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目的了解绵阳市男男性行为者(MSM)艾滋病病毒(HIV)/梅毒新发感染情况及其影响因素。方法 2009年采用应答推动抽样法(RDS)在绵阳招募调查符合条件的HIV阴性的MSM建立随访研究队列,1年后进行相关行为学随访调查和HIV/梅毒等血清学检测。结果在155例随访者中,平均年龄(28.92±7.80)岁,HIV确证阳转9例,新发感染率为5.2/100人年;梅毒阳转13例,新发感染率为7.6/100人年;丙肝无阳转。单因素分析,年龄、婚姻状况、户籍、艾滋病知识知晓、寻找性伴场所、梅毒感染(现症感染)、近6个月性伴最小年龄和近1年接受性病检查/治疗、HIV咨询/检测与HIV新发感染相关,年龄、户籍、首次性行为对象和近6个月以偶然性伴为主与梅毒新发感染相关(P<0.01或P≤0.05)。多因素分析寻找性伴场所(OR=12.346)、梅毒现症感染(OR=6.699)、近1年接受HIV咨询检测(OR=17.123)为HIV新发感染的独立影响因素,户籍(OR=16.860)、首次性行为对象(OR=5.378)、近6个月以偶然性伴为主(OR=7.3531)为梅毒新发感染独立影响因素。结论绵阳市MSM人群HIV/梅毒新发感染率较高,防治形势严峻,应加大防治力度。  相似文献   

目的:了解黄石地区男男同性恋人群(YMSM)中梅毒的新发感染状况及其影响因素。方法:利用黄石地区疾控中心资料及相关娱乐场所资料收集到850名YMSM对象,对850例研究对象进行梅毒感染的本底调查及问卷调查,并进行12个月的随访,在本底调查后第12个月再次对850例研究对象进行梅毒感染调查并进行相关统计分析。结果:本次调查850例研究对象,第一次回收有效调查问卷841份,第12个月随访结束时有8例研究对象失访,至研究结束共收集到833例研究对象的资料;经过数据筛查,剔除不完整数据,最后取得的完整的788例研究对象的数据。788例研究对象中,年龄18~65岁,中位年龄31岁;未婚561人,已婚227人,大专以上文化390人,241人月收入5000元,308人主要通过互联网的形式寻找同性恋伴侣,254人通过酒吧等娱乐场所结识性伴侣,其他途径占226人。本底调查时共发现45例研究对象梅毒抗体检测阳性,梅毒感染率为5.35%(45/841),第12个月再次复查时,出现新发感染患者9例,新发感染率为1.08%(2/833)。多因素分析结果:既往性病史(OR=4.029)、最近一次发生男男性行为是否使用安全套(OR=3.571)、最近一年是否做过梅毒抗体检查(OR=2.553)、第一次发生男男性行为的年龄(OR=2.007)、最近一个月发生男男性行为次数(OR=1.683)、第一次发生性行为年龄(OR=1.338)。结论:根据本次研究显示,YMSM人群感染梅毒的高危因素主要是男男性行为不采取安全措施、既往性病史、近一年未参与性病筛查等因素。对预防YMSM人群梅毒感染应根据危险因素、传播途径有针对性的采取措施,降低这一人群梅毒的感染与传播。  相似文献   

目的 了解2020年四川省绵阳市男男性行为者(MSM)艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染现状,分析影响因素。方法 用“滚雪球”抽样法,进行绵阳市MSM的性行为等问卷调查和血清学检测。用χ2检验、Logistic回归模型进行HIV感染影响因素的单因素及多因素分析。结果 有效问卷1 062份,艾滋病知识知晓率97.74%,近6个月无保护肛交21.37%,近1年艾滋病干预服务覆盖率为91.90%。HIV感染率3.20%,梅毒累计感染率14.20%、现症感染率10.21%。多因素分析结果,年龄≥25岁(OR=3.90,95%CI:1.42~10.70)、外市户籍(OR=2.72,95%CI:1.11~6.70)、市区居住(OR=2.75,95%CI:1.03~7.30)、近6个月无保护肛交(OR=14.19,95%CI:5.86~34.35)是HIV感染的危险因素,朋友支持得分增加(OR=0.90,95%CI:0.81~1.00)、近1年接受过宣传材料和安全套发放(OR=0.39,95%CI:0.15~0.98)、近1年做过HIV检测(OR=0.42,95%CI:0.18~0.97...  相似文献   

