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从卵巢癌腹水和肺癌胸水中分离出肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞,用rIL-2诱导培养,观察其增殖活性。同时观察了PJ-CW,POGP,PHA等对其杀伤活性的调节作用。结果表明,在培养5-10天时TIL增殖较快,其表面产生的CD3,CD4,CD8,Tac等抗原,随培养时间的处长,表达量增加,尤以CD8增加较明显,CD4/CD8比值逐降。  相似文献   

人体恶性实体瘤TIL增殖力、表型和杀伤力研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李彪如  陆静 《现代免疫学》1994,14(5):257-260
在建立高活力肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞(TIL)分离培养方法的基础上,对83例恶性实体瘤TIL的细胞增殖动力学、部份TIL表型与杀伤力等作了较为系统的研究。结果提示,本实验室所建立分离培养的TIL增殖能力较强且稳定,有65%的增殖倍数大于1000倍;3H-TdR掺入高峰在培养的第45~75天;对其自身的原代肿瘤细胞杀伤力可以维持至56天以上;对56份经rIL2诱导的TIL(培养时间17±5.2天)表型分析:CD380±21%,CD437±21%,CD844±18%,HLADR69±24%,与rIL2诱导前比较,CD3、CD4、CD8和HLADR均增多,尤以CD3与CD8表型增多明显。  相似文献   

应用人白细胞抗原-A2阳性(HLA-A+2)黑色素瘤病人的瘤块中分离得到的肿瘤浸润性淋巴细胞(TIL),进行HLA-A2限制性TIL抗人黑色素瘤细胞作用的研究。在实验中发现,TIL对自身和同种异体的HLA-A+2黑色素瘤细胞具有杀伤作用,而对HLA-A-2黑色素瘤细胞及HLA-A+2非黑色素瘤细胞无作用。选择重组白细胞介素4(rIL-4)+肿瘤坏死因子α(TNFα)能促进黑色素瘤细胞HLA-A2表达量,并增强TIL对瘤细胞的杀伤活性。抗CD3、抗HLA-ABC和抗HLA-A2单抗具有明显抑制TIL的抗瘤细胞活性。结果表明TIL杀伤黑色素瘤细胞依赖于T细胞受体(TCR)对瘤细胞共同抗原的识别,并有主要组织相容性复合体-Ⅰ类分子参与。  相似文献   

对8例人原发性肺鳞癌的肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞(TIL)进行分离培养并检测了TIL的抗瘤活性及细胞表型,结果表明8例TIL的平均扩增倍数为430;TIL在10~30天之间显示出高水平的非特异性杀伤活性;10天~时对A1及Daudi细胞的杀伤百分率分别为79.2%和43.4%,20天~时分别为51.7%和27.9%。非特异杀伤活性在30天以后降至较低水平,所进行的几次实验表明肺鳞癌TIL对自体癌细胞的杀伤活  相似文献   

为了解激素敏感型肾病综合征是否有免疫遗传学背景,我们用病例,对照研究的方法研究了该病的家族遗传情况及HLA抗原频率,患者组父母患病率(0.62%)与对照组(0.14%)比较差异无显著性。HLA-DR7抗原频率患者组为40.0%,对照组11.23偿(P=2.5×10^-4)。患者组的HLA-DQ1抗原频率较对照组有显著性下降(P=6.5×10^-3)。比较了8岁前与8岁后起病的患者的HLA抗原频率,  相似文献   

本文先用计算机预测,后用^51Cr4h释放分析证实的方法,对丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)核心区蛋白(C蛋白)上,HLA-A2限制性CTL识别表位进行了鉴别。结果发现,2名感染HCV和HLA-A2阳性供血员的外周血单个核细胞(PBMC)对ALAHGVRAL(core150-158)肽段标记的自体靶细胞有溶解作用,杀伤率分别为37.5%和15.8%,用抗CD4mAb阻断后杀伤率无明显变化,而用抗CD8mAb  相似文献   

肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞生物学性状初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究发现,掺杂肿瘤细胞的早期TIL培养上清液抑制自身淋巴结来源的淋巴细胞增殖作用;后期时,掺杂肿瘤细胞消失(即TIL呈对数生长期),TIL培养上清液却对自身淋巴结来源的淋巴细胞呈现生长刺激现象。首次发现消化酶对TIL这些活力指标有影响。表型与淋巴细胞形态学对照研究时发现,初次分离的TIL层细胞中,Giem-sa染色的淋巴细胞比例为83±6%;活细胞镜下计数淋巴细胞占73±12%;而FACS分析CD3只有23±8%,HLADR31±20%;是否属TIL前体细胞,还须进一步研究。  相似文献   

