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目的 结合文献探讨喉部乳头状鳞状细胞癌即疣性癌的临床病理特征。方法 报道1例喉部乳头状鳞状细胞癌,就本病的临床生物学特征、病理、诊断、治疗及预后进行分析。结果 经手术及放疗后半年复查,肿瘤未复发。结论 喉部乳头状鳞状细胞癌是低度恶性肿瘤,临床因其病理特征而较难确诊,要求深部取材活检和HPV检查,治疗以手术切除加颈淋巴结清扫为主,术后可追加放疗。  相似文献   

腮腺腺泡细胞癌临床诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究腮腺腺泡细胞癌临床诊治方法。方法回顾性分析我院1g85~2007年收治的19例腮腺腺泡细胞癌诊治经过,4例行腮腺浅叶切除,3例行腮腺浅叶加部分深叶切除,5例行腮腺全切除术,6例行腮腺全切除术加颈清术,其中8例行术后放疗。1例外院活检术后仅行根治性放疗。术后随访1~20年。结果无1例死亡,有5N术后复发,复发率26.3%(5/19)。结论彻底的手术切除和术后放疗是腮腺腺泡细胞癌的主要治疗方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨下咽癌肉瘤的临床病理学特征、诊断和鉴别诊断。方法:报道1例经病理证实的下咽癌肉瘤患者的临床资料,结合文献复习进行分析。结果:患者通过手术切除病变,病理检查证实为鳞状细胞癌横纹肌肉瘤,术后行放化疗,恢复良好,随访18个月无复发。结论:下咽癌肉瘤是一种极为罕见的恶性肿瘤,具有特征性的组织病理学、免疫组织化学及临床特点,需与肉瘤样癌、喉癌的放疗反应等相鉴别。下咽癌肉瘤的治疗应首选手术切除。对局部晚期、术后残留、肉眼切除范围欠安全的头颈部癌肉瘤患者应行放疗并及时随访。  相似文献   

目的 探讨副腮腺肿瘤的临床、影像、病理特点及治疗效果。方法 收集并分析我院经治的8例副腮腺肿瘤病例资料。结果 多形性腺瘤5例,基底细胞腺瘤、多 形性腺瘤恶变(高分化非特异性腺癌)、高分化鳞状细胞癌各1例。良性肿瘤病例的CT表现为肿块呈椭圆形、边界清楚、密度均匀;恶性肿瘤病例的CT表现为肿块形状不规则、境界不清、密度欠均匀。8例患者均行手术治疗,入路分别选择:1例面颊部直接切口,2例口内入路,5例标准腮腺肿瘤切除入路,鳞状细胞癌病例同时行选择性颈清扫术。2例恶性肿瘤患者术后辅以放疗。所有患者治疗后随访1~5年,无复发及转移。结论 副腮腺肿瘤CT表现具有一定的特征性,彻底切除是首选治疗,入路宜选用标准腮腺切除切口,恶性肿瘤术后辅以放疗,短期疗效较好。  相似文献   

涎腺导管癌由 Kleinsasser 于1968年首次报告,认为是涎腺腺癌中一种特殊类型的肿瘤。本文报告12例,并讨论了其病理形态特点和临床过程。男性7例,女性5例,年龄49~82岁,平均67.7岁。Ⅰ期7例,Ⅲ期5例。所有患者均表现为腮腺无痛性肿物,没有面瘫。全部根治性全腮腺切除,其中8例切除面神经,10例同时行颈清扫,5例证实有转移。所有病人均行术后放疗。  相似文献   

目的总结儿童腮腺肿瘤的临床、病理及诊断治疗特点。方法回顾性分析天津医科大学附属肿瘤医院1985年12月~2007年12月收治的77例住院治疗的18岁以下儿童腮腺肿瘤患者的临床、病理和随访资料,并将其与同期收治的1303例成人腮腺肿瘤的发病率和组织病理类型加以比较。结果77例儿童腮腺肿瘤中,良性肿瘤51例,占66.2%,恶性肿瘤26例,占33.8%。良性肿瘤中脉管瘤最多19例,占37.3%,恶性肿瘤中黏液表皮样癌最多9例,占恶性肿瘤的34.6%。67例经手术治疗,上皮性恶性肿瘤中,7例术后辅以放疗。随访1~17年不等,3例局部复发,包括多形性腺瘤1例,恶性肌上皮瘤1例,黏液表皮样癌1例。结论儿童腮腺肿瘤的瘤谱与成人有很大不同,其中脉管瘤和畸胎瘤常发生于儿童,但少见于成人。儿童腮腺实体肿瘤中恶性肿瘤所占比例为50%(18/36),但在成人仅占23.7%(249/1050)。首次手术治疗的彻底性关系到儿童腮腺肿瘤的预后。虽然术后放疗可以降低腮腺癌的复发率,但是放射线对儿童甲状腺的潜在致癌性及对口腔颌面部生长发育的影响还有待于临床上进一步的研究。  相似文献   