目的 了解我国不同性取向人群猴痘防治知识知晓情况及其影响因素。方法 2022年7月1日—7月30日,通过互联网发布电子问卷招募研究对象,其中男男性行为人群(men who have sex with men, MSM)主要通过与20个省份的MSM艾防社区组织合作进行招募,对参与调查的不同性取向人群的猴痘防治相关知识等进行分析。结果 共调查研究对象4 953例,性取向为同性恋的占53.87%(2 668/4 953),自报感染HIV的占20.55%(1 018/4 953),有疫情地区旅居史的占2.60%(129/4 953),猴痘知晓率为48.25%(2 390/4 953)。猴痘防治知识知晓情况的多因素Logistic回归分析显示,年龄为35~44岁(OR=1.44,95%CI:1.16~1.79)和45~54岁(OR=1.85,95%CI:1.40~2.44)高于16~24岁,性取向为同性恋(OR=1.27,95%CI:1.01~1.59)、异性恋(OR=1.40,95%CI:1.07~1.83)高于未确定者,HIV阳性(OR=1.97,95%CI:1.49~2.61)和HIV阴性...  相似文献   

目的:了解深圳市近6个月内发生过同性临时性行为的MSM人群梅毒合并HIV感染状况及其相关影响因素。方法:运用滚雪球法和同伴推动抽样法招募MSM进行问卷调查和血清学检测,采用χ2检验和Logistic回归分析梅毒HIV合并感染的相关影响因素。结果:共调查434例MSM,梅毒和HIV感染率分别为16.4%和12.2%,梅毒合并HIV感染率为7.3%。年龄越大(OR=4.0,P=0.0007)、高中/中专文化者(OR=6.5,P=0.0081)、性角色以被动方为主者(OR=12.1,P=0.0017)、多个同性肛交性伴者(OR=1.5,P=0.0455)、不能坚持每次使用安全套者(OR=2.9,P=0.0236),其梅毒合并HIV感染风险越高。结论:需要采取更大努力来应对该人群的梅毒和HIV双重感染问题。  相似文献   

目的:了解江门市男男性行为人群(MSM)HIV和梅毒感染状况及其影响因素,为控制艾滋病性病的蔓延提供科学依据。方法:利用2011-2015年国家级MSM监测哨点的数据资料进行分析。结果:调查的1 916名调查对象中,艾滋病相关知识总体知晓率为90.19%;HIV抗体阳性率为6.73%,梅毒阳性率为4.07%。最近6个月与同性发生肛交性行为时每次都使用安全套的比例为51.93%。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,与异性婚姻状况为在婚/同居(OR=1.408,95%CI 1.153~1.720)、最近6个月与同性发生商业性行为(OR=2.458,95%CI 1.266~3.787)、感染梅毒(OR=5.804,95%CI3.196~10.540)是HIV感染的危险因素;吸毒(OR=1.164,95%CI 1.037~3.722)、最近6个月与同性发生肛交性行为(OR=10.753,95%CI 7.958~12.685)是梅毒感染的危险因素,而最近一年非梅毒STD史是梅毒感染的保护性因素(OR=0.239,95%CI 0.090~0.629)。结论:江门市MSM人群HIV和梅毒感染率较高,且梅毒、已婚/同居与同性发生商业性行为可增加HIV感染的风险;吸毒、与同性发生肛交性行为可增加梅毒感染的风险。  相似文献   

目的 分析性病门诊男性就诊者梅毒的感染状况和影响因素,为梅毒及性病防控提供依据。方法 选取2016年—2020年海南省第五人民医院性病门诊诊治的男性就诊者作为研究对象。对其开展艾滋病知识知晓、高危性行为情况调查,以及梅毒、人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)、丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)抗体检测,分析其影响因素。结果 2016年—2020年,共监测性病门诊男性就诊者2 028例,平均年龄(35.46±12.96)岁;在婚占56.71%;本省户籍占85.70%。其梅毒阳性率为11.39%;艾滋病知识知晓率为78.55%;近3个月与女性性工作者、临时性伴发生性行为者分别占17.31%、20.51%;与同性发生肛交性行为占2.91%,近1年曾患过性病占15.83%。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,性病门诊男性就诊者梅毒抗体阳性与近1年患有性病(OR=3.51,95%CI:2.48~4.98)和感染HIV(OR=6.33,95%CI:2.96~13.54)存在相关性(P<0.05)。结论 海口地区性病门诊男性就诊者的艾滋病知识知晓率偏低,存在一定的高危性行为,梅毒感染率高。应针对该人群制定针对性...  相似文献   