TIL识别的人黑色素瘤HLA-A2相关多肽的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从黑色素瘤病人的瘤块和淋巴结中制备黑色素瘤细胞和肿瘤浸润性淋巴细胞(TIL)系,通过流式细胞仪对黑色素瘤细胞表型分析。经去垢剂处理、免疫沉淀和亲和层析法从HLA A2阳性患者黑色素瘤细胞中分离纯化HLA A2蛋白,其纯度通过4%~20%梯度SDS PAGE和Westemblot鉴定。100℃沸水浴和弱酸处理HLA A2蛋白经反相 高压液相色谱层析(RP HPLC)得到不同组份多肽,将其与抗原加工缺陷的HLA A2阳性T2细胞反应,进行重建瘤细胞特异性表位测定。TIL杀伤活性结果表明,来源于624 黑色素瘤细胞的不同组份多肽中有三个活性峰值,而来源于Chap 黑色素瘤细胞的不同组份多肽中仅一个与上述细胞组份位置相同的单一活性峰值。提示具有活性组份的多肽与HLA A2限制性TIL识别的人黑色素瘤细胞抗原肽有关。  相似文献   

以人单纯疱疹病毒(HSV)基因组即刻早期mRNA4和5拼接区1034~1050密码子序列为靶位点,人工化学修饰、合成特异性8~14mer反义寡聚硫代磷酸型、甲基磷酸型及未修饰型核苷酸(S-ODN14、M-ODN8、N-ODN8)体外抑制病毒活性。S-ODN145~10μmol/L浓度即可抑制HSV致CPE和PFU,M-ODN840~60μmol/L表现明显抑制效应,ELISA检测S-ODN1410μmol/L接近50%抑制病毒抗原表达。M-ODN8的抑制病毒活性剂量呈现细胞毒性。  相似文献   

滋养层细胞膜免疫特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨滋养层细胞膜的免疫调节作用及TLX与CD46的关系,我们用超声破碎、差速离心制备滋养层细胞膜(StMPM)。经酶学分析、电镜观察、MHC抗原和β_2微球蛋白测定及与标准抗TLX抗体的反应,证实所分离的膜成份纯度、细胞特异性和抗原性。ELISA和FACS竞争抑制试验表明兔抗MCP对兔抗TLX抗体的竞争抑制率为52.3%;兔抗TLX基本上能阻断TRA-2-10、CB-24(均识别CD46)与淋巴细胞的结合。但反之则不然。说明TLX标准抗体能识别CD46以外的抗原。向培养系统中加入StMPM.能特异地、剂量依赖性地抑制丝列原诱发的淋巴细胞增殖、IL-2与sIL-2R分泌、IL-2R、HLA-DR的表达;抑制混合淋巴细胞培养、B细胞IgG的分泌、蜕膜NK和蜕膜、外周血LAK的杀伤活性,但对外周血NK无抑制作用。核酸杂交显示对IL-2Ra、TCR-βmRNA转录无显著影响,但能促进PBL、JurkatTGF-βmRNA的转录。从分子水平表明滋养层细胞膜具有广泛的免疫调节作用,为滋养层细胞在母胎免疫中的重要作用提供了新的实验依据。  相似文献   

