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目的探讨计算机专业从业人员职业压力与身体健康、心理健康以及工作满意度之间的相互关系,以缓解职业压力带来的问题。方法采用职业压力指标第二版OSI-2,对计算机专业从业人员进行调查。结果职业压力与工作满意度(r=-0.566,P〈0.01)、身体健康状况(r=-0.612,P〈0.01)以及心理健康状况(r=-0.657,P〈0.01)都呈负相关;而且工作满意度与身体健康(r=0.552,P〈0.05)及心理健康(r=0.684,P〈0.01)都存在正相关,身体健康因素与心理健康因素也成显著正相关(r=0.722,P〈0.01);再通过建立职业压力多元回归方程式,发现身心健康因素进入职业压力回归方程式(adj R^2=0.342,F=12.236,P〈0.001)。结论计算机专业人员从业压力感受越高,身心健康水平越低;相反,身心健康水平下降,职业压力感受也会增大;身心健康因素成为职业压力的预测因素,因此想要调整压力还要从身心等方面综合考虑。  相似文献   

目的了解护理专业女大学生的心理状况及其主要影响因素。方法采用心理卫生评定症状自评量表(SCL-90)和自编的基本情况调查表。结果SCL-90总均分,躯体化、强迫症状、抑郁、焦虑、敌对、精神病性等6个因子分均明显高于全国青年常模,差异有显著性;而人际关系敏感、恐怖、偏执等3个因子分与全国青年常模比较,无显著性差异。有中度以上心理问题学生占14.6%。结论护理专业女大学生的心理状况不容乐观,学习压力,个性特征、负性生活事件和社会支持等因素都是大学生心理健康的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

影响心理应付方式的因素分析   总被引:43,自引:1,他引:42  
目的:探讨影响心理应付方式的因素,为改善人们的心理应付方式提供依据。方法:采用应付方式问卷。EPQ,生活事件量表,对424例不同职业人群进行评定。结果:(1)个体职业人群比其他职业人群多采用自责,退避和幻想应付方式。(2)经逐步回归分析发现,个性特征,生活事件,文化程度和年龄等因素对应付方式有影响,结论:稳定和偏外向的性格特征,丰富生活经历,文化修养高,有利于改善人们的心理应付方式。  相似文献   

大学新生生活应激调查研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的了解大学生应激性生活事件发生特点及影响因素,为今后大学生心理健康教育工作提供理论依据。方法采用青少年生活事件量表(ASLEC)、社会支持评定量表(SSRC)和艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)对山西医科大学2005级临床系学生进行团体施测。结果1在大学生各类生活事件的发生频度和应激强度排序中,学习压力最为突出;2在学习压力方面,女性高于男性,非独生子女高于独生子女,农村大学生高于城市大学生;3影响大学生生活事件发生频度的因素主要有神经质人格、母亲学历、合理化应对方式和主观社会支持;影响大学生生活事件应激强度的因素主要有神经质人格、母亲学历、总体社会支持、自责及合理化应对方式。结论大学生家庭、性别、人格特点、应对方式及社会支持可能是导致应激性生活事件发生的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

中学教师与医护人员职业心理紧张及其影响因素的研究   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
本研究应用职业心理紧张调查表和职业心理紧张影响因素调查表,对杭州市市级医院医护人员172例,市级中学教师78例,共250例,进行了调查。结果表明:(1)中学教师的职业心理紧张程度低于医护人员,男性的职业心理紧张程度低于女性。(2)认知方式与职业心理紧张程度密切相关,消极、被动的认知方式组的职业心理紧张程度较高,(3)不被重视、不胜任工作、工作不满意、人际关系不良是中学教师和医护人员的四个重要的心理紧张源。(4)立即处理、寻求社会支持、转移注意力、重新调整是中学教师和医护人员应付紧张的四种有效策略。  相似文献   

