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目的:了解无意识愤怒面孔加工的主要激活脑区及无意识情绪面孔加工的神经机制。方法:检索PubMed、Web of Science等数据库,要求:①使用愤怒面孔的无意识情绪加工fMRI研究;②采用Talairach和MNI坐标系统报告激活脑区。对符合要求的17篇文献使用GingerALE2.0软件计算脑区激活似然估计(ALE)值,得到脑区分布。结果:无意识愤怒面孔加工激活了双侧杏仁核,尤其是右侧。此外,左侧岛叶也有激活。结论:ALE元分析可以对fMRI研究结果进行整合分析,揭示了杏仁核在无意识情绪面孔加工中起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

目的:利用事件相关的功能核磁共振成像技术研究健康汉族女性对动态表情的识别情况并探讨其神经基础。方法:利用1.5T功能核磁共振成像系统检测13名女性健康受试者识别悲伤、喜悦及中性动态表情视频时的脑部反应。图像数据经SPM2软件处理和统计分析,获得脑区激活图。结果:与识别十字架相比,识别中性表情激活左额中回、双侧中央前回、右侧杏仁核、左顶下小叶、右中央后回以及丘脑等。与识别中性表情相比,识别喜悦表情激活右额内侧回、右额上回、右额中回、右前扣带回、左胼胝体下回、右枕上回、右枕下回、左枕中回及右颞上回等脑区,而识别悲伤表情激活左额内侧回、右额中回、左颞下回以及左颞上回等脑区。结论:面孔加工及动态表情的识别由脑内一个分布式神经网络所调控,其中额内侧回参与多种情绪的加工,可能是情绪加工的共同通路,而颞上回主要负责面部动态特征的加工。  相似文献   

精神分裂症患者异常脑网络的fMRI研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:比较正常组和精神分裂症患者组执行工作记忆任务时的脑激活差别,探讨精神分裂症患者执行功能障碍的脑机制.方法:对16例正常对照和16例精神分裂症患者进行数字3-back工作记忆任务的fMRI检查和数据分析处理.结果:患者组出现两个激活方向相反的脑区网络,与正常组相比激活降低脑区为双侧DLPFC、VLPFC、LPMA、PPC、PFC嘴侧部和额极及左侧SMA;激活增加脑区为MPFC、双侧颞叶和双侧扣带回.结论:精神分裂症患者执行功能损害有相应的病理生理学基础,是多个脑区功能受损、脑网络连接障碍而非单一脑区受损,前额叶与海马/颞叶-边缘皮层间功能连接破坏可能是其中的一个原因.  相似文献   

目的 研究多语者默读英语时,脑的功能活动.方法 12名广州话母语右利手大学生,男7女5,年龄21~22岁.默英语单词,运用功能性磁共振成像对作业过程中的被试进行扫描,用AFNI软件对数据进行统计分析.结果 执行英语单词默读作业时,小脑,右(BA18),右颞叶下部(BA20),左前额叶下部(BA47),左前额叶中部(B10),右豆状核,左前额叶上部(BA9),左前额叶上部(BA6)有明显激活.结果 显示,左侧额叶与英语加工有关,右侧颞叶、小脑参与.结论 英语加工,多语者布洛卡脑区激活不显著,主要分布在其他区域.  相似文献   

目的观察积极和消极情绪状态下的脑激活差异情况,探究脑部对正性和负性情绪信息的处理机制。方法采用组独立成分分析技术处理情绪刺激下的功能磁共振图像数据。结果在积极情绪刺激下,杏仁核周围、顶叶和右扣带回区域的连接性十分显著;而在消极的情绪刺激下,杏仁核和丘脑附近区域激活程度明显,并且这些区域与楔叶右侧、左侧颞中回区域产生高度相关性。结论大脑处理消极情绪时,激活脑区与皮层-丘脑枕核-杏仁核通路大致相符,并且左侧楔前叶和右侧后扣带回区域的连接性存在显著下降。  相似文献   