In vitro culture of metastatic melanoma fragments with 150 units of recombinant interleukin 2 resulted in the successive expansion of CD4+ and then CD8+ tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) throughout a 2-month period. TIL cultured for 43 days and consisting of 95% CD8+ and 10% CD4+ T lymphocytes were cloned by limiting dilution (LD). Thirteen CD8+ and thirty-one CD4+ clones were obtained, indicating that the frequency of clonogenic CD8+ proliferative T lymphocytes was much lower than that of their CD4+ homologues. When LD was performed in the presence of autologous melanoma cells the frequency of CD8+ clones was increased by factor 4. The DNA from TIL of day 43 bulk culture and of six CD8+ clones was hybridized with T cell receptor (TcR) beta and gamma probes. Identical configuration of the nonfunctional gamma and functional beta TcR genes was found in "bulk culture" and cloned TIL. The CD8+ clones therefore derived from a clonal population of CD8+ cells which had expanded in vitro before the LD. All the CD8+ clones tested were strongly cytotoxic for autologous melanoma cells but did not kill autologous fibroblasts or concanavalin A blasts, or any of the 10 allogeneic tumor targets tested, including 5 melanomas, 2 breast cell lines, 1 neuroblastoma, K-562 and the Epstein-Barr virus-transformed cell line used as a feeder. Furthermore, specific killing was inhibited by monoclonal antibodies against CD3, CD8, TcR alpha/beta and against class I major histocompatibility complex antigens indicating that these cytotoxic T lymphocyte clones recognized autologous tumor cells through the TcR, in an HLA class I-restricted manner. These data show that it is feasible to obtain tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes from melanoma TIL with a simple culture technique and that a single clone could be expanded to more than 10(10) cells which should allow testing of immunotherapeutic potential of these cells by adoptive transfer into melanoma patients.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which murine tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) decreased their anti-tumour activity during an in vitro culture with interleukin-2 (IL-2) was investigated. A phenotype analysis revealed that the TIL cultured for 7 days (TIL-d7) were exclusively NKI.1- CD4- CD8+ CD3+ cells and that this population was replaced by natural killer (NK)1.1+ CD4- CD8 CD3+ cells by day 27 (TIL-d27) during the culture of TIL. The TIL-d7 cells showed a cytolytic activity against B16 melanoma, whereas the TIL-d27 cells had lost this activity, suggesting that the decrease in the anti tumour effect of TIL during the culture with IL-2 was due to their populational change. Analysis on the characteristics of the TIL-d27 cells revealed that they expressed skewed T-cell receptor (TCR) V beta 5 and increased mRNA expression of V alpha 14. In addition, they expressed transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) mRNA. Interestingly, TGF-beta augmented the proliferation of TIL-d27 cells under the presence of IL-2, but suppressed that of TIL-d7 cells. Moreover, the proliferation of TIL-d27 cells was suppressed by anti-TGF-beta monoclonal antibody. Collectively, these results suggest that, in contrast to its suppressive effect on anti-tumour effector T cells. TGF-beta could be an autocrine growth factor for NKL1.1+ T cells and thereby induce non-cytolytic NK1.1+ T cells in the long-term culture of TIL.  相似文献   

Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) obtained from tumor tissue and pleural effusion of breast carcinoma were cultured with interleukin-2 (IL2) and thus activated. The ultrastructure of TIL stimulated by IL2 to kill various breast carcinoma cells was then investigated. Freshly isolated TIL cultured with autologous tumor cells for 48 h without IL2 were small, round and showed neither binding to nor killing of tumor cells. TIL stimulated to proliferate by IL2 became effector cells and showed cytotoxicity against tumor cells. Ultrastructurally, the effector TIL resembled large granular lymphocytes, and adhered to tumor cells through interdigitation or close apposition of the two plasma membranes accompanied by spot-like close membrane contacts. At the site of each spot-like contact, there was a 5-nm intercellular space. The morphology of the TIL processes did not differ from those of LAK and other CTL or NK cell processes during contact, invagination or the killing of target cells. The granules in TIL were considered to participate in the cytotoxic effect. Phenotypically heterogeneous TIL, CD8+/CD57- and CD8+/CD57+, adhered to autologous tumor cells and MCF7 (human breast carcinoma cell line). However, it was unclear which cell or cells acted as the effector for tumor-cell killing.  相似文献   

The immunological and functional characteristics of Sézary cells with an unusual phenotype are reported. The clinical, histologic, and hematologic picture was typical for Sézary syndrome. Studies with monoclonal antibodies showed that 80% Sézary cells had an CD3+, CD4+, CD5+, CD7-, CD8-, Leu-7+, Leu-8-, Leu-11-, OKM1- phenotype. By two-color immunofluorescence assay 80% FACS-sorted Leu-7+ cells coexpressed CD4 antigen and did not express the myeloid antigen OKM1, CD8, and antigens characteristic of immature T cells. The cells had no NK activity but did display a high helper activity. Unseparated and FACS-sorted Leu-7+ and Leu-7- Sézary cells did not respond to mitogens but were able to grow in the presence of exogenous IL-2. FACS sorted Leu-7- cells, cultured for 7 days in the presence of 20% IL-2, acquired the receptors for Leu-7. IL-2 and IFN-gamma production was studied in unseparated Leu-7+ and Leu-7- FACS-sorted Sézary cells. IL-2 production was lower than in normal cells. The addition of PHA or PHA plus TPA led to an increase in IL-2 production. Also IFN-gamma production was marked lower than in normal controls but increased after 7-day culture in exogenous IL-2. In conclusion in this case the Sézary cells may represent a neoplastic expansion of the CD3+, CD4+, CD5+, Leu-7+, Leu-11- subpopulation which is equivalent to the 2-4% of the Leu-7+ population in normal lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) freshly isolated from human ovarian carcinomas were phenotyped (up to 75% CD3+ HLA-DR+ cells) and cultured in the presence of recombinant interleukin 2 and tumor necrosis factor alpha. In short-term cultures, an initial outgrowth of CD3+ CD8+ T lymphocytes resulted in the enrichment of autotumor cytotoxicity under these culture conditions. The early peak of autotumor cytotoxicity was accompanied by interleukin 1 beta and interferon gamma production. The RNA message for interferon gamma was detected by in situ hybridization in TIL induced with interleukin 2 and tumor necrosis factor alpha but not in freshly isolated TIL. A combination of interleukin 2 and tumor necrosis factor alpha was also advantageous for selective outgrowth of CD3+ CD8+ T lymphocytes with autotumor reactivity in long-term cultures of ovarian TIL. At days 30-40 of growth, total lytic units of autotumor cytotoxicity per culture increased from a mean of 59 to 2155, and the percentage of CD3+ CD8+ T lymphocytes rose to 98% in some of the cultures. Thus, the combination of interleukin 2 and tumor necrosis factor alpha provided conditions favorable for sustained growth of autotumor-reactive CD3+ CD8+ TIL in vitro.  相似文献   

