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目的:探讨3~8岁儿童父母性别角色教养态度的特点及其与性别图式的关系。方法:使用父母性别角色教养态度量表及贝姆性别角色量表对349名儿童的父亲和母亲进行调查。结果:①3~8岁儿童父亲和母亲的性别角色教养态度得分均显著高于量表计分中位数,并且父亲和母亲得分不存在显著差异;②女孩父亲和母亲的性别角色教养态度得分均显著高于男孩父亲和母亲的性别角色教养态度得分;③不同年龄儿童的父亲和母亲的性别角色教养态度得分之间无显著差异;④性别图式化父母的性别角色教养态度得分显著低于性别非图式化父母的性别角色教养态度得分。结论:整体而言,父母倾向持有非传统的性别角色教养态度,但他们的性别角色教养态度因儿童性别和自身性别图式的不同而不同。  相似文献   

目的:探讨当前青少年的依恋状况及其与父母教养方式的关系.方法:采用关系问卷(RQ)、亲密关系经历调查表(ECR),以及修订的父母教养方式问卷(PBI),对610名大学生和高中生进行了测评.结果:①父亲与母亲的教养方式有显著差异.②依恋回避与母亲关爱、父亲关爱、母亲鼓励自主、父亲鼓励自主均呈显著负相关,依恋焦虑与母亲关爱呈显著负相关,与母亲、父亲控制呈显著正相关.③逐步回归分析显示,母亲关爱、父亲鼓励自主能显著预测个体的依恋回避,母亲控制和母亲关爱能显著预测依恋焦虑.结论:青少年的依恋状况与父母教养方式密切相关.  相似文献   

目的:考察父亲教育参与是否具有独立于母亲教育参与的独特贡献,以及父亲教育参与作用的发挥是否依赖于母亲教育参与的程度。方法:以372名3~6岁幼儿及其父母为被试,以学前儿童父母参与量表、学前行为水平量表为研究工具,考察父亲教育参与对幼儿社会适应的影响。结果:1控制母亲教育参与后,父亲教育参与仍显著预测幼儿的情绪问题和行为问题,对幼儿社会能力的预测作用不再显著;2父亲教育参与显著预测高母亲教育参与组幼儿的社会适应,而对低母亲教育参与组幼儿社会适应的预测作用不显著。结论:父亲教育参与对幼儿消极适应问题的缓解具有独立于母亲教育参与的独特贡献;在母亲教育参与水平较高时,父亲教育参与对幼儿社会适应的促进作用最大。  相似文献   

目的:探讨父母温暖、拒绝与学龄儿童违纪行为间的关系是否会受到儿童冷漠无情特质的调节。方法:采用儿童教养行为问卷、儿童行为核查表以及冷漠无情特质问卷对284名学龄儿童及其父母进行测查。结果:(1)父亲和母亲温暖均与儿童违纪行为显著负相关,父亲和母亲拒绝均与儿童违纪行为显著正相关。(2)父亲和母亲温暖均能够显著负向预测高冷漠无情特质儿童的违纪行为,但是不能预测低冷漠无情特质儿童的违纪行为。(3)父亲和母亲拒绝均能够显著正向预测高冷漠无情特质儿童的违纪行为,然而对低冷漠无情特质儿童违纪行为的预测作用不显著。结论:提高父母的温暖水平,降低父母的拒绝水平可能是减少高冷漠无情特质儿童违纪行为的有效途径。  相似文献   

