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接尘、吸烟者死亡危险度比较的前瞻性队列研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
目的 比较接尘、吸烟对死亡的影响。方法 以1989~1992年广州市实施并建立的职工职业健康监护档案为基础资料,选年龄≥30岁的80987名接尘和无接尘职工为研究对象,进行前瞻性队列研究。结果 (1)队列平均43.5岁,主要为工人、中学文化程度、已婚,接尘率16.3%,吸烟率43.7%,饮酒率335%。(2)队列平均随访8年,失访35人,死亡1539人,以恶性肿瘤死亡为主。(3)调整相关混杂因素后,全死因、恶性肿瘤、心脑血管疾病等死亡相对危险度(RR),接尘者和吸烟者基本一致,但鼻咽癌、呼吸系统疾病死亡RR值,接尘者高于吸烟者,而肺癌、胃癌死亡RR值,吸烟者分别是接尘者的2.2倍和1.5倍;接尘可协同吸烟致死亡危险性明显增加。(4)男性总死因、恶性肿瘤和呼吸系统疾病死亡RR值,矽尘接触者高于吸烟者,心脑血管疾病死亡RR值,木尘接触者也高于吸烟者。(5)人群死亡归因危险度百分比(PARP)吸烟者是接尘者的2.5倍。(6)男吸烟者全死因、恶性肿瘤、肺癌、胃癌的死亡危险随日吸烟量、烟龄的增加而明显递增,冠心病、呼吸系统疾病的死亡危险则分别随日吸烟量、烟龄的增加而增加。结论 接尘、吸烟者死亡RR值基本一致,接尘与吸烟存在协同作用,某些死因死亡危险吸烟者较明显,某些接尘者较明显;吸烟者PARP较接尘者高;吸烟与死亡危险存在明显的剂量效应关系。  相似文献   

职业接触粉尘及吸烟对死亡影响的前瞻性队列研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究接尘和吸烟对死亡的影响。方法 以1989-1992年广州实施并建立的职工职业健康监护档案为基础资料,选年龄≥30岁的接尘工人和无任何粉尘及其他有害物质接触的职工(对照组)61648名为研究对象,进行前瞻性队列研究。结果 (1)队列失访28例,死亡1186例,以恶性肿瘤死亡为主;(2)本队列男性多于女性,年龄35-44岁,主要为工人,中学文化,已婚,率42.2%,饮酒率32.8%;(3)调整相应混杂因素后,全死因、恶性肿瘤和呼吸系疾病死亡接尘者相对危险度(RR)分别为1.24、1.34和1.96,与对照组比较,差异均有显著性(P<0.01),吸烟者RR分别为1.16、1.37和1.63,与不吸烟者比,前二者差异有显著性(P<0.01);既接尘又吸烟者上述相应死因死亡1RR分别为1.48、1.85和3.12,明显高于单纯接尘或单纯吸烟者,差异有显著性(P<0.01);(4)接尘对死亡的影响主要表现在职业接触矽尘和木尘。结论 接尘与吸烟均可致死亡危险性增加,并存在协同作用。  相似文献   

职业接触粉尘与死亡相关的前瞻性队列研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
目的探讨职业接触粉尘对死亡的影响,为现代职业卫生政策法规的制定以及相关工作提供科学依据。方法以1989~1992年广州市实施并建立的职工职业健康监护档案为基础资料,选年龄≥30岁的80987名接尘和无接尘职工为研究对象,进行前瞻性队列研究。结果(1)队列平均43.5岁,主要为工人,中学文化,已婚,接尘率16.3%,吸烟率43.7%,饮酒率33.5%;(2)队列平均随访8年,失访35例,死亡1539人,以恶性肿瘤死亡为主。接尘、无接尘全死因粗死亡率分别为男380.14/10万和314.56/10万,女95.72/10万和98.33/10万。(3)调整相关混杂因素后,接尘者全死因、恶性肿瘤、呼吸系统疾病死亡相对危险度(RR)分别为1.24、1、34和2.41,其中男性矽尘接触者分别为1.57、1.61和5、72,男接尘者肺癌和鼻咽癌死亡相对危险度分别为1、67和1.81,与无接尘者比,RR的增加均有显著性意义。(4)调整相关混杂因素后,接尘者全死因、恶性肿瘤死亡归因危险度百分比(AR%)和人群归因危险度百分比(PAR%)分别为19.5%、3.8%、25.4%和5.3%。结论职业接触粉尘可致全死因死亡尤其是恶性肿瘤和呼吸系统疾病死亡危险性增加。  相似文献   

