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本项目由上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院、诺华制药肿瘤事业部亚太区总部主办,旨在为血液学和肿瘤学科临床医师提供具有国际水平的临床和基础继续教育平台,提高中国国内乃至整个亚太地区血液肿瘤学科临床研究的教育水平,培养血液肿瘤学科临床研究领域的高级专业人才,最终推动具有国际标准的临床研究在国内的开展。  相似文献   

为探索更适合针灸学科特点的临床设计方法,本文重点分析了实用性随机对照试验(PRCT)的设计特点及其在针灸临床研究中的优势和面临的问题,讨论了PRCT与解释性随机对照试验(ERCT)的区别及其在针灸临床研究中的应用现状,认为PRCT较符合复杂干预的针灸临床研究的特点。探讨PRCT在针灸临床试验中的应用,有利于探索符合针灸学科自身特点的临床研究方法,有利于客观、全面地评价针灸临床疗效与安全性。  相似文献   

作为SCI史录期刊,NRR杂志以面向国际、立足国际为宗旨,以创办好学科界专家公认的学术期刊为不懈的工作目标。 NRR杂志由卫生部主管,中国康复医学会主办,中国科学出版社及《中国神经再生研究(英文版)》杂志社编辑出版,主要发表神经再生领域应用基础及,临床研究的专业性学术期刊。  相似文献   

作为SCI收录期刊,NRR杂志以面向国际、立足国际为宗旨,以创办好学科界专家公认的学术期刊为不懈的工作目标。 NRR杂志由卫生部主管,中国康复医学会主办,中国科学出版社及《中国神经再生研究(英文版)》杂志社编辑出版,主要发表神经再生领域应用基础及临床研究的专业性学术期刊。  相似文献   

作为SCI收录期刊,NRR杂志以面向国际、立足国际为宗旨,以创办好学科界专家公认的学术期刊为不懈的工作目标。NRR杂志由卫生部主管,中国康复医学会主办,中国科学出版社及《中国神经再生研究(英文版)》杂志社编辑出版,主要发表神经再生领域应用基础及临床研究的专业性学术期刊。  相似文献   

作为SCI收录期刊,NRR杂志以面向国际、立足国际为宗旨,以创办好学科界专家公认的学术期刊为不懈的工作目标。NRR杂志由卫生部主管,中国康复医学会主办,中国科学出版社及《中国神经再生研究(英文版)》杂志社编辑出版,主要发表神经再生领域应用基础及临床研究的专业性学术期刊。  相似文献   

《华西医学》是由中华人民共和国教育部主管、四川大学华西医院主办的综合性医学学术刊物。其办刊宗旨是:报道医学各专业以及相关学科的科研成果,临床医学各科诊疗经验,医院管理经验,医学教育与继续教育研究与经验,开展国内外学术交流,促进医药卫生事业的发展。主要刊登医学专业和相关学科的临床研究成果,以及与临床联系紧密的基础研究、实验研究成果与进展。以从事医药卫生工作的各级人员和医学院校的师生为主要读者对象。  相似文献   

临床研究是医学研究和卫生研究的一部分,其目的在于建立关于人类疾病机制、疾病防治和促进健康的基础理论.临床研究涉及对医患交互和诊断性临床资料、数据或病人群体资料的研究[1].临床研究需要广泛的投入,它包括横跨许多学科的研究者与受试者的合作、对健康和疾病的干预、检测、评价和治疗,等等[2].在第一线接触受试者的护理人员在临床研究的各个层次中起到不可忽视的重要作用.  相似文献   

本刊为中华医学会主办、国内外公开发行的物理医学与康复学科的专业学术期刊 ,以本学科的广大医护人员为主要读者对象 ,报道本学科领域的领先科研成果及临床诊疗经验 ,并对理疗、疗养、康复学科有指导作用且与之密切相关的基础理论研究。本刊的办刊宗旨是 :贯彻党和国家的卫生工作方针政策 ,贯彻理论与实践、普及与提高相结合的方针 ,反映本学科临床科研工作的重大进展 ,促进国内外理疗、疗养、康复学科的学术交流。   1.本刊设有述评、专家论坛、临床研究、基础研究、论著摘要、经验交流、病例报告、综述、讲座、理疗技术、短篇报道、书…  相似文献   

