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利用计算机提高药库工作效率之实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:利用计算机软件的设计提高医院药库的管理效率。方法:将药品的货位信息输入计算机。并在药品出入库、盘点时采用排序方法;在出入库时做好批号跟踪。结果:最大限度提高药品周转率和大量节省了出入库、盘点时间;并使调价更准确便捷,从而提高了工作效率。结论:只有通过实践,充分利用计算机软件的优势,才能使工作效能达到最优化。  相似文献   

医院药库药品管理信息化的实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李贤文 《医学信息》2004,17(2):78-79
目的 保证医院药库药品管理信息化的成功实施。方法 选择合适的管理系统,在药剂科全体人员的参与配合下,收集完整的药品信息。制订药品编码规则。选择规范实用的药品名称。设定简单、意义明确的出入库类别,进行教据监控。结果与结论为医院管理信息系统提供了有效、完整的药品信息。提高了药品管理水平。  相似文献   

赵英良  严睿  庄丽华 《医学信息》2003,16(8):448-449
药库管理子系统是为医院管理部门进行药品管理而设计的管理软件 ,主要任务是对医院药库药品入库、出库、编码、限量等进行管理 ,并提供一系列查询和统计功能 ,在“军卫 1号”工程中起着非常重要的作用。而药品基本信息中药品编码是最重要的一项 ,且每一种药品必须有惟一的编码 ,它是药品出入库工作和其他管理以及统计工作的依据 ,因此工作人员必须认认真真地录入药品基本信息表。但是在录入的过程中不可避免地会出现编码错误的情况 ,如果一项一项的更改药品的编码 ,将是一个漫长的过程 ,为此 ,我们用 SQL写了以下语句来轻松地完成因药品编…  相似文献   

药品是一种特殊商品,关系到人民群众身体健康。从保障患者用药安全性的角度出发,规范医院药库药品管理的几个环节,使药库的管理适应现代医疗保障工作。  相似文献   

新形式下我院药库信息化管理的实施与完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 建立一个适应新环境、新情况的药库管理系统,为医疗服务、经济管理提供积极的支持与保障。方法 完善计算机HIS系统中的药库管理模块,进一步规范医院药品的管理。结果减轻了工作人员劳动强度,提高工作效率,保障医院用药安全、合理、有效。结论 通过优化药库管理系统工作流程,使医院药剂科的物流保障、经济管理、药学服务达到更高的水平。  相似文献   

目的:综述PDCA循环在医院药剂科管理中的应用,提高药品管理质量、实现合理用药。方法运用PDCA循环理论进行数据分析,找出问题原因,并制定相应对策进行干预。将采样医院的药库及临床药品使用情况分为干预前组和干预后组,对前后两组药品药库管理和临床使用情况进行对比。结果运用PDCA循环管理法后,药品去向明确率、药库管理有效使用率均得到提升,药品不合格报损率下降。同时干预后组临床不合理用药情况明显低于干预前组,且具有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论医院药剂科管理使用PDCA循环能帮助规范医院药品管理流程,加强医疗药品管理质量,改善不合理用药情况。  相似文献   

杨辉  崔建辉  林汉华 《医学信息》2009,22(8):1595-1597
目的 优化药房药品盘点和盘点数据处理.方法 通过优化药房药品摆放位置和Excel软件应用于盘点数据处理.结果 优化后大大缩短盘点数据处理时间和提高盘点结果的准确性.结论 盘点数据处理时间缩短和盘点结果的准确性提高实现与电脑理论盘点数的实时对接,实现药房药品实数管理.  相似文献   

军卫1号新版护理单元药柜管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李贤文 《医学信息》2004,17(4):227-228
目的 保证医院护理单元药柜药品管理正常进行、避免药品亏损和漏费。方法 及时启用护理单元药柜管理系统,严格执行基数品种、数量、金额确定措施,加强出入库管理、成本核算和住院药房对药柜的监管。结果与结论 既使护理单元非正班时间用药得到保障,又避免药柜药品亏损和漏费。  相似文献   