244例腮腺癌治疗评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文总结我科从1964年1月到1991年6月诊治244例腮腺癌患者的治疗经验。男性147例,女性97例,30~60岁占62.3%。首发癌192例,其中临床Ⅰ、Ⅱ期占51.6%,Ⅲ、Ⅳ期占48.4%;复发癌52例。全组均采用外科手术治疗,其中101例术后加用放疗,面神经被肿瘤累及切除82例(33.6%)。行颈清扫术或腮腺旁淋巴结切除术182例,全组颈淋巴结转移率为32.4%。5、10年生存率分别为75%和59.4%,死亡111例,死于局部复发占55%。作者认为手术是治疗腮腺癌的主要手段,对临床晚期、病理分化差、手术姑息患者应加用术后放疗,以提高局部控制率;面神经被肿瘤累及应予切除;对颈部淋巴结肿大可疑有转移病例应行治疗性颈清术,对病理分化差患者应行选择性颈清术。病理类型、临床分期、是否复发癌及首次治疗是否彻底是影响预后的主要因素。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨外耳道腺样囊性癌的临床病理特点及提高诊治水平的手段。方法 :回顾性分析 7例外耳道腺样囊性癌患者的临床表现、治疗及随访结果。结果 :本组病例从出现症状到确诊时间平均为 5 .7年 ,全部行手术治疗。随访时间 2年 8个月~ 9年 11个月 ,5例复发 ,其中 2例死亡。结论 :外耳道腺样囊性癌不易及时确诊 ,肿瘤生长缓慢 ,易复发 ;可侵犯至腮腺甚至颅内 ,易发生肺转移。应行扩大手术治疗 ,术后辅以放疗。长期随访提示该病预后不佳。  相似文献   

目的探讨腮腺肿瘤手术方式、手术范围与治疗效果的关系。方法对1997~2003年间面神经解剖行腮腺肿瘤切除术57例(腮腺浅叶切除术51例,全腮腺切除术6例,1例行功能性颈淋巴结清扫术,术后加放疗4例)的临床随访资料进行分析。结果腮腺浅叶切除术51例中,并发暂时性面瘫5例,持续性面瘫1例,全腮腺切除6例中,并发暂时性面瘫2例,持续性面瘫2例,无腮腺瘘及Frey综合征,随访6月~7年无复发。结论腮腺良性肿瘤应施行解剖面神经的腮腺浅叶及肿瘤切除,恶性肿瘤在面神经尚未累及时行保留面神经的腮腺广泛切除,术后辅以放疗,可以减少肿瘤复发和面瘫等并发症的发生。  相似文献   

目的 探讨外耳道腺样囊性癌的临床特点、诊断和治疗方法。方法 回顾性分析2008年1月至2020年12月在扬州大学附属苏北人民医院收治的6例外耳道腺样囊性癌患者临床资料,分析其临床症状、治疗及随访结果。2例行乳突扩大切除术,3例行颞骨次全切+腮腺浅叶切除+颞肌修复术,1例行颞骨次全切+腮腺浅叶切除、深叶部分去除术+颞肌修复术。结果 6例患者术后随访2~8年,随访5年以上者5例,术后复发1例。结论 外耳道腺样囊性癌不易及时确诊,肿瘤生长缓慢,容易复发和发生肺部转移。手术治疗结合术后辅以放疗可延长患者生存期、降低复发,是治疗外耳道腺样囊性癌的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的通过对甲状舌管癌患者的诊断和治疗,并复习相关文献,总结该病的临床特征和准确制定合理的治疗方案。方法报道2例甲状舌管癌患者的诊治过程,影像学特点及治疗方法。结果2例患者术前均被误诊为甲状舌管囊肿,常规行Sistrunk手术,术后病检1例为甲状舌管乳头状癌,另1例为甲状腺乳头状癌,结合术中所见最后诊断为甲状腺舌管乳头状癌,2例术后复查甲状腺功能均正常,复查甲状腺超声未见明显恶性肿瘤特征,均未行甲状腺手术治疗,1例未做任何其他补充治疗,随访8年无局部复发和转移,另1例行甲状腺素抑制治疗随访1年无复发。结论甲状腺舌管癌临床罕见,术前易误诊为甲状舌管囊肿,术前超声及增强CT有助于诊断,需病理确诊,手术方案的制定需综合考虑,病理分型决定其预后。  相似文献   