目的探讨性别对职业紧张测试结果的影响。方法使用职业紧张测量工具对广州市经济开发区3间工厂的497名职工进行职业紧张测试,然后用统计学方法对测试结果进行性别间的对比分析。结果男性组心理需求、工作本身满意感评分大于女性组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);而与领导关系、了解自己、兴趣、尊重别人、和信心充足评分则男性组小于女性组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05或P〈0.01)。结论性别对职业紧张部分因素的测试结果存在着影响。  相似文献   

目的探讨影响高职新生心理适应性的主要因素,为高职新生心理适应性教育提供依据。方法采用大学生心理素质问卷、大学新生适应量表(FARS)、状自评量表(SCL-90)、卡特尔16种个性因素测验(16PF)4个心理量表对云南玉溪农业职业技术学院106名新生进行心理测验,对所得数据进行相关分析和回归分析。结果 FARS、SCL-90、16PF的各因子对心理适应性的回归方程为:Y=174.18-4.37X1-8.23X2-9.79X3-0.68X 4(t1=-2.42,P<0.05;t2=-3.63,P<0.01;t3=-3.48,P<0.01;t4=-2.05,P<0.05)。其中,Y为心理适应性,X1为精神病性,X2为职业目标困扰,X3为学习方法困扰,X4为幻想性。结论影响高职新生心理适应性的主要因素是:精神病性、职业目标困扰、学习方法困扰、幻想性。  相似文献   

下岗工人心理健康状况影响因素研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
目的:了解长沙市下岗工人的心理健康状况影响因素。方法:对675名下岗工人以及669名在岗工人测试了症状自评量表(SCL-90)、特质应对方式量表(TCQ)、社会支持量表(SSQ)、生活事件量表(LES)等,并用多元逐步回归分析方法对影响下岗工人心理健康状况的社会人口学、心理以及社会心理因素进行探讨。结果:下岗工人的心理健康水平依年龄、婚姻状况、文化程度、经济状况以及下岗时间的不同而不同,影响下岗工人心理健康水平的主要影响因素包括应对方式、生活事件、健康状况的主观感受、文化程度、经济压力以及个人经济收入。  相似文献   

高校教师工作压力与应对方式关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的了解高校教师现阶段工作压力的状况,为缓解高校教师工作压力,建立符合高校教师心理需要的心理支持系统提供依据。方法采用应对方式量表和工作压力量表对高校151名教师进行了问卷调查,并将统计结果进行相关分析。结果高校教师工作压力来源是多元的,其中工作负担压力、职业声望压力、职业发展压力的强度居前3位,男女教师在工作负担压力维度上的差异显著(P〈0.01);不同教龄的教师在工作负担压力维度上存在显著性差异,在聘任压力维度上存在非常显著性差异,其他维度上不存在差异,总体来看,5~9年与10~19年教龄教师工作压力较大;工作压力总分与应对方式总分呈显著正相关(r=0.359,P〈0.01)。结论高校教师普遍压力较大,学校应构建心理支持系统,力争从教师自身应对方式上使教师减轻压力感,使教师正确认识工作压力,提高自身的承受力,以积极的姿态应对工作压力。  相似文献   

目的 探讨影响高职新生心理适应性的主要因素,为高职新生心理适应性教育提供依据.方法 采用大学生心理素质问卷、大学新生适应量表(FARS)、状自评量表(SCL—90)、卡特尔16种个性因素测验(16PF)4个心理量表对云南玉溪农业职业技术学院106名新生进行心理测验,对所得数据进行相关分析和回归分析.结果 FARS、SCL—90、16PF的各因子对心理适应性的回归方程为:Y=174.18-4.37X1-8.23X2-9.79X3-0.68X4(t1=-2.42,P<0.05;t2=-3.63,P<0.01;t3 =-3.48,P<0.01;t4=-2.05,P<0.05).其中,Y为心理适应性,X1为精神病性,X2为职业目标困扰,X3为学习方法困扰,X4为幻想性.结论影响高职新生心理适应性的主要因素是:精神病性、职业目标困扰、学习方法困扰、幻想性.  相似文献   

