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口虾蛄原肌球蛋白基因表达及变应原性鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 克隆口虾蛄原肌球蛋白(tropomyosin)基因并表达纯化出重组蛋白,研究其变应原性.方法 提取口虾蛄总RNA,设计特异引物,通过反转录聚合酶链反应克隆出目的 基因片段,测序后将该片段克隆到原核表达载体pET-28a上,转化到E coli BL21(DE3)后,经异丙基-B-D-硫代乳糖苷(IPTG)诱导表达,用Ni2+亲和层析柱对重组变应原进行纯化.采用免疫印迹(Western-blot)检测其与对虾过敏的患者血清IgE结合活性.结果 经序列测定,该基因含有长度为855bp的开放阅读框,编码284个氨基酸(GenBank登录号为EF584510).十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)检测该重组变应原在大肠埃希菌中高效表达36kDa的目的 蛋白,且重组变应原具有良好的IgE结合活性.结论 本研究成功获得了具有变应原活性的重组口虾蛄原肌球蛋白.  相似文献   

虾爬子(爬虾),学名虾蛄(Squil-la)。我国目前已发现有六十多个品种。在沿海地区的市场上即有大量的鲜销的虾爬子,同时也有冷冻的虾爬子,所以一年四季都能见到。虾爬子不仅味道鲜美可  相似文献   

广东人称虾蛄为 “濑尿虾”,其意昵指经常尿床的孩子。南方人常把小孩称作“虾仔”。在浙江宁波,又称虾蛄为“撒水仆”,意思跟广东完全相同,同样带有某种感情色彩。可是虾蛄本身却是一种诱人的海鲜,尤其在港  相似文献   

重口裂腹鱼肌肉营养成分的分析   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
周兴华  向枭  陈建 《营养学报》2006,28(6):536-537
重口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax davidi)俗称“雅鱼”,属鲤科、裂腹鱼亚科,主要分布于长江上游的嘉陵江、岷江水系的峡谷河流中;为底栖喜冷水性鱼类,肉质鲜嫩,为产区重要的经济鱼类,深受人们喜爱。目前对重口裂腹鱼的研究仅见于形态结构、生态分布和生活习性,未见其肌肉营养成分的报道。本研究以草鱼为对照对重口裂腹鱼肌肉营养成分进行分析。1材料与方法1.1材料于2003年10月从四川省雅安市收购的野生重口裂腹鱼中随机选取10尾(雌雄各5尾),长23.6±4.1cm,重541.2±32.4g。草鱼从嘉陵江北碚江段收购的野生草鱼中随机购买10尾,长22.6±2.8cm,重645.…  相似文献   

通过对虾蛄中重金属元素检测和分析,旨在为虾蛄的食用安全提供一些依据。采用干法灰化和浓硝酸消解对原料进行处理,采用ICP对虾蛄进行定性全谱测定,石墨炉原子光谱和标准曲线法对铜含量进行定量检测,计算与分析回收率,最终得到虾蛄中金属元素含量的种类和虾蛄四部分中铜含量。  相似文献   

不同品种枣的营养成分分析   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
传统中药认为大枣 ( Ziziphus jujuba Mill.)有“补中益气 ,养血安神”的功能[1] ,现代药理研究表明 ,它具有抗变态反应、镇静、保肝、抗炎、抗衰老等多方面药理作用 [1,2 ]。我国有栽培枣品种 70 0多个 ,一些研究者对枣和酸枣 ( Ziziphus acidojujuba C.Y. Cheng et M.J.Liu)的营养成分进行分析研究 [3 ,4] ,但只研究一、二个品种 ;《食物成分表》[3 ]中只注明产地 ,未注明品种 ,本研究以北方不同省市的1 0个品种的枣以及酸枣 (混合样品 )共 1 3份样品为实验材料 ,对其营养成分进行了较全面系统的分析测定和比较 ,旨在为营养保健食品开…  相似文献   

李、梅花粉营养成分分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
花粉营养成分十分丰富,在国际上被称为“完全型营养品”。我国养蜂业发达。据报道,我国现有800多万群蜜蜂,年产花粉4~5万吨[1]。近年来,将花粉作为食品添加剂和保健品正越来越被人们重视。在欧美、日本等国已有相当规模的生产基地和销售市场,我国花粉资源的开发利用也取得了很大发展。  随着花粉应用研究的不断深入,对花粉的需要量大大增加,研究表明,不同种类的花粉其营养成分的组成、含量、比值及疗效大不相同[2]。因此,有必要对各种花粉进行分析测定,为开发不同用途的花粉制品提供科学依据。李(PrunussalicinaLindl.)、梅(Prunusmume…  相似文献   