“军卫 1号”工程在我院正式运行已有 3年多了 ,通过病区药柜子系统软件的应用 ,节省了护士人力 ,减轻了护理工作负荷 ,并改变了以往临床科室药品管理的繁琐方法和难度 ,使护理工作质量和效率得到了明显提高 ,病区药品的管理更趋于科学化、信息化和规范化。但是由于护理人员对系统软件功能掌握不全面、出入库确认疏忽及误操作等原因 ,造成药品丢失、计价失误。现将我们在网络运行中病区药柜系统常见的问题及防范措施总结如下 :1 病区药柜子系统功能介绍病区药柜子系统是为临床服务的一个子系统 ,是以科室药品管理为目标 ,对药品进行出入库…  相似文献   

随着信息化产业的飞速发展 ,计算机在各行各业被广泛应用。结合医院实际 ,我院于 1996年自行研制开发了药剂科药品计算机管理软件。经过五年的实际应用 ,并不断修改完善 ,已取得了较为满意的效果。现简要介绍门诊西药房药品计算机管理软件的功能组成和应用体会。1 系统设计思路1.1 药品实行分级管理 药剂科总药库作为一级库房 ,由专人负责药品入库、出库管理。其数据字典库为各下级库房共享。门诊西药房小药库作为二级库房 ,由主管药师担任 ,负责门诊西药房全部日常事务 ,包括 :药品申请领药、药品验收、药品入库、临时补充及发放各单位…  相似文献   

管理数据是医用耗材管理人员在进行采购、管理决策时最重要的依据,传统的医用耗材管理数据采集需要从财务、采购、仓储、使用、审计等多个职能部门中分别提取,然后由管理人员进行汇总与分析。多重数据来源使得管理数据的时效性和正确性难以保证。该研究是从市级医院医用耗材采购、管理流程入手,通过对流程中的管理关键控制点的寻找和分析,得到重要管理数据采集位置和方法。并且寻求通过网络与计算机技术进行数据采集、处理方法,为医院管理人员提升数据科学应用能力,提高管理水平。  相似文献   

目的研究高校教育管理人员工作满意的现状及其影响因素。方法采用自编的教育管理人员工作满意度问卷对310名高校教育管理人员进行问卷调查。结果高校教育管理人员的工作满意度处于中等偏上水平,其中晋升发展的满意度最低(x珋=2.78),同事关系的满意度最高(x珋=3.91)。不同性别、年龄、职务、月收入水平的高校教育管理人员的工作满意度得分差异显著;工作满意度与工作效率具有显著的正相关(r=-0.362,P0.01),回归分析表明,在控制了人口统计变量之后,工作本身的满意度可以显著正向预测工作效率(β=0.353,P0.001)。结论高校教育管理人员对晋升发展的满意度偏低;性别、年龄、职务、月收入等显著影响高校教育管理人员的工作满意度;教育管理人员对教育管理工作本身的满意可以显著正向预测工作效率。  相似文献   

慢性病防治是医疗卫生领域的一大难题,预防和保健是慢性病防治的最佳途径。越来越多的研究者致力于开发自我健康管理系统,以辅助慢性病患者进行日常的自我保健与疾病管理。作为一种旨在改变人的行为或态度的计算机辅助技术,劝导技术近十年来发展迅速并被广泛应用于各个领域。将劝导技术与健康管理系统进行整合,能促使慢性病患者自觉参与自我健康管理,形成良好的生活态度、行为和习惯,提高患者完成管理目标的执行力,从而改善自我健康管理系统的成效。文中概述了劝导技术的定义、原理和应用,并重点介绍其在慢性病自我管理中的应用及发展方向。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to present an efficient and objective method of wound healing assessment based on serial measurements of ulcer dimensions and calculation of wound margin advancement towards the center of the lesion. The method is implemented via computer software, which permits clinicians to perform necessary computations. The proposed method of wound assessment integrates pieces of work that have been published in the past into a user-friendly environment. The high accuracy of computations may help clinicians to make objective decisions in the management of difficult to heal ulcers.  相似文献   

We have developed a system that uses computer vision to replace standard computer mouse functions with hand gestures. The system is designed to enable non-contact human-computer interaction (HCI), so that surgeons will be able to make more effective use of computers during surgery. In this paper, we begin by discussing the need for non-contact computer interfaces in the operating room. We then describe the design of our non-contact mouse system, focusing on the techniques used for hand detection, tracking, and gesture recognition. Finally, we present preliminary results from testing and planned future work.  相似文献   

