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患者女,56岁。腹部红斑伴疼痛10年。皮损组织病理示:表皮棘层增厚,基底层色素增加,真皮浅中层小血管周围少量淋巴细胞浸润。诊断:复发性疼痛性红斑。  相似文献   

复发性疼痛性红斑1例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
患者女,60岁。因腹部反复发作疼痛性红斑17年,于2004年8月18日就诊于我科。17年前患者腹部两侧无明显诱因出现不规则红斑,并逐渐出现刺痛,疼痛发作时红斑明显,无季节性,每天发作4、5次,常于夜间发作,影响睡眠。皮损遇冷时疼痛不加剧。患者曾口服多种止痛药、抗组胺药,外用糖皮质激素制剂,无明显效果。发病早期症状不明显,近10余年来常出现自发性疼痛,皮损缓慢扩大,并波及双侧腋窝。患者既往体健,无遗传疾病史。体格检查:系统检查无异常。皮肤科检查:腹部、双腋窝见不规则红斑,腹部红斑在脐周融合成片(图1),有轻度浸润及触痛。实验室检查:血…  相似文献   

患者女,61岁。腰腹部反复淡红斑伴疼痛5年,面积增大半年。皮肤组织病理示:表皮角化过度,真皮浅层胶原纤维间黏液变性,皮肤附件周围见少量淋巴细胞、个别中性粒细胞浸润。诊断:复发性疼痛性红斑。  相似文献   

患者女,51岁. 主诉:外阴红肿、疼痛伴瘙痒3年,牙龈红斑、糜烂及疼痛2年. 现病史:3年前,患者在无明显诱因下外阴皮肤出现红肿、瘙痒和疼痛,曾来我院妇科就诊,检查发现右小阴唇内侧红斑、糜烂,阴道壁红斑、宫颈糜烂,为明确诊断分别从宫颈、右侧阴道壁和阴道前壁取组织行病理检查,结果均符合扁平苔藓.  相似文献   

<正>患者女,37岁。主诉:颈部、躯干及四肢红斑、水疱伴疼痛1月。现病史:1个月前无明显诱因躯干、四肢出现红斑、水疱伴疼痛、口腔糜烂、低热,体温37.3℃,否认面部红斑、光过敏、脱发及关节肿痛史,在外院治疗诊断为:1."SLE";2."寻常型天疱疮",给予"强的松50 mg每日1次,羟氯喹0.2 g每日2次"及抗感染等治疗,躯干、四肢红斑渐消退,但水  相似文献   

临床资料患者,女,47岁。左股部红斑伴肿胀、疼痛1月余。1个月前因冬季穿衣单薄受凉后患者左股部起一手掌大水肿性红斑,随之红斑处颜色变紫,红斑变硬,红斑面积逐渐增大,伴局部肿胀疼痛。  相似文献   

患者女,37岁. 主诉:颈部、躯干及四肢红斑、水疱伴疼痛1月. 现病史:1个月前无明显诱因躯干、四肢出现红斑、水疱伴疼痛、口腔糜烂、低热,体温37.3℃,否认面部红斑、光过敏、脱发及关节肿痛史,在外院治疗诊断为:1."SLE";2."寻常型天疱疮",给予"强的松50 mg每日1次,羟氯喹0.2 g每日2次"及抗感染等治疗,躯干、四肢红斑渐消退,但水疱仍此起彼伏,为进一步治疗来我院.  相似文献   

患者男,37岁。于青春期发现胸腹部淡红斑,局部多汗,20多年来皮疹缓慢增大,近1年红斑处时感疼痛。皮损处病理活检示:真皮中下层小汗腺和周围血管增生、扩张。诊断:小汗腺血管瘤样错构瘤。由于皮损面积较大,疼痛较轻,未予进一步治疗,现随访中。  相似文献   

系统性红斑狼疮合并急性出血性坏死性胰腺炎1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者女,19岁.因颜面红斑、四肢乏力1个月,伴腹痛、发热1周于2002年8月1日入院.患者1个月前出现面颊部红斑,日晒后加重,四肢肌肉疼痛,1周前出现腹痛、发热,拟诊为:①系统性红斑狼疮(SLE),②皮肌炎?体格检查:T 38.8℃,面部蝶形红斑,下唇糜烂.双手可见掌缘红斑和甲周红斑.  相似文献   

950612 汗渍性红斑2例/邹贺文…//临床皮肤科杂志。-1994,23(4).-222 男,10岁和女,9岁。均因双足多汗浸透鞋袜未更换,致双足跖前中部出现红斑,持续性灼痛,行走时疼痛加剧。查:双足跖部有水肿性红斑,境界清楚,指压退色但无疼痛,红斑处皮温略升高,整个足跖部浸渍,例2浸渍现象较轻。嘱勤换鞋袜,保持足部干燥,病情逐渐减轻自愈。  相似文献   