有关情绪的大脑皮层加工机制研究具有重要科学意义与应用价值。为探讨皮层对场景情境与面孔表情诱发情绪的不同加工机制,采用常见的图片视觉刺激诱发方式,组织了16名青年学生(7男9女,平均年龄27±3)参与情绪诱发实验;记录了被试观看场景情境和面孔表情两类图片(各分积极、消极和中性3种)、进行情绪体验与判别时的脑电信号;对比了不同情绪图片刺激下枕叶事件相关电位(ERP)早中期成分的幅值以及各个脑区的激活情况,并应用幅值均方根(RMS)做了全脑ERP幅值对比分析。结果显示面孔图片刺激下的N1(170 ms)幅值大于场景图片(P=0.031),P2(250 ms)幅值小于场景图片(P=0.010),分别体现了面孔加工的特异性和复杂场景的再加工机制;在场景图片刺激下,具有优先加工特点的消极情绪能够比积极和中性情绪诱发出更明显的N1成分(P=0.019),而积极(P=0.008)和消极(P=0.008)情绪均能在P2时刻获得比中性情绪更多的再加工;此外,全脑ERP幅值对比显示图片刺激的激活区主要为枕叶,而负责情绪调控的额叶在N1和P2时刻被明显激活。上述ERP早中期成分的幅值差异充分说明场景情境图片与面孔表情图片诱发情绪时大脑皮层的加工机制具有一定的差异性,值得深入研究。  相似文献   

环境线索诱导海洛因依赖者心理渴求的SPECT研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 :研究与海洛因相关的环境线索诱导急性脱毒后海洛因依赖者的心理渴求及其局部脑血流灌注的变化特征。方法 :选择脱毒治疗一个月后海洛因依赖者 ,给于与海洛因相关的环境刺激 (暴露 ) 15分钟 ,在海洛因环境暴露前后分别评定心理渴求量表和汉米尔顿焦虑量表 ,同时采用单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT)测量局部脑血流灌注 (rBCF)的变化。结果 :暴露海洛因相关的环境可增加病人对药物的心理渴求 :1)使脱毒海洛因依赖者的心理渴求量表评分增加 ,与暴露前相比差异有显著性 (t =3 2 1P <0 0 5 ) ;2 )海洛因相关的环境刺激可以增加病人的焦虑情绪 ,表现为汉米尔顿焦虑量表总评分增高 ,(t =3 1,P <0 0 1)特别是躯体焦虑因子评分增高更为明显 (t =2 98,P <0 0 1) ;3 )海洛因的环境刺激明显增加额叶 ,颞叶皮层及杏仁核等脑区的局部脑血流 ,而其他脑区如顶叶、枕叶、扣带回及基底节等区域的脑血流灌注则无明显的变化。结论 :海洛因相关的环境可以诱导吸毒者对海洛因的心理渴求 ,是脱毒后发生复吸的主要因素之一 ,额叶、颞叶皮层及杏仁核等脑区参与了环境线索诱导复吸的神经生物过程。阻断药物相关的环境线索的刺激可以作为预防吸毒者脱毒后的再次复吸行为的手段之一。  相似文献   

杏仁核作为边缘系统中参与情绪处理的重要脑区,其功能的异常与精神分裂症的情绪认知及加工功能缺损相关。本文回顾了精神分裂症患者杏仁核结构与功能磁共振成像的研究,分析了二者的变化与精神分裂症患者临床症状的关联性,并进一步探讨了杏仁核相关脑网络的功能异常与精神分裂症患者情绪认知异常的关系。未来的研究可以基于统一的实验范式,分析精神分裂症患者治疗前后杏仁核结构及功能磁共振成像的动态变化,将有助于寻找与疾病诊断和疗效评价、预测有关的影像学指标。  相似文献   