本刊为中华医学会主办、国内外公开发行的物理医学与康复学科的专业学术期刊 ,以本学科的广大医护人员为主要读者对象 ,报道本学科领域的领先科研成果及临床诊疗经验 ,并对理疗、疗养、康复学科有指导作用且与之密切相关的基础理论研究。本刊的办刊宗旨是 :贯彻党和国家的卫生工作方针政策 ,贯彻理论与实践、普及与提高相结合的方针 ,反映本学科临床科研工作的重大进展 ,促进国内外理疗、疗养、康复学科的发展与学术交流。   1.本刊设有述评、专家论坛、论著 (临床研究、基础研究、论著摘要 )、经验交流、病例报告、综述、讲座、理疗技术…  相似文献   

Issues concerning the assessment of student nurse performance in clinical practice have pre-occupied nurse educationalists for some time and continue to pose problems. The debate in the nursing literature tends to revolve around two seemingly mutually exclusive positions related to competence vs. learning outcomes. These are views that seem to be held by academics with little reference to clinical nurses who have responsibility for the assessment of student performance in clinical practice. This paper adds to the wider debate on clinical assessment by reporting on a small research study that explored the written comments that 150 mentors made in relation to the performance of student mental health nurses following periods of clinical practice. An extensive literature review is provided in order to place the debate in context, followed by a brief outline of the research study, its findings, discussion and conclusion. This analysis of findings demonstrates that student learning is of major concern to mentors, and that the assessment of student performance in clinical practice is not restricted by pre-determined behavioural learning outcomes. Personal characteristics of students exert a great influence on judgements about clinical performance. This paper does not offer solutions to the search for the perfect clinical assessment, but it does call for an increased dialogue between educationalists and mentors to discuss the implications of this research for the development of an appropriate clinical assessment tool.  相似文献   

目的了解护理本科生对自我评价的认识,并进行学生自我评价与教师评价差异性比较。方法采用问卷调查法,对53名护理本科生及6名教学老师用统一问卷进行调查,从临床护理、管理、教学指导、科研、专业和自我发展、沟通交流、评判性思维7个维度与教师评价相比较。结果学生对自我评价的认同率为88.68%,在临床护理、教学指导、管理、评判性思维、科研以及沟通与交流6个维度,学生自我评价和教师评价差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);在专业和自我发展维度,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论学生认可自我评价的模式,对自己的临床实践行为评价具有一定的客观性,但有的方面与教师对其评价存在差距。  相似文献   

Practice-based research is the performance of clinical trials in physicians' offices, often involving multiple sites in multicenter studies. The purpose of this presentation is to inform the clinician of the opportunities available in practice-based research, discussing both the contributions that clinicians can make and the advantages to them of participating in practice-based research. Clinician contributions to medical research include the addition of vital clinical perspective to preliminary findings from institutional research and the performance of long-term patient evaluation. Advantages to the physician include the opportunity to continue the scientific inquiry that is too often left behind upon entering private practice, a greater appreciation of the drug evaluation process, and new skills in office procedures and documentation.  相似文献   

基于患者数据的实时质量控制(PBRTQC)是一种使用患者临床标本检测结果以实时、连续监测检测过程分析性能的质量控制方法。2020年国际临床化学和检验医学联合会PBRTQC工作组建议将该方法广泛应用于临床,但国内临床实验室对PBRTQC的认知、研究与应用尚有一定的差距。本文从PBRTQC的研究进展、运算类型、临床应用价值、国内外行标指南建议、PBRTQC程序建立、性能验证、实施原则、应用现状及展望等方面进行阐述,以促进PBRTQC在国内临床实验室的认知、接受、借鉴和广泛应用。  相似文献   

