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目的:了解广州市番禺区流动人口性传播疾病感染现状以及该人群对性病的认识,为进一步做好性传播疾病的预防控制提供科学依据。方法:随机调查番禺区超过100人的大型工厂5个、建筑工地5个的338名流动人口作为研究对象,调查淋病、衣原体感染、尖锐湿疣和梅毒4种性病感染率。结果:在338名受调查人员中,共查出淋病8例(2.4%),衣原体感染33例(9.76%),尖锐湿疣27例(7.99%),梅毒12例(3.55%),其中有5例交叉感染。结论:番禺区流动人口性病发病情况不可忽视,积极有效的对流动人口进行性病的健康教育和行为干预较为紧迫。  相似文献   

目的:确定计划生育门诊人工流产妇女生殖道感染的流行状态及其危险因素,以建立简便筛查方法和预防治疗措施。方法:为横断面研究。在研究期内,对所有到两家计划生育门诊做人工流产的妇女进行体检和问卷调查,并取阴道和宫颈管标本进行病原体检测。同时取静脉血做梅毒血清和HIV检测。对危险因素应用单变量和逻辑回归方程进行多变量分析。结果:在2020名人工流产妇女的检测中,衣原体感染率为4.8%,淋球菌0.4%,阴道毛滴虫2.5%,细菌性阴道病3.4%,白念珠菌病6.5%,累计梅毒流行率为1%(TPPA阳性者),1例妇女HIV抗体阳性。虽然在多变量分析中发现一些与感染相关的危险因素,但阳性预测值较差。结论:人工流产妇女可作为性传播感染的干预人群,特别是衣原体感染。但由于多数感染妇女为无症状者,且无法建立选择性筛查标准,因此,必须探讨其它方法以检测该人群中生殖道性传播感染者。  相似文献   

珠海市2 546例性病高危人群性传播疾病流行病学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解2003~2007年珠海市卖淫嫖娼劳教人员中性传播疾病(STDs)流行状态,为性病防治策略提供参考.方法:收集整理2003~2007年珠海市某收容教育所卖淫嫖娼劳教人员体检资料及实验室检验资料,并作流行病学分析.结果:在2 546例卖淫嫖娼劳教人员中,共检出性病1 426例,总检出率为56.01%;其中女性1 352例,男性74例,检出阳性率分别为58.15%,32.89%,两组之间有显著性差异(P<0.01),其中支原体感染最多,衣原体感染、梅毒、尖锐湿疣、淋病等次之.年龄越大,文化程度越低,检出阳性率越高.结论:卖淫嫖娼人员是性病传播的主要传染源,卖淫妇女更是性病防治工作的重中之重人群,应进一步加强对高危人群的宣传和干预措施.  相似文献   

20 0 2 12 6 0 泉州市性病门诊就诊者和陪侍妇女性病感染情况比较分析 /王少华 (福建泉州市皮防院 )∥中国性病艾滋病防治 .- 2 0 0 1,7(4) .- 2 33~ 2 34采用分泌物涂片、淋菌、支原体培养、衣原体抗体检测、梅毒、疱疹血清学检查等方法 ,在性病门诊就医的 2 880 2人中 ,发现性传播疾病 (STD) 4 5 37例 ,检出率为 15 .8% ;在娱乐场所陪侍妇女 4 0 75人中 ,发现STD患者 812例 ,检出率为 19.9% ,两者之间差异有非常显著性。提示对娱乐场所陪侍妇女等特殊人群 ,应加强 STD监测。表 4参 4  (杨亚琴 )2 0 0 2 12 6 1 各类性病门诊中患者求医行为的因素研究/陈艳麟 (中国性病艾滋病防治协会 )…∥中国性病艾滋病防治 .- 2 0 0 1,7(4) .- 2 37~ 2 382 0 0 2 12 6 2 浅析当前性病疫情报告的现状及形成原因/雷汉生 (湖北孝感市卫防站 )∥中国性病艾滋病防治 .- 2 0 0 1,7(4) .- 2 4 92 0 0 2 12 6 3 上海市公立性病门诊咨询服务的效果评估/赵鹏飞 (上海市...  相似文献   

