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<正>尸体解剖是人类认识人体结构、探索疾病病因和培训临床技能的必备手段。恩格斯说:"没有解剖学,就没有医学",那么,没有尸体,就没有解剖学~([1])。目前,遗体捐献是世界各国医学教学、科研用尸体的主要来源,相比很多西方国家,我国遗体捐献事业发展缓慢。而经济、文化、教育水平相对发展缓慢的新疆,在遗体捐献工作进程中更加滞后,新疆医科大学作为乌鲁木齐市主要的遗体接收单位,在2000年~2017年  相似文献   

正当前,我国正在进行的战役—新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情防控中彰显了"医学可以救国;医学强则国强"~([1]),因为有千千万万无畏的医护人员奋战在疫情防控的第一线。受《解剖学杂志》盛情约稿,就我国遗体捐献写一述评,却也恰逢其时,因为"没有解剖学,就没有医学"。人体解剖学是医学教育中的重要基础医学课程、是医学生的必修课。医学院校的人体解剖学教学和科学研究、人体器官移植等需要大量的遗体,遗体捐献是其重要来源。遗体是医学教育、科研与临床诊疗的宝贵  相似文献   

尸体解剖在医学生培养过程中具有举足轻重的作用,遗体捐献为解剖学发展的前提,而目前我国的遗体捐献现状并不乐观,严重制约的医学教学的发展。本校通过成立遗体捐献接收站,完善接收程序等措施,提高了当地的遗体捐献率,取得了一定成效,并就存在的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

医学人文教育与专业教育相结合是医学教育发展的必然趋势。近年来浙江大学医学院在积极开展遗体捐献宣传的同时,将这项工作纳入医学人文教育平台,先后在校园里建立了无语良师碑,组织师生进行清明节祭扫活动;介绍遗体捐献工作,讲述捐献者身前感人事迹;在局部解剖学课程中将捐献者身前病案应用于教学中;开展"以感恩无语良师"为主题的多项社会实践活动四方面探讨。上述举措有效地培养了医学生人文精神,提高了医学生整体素质。  相似文献   

做好遗体捐献接受工作是确保这项新生事业不断发展的重要保障。北京协和医学院遗体捐献接收站不仅为解剖教学提供了合法、稳定和高质量的宝贵尸源,也开拓了人体解剖学与临床结合的教学改革新思路,使传统刻板的解剖教学焕发出朝气,成为深受同学喜爱的、与临床结合并带有时代特色和创新内容的解剖课。  相似文献   

目的 为进一步提高大众对遗体捐献的认知,更好营造遗体捐献良好社会氛围。方法 以遗体捐献为切入点,在人体解剖学教学中以“三结合”“开课仪式”“追思活动”等为载体对医学生开展人文素质教育,培养人文精神,并把这一精神贯穿医学生教育教学、科学研究的全过程。结论 对实现全员全程全方位育人具有其深刻内涵和重要意义。  相似文献   

<正>因我国遗体捐献相关法律的缺失、管理制度还需进一步完善以及传统文化因素和观念的影响,致使我国医学院校能够用于教学、科研的遗体有限~([1-2])。系统接受人体解剖学教育的医学生是未来医疗卫生事业的后备人才,他们对遗体捐献态度能够直接影响社会各界对遗体捐献的认识和理解,对营造宽松、和谐的人文社会环境有着重要的意义。为了解医学生遗体捐献的态度及影响因素,以期有针对性的提高医学生人文精神和职业伦  相似文献   

正遗体是医学教学、科研与临床诊疗的宝贵资源,遗体捐献对医学教育及科研起着不可替代的重要作用,是培养合格医护工作者的重要基础保障,也是医疗科学事业的重要基石。遗体捐献是指自然人生前自愿表示在死亡后,由其执行人将遗体的全部或者部分捐献给医学科学事业的行为,以及生前未表示是否捐献意愿的自然人死亡后,由其直系亲属将遗体的全部或部分捐献给医学科学事业的行为。由于人们对遗体入土为安传统思想观念根深蒂固,我国自20世  相似文献   

通过对广州医科大学志愿捐献遗体登记接受站15年268例遗体捐献登记资料进行统计分析,发现捐献站成立后10年内办理登记的数据并不理想.近年我校完善了志愿捐献遗体登记接受站建设,并成立了玉烛协会,加大了遗体捐献活动在广州市的宣传力度,遗体捐献工作取得初步成效,登记人数逐年上升,男、女性登记者的比例趋近于1:1(男性135例、女性133例).总体上,男性与女性登记年龄均以61~90岁居多,广东省内登记人数多于省外登记人数.现将我校开展遗体捐献工作15周年的登记数据加以分析总结,并结合近年工作实践探讨如何开拓遗体捐献工作的新路径,进一步提高广大市民对遗体捐献的认可度和我校在广州市遗体捐献公益事业中的知名度.  相似文献   