目的了解绵阳市男男性行为者(MSM)艾滋病感染现状和影响因素。方法采用应答推动抽样法(RDS),招募符合条件的MSM进行相关行为的寻问式匿名调查和检测前咨询、采集血液进行HIV/梅毒等血清学检测,建立随访队列。结果共调查采血400例,艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染率7.8%,梅毒累计感染率23.8%、现症感染率12.7%,HIV合并梅毒现症感染、梅毒累计感染的比例分别为16.7%和40.0%。单因素分析,不同经济收入、寻找性伴场所、近6个月性伴数、近6个月性伴主要来自偶然性伴、首次性交年龄、近6个月性伴最大年龄,是否近1年接受过同伴教育、梅毒感染(累计感染)者HIV感染率,不同年龄、职业、婚姻状况、性取向、经济收入、寻找性伴场所、首次性交年龄、距首次性交时间、近6个月性伴最大年龄,是否近6个月性伴主要是妻子、在家认识性伴者等梅毒感染率(累计感染率)有关。多因素分析,感染HIV的独立影响因素包括浴室/公园/网络为主要性伴场所场所、近6月性伴数≥6、首次性交年龄≥19岁、近6月性伴主要来自偶然性伴。梅毒感染(累计感染)的独立影响因素包括离异/丧偶/同居、性伴最大年龄≥26岁、近6月主要在家里认识性伴、浴室/公园寻找性伴。结论绵阳市MSM人群HIV/梅毒感染率较高,受多性伴、性伴来源、性伴年龄特征等因素影响,应针对性加大干预力度。  相似文献   

目的 了解年轻男男性行为者(YMSM)首次同性性行为状况,分析首次同性性行为意愿的关联因素.方法 采用"滚雪球"抽样法于2016年9月至2019年9月在绵阳市招募YMSM作为调查对象,对其进行首次同性性行为状况及关联因素等的问卷调查.结果 共收取有效问卷344份,YMSM发生首次同性性行为时的年龄为(18.1±2.0)...  相似文献   

目的了解年轻男男性行为者(YMSM)的家庭社会经历,分析其同性性行为成因的关联因素。方法采用"滚雪球"抽样法,选取2016年9月至2019年9月绵阳市338名YMSM进行家庭社会经历及成因等问卷调查。结果有效问卷338份,家里强势方为父亲的占38.8%、母亲的占48.2%,最崇拜家人是父亲的占23.7%、母亲的占46.2%。进入男男性行为者(MSM)前,32.5%交过女朋友,40.3%身边有关系较好MSM同伴。自认MSM先天形成的占71.0%,后天形成的占29.0%;后天形成17.3%因好奇,34.7%因情感寄托,46.9%因生活环境影响。多因素分析结果显示,首次同性肛交年龄、首个同性性伴关系、进入MSM前交过女朋友、打算与异性结婚对象、艾滋病防治信息主要来源互联网、近6个月性伴健康是YMSM同性性行为成因的独立关联因素。结论 YMSM自认先天形成为主,其成因与社会家庭环境、早期性经历及自我健康有关。应注重青少年身心发展的良性环境营造和早期性教育。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Rates of bacterial sexually transmitted infections (STIs) continue to rise among men who have sex with men (MSM) in the UK. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate factors associated with Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae among MSM attending a genitourinary medicine clinic in inner London. STUDY DESIGN: 599 MSM undergoing testing for STIs were recruited. Specimens for ligase chain reaction (LCR), strand displacement amplification (SDA) assay and culture were collected from the pharynx, urethra and rectum for the detection of C trachomatis and N gonorrhoeae. Details regarding demographics, symptoms, signs and sexual behaviour were recorded. Associations of these factors with each infection were tested, adjusting for other risk factors. RESULTS: The prevalence of C trachomatis and N gonorrhoeae was 11.0% and 16.0%, respectively. LCR and SDA performed well for the detection of C trachomatis and N gonorrhoeae from urethra and rectum. Using either method, compared with our current testing policy, over 18% of those with C trachomatis and N gonorrhoeae would not have had their infection diagnosed or treated. Age, sexual behaviour, urethral and rectal symptoms and signs were strongly associated with both infections. A total of 33.7% of men reported at least one episode of unprotected anal intercourse in the previous month. Men reporting multiple episodes were markedly more likely to be HIV positive. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of infection, rates of partner acquisition and unprotected anal intercourse reported among these MSM are alarming. Improved detection of C trachomatis and N gonorrhoeae using nucleic acid amplification tests has major public health implications for STI and possibly HIV transmission in this population.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This exploratory study identified associations between the number of sexual partners reported by men who have sex with men (MSM) and the structure and composition of their social networks. METHODS: A cross sectional survey was conducted of men recruited as key informants, through advertising and chain referral. A face to face interview was conducted with 206 MSM. The interview included information on the number of sexual partners in the previous year and sociodemographic and behavioural characteristics of the participant. Social networks were enumerated and network size and density were calculated. Ordered logistic regression was used to assess the associations between number of sexual partners and personal and network characteristics. RESULTS: The number of anal sex partners reported was higher if the participant had injected drugs in the past year rather than never having injected (odds ratio, 95% confidence interval: 3.23, 1.28 to 8.15), decreased with network density (0.014, 0.002 to 0.008) and increased if the network did not comprise only HIV negative people (1.77, 1.05 to 2.99). The number of additional oral sex partners increased with network size (1.06, 1.02 to 1.10) and decreased with increased network density (0.034, 0.006 to 0.205). In addition to similar effects of network size (1.05, 1.01 to 1.09) and network density (0.086, 0.013 to 0.563) the model for the number of additional manual sex partners also included age (1.03, 1.01 to 1.05). CONCLUSION: The density of the social networks of MSM appears strongly and consistently associated with patterns of sexual behaviour. This underlines the importance of using network approaches to understanding the sexual behaviour of MSM and their potential value in identifying novel strategies for intervention.  相似文献   