PCR检测淋病妇女生殖道单纯疱疹病毒2型和人乳头瘤病毒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国性病的流行日趋严重,淋病是我国最常见的性传播疾病[1]。单纯疱疹病毒2型(HerpessimplexUirus,HSV2)和人乳头瘤病毒(HumanPapillumavirus,HPV)均是目前我国常见的通过性传播的病毒。为了解淋病妇女合并感染HSV2和HPV的情况以及它们之间的相互关系,我们用聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术检测了淋病妇女和正常妇女生殖道的感染情况。结果报告如下。材料与方法一、标本来源 30例淋病妇女来自大连市计划生育研究所门诊,年龄22~44岁(平均32岁)。选择要求:1.患者本人或配偶有婚外性交史…  相似文献   

目的探讨孕妇常见性传播疾病的危险因素及临床症状与孕妇性传播疾病的相关性。方法对在上海市金山区两所医院妇产科进行产前检查的501名孕妇进行横向描述性研究。通过调查问卷方式获取被调查者相关人口统计学资料及行为学信息,同时进行全面体检及相关性传播疾病病原学及血清学检查。结果62(12.38%)例孕妇至少患有一种性病,比率最高的为细菌性阴道病,占14.18%(39/275),念珠菌及阴道毛滴虫感染率分别为3.64%(18/494)和0.40%(2/494),衣原体感染率为0.61%(3/495),梅毒及尖锐湿疣的现患率为0.60%(3/501)和0.40%(2/501),其中5(1.00%)例孕妇为混合感染。74.19%(48/62)的患者无症状。未检测出淋病、生殖器疱疹和HIV感染者。孕妇性传播疾病危险因素二值多元Logistic回归统计分析显示,孕妇性传播疾病患病率与孕妇是否为本地或外来流动人口有相关性。拥有外地户籍的孕妇比本市孕妇性病患病率高。结论在本研究区域内有一定比率的孕妇患有性病,且多数是无症状感染。对有症状的孕妇有必要全面检查,以确认无各种STD。外来流动人员的孕妇是孕妇性病防范的重点人群。  相似文献   

目的:调查掌握潮阳及潮南区14~39岁青少年性病预防知识、态度及行为,为艾滋病等性病防治工作提供对策参考。方法:采用自编问卷,随机抽样问卷调查潮阳区、潮南区300名普通青少年,300名流动人口,200名性病患者及从事性工作的高危人群。结果:近一半被调查者未能正确掌握艾滋病等性传播疾病预防知识与方法,低龄、低文化程度、性病预防知识缺乏、多性伴、低安全套使用率,是青少年感染艾滋病及其它性传播疾病的危险因素;六成被调查者未能采取正确的预防措施,预防行为不主动。结论:扩大全面、权威宣传教育规模;加强综合预防,实施重点干预,营造宽松社会、家庭氛围,形成群防体系,是艾滋病等性传播疾病防治工作取得成效的重要途径。  相似文献   

目的 了解性病患者的HIV感染情况,为指导性病、艾滋病防治提供科学依据.方法 对2005年1月-2009年12月重庆市-院性病门诊HIV自愿咨询检测的患者,进行HIV杭体筛查,并对确诊阳性者进行流行病学调查.结果 5年该院性病门诊HIV自愿咨询检测患者9562例,共确诊HIV感染者77例,感染率0.81%,其中2005-2008年HIV阳性者分别为8例、8例、14例、24例和23例,呈逐年上升趋势.结论 性病门诊患者是HIV感染的高危人群,性接触传播是HIV感染的主要途径之一,大力推广安全套的使用,能有效控制性病、艾滋病传播.  相似文献   

不同人群宫颈分泌物中沙眼衣原体感染状况分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨不同人群宫颈分泌物中沙眼衣原体检测的意义。方法采用免疫层析法对来自妇科门诊、孕前检查门诊和性病门诊的6320例女性进行宫颈分泌物中沙眼衣原体检测。结果在妇科门诊、孕前检查门诊和性病门诊受检人群中沙眼衣原体阳性率分别为3.78%(153/4048),4.03%(87/2160),56.68%(59/112),性病门诊受检者的衣原体阳性率明显高于其他两组人群。结论衣原体检测在妇科门诊、孕前检查门诊和性病门诊中具有十分重要的价值,对提高妇女生殖健康水平、促进优生优育和防止性传播疾病蔓延起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

