of patients after terrorist attacks has received scant attention in the literature. A case is reported of a patient injured in a letter-bomb explosion; his injuries were bilateral hand loss, loss of one eye, and perforated ear-drums. The successful rehabilitation of this patient to normal work in 8 months is described. A rehabilitation plan for management of similar patients is given.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to: 1) examine the variation in organizational structure within rehabilitation bed-service units (RBU) in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), and 2) evaluate the effects of RBU and parent hospital structure on stroke rehabilitation outcomes. Two VHA-wide surveys of acute and rehabilitation services for stroke were linked with 2 y of VHA rehabilitation outcomes for stroke patients. A random effects mixed model was used to adjust for patient level covariates, control for unique site effects, and test for facility level structural effects. After adjusting for patient covariates, four structural variables were associated with length of stay or patient functional gain. These results indicate that rehabilitation structure is important to rehabilitation outcome. The individual variables identified in this study, namely, diverse multidisciplinary staff, expert physician leadership, staff participation in team care, and richer rehabilitation equipment resources, may represent the distinct aspects of a successful, comprehensive rehabilitation unit.  相似文献   

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