[目的 ]调查香波、浴液化妆品中二口恶烷的含量及人群接触量。 [方法 ]二口恶烷含量测定采用顶空 -气项色谱法 ,人群接触量调查采用讯问调查和推算相结合的方法。 [结果 ]1 2 2件国产香波中二口恶烷检出率为 63 9% ,95 %位数为 1 73 42 μg/g ;64件进口香波中二口恶烷检出率 5 6 2 % ,95 %位数为 34 68μg/g。两样本有显著性差异 (P <0 0 5 )。 5 6件国产浴液中二口恶烷检出率为 47 0 6% ,95 %位数为 1 1 1 6μg/g;进口、合资浴液中二 口恶烷检出率 42 4% ,95 %位数为 1 4 0 2μg/g。两样本有显著性差异 (P <0 0 5 ) ,沐浴时二 口恶 烷接触量为 0 0 0 1mg/(kg·d)。 [结论 ]本研究调查结果表明 ,二口恶烷检出率高达 63 9% ,国产香波、浴液中二口恶烷含量高于进口及合资产品 ,最高含量为 40 0 μg/g。但是通过人群对香波、浴液中二 口恶 烷的接触量的调查结果 ,与资料报道的危险度评估结果 ( 0 8mg/kg·d- 1 )相比较 ,本研究认为 :不会对人体产生危害。由于考虑二口恶烷具有致癌活性 ,为严格管理洗涤类化妆品卫生质量 ,减少其危害程度 ,建议进行动态监督、检测。  相似文献   

三疣梭子蟹软壳蟹主要营养成分分析与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>软壳蟹是指蜕壳后尚未硬化的蟹[1]。关于三疣梭子蟹的营养成分的研究,苏秀榕等[2]最早分析了三疣梭子蟹雌雄生殖腺及肌肉的营养成分。徐善良等[3]分析野生与养殖三疣梭子蟹成体肌肉、肝胰腺和卵巢的营养成分。到目前为止,尚未见关于软壳蟹营养成分研究的相关报道。因此,本文分析了三疣梭子蟹软壳蟹营养成分,以期为软壳蟹开发提供理论参考。  相似文献   

目的 探讨虾蛄和梭子蟹体内重金属元素铅(Pb)和镉(Cd)的生物可给性,为研究动物性水产品的食用风险提供实验方法。方法 采用体外模拟消化实验,模拟人体胃肠道的物理化学环境,对虾蛄和梭子蟹样品进行仿生消解,以电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)分别测定样品、模拟胃和肠消化提取液中Pb和Cd的含量,开展生物可给性计算,分析样品中目标重金属在人体胃肠道中的可能溶解情况,以国标限量对结果进行初步评估。结果 3批虾蛄和梭子蟹样品中Cd含量在1.18~2.23 mg/kg, Pb含量在0.018 6~0.066 8 mg/kg。样品经模拟消化液消化分解后,生物可给性以虾蛄胃消化液Cd(89.2%~93.5%)最高,虾蛄肠消化液Pb(17.3%~20.7%)最低。结论 虾蛄和梭子蟹中Pb、Cd不能被人体全部吸收,模拟胃消化液的生物可给性高于模拟肠消化液。  相似文献   

New Zealanders have been exposed to nutritional information from health professionals, government and non-government bodies for at least 100 years. The present study analyses both community and national cookbooks published in New Zealand from 1940 to 1969 to ascertain if nutritional information and/or recipes with special nutritional significance are transmitted to the community via this medium. During the war years and rationing, it was found that food shortages limited food choice; therefore, it was important to choose food carefully to obtain the required nutrients to maintain good health. Cookbooks published during the 1940s that dealt with rationing, therefore, proved to be an important source of information about nutrition. After the war, as the food supply returned to normal, New Zealanders returned to their traditional diet which led to over consumption and a focus on slimming diets. Cookbooks examined in the present study illustrated nutrition concerns during the period and changes in our culinary culture.  相似文献   

目的:调查农村居民营养知识、态度及行为现状,为提出切实可行的营养教育方案提供科学依据。方法:抽取某地农村387名18~60岁农民,进行面对面问卷调查,并对结果进行统计分析。结果:调查对象《中国居民膳食宝塔》知晓率为17.0%,对蔬菜水果、脂肪、肥肉、乳制品、豆制品营养价值的知晓率较高,对主食、多品种摄入食物等知识知晓率较低。农村居民的学习营养知识及应用态度较为积极,营养行为整体较差,各品种食物食用频次较低。结论:农村居民营养知识水平整体较低,对营养知识态度较为积极,营养行为较不合理。应针对农村居民特点制订营养教育方案,纠正农村居民膳食品种偏少、食用频次偏低的状况。  相似文献   

目的:探讨造血干细胞移植儿童的规范化营养管理策略。方法:总结南京医科大学附属儿童医院营养支持小组对造血干细胞移植(HSCT)儿童营养管理的流程,分析工作成效。结果:HSCT儿童营养支持小组制定了适合HSCT儿童的营养管理流程,并为其提供规范的个体化营养管理方案。结论:HSCT儿童营养支持小组规范了HSCT儿童营养管理工作,提高了HSCT儿童营养支持的有效性及安全性,值得推广。  相似文献   