遗体捐献,是指自然人生前自愿表示在死亡后,由其执行人将遗体的全部或者部分捐献给医学科学事业的行为,以及生前未表示是否捐献意愿的自然人死亡后,由其近亲属(包括配偶、子女、兄妹等)将遗体的全部或部分捐献给医学科学事业的行为[1].近年的统计数据说明,遗体捐献登记人数仅占我国人口总数的0.01%,而实际捐献的遗体数量仅占登记人数的4%~20%[2],如上海的实际捐献率为25.89%[3],北京18.43%[4],在这些聚集高学历人才的大城市中志愿捐献遗体的人数很少,其他地区的情况可想而知.解剖尸体和使用解剖标本仍然是目前解剖学教育最基本的教学方法[5].曾有专家指出:"理想状态下4~6人共用1具遗体进行解剖学习".而我国的现状是为供医学教育而捐献的遗体很稀缺,平均20~30个临床专业医学生才能解剖到1具遗体[6],非临床专业和中医院校的医学生甚至没有机会动手解剖,只能参观标本,靠模型及医学图册学习解剖学内容.  相似文献   

1. Recovery of responsiveness of single cells in lateral geniculate nucleus of rat has been determined in both P and I cells. There are three types of recovery curve among P cells; (a) early recovery, (b) early partial recovery followed by depression and then complete recovery, (c) prolonged depression followed by cyclic recovery. Type (c) is by far the commonest recovery curve. In contrast to the spike in a P cell, the synaptic potential recovers to its full amplitude in about 20 msec. All I cells exhibit similar rapid recovery curves after a prolonged depression.2. Conditioning stimuli applied to visual cortex also produce a prolonged depression in most P cells but I cells can be re-excited at short intervals from cortex. Decortication does not prevent the prolonged depression of the multineuronal response produced by optic nerve stimulation.3. A neuronal model is proposed to explain these observations. It is supposed that I cells (interneurones) are innervated by axon collaterals of the P cells (principal cells, projecting to visual cortex) and that the I cells exert an inhibitory influence on the P cells.  相似文献   

Modes of Inheritance of Errors of Refraction   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Eighteen families in which both parents had refractions within the range of +4·0 D to −4·0 D and axial lengths seen in emmetropia (22·3-26·0 mm) showed coefficients of correlation of the order 0·5 indicative of polygenic inheritance. Such coefficients were seen for axial length (0·407) and for the cornea (0·487), but not for the lens (which is known to be yoked to the axial length). No such coefficients were seen in 19 families in which one of the parents had axial length outside the emmetropic range (nine families with long axes and 10 with short axes).

The pattern of polygenic inheritance for emmetropia (completely correlated optical components) and errors of refraction up to 4·0 D (inadequately correlated components: correlation ametropia) follows that seen in stature and other measurable characters. In contrast the high refractive errors with their abnormal axial lengths (component ametropia) are—like the extremes in stature—pathological anomalies with monofactorial inheritance.


A further analysis of already published data supports the position that retardates of low ability level less frequently have retarded siblings, retarded parents, and parents low in occupational level than do retardates higher in ability level. The analysis supports the position that there are two types of retarded individuals, persons retarded as a result of gene or chromosomal anomalies, brain injury, etc., who more frequently occur in the lower-level retardate group, and persons whose retardation represents polygenic segregation, who more frequently occur in the higher-level group.  相似文献   

It was established, in experiments on isolated spinal ganglia of adult rats in concluons of intracellular recording, that dopamine (1 M/liter) elicits depolarized responses in 61% of neurons, hyperpolarized in 20% of neurons, and depolarized-hyperpolarized in 19% of neurons. The depolarized responses are associated with the activation of D1 dopamine receptors, and are governed by the shift of cAMP-dependent cation (sodium) channels to the conducting state. The hyperpolarized responses are triggered by the activation of D2 dopamine receptors, which by means of HTP-binding protein convert the potassium channels to the conducting state. The change in the polarization of neurons with the action of dopamine influences their electrical excitability variously.Translated from Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal SSSR imeni I. M. Sechenova, Vol. 76, No. 6, pp. 739–745, June, 1990.  相似文献   

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