同伴教育对男男人群性病知识的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:了解同伴教育对男男性行为者(MSM)人群性病知识教育的意义。方法:2004年3月~11月在昆明和成都的MSM人群中开展有计划的同伴教育活动,并分别在4月份和11月份开展有关性病知识的基线和终期调查,对调查结果进行分析。结果:两次调查分别有197人和176人参加,两组人群的受教育程度、性生活状态没有差异,但是在年龄、职业及自我定义的行为状态有差异。终期调查发现有关性病、艾滋病知识的正确回答率全面提高,并且绝大部分有统计学意义。结论:同伴教育是一种值得在MSM人群中推广的普及性病知识的好形式。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Baldness has significant negative psychosocial effects. It has been asserted that the negative effects of baldness are often trivialized by the nonbald. Most studies concerning the perception of baldness have focused on the perceptions of the bald by themselves. In this study, we assessed the perception of baldness by the nonbald in Korea. METHOD: A questionnaire on the perception of balding men was answered by 130 women (age range 15-58 years), 90 nonbalding men (age range 18-72 years) and 30 balding men (age range 20-63 years). RESULTS: Balding men were perceived as being older and less attractive by over 90% of respondents. A perception that balding men are less confident, duller, and less potent was reported by less than half of respondents. A perception that balding men are less attractive was significantly more common among women than among nonbalding men (P < 0.05). A perception that balding men appear less confident was significantly more common among balding men than among nonbalding men (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: In this study of Koreans, the perception of balding men by others was similar to the perception of balding men by themselves. It is likely that androgenetic alopecia adversely influences social interactions of those who are subject to it.  相似文献   