患者,女,72岁。腹部皮肤反复起红斑伴疼痛11年。皮肤科查体:腹部片状红斑及黄褐色色素沉着斑,境界清楚,表面稍粗糙,无脱屑、糜烂、渗出,皮损之间可见正常皮肤,皮温稍高,有明显触痛及摩擦痛。组织病理示:表皮轻度角化过度,局灶增厚伴上皮脚延长、融合,基底层色素颗粒增多,真皮浅层血管旁见少许淋巴细胞浸润。诊断:复发性疼痛性红斑。  相似文献   

A pediatric case of relapsing polychondritis is reported. Diagnostic features were recurrent episodes of painful inflammation of ear cartilage, episcleritis, and atopic disease. A good therapeutic response was obtained with systemic corticosteroids, dapsone, and methotrexate.  相似文献   

Primary erythermalgia is a rare disorder characterized by recurrent attacks of red, warm and painful hands, and/or feet. We previously localized the gene for primary erythermalgia to a 7.94 cM region on chromosome 2q. Recently, Yang et al identified two missense mutations of the sodium channel alpha subunit SCN9A in patients with erythermalgia. The presence of voltage-gated sodium channels in sensory neurons is thought to play a crucial role in several chronic painful neuropathies. We examined four different families and two sporadic cases and detected missense sequence variants in SCN9A to be present in primary erythermalgia patients. A total of five of six mutations were located in highly conserved regions. One family with autosomal dominantly inherited erythermalgia was double heterozygous for two separate SCN9A mutations. These data establish primary erythermalgia as a neuropathic disorder and offers hope for treatment of this incapacitating painful disorder.  相似文献   

A young woman with recurrent painful lesions on the dorsal aspects of her hands associated with arthralgia presented with pain and redness of both eyes. After extensive investigations, a diagnosis of erythema elevatum diutinum accompanied by peripheral ulcerative keratitis was made. The patient was treated with dapsone 50 mg, t.i.d., and responded well.  相似文献   

与复发性Castleman病相关的副肿瘤天疱疮1例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报告1例与复发性Castleman病相关的副肿瘤天疱疮。患者男,29岁。主因进行性加重的疼痛性粘膜损害4个月,躯干部多形性皮疹5天入院。7年前患者切除一腹膜后Castleman肿瘤,此次入院检查发现右腹膜后肿物,手术切除并经病理证实为Castleman肿瘤。患者临床、病理及免疫学特点均符合副肿瘤天疱疮。经大剂量静滴丙种球蛋白及口服强的松联合治疗,术后7周皮疹完全消退,留下广泛色素沉着,术后9周粘膜损害基本愈合。  相似文献   

Satoyoshi syndrome is a very rare disorder of unknown etiology, characterized by progressive, intermittent, painful muscle spasms, alopecia universalis, diarrhea or unusual malabsorption, various endocrine disorders, and secondary skeletal abnormalities. This report describes a 9-year-old Thai girl who developed alopecia universalis when she was 6 years old. At age 7 years, she began to have recurrent, painful muscle spasms. The spasms progressed in time, producing recurrent patella dislocation. The laboratory investigations and radiologic study were compatible with Satoyoshi syndrome. She was treated with oral corticosteroid therapy, with marked improvement of her muscle spasms and alopecia. She underwent corrective surgery for deformities of both knees with a normal healing process.  相似文献   

Livedoid vasculitis is a chronic disease characterized by recurrent painful irregularly shaped ulcers, which heal with scars, most commonly located on feet or lower extremities. This condition is often resistant to the therapy. We report four cases with refractory livedoid vasculitis that responded to systemic psoralens and ultraviolet A radiation therapy.  相似文献   

青斑样血管病是一种非炎性、真皮内血管阻塞性皮肤病,以双下肢远端反复出现疼痛性溃疡,网状青斑以及瓷白色萎缩性瘢痕为主要临床表现。本病病因及发病机制不明,可能与机体高凝状态,纤维蛋白溶解障碍和/或与免疫系统疾病相关。目前无特效疗法,主要以缓解疼痛、防止皮损进展为目的。  相似文献   

Autoerythrocyte sensitization syndrome (AES) is characterized by recurrent, painful purpura or ecchymosis. Testing for the reappearance of lesions after injection of the patient's own erythrocytes is usually useful for the diagnosis of AES, but the significance of this test is still controversial. As the lesions often appear in patients with psychiatric disorders, mental factors such as depression and stress are considered to be involved in the occurrence and exacerbation of AES. We report a 28-year-old woman who presented recurrent episodes of painful purpura with vertigo and hemilateral auditory impairment after difficulties at her workplace. After the diagnosis of AES, she was referred for psychiatric counselling, after which the symptoms disappeared. These findings suggest that treatment for psychological disorders is important in patients with AES.  相似文献   

《Clinics in Dermatology》2019,37(2):129-135
Erythematous painful cutaneous nodular lesions are associated with a host of disorders that may erupt acutely as a generalized or localized dermatitis or be associated with chronic and/or recurrent illnesses. This review discusses such disorders presenting with painful nodular lesions and attempts to provide a systematic approach to their clinical diagnosis.  相似文献   

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