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目的 应用千伏级锥形束CT (KVCBCT)评价采用负压成型垫作体位固定和最终等中心标记法作定位的体部肿瘤图像引导放疗的摆位误差。方法 回顾分析2009—2011年的223例体部肿瘤患者资料,这些患者在配有LAP可移动式激光定位系统的飞利浦 PQS CT或飞利浦 BrillianceCT Big Bore上采用负压成型垫体位固定和最终等中心标记法定位。CT图像通过网络传输给瓦里安Eclipse治疗计划系统用来勾画靶区和设计计划。在治疗前使用瓦里安直线加速器的机载影像系统行KVCBCT扫描和配准,得出左右、上下和前后方向的摆位误差。使用SPSS 16.0软件对数据行独立样本t检验。  相似文献   

调强放疗计划是在疗前模拟定位CT基础上制定,且未考虑治疗过程中患者解剖结构发生改变的因素.如果用一计划全程照射,靶区和危及器官剂量可在放疗期间发牛变化,因此利用重复CT来研究局部晚期鼻咽痛患者调强放疗过程中解剖结构改变及其对剂量影响.  相似文献   

目的 研究剂量体积优化(dose-volume, DV)联合等效均匀剂量(equivalent uniform dose, EUD)优化在鼻咽癌调强放疗危及器官优化中的应用。方法 选取西南医科大学附属医院肿瘤科放疗室鼻咽癌患者调强放疗计划55例,制作调强计划时优化方法分为常规DV优化法和DV与EUD联合优化法两种,比较两种优化方法优化后靶区与危及器官的受量。结果 常规DV优化和DV与EUD联合优化后肿瘤靶区处方剂量、均匀性指数与适形度指数之间差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05),危及器官平均剂量差异均有统计学意义,DV与EUD联合优化得到的危及器官平均剂量低于常规DV优化(均P<0.001)。结论 本研究将DV优化与EUD联合优化法成功应用于鼻咽癌调强放疗危及器官的优化中,并在此基础上提出一种调强计划危及器官受量的验收方法,减少调强放疗计划中人为主观因素对危及器官受量的影响。  相似文献   

目的 参考点标记方法是肿瘤CT模拟定位标记的常用方法,食管癌调强放疗中选取不同参考点标记位置对摆位误差存在一定的影响.本研究应用锥形束CT(cone-beam CT,CBCT)研究胸中上段食管癌2处参考点标记位置的摆位误差.方法 选取20例2016-01-01-2016-10-31于山东大学附属山东省肿瘤医院首次接受胸中上段食管癌调强放射治疗(intensitymodulated radiation therapy,IMRT)患者.所有治疗次数分为奇数次和偶数次2组,参考点选在下颌骨体中线位置为下颌组;参考点选在胸骨剑突上方平坦处为胸部组.照射前摆位后获取CBCT在线匹配,得出左右、腹背和头脚方向摆位误差,并用2.5∑+0.7δ算出计划靶区(planning target volume,PTV)外放界值.2组摆位误差比较行配对t检验.结果 下颌组患者左右、腹背和头脚方向摆位误差分别为(0.34士1.55)、(1.22±1.65)和(-0.17±2.30) mm,胸部组的分别为(-0.50±2.40)、(-0.77±3.82)和(1.23±2.09) mm,2组在上述方向的比较P值分别为0.263、0.042和0.044.下颌组PTV外放界值分别为5.21、5.63和7.02 mm;胸部组PTV外放界值分别为7.20、11.94和7.87 mm.结论 采用下颌部位参考点标记的定位方法,在减少摆位误差方面优于胸部参考点标记定位方法.  相似文献   