Intra-organ flow is the most critical parameter in machine-perfused organ preservation systems (MPS). Ultrasonic flow sensors (UFS) are commonly employed in MPS. However, UFS are sensitive to changes in fluid composition and temperature and require recalibration. Novel Coriolis-type mass flow sensors (CFS) may be more suitable for MPS because the measurement technique is not amenable to these factors. The effect of viscosity, colloids, temperature, pressure, and preservation solution on flow measurement accuracy of UFS and CFS was therefore investigated. A CFS-based MPS was built and validated for setpoint stability using porcine kidneys and the ability to reproduce different pressure and flow waveforms. The UFS exhibited a temperature- and preservation solution-dependent overestimation of flow rate compared to the CFS. The CFS deviated minimally from the actual flow rate and did not require recalibration. The CFS-based MPS conformed to the preprogrammed temperature, flow, pressure, and vascular resistance settings during 6-h kidney preservation. The system was also able to accurately reproduce different pressure and flow waveforms. Conclusively, CFS-based MPS are more suitable for organ preservation than UFS-based MPS. Our CFS-based MPS provides a versatile yet robust experimental platform for testing and validating different types of clinical and experimental MPS.  相似文献   

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which is characterized by fatigue and flu-like symptoms that are not alleviated by rest, is a poorly understood condition and an often controversial diagnosis. Earlier research has indicated that general metacognitions are associated with the severity of symptoms in patients with CFS. In the current study, we aimed to determine whether specific metacognitive factors are implicated in CFS. Using the metacognitive profiling interview template we investigated the following: (1) whether patients held positive or negative metacognitions about conceptual processes; (2) what their goals with respect to engaging in these processes were; and (3) what indicated that it was appropriate to stop. We also examined attention focus when experiencing CFS symptoms, and its advantages and disadvantages. Results showed that patients endorsed positive and negative metacognitions pertaining to conceptual processes. The goals of engaging in these processes were to identify the cause of, and devise strategies to cope with, symptoms. Patients were either unable to identify a stop signal for conceptual processing or identified an improvement in fatigue-related symptoms as representing the stop signal. Finally, patients reported that their attention focus when experiencing symptoms included distraction and monitoring of symptoms. Advantages to these strategies included symptom management, whereas disadvantages included an escalation of negative affect. The present findings provide preliminary evidence that specific metacognitive factors may be involved in CFS. Copyright ? 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. KEY PRACTITIONER MESSAGE: Metacognitive profiling that may aid assessment and conceptualisation of psychological distress in CFS.  相似文献   

Among clinical psychologists, consulting physicians, scientific researchers and society in general an image has emerged of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) as perfectionist, conscientious, hardworking, somewhat neurotic and introverted individuals with high personal standards, a great desire to be socially accepted and with a history of continuously pushing themselves past their limits. The aim of this article is to (a) give a concise review of the main recent studies on personality and CFS, (b) address the major methodological problems in the study of personality in CFS and (c) discuss some of the conceptual assumptions that seem to limit the research on personality and CFS. The results of the reviewed studies range from no evidence of major differences between the personalities of patients with CFS and controls, to evidence of severe psychopathology and personality disorder in patients with CFS. Although personality seems to play a role in CFS, it is difficult to draw general conclusions on the relation between personality and CFS. It is argued that this is partially due to the diversity and heterogeneity in study methods, patient populations, control groups and CFS case definitions. Personality should be regarded as an important factor to be studied in CFS. However, additional studies are needed, not focusing exclusively on personality disorder, or personality considered on a general trait level. In recent developments in personality research, the continually evolving life narrative that makes sense of, and gives direction to, an individual's life is also regarded as an important aspect of personality. New insights into personality and CFS might be gained by systematically studying the self-narratives of patients with the syndrome.  相似文献   

