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Most bodily functions require the coordinated actions of complementary and supplementary paired muscle groups. Where this essential muscular cooperation is lacking, hollow organs may burst and others become literally screwed up, giving rise to many similar spastic diseases such as Torticollis, Twisted ovarian cyst, Torsion of the Testis, Volvulus of the intestines, Varicose Veins, Megacolon, Aortamegaly, Scoliosis, Erb's Palsy, Peyronie's Disease, Main-en-Griffe, Undescended Foot (Pes Cavus), Talipes, Strabismus. Spasm is “panenepidemic” and unclassified examples of Torsion Dystonia and Dyskinesia really are as common as debt and taxes.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Eine Reihe pathologischer Zustände bedingen Magnesiummangel. Zustände mit Hypermagnesämie sind ebenfalls bekannt, doch wesentlich seltener. Für den Kardiologen beachtenswert ist, daß unter Therapie mit bestimmten Diuretica bei Herzinsuffizienz, bei Herzinfarkt, Kardiomyopathie, Digitalisintoxikation und bestimmten Herzrhythmusstörungen Hypomagnesämie beobachtet wurde. Leider kann in der klinischen Routine nur ein extracelluläres Magnesiumdefizit durch Serumbestimmungen gemessen werden; über Magnesiummangel einzelner Organe kann nichts ausgesagt werden. Hinweise für Magnesiummangel geben aber neben der Messung des Serumspiegels Anamnese, klinischer Befund, bestimmte EKG-Veränderungen wie auch evtl. Hypokalämie, ein Zustand, bei dem sich oft — besonders bei Aldosteronismus — parallele Veränderungen zeigten.Tierexperimente deuten darauf hin, daß infarktähnliche Läsionen unter Magnesiummangel entstehen, doch ob Herzinfarkt beim Menschen durch Magnesiummangel ausgelöst werden kann, ist noch ungeklärt. In Leichenherzen zeigte sich im Infarktgebiet neben Calciumakkumulation signifikanter Magnesiumverlust, wobei unklar blieb, ob sich Ursache oder Folge des Infarktes widerspiegelten. Falls ein ursächlicher Zusammenhang besteht, ist er im Myokardstoffwechsel selbst zu suchen, wie bei der Alkoholkardiomyopathie, wo myokardialer Magnesiummangel zumindest als pathogenetischer Teilfaktor anerkannt wird. Andererseits versucht man aber auch Beziehungen zwischen Atherosklerose, Blutgerinnung und Hypomagnesämie herzustellen, in der Meinung, daß Magnesiummangel auch über den coronaren Pathomechanismus des Herzinfarktes wirken könnte. Sicher scheint, daß gewisse EKG-Veränderungen und Herzrhythmusstörungen durch einen irritierten Magnesiumhaushalt bedingt sein können, da sie bei Gabe bzw. Entzug von Magnesium verschwinden. Daß Magnesiummangel die Glykosidtoleranz verringert, wird tierexperimentell bestätigt. Unter Hypomagnesämie bewirkt Acetylstrophanthidin eher und länger Rhythmusstörungen als ohne, außerdem lassen diese sich durch Magnesiumgaben eliminieren. Da in gewissen Fällen spontane und digitalisinduzierte Herzrythmusstörungen durch Magnesiuminjektionen beseitigt wurden, scheint Magnesium als Therapeuticum angebracht. Einsatz verschiedener Magnesiumsalze bei Angina pectoris, degenerativen Herzerkrankungen und Herzinsuffizienz ohne geprüften und offensichtlich gestörten Magnesiumhaushalt ist fragwürdig, weil keine eindeutigen klinischen Erfolgsbeweise vorliegen. Immerhin mag es aber larvierte, durch Serumbestimmungen nicht erfaßbare Mangelzustände geben. Allgemein erscheint es aus kardiologischer Sicht ratsam, den Magnesiumhaushalt zu überwachen und in entsprechenden Fällen auszugleichen, um möglichen Myokardläsionen oder fatalen Herzrhythmusstörungen entgegenzuwirken.  相似文献   

Introduction: The etiology of atopic dermatitis (AD) is multifactorial with interaction between genetics, immune and environmental factors.