Weber R  Draf W  Kahle G  Kind M 《Rhinology》1999,37(1):1-15
Despite increasing advances in endonasal frontal sinus surgery, obliteration of the frontal sinus is necessary in some cases for definitive clearing frontal sinus pathology. Reviewing the literature and considering pathophysiological aspects, successful obliteration of the frontal sinus depends on the complete removal of the mucosa and a sufficient closure of the nasofrontal duct, but not on the material used for obliteration, if special considerations are taken into account and foreign materials are avoided. Complete removal of the mucosa has to include removal of the inner bony cortex of the frontal bone. Occlusion of the nasofrontal duct is achieved with a sufficiently fixed fibrous layer.  相似文献   

Betz CS  Leunig A  Janda P  Jund R 《HNO》2005,53(3):257-262
Primary adenocarcinoma of the nasolacrimal drainage system is a highly uncommon diagnosis, which is presumably derived from malignantly transformed glandular cells that are interspersed amongst the epithelium of the nasolacrimal duct. The patients usually present with unspecific orbital or sinus-nasal symptoms. An appropriate therapeutic regime consists of a preferably early, radical resection and local postoperative radiation therapy. This brief contribution deals with an especially uncommon case of a carcinoma of the nasolacrimal drainage system. On his first presentation, the 62-year old patient complained about right sided epiphora which had been present over the last few weeks. Eight years prior to presentation, he had been treated for a nasolacrimal duct stenosis by endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy on this side. Diagnostic imaging revealed a soft tissue mass in the right nasolacrimal duct which was removed by a combined extra-endonasal approach. The final histopathological evaluation was adenocarcinoma. Following postoperative radiotherapy, the patient has been free of disease for 42 months. The occurrence of adenocarcinoma of the nasolacrimal drainage system in the setting of previous surgery may provide a new insight into the clinical spectrum of the natural history of this disease.  相似文献   

RATIONALE: Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common neoplasm of major and minor salivary gland origin, followed by infectious reasons and sialolithiasis. Less common are adenocarcinomas presented. The salivary duct carcinoma represents a rare variant of the group of adenocarcinomas originated from the salivary glands, especially extremely rare from minor salivary gland origin. CASE REPORT: We report about a 52 year old male patient presenting with painless, non-ulcerating tumor at the floor of the mouth. Since 2 weeks ingestion was painful. Further ENT-investigations including endoscopy and scans (MRT, ultrasound) showed no pathology. In particular, growth of cervical lymph nodes and distant metastases were not revealed. A biopsy showed a rare salivary duct carcinoma of comedo-type originated from the left sublingual salivary gland. The patient underwent an operation: the tumor was extirpated in toto, and, as the pathohistological investigation confirmed, in sano. Additionally a neck dissection at the left side was performed, followed by the radiation of the tumor region and the lymphatic neck regions, after sufficient reconvalescence. The tumor-classification was pT3, pN0. Since 3 years no recurrence of the tumor was confirmed. DISCUSSION: Salivary duct carcinoma is a rare, high-grade malignant epithelial neoplasm, which occurs almost exclusively in the parotid. As presented, it can also occur in minor salivary glands. Histologically it is composed of structures that resemble expanded salivary glands. Comedonecrosis of these structures is a frequent feature. There is some histologic similarity to intraductal carcinoma of the breast. Differential diagnosis comprises adenoid cystic carcinoma, metastases of other adenocarcinomas, such as the carcinoma of the thyroid gland and the comedocarcinoma of the breast. Because of its poor prognosis a rapid and radical therapy is recommended. CONCLUSION: A rare case of a salivary duct carcinoma of sublingual salivary gland origin is presented. Usually the prognosis is poor. The adequate therapy is the complete surgical extirpation including the surgery of the regional lymphatic nodes and the additional radiotherapy.  相似文献   

The differential diagnosis of a lateral cystic neck mass includes branchial cleft cysts and lymphangiomas. Cervical thymic cysts are rare, and thymopharyngeal duct cysts, which maintain a connection to the pharynx, are rarer still. We present an interesting case of a 6 year-old male who developed acute onset of a left-sided neck mass. CT and MRI findings revealed a multiloculated cyst closely associated with the left lobe of the thyroid gland with a tract extending up along the carotid sheath to the pyriform sinus. Complete surgical excision was performed. The anatomic location and pathology were consistent with a thymopharyngeal duct cyst. The embryology, clinical presentation, radiologic and pathologic findings, and surgical management of thymopharyngeal duct cysts will be discussed.  相似文献   