温石棉与肺癌——二十七年追踪研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
目的 探讨单纯接触温石棉的工人恶性肿瘤,尤其肺癌是否超高。方法 采用固定队列研究方法。研究队列为515例男性石棉工人,人列条件为1972年1月1日工资在册,工龄满1年,没有明显心肺疾患者。对照队列为650例不接尘男性工人,其余条件同研究队。追踪27年(1972-1998)。结果 (1)研究队列全癌死亡50例(SMR=144),其中肺癌22例(SMR=652);.对照队列全癌死亡1例(SMR=34),肺癌3例(SMR=89)。两队列间全癌和肺癌差异均有显著性(P<0.05)。(2)不接触石棉的吸烟者肺癌RR为2.6,不吸烟的石棉接触者肺癌RR为12.2,而接触石棉的吸烟者RR高达32.1。吸烟和石棉暴露协同指数为2.2。(3)研究队列发生胸膜间皮瘤2例。结论 单纯暴露于温石棉的工人肺癌显著超高。  相似文献   

景德镇瓷厂工人死因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探索危害陶瓷工人健康的主要疾患及职业有害因素对工人寿命的影响.方法 采用流行病学队列研究方法,对景德镇3个瓷厂1972年到1974年在册且工作一年以上所有陶瓷工人建立队列,随访至2003年底.队列中对死者均查询死因,陶工尘肺由当地疾病控制中心诊断小组确诊,肺癌均收集医院诊断病例.以全国城市居民年龄别死亡率为参照计算标化死亡比(SMR).结果 队列成员共4957名,随访至2003年底,共计130 783.6人年,死亡1636人,死亡率为1250.9/10万,累计死亡率为33.1%.影响陶瓷工人寿命的主要疾病按累计死亡率从高到低排序分别是:恶性肿瘤、心血管疾病、呼吸系统疾病、传染性疾病.与全国平均水平比较,陶瓷工人全死因死亡率基本持平,标化死亡比为1.01,死亡率明显升高的疾病有呼吸系统疾病(SMR=1.30)、陶工尘肺(SMR=36.35)、传染性疾病(SMR=5.08)和肺结核(SMR=4.06).陶瓷粉尘对工人寿命的影响十分明显,接尘工人多种疾病的死亡率均高于非接尘组,除陶工尘肺外,接尘组肺癌(RR=1.9,95%CI:1.2~3.1)、呼吸系统疾病(RR=2.4,95%CI:1.8~3.2)、肺结核(RR=1.6,95%CI:1.2~2.1)明显高于非接尘组,差异有统计学意义.研究还发现全死因、肠癌、肺癌、呼吸系统疾病、肺结核危险度均随接尘严重程度而明显增加,呈现接触一反应关系.结论 陶瓷行业主要职业危害为粉尘,卫生工作重点应是控尘和预防肺结核.  相似文献   