Areas covered: We review the role of prenatal exposures, irritants and pruritogens, pathogens, climate factors, including temperature, humidity, ultraviolet radiation, outdoor and indoor air pollutants, tobacco smoke exposure, water hardness, urban vs. rural living, diet, breastfeeding, probiotics and prebiotics on AD.

Expert commentary: The increased global prevalence of AD cannot be attributed to genetics alone, suggesting that evolving environmental exposures may trigger and/or flare disease in predisposed individuals. There is a complex interplay between different environmental factors, including individual use of personal care products and exposure to climate, pollution, food and other exogenous factors. Understanding these complex risk factors is crucial to developing targeted interventions to prevent the disease in millions. Moreover, patients require counseling on optimal regimens for minimization of exposure to irritants and pruritogens and other harmful exposures.  相似文献   

《Human immunology》2020,81(5):193-194
Huastecos or Teenek Amerindians are presently living at North East Mexico (San Luis Potosi State). They have probably one of the most ancient culture of Mexico and Central America together with Mayas and Olmec groups with which also show close relationships. Proximity to Atlantic Ocean/Mexican Gulf originated that Spaniards had very early contact with them at about 1519 CE or before. In the present paper we have aimed to study HLA gene profile which may be useful for HLA and disease epidemiology and transplant programs in Teeneks. HLA-DRB1*04:07, -DRB1*14:06 and -DRB1*04:11 have been found in high frequency like in other Amerindian groups. High frequency typical Amerindians HLA extended haplotypes have been found, such as A*02-B*35-DRB1*04:07-DQB1*03:02; A*68-B*39-DRB1*04:07-DQB1*03:02 and A*02-B*39-DRB1*04:07-DQB1*03:02; also new haplotypes have been described, like A*02-B*52-DRB1*04:11-DQB1*03:02, A*68-B*35-DRB1*14:02-DQB1*03:01 and A*68-B*40-DRB1*16:02-DQB1*03:01. Genetic proximity is observed not only to linguistically close Mayans, but also to Mazatecans, Mixtecans and Zapotecans, who speak an altogether different languages; it shows once more that genes and languages do not correlate. This population was greatly diminished after European contact between 1500 and 1600 years CE; in fact, North and South America First Inhabitants population was brought from 80 down to 8 million people because of diseases (i.e.: measles, smallpox or influenza), slavery and war.  相似文献   

Direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) are indicated for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation and for the prevention and treatment of venous thromboembolism. As any anticoagulant, they are associated with a bleeding risk. Management of DOAC-induced bleeding is challenging. Idarucizumab, antidote for dabigatran, is currently available and is part of the therapeutic strategy, whereas antidotes for anti-Xa agents are under development. Activated or non-activated prothrombin concentrates are proposed, although their efficacy to reverse DOAC is uncertain. We propose an update on DOAC-associated bleeding management, integrating the availability of idarucizumab and the critical place of DOAC concentration measurements.  相似文献   