威胁刺激加工是对威胁相关刺激的探测、学习以及快速做出反应的过程。相关神经机制的研究表明,该过程与杏仁核的激活及多脑区复杂协同密切关联,早期P1、N2pc、P3与LPP成分是威胁刺激注意加工的典型ERPs指标,P3和LPC则是表达威胁刺激记忆偏向的典型ERPs指标。威胁刺激的决策加工包含注意、记忆等多种认知成分,与前额叶、扣带回等多个脑区的协同活动有关。研究还发现,威胁刺激加工的神经机制受年龄、人格、生活经验、刺激特点等因素调节。未来研究应进一步对威胁加工神经机制进行细化和整合,探讨调节因素与神经过程的交互效应,并推进安全信息加工的认知神经机制研究。  相似文献   

目的:通过认知重评任务考察抑郁症正性情绪调节异常特点及其脑机制。方法:收集抑郁症组14名被试和对照组16名被试,并匹配其性别、年龄和文化程度,利用认知重评任务考察抑郁症正性情绪调节异常的脑功能联结特点。结果:在行为学方面,抑郁症患者能够使用认知重评策略增强和减弱正性情绪。功能磁共振成像结果显示,上调正性情绪时,抑郁症患者左侧眶额叶、右侧颞中回/颞极等区域激活低于对照组,双侧梭状回、左侧舌回、右侧小脑等区域激活高于对照组;下调正性情绪时,抑郁症患者右侧颞中回/颞极激活低于对照组。结论:抑郁症患者难以调用所需要认知资源增强和减弱正性情绪,认知控制能力下降,并表现出情绪调节相关区域(眶额叶、颞叶)活动异常。  相似文献   

为研究情绪重评时的大脑皮层源活动,针对情绪重评实验范式下采集的15例健康人同步EEG-fMRI数据,首先提出一种新颖的基于偶极子特征优化的融合源定位方法:根据fMRI加权最小范数估计源定位结果,采用20 ms EEG滑动时间窗,提取每个时窗内的偶极子空间融合特征,将其作为动态融合先验进行加权最小范数估计溯源;随后将该结果与fMRI加权最小范数估计源定位结果进行情绪重评机制上的对比;最后采用样本熵进行脑电源复杂度分析。实验结果表明,该方法可以在高时间和空间分辨率下,有效地追踪情绪重评任务下大脑皮层上的脑电源动态并识别出相关脑区。情绪重评过程中,随着后枕顶叶晚期正电位的出现,显著活跃脑区从左顶叶下部、右侧额中回下部、左侧脑岛转移到右侧颞上回和左外侧枕叶,最后在晚期正电位慢波阶段激活了右侧梭状回、右侧额中回下部和右侧扣带回峡部(P<0.05)。通过脑电源样本熵的计算,提取出被试在接受不同情绪刺激后1500 ms内的显著脑区(P<0.05):情绪响应的活跃脑区为左外侧枕叶(负性:0.688±0.124,中性:0.590±0.126);情绪重评的活跃脑区为右侧额中回下部(负性重评:0.814±0.114,负性:0.736±0.123);情绪重评的抑制脑区为右侧颞上回(负性:0.642±0.152,负性重评:0.546±0.090)。这些结果为情绪重评相关的皮层脑电源定位研究提供了脑区参考。  相似文献   

