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目的应用共聚焦激光扫描显微镜观察白癜风皮损及周边皮肤图像特征。方法对46例白癜风患者69处皮损及周边皮肤进行共聚焦激光扫描显微镜检测,获得白癜风皮损特征性图像。结果皮损周边皮肤图像显示棘细胞层下部和基底层的角质细胞因含有黑素呈明亮的"圆形"或"椭圆形"色素环,皮损处图像显示色素环的数量及亮度呈不同程度减少或消失。结论共聚焦激光扫描显微镜是一项新的无创性皮肤影像技术,具有在体、实时、动态三维计算机断层成像的特点,可以直接观察到白癜风患者皮损处及周边角化细胞内黑素的形态变化,可为临床提供客观的评估依据。  相似文献   

自体细小表皮片密集移植治疗眼眉部白癜风临床观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我们采用自体细小表皮片密集移植治疗眼眉部白癜风5例,3个月后随访,眼眉部皮肤及眉毛颜色恢复正常,疗效稳定,现报告如下。临床资料 5例眉毛部白癜风患者均在门诊治疗,男4例,女1例;年龄22~52岁,平均30.6岁;病程1.5~6年,平均3.4年。所有患者均为皮节型稳定期,皮损为单侧,眉部皮肤及眉毛部分或全部变白。治疗方法 采用正常自体细小表皮片密集移植到眉部白斑区。眉部白斑病变区备皮消毒后,用擦皮机清除白斑区的表皮及眉毛毛囊浅层结构,不破坏毛囊根部毛发的再生结构。当创面由点状渗血变为片状渗血时,说明擦皮深度已达真皮乳头层下毛细血管…  相似文献   

目的 探讨无神经系统症状的婴幼儿结节性硬化症的临床特点。 方法 分析12例婴幼儿期结节性硬化症患儿的临床表现,同时对其中5例进行反射式共聚焦显微镜检查,2例进行皮肤活检组织病理检查及电镜检查。 结果 12例患儿就诊年龄2 ~ 18个月,中位数8.6个月。在出现神经症状前,多表现为色素脱失斑、侧脑室室管膜下结节/脑室壁结节、心脏横纹肌瘤和肾脏多发囊肿。5例行反射式共聚焦显微镜检查,结果均表现为色素环结构完整,无缺失,折光变暗,边缘不清晰。组织病理检查:基底细胞色素颗粒及黑素细胞局灶减少;电镜检查:基底层黑素细胞胞质中可见正常数量黑素颗粒。 结论 婴幼儿期的结节性硬化在出现神经症状前,主要表现为色素脱失斑,临床上易与白癜风相混淆,反射式共聚焦显微镜检查结果可以作为与色素减退类疾病相鉴别的依据之一。  相似文献   

目的 利用反射式共聚焦显微镜(RCM)观察原发性皮肤淀粉样变的成像特征。方法 对2015年6月至2016年10月杭州市第三人民医院皮肤科门诊收集的30例临床确诊为原发性皮肤淀粉变患者的皮损进行RCM观察和组织病理检查,分析RCM特征。结果 原发性皮肤淀粉变皮损RCM检查显示,角化过度22例,棘层肥厚15例,基底层色素增加20例,真皮乳头及浅层色素失禁20例,30例真皮乳头增大出现多形性,且可见高折光的团块状物质。这些RCM主要特征与组织病理有较高的一致性。结论 原发性皮肤淀粉样变在RCM下的典型特征为真皮乳头内呈现折光度较高的团块状物质,RCM可作为原发性皮肤淀粉样变的无创性辅助诊断技术。  相似文献   

目的 分析儿童色素减退型线状苔藓皮肤反射式共聚焦显微镜(RCM)影像学特征.方法 RCM检查11例临床诊断为色素减退型线状苔藓的患儿皮损及皮损附近正常皮肤,再与该处皮损组织病理学检查进行对比.结果 色素减退型线状苔藓皮损组织病理学检查显示,表皮细胞间或细胞内轻度水肿,伴不同程度棘层增厚,基底细胞灶性液化变性,真皮浅层血管周围较多淋巴细胞及少数噬黑素细胞浸润.RCM水平扫描皮损显示,多灶性基底细胞液化变性,导致表真皮界面模糊,色素环不完整或不清晰,真皮乳头及真皮浅层较多高折光的噬黑素细胞及中、低折光的炎症细胞浸润.结论 RCM影像学特征可为儿童色素减退型线状苔藓的诊断及鉴别诊断提供有力依据.  相似文献   