某石棉矿接尘工人恶性肿瘤10年回顾性调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解接触石棉粉尘工人恶性肿瘤患病情况,为制定石棉所致肿瘤的防护措施提供依据。方法选择某石棉矿1972—1981年接触石棉粉尘1年以上工人为调查对象,同时选择该矿附近县城关镇11个村居民作为对照组,采用统一方法进行流行病学调查,研究资料进行回顾性对比分析和统计学处理。结果①某石棉矿恶性肿瘤年平均粗死亡率55.82/10万,标化死亡率(SMR)70.82/10万;②石棉接尘工恶性肿瘤相对危险度(RR12.42)与对照组(RR3.76)对比分析差异有显著性(P<0.01);③石棉接尘工和对照组肺癌SMR比两者差异有显著性(P<0.01);④肺癌患病与接尘工龄长短呈正相关(r=0.87,P<0.025);⑤肺癌死亡工种分布:选矿最高、辅助工次之,采矿第3位,包装和生产管理人员未见肺癌患者;⑥吸烟工人肺癌高于不吸烟者(P<0.05)。结论接触石棉粉尘可引起肺癌患病率升高,消化道癌患病率也可升高,肺癌患病率与接尘工龄长短呈正相关,与接触粉尘浓度高低(工种)有关,粉尘浓度越大、接触时间越长,肺癌患病率越高,石棉粉尘接触是引起石棉矿肺癌高发的原因,吸烟对石棉所致肺癌有协同作用。  相似文献   

广西锡矿工人肺癌病例对照研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选择广西四个锡矿1972 ̄1974年队列共7855人进行队列内肺癌病例对照研究。追访到1994年底,发现肺癌死者132例(男130例,女2例排除),配对照627例。根据历年粉尘和已知致癌物的监测资料,定量计算所有对象的累积总粉尘接触量。经单因素和多因素非条件Logistic回归分析,发现接尘与肺癌发病有关,调整吸烟后高接尘组肺癌危险度与中接尘组和低或无接尘组相比为1.8:1.6:1.0。进一步分析  相似文献   

铁矿工人队列死因研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探索危害铁矿作业工人健康的主要疾患及职业有害因素对工人寿命的影响.方法 用流行病学队列研究方法,对武钢大冶铁矿7 469名职工从1972年开始随访30余年,以全国城市居民年龄别死亡率为参照,用标化死亡比(SMR)作为统计指标,并计算95%可信区间.结果 自1972年至2003年底,共计199 108.0人年,死亡1 752人,累积死亡率为23.5%.影响铁矿工人寿命的主要疾病按累积死亡率从高到低排序分别是:肿瘤(7.8%)、脑血管疾病(3.9%)、心血管系疾病(3.4%)和呼吸系疾病(2.9%),恶性肿瘤以肺癌和肝癌最多,分别占总死亡数的10%和7.4%.全死因SMR为1.06,高于全国平均水平.死亡率明显升高的疾病有鼻咽癌、肝癌、肺癌、尘肺和意外事故,SMR分别为1.84、1.51、1.83、14.94和1.25.队列中接尘工人与非接尘工人比较,接尘工人全死因、胃癌、肺癌、呼吸系统疾病、心血管疾病和意外事故的累积死亡率明显升高(相对危险度分别为1.35、1.83、1.61、2.27、1.34和1.69).结论 以粉尘为主的职业有害因素明显影响铁矿工人健康和寿命.  相似文献   