Emotional visual stimuli evoke enhanced responses in the visual cortex. To test whether this reflects modulatory influences from the amygdala on sensory processing, we used event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in human patients with medial temporal lobe sclerosis. Twenty-six patients with lesions in the amygdala, the hippocampus or both, plus 13 matched healthy controls, were shown pictures of fearful or neutral faces in task-releant or task-irrelevant positions on the display. All subjects showed increased fusiform cortex activation when the faces were in task-relevant positions. Both healthy individuals and those with hippocampal damage showed increased activation in the fusiform and occipital cortex when they were shown fearful faces, but this was not the case for individuals with damage to the amygdala, even though visual areas were structurally intact. The distant influence of the amygdala was also evidenced by the parametric relationship between amygdala damage and the level of emotional activation in the fusiform cortex. Our data show that combining the fMRI and lesion approaches can help reveal the source of functional modulatory influences between distant but interconnected brain regions.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging was used to investigate the relation between the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphism and volumetric measurements for the medial temporal lobe structures (amygdala, hippocampus, and parahippocampal gyrus) and prefrontal sub-regions (the superior frontal gyrus, middle frontal gyrus, inferior frontal gyrus, ventral medial prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, and straight gyrus) in a Japanese sample of 33 schizophrenia patients and 29 healthy subjects. For the controls, the Met carriers had significantly smaller parahippocampal and left superior frontal gyri than the Val homozygotes. The schizophrenia patients carrying the Met allele had a significantly smaller right parahippocampal gyrus than those with the Val/Val genotype, but the genotype did not affect the prefrontal regions in schizophrenia patients. These findings might reflect different genotypic effects of BDNF on brain morphology in schizophrenia patients and healthy controls, implicating the possible role of the brain morphology as an endophenotype for future genetic studies in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

首发重性抑郁症患者脑结构的磁共振初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:探讨首发重性抑郁症患者是否存在大脑结构形态学的改变。方法:对20例首发、未服药重性抑郁症患者和20例年龄、性别等相匹配对照组进行全脑MRI检查。结果:重性抑郁症患者组前额叶、左右颞叶及小脑、双侧海马及前扣带回灰质密度显著降低,左侧杏仁核灰质密度增加。结论:首发重性抑郁症患者前额叶、颞叶、小脑、前扣带回、海马杏仁核有灰质密度改变,可能是重型抑郁症患者病理性变化的脑结构基础。  相似文献   

Chen C  Yu L  Zhang P  Jiang J  Zhang Y  Chen X  Wu Q  Wu Q  Zhao S 《Neuroscience letters》2002,319(2):67-70
Neuronal calcium sensors (NCS) are important constituents in the intracellular signaling pathways. A novel human gene, NCS-1, was identified in the present study. Among the 16 human tissues examined, NCS-1 is expressed most abundantly in the brain. Among the brain regions, the expression level of NCS-1 in cerebral cortex is the highest, which is about six times higher than the average level of the whole brain and a hundred times higher than the spinal cord. In the 12 different anatomical regions of human brain, the expression level of NCS-1 is very high in the temporal lobe, occipital pole, frontal lobe, thalamus, amygdala and hippocampus; moderate in cerebellum, putamen, caudate nucleus; low in the medulla, substantia nigra and the lowest in corpus callosum. Our results suggest that NCS-1 in human brain might be involved in a variety of brain functions such as sensory processing, motor control, emotional control, learning and memory.  相似文献   

Activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis was performed to examine the activation characteristics of cognition-related brain regions in patients with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). The databases PubMed, Ovid, Cochrane Library, Google Scholar, CNKI, WFSD, and VIP were systematically searched. The software Ginger-ALE 3.0.2 was used for coordinate unification and meta-analysis. Seven studies with a total of 314 subjects were included. Meta-analysis results indicated that compared with healthy subjects, mTBI patients had enhanced activation in the left anterior angular gyrus, left occipital joint visual, left midbrain, right temporal angular gyrus, right cerebellar tonsil, left frontal insula, and right inferior frontal gyrus. mTBI patients had attenuated activation in the right dorsolateral prefrontal lobe, left cerebellar anterior lobe, left dorsolateral prefrontal lobe, right middle frontal gyrus, right posterior cingulate gyrus, left joint visual, left supramarginal gyrus, left middle frontal gyrus, right precuneus, left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, right frontal eye field, right lower parietal gyrus, corpus callosum, right frontal pole region, and left prefrontal lobe. Further joint analysis revealed that the dorsolateral prefrontal lobe of the right middle frontal gyrus was a region of attenuated co-activation. The dorsolateral prefrontal lobe of the right middle frontal gyrus showing attenuated activation was the main brain region distinguishing mTBI patients from healthy subjects. Cognitive deficits could be associated with attenuated activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal lobe of the right middle frontal gyrus, which could be due to a decline in the recruitment ability of the neural network involved in controlling attention.  相似文献   