目的:考察学前儿童父母的教养压力与严厉管教的关系.方法:以683名学前儿童的父亲和母亲为被试,以父母教养压力问卷简表(PSI/SF)和亲子冲突解决策略量表(CTSPC)作为研究工具分别测查学前儿童父母的教养压力和严厉管教.结果:①男孩母亲比女孩母亲报告更大的教养压力,但男孩父亲和女孩父亲报告的教养压力之间无显著差异;不同年龄的学前儿童父亲或母亲报告的教养压力均无显著差异;与父亲相比,母亲报告的教养压力更大.②除3岁儿童母亲的心理攻击显著低于4岁和5岁的儿童母亲外,父亲和母亲的严厉管教均不存在显著的儿童性别差异和年龄差异.③父亲和母亲的教养压力与其对儿童实施的严厉管教之间存在显著正相关,其中与心理攻击的相关程度最高,与虐待相关程度最低.④多元回归分析发现,母亲教养压力中的困难儿童维度是其三种严厉管教方式的较为稳定的预测因素,父亲教养压力中的教养困难维度是其心理攻击和体罚的较为稳定的预测因素.结论:父亲和母亲的教养压力与其对学前儿童实施的严厉管教之间存在密切关系,且这种关系强度随严厉管教严重性的增强而减弱.父母教养压力的不同维度对其严厉管教具有不同的预测作用.  相似文献   

脑瘫高危因素与脑瘫患儿智商相关性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨脑瘫患儿高危因素、临床分型与智力低下的关系。方法 我科 1997年 1月至 2 0 0 0年 12月共收治32 9名脑瘫患儿 ,经过询问病史、体格检查、智力测验及必要的实验室检查 ,排除贫血、营养不良、头小畸形、癫痫、视听觉障碍等影响智力的因素后 ,脑瘫单独伴有智力低下者 10 2名 ,这 10 2名患者按高危因素、临床分型、父母文化程度分别分组。数据输入计算机用spss10 .0统计软件对上述几种因素与智力低下的关系进行分析。结果 在不同高危因素中其大运动能 ,DQ差异显著 ,(P <0 .0 5 ) ,窒息组的大运动能低于早产组 (P <0 .0 1) ,高胆红素血症组DQ低于其他高危因素组 (P <0 .0 5 )。脑瘫伴智力低下者 ,其发育商的 5个行为领域均明显下降 ,(P <0 .0 5 ) ,手足徐动型、痉挛型脑瘫的精细动作 ,认知、语言、社交行为明显降低 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,混合型脑瘫智测的 5个行为领域均明显下降 (P<0 .0 1) ,母亲的文化程度与患儿的语言能区相关(P <0 .0 5 )。结论 不同的高危因素及临床类型可导致相同程度的智力残疾。  相似文献   

目的:探讨父母体罚在父母教养压力与儿童内化问题行为之间的中介作用。方法:采用中文版的父母教养压力问卷、亲子冲突解决策略量表和儿童行为核查表对311名学前儿童的父母双亲进行测查。结果:(1)男孩的父母比女孩的父母体验到更高水平的教养压力,母亲比父亲体验到更高水平的育儿压力,而父亲比母亲报告了更高水平的亲子互动失调;(2)父亲和母亲教养压力与其各自的体罚行为呈显著正相关,父亲和母亲教养压力与儿童内化问题行为的大多数症状呈显著正相关;(3)母亲体罚在母亲教养压力与儿童内化问题行为之间起中介作用。结论:母亲教养压力既能直接影响的儿童内化问题行为,也能通过母亲体罚间接影响儿童内化问题行为。  相似文献   

目的:探讨焦虑的代际传递性以及父母拒绝在焦虑的代际传递中的中介作用。方法:采用抑郁-焦虑-压力自评量表、Spence儿童焦虑量表-父母版和父母接受—拒绝问卷对531名儿童青少年的父母双亲进行测查。结果:1女生的焦虑水平显著高于男生;2父亲焦虑、父亲拒绝与儿童青少年焦虑三者之间均呈显著正相关;母亲焦虑、母亲拒绝与儿童青少年焦虑三者之间均呈显著正相关;3父亲焦虑和母亲焦虑均可预测儿童青少年焦虑,即焦虑存在代际传递性;4母亲拒绝在母亲焦虑与儿童青少年焦虑之间起部分中介作用,而父亲拒绝在父亲焦虑与儿童青少年焦虑之间不起中介作用。结论:焦虑存在代际传递性,且母亲拒绝在母亲焦虑与儿童青少年焦虑之间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨高中生父母养育方式与创造力倾向的相关性。方法:整群随机抽取136名高中生使用父母养育方式量表和威廉斯创造力倾向量表进行施测,以SPSS 17.0进行统计分析。结果:1不同年龄段的父亲因子Ⅱ、因子Ⅲ、因子Ⅴ、母亲因子Ⅰ、因子Ⅳ分数比较,差异有统计学意义(F=8.08,3.83,3.12,3.50,5.54;P0.05);不同父亲职业的母亲因子Ⅳ分数比较,差异有统计学意义(F=2.94,P0.05);2不同父亲受教育程度的高中生想象力因子分比较,差异有统计学意义(t=-2.09,P0.01);3经Pearson相关分析显示,母亲因子Ⅰ、因子Ⅱ与创造力量表总分间呈正相关(r=0.18,0.32;P0.05)。结论:母亲的温暖理解、干预过问和尽力照顾有利于高中生创造力倾向的形成;父亲受教育程度较高的家庭,有利于高中生想象力的培养。  相似文献   