金属粉尘对男性作业工人呼吸系统影响的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨金属粉尘作业工人的呼吸系统症状阳性率和肺通气功能状况,我们选择129名接触金属粉尘的作业工人作为接触组,126名非接触粉尘的作业工人作为对照组,采用美国胸科协会制订的标准化呼吸系统症状询问表和用力肺活量测试方法进行了调查。结果显示,咳嗽、咯痰、气短、喘息等呼吸系统症状阳性率和慢性支气管炎患病率,接触组中吸烟者(27.13%,20.15%,17.83%,19.38%,16.93%)和非吸烟者(14.73%,10.85%,15.50,10.85%,8.13%)高于对照组中吸烟者(13.49%,9.52%,8.73%,11.11%,8.97%)和非吸烟者(7.93%,7.14%,8.73%,4.76%,4.05%),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),且以接触组中吸烟者发生率最高。肺通气功能指标FVC,FEV1.0,FEV1.0%的实测值占预计值百分比,接触组中吸烟者(83.23±18.03,84.42±21.36,89.50±13.31)和非吸烟者(86.83±15.61,85.59±17.16,90.67±18.13)低于对照组中吸烟者(93.44±12.49,88.75±12.56,93.97±17.13)和非吸烟者(94.86±11.19,90.63±12.27,94.73±16.02),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。接触组中吸烟者和非吸烟者FVC,FEV1.0,FEV1.0%的实测值占预计值百分比随着接尘工龄的延长而呈递减趋势,尤其吸烟者和非吸烟者接尘工龄≤5 a组分别与接尘工龄≥11 a组比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。说明金属粉尘与作业工人呼吸系统功能的变化有直接关系;吸烟是金属粉尘作业工人发生呼吸系统功能损伤的危险因素;且随着接尘工龄的延长有加重的趋势。  相似文献   

[目的]分析武钢大冶铁矿尘肺发病规律,探讨尘肺发病的主要影响因素。[方法]选择该铁矿1960~1974年间登记在册且工作过1年以上的所有工人建立研究队列,随访至2003年底。收集队列成员的基本资料、职业史、疾病史及各工种历年的粉尘浓度监测资料,分析铁矿尘肺的发病规律。随机选取1714名存活的队列成员,测定TNF-α-308位点及hOGG1Ser326Cys多态性。计算各影响因素对尘肺发病的相对危险度(RR)。[结果]队列共7666人,到2003年底共随访261410.72人年,失访275人。接尘工人3604人,共随访126863.13人年,诊断314例尘肺,尘肺发病率为0.25%,累计发病率8.71%。75.80%的尘肺病例1960年之前开始接尘,83.12%的病例累积接尘量大于50mg(/m^3·a)。铁矿尘肺的平均潜伏期19.65年,77.71%的病例潜伏期在10~30年之间。发病率随着累积接尘量的增加而升高,高、中接尘组相对于低接尘组的RR分别为8.25和2.27;吸烟组尘肺发病率是不吸烟组的1.7倍;肺结核组发生尘肺危险较非肺结核组明显增高(RR=32.34);TNF-α-308位点及hOGG1Ser326Cys的突变型和野生纯合子组间发病情况差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05).[结论]累积接尘量高是影响铁矿尘肺发病的根本因素,吸烟和患肺结核可促进其发生。TNF-α-308位点及hOGGISer326Cys多态性在铁矿尘肺的发病中不起主要作用。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Numerous studies have indicated an increased risk of lung cancer in pulp and paper industry workers. In a 1990 survey, standardized mortality ratio (SMR) was found to be 122 (95% CI:96-153) for lung cancer in Polish male workers in the pulp and paper industry, and 166 (95% CI:95-270) among workers engaged in paper production. METHODS: A nested case-control design within a cohort of pulp and paper workers was applied. Seventy-nine lung cancer cases and 237 "healthy" controls were selected from the cohort of 10,460 workers employed during the years 1968-1990, and observed until the end of 1995. Based on personnel files, occupational exposure was reconstructed by experts. Using a questionnaire, data on smoking habits were collected. ORs unadjusted and adjusted for smoking were calculated applying the model of conditional logistic regression. RESULTS: Occupational exposure to inorganic dusts (kaolin, lime, cement, brick, grindstone) adjusted for smoking was a significant lung cancer risk factor, with a 4.0-fold risk (95% CI:1.3-12.6), and a dose-response by cumulative dose index. Among organic dusts only wood dust increased albeit insignificantly the risk for those exposed (adjusted for smoking OR = 2.1, 95% CI:0.9-4.9), but without dose-response relationship. CONCLUSIONS: Exposure to occupational dust with relatively low content of silica, but at high concentrations may be considered as a factor increasing lung cancer risk. However, the observation made in this study should be viewed with caution as it was based on a small number of cases, and further evidence is needed to confirm or refute the authors' hypothesis.  相似文献   

