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主动脉弓内脉动流的有限元分析   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
将升主动脉和主动脉弓联系起来研究发展中的血液流动问题,给出了血液流动的理论模型、边界条件以及计算条件;根据生理脉动流条件,对狗的升主动脉和主动脉弓内血液流动进行有限元数值模拟,并对计算结果进行了可视化分析。  相似文献   

有锥度角的主动脉弓血液脉动流数值分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的 探求在正常生理脉动流条件下主动脉弓内血液流动速度和压力脉动分布,为动脉粥样硬化的成因和排除方法的研究提供理论依据。方法 运用计算流体力学方法和血流动力学的基本原理,对具有锥度角的主动脉弓内血液脉动流动进行数值模拟和可视化分析。结果 计算获得了具有锥度角的主动脉弓内血液流动在心动周期不同时刻的压力分布、速度分布、流线分布。结论 主脉弓内的血液脉动流流态表现复杂的原因是多方面的,而其中最为重要的原因就是主动脉弓的锥度角和曲率。  相似文献   

选择Navier-Stokes方程作为颅内动脉瘤三维重建模型的不可压缩血液流动的数学模型,使用计算流体力学(Computational fluid dynamics,CFD)的方法对颅内动脉瘤模型进行非牛顿(non-Newtonian fluid)模型的非定常流的数值模拟。计算3个心跳脉动周期的数值,认为第三个心跳脉动周期为稳定周期并选择第三个周期为研究对象。分析了稳定周期内不同时刻血液动力学特性参数分布情况对颅内动脉瘤的形成、生长和破裂的影响。并将此结果与牛顿(Newtonian fluid)血液模型的流线、壁面剪切力、壁面压力分布特性进行对比。结果显示,非牛顿流体血液模型比牛顿血液模型更有可信度,比较符合真实血液的流动特性,在血液流动的心跳脉动周期内,非牛顿流体的(速度、压力、壁面剪切力等)分布更加平滑。过高的壁面剪切力会直接造成动脉瘤区域处破裂,过低的壁面剪切力会使血液的营养成为和代谢物遗留在血管区域导致血液粥样化的形成。  相似文献   

非线性脉搏波在主动脉弓及任意弯曲动脉内传播的问题是生物流体力学中尚未很好地研究解决的重大课题之一。作为研究非线性脉搏波在弯曲动脉血管内传播问题的第一步,我们对主动脉弓内的非线性脉动流进行了计算机模拟。在本研究中做如下基本假设:将主动脉弓模拟为等圆截面的圆环形刚性管;血液为不可压缩牛顿流体;主动脉弓内的血液流动为发展中的层流,且在下游远处(出口处)变为充分发展的流动。我们利用SIMPLE方法对狗主动脉弓内的生理脉动流进行了数值模拟,得到了主动脉弓内的速度场和压力场的全部数值解。数值计算结果表明,血液…  相似文献   

建立了分岔动脉血管二维几何模型和动脉血流平均流速脉动流模型.对分岔动脉血管脉动血流的动力学状况和匀速进行药液注射进行了数值模拟,获得用导管注射药液时的血液流场的变化情况和药液在血液流场内的周期分布.计算结果表明,所建立的几何模型和血液平均流速脉动流模型可以较好地分析解释了临床上所观察到的血流动力学现象和药液传输现象,能够反映出分岔动脉血管脉动流的传质特点.这不但为实施进一步数值模拟提供了可靠的前提,而且本文的计算结果对优化血管性介入治疗等也提供了血流动力学依据.  相似文献   

通过分析血管性肺癌介入治疗的特性,建立了分岔动脉血管二维几何模型和动脉血流平均流速脉动流模型。基于SMPLE算法对分岔动脉血管脉动血流的动力学进行了数值模拟,获得用导管注射药液时血液流场的变化情况。结果表明,建立的典型几何模型和血液平均流速脉动流模型可较好地分析临床上观察到的血流动力学现象,能反映分岔动脉血管脉动流的特点。为实施进一步数值模拟提供了可靠的前提,此项研究的计算结果也为优化血管性介入治疗等提供了血流动力学依据。  相似文献   

人体主动脉弓内三维血流动力学数值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的阐明基于核磁共振数据进行数值建模的关键技术,利用计算流体动力学方法对人体主动脉弓内的血液流场进行了三维数值模拟。方法通过对临床核磁共振成像进行图像处理完成主动脉弓及分支血管的三维数字化重构,结合相关脉动血流量,模拟主动脉弓在心动周期不同时刻的血液流动细节。结果计算得到了人体主动脉弓内的血液流动在心动周期不同时刻的速度场、压力、壁面剪切应力的分布特征。结论基于核磁共振数据进行数值建模的关键技术有利于生物流体力学研究的深入开展,对主动脉弓进行血液流场的数值模拟有利于临床动脉粥样硬化、主动脉夹层的诊断和治疗。  相似文献   