农村学龄前儿童营养改善效果分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
“儿童营养监测与改善”项目是到目前为止在中国开展的最大规模的针对农村学龄前儿童的营养改善项目,本文着重对项目初期、终期二次监测结果进行比较分析,结果显示,通过五年营养改善工作的开展,使得项目县儿童的营养状况有了不同程度的改善,全国平均发育迟缓发生率下降了23.1%,低体重发生率下降了28.6%,贫血患病率下降了48%,这些改善效果的取得与几年来实施的以营养教育为主线,多种措施并举的改善方案,在一定程度上改变了儿童的不良喂养习惯,提高儿童的膳食质量有着非常重要的关系。  相似文献   

野生植物—火棘果营养成分   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
火棘(Pyracantha reom)属蔷薇科多年生灌木,其成熟果实呈扁园球形,色泽鲜艳,香气浓郁,酸甜微涩,风味独特,可食用或药用。果实的皮肉为可食用部分,与种子的重量比约为3.9∶1;粗蛋白质含量4.19%,氨基酸种类齐全,有VB_1,VB_2,VPP,VC,VE和胡萝卜素等多种维生素,且含量颇高;脂肪酸品质优良;矿质元素丰富;可溶性糖高达10~13%;还含有适量的淀粉、果胶等营养成分。它以其营养成分种类齐全,含量丰富,比例协调之优势,比苹果、猕猴桃更具特色。火棘果具有很高的营养保健价值,可作为酿制各种营养保健饮料(酒)或食品的优质原料,具有广阔的开发利用前景。  相似文献   

The nutritional status of an individual or population needs to be assessed through valid and reliable biomarkers. Cutoffs generally have an underlying relation to health status and are one of the important quantitative criteria against which biomarker outputs are compared. For this reason, cutoffs are integral for surveys, surveillance, screening, interventions, monitoring, and evaluation. Despite their importance, nutritional biomarker cutoffs have not been adequately addressed in the literature. Furthermore, the field has not reached a consensus on which cutoff to use for each biomarker, and different cutoffs are often used for the same biomarkers in published studies. This review provides a comprehensive overview of cutoffs related to nutritional biomarkers and highlights some of the high-priority research gaps and challenges of using micronutrient case studies.  相似文献   

Background: In the developing world, nearly one-third (35%) of under-five children are stunted and rural children are twice likely to be underweight as those in urban areas (United Nations, Children education Fund, UNICEF Global Database. (2006–2010). United Nations Development Assistance Framework of Uganda. Retrieved from https://countryoffice.unfpa.org/uganda/drive/Uganda_UNDAF.pdf). India presents a grim scenario which lacks in various aspects inflicting sufferings on children below five years of age. The objective of the study is to find out the association between mother's nutritional awareness and nutritional status of the child (NSC). Methodology: The sample consisted of 300 children of 3–4 years of age from kindergarten and preprimary schools of Kolkata. The tools used were Nutritional Awareness of Mother (NAM) questionnaire and NSC by measuring age, height and weight of children which were used for finding weight for age, height for age and weight for height of the child and the statistical analysis used was chi-square test. Results: The result showed that nutritional awareness of mother significantly influences the NSC. Conclusions: The study would help in motivating educators for incorporating need-based educative measures for young adolescents and thus the eradication of various issues regarding infant mortality rate, maternal mortality rate, etc. may be checked to some extent.  相似文献   

Background:  The association between malnutrition and poor clinical outcome is well-established, yet most research has focussed on the role of artificial nutritional support in its management. More recently, emphasis has been placed on the provision of adequate nutritional care, including nutritional screening and the routine provision of food and drink. The aim of this literature review is to establish the evidence for the efficacy of interventions that might result in improvements in nutritional and clinical outcomes and costs.
Methods:  A structured literature review was conducted investigating the role of nutritional care interventions in adults, and their effects on nutritional and clinical outcomes and costs, in all healthcare settings. Ten databases were searched electronically using keywords relating to nutritional care, patient outcomes and healthcare costs. High quality trials were included where available.
Results:  Two hundred and ninety-seven papers were identified and reviewed. Of these, only two randomised, controlled trials and six other trials were identified that addressed the major issues. A further 99 addressed some aspects of the provision of nutritional care, although very few formally evaluated nutritional or clinical outcomes and costs.
Conclusions:  This review reveals a serious lack of evidence to support interventions designed to improve nutritional care, in particular with reference to their effects on nutritional and clinical outcomes and costs. The review suggests that screening alone may be insufficient to achieve beneficial effects and thus more research is required to determine the most cost-effective interventions in each part of the nutritional care pathway, in a variety of healthcare settings and across all age ranges, to impact upon nutritional and clinical outcomes.  相似文献   

营养风险理念解读   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
营养风险是指与营养因素有关的出现临床并发症的风险,而不是出现营养不良的风险。通过发现患者的营养风险,预测患者的临床结局,监测患者使用临床营养支持的效果。  相似文献   

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