Objective is to evaluate the impact of occupational exposure to lignite dust on respiratory system. 103 blue-collar workers exposed to lignite dust and 62 controls completed a questionnaire on respiratory symptoms and underwent spirometry. Levels of lignite dust in workplace were measured. Univariate and multivariate analysis of the data were performed. The concentration of lignite dust varied from 0.6 to 1.4 mg/m3. Current smokers and workers exposed to lignite dust presented higher prevalence of chronic bronchitis symptoms and of FEV<80% and FEV1/FVC<70%. Multivariate analysis has shown that smoking and occupational exposure to lignite dust were independent predictors of chronic bronchitis symptoms, as well as of an obstructive ventilation pattern. Further analysis showed that exposed workers who were current smokers presented a five fold rate for developing an obstructive ventilation pattern in comparison to exposed workers non currently smokers. Occupational exposure to lignite dust and smoking were independent determinants of chronic bronchitis symptoms and obstructive ventilation pattern. There is some evidence for a combined effect of smoking and lignite dust exposure on respiratory system.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The extent that cigarette smoking may confound the relationship between diesel exhaust exposure and lung cancer was assessed in a retrospective cohort study of 55,395 U.S. railroad workers followed from 1959 to 1976. METHODS: The relative risk (RR) of lung cancer due to diesel exhaust was indirectly adjusted using job-specific smoking data from a case-control study of railroad workers who died between 1981-1982 and from a survey of 514 living workers from an active railroad in 1982. Adjustment factors were developed based on the distribution of job-specific smoking rates. RESULTS: The unadjusted RR for lung cancer was 1.58 (95% CI = 1.14-2. 20) for workers aged 40-44 in 1959, who experienced the longest possible duration of exposure, and the smoking adjusted RR was 1.44 (1.01-2.05). CONCLUSIONS: After considering differences in smoking rates between workers exposed and unexposed to diesel exhaust in a relatively large blue-collar cohort, there were still elevated risks of lung cancer in workers in jobs with diesel exhaust exposure.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To investigate risk of lung cancers associated with common established carcinogenic occupational exposures (asbestos, paint dust, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and welding fumes) in a prospective cohort study among the general population, and to estimate the proportion of lung cancer cases attributable to these occupational exposures. METHODS: A prospective cohort study on diet, other lifestyle factors, job history, and cancer risk that started in 1986 in The Netherlands on 58,279 men, aged 55-69 years. Based on information about job history obtained from a self-administered questionnaire, case by case expert assessment was carried out to assign to each study subject a cumulative probability of occupational exposure for each carcinogenic exposure. For analysis, a case-cohort approach was used, in which the person-years at risk were estimated from a randomly selected subcohort (n = 1688). After 4.3 years of follow up, 524 lung cancer cases with complete job history were available. RESULTS: After adjustment for age, each of the other occupational exposures, and for smoking habits and intake of vitamin C, beta-carotene, and retinol, significant associations were found between risk of lung cancer and cumulative probability of occupational exposure to asbestos (relative risk (RR) highest/no exposure = 3.49, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.69 to 7.18, trend P < 0.01 or paint dust (RR highest/no exposure = 2.48, 95% CI 0.88 to 6.97, trend P < 0.01). The population attributable risks (PARs) for the four exposures based on the multivariately adjusted RRs for ever exposed versus never exposed workers were calculated. The PAR of lifetime occupational exposure to asbestos was calculated to be 11.6%. CONCLUSIONS: This prospective cohort study among the general population showed that occupational exposure to asbestos or paint dust is associated with higher RRs for lung cancer. This study shows that after adjustment for smoking and diet about 11.6% of the cases of lung cancer in men is attributable to lifetime occupational exposure to asbestos.  相似文献   