Boll  Irene  Eisold  H.  Gaul  H. B.  Kehr  J.  Löchte  K. H.  Niemann  W.  Stender  K.  Stockhorst  H. U.  Suchy  B. R.  Szantho von Radnoth  B.  Taj  A.  Theuner  E.  Troester  P. M.  Werner  F.  Wilke  G.  Willigerodt  P. 《Journal of molecular medicine (Berlin, Germany)》1978,56(4):187-195
Zusammenfassung Die Beeinflussung der Erythroblasten-Proliferation durch das Mikromilieu wurde in vitro mittels Auswertung durch Differential- und Mitosezählungen und Signifikanzberechnung vieler Versuchsreihen auch unter verschiedenen pathologischen Bedingungen getestet.Sowohl die Mitosehäufigkeit wie die Ausreifung waren positiv mit dem Erythropoetingehalt des Medium korreliert. Der Effekt wurde durch Folsäure, Ätiocholanolon und cAMP verstärkt. Cobalt stimulierte ebenso wie Testosteron und Methenolon in vitro unabhängig von der Erythropoetinkonzentration im Medium die Erythroblastenproliferation. Ein vermindertes Eisenangebot störte die endgültige Ausreifung der Erythroblasten zu Retikulozyten und bewirkte dadurch eine Ineffektivität der Erythorpoese. Anhaltspunkte für ein Erythrozyten-Chalon oder einen Erythropoetinhemmkörper ließen sich aus unserem Versuchsansatz nicht gewinnen, weil er die Transformation der pluripotenten in die erythropoetin-sensible Stammzelle nicht einschließt. Als Nebenbefund ergab sich eine Stimulation des granulozytopoetischen Proliferationsspeichers durch Serumzusatz zum Medium von Patienten nach akutem Blutverlust und bei Polycythämia vera.Unterstützt durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Verlauf der Hämodialysc chronisch Nierenkranker verhält sich die mit der Acrylamidgel Elektrophorese nachweisbare Bindung von Bromsulphthalein und Albumin etwa umgekehrt proportional zur Konzentration unveresterter Fettsäuren. Diese Fettsäuren verdrängen den Farbstoff aus seiner Albuminbindung. Der Effekt ist in vivo durch die vorübergehende Zunahme von Fettsäuren infolge der Postheparin-Lipolyse anläßlich der Heparinisierung bei der Hämodialyse auslösbar und auch nach Zugabe von Ölsäure zu einer reinen Albumin-Bromsulphthalein-Lösung in vitro nachweisbar. Bereits bei physiologischen Hyperlipacidämien wird dieser Verdrängungsmechanismus wirksam. Er kann möglicherweise — dem Bromsulphthalein vergleichbar — Medikamente aus ihrer Albuminbindung verdrängen, wodurch deren Wirkung auf die Gewebe und/oder die Ausscheidung durch die Nieren beeinflußt wird.  相似文献   

《Human immunology》2020,81(6):265-266
Aymara people has been a relatively homogeneous group since Spanish Conquest by 1,532 CE, even if previously represented a group of various cultural defined populations who gave rise to them. They were and are established in Andean Altiplano around Titikaka Lake (Bolivia, Peru), Argentina and Chile neighborhood, speak Aymara language and have been maintained after Europeans arrival at a lower social status than Quechua (Inca) speaking people. However, both Aymara and Quechua populations acknowledge Titikaka Lake as center of their origins; both languages are also related. Specific high frequencies of HLA-A*02, -A*24 and -A*68, HLA-B*35, -B*39 and -B*48, HLA-DRB1*08:02, -DRB1*09:01, and -DRB1*14:02, and HLA-DQB1*04:02, -DQB1*03:02 and -DQB1*03:01 alleles are found in Aymaras and HLA class II haplotypes common to Andean Amerindians (DRB1*08:02-DQB1*04:02 and DRB1*04:03-DQB1*03:02), like Quechua, Aymara, Uros, Lamas and Mapuche are also found in Easter and other Pacific Islands. Giant human head stone statues at Tiwanaku (Titikaka Lake, Bolivia) are also found at Easter Island. Thus, it is possible a gene and cultural flow between Andean Amerindians and Easter and other Pacific Islands, as it was demonstrated by Thor Heyerdahl in his Kon-Tiki expedition which reached Pacific Islands sailing from El Callao Harbour (Lima, Peru).  相似文献   

T Yun  D Vapnek 《Virology》1977,77(1):376-385
The sizes of the genomes of bacteriophages P1, P1Cm, and P7 (φAMP) and their corresponding plasmid prophages were measured by electron microscopy. It was found that the genomes from the phage particles were the same size, while the prophage DNA molecules of P1Cm and P7 were larger than the P1 prophage by an amount close to the size of the antibiotic determinant which they carried. Heteroduplex analysis of hybrids formed in vitro between P1 and P1Cm DNA showed one region of nonhomology, an insertion of 2.2 kilobases (kb) which was presumed to be the Cmr determinant. Similar hybrids between P1 and P7 DNA showed six regions of nonhomology, two insertion-deletion loops, and four substitution loops. Further analysis showed that the insertion of a 5.5-kb segment contained the determinant for ampicillin resistance. Sequence homology between P1 and P7, determined from heteroduplex analysis, was about 90% with respect to the genome size of P1.  相似文献   