随着性传播疾病的逐步增多,安全套的使用也越来越广泛,然而,部分男性虽然使用了安全套,但是仍然感染性病.为了解使用安全套的男性仍感染性病的原因,笔者对2003年1月~2006年11月在本院性病门诊就诊的108例使用安全套仍感染性病的男性患者进行分析,现将结果报道如下.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Little data exist on sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV, in family planning and antenatal clinics in Peru. GOAL: To evaluate (1) the prevalence of infection, (2) associated factors, (3) current clinical practices, and (4) the sensitivity of whiff and pH testing for STDs. STUDY DESIGN: A study of 363 women from an antenatal (n = 259) and a family planning (n = 104) clinic in central Lima, Peru that included oral histories and physical examinations. Samples were collected for laboratory diagnosis of common STDs, including HIV. RESULTS: Overall, 10.8% of antenatal clinic patients and 15.4% of family planning clinic patients had an STD, but no HIV infection was found. The diagnostic sensitivity of health providers was low, especially for cervical infections (sensitivity, 0%). In addition, few factors were associated with cervical infections or trichomoniasis. In the family planning clinic, pH testing was 100% sensitive for trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginosis. In both clinics, whiff testing was 84% sensitive and 47% specific for trichomoniasis and 88% sensitive and 53% specific for bacterial vaginosis. CONCLUSION: The burden of STDs was high and the sensitivity of current diagnostic practices was low. These results point to the need for simple diagnostic tools. Whiff and pH testing was found potentially useful for the diagnosis of vaginal infections. These simple tests should be implemented as screening tools.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To identify the risk factors for gonorrhoea, syphilis, and trichomonas infections among low risk women in Nairobi, Kenya. METHOD--In a cross-sectional study, 4,404 women attending two peri-urban family planning clinics between 1989 and 1991 were interviewed using a structured questionnaire and examined for signs of sexually transmitted disease (STD) infection. Cervical cultures for gonorrhoea, PAP smear (including microscopy for trichomonas), RPR and HIV testing were done. RESULTS--Positive cervical cultures for gonorrhoea were found in 3.2% of women, positive syphilis serology in 1.9%, and positive trichomonas microscopy in 5.2%. Genital ulcers were found in 1.9% of women. Although unmarried status and reporting more than one sex partner in the previous year were both significantly associated with each disease in the crude analysis, these associations were attenuated after controlling for each other and for other risk factors. The population attributable risks (PARs) for these factors were low (7-16%) owing to the high proportion of cases who were married and monogamous. The majority of women with microbiological evidence of infection had normal pelvic examinations. Clinical diagnostic algorithms for STDs in this population had a low sensitivity and positive predictive value. Nevertheless, a strong association between HIV seropositivity and STDs was observed. CONCLUSION--The low population attributable risks found in this study suggest that behaviour change messages directed to women, particularly if they are married have a low potential for preventing STDs. The poor performance of clinical diagnostic algorithms illustrates the desirability of testing these algorithms in a variety of populations and reinforces the need for low-cost methods of microbiologic diagnosis if populations with relatively low prevalences of these infections are to be included in programmes to diagnose and treat STDs.  相似文献   

