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<正>从北部的呼伦贝尔草原到西南部的鄂尔多斯草原,从东部的科尔沁草原到西部的阿拉善荒漠草原,内蒙古大草原鲜碧如画。行走在草原上,"风吹草低见牛羊"的美景无处不在,一望无际的大草原上,到处盛开着艳丽的鲜花,一座座蒙古包像珍珠般撒落在绿浪起伏的草原上,景色特别迷人。  相似文献   

地方性甲状腺腫,俗叫鹅喉,古称癭,是一种由于食物及饮水中的碘不足人体需要所引起的疾病。内陆高原山区地带的水土中往往缺乏碘,所以这些地区出产的食物也缺乏碘。我国的西南(如云南、广西北部、贵州西南部及四川西部),西北(如青海、甘肃、宁夏及内蒙古南部),东北(如河北北部、热河及辽宁西部),以及山东南部及湖南东南部居民多患地方性甲状腺腫。这样看来,这种病在我国发生的地域甚广,被害的人民众  相似文献   

新疆塔里木盆地东部发现柽柳砂土鼠   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
柽柳砂土鼠(Meriones tamariscinus)广泛分布于俄罗斯高加索北部、里海西北部、伏尔加-乌拉尔河间、哈萨克斯坦及乌孜别克斯坦。我国河西走廊西部的古砂洲-西安、敦煌和酒泉、玉门、额济纳旗一带也有该种分布。蒙古及我国内蒙古中部地区迄今尚未见有本种的分布记载。  相似文献   

大蒜[Allium sativum L(Garlie)] 又叫蒜、葫、葫蒜,为百合科葱属植物。 大蒜原产亚洲西部,由汉武帝派张骞经丝绸之路由埃及和希腊带回国内,至今已有两千余年栽培历史。  相似文献   

内蒙古达尔罕茂明安联合旗(简称达茂旗),地处阴山北部的内蒙古高原,为干草原到荒漠的过渡地带。对该旗的啮齿动物曾有郎炳耀(1934)、乌盟地病站、达茂旗卫生防疫站(1981)、刘秀山等(1984)(以上均为油印本)从不同角度做过调查;而对该旗的啮齿动物分布,尚未见专门报道。1986年5~8月,我们在该旗野外共设71个样地,对啮齿动物种类、分布状况及其地理区划进行了初步调查。现将结果报告如下:  相似文献   

目的为研究我国汉族与蒙古族维生素D受体(VDR)基因多态性分布与骨质疏松的关系.方法采用聚合酶链反应(PCR)限制性片段长度多态性技术,对179例健康汉族人及105例蒙古族健康人进行VDR基因检测.结果中国蒙古族105例,bb型54例(51.42%),Bb型45例(42.85%),BB型6例(5.71%);汉族179例,bb型162例(90.50%),Bb型17例(9.50%),未见BB型.结论中国蒙古族VDR基因多态性分布与中国汉族相比差异有显著性意义(P<0.005).  相似文献   

我国蒙古族与汉族维生素D受体基因多态性分布的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的为研究我国汉族与蒙古族维生素D受体(VDR)基因多态性分布与骨质疏松的关系.方法采用聚合酶链反应(PCR)限制性片段长度多态性技术,对179例健康汉族人及105例蒙古族健康人进行VDR基因检测.结果中国蒙古族105例,bb型54例(51.42%),Bb型45例(42.85%),BB型6例(5.71%);汉族179例,bb型162例(90.50%),Bb型17例(9.50%),未见BB型.结论中国蒙古族VDR基因多态性分布与中国汉族相比差异有显著性意义(P<0.005).  相似文献   

新疆阿勒泰地区蚊种组成及生态调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新疆阿勒泰地区蚊种组成及生态调查马德新,安继尧阿勒泰地区位于新疆维吾尔自治区最北部。动物地理区划属西北区大兴安岭亚区和西部荒漠亚区,每年适宜季节,蚊虫对人畜刺叮骚扰相当严重。既往对该区蚊类系统调查研究甚少。为进行有效防制,于1977、1978、198...  相似文献   

形成寒潮的强冷空气往往在西伯利亚和蒙古不断堆积加强,当它加强到一定程度后,在高空大槽后部的西北气流“牵引”下,便可大单向南暴发为寒潮。 侵入我国东部的寒潮主要有以下三条路径: 西路——从西伯利亚西部或蒙古西部进入我国新疆或河套以  相似文献   

在全国对外开放的诸多口岸中二连地区是唯一的一块活动性鼠间鼠疫疫源地。该地区地处内蒙古北部,荒漠草原东段,是内蒙古荒漠草原鼠疫自然疫源地的重要组成部分。受自然地理、植被、气候等因素影响,蒙古国南部和内蒙古北部边境地区自然地理和啮  相似文献   

Garlic and onion have been used for millenia in the traditional medical practice of many cultures to treat cardiovascular and other disorders. Both Allium species, their extracts, and the chemical constituents of these plants have been investigated for possible effects on cardiovascular disease risk factors--both definite (hyperlipidemia, hypertension and hyperglycemia) and suspected (platelet aggregation and blood fibrinolytic activity). Action of these Allium species on blood coagulability is more clearly defined than their effect on the other risk factors. While many of the studies have serious methodological shortcomings, there is some evidence to suggest that use of certain formulations of garlic and/or onion is accompanied by favorable effects on risk factors in normal subjects and in patients with atherosclerotic disease. The possibility of toxicity resulting from acute and chronic ingestion of large amounts of these plants or their extracts is unresolved. Accordingly, further clinical and epidemiological studies are required before the role of these plants in the prevention and control of cardiovascular disorders is understood and can be realized. Additional research in this area is recommended.  相似文献   