Jason J  Inge KL 《Human immunology》2000,61(3):202-211
It is not clear whether CD3 contacts CD4 or CD8 directly, nor have the regulation and interregulation of expression of these three receptor molecules been determined. We explored these issues by first stimulating human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro with three well-characterized T-cell receptor-directed mitogens (phytohemagglutinin [PHA], concanavalin A [ConA], and anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody [alphaCD3]) and then using multiparameter flow cytometric techniques to investigate modulation of surface (sur) and cytoplasmic (c) CD3, CD4, and CD8. Cultures with alphaCD3 had a rapid, large, and persistent decline in surCD3; the cCD3 median fluorescent intensity (MFI) declined gradually, over the entire culture period. With alphaCD3, surCD4 MFI and cCD4 MFI declined by days 4 to 8 (31% of ex vivo value, p < 0.001 and 47%, p = 0.033), as did surCD8 MFI (58%, p = 0.010). PHA was associated with an increase in surCD8%, surCD8 MFI, and cCD8% at days 4 to 8 (178% of ex vivo, p = 0.003; 168%, p = 0.025; and 331%, p = 0.001). For PHA at days 4 to 8, cCD8 MFI was highly variable but always higher than in unstimulated cultures (5 of 5 experiments). With ConA, at 3 to 5 hours ex vivo, there was a decrease in surCD3 MFI relative to ex vivo (64%), surCD4% (83%), cCD4% (87%), surCD4 MFI (50%) and cCD4 MFI (48%), surCD8% (85%) and an increase in cCD8% (260%). As with PHA, at days 4 to 8, surCD8% was high relative to ex vivo (169%). Thus, we found that alphaCD3 had delayed effects on CD4 and CD8; PHA had delayed effects on CD8 only; and ConA had very rapid effects on CD3, CD4, and CD8, as well as a delayed effect on surface CD8. These effects involve both surface and cytoplasmic antigen expression and are more consistent with degradation or retention, rather than with shedding or increased production. They may reflect direct interactions between CD4 or CD8 and CD3 and/or interregulation of CD3 expression with expression of these coreceptor molecules.  相似文献   

HIV-1 can be neutralized by soluble factors produced and secreted by activated CD8+ T cells. Production of such anti-viral CD8 factors (including chemokines) can be induced with IL-2 or phytohaemagglutinin (PHA). In addition to PHA or IL-2, we have co-stimulated CD8+ T cells with PHA/IL-2 and a mixture of thymic peptides (TP) of molecular weights below 10 kD. For the activation, CD8+ T cells were purified from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of HIV-1- individuals and any resultant anti-viral activity was monitored using an HIV-1 neutralization assay. Using HIV-1 isolates highly resistant to chemokine inhibition we detected significantly higher levels of HIV-1 neutralizing activity in CD8+ T cell culture supernatants which had been co-activated with TP. When the TP-induced anti-viral activity was monitored, neutralization of both non-syncytia-inducing (NSI) and syncytia-inducing (SI) patient isolates was enhanced by 38% (NSI, PHA +/- TP), 66% (SI, PHA +/- TP), 28% (NSI, IL-2 +/- TP), and 57% (SI, IL-2 +/- TP) compared with the anti-viral activity present in supernatants from CD8+ T cell cultures stimulated only with PHA or IL-2. Peptide sequence analysis of purified TP showed that the TP mixture predominantly contains peptides with homology to human histone and collagen sequences. Our data demonstrate that CD8+ T cells are additionally activated by a mixture of TP. In this way, the production of HIV-1 neutralizing CD8 factors can be enhanced.  相似文献   