1病历摘要患者男,27岁。因患白癜风7年,面部红斑7个月,于2005年7月5日来我科就诊。患者于7年前冬季偶尔发现指、趾末端皮肤变白,继而上、下唇黏膜和鼻尖皮肤出现色素脱失斑,并逐渐向四周扩展。在当地医院被诊断为白癜风,予以白蚀丸等药物治疗。近3年来白癜风皮损基本稳定,无新发色素脱失斑。7个月前无明显诱因双面颊、鼻背部、双耳郭出现紫红色斑,口唇、鼻尖、鼻翼处色素脱失斑呈淡红色,同时双手指、手背、前臂远端色素脱失斑处与正常皮肤相继出现紫红色丘疹、斑块,1个月后左小腿两处色素脱失斑上也出现紫红色斑块。皮损逐渐增多,日晒后明显…  相似文献   

患者女,21岁。因右侧颜面皮肤硬化萎缩10年,眉弓色素脱失3年就诊。患者于10年前始于右颜面皮肤逐渐萎缩硬化,无明显自觉症状。多次诊治,治疗无效,皮损逐渐加重,下颌部凹陷,口角歪斜。3年前于患侧眉弓鼻侧出现玉米粒大色素脱失斑,且逐渐扩大,白斑处眉毛变白。体检:系统检查无异常。皮肤科情况:右颜面皮肤萎缩硬化、凹陷,以右颊及下颌为著,口角歪斜。右眉弓鼻侧见一约2.5cm×2.5cm色素脱失斑,有小米粒大皮岛,色素脱失斑上眉毛呈白色。诊断:偏面萎缩伴白癜风。治疗:给予维生素E、烟酸、复方丹参等治疗3个月,皮损无明显变化…  相似文献   

1临床资料例1男,46岁. 患白癜风8年,曾经半年治疗效果不佳,放弃治疗.患者既往体健,无外伤及其他疾病史.父母非近亲婚配 ,其姐弟均体健,无家族病史,无烟酒嗜好,无特殊饮食习惯,生活在城乡结合部.系统检查未见异常.皮肤科情况:左侧面部、背部、臀部可见色素脱失斑,左侧面部上眼睑及眉部见一5.0cm×4.0cm大小的皮损,形状规则,境界清晰,白斑表面光滑,其周围皮肤色素略加深,皮肤表面未见明显异常,伴有眉毛变白(图1).  相似文献   

目的探讨经典与色素性扁平苔藓在反射式共聚焦显微镜(RCM)及皮肤镜下的主要敏感图像特征。方法收集RCM及皮肤镜下疑似扁平苔藓的患者30例(经典扁平苔藓17例、色素性扁平苔藓13例),选定1处皮损行RCM及皮肤镜检查,然后对该皮损附近或对侧的正常皮肤行RCM及皮肤镜检查,最后取该处皮损进行组织病理检查,记录并分析图像特征。结果皮损处RCM主要敏感图像特征:真表皮交界处指环状结构破坏或部分破坏(基底细胞液化变性)、真皮乳头及其周围或真皮浅层较多大的类圆形或不规则形高折光噬色素细胞及小的圆形较高折光炎细胞浸润。皮损处皮肤镜主要敏感图像特征:经典扁平苔藓为白色网状条纹(Wickham纹);色素性扁平苔藓为蓝灰色色素颗粒、片状均质黄棕色色素。结论反射式共聚焦显微镜联合皮肤镜可作为经典与色素性扁平苔藓的无创诊断手段。  相似文献   