Objective Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients report limited social support, which can affect symptom severity. Friends are a key source of social support for young adults with CFS, but there is limited research on friends’ responses to the CFS label. We explored the potential benefits or harms of the CFS label for shaping the potential for social support from a friend’s perspective.Method 207 university students responded to hypothetical scenarios about a close friend experiencing CFS. Participants were randomly allocated to either the CFS-label or no-label conditions. The potential for social support was operationalised as attitude (sympathetic or hostile), intended treatment support and intended behavioural support.Results The CFS label elicited a greater potential for social support, with significantly higher sympathetic responses, lower rejecting responses and greater support for active treatment. These effects were significantly greater in men compared to women. There was no effect on intended behavioural support.Conclusion This study suggests the CFS label may increase the potential for social support. Young adults, particularly men, held more supportive attitudes towards their friend when the CFS label was used.Practical Implications The effects of labels on the potential for social support need to be considered when evaluating the usefulness of a disease label.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare the cardiovascular responses of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) to healthy control subjects when performing stressful cognitive tasks before and after strenuous exercise. METHOD: Beat-by-beat blood pressure and electrocardiogram were recorded on 19 women with CFS and 20 healthy nonexercising (ie, sedentary) women while they performed cognitive tests before, immediately after, and 24 hours after incremental exercise to exhaustion. RESULTS: Diminished heart rate (p <.01) and systolic (p <.01) and diastolic (p <.01) blood pressure responses to stressful cognitive testing were seen in patients with CFS when compared with healthy, sedentary controls. This diminished stress response was seen consistently in patients with CFS across three separate cognitive testing sessions. Also, significant negative correlations between self-ratings of CFS symptom severity and cardiovascular responses were seen (r = -0.62, p <.01). CONCLUSIONS: Women with CFS have a diminished cardiovascular response to cognitive stress; however, exercise did not magnify this effect. Also, the data showed that the patients with the lowest cardiovascular reactivity had the highest ratings of CFS symptom severity, which suggests that the individual response of the patient with CFS to stress plays a role in the common complaint of symptoms worsening after stress.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aetiology of chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) is still unknown. The identification of risk factors for CFS/ME is of great importance to practitioners. METHOD: A systematic scoping review was conducted to locate studies that analysed risk factors for CFS/ME using multiple predictors. We searched for published and unpublished literature in 11 electronic databases, reference lists of retrieved articles and guideline stakeholder submissions in conjunction with the development of a forthcoming national UK guideline. Risk factors and findings were extracted in a concise tabular overview and studies synthesized narratively. RESULTS: Eleven studies were identified that met inclusion criteria: two case-control studies, four cohort studies, three studies combining a cohort with a case-control study design, one case-control and twin study and one cross-sectional survey. The studies looked at a variety of demographic, medical, psychological, social and environmental factors to predict the development of CFS/ME. The existing body of evidence is characterized by factors that were analysed in several studies but without replication of a significant association in more than two studies, and by studies demonstrating significant associations of specific factors that were not assessed in other studies. None of the identified factors appear suitable for the timely identification of patients at risk of developing CFS/ME within clinical practice. CONCLUSIONS: Various potential risk factors for the development of CFS/ME have been assessed but definitive evidence that appears meaningful for clinicians is lacking.  相似文献   