Lo WC  Ting LL  Ko JY  Lou PJ  Yang TL  Chang YL  Wang CP 《The Laryngoscope》2008,118(12):2151-2155
Objectives/Hypothesis: To report on the clinical profiles and treatment experiences of patients with second primary ear malignancy after treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Study Design: Retrospective case series. Methods: A retrospective review of the clinical outcomes and pathology of 11 irradiated NPC patients who subsequently had second primary malignancies of the ear at a single institution. Results: Ten tumors were squamous cell carcinoma and one tumor was chondrosarcoma occurring within the radiation field of previous treatment for NPC. The interval between previous radiotherapy and diagnosis of ear malignancy was 3 to 27 years with a median time of 17 years. Six tumors were located in the external auditory canal, two in the middle ear cavity, two in the periauricular region and one in the mastoid cavity. Four patients underwent surgery, and the other seven patients underwent surgery plus adjuvant radiotherapy. The 3‐year disease‐free and overall survival rates were 30.3% and 20%, respectively. Conclusions: Postirradiated malignancy of the ear is extremely rare, but is one of the causes of death for NPC long‐term survivors despite curative‐intended treatment with surgery plus adjuvant radiotherapy is instituted.  相似文献   

目的 探讨成人复发性舌甲状舌管囊肿(LTGDC)的临床特点、误诊原因及手术治疗。方法 回顾性分析2018年1月—2021年3月收治的6例反复复发的成年LTGDC患者,术前行甲状腺B超提示甲状腺位置并排除异位甲状腺,颈部CT检查明确肿物大小、部位及与舌骨的关系,喉咽部MRI明确肿物性质。手术均采用颈外径路Sistrunk手术。结果 6例患者曾误诊为会厌囊肿4例,舌根囊肿2例,均已行囊肿切除术,复发时间3周至1年。所有患者行颈外径路Sistrunk手术完整切除甲状舌管囊肿及瘘管,术后病理确诊为甲状舌管囊肿。术后随访1年以上无复发。结论 复发性舌根部或会厌间隙的囊性肿物应考虑LTGDC的可能性。所有患者术前均应行喉镜检查和颈部影像学检查以了解囊肿的形态、位置及其和舌骨的关系来选择手术方式。对于成人复发性LTGDC,Sistrunk手术可彻底切除囊肿减少复发。  相似文献   

Hengstermann F  Tisch M  Kraft K  Maier H 《HNO》2005,53(9):800-803
Salivary duct carcinoma is a highly malignant tumor. Pain, facial nerve palsy, perineural and lymphatic invasion are common findings, as well as an extensive cervical lymph node involvement and distant metastasis. However, occasionally, as in the case presented, the clinical features of this tumor may resemble obstructive sialadenitis and thus cause a delay in appropriate treatment. Although salivary duct carcinoma exhibits an unpredictable clinical course and a poor overall prognosis, total parotidectomy with neck dissection and adjunctive radiation therapy appear to be appropriate for local and regional control of this aggressive neoplasm.  相似文献   

DelGaudio JM  Wojno T 《The Laryngoscope》2007,117(10):1830-1833
BACKGROUND: Epiphora is a common problem evaluated by ophthalmologists and otolaryngologists. It is typically the result of obstruction at some level of the nasolacrimal system, either the canaliculi, sac, or duct. Multiple etiologies exist, including scarring from infection or trauma, tumors, or masses. Cysts of the nasolacrimal duct orifice (dacryocystoceles) in the inferior meatus have been described in neonates, usually presenting as obstructive nasal masses shortly after birth. Nasolacrimal duct orifice cysts have not been described in the adult population in the medical literature. PATIENTS: Three patients were identified with epiphora as a result of cysts in the inferior meatus at the opening of the nasolacrimal duct. All patients presented with constant epiphora and were referred for dacryocystorhinostomy by an ophthalmologist or an otolaryngologist. None of the patients had a previous history of nasolacrimal duct (NLD) surgery. One patient had previous endoscopic sinus surgery for nasal polyps. Cysts were identified by nasal endoscopy of the inferior meatus in all patients. RESULTS: All patients underwent endoscopic resection of the inferior meatus cyst to relieve the obstruction of the NLD. Two procedures were performed under general anesthesia and one under intravenous sedation. All patients had complete relief of epiphora and have had no evidence of recurrence of the symptoms or the cyst in 4 to 10 months follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: NLD orifice cysts are easily correctable causes of epiphora. Routine inferior meatus endoscopy should be routinely performed in patients with epiphora to identify whether on not this pathology is present prior to performing dacryocystorhinostomy.  相似文献   

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