目的比较焦虑症患者与正常人父母教养方式的差异。方法选用父母教养方式评价量表(EM BU)对30名焦虑症患者和30名正常人进行测试,对11个分量表(父亲6个,母亲5个)做相关分析。结果①两组在性别、年龄、文化程度及父母受教育程度和职业,差异均无显著性(t=2.470,1.113;P>0.05);②两组EM BU评分比较,焦虑症患者的父亲严厉惩罚因子、父亲拒绝否认因子分均高于正常组(P<0.05);③两组在"与父母共同生活到…岁"问题上的比较,焦虑症组(21.13±4.71)岁,对照组(17.68±4.03)岁,差异显著(P<0.05)。结论焦虑症患者家庭中存在父母教养方式不当的问题。  相似文献   

早期干预对早产儿智能影响的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
目的:研究早期干预对早产儿的智能发育的影响。方法:将60名早产儿分为两组,一组接受培训中心有关早期干预的措施称早产儿干预组,另一组为早产儿对照组。另将30名足月健康儿作为正常对照组,三组小儿及家长均参加定期的常规儿童保健门诊检查和指导,并均于1岁和1岁半时采用张家健等0-4岁小儿发育诊断量表评定发育商(DQ)。结果:早产儿干预组和正常对照组的DQ无差别(P>0.05),这两组DQ都明显高于早产儿对照组(P<0.01)。两组早产儿1岁半时的DQ均较1岁时提高(P<0.01),正常对照组则提高不明显(P>0.05),说明早产儿在1岁至1岁半期间明发展较足月健康儿快。此外,早产儿有2例智能低下(DQ<70),早产儿干预组则没有。结论:早期干预可有效地促进早产儿的智能发育。  相似文献   

目的探讨早期干预对早产儿智能发育的影响,旨在降低其伤残率。方法将62例早产儿分为干预组(35例)和对照组(27例)。干预组早产儿出生后即提供发育支持护理,接受早期环境干预和综合康复功能训练,定期随访,对照组仅接受常规治疗及定期评估,用CDCC婴幼儿智能量表进行评估。结果6、9、12个月时干预组患儿智能发育指数(MDI)及心理运动发育指数(PDI)均优于对照组(P〈0.05)。12个月时干预组患儿智能发育指数(MDI)及心理运动发育指数(PDI)达到正常百分数85.7%,高于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论早期干预是促进早产儿智能发育的有效方法,可降低其伤残率。  相似文献   

早期干预对早产儿智力发育的作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:探讨早期干预对早产儿智力发育的作用.方法:将62例早产儿随机分为干预组30例,对照组32例,干预组自新生儿期开始干预治疗至2岁,两组早产儿均于1岁、2岁时进行智能发育检测.结果:干预组1岁、2岁时智力发育指数(MDI)和心理运动发育指数(PDI)均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(t值分别为:1.91,2.70,2.05,2.68,P<0.05,P<0.01).结论:早期干预可促进早产儿的智力发育,有利于防治智力低下.  相似文献   