Knowledge of results and motor learning--implications for physical therapy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Relevant to this special series on movement science, a brief overview of research in the field of motor learning is provided. A distinction between learning and performance is emphasized with respect to experimental design and the evaluation of laboratory and clinical intervention techniques. Intrinsic and extrinsic feedback are defined. Basic principles of motor learning pertaining to the use of augmented feedback or knowledge of results (KR) are reviewed. Particular emphasis is placed on recent research regarding the effects of selected KR variations (KR relative frequency, bandwidth KR, and KR delay) on motor performance and learning in healthy young adults. Results are discussed in terms of short-lasting temporary performance effects and relatively long-lasting learning effects. Theoretical and practical implications from this research are discussed. It is suggested that it is appropriate to use the principles obtained through laboratory experimentation as guidelines rather than as exact recommendations when applying basic research findings to clinical practice.  相似文献   

The past few years have seen a growing interest in understanding clinical reasoning processes by using the research methods of cognitive psychology. Nevertheless, a gap remains between the basic research methods and the application of these methods as evaluative instruments. The present research applied standard psychometric “yardsticks"—reliability and construct validity—to several cognitive measures of recall and perception used in previous studies. The cognitive measures were compared to measures of clinical performance derived from encounters with simulated patients and to conventional measures of knowledge based on multiple‐choice questions and modified essay questions.

The cognitive measures demonstrated reliability comparable to that of the conventional tests and considerably exceeding that of the clinical performance measures. Validity coefficients were comparable for all the measures. A calculation of reliability per unit of testing time indicated that the cognitive measures were more efficient than the other measures. These results provide at least a preliminary indication that the gap between cognitive measures and conventional measures of clinical performance can be narrowed.  相似文献   

Performance of high-quality clinical research usually requires procurement of substantial funding to support and sustain the research infrastructure. The authors have developed a program to support a research infrastructure that minimizes financial start-up costs and maximizes productivity of clinical-educator faculty with limited protected time. The program integrates clinical research with undergraduate education. The authors report the experience with the academic associate program at two academic institutions. They describe the program, provide measures of program success, and discuss potential methods for other institutions to initiate similar programs. Similar programs can be developed in a variety of outpatient and inpatient settings allowing the performance of high-quality clinical research in a time-efficient and cost-effective manner.  相似文献   

目的构建临床护士绩效考评指标架构模型,为建立科学、客观、实用的临床护士绩效考评指标提供理论依据。方法运用质性研究的方法,对12名护理专家进行面对面半结构式深入访谈,总结分析访谈结果后制订临床护士绩效考评指标架构模型。结果初步确立了以“优质护理服务示范工程”内涵为基础的临床护士绩效考评指标架构模型,由基础绩效、工作量绩效、工作质量绩效3个一级指标、10个二级指标和38个三级指标构成。结论临床护士绩效考评指标架构模型的构建对科学、合理评价护士绩效具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Prince-Paul M  Daly BJ 《Home healthcare nurse》2008,26(4):214-9; quiz 220-1
The paucity of research in hospice and palliative care has resulted in the absence of a sound, scientific foundation for clinical practice. Most clinical practice performed in this area has not received systematic evaluation and therefore lacks scientific credibility. Many barriers exist, however, that present unique challenges for research with patients and families who have life-limiting illness. Evaluation of key components for the successful performance of interdisciplinary research and integration in clinical settings are explored.  相似文献   

Performance improvement offers tremendous opportunities for research utilization in the clinical setting. The linkage model of research utilization is characterized by a user system that accesses a resource system, adapting research findings to clinical practice. A performance improvement consultant can be the link between these systems. Research application can be instrumental in improving care delivery as demonstrated in a project concentrating on the management of individuals experiencing a cerebrovascular accident.  相似文献   

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