目的 探讨偏振光皮肤镜图像分析技术在白癜风早期诊断中的应用及与其他色素减退斑的鉴别.方法 收集局限性色素减退斑患者,采用偏振光皮肤镜观察皮损微观形态、特征和颜色;所选病例除花斑糠疹经临床与实验室检查确诊外,其余病例均经病理活检确诊.结果 176例患者中,白癜风97例,进展期毛周色素残留发生率达91.94%,显著高于稳定期(62.86%),两者之间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);毛细血管扩张、早期色素岛形成和皮周色素加深等与病程和近期有无治疗有关.79例色素减退斑,包括花斑糠疹、炎症后色素减退、白色糠疹、老年性白斑、无色素痣、贫血痣和特发性滴状色素减退症,未见毛周色素残留.结论 偏振光皮肤镜有效地排除了白癜风皮损中的反射光干扰,是一种可直接观察到肉眼不可见微细结构与特征的影像技术;对白癜风的早期诊断及与其他色素减退斑相鉴别提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

Removal of eyebrow and facial hair by 'threading' has gained popularity worldwide. Threading is an ancient Eastern method of removing unwanted facial and eyebrow hair by a technique whereby one end of a cotton thread is held in the mouth of the technician and the other end looped around individual hair shafts, which are then pulled out. This is repeated in quick, successive movements. In India, this is used extensively for shaping and removing eyebrow hair. Threading now enjoys immense popularity with women worldwide, irrespective of race or colour, and is an accepted method for removing eyebrow hair and shaping the eyebrows. However, this popular cosmetic procedure has some significant dermatological side-effects and is not familiar to many dermatologists. To our knowledge, this is the first report of verrucae occurring in threaded eyebrows. Other complications include erythema, folliculitis, pseudofolliculitis, hyperpigmentation, and depigmentation, including koebnerization of vitiligo. This report should alert dermatologists to the possible complications that may arise from this popular aesthetic epilatory procedure.  相似文献   

Foreign body epithelioid granuloma after cosmetic eyebrow tattooing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe two patients with epithelioid granulomatous inflammation on the eyebrows after undergoing cosmetic eyebrow tattooing. We tried to analyze the causative elements from biopsy specimens and tattoo inks with x-ray microanalysis. We suggest that granuloma caused by cosmetic eyebrow tattooing is a complication worthy of mention.  相似文献   

目的 探讨糖皮质激素局封致色素减退的临床特点及共聚焦显微镜(RCM)特征。方法 回顾分析26例糖皮质激素局部封闭致色素减退患者的临床表现,RCM下特征及治疗转归。结果 26例中22例女性,4例男性。临床表现为圆形、卵圆形淡白斑或白斑,边界模糊,15例患者局部皮肤有不同程度萎缩,其中8例患者可见到皮下静脉网。26例患者行RCM检查,发现色素减退区均有不同程度的表皮变薄,皮突变短或消失,基底层色素细胞数量减少直至消失,与白癜风患者的RCM下表现完全不同。结论 糖皮质激素局部封闭致色素减退是一类具有明确诱因、伴发皮肤萎缩的色素减退性疾病,RCM检查可为其提供诊断价值。  相似文献   



Reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) has quickly transitioned from a research tool to an adjunct diagnostic bedside tool, providing the opportunity for noninvasive evaluation of skin lesions with histologic resolution. RCM is an optical imaging technique that uses near-infrared excitation wavelengths and safe low-power lasers. En-face images of different skin layers (up to the superficial dermis) are acquired in grayscale based on the reflective indices of tissue components. Melanin has the highest reflective index (contrast) and appears bright on RCM.


We present a review of the current literature on the use of RCM in the diagnosis and management of pigmentary disorders.


We reviewed PubMed and Ovid Medline databases from January 2000 to June 2021, using MeSH key terms: “reflectance confocal microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy, pigmentary disorders, treatment, melasma, vitiligo, freckles, solar lentigo, lentigo, tattoo, complications, melanoma, skin cancers, pigmented lesions, post inflammatory, melanin, photoaging” to identify studies and review articles discussing the use of RCM in the diagnosis and management of pigmentary disorders.


RCM findings of pigmentary disorders were divided into the following categories: (1) disorders of increased pigmentation (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, melasma, Riehl's melanosis, solar lentigines, ephelides, hori nevus, naevus of Ota, café-au-lait macules, melanocytic nevus, melanoma, nevus spilus, labial mucosal melanosis, and mucosal melanoma), (2) disorders of decreased pigmentation or depigmentation (post-inflammatory hypopigmentation, vitiligo, nevus depigmentosus, halo nevus), and (3) exogenous pigmentation (tattoo, ochronosis).