目的分析在一个心动周期中蜿蜒型脑动脉瘤的血液流动情形、压力和壁面切应力分布和变化情况。方法构建了二维理想化的蜿蜒型脑动脉瘤(有2个动脉瘤)几何模型。利用计算流体力学方法对生理性脉动流进行了数值仿真。选择6个相继的心动时刻来显示流腔内的流动。结果2个流腔内的流动情形和壁面切应力分布呈现相似的特征,而第2个动脉瘤的末端瘤口则呈现非常高的壁面切应力和很高的压力梯度,这将更易于导致动脉瘤的发展和破裂。结论血液流动特征可以帮助人们更好地理解在S形弯曲动脉上滋生的在体蜿蜒型动脉瘤的血流动力学特性。  相似文献   

0500862 心外膜电位重构中边界条件不完全的仿真研究,0500863 麻醉期心率变异性的复杂性研究,0500864 锥形血管内血液脉动流的数值模拟,0500865 高强度聚焦超声在肿瘤治疗中的焦域模型,0500866 骨骼肌介电行为的理论模型仿真。  相似文献   

血管壁弹性对作轴向运动的动脉管中血液脉动流的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冠状动脉是供应心脏血流以维持心脏正常功能的动脉系统,冠状动脉疾病是严重危害人类健康的主要疾病之一。由于冠状动脉的特殊生理功能和解剖学位置,决定了冠状动脉将随心脏的舒缩搏动作整体大幅度的往复运动。因此,在研究冠状动脉中血液动力学问题时,不仅要考虑血管壁弹性对血液脉动流的影响,而且要考虑。动服有节律的收缩引起的动脉管壁周期运动的作用。但迄今为止,关于作轴向运动的血管中血液脉动流的研究报道,以刚性管模型的结果为主,尚未见到有关既考虑血管壁轴向运动,又考虑血管壁弹性的血液脉动流的分析结果。本文同时考虑血…  相似文献   

Horng TL  Lin WL  Liauh CT  Shih TC 《Medical physics》2007,34(4):1312-1320
The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of pulsatile blood flow in thermally significant blood vessels on the thermal lesion region during thermal therapy of tumor. A sinusoidally pulsatile velocity profile for blood flow was employed to simulate the cyclic effect of the heart beat on the blood flow. The evolution of temperature field was governed by the energy transport equation for blood flow together with Pennes' bioheat equation for perfused tissue encircling the blood vessel. The governing equations were numerically solved by a novel multi-block Chebyshev pseudospectral method and the accumulated thermal dose in tissue was computed. Numerical results show that pulsatile velocity profile, with various combinations of pulsatile amplitude and frequency, has little difference in effect on the thermal lesion region of tissue compared with uniform or parabolic velocity profile. However, some minor differences on the thermal lesion region of blood vessel is observed for middle-sized blood vessel. This consequence suggests that, in this kind of problem, we may as well do the simulation simply by a steady uniform velocity profile for blood flow.  相似文献   

Until recent years, it was almost beyond remedy to save the life of end-stage heart failure patients without considering a heart transplant. This is while the need for healthy organs has always far exceeded donations. However, the evolution of VAD technology has certainly changed the management of these patients. Today, blood pumps are designed either pulsatile flow or continuous flow, each of which has its own concerns and limitations. For instance, pulsatile pumps are mostly voluminous and hardly can be used for children. On the other hand, the flow generated by continuous-flow pumps is in contrast with pulsatile flow of the natural heart. In this project, having used computational fluid dynamics, we studied the possibility of generating pulsatile blood flow via a continuous-flow blood pump by adjusting the rotational speed of the pump with two distinct patterns (sinusoidal and trapezoidal), both of which have been proposed and set based on physiological needs and blood flow waveform of the natural heart. An important feature of this study is setting the outlet pressure of the pump similar to the physiological conditions of a patient with heart failure, and since these axial pumps are sensitive to outlet pressures, more secure and reliable results of their performance are achieved. Our results show a slight superiority of a sinusoidal pattern compared to a trapezoidal one with the potential to achieve an adequate pulsatile flow by precisely controlling the rotational speed.  相似文献   