目的 通过移动等中心模拟系统误差,探讨系统误差对胰腺癌同步推量调强放疗计划剂量分布的影响。方法 对9例胰腺癌患者制定同步推量调强放疗计划,在治疗计划系统中通过移动等中心,分别模拟三维6个方向(左、右、前、后、头、足)上3mm和5mm的系统误差。在不改变射野分布和权重的情况下,重新计算剂量分布。比较等中心移动前后放疗靶区和危及器官(OARs)的剂量分布变化。结果 与未位移组相比,各方向的摆位误差对临床靶区(CTV)外放形成的计划靶区(PTV-C)的Dmean、Dmin和V95剂量分布影响明显(P<0.05),特别是当摆位误差达5mm时,但对Dmax和V105的影响较小(P>0.05);对大体肿瘤靶区(GTV)外放形成的计划靶区(PTV-G)剂量分布的影响主要表现在Dmean上,特别是在头、足、后方向上(P<0.05),其余影响较小(P>0.05)。对于CTV和GTV,除了向头、向后对CTV有影响外(P<0.05),其余误差对两者的剂量分布影响很小(P>0.05)。对于脊髓Dmax,对剂量分布影响最大的来自于后侧的摆位误差(P<0.05)。除了向足侧对左肾无明显影响外,其余不论哪个方向,双侧肾脏的剂量分布均发生改变(P<0.05);对肝脏的影响主要发生在头、足及右侧方向的摆位误差(P<0.05)。结论 胰腺癌同步推量调强放疗时,摆位误差对靶区的剂量分布影响较小,但对脊髓、肾脏及肝脏等OARs的影响较大,故在制定胰腺癌的调强放疗计划时,正常组织外放边界应引起足够重视。  相似文献   

[目的]通过三维CT模拟定位计划系统的临床应用研究。评价其在放疗听作用。[方法]将螺旋CT,三维激光定位系统和Focus9200三维计划系统通过网络连接,形成放疗科专用的,集影像诊断,图像传送,肿瘤定位和三维计划为一体的三维CT模拟定位计划系统。分别对143例肿瘤病人进行CT模拟定位和治疗计划。[结果]CT模拟定位和X线模拟定位一样可完成从定位到体表标记的全过程,利用CT进行定位,可为靶区的确定,复杂多野照射,适形调强放疗以及立体定向放疗提供更多的图像信息和更高的定位精度,使治疗中心和实际靶中心的重复误差小于1mm。[结论]CT模拟定位可用于大多数肿瘤病人的定位,是实现高精度放疗的必备设备之一。  相似文献   

目的:采用容积旋转调强技术设计放疗计划,选择不同的射野等中心进行优化,讨论射野等中心的改变对宫颈癌容积旋转调强放疗剂量学的影响。方法:随机选取宫颈癌术后患者15例,在同一套CT图像上设计不同的VMAT计划,根据宫颈癌病例靶区几何形状特点,选择不同等中心位置制定四组不同计划,分别为:计划等中心为靶区几何中心,称为Center计划;计划等中心为靶区几何中心y方向上移9 cm,称为Y计划,计划等中心为靶区几何中心x方向左移7 cm,称为X计划,计划靶区几何中心y方向上移9 cm再向x方向左移7 cm,称为X-Y计划。比较分析四种方案的靶区及危及器官的剂量学参数。结果:Center和Y计划能够满足临床靶区及危及器官限量。相较于Center计划, Y、X、X-Y计划靶区覆盖率分别降低了0.36%、15.48%和6.52%;Y计划的适形度指数(CI)、均匀性指数(HI)、脊髓的Dmax、膀胱的V40、直肠的V40均优于 X计划和X-Y计划,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:宫颈癌术后病例的VMAT计划设计中,使用不同等中心设计计划,与等中心位置在几何中心相比,向y轴方向偏移,对靶区和危及器官的影响较小,变化范围在临床可接受范围之内;而等中心位置向x轴方向偏移,对靶区和危及器官影响较大。  相似文献   

目的 探讨调强放疗计划优化时多叶准直器(MLC)角度因素对优化结果中子野数(滑窗模式下为控制点数)和机器跳数影响,以及由此对调强放疗实施效率的影响。方法 选择10例拟行调强放疗的靶区形状为长条状的患者CT图像,在MLC运行方向与靶区长轴垂直(横向)和平行(纵向)方向分别以静态子野调强方式和滑窗调强方式设计计划并进行优化,在保证靶区和危及器官受量相同情况下,分别比较静态子野调强模式和滑窗调强模式下两种准直器角度时计划子野数或控制点数和机器跳数差别。结果 MLC纵向方式较横向方式静态子野数平均增加52.8%,滑窗调强控制点数增加58.2%,机器跳数平均增加幅度分别为49.6%和61.9%,子野数或控制点数和机器跳数均不同(P=0.000)。结论 在MLC调强放疗计划优化中选择MLC运行方向垂直于靶区长轴,在不影响靶区和危及器官受量情况下,可明显减少子野数或控制点数和机器跳数、缩短治疗时间、提高治疗效率,具有一定的临床实用价值。  相似文献   