RCM has been explored and proven valuable for the evaluation and management of pigmentary disorders including melasma, vitiligo, solar lentigines, tattoo, and tattoo-related complications.  相似文献   

Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease of the skin that results in localized or disseminated white macules. One common feature of several existing classification protocols is the distribution of the disease into two main subtypes, non-segmental vitiligo (NSV) and segmental vitiligo (SV). SV is characterized by depigmentation spreading within one or more skin segments while NSV is widespread. Several clinical-epidemiological observations suggest that SV has distinct autoimmune pathophysiology compared to NSV. Furthermore, the clinical distribution pattern of SV lesions closely resembles other melanocyte mosaicism diseases. These observations led us to hypothesize that SV is caused by a localized autoimmune reaction targeting epidermal mosaicism melanocytes. Here, we proposed examples of experimental approaches to assess mosaicism in SV patients.  相似文献   



Vitiligo is an acquired pigmentary disorder. In vivo reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) reproducible imaging technique has already been reported to be useful in the diagnosis of other skin diseases.


To define RCM features of vitiligo on different clinical stages.

Materials and Methods:

A total of 125 patients with a clinical diagnosis of vitiligo were included in this study. After informed consent, lesional skins of those vitiligo patients were characterized by using RCM. Five patients with inflammatory cell infiltration observed at the edge of skin lesions and another 5 patients without inflammatory cell infiltration were selected. Biopsies were performed at same sites of the RCM examination areas for histological and immune-histological analysis.


In the active stage of vitiligo, the RCM examination revealed that the bright dermal papillary rings presented at the dermoepidermal junction level in normal skin lost their integrity or totally disappeared, border between vitiligo lesion and normal skin became unclear, and highly refractile cells that referred to infiltrated inflammatory cells could be seen within the papillary dermis at the edge of the lesions. In the stable stage of vitiligo, the RCM showed a complete loss of melanin in lesional skin and a clear border between lesional and normal skin.


A simple clinical examination with RCM may reliably and efficiently allow evaluation of the stability status of vitiligo lesions.  相似文献   

目的探讨自体单株毛囊移植术治疗眉部白癜风的治疗效果。方法回顾性分析我科2012年7月—2013年8月,采用自体单株毛囊移植术治疗21例眉部白癜风患者的临床资料。结果术后随访6个月~1年,18例患者(85.7%)在白斑区出现毛囊周围复色,发生在移植后的4~8周,6个月后复色的直径为3~12 mm。6例患者(21%)眉毛复色。结论自体单株毛囊移植术不仅能使眉毛周围皮肤复色,还能使眉毛复色,是一种有效的治疗眉部白癜风的方法。  相似文献   

Melanoma is a rare form of cutaneous malignancy encountered in the dark skin population. Epidermotropic metastatic melanoma is a rare form of cutaneous metastatic melanoma which can mimic primary melanoma on histopathology. Hence its differentiation is of immense prognostic importance. The occurrence of rim of depigmentation around the primary cutaneous melanoma has previously been reported to portend a bad prognosis. The occurrence of vitiligo like lesions in patients with metastatic melanoma in comparison has a better prognosis. However the occurrence of depigmentation around the secondaries is rare and its importance is not well known. Hence we wish to report a case of epidermotropic metastatic melanoma with perilesional depigmentation in a 78 year old Indian male.  相似文献   

The paucity of vitiligo animal models limits the understanding of vitiligo pathogenesis and the development of therapies for the skin disorder. In this study, we developed a new mouse model of vitiligo by topically applying the skin‐depigmenting agent monobenzone on mice. We demonstrated that monobenzone‐induced skin depigmentation on the non‐exposed sites and that the severity of lesions depended on drug dosage. The result of the histological examination of the depigmented skin indicated loss of epidermal melanocytes and perilesional accumulation of CD8+ T cells. Furthermore, the monobenzone‐induced depigmentation of the Rag1 gene knockout did not appear on the non‐exposed sites, supporting the involvement of infiltrating CD8+ T cells in melanocyte destruction. Resemblance in histological characteristics and pathogenesis between monobenzone‐induced depigmentation and active human vitiligo suggests good potential of our mouse model for use in vitiligo research.  相似文献   

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