 目的:了解广东省2019年性病发病情况及流行特征,为制定防控策略提供依据。方法:利用中国疾病预防控制信息系统数据,对2019年广东省梅毒、淋病、尖锐湿疣、生殖器疱疹、生殖道沙眼衣原体感染报告数据进行分析,描述三间分布情况。结果:2019 年广东省共报告5种性病203 959例,报告发病率为179.8/10万,较2018年上升3.3%;各病种中,生殖道沙眼衣原体感染报告发病率(72.2/10万)最高,梅毒报告发病率增长幅度(10.0%)最大。深圳市(435.2/10万)、珠海市(349.0/10万)、广州市(223.2/10万)、东莞市(216.4/10万)和清远市(209.4/10万)为发病率较高的地区。与2018年相比,男性5种性病报告发病率增长0.9%,女性增长5.2%。20~45岁年龄段为性病高发年龄,报告数占报病总数的52.0%;60岁以上老年人报告数占报病总数的32.8%。结论:2019年广东省性病疫情较上年呈上升趋势,防控形势依然严峻。传统的珠三角地区疫情防控问题依然存在,粤东西北地区疫情的上升、隐性梅毒报告发病率的增加及老年人群感染性病风险的升高等防控问题亦需重点关注,并采取相应防控策略。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Barriers to seeking care for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) have not been assessed for low-income women. We sought to determine barriers to seeking care for STDs among women receiving Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) benefits in 21 Missouri counties. GOAL OF THIS STUDY: Provide information for promoting care-seeking behavior among low-income women suspecting STD infection. STUDY DESIGN: A survey of 2,256 women was conducted; 491 reported a history of at least one STD. These women indicated possible barriers to seeing a doctor about a suspected STD and preference for type of clinic providing STD services. RESULTS: More than one fifth (21.3%) of those reporting an STD also reported at least one barrier to seeing a doctor about suspected STD or human immunodeficiency virus infection. Among those reporting barriers, the most common barrier was "I only have sex with my steady" (36.2%) followed by being asymptomatic (33.3%), embarrassment (22.8%), and cost (25.7%). Most (63.8%) preferred seeing their own doctor, with others reporting preference for community health centers (14.8%), family planning clinics (16.8%), and STD clinics (4.6%). CONCLUSIONS: Low-income women experience multiple barriers to seeking care including perceptions about a protective value of monogamy. Also, STD services in locations providing other health services for women were preferred.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection and risk factors in women attending family planning, gynaecology, and sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics in Jamaica. METHODS: Endocervical specimens from 645 women including 238 family planning, 170 gynaecology, and 237 STD clinic attendees were examined for C trachomatis using a direct fluorescence assay (DFA) and culture. Investigations were carried out for the presence of other STD pathogens and demographic, behavioural, historical, and clinical data recorded for each participant. RESULTS: The prevalence of C trachomatis infection was 35%, 47%, and 55% in family planning, gynaecology, and STD clinic clients, respectively. The performance of the DFA was comparable to that of culture in screening for C trachomatis. Logistic regression analysis revealed that the independent risk factors for C trachomatis infection were non-barrier contraceptive methods in family planning clients (OR = 2.1; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.2-3.9; p = 0.0110), cervical ectopy in gynaecology clients (OR = 3.9; 95% CI = 1.4-10.6; p = 0.0076) and concomitant Trichomonas vaginalis infection in STD clients (OR = 3.5; 95% CI = 1.8-6.8; p = 0.003). Age, number of sex partners, and reason for visit were not identified as risk factors for C trachomatis infection. CONCLUSIONS: Consistently high prevalence of C trachomatis infection occurs in Jamaican women. Universal screening or presumptive treatment should be evaluated as prevention and control measures for C trachomatis infection in this population where all women appear to be at risk.  相似文献   

目的:探讨在计划生育门诊中开展医务人员主动提供HIV检测与咨询(PITC)服务的可接受性及影响因素。方法:采用对计划生育门诊医务人员进行问卷调查和深入访谈的定性和定量相结合的描述性研究方法。结果:医务人员知识点知晓率差距较大,对艾滋病基础知识知晓率较高,正确率均在90.00%以上;而专业知识知晓率相对较低。85.00%的医务人员愿意主动为就诊患者提供艾滋病检测和咨询的服务,15.0HD%不愿意者其原因是因为“工作忙,没时间”(66.67%)和“没有必要”(33.33%)。医务人员认为在计划生育门诊开展PITC服务需要的条件有“独立的场所”(85.00%),“经过艾滋病知识培训的专业人员”(80.00%),“有国家政策支持和医院领导支持”(70.00%)等。90.00%的医务人员认为在计划生育门诊开展PITC服务的有利因素是就诊者以接受计划生育服务的常规方式了解自己的HIV感染状况,可以避免就诊者的“羞辱感”和“不方便”,减少歧视。医务人员认为在计划生育门诊开展PITC服务存在的困难依次是“缺乏艾滋病专业防治知识及咨询技巧”(80.00%);“工作忙,没时间”(75.00%);“无安全保密的环境”(70.00%);“缺乏政策依据与操作规范”(70.00%);“存在社会歧视”(50.00%)等。本中心门诊开展PITC服务一年,咨询率从44.26%提高到72.40%,HIV检测率从11.64%提高到23.15%,有显著性差异(P〈0.01)。结论:计划生育门诊医务人员开展PITC服务是可行的,能明显提高就诊者的HIV检测率;缺乏艾滋病专业防治知识及咨询技巧、医护人员的工作量大、无安全保密的环境、缺乏政策支持和专用经费等是不利于医务人员开展PITC服务的影响因素。  相似文献   