Reduced GABA uptake sites in the temporal lobe in schizophrenia   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The binding of [3H]nipecotic acid, a ligand for labelling GABA uptake sites in brain, was measured in left and right frontal cortex, polar temporal cortex, hippocampus and amygdala from control and schizophrenic postmortem brains. In schizophrenic brains, single concentration [3H]nipecotic acid binding was reduced bilaterally in amygdala and hippocampus and on the left side only in polar temporal cortex. These data suggest that GABA neurones are involved in the cerebral atrophy of schizophrenia and, in agreement with other studies, that this process is most pronounced in left temporal cortex.  相似文献   

目的:探讨网络成瘾大学生静息状态脑功能特点。方法:采用ReHo分析方法 ,19名网络成瘾大学生及19名对照进行磁共振脑功能成像,比较两组平均脑ReHo图的差异。结果:IAD组ReHo值升高区域主要集中在小脑、脑干、扣带回(右侧)、双侧海马旁回、右侧额叶(直回,额中回及额下回)、左侧额上回、左侧楔前叶、右侧中央后回、右侧枕中回、右侧颞下回、左侧颞上回及颞中回;ReHo降低的区域仅表现在左侧顶叶的楔前叶。结论:网络成瘾大学生局域一致性存在异常,大部分脑区同步性增强,小脑、脑干、边缘叶、额顶叶同步性增强可能与网络成瘾奖赏通路有关。  相似文献   

Senile plaques in aged squirrel monkeys   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Aged squirrel monkeys develop senile plaques in the brain that are similar to those occurring in aged rhesus monkeys and aged humans. These plaques consist of abnormal, swollen neurites around an amyloid core. In whole-hemisphere coronal sections through the level of the rostral temporal lobe, plaques are present in temporal cortex, amygdala, hippocampal formation and, occasionally, in other cortical regions. In more rostral sections through the frontal lobe, plaques are most common in orbitofrontal and frontal opercular cortical regions. In immunocytochemical preparations, some neurites show immunoreactivity with antibodies directed against phosphorylated neurofilaments and neuropeptide Y. Thus, plaques in these New World primates are similar in distribution and composition to those occurring in aged Old World primates.  相似文献   

Sporting performance makes special demands on perceptual skills, but the neural mechanisms underlying such performance are little understood. We address this issue, making use of fMRI to identify the brain areas activated in viewing and responding to video sequences of tennis players, filmed from the opponent's perspective. In a block-design, fMRI study, 9 novice tennis players watched video clips of tennis play. The main stimulus conditions were (1) serve sequences, (2) non-serve behaviour (ball bouncing) and (3) static control sequences. A button response was required indicating the direction of serve (left or right for serve sequences, middle button for non-serve and static sequences). By comparing responses to the three stimulus conditions, it was possible to identify two groups of brain regions responsive to different components of the task. Areas MT/MST and STS in the posterior part of the temporal lobe responded either to serve and to non-serve stimuli, relative to static controls. Serve sequences produced additional regions of activation in the parietal lobe (bilateral IPL, right SPL) and in the right frontal cortex (IFGd, IFGv), and these areas were not activated by non-serve sequences. These regions of the parietal and frontal cortex have been implicated in a "mirror neuron" network in the human brain. It is concluded that the task of judgement of serve direction produces two different patterns of response: activations in the MT/MST and STS concerned with primarily with the analysis of motion and body actions, and activations in the parietal and frontal cortex associated specifically with the task of identification of direction of serve.  相似文献   

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