目的:了解男男性行为(MSM)艾滋病毒感染者之梅毒感染的影响因素,为医师制定合适的行为介入和卫教宣导干预方案提供指导。方法:本研究于2014年1月至2015年6月期间,以自填问卷的方式,对我院建档复诊的MSM艾滋病毒感染者进行问卷调查,问卷调查内容主要包括人口学基本资料、健康状况及服药情况、性行为模式三大部分。结果:263例MSM艾滋病毒感染者中,48.7%出现梅毒感染,单因素分析发现,职业、病程、CD4 T细胞数量、病毒载量、是否使用HAART药物、主要性伴侣是否为HIV感染者、是否有非主要性伴侣、有无使用娱乐性药物8个因素是艾滋病毒感染者之梅毒感染的相关变项。多因素分析发现,教师/军人/公职人员(OR=0.20)是梅毒感染的保护因素,使用HAART药物(OR=4.67)、主要性伴侣是/有的是有的不是HIV感染者(OR=3.41)、有非主要性伴侣(OR=2.19)以及使用娱乐性药物(OR=2.14)是梅毒感染的危险因素。结论:MSM艾滋病感染者之后感染梅毒的情况较为普遍,在后续的追踪管理中应结合危险因素加强对高危人员的行为介入和卫教宣导,减少其梅毒感染几率。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Several nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) are US Food and Drug Administration-cleared for detecting urogenital Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) infection, but they have not been adequately evaluated for the relatively common oropharyngeal or rectal CT and GC infections in men who have sex with men (MSM). METHODS: Multiple swabs were collected from the oropharynx and rectum of MSM attending a city sexually transmitted disease clinic. The specimens were tested by standard culture and the following NAATs: Roche's Amplicor (PCR), Becton Dickinson's ProbeTec (SDA), and Gen-Probe's APTIMA Combo 2 (AC2) for the detection of CT and GC. Confirmatory testing of specimens with discrepant results was done by NAATs using alternate primers. RESULTS: A total of 1110 MSM were enrolled. Based on initial findings on 205 MSM, PCR had a 78.9% GC specificity with oropharyngeal swabs. Thus, we discontinued PCR testing for the rest of the study. For oropharyngeal GC (89 infections detected), sensitivities were 41% for culture, 72% for SDA, and 84% for AC2. For rectal GC (88 infections detected), sensitivities were 43% for culture, 78% for SDA and 93% for AC2. For oropharyngeal CT (9 infections detected), sensitivities were 44% for culture, 67% for SDA, and 100% for AC2. For rectal CT (68 infections detected), sensitivities were 27% for culture, 63% for SDA, and 93% for AC2. Specificities of SDA and AC2 were > or =99.4% for both organisms and anatomical sites. CONCLUSIONS: AC2 and SDA were far superior to culture for the detection of CT or GC from the oropharynx and rectum with AC2 detecting twice as many infections as culture. Further analyses with larger pharyngeal samples are needed, but clearly NAATs can improve our ability to diagnose rectal and oropharyngeal infection with CT or GC in MSM.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To offer an empirical understanding of characteristics associated with the fit and feel of condoms among African-American men who have sex with men (MSM), a particularly high-risk group for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STI) in the United States. METHODS: Survey data were collected from 178 adult African-American MSM attending a community event in Atlanta, Georgia. RESULTS: Although the majority of participants reported that condoms generally fit properly and felt comfortable, a substantial number of men reported a variety of problems with the fit and feel of condoms. Specifically, 21% reported that condoms felt too tight, 18% reported that condoms felt too short, 10% reported that condoms felt too loose, and 7% reported that condoms felt too long. There were significant associations between men's reports of condom breakage and slippage, and their perceptions of condom fit and feel. Perceptions of condom fit and feel were also related to men's reports of seeking condoms for their size-specific properties. CONCLUSIONS: The fit and feel issues that men in this sample identified may be among those that contribute to their likelihood of using, or not using, condoms consistently and correctly. A better understanding of these factors will be beneficial to both condom manufacturers and sexual health professionals who share a common goal of increasing consistent and correct condom use and reducing the incidence of HIV and other STI among this and other communities.  相似文献   

Chlamydia trachomatis was isolated from the uretha of 125 (52%) of 238 men with non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU). Repeat isolation attempts in 155 of these patients were successful in eight men in whom results had been negative on the initial visit, but they were unsuccessful in eight men who initially had had positive cultures. We must assume that with our present isolation techniques we are missing, at any single visit, at least 9% of chlamydial infections. C. trachomatis was also found in 32 (23%) of 139 men with gonorrhoea. Positive cultures were obtained from 15 (79%) of 19 men, who later developed post-gonococcal urethritis (PGU). Thiamphenicol, used for the treatment of gonorrhoea, was shown to have very little effect on C. trachomatis, which could still be recovered after treatment in 76% of the patients who initially had had a combined infection. The typing of 35 genital isolates by micro-immunofluorescence confirms the previously reported distribution of chlamydial serotypes. In this study a social profile is given of our patients with urethritis and a comparison is made of the duration of symptoms and the nature of discharge in men with gonococcal, chlamydial, and non-specific urethritis. We were able to show a clear difference in clinical symptoms in men with gonorrhoea and NGU, taken as a whole, but found only a slight difference between men with chlamydial and non-specific urethritis.  相似文献   

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