BackgroundContinuous improvement of efficiency as well as new expectations from customers (quality and safety of blood products) and employees (working conditions) imply constant efforts in Blood Transfusion Establishments (BTE) to improve work organisations.MethodsThe Lean method (from “Lean” meaning “thin”) aims at identifying wastages in the process (overproduction, waiting, over-processing, inventory, transport, motion) and then reducing them in establishing a mapping of value chain (Value Stream Mapping). It consists in determining the added value of each step of the process from a customer perspective. Lean also consists in standardizing operations while implicating and responsabilizing all collaborators. The name 5S comes from the first letter of five operations of a Japanese management technique: to clear, rank, keep clean, standardize, make durable. The 5S method leads to develop the team working inducing an evolution of the way in the management is performed.ResultsThe Lean VSM method has been applied to blood processing (component laboratory) in the Pays de la Loire BTE. The Lean 5S method has been applied to blood processing, quality control, purchasing, warehouse, human resources and quality assurance in the Rhône-Alpes BTE. The experience returns from both BTE shows that these methods allowed improving: (1) the processes and working conditions from a quality perspective, (2) the staff satisfaction, (3) the efficiency.ConclusionsThese experiences, implemented in two BTE for different processes, confirm the applicability and usefulness of these methods to improve working organisations in BTE.  相似文献   

Medicine is undergoing profound change, but the basic format of the medical encounter has remained unchanged. Nevertheless, medicine in the 22nd century may be fully computerized, and a possible model is shortly depicted in this paper. Computer applications are constantly increasing their share in medical diagnosis, and may ultimately replace physicians. Treatment decisions have been submitted to standardized treatment guidelines, which may be applied more efficiently by computer applications. Although hundreds of studies have evaluated computerized tools in diagnosis and treatment, the possibility that computer applications may replace human physicians in the future is rarely raised. The effects of this process on doctors and medicine may be tremendous and will probably be felt even in early stages, and therefore, this process should be a subject of open discussion.  相似文献   

陈彪 《医学信息》2007,20(4):547-548
原因信息系统与医保系统实现有效接口,促进了药品的数量管理和医生工作站的推广,降低了错误处方的发生率,使医院服务更加顺畅。  相似文献   

Application of lean process management strategies to process improvement in clinical and anatomic pathology laboratories afford opportunities to enhance workflow process to lower costs and simultaneously to improve patient safety. Bar-codes are now employed in most modern anatomic pathology laboratories to track specimens from the clinicians’ office or the operating room all through the continuum of service to specimen disposal. In order to enhance patient safety and workload optimization strategies, novel computer hardware and software assets are being developed to enable monitoring, analysis, and improvement of specimen workflow and diagnostic accuracy. More recently, data warehouse technologies from the retail industry have been optimized to permit high-throughput analysis of granular data in the laboratory arena. These optimize mass-data analysis in real time in the information technology space. In this review we describe the application of an in-house designed data warehouse to the anatomic pathology assets of a large regional reference laboratory.  相似文献   


Introduction: Drug allergy is an important public health problem that causes 0.4–10.3% of hospital admissions in children. The epidemiology, clinical spectrum, diagnosis, and management of drug hypersensitivity reactions (DHRs) differ in pediatric and adult patients. However, the same algorithms used in adults have often been applied in the pediatric population due to a lack of evidence in the literature.

Areas covered: In this review, we aimed to discuss recent developments in the area of pediatric DHRs based on the growing body of literature advancing our understanding of the epidemiology, clinical aspects, and diagnostic approaches to DHRs in children.

Expert opinion: Misdiagnosis, under-diagnosis, and self-diagnosis are common problems related to drug allergies in children. Viral infections are particularly frequent in children and make diagnosis difficult. Identifying true DHR is a key step in the management of drug allergy in children. Therefore, a complete allergy work-up with standardized drug allergy tests is necessary. In order to eliminate non-standardized tests, future studies including larger numbers of children should be conducted to determine more accurate standardized tests for diagnosing DHRs in the pediatric population.  相似文献   

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