目的 通过将摆位误差引入放疗计划系统进行剂量重建,分析放疗摆位误差对鼻腔NK/T细胞淋巴瘤剂量学影响。方法 选取 10例鼻腔NK/T细胞淋巴瘤患者,对每一患者CT图像及靶区设计非共面容积旋转调强计划,计划完成后通过改变治疗等中心点参数,将摆位误差引入放疗计划中再进行剂量计算重建剂量分布。结果 随系统摆位误差增加,靶区剂量逐渐下降,影响大小顺序为左右方向>头脚方向>前后方向。各方向平移摆位误差在-3~3mm以及旋转摆位误差在-3°~3°内,靶区剂量变化范围均<±3%。各方向摆位误差≤3mm时危及器官均在处方剂量附近,>3mm时眼晶体、脊髓、腮腺、视神经逐渐超出处方剂量范围;旋转摆位误差仅当≥3°时眼晶体超量,尤其注意左右方向较大的摆位误差对眼晶体、脊髓、腮腺的影响和前后方向较大的摆位误差对脊髓的影响。引入本单位实际摆位误差后对GTV、CTV受量影响很小,均<±2%;少数危及器官有超出处方剂量限值风险,尤其要注意晶体和视神经超量。结论 摆位误差将会导致鼻腔NK/T细胞淋巴瘤靶区剂量欠量以及危及器官超量,左右方向摆位误差影响尤为大,3mm和3°内单一方向摆位误差对靶区和危及器官影响有限,建议将单一方向摆位误差控制在3mm和3°内。引入本单位实际摆位误差对靶区受量影响很小,但少数危及器官有超出处方剂量限值风险,需增加对危及器官外扩区域评价。  相似文献   

宫颈癌根治性放疗中三维适形调强放疗技术的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨三维适形调强技术在宫颈癌放射治疗中的应用.方法:应用PubMed检索系统,以"宫颈癌、调强放疗"为关键词,检索2000-01-2009-10相关宫颈癌调强治疗文献.进一步筛选有关调强放疗在宫颈癌根治性放疗中降低胃肠道及骨髓毒性、靶区的勾画原则及调强放疗在后程推量中的应用的文献有26篇.结果:盆腔、盆腔延伸野适形调强放疗可以降低小肠、骨髓、直肠、膀胱和肾脏在高剂量区的受照射体积,降低严重急性毒性的发生率.膀胱、直肠充盈状态及肿瘤体积的变化,导致子宫体、子宫颈位移.每周进行CT或MR定位扫描并进行靶区勾画及计划设计可以减少危及器官在计划靶体积(PTV)中的受照射体积.在宫颈癌根治性放疗中建议使用调强技术与腔内技术结合进行后程推量治疗.结论:三维适形调强放射治疗在宫颈癌根治性治疗中具有重要的意义,临床治疗结果仍在观察中.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To propose and evaluate online adaptive radiation therapy (ART) using in-room computed tomography (CT) imaging that detects changes in the target position and shape of the prostate and seminal vesicles (SVs) and then automatically modifies the multileaf collimator (MLC) leaf pairs in a slice-by-slice fashion. METHODS AND MATERIALS: For intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) using a coplanar beam arrangement, each MLC leaf pair projects onto a specific anatomic slice. The proposed strategy assumes that shape deformation is a function of only the superior-inferior (SI) position. That is, there is no shape change within a CT slice, but each slice can be displaced in the anteroposterior (AP) or right-left (RL) direction relative to adjacent slices. First, global shifts (in SI, AP, and RL directions) were calculated by three-dimensional (3D) registration of the bulk of the prostate in the treatment planning CT images with the daily CT images taken immediately before treatment. Local shifts in the AP direction were then found using slice-by-slice registration, in which the CT slices were individually registered. The translational shift within a slice could then be projected to a translational shift in the position of the corresponding MLC leaf pair for each treatment segment for each gantry angle. Global shifts in the SI direction were accounted for by moving the open portal superiorly or inferiorly by an integral number of leaf pairs. The proposed slice-by-slice registration technique was tested by using daily CT images from 46 CT image sets (23 each from 2 patients) taken before the standard delivery of IMRT for prostate cancer. A dosimetric evaluation was carried out by using an 8-field IMRT plan. RESULTS: The shifts and shape change of the prostate and SVs could be separated into 3D global shifts in the RL, AP, and SI directions, plus local shifts in the AP direction, which were different for each CT slice. The MLC leaf positions were successfully modified to compensate for these global shifts and local shape variations. The ART method improved geometric coverage of the prostate and SVs compared with the couch-shift method, particularly for the superior part of the prostate and all the SVs, for which the interfraction shape change was the largest. The dosimetric comparison showed that the ART method covered the target better and reduced the rectal dose more than a simple couch-translation method. CONCLUSIONS: ART corrected for interfraction changes in the position and shape of the prostate and SVs and gave dose distributions that were considerably closer to the planned dose distributions than could be achieved with simple alignment strategies that neglect shape change. The ART proposed in this investigation requires neither contouring of the daily CT images nor extensive calculations; therefore, it may prove to be an effective and clinically practical solution to the problem of interfraction shape changes.  相似文献   