Effector T cells fall into two subpopulations based on cytokine-secretion. Type 1 cells secrete IFN-gamma, whereas type 2 cells secrete IL-4, IL-10, and GM-CSF. NKT cells represent a third subpopulation that secretes similar cytokines and have been associated with immunoregulation. Using the TS/A adenocarcinoma, we assessed the phenotype and kinetics of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) in mice challenged subcutaneously in the mammary region. Flow cytometric analysis shows that T cells do not infiltrate the primary tumor site until days 7-14 following tumor challenge. Both CD4 and CD8 TILs were predominantly CD44(High) and expressed CD25, CD69, and CD95 cell surface activation markers. Activated CD4/CD44(High) TIL numbers reached peak levels at day 21 that precipitously decreased by day 28 whereas corresponding CD8 cell numbers progressively increased, however, at lower levels and with later kinetics. Intracellular cytokine staining showed that greater numbers of IL-4-producing Th2 cells were elicited and with earlier kinetics than that of IFN-gamma-producing Th1 cells. T cells co-expressing DX5 (CD3(+)/DX5(+)) emerged (>21 days), suggesting a recruitment of NK-like T cells at later stages of tumor progression. Moreover, tumors selectively up-regulated TGF-beta, MIF, and IP-10 gene expression at times as early as day 4, with peak levels at day 7 in vivo. Such gene expression remained elevated and correlated with a continued progression in tumor growth suggesting that preferential effector cell recruitment and production of select factors during different stages of tumor maturation may aid in regulating effective endogenous antitumor responses in progressive breast cancer.  相似文献   

应用FITC和PE双色荧光试剂并经流式细胞计分析了人扁桃腺T淋巴细胞亚群组成,以及用PHA刺激后T淋巴细胞亚群的变化和活化抗原的表达情况。结果表明:1)人扁桃体T淋巴细胞以CD4~+细胞占优势,CD4~+与CD8~+细胞比值约为5.32±0.55;2),经PHA刺激培养72小时,CD4~+CD8~+细胞明显增加;3)经PHA刺激培养后,IL-2受体(CD25)和HLA-DR抗原表达增加。本实验结果为深入研究人扁桃体T淋巴细胞的表型变化提供了客观指标,对进一步探讨其在免疫系统中的作用具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

In previous reports, we demonstrated that adoptively transferred T cells homed to the tumor site (among other sites) and that amplification of immune responses occurred in situ leading to the generation of cytotoxic CD8+ tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) and macrophages. The present report extends these findings and shows that following adoptive immunotherapy (AIT) of mice bearing the immunogenic transplanted methylcholanthrene-induced rhabdomyosarcoma (MCA/76-9) there was a differential expansion of CD4+ and CD8+ TIL, the numbers peaking on days 6 and 8, respectively. At this time, CD8+ TIL accounted for the majority of Thy-1+ cells. Northern analyses of RNA extracted from positively selected (by panning) Thy-1+, CD8+ and CD4+ TIL isolated 8 days after AIT indicated the following: in five separate experiments, CD4+ cells expressed three- to sixfold more interleukin (IL)2 mRNA and six- to eightfold more IL6 mRNA than CD8+ cells, while CD8+ TIL expressed three- to sixfold more IL2 receptor (IL2R) mRNA and four- to sixfold more interferon-gamma mRNA than CD4+ cells. TIL cultured in 10% fetal bovine serum failed to release IL2 over a 24-h period, whereas both IL6 and interferon-gamma activities were demonstrable. The level of IL2R mRNA expression was reflected by a vigorous proliferative response of CD8+ TIL to exogenous recombinant IL2 and only a low response by CD4+ cells suggesting that most of the CD4+ TIL were in the resting stage. This was confirmed when it was shown that the incubation of panned CD4+ TIL with IL2 supplemented with irradiated spleen cells and "spent" 76-9 tumor culture supernatant (as a source of antigen) induced expansion of TIL resulting in a population consisting of greater than 90% CD4+ TIL. The overall data suggest that the relatively deactivated state of the CD4+ TIL at this particular time reflects the status of the rejection process in terms of the absence or low concentration of stimulating tumor-associated antigen.  相似文献   

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