Three sample preparation methods--proteolysis to determine the initial species distribution, and an in vitro gastric and gastrointestinal digestion to assess the bioavailability of selenium--were applied to extract the selenium from selenized green onion and chive samples. Ion exchange chromatography was coupled to a high-performance liquid chromatography-ICP-MS system to analyze the selenium species of Allium samples. The difference in the selenium accumulation capability of green onions and chives was significant. Chive accumulated a one order of magnitude higher amount of selenium than did green onion. After proteolysis of both types of Allium plants, high amounts of organic selenium species such as MeSeCys, SeCys2 and SeMet became accessible. In the case of Se(VI)-enrichment, selenate was the main species in the proteolytic extract. After simulating the human digestion, the organic species were just slightly bioavailable compared with the results from proteolysis. The inorganic selenium content of the selenized samples increased significantly and SeOMet could be detected from the extracts. As an effect of the significant pH change between the gastric and the intestinal tracts, two oxidation processes took place: selenite oxidized to selenate, while SeMet oxidized to SeOMet.  相似文献   

This paper reviews research published in recent years concerning the effects of garlic on lipid metabolism and atherosclerosis. In both animal and human studies, components of garlic have been shown to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Garlic has also been shown to change blood lipoproteins and to affect coagulation parameters. The available data suggest that garlic may be of value in either the prevention or treatment of atherosclerotic diseases. Further research in this area is warranted.  相似文献   

用原子吸收分光光度法测定簇生葱中的Ca ,Zn ,Fe ,Cu ,K ,Na ,Co ,Ni,Mg ,Mn ,Cr等 11种微量元素的含量 ,并进行分析。结果表明 :簇生葱含有丰富的人体必需的微量元素 ,具有较高的药用价值  相似文献   

Background  Interest in potential benefits of allium vegetables has its origin in antiquity, but the details of these benefits are still open to discussion. Only two epidemiological studies considered the relation between dietary intake of allium vegetables and cardiovascular diseases. Aim of the study  To provide further information we analysed the relationship between onion and garlic intake and acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Methods  We used data from a case–control study of 760 patients with a first episode of non-fatal AMI and 682 controls admitted to the same hospitals. Information was collected by trained interviewers using a validated and reproducible food-frequency questionnaire. Multivariate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were obtained after allowance for recognized confounding factors. Results  Compared with non-users, the ORs of AMI for subsequent categories of onion intake were 0.90 (95% CI: 0.69–1.21) for <1 portion of onion per week and 0.78 (95% CI: 0.56–0.99) for ≥1 portion per week. For garlic, the ORs were 0.84 (95% CI: 0.66–1.09) for intermediate and 0.94 (95% CI: 0.68–1.32) for high use, compared with no or low use. Conclusion  The current study, the first from Mediterranean countries, suggests that a diet rich in onions may have a favourable effect on the risk of AMI.  相似文献   

The moisture, ash, protein, Brix degree, glucose, fructose, sucrose, total fructans and total sugar, total and insoluble fibre contents were quantified in five traditional onion cultivars from Tenerife (Guayonje, San Juan de la Rambla, Carrizal Alto, Carrizal Bajo and Masca) and a commercial cultivar (Texas Early Grano 502). The ratio between insoluble and soluble dietary fibre (IDF:SDF) and between glucose and fructose (G:F) were also determined. There were differences between cultivars in all the studied variables except for the IDF:SDF ratio. Carrizal Bajo and Carrizal Alto presented the highest moisture content and lowest protein, fibre, sugars and total fructans contents. In contrast, the Texas cultivar had the highest total and insoluble fibre and glucose contents, the Masca cultivar had the highest ash and protein contents, the Guayonje cultivar had the highest fructose and total sugar contents, and the San Juan de la Rambla had the highest Brix degree and total fructan contents. Significant differences in many of the parameters analyzed were observed between the two seed origins for the Guayonje and San Juan de la Rambla cultivars. Many correlations were observed between the parameters analyzed. The onion samples tended to be classified according to the cultivar when applying discriminant analysis.  相似文献   

大蒜液在空气中杀菌效果试验观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的为了解大蒜液在空气中杀菌效果及影响因素,进行杀菌试验. 方法采用悬液定量杀菌试验及模拟现场等方法观察其杀菌效果. 结果在试验柜(1 m3)内作用5 min,大蒜液对空气中金黄色葡萄球菌杀灭率为88.20%,在室温22~25℃、相对湿度在74%~76%之间的室内喷大蒜液为30 ml/m3作用1 h,自然菌下降约90%. 结论大蒜液有良好的空气消毒效果.  相似文献   

Typheramide (N-caffeoyltyramine) and alfrutamide (N-feruloyltyramine) are phenylpropenoic acid amides found in plants. In this article, typheramide and alfrutamide were isolated from Allium sativum (garlic) and Allium fistulosum (green onion), their chemical structures were confirmed using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic methods, and the potential effects on cyclooxygenases (COXs) (COX 1 and 2) and lipoxygenases (LOXs) (5- and 15-LOX) were investigated. Typheramide and alfrutamide inhibited COX 1 by 74% (P?相似文献   

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