Criteria for selective screening for Chlamydia trachomatis   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
BACKGROUND: On the basis of studies in ethnically diverse populations, it appears that the best strategy for prevention of infections is screening of all women aged 25 years or younger. GOAL: The goal was to determine screening criteria in an ethnically and socioeconomically homogenous population with low prevalence of genital chlamydia infection. STUDY DESIGN: Women (N = 1198) attending two family planning clinics were screened for and surveyed for risk factors. Data were analyzed with multivariate logistic regression. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of infection was 3.5%. Risk markers for the infection included marital status, number of sex partners, and age. Screening women aged 25 years or younger would have identified 28% of all chlamydial infections, while screening all women aged 30 years or younger would have identified 83% of infections. CONCLUSION: Because of its feasibility, age appears to still be the best screening criterion. However, extension of the screening to include women up to 30 years of age should be considered.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Identification of risk factors for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) assists in development of treatment algorithms, which are potentially important components of STD control when microbiologic facilities are limited. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed to assess STD and HIV risk factors of 2285 women attending three family planning clinics in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania during 1991-92. Women were interviewed and examined for signs of STDs. Specimens were taken for laboratory diagnosis of HIV, other sexually transmitted organisms, and Candida albicans. RESULTS: The prevalence of gonorrhoea was found to be 4.2%, prevalence of trichomoniasis was 14.3%, and positive syphilis serology was found in 2.5% of women. Unmarried women were at increased risk of trichomoniasis (age-adjusted OR = 1.48 95% CI [1.12, 1.95]), gonorrhoea (age-adjusted OR = 1.81 95% CI [1.14, 2.86]) and syphilis (age-adjusted OR 1.5 [0.84, 2.68]). An increasing number of sexual partners in the past five years was associated with an increased risk of all STDs. Current use of the oral contraceptive pill was positively associated with gonorrhoea, multivariate OR = 1.75 95% CI [1.05, 2.93]. The prevalence of candidiasis was 11.5% and was not associated with any of the demographic or behavioural risk factors examined. Clinical diagnostic algorithms for STDs in this study population had relatively low sensitivity and low positive predictive value. CONCLUSION: Being unmarried and having a higher number of sexual partners were consistently associated with each STD, while the associations for other risk factors varied between STDs, emphasising the complexity of STD distribution. Further development of diagnostic algorithms and other methods for screening women for STDs are needed to reduce the impact of STDs and HIV in developing countries.  相似文献   

目的:了解社区工厂育龄女性生殖道感染发生情况,并分析影响生殖道感染发生的的相关因素.方法:采用匿名问卷调查,了解对象的年龄、文化程度、收入、职业等社会学信息和1年内生殖道感染发生情况和个人卫生行为习惯,使用统计学软件分析生殖道感染发生和相关因素的关系.结果:(1)深圳市工厂育龄女性近1年内生殖道感染炎症发生率为9.8%;(2)生殖道感染高危行为方面,洗脚盆与洗外阴的盆共用的占34.5%,内裤与袜子一起混洗的占45.7%,经期有性生活的占15.8%;(3)工厂育龄女性生殖道感染发生率随着年龄增长、学历提高、家庭收入提高而增加;(4)户籍人口的生殖道感染发生率为12.8%,比流动育龄女性的发病率9.5%高.结论:由于深圳工厂育龄女性的家庭收入、学历影响对象的性生活频率,从而影响对象生殖道感染的发生,因此有必要针对这些群体开展个性化健康教育.  相似文献   

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