The turnover of true and false transmitters was measured to find out from which subcellular pool in guinea-pig cerebral cortex acetylcholine is released after electrical stimulation. [N-Me-14C]choline was injected along with [N-Me-3H]pyrrolidinecholine or [N-Me-3H]homocholine into cortical tissue. Both choline analogues were acetylated, although two to five times less favourably than choline. All acetylated forms were incorporated into synaptic vesicles; this vesicular uptake was enhanced by low-frequency electrical stimulation (0.1 Hz) and occurred preferentially into a metabolically very active subpopulation of synaptic vesicles closely attached to the presynaptic membrane which can be isolated at the interphase between 0.8 M and 1.0 M sucrose (fraction H), using the sucrose density gradient separation technique. Acetylhomocholine was preferentially localized within the cytoplasmic compartment and taken up into synaptic vesicles to a smaller extent than acetylpyrrolidinecholine.Locke's solution was placed in Perspex cylinders (cups) applied to the surface of the cortex and acetylcholine as well as acetylpyrrolidinecholine and acetylhomocholine were released into these cups by diffusion. High-frequency stimulation (30 Hz) approximately doubled the amount of transmitters released. The molar ratios of the transmitters ([14C]acetylcholine/[3H]acetylpyrrolidinecholine or [14C]acetylcholine/[3H]acetylhomocholine) released during stimulation closely approximated those found in fraction H but differed significantly from the molar ratios determined in the monodisperse synaptic vesicle fraction (fraction D) at the 0.4 M sucrose level and also from that in the cytoplasmic compartment. Moreover, the specific activity of the released transmitter was nearly identical with that in fraction H.It is concluded that electrical stimulation releases acetylcholine from a distinct, metabolically very active vesicular pool in the guinea-pig cortex and that synaptic activation in some way facilitates the vesicular uptake of transmitters.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird über eine Familie mit 16 lebenden Blutsverwandten in 3 Generationen berichtet, bei der Mutter und Sohn an einer essentiellen perniziösen Anämie erkrankt waren. Hinweise für eine Bluterkrankung ergaben sich bei keinem der Angehörigen.Wir fanden bei keinem der 16 Untersuchten typische strukturelle Chromosomenanomalien, dagegen vermehrt unspezifische Chromosomenaberrationen.Bei 12 von 16 untersuchten Familienangehörigen war die Aktivität der alkalischen Leukocytenphosphatase stark erniedrigt wie es bei manifester megaloblastärer Anämie gefunden wird.5mal beobachteten wir Belegzellantikörper, obgleich nur 2 von 15 Untersuchten älter als 40 Jahre, 9 dagegen jünger als 15 Jahre waren, so daß eine altersbedingte Häufung nicht als Erklärung herangezogen werden kann. Zusätzlich ließen sich 4mal Schilddrüsenantikörper nachweisen.Der Ausfall des Schillingtests war, von den beiden Erkrankten abgesehen, normal.Die erhobenen Befunde werden im Hinblick auf die genetische Disposition der Erkrankung zusammen mit den Beobachtungen der Literatur diskutiert.  相似文献   