先兆流产与儿童智力发展水平的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:检验孕妇先兆流产与儿童智力发展之间的关系。方法:采用测验与调查的方法,分别对170名先兆组儿童和182名正常儿童的智商分数进行了研究分析。结果:孕妇先兆流产病史,虽未导致典型的智力落后,但更易引起低体重新生儿的出现,并影响其智力的正常发展;尤其是高龄孕妇的先兆流产病史,会对儿童智力发展产生更大的负面影响。结论:先兆流产可能会是影响儿童智力发展的一个潜在因素。  相似文献   

Eighty-six premature infants were tested to examine the effects of maternal breast milk on infant development. Infants were classified by breast-milk consumption during the hospitalization period (M = 57.4 days) into three groups: those receiving minimal (<25% of nutrition), intermediate (25-75%), and substantial (>75%) amounts of breast milk. Infants in the three groups were matched for birth weight, gestational age (GA), medical risk, and family demographics. At 37 weeks GA, mother-infant interaction was videotaped, maternal depression self-reported, and neurobehavioral maturation assessed by the Neonatal Behavior Assessment Seale (Brazelton, 1973). At 6 months corrected age, infants were tested with the Bayley II (Bayley, 1993). Infants receiving substantial amounts of breast milk showed better neurobehavioral profiles-in particular, motor maturity and range of state. These infants also were more alert during social interactions, and their mothers provided more affectionate touch. Higher maternal depression scores were associated with lower quantities of breast milk, longer latencies to the first breast-milk feeding, reduced maternal affectionate touch, and lower infant cognitive skills. Maternal affectionate touch moderated the relations between breast milk and cognitive development, with infants receiving a substantial amount of breast milk and frequent touch scoring the highest. In addition to its nutritional value, breast milk may be related to improved maternal mood and interactive behaviors, thereby indirectly contributing to development in premature infants.  相似文献   

目的:探讨早期干预对早产低出生体重儿行为发展的作用。方法:采用自行设计的一套早期干预方法通过指导家长对实验组实施,另设对照组,用Gesell婴幼儿发展检查量表测出两组早产低出生体重儿不同阶段的行为发展商(PQ)并作比较,1岁时与正常新生儿相比较。结果:1岁时实验组各行为能区的DQ均大于对照组存在统计学差异,与正常新生儿对照组无统计学差异,与正常新生儿的实验组相比仅在语言上无统计学差异。而对照组各行为能区的DQ与正常新生儿实验组和对照组都有明显的统计学差异。结论:早期干预能促进早产低出生体重儿早期的行为发展,帮助他们尽早地康复,赶上正常儿童。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This is probably the first report of a population study on infantile eczema performed for 12 months at two ages of 4 months and 10 months on the same infant group. METHODS: The Fujiidera Health Center services the health needs of 181,994 inhabitants of Habikino and Fujiidera cities. Between September 1990 and August 1991,1775 newborns were called for a health check-up performed twice a months when they reached 4 months of age. This was repeated for a year when the infants reached 10 months of age. A total of 1493 4-month old infants and 1264 10-month old infants were examined. An expert dermatologist joined this and performed a complete skin examination throughout the study. The eczematous skin changes were evaluated at 50 different points on the body and scored using an originally made chart. Scratch marks were also evaluated at each area. Based on the scores computed eczema was diagnosed when the total score crossed a threshold number. Based on this the examiner diagnoses were categorized as follows: Degree 1: no need to visit a doctor, Degree 2: visit to doctor required, Degree 3: treatment required. Gender was not considered. The data was analyzed by an originally made software using DEC-7000 computer. RESULTS: Of all the 4-month old infants examined 329 (22.0%) were initially diagnosed to have eczema while of all the 10-month old infants examined 268 (21.2%) were initially diagnosed to have eczema. Further, out of the 329 4-month old infants initially diagnosed with eczema, 228 were again examined when they were 10-months old. Of this sample; 123 (9.7%) infants showed continued symptoms of eczema and 165 (13.1%) infants no longer showed signs of eczema. In addition, out of the 976 4-month old infants initially diagnosed without eczema, 145 (11.5%) newly developed eczema at 10 months. Hence the cumulative diagnosis rate of eczema reached 34.3%. Meanwhile the monthly diagnosis number was significantly higher in Feb (OR 1.84, p=0.031) and significantly lower in Aug (OR 0.21, p<0.001) than the expected number calculated from monthly examination number and the annual diagnosis rate at 4 months. This observation was also the case at 10 months (Feb; OR 2.19, p=0.02, Aug; OR 0.36, p=0.015). The degree of eczema was significantly higher (p<0.001, Mann-Whitney's U test) at 4 months than 10 months. When this was seen monthly, degree 3 was most prevalent in February-March, while degree 2 was most prevalent in October-January for the 4-month olds. For the 10-month olds, both the degree 3 and degree 2 were quite low throughout the year and only degree 1 showed a monthly change similar to degree 2 plus degree 3 of the 4-month olds. CONCLUSION: We therefore conclude that eczematous skin manifestations of infantile eczema are easily changeable by age at less than 1 year and are strongly influenced by seasons.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Postnatal depression affects the emotional state of mothers and the quality of mother-infant interaction. METHOD: Touch behaviour and content of child-directed speech were analysed for 72 mothers and their infants during pleasurable play. Infants (18) of mothers with depressed mood and 18 controls were seen when they were 6 months old; and 18 infants of mothers with depressed mood and 18 controls were seen when they were 10 months old. RESULTS: Depressed mothers in comparison with non-depressed mothers lifted their infants more, restraining their behaviours. Infants of depressed mothers in contrast to infants of non-depressed mothers spent greater periods of time in touching self rather than mother or toy, compensating for the lack of positive touch from their mothers. Mothers with depressed mood of 6-month-old infants included fewer affective and informative features in their speech than their controls. Non-depressed mothers of younger babies showed a higher use of affective features when compared with non-depressed mothers of older infants. In contrast, depressed mothers of 6- and 10-month-old babies showed similar frequencies of affect-salient speech during interactions in spite of their infants' changing developmental demands. LIMITATIONS: Mothers in this study were only mildly depressed, as assessed by the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Nevertheless, the findings indicate that mothers with depressive symptoms differ from non-depressed mothers in relation to touch and content of speech when interacting with their infants. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that postnatal depression may influence touch behaviour as well as the affective and informative content of maternal speech. The effect is that mothers with depressed mood in comparison with non-depressed mothers touch their infants more negatively and their speech is less well adjusted concerning the amount of emotional vs. information-related content thereby preventing depressed mothers from responding effectively to their infants' developmental needs.  相似文献   

