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正腋动脉以胸小肌上下缘为界分为3段。腋动脉分支变异较多,多见于胸外侧动脉和肩胛下动脉起点变异~([1-11]),而在同一尸体上腋动脉多个分支都发生变异相对较少。本文作者在解剖1具中年男性尸体时,发现其双侧腋动脉多个分支变异,几个主要分支不直接发自腋动脉,而是由变异动脉共干发出;双侧胸上动脉缺如。同时,其分支主要走行也发生罕见变化,左侧旋肩胛动脉不穿行三边孔,而是穿小圆肌;左侧旋肱后动脉既不穿行四边  相似文献   

笔者在对1具中年女性尸体的解剖过程中,发现其左侧腋动脉部有较少见的变异,右侧未见变异,现报道如下. 左侧腋动脉于第2段中1/3处发出一较粗变异动脉干,起始处外径为5mm,该动脉干自腋动脉发出后行向外下方,被臂丛的内侧、外侧和后束围绕,其分支有:(1)肱二头肌支,于起始1.5 cm处发出分支,行向外下,营养肱二头肌;(2)肩胛下肌支,于肩胛下动脉近侧0.3cm处发出分支,行向内下,营养肩胛下肌;(3)肩胛下动脉,自起始处3 cm发出,向内下行1 cm分出胸背动脉和旋肩胛动脉,旋肩胛动脉又分出1支旋肱后动脉;(4)旋肱前动脉,向外穿肱二头肌短头,绕肱骨外科颈至三角肌深面;(5)变异干终末支为另一支旋肱后动脉,与腋神经和由旋肩胛动脉分出的旋肱后动脉伴行,向后穿四边孔至三角肌深面与旋肱前动脉吻合.  相似文献   

<正>旋肱后动脉(the posterior humeral circumflex artery,PHCA)起自腋动脉第3段外侧缘、旋肱前动脉起点的后方,与腋神经一同穿过四边孔,分支营养三角肌、肱三头肌,及肩关节,并与旋肱前动脉、肱深动脉、肩胛上动脉、胸肩峰动脉等的分支吻合。通常肱深动脉发出桡侧副动脉及中副动脉~([1])。旋肱后动脉变异较为常见,国内外时有报道~([2~7]),了解其变  相似文献   

在解剖学实验操作中,发现1具成年男尸右侧腋动脉分支变异,报告如下:右侧腋动脉在第2段发出深、浅2条分支.深支被臂丛的3个束包绕,是旋肱前动脉、旋肱后动脉、肩胛下动脉和肱深动脉4支的共干血管,另外肱深动脉还发出1支肌支(营养肱二头肌及肱三头肌)和尺侧上副动脉.浅支走行正常,其内侧有腋静脉伴行,在大圆肌下缘续于肱动脉;肱动脉没有发出肱深动脉和尺侧上副动脉;其左侧腋动脉分支及其走行无变异.  相似文献   

腋动脉变异较多,多见于胸外侧动脉与肩胛下动脉的起点变异,笔者在对一具中年女性尸体的解剖过程中,发现右侧腋动脉存在极罕见变异,而左侧未见变异,其右侧腋动脉变异位置高,合并双肱动脉变异,并且胸最上动脉缺如,存在双上肩胛下动脉等情况出现于同一例标本实属罕见。为了给解剖学及血管外科学累积国人腋动脉分支的统计学资料,帮助编撰出更符合国人实际体质的教材,便于教学,同时也为临床外科手术提供形态学参考,现报道如下。  相似文献   

在解剖一具发育正常的成年男性标本时,发现右上肢血管同时存在以下变异:1腋动脉在距其起点3.5cm处、胸小肌深面向内下方发出一动脉干,由动脉干依次发出胸外侧动脉、胸背动脉和旋肱后动脉,最后主干延续为旋肩胛动脉.  相似文献   

<正>笔者在解剖1具中年男性尸体标本过程中,发现其左侧肱动脉及分支变异,较为少见,现报道如下。左侧腋动脉(外径8.2 mm)第1段发出胸上动脉;腋动脉第2段发出胸肩峰动脉(外径3.2mm)和胸外侧动脉;腋动脉第3段锁骨下方73.4 mm处向内下方发出肩胛下动脉(外径5.9 mm);其余分支未见,腋动脉于大网肌下缘延续为肱动脉。在锁骨下方126.3 mm处.肱动脉向后侧发出一变异动脉主干  相似文献   