A lipid analysis was performed on developing metacestodes of Taenia taeniaeformis removed from the livers of rats at times varying from 3 to 35 weeks post infection. Lipid accounted for 7–21% of the dry weight of the parasites. The highest proportions were found at the earlier stages. The distribution was as follows; neutral lipid 27–45%; glycolipid 5–11%; and phospholipid 50–61%. The major neutral lipid was cholesterol, and minor neutral lipids were sterol esters, triglycerides, diglycerides and monoglycerides. Hydrocarbons were present throughout development, but in the highest amounts at the earlier stages. Five different glycolipids were found, all of which were identified as glycosphingolipids. An increase in the proportion of more complex glycolipids was noted as parasites grew older. Ten different phospholipids were identified, with the major components being phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylserine. Other phospholipids were: lysophosphatides, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidic acid, diphosphatidylglycerol, sphingomyelin, and an unknown phospholipid component. Changes in the relative amounts of the two major phospholipids were found when the early and late stages were compared. Two lipids found throughout development were identified as glycosylated dolichol phosphates, and they comprised between 1 and 3% of the total phospholipid fraction. Nineteen fatty acids were detected, and the fatty acid distribution for each lipid class at each stage was determined. Seven major fatty acids were common to each. These were: hexadecanoic, octadecanoic, oleic, linoleic, arachidonic, docosanoic, and docosahexaenoic.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to produce sensitive and specific polyclonal antisera against the viruses causing rice tungro disease, and to assess their potential for use in simple diagnostic tests. Using a multiple, sequential injection procedure, seven batches of polyclonal antisera against rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV) and rice tungro spherical virus (RTSV) were produced. These were characterized for their sensitivity and specificity using ring-interface precipitin test and double antibody sandwich (DAS) ELISA. Thirty-one weeks after the first immunization, antiserum batch B6b for RTBV showed the highest ring interface titer (DEP = 1:1920). For RTSV, batches S3, S4b and S5b all had similar titres (DEP = 1:640). In DAS-ELISA, however, significant differences among purified antisera (IgG) batches were observed only at IgG dilution of 10-3. At that dilution, IgGB4b showed the greatest sensitivity, while IgGS3 showed greatest sensitivity for RTSV. When all IgG batches were tested against 11 tungro field isolates (dual RTBV-RTSV infections) at sample dilution of 1:10, IgGB4b and IgGB6b for RTBV and IgGS3 and IgGS6b for RTSV performed equally well. However, after cross adsorption with healthy plant extracts in a specially prepared healthy plant-Sepharose affinity column, only IgGB6b could be used specifically to detect RTBV in a simple tissue-print assay.  相似文献   

Nowadays, people pay more attention to biomarkers that can predict clinical efficacy of immunotherapy for allergic rhinitis. As the only recognized aetiological treatment, the efficacy of allergen immunotherapy (AIT) has been proved by many studies. However, treatment success depends on compliance and persistence greatly, which can be impaired by the lengthy duration of AIT and socioeconomic status of patients. Besides, ineffectiveness is another factor that accounts for non-adherence. If the clinical efficacy can be predicted in the early stage of immunotherapy, it can help patients choose appropriate treatment plans, increase patient compliance and optimize the allocation of medical resources. This paper mainly focuses on five candidate biomarkers, the sIgE/tIgE ratio before treatment, serum inhibitory activity for IgE, decreased basophil activation, upregulation of Tregs and tolerogenic DCs, reviews the time when potential biomarkers can predict or monitor the efficacy of AIT, discusses the reason why these indicators could serve as efficacy biomarkers and interactions among potential biomarkers.  相似文献   

Neurotransmitters are not only involved in brain function but are also important signaling molecules for many diverse cell types. Neurotransmitters are widely conserved, from evolutionarily ancient organisms lacking nervous systems through man. Here, results are reported from a loss‐ and gain‐of‐function survey, using pharmacological modulators of several neurotransmitter pathways to examine possible roles for these pathways in normal embryogenesis. Applying reagents targeting the glutamatergic, adrenergic and dopaminergic pathways to embryos of Xenopus laevis from gastrulation to organogenesis stages, we observed and quantified numerous malformations, including craniofacial defects, hyperpigmentation, muscle mispatterning and miscoiling of the gut. These data implicate several key neurotransmitters in new embryonic patterning roles, reveal novel earlier stages for processes involved in eye development, suggest new targets for subsequent molecular‐genetic investigation, and highlight the necessity for in‐depth toxicology studies of psychoactive compounds to which human embryos might be exposed during pregnancy.  相似文献   

The inbred rat strains WAG and Fischer-344 were found to differ in the duration of amphetamine-induced stereotypy and the degree of hyperthermy elicited by this drug, the stereotypy lasting longer in WAG rats and the hyperthermy being more pronounced in Fischer—344 rats. A comparison of interstrain differences in the amphetamine effects, in receptor binding, and in the pharmacological activity of receptor agonists suggests that the μ-opiate system of the brain may be involved in the manifestation of amphetamine-induced stereotypy, while its serotoninergic system may mediate the elevation of body temperature caused by this drug. Translated fromByulleten' Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 120, N o 9, 242–243, September, 1995 Presented by V. N. Yarygin, Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences  相似文献   

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