The interest in lattice-Boltzmann models in the computational hemodynamics realm has increased in recent years. In this context, the correct choice of numerical parameters for the appropriate simulation of blood flows in major arteries is a crucial aspect. For this reason, we present three parameter-tuning strategies that allow us to reproduce correctly the pulsatile time-dependent flow of an incompressible fluid under physiological regimes. These strategies are studied for a model based on a single-relaxation-time approach in combination with second order boundary conditions for both velocity and pressure, and proper equilibrium distributions that take care of the incompressible behavior exhibited by the fluid. The implementation is validated with the three-dimensional Womersley flow benchmark. As well, the simulation of blood flows in a curved artery, in an anastomosed vessel, in a patient specific vertebral artery and in an aneurysmal region are presented in order to show how the method and the setting of the numerical parameters are applied to different realistic hemodynamics problems.  相似文献   

生物反应器在构建小口径组织工程血管中起着重要的作用.本文设计并造了能够模拟人体小口径动脉脉动流的生物反应器.该反应器的波形发生器输出成年人左心室容积变化信号驱动直线电机作为动力源,通过调节后负荷,从而产生近生理的脉动流.特殊设计的旋转培养室可以对三维的管壁支架进行二次的细胞接种.并且使得旋转接种和脉动培养能够连续进行.与现有的组织工程血管生物反应器相比,在理论和实践上有较大的创新性.  相似文献   

主动脉结构复杂成三维螺旋状,在心脏收缩期该处流动成旋动流态。这种旋动流态也许有着积极的生理意义,能够通过抑制湍流、促进物质传输,从而抑制心血管疾病的发生。引起主动脉处的旋动流主要是左心室收缩的扭曲运动、主动脉的三维空间几何构型、主动脉处的脉动流特征以及主动脉的运动。基于以上研究结果,近年来,研究者们以期将旋动流原理应用于心血管介入治疗和心血管介入器械的设计中。本文就主动脉处的旋动流态观察、其生理意义、引起该旋动流态的原因、及旋动流在临床器械设计中的应用等进行综述。  相似文献   

Recent studies revealed that in vivo the inner blood vessel surface is lined with an endothelial surface layer at least 0.5 μm thick, which serves as an aegis, protecting the vessel wall from arteriosclerosis. Hyaluronan seems to be a constitutive component in regard to the atheroprotective properties of this surface structure. It has been shown that arterial pulsatile laminar blood flow increases the thickness of this surface layer in vivo, while it is significantly reduced at atheroprone regions with disturbed flow. This study was undertaken to reveal whether endothelial hyaluronan synthesis via hyaluronan synthase 2 (HAS2) can be changed by different shear stress conditions in vitro, especially in regard to an undisturbed, arterial-like pulsatile flow profile. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells, exposed to constant or pulsatile shear stress in a cone-and-plate system, were analysed for HAS2 expression by real-time RT-PCR and immunoblotting, and for hyaluronan by ELISA. Hyaluronan synthase 2 mRNA and protein were found to be transiently increased in a shear stress-dependent manner via the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-Akt pathway. Especially pulsatile, arterial-like shear stress conditions induced enzyme and hyaluronan effectively, while lower shear stress that continuously changed its direction did not induce any differences in comparison with control cultures not exposed to shear stress. These experiments provide a link between the production of a constitutive component of the endothelial surface layer by endothelial cells and blood flow.  相似文献   

本文推导了动脉血管流动的速度分布和压力分布公式,并从数学上论证出动脉血管中之所以总是发展流动的主要原因是动脉血管存在着锥度角,此外,还讨论了锥度角对动脉血液流动的速度分布的影响问题。  相似文献   

A realistic outflow boundary condition model for pulsatile flow in a compliant vessel is studied by taking into account physiological effects: compliance, resistance, and wave reflection of the downstream vasculature. The new model extends the computational domain with an elastic tube terminated in a rigid contraction. The contraction ratio, the length, and elasticity of the terminal tube can be adjusted to represent effects of the truncated vasculature. Using the wave intensity analysis method, we apply the model to the test cases of a straight vessel and the aorta and find good agreement with the physiological characteristics of blood flow and pressure. The model is suitable for cardiac transient (non-periodic) events and easily employed using so-called black box software.  相似文献   

We used a stereoscopic digital subtraction angiography (DSA) system to measure absolute blood flow rates in vessels. The magnification factor and the three-dimensional orientation of a selected vessel are obtained from automated analysis of stereoscopic DSA images. The cross-sectional area of the vessel is determined from the vessel diameter, which is measured with an iterative deconvolution technique. The time required for fluid to flow through a selected segment of a vessel is determined from the automated analysis of contrast medium 'time-density' curves. The effectiveness of these combined techniques was demonstrated in measurement of rates of both continuous and pulsatile flow in a vessel phantom, with the actual flow rate calibrated volumetrically or by an electromagnetic flowmeter. We have obtained accuracies in measured flow rates of approximately 5% and 18% for continuous and pulsatile flow respectively.  相似文献   

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