[目的]分析采用个体化加长真空垫+热塑网状头颈肩膜体位固定技术实施调强放疗的鼻咽癌患者放疗期间摆位误差的大小及其体重的变化趋势。[方法]鼻咽癌患者23例,整个疗程1-6个周次中每周拍摄正侧位EPID图像一次并测量患者体重。将EPID图像与计划CT所生成的DRR图像进行配准,利用获得的配准差值分析摆位误差的大小及其在不同周次间的差异,同时分析患者体重的变化对摆位误差的影响。[结果]不分周次的情况下,头脚、腹背、左右三个方向的摆位误差分别为0.165±0.121em、0.064±0.122cm、0.038+0.135em。按不同周次进行划分,头脚、腹背、左右各个方向在6个不同周次的摆位误差无明显差别(P均〉0.05)。Bivariate相关分析结果显示头脚、腹背、左右三个方向上的偏移幅度与体重变化均无关(r=0.147,P=0.152;r=O.102,P=O.321;r=O.114,P=O.267)。[结论]采用个体化加长真空垫+热塑网状头颈肩膜体位固定技术实施调强放疗的鼻咽癌患者在整个疗程中的摆位具有较好的准确性与重复性,患者体重的变化对摆位误差无明显影响。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To develop and implement a non-invasive immobilization system guided by a dedicated quality assurance (QA) program for dynamic intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) of intracranial and head and neck disease, with IMRT delivered using the NOMOS Corporation's Peacock System and MIMiC collimator. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Thermoplastic face masks are combined with cradle-shaped polyurethane foaming agents and a dedicated quality assurance program to create a customized headholder system (CHS). Plastic shrinkage was studied to understand its effect on immobilization. Fiducial points for computerized tomography (CT) are obtained by placing multiple dabs of barium paste on mask surfaces at intersections of laser projections used for patient positioning. Fiducial lines are drawn on the cradle along laser projections aligned with nasal surfaces. Lateral CT topograms are annotated with a crosshair indicating the origin of the treatment planning and delivery coordinate system, and with lines delineating the projections of superior-inferior field borders of the linear accelerator's secondary collimators, or with those of the fully open MIMiC. Port films exposed with and without the MIMIC are compared to annotated topograms to measure positional variance (PV) in superior-inferior (SI), right-left (RL), and anterior posterior (AP) directions. MIMiC vane patterns superposed on port films are applied to verify planned patterns. A 12-patient study of PV was performed by analyzing positions of 10 anatomic points on repeat CT topograms, plotting histograms of PV, and determining average PV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: A 1.5+/-0.3 mm SD shrinkage per 70 cm of thermoplastic was observed over 24 h. Average PV of 1.0+/-0.8, 1.2+/-1.1, and 1.3+/-0.8 mm were measured in SI, AP, and RL directions, respectively. Lateral port films exposed with and without the MIMiC showed PV of 0.2+/-1.3 and 0.8+/-2.2 mm in AP and SI directions. Vane patterns superimposed on port films consistently verified the planned patterns. CONCLUSION: The CHS provided adequately reproducible immobilization for dynamic IMRT, and may be applicable to decrease PV for other cranial and head and neck external beam radiation therapy.  相似文献   

目的:分析3D打印头枕对鼻咽癌调强放疗重复性的影响。方法:选取54例鼻咽癌放疗患者分为实验组27例和对照组27例。实验组采用3D打印头枕联合头颈肩热塑膜固定体位,对照组采取泡沫软头枕、碳纤维垫块联合头颈肩热塑膜固定体位。比较两组患者在腹背、头脚、左右三方向摆位误差及配准分析颅底、第2、4和第7颈椎四个感兴趣区的残余平移误差及残余旋转误差。结果:实验组患者首次治疗前需重新摆位的人次明显少于对照组,具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。实验组的腹背、头脚方向摆位误差均明显小于对照组,具有统计学意义(P<0.05),两组患者左右方向摆位误差差异不明显,无统计学意义(P>0.05)。实验组颅底和第2颈椎的腹背、头脚、左右三方向以及第4和第7颈椎腹背、左右两方向残余平移误差均明显小于对照组,具有统计学意义(P<0.05);第4和第7颈椎的头脚方向残余平移误差均与对照组差异不明显,无统计学意义(P>0.05);实验组颅底、第2、4和7颈椎的失状位、横断位、冠状位三截面残余旋转误差均明显小于对照组,具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。实验组颅底腹背方向及第2、4和7颈椎腹背、头脚、左右三方向残余平移误差绝对值>2 mm的频次明显少于对照组,具有统计学意义(P<0.05),颅底头脚、左右两方向残余平移误差绝对值>2 mm的频次与对照组差异不明显,无统计学意义(P>0.05);实验组颅底、第2、4和7颈椎的失状位、横断位、冠状位三截面残余旋转误差绝对值>2°的频次均明显少于对照组,具有显著统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:在鼻咽癌调强放疗中运用3D打印头枕联合头颈肩膜固定体位减小了摆位误差、残余平移误差及残余旋转误差,有效提高调强放疗精度同时降低正常组织副反应,提高靶区疗效和患者生存质量。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: In external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) and especially in intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), the accuracy of the dose distribution in the patient is of utmost importance. It was investigated whether image guided in vivo dosimetry in the rectum is a reliable method for online dose verification. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Twenty-one dose measurements were performed with an ionization chamber in the rectum of 7 patients undergoing IMRT for prostate cancer. The position of the probe was determined with cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). The point of measurement was determined relative to the isocenter and relative to an anatomic reference point. The dose deviations relative to the corresponding doses in the treatment plan were calculated. With an offline CT soft-tissue match, patient positioning after ultrasound was verified. RESULTS: The mean magnitude +/- standard deviation (SD) of patient positioning errors was 3.0 +/- 2.5 mm, 5.1 +/- 4.9 mm, and 4.3 +/- 2.4 mm in the left-right, anteroposterior and craniocaudal direction. The dose deviations in points at corresponding positions relative to the isocenter were -1.4 +/- 4.9% (mean +/- SD). The mean dose deviation at corresponding anatomic positions was 6.5 +/- 21.6%. In the rare event of insufficient patient positioning, dose deviations could be >30% because of the close proximity of the probe and the posterior dose gradient. CONCLUSIONS: Image-guided dosimetry in the rectum during IMRT of the prostate is a feasible and reliable direct method for dose verification when probe position is effectively controlled.  相似文献   

Intrafraction prostate motion during IMRT for prostate cancer   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
PURPOSE: Although the interfraction motion of the prostate has been previously studied through the use of fiducial markers, CT scans, and ultrasound-based systems, intrafraction motion is not well documented. In this report, the B-mode, Acquisition, and Targeting (BAT) ultrasound system was used to measure intrafraction prostate motion during 200 intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) sessions for prostate cancer. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Twenty men receiving treatment with IMRT for clinically localized prostate cancer were selected for the study. Pre- and posttreatment BAT ultrasound alignment images were collected immediately before and after IMRT on 10 treatment days for a total of 400 BAT alignment procedures. Any ultrasound shifts of the prostate borders in relation to the planning CT scan were recorded in 3 dimensions: right-left (RL), anteroposterior (AP), and superior-inferior (SI). Every ultrasound procedure was evaluated for image quality and alignment according to a 3-point grading scale. RESULTS: All the BAT images were judged to be of acceptable quality and alignment. The dominant directions of intrafraction prostate motion were anteriorly and superiorly. The mean magnitude of shifts (+/-SD) was 0.01 +/- 0.4 mm, 0.2 +/- 1.3 mm, and 0.1 +/- 1.0 mm in the left, anterior, and superior directions, respectively. The maximal range of motion occurred in the AP dimension, from 6.8 mm anteriorly to 4.6 mm posteriorly. The percentage of treatments during which prostate motion was judged to be 5 mm. The extent of intrafraction motion was much smaller than that of interfraction motion. Linear regression analysis showed very little correlation between the two types of motion (r = 0.014, 0.029, and 0.191, respectively) in the RL, AP, and SI directions. CONCLUSION: Using an ultrasound-based system, intrafraction prostate motion occurred predominantly in the anterior and superior directions, but was clinically insignificant. Intrafraction motion was much smaller than interfraction motion, and the two types of movement did not correlate.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The recent introduction of integrated CT/linear accelerator systems may mean that daily CT localization can become a reality in the clinic, possibly allowing further dose escalation to the prostate while limiting unwanted doses to the rectum and bladder. However, the implementation of CT localization is currently impeded by the lack of precise and robust techniques to align the treatment plan with the daily CT images. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a manual alignment technique, in which the gross target volume contours are overlaid on the daily CT images and then shifted to match the structures visible in the images. METHODS AND MATERIALS: A total of 28 CT image sets were taken before the standard delivery of intensity-modulated radiotherapy for prostate cancer for 2 patients. Seven observers (four radiation oncologists and three medical physicists) manually shifted the gross target volume contours from the treatment plan to best match the daily CT images. One observer repeated the process 1 week later to evaluate intraobserver variations. The experiment was then repeated, but the CT images from the original treatment plan were used as a reference to reduce interobserver uncertainty when aligning the contours. The shifts in prostate position found by different observers, both with and without reference data, were evaluated using a factorial analysis of variance to determine the standard errors of measurement for the intra- and interobserver uncertainty (SEM(intra) and SEM(inter), respectively). The differences in the SEM for the two groups of observers (radiation oncologists and medical physicists), the two alignment techniques (with and without reference information), and the two patients were evaluated using the t test at 90% confidence levels. RESULTS: With no reference information, the SEM(inter) using one patient data set (Patient 1) was 0.8 mm, 2.0 mm, and 2.2 mm in the right-left (RL), anterior-posterior (AP), and superior-inferior (SI) directions, respectively. The use of the treatment plan as a reference reduced the SEM(inter) to 0.7 mm, 1.0 mm, and 1.6 mm in the RL, AP, and SI directions, respectively. In Patient 2, localization of the prostate was more difficult; the best SEM(inter) achieved with this patient was 0.8 mm, 1.9 mm, and 2.0 mm in the RL, AP, and SI directions, respectively. The SEM(intra) values with Patient 1 were also slightly better than with Patient 2. When reference data were used, the SEM(intra) value was 0.5 mm, 0.7 mm, and 0.5 mm for Patient 1 and 0.6 mm, 1.0 mm, and 0.7 mm for Patient 2 in the RL, AP, and SI directions, respectively. Despite the larger than expected interobserver variation reported here, the SEM(inter) was smaller than the typical day-to-day variation in prostate position. The contour alignment technique may still be useful to aid daily prostate localization or in a correction scheme to minimize the effect of target positional error. CONCLUSION: The interobserver uncertainties associated with aligning the gross target volume contours with daily CT images were sufficiently small that this method may be used for daily CT localization of the prostate. The use of a reference image is important to improve the consistency among different users in this technique.  相似文献   

目的 比较采用千伏级XGS-10与OBI系统在头颈部肿瘤IMRT中的摆位误差和图像采集、配准所需时间差异。方法 30例头颈部患者IMRT前分别采用OBI系统获取CBCT图像及XGS-10系统获取X线图像,将2套图像与计划图像及其靶中心匹配,分别得出靶中心左右、上下、前后方向摆位误差数据。采用Pearson法相关分析2套系统分别在3个方向上的相关性及一致性的可信区间。结果 左右、上下、前后方向摆位误差XGS-10系统的分别为(-1.03±2.15)、(0.86±2.59)、(0.42±1.66) mm,OBI系统的分别为(0.00±1.68)、(1.53±2.12)、(0.10±1.54) mm,二者差值分别为(-1.03±1.24)、(-0.68±1.78)、(0.32±1.61) mm。二者在左右、上下、前后方向的相关系数分别为0.817、0.731、0.495,95%CI值分别为(-1.47~-0.59)、(-1.32~0.04)、(-0.26~0.90) mm。XGS-10获取图像、配准平均时间分别为10 s和<15 s,OBI的需3 min和8 min。 结论 XGS-10系统与OBI系统均可提高摆位精度,但XGS-10系统可缩短摆位及摆位误差纠正时间。  相似文献   

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