矽肺对肺癌及总死亡影响的回顾性队列研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 利用香港矽肺患者队列的资料进行分析,探讨矽尘、矽肺与肺癌的关系.方法 选择1981年1月1日至1998年12月31日期间在香港尘肺诊所登记的2789例男性矽肺病例为研究对象,取用同时期一般男性人群作为对照.用人年的方法估计各死因的标化死亡比(SMR),用Axelson's法间接调整吸烟的混杂影响.矽尘与肺癌的剂量-效应关系采用多因素p-spline平滑法模型来拟合最佳风险模型.结果 该组研究队列人数为2789,共观察24 992.6人年,失访率仅为2.9%.该队列主要工种为建筑工人(5 1.09%)和地下沉箱操作工人(37.54%).队列总死亡人数为853人,平均死亡年龄为(63.8±10.27)岁,整个队列中86例死于肺癌.全死因及全癌的SMR均明显上升,首位死因是呼吸道疾病,肺癌的5MR明显增加(SMR:1.69,95%CI:1.35~2.09).去除年龄、时期和吸烟的混杂因素的影响,矽肺对肺癌的相对危险度下降到1.12(95%CI:0.89~1.38).间接调整吸烟的混杂影响后建筑工人及地下沉箱工人肺癌的相对危险度分别为1.09(95%CI:0.82~1.42)和1.56(0.98~2.36).多因素p-spline平滑法风险模型分析显示,肺癌与累积呼吸性矽尘总量或平均矽尘浓度的关系无剂量-效应关系.结论 队列研究未发现接触矽尘或矽肺能增加肺癌死亡的危险,平滑法模型拟合的风险模型并不支持矽尘与肺癌死亡之间存在剂量-效应关系.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Occupational exposures in the construction industry may increase the risk of head and neck cancers, although the epidemiologic evidence is limited by problems of low study power and inadequate adjustment for tobacco use. In an attempt to address this issue, the relationship between selected occupational exposures and head and neck cancer risk was investigated using data from a large cohort of Swedish construction workers. METHODS: Altogether 510 squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck (171 in the oral cavity, 112 in the pharynx, 227 in the larynx) were identified during 1971-2001 among 307 799 male workers in the Swedish construction industry. Exposure to diesel exhaust, asbestos, organic solvents, metal dust, asphalt, wood dust, stone dust, mineral wool, and cement dust was assessed using a semi-quantitative job-exposure matrix. Rate ratios (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated for head and neck cancers in relation to occupational exposure, using Poisson regression with adjustment for age and smoking status. RESULTS: Asbestos exposure was related to an increased laryngeal cancer incidence (RR 1.9, 95% CI 1.2-3.1). Excesses of pharyngeal cancer were observed among workers exposed to cement dust (RR 1.9, 95% CI 1.2-3.1). No occupational exposures were associated with oral cavity cancer. These findings did not materially change upon additional adjustment for cigarette pack-years. CONCLUSIONS: These findings offer further evidence that asbestos increases the risk of laryngeal cancer. The observation of a positive association between cement dust exposure and pharyngeal cancer warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

A sample of 2209 white South African gold miners aged 45-54 between 1968-71, who started mining exposure during 1936-43, was investigated from 1968-71 to 30 December 1986. The effect of silica dust and tobacco smoking on mortality from chronic obstructive lung disease (COLD) was assessed. The relative risk (RR) for dust exposure before 1950 was estimated as 2.5 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.5-4.2), for 10 units of 1000 particle-years. The combined effect of dust exposure before 1950 and years of cigarette smoking on mortality from COLD was best estimated by the multiplicative model, indicating that the two exposures act synergistically. All those that died of the disease were smokers. According to the estimates of attributable risk about 5% of the deaths from COLD were from the effect of dust, 34% were from smoking, and 59% were from the combined effect of dust and smoking. In conclusion, the results indicate that workers exposed to silica dust who smoke are at higher risk of dying from COLD than smokers not exposed to silica dust, as the two exposures act synergistically in causing COLD.  相似文献   

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