低出生体重儿童智能发育及其影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:了解低出生体重儿智能发育状况及其影响因素.方法:采用Gesell婴幼儿智能发育量表,对190例低出生体重儿进行测试,并与正常对照儿童进行比较,同时对可能影响智能发育的相关因素进行了逐步回归分析.结果:1岁和2岁时低出生体重儿童动作能、应物能、应人能等发育商数均低于对照组,2岁时言语能发育商数也低于对照组,差别在统计学上有显著性(P<0.05、P<0.001),逐步回归分析结果提示与儿童智能发育相关的因素是:儿童的年龄、性别、头围、是否为低出生体重儿、父母亲文化水平及喂养方式.结论:低出生体重儿童1岁及2岁时智能发育均落后于正常对照儿童.儿童智能发育水平受多种因素的影响.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare at ages 3, 12, and 24 months the cognitive and psychomotor development of 29 infants with cleft lip and palate (CLP), 28 infants with cleft palate only (CPO), and a demographically matched comparison (COMP) group of 69 infants; to examine predictors of cognitive status at age 24 months in the cleft group. METHODS: Infants were administered the Bayley Scales of Infant Development (BSID), mother-infant interactions were observed, and medical records were reviewed. RESULTS: CLP and CPO groups scored lower than the COMP group on the BSID, but did not differ from one another. Cleft group infants scored lower than COMP group infants on BSID items assessing nonverbal and expressive language skills. Quality of maternal interaction predicted the 2-year Mental Development Index (MDI) scores of infants with clefts. CONCLUSIONS: Infants with clefts show relative deficits in cognitive and psychomotor development. Cognitive deficits are apparent in nonverbal as well as verbal areas of performance.  相似文献   

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