Hemodynamic abnormalities have been documented in the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), indicating functional disturbances of the autonomic nervous system responsible for cardiovascular regulation. The aim of this study was to explore blood pressure variability and closed-loop baroreflex function at rest and during mild orthostatic stress in adolescents with CFS. We included a consecutive sample of 14 adolescents 12–18 years old with CFS diagnosed according to a thorough and standardized set of investigations and 56 healthy control subjects of equal sex and age distribution. Heart rate and blood pressure were recorded continuously and non-invasively during supine rest and during lower body negative pressure (LBNP) of –20 mmHg to simulate mild orthostatic stress. Indices of blood pressure variability and baroreflex function (α-gain) were computed from monovariate and bivariate spectra in the low-frequency (LF) band (0.04–0.15 Hz) and the high–frequency (HF) band (0.15–0.50 Hz), using an autoregressive algorithm. Variability of systolic blood pressure in the HF range was lower among CFS patients as compared to controls both at rest and during LBNP. During LBNP, compared to controls, α-gain HF decreased more, and α-gain LF and the ratio of α-gain LF/α-gain HF increased more in CFS patients, all suggesting greater shift from parasympathetic to sympathetic baroreflex control. CFS in adolescents is characterized by reduced systolic blood pressure variability and a sympathetic predominance of baroreflex heart rate control during orthostatic stress. These findings may have implications for the pathophysiology of CFS in adolescents.  相似文献   

This study examined the cardiovascular response to orthostatic challenge, and incidence and mechanisms of neurally mediated hypotension in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) during a head-up tilt test. Stoke volume was obtained by a thoracic impedance cardiograph, and continuous heart rate and blood pressure were recorded during a 45-min 70 degrees head-up tilt test. Thirty-nine CFS patients and 31 healthy physically inactive control subjects were studied. A positive tilt, i.e. a drop in systolic blood pressure of > 25 mmHg, no concurrent increase in heart rate and/or development of presyncopal symptoms, was seen in 11 CFS patients and 12 control subjects (P > 0.05). During baseline and the first 5 min of head-up tilt, CFS patients had higher heart rate and smaller pulsatile-systolic area than control subjects (P < 0.05). Among subjects who completed the test, those with CFS had higher heart rate and smaller stroke volume (P < 0.05) than corresponding control subjects. When comparing those who had a positive test outcome in each group, CFS patients had higher heart rates and lower pulse pressure and pulsatile-systolic areas during the last 4 min before being returned to supine (P < 0.05). These data show that there are baseline differences in the cardiovascular profiles of CFS patients when compared with control subjects and that this profile is maintained during head-up tilt. However, the frequency of positive tilts and the haemodynamic adjustments made to this orthostatic challenge are not different between groups.  相似文献   

目的了解海洛因依赖者复吸的社会心理因素,评价复吸预防的综合干预模式对脱毒后复吸的影响。方法运用半结构性访谈问卷、简易应对方式问卷(SCSQ)和MMPI对109例海洛因依赖复吸者进行调查,了解复吸的社会心理因素。在海洛因依赖者住院及出院随访期间进行预防复吸的社会、心理及生物学综合干预,并于出院1年后了解其复吸情况。结果 1海洛因依赖者复吸原因依次为心理因素(46.8%)、社会因素(37.6%)和生物学因素(15.6%);2海洛因依赖复吸者SCSQ评分积极应对维度分显著低于正常(t=2.83,P0.05),而消极应对维度分显著高于正常(t=2.56,P0.05);3海洛因依赖复吸者MMPI各量表中疑病(Hs),抑郁(D),精神病态(Pd)和偏执(Pa)评分明显高于正常(P均0.01);4采用复吸预防的综合干预模式后,海洛因依赖复吸者1年内的复吸率为52%,明显低于以往研究。结论海洛因依赖复吸者存在明显的个性心理缺陷,社会、心理及生物学均在复吸的影响中起一定的作用,并以心理及社会因素为主。进行预防复吸的社会、心理及生物学综合干预措施后可降低患者的复吸率。  相似文献   

The present study characterized 46 chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients' experiences of CFS and compared these patients with 11 healthy control participants. Chronic fatigue syndrome patients reported more symptoms of CFS, distress, and functional impairment than the controls. These heightened symptoms remained relatively stable over time within the patient group. However, within individual patients, there were daily fluctuations in symptom reporting, indicating that some days were better than others. Additionally, there was a close association between CFS symptoms and reports of perceived stress and negative affect in the patient group. These results demonstrate the usefulness of the Daily Record Form for assessing symptom severity in CFS patients.  相似文献   

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