肩胛下血管蒂复合组织瓣移植的解剖学基础   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:为以肩胛下血管为蒂复合组织瓣移植提供解剖学基础。方法:40侧成人上肢标本解剖观察肩胛下动脉的分支类型及分布。结果:肩胛下动脉分支有3种类型:①肩胛下动脉直接分出旋肩胛动脉和胸背动脉,占52.5%;②肩胛下动脉发出旋肩胛、胸背、旋肱后或胸外动脉,占40%;③旋肩胛动脉与胸背动脉分别起于腋动脉,占7.5%。旋肩胛动脉恒定发浅、深支,浅支分布于肩胛冈下部筋膜皮肤,深支分布于肩胛骨外侧缘。胸背动脉恒定发肩胛骨支、前锯肌支,分布于肩胛骨外侧缘中下部、前锯肌及第5~7肋。胸背动脉于肩胛骨下角上方1.9cm处分为内、外侧支。结论:92.5%可以肩胛下血管为蒂形成:①肩胛(骨)皮瓣与背阔肌皮瓣;②肩胛(骨)皮瓣与侧胸皮瓣;③肩胛(骨)皮瓣与前锯肌肋骨瓣。7.5%则可以胸背动脉为蒂形成背阔肌皮瓣与前锯肌肋骨瓣。  相似文献   

<正>腋动脉是上肢的主要动脉干,是锁骨下动脉的直接延续,其分支变异较多[1]。在目前国内解剖学教材中,仍以腋动脉6支型为标准类型,即以胸小肌为界分为3段,第1段为胸上动脉,第2段为胸外侧动脉、胸肩峰动脉,第3段为肩胛下动脉,旋肱前、后动脉[2]。在临床解剖学实验操作中,本组对一中年男尸进行解剖操作时,发现其双侧腋动脉在第3段存在多分支共干变异,经查阅文献,发现此种变异十分罕见,为完善人体解剖学数据资料,以期为临床上腋动脉及其他血管的介入治疗提供解剖学依据,现报道如下。  相似文献   

正笔者在解剖1具中年男性尸体标本过程中,发现双侧腋动脉分支存在相同的少见变异,具有一定临床意义。为积累解剖学资料,同时也为临床外科提供参考,现以右侧为例报道如下。锁骨下动脉在锁骨下方延续为腋动脉(外径为9.3mm),腋动脉下行35.2 mm处自前壁和内侧壁依次发出胸肩峰动脉(外径为3.1 mm)、胸上动脉和肩胛下动脉(外径为4.0mm)。肩胛下动脉下行9.1mm处发出1条胸外侧动脉,下  相似文献   

A further analysis of already published data supports the position that retardates of low ability level less frequently have retarded siblings, retarded parents, and parents low in occupational level than do retardates higher in ability level. The analysis supports the position that there are two types of retarded individuals, persons retarded as a result of gene or chromosomal anomalies, brain injury, etc., who more frequently occur in the lower-level retardate group, and persons whose retardation represents polygenic segregation, who more frequently occur in the higher-level group.  相似文献   

Modes of Inheritance of Errors of Refraction   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Eighteen families in which both parents had refractions within the range of +4·0 D to −4·0 D and axial lengths seen in emmetropia (22·3-26·0 mm) showed coefficients of correlation of the order 0·5 indicative of polygenic inheritance. Such coefficients were seen for axial length (0·407) and for the cornea (0·487), but not for the lens (which is known to be yoked to the axial length). No such coefficients were seen in 19 families in which one of the parents had axial length outside the emmetropic range (nine families with long axes and 10 with short axes).

The pattern of polygenic inheritance for emmetropia (completely correlated optical components) and errors of refraction up to 4·0 D (inadequately correlated components: correlation ametropia) follows that seen in stature and other measurable characters. In contrast the high refractive errors with their abnormal axial lengths (component ametropia) are—like the extremes in stature—pathological anomalies with monofactorial inheritance.


1. Recovery of responsiveness of single cells in lateral geniculate nucleus of rat has been determined in both P and I cells. There are three types of recovery curve among P cells; (a) early recovery, (b) early partial recovery followed by depression and then complete recovery, (c) prolonged depression followed by cyclic recovery. Type (c) is by far the commonest recovery curve. In contrast to the spike in a P cell, the synaptic potential recovers to its full amplitude in about 20 msec. All I cells exhibit similar rapid recovery curves after a prolonged depression.2. Conditioning stimuli applied to visual cortex also produce a prolonged depression in most P cells but I cells can be re-excited at short intervals from cortex. Decortication does not prevent the prolonged depression of the multineuronal response produced by optic nerve stimulation.3. A neuronal model is proposed to explain these observations. It is supposed that I cells (interneurones) are innervated by axon collaterals of the P cells (principal cells, projecting to visual cortex) and that the I cells exert an inhibitory influence on the P cells.  相似文献   

It was established, in experiments on isolated spinal ganglia of adult rats in concluons of intracellular recording, that dopamine (1 M/liter) elicits depolarized responses in 61% of neurons, hyperpolarized in 20% of neurons, and depolarized-hyperpolarized in 19% of neurons. The depolarized responses are associated with the activation of D1 dopamine receptors, and are governed by the shift of cAMP-dependent cation (sodium) channels to the conducting state. The hyperpolarized responses are triggered by the activation of D2 dopamine receptors, which by means of HTP-binding protein convert the potassium channels to the conducting state. The change in the polarization of neurons with the action of dopamine influences their electrical excitability variously.Translated from Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal SSSR imeni I. M. Sechenova, Vol. 76, No. 6, pp. 739–745, June, 1990.  相似文献   

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