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中美两国的残疾人辅助技术高等教育存在极大的差距。在美国,有40所以上的高校设有残疾人辅助技术方面的专业或课程,研究生层次的辅助技术专业证书教育与交叉学科的硕士学位教育是该类教育的主要形式,并且所设课程门类齐全,内容深入。在中国,开设残疾人辅助技术课程的高校仅有数所,课程品种少,辅助技术高等教育远远不能满足社会的需要,而且在辅助技术服务、特殊教育辅助技术、计算机辅助技术以及生物医学工程辅助技术方面远远落后于发达国家。因此,中国应该发展残疾人辅助技术高等教育,以支持辅助技术事业的发展。  相似文献   

辅助技术装置与服务是辅助技术事业最基本的构成要素;辅助技术专业人员的培养与研究是辅助技术事业高品质发展的支撑和保障;重视残疾人独立生活与社会参与的社会意识和政策法规是辅助技术事业发展的关键性因素和社会背景。只有在残疾人真正买得起、用得上辅助技术之后,辅助技术产品才能有市场,同时也只有在辅助技术能被残疾人广泛使用,辅助技术的各构成要素间的相互促进才能实现。  相似文献   

我国残疾人有巨大的辅助器具服务需求,建立服务保障制度对满足残疾人的辅具服务需求具有重要意义。本文介绍辅助器具在满足残疾人生活基本需求、解放社会生产力方面的作用,从人权、社会文明公正、政府责任、社会保障模式、产业发展等角度对建立我国残疾人基本辅助器具服务保障制度的必要性进行了阐释。  相似文献   

残疾人技术辅助器具的分类中国康复研究中心康工所生物力学室全国残疾人用品开发供应总站质监部国家康复器械质量监督检验中心(筹)刘永斌,阎宁,封锦华,朱图陵1引言随着康复事业的发展,残疾人回归社会的愿望越来越强烈,对回归社会所需的专门辅助器具也越来越多。据...  相似文献   

世纪之交我国高等护理教育面临的三大机遇和挑战   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
高等护理教育对促进一个国家护理学科的发展、护理水平的提高有着举足轻重的作用。作者对我国高等护理教育面临的三大机遇和挑战进行了论述:①分析了国际市场经济对促进高等护理教育发展的经验,提出发展我国高等护理教育是市场经济的需要;②论述了护理素质教育的内涵及途径;③分析了知识经济的主要特征,提出了知识经济时代对培养护理人才的要求及建议。  相似文献   

近年来,随着社会的进步和科学技术的迅猛发展,护理学也在不断地发展和进步,护理工作的任务、范畴正逐步发生改变。目前我国高等护理教育的形式,已不能满足社会对护理服务的需求,存在诸多问题:课程设置存在一定的局限性,不能突出护理专业特色;护理教材内容陈旧,跟不上护理发展的步伐;教学手段单一,忽略了学生综合能力的培养;理论教学与临床实践脱节;教师队伍建设有待进一步提高。为此,对我国高等护理教育的改革提出几点建议:改进护理专业课程结构,体现护理专业特色;提倡教学方法多样化,提高教学效果;加强师资队伍建设,提高护理教育水平,旨在尽快促进我国高等护理教育发展,适应国际护理发展趋势。  相似文献   

通过互联网共检索到美国残疾人辅助技术服务方面的高等教育项目有42个,残疾人辅助技术装置方面有26个,假肢矫形器方面有20多个。研究生层次的资格证书、硕士和以辅助技术为重点的博士为其主要形式。美国这些专业的课程设置已经比较成熟,美国的法规政策对辅助技术利用的强制性要求和经济保障,是该教育发展的重要背景因素。目前已查到中国辅助技术服务方面的专业有4个,辅助技术装置方面有6个,假肢矫形器方面有5个。中国还需要大力发展辅助技术专业,同时也期待政策法规对辅助技术利用提供更加有力的支持。  相似文献   

高等护理教育在我国起步较晚,处于探索发展阶段,护理教育明显滞后于护理学科发展。而且我国社会正处在从计划经济到市场经济的转型期间,社会医疗保障制度正在不断被完善,医疗服务市场发生了巨大变化,这必然会影响到护理服务市场,目前护理服务市场正向多层次、多形态发展。随着我国加入WTO后,护士的国际化流动将对我国护理队伍建设和发展产生较大的影响。护士的国际化流动会进一步促进我国和发达国家的护理教育合作。以上社会背景提示我们,社会需要大量具有外语交流能力的护理专业人才。因此,探索既符合高等教育规律又注重学科服务定位、发展的高等护理教育刻不容缓。为此,对我校3年制高等护理专业教学计划进行改革并实施,取得预期效果,现报道如下。  相似文献   

随着医学护理模式的改变,社会人类对护理服务提出更高的要求:护理人员应具备良好的健康宣教知识与能力;良好的人际交往沟通能力;扎实的专业知识、科学思维、独立工作的能力;掌握现代信息网络知识、熟练使用计算机能力;不断加强自身修养、提高自身素质。而且社会市场经济不断发展,科学技术日新月异,三年制中专护理教育明显滞后,发展高等护理教育已刻不容缓。鉴此笔者分析一下三年制中专护理教育。  相似文献   

世界之交我国高等护理面临的三大机遇和挑战   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高等护理教育对促进一个国家护理学科的发展、护理水平的提高有着举足轻重的作用。作者对我国高等护理教育面临的三大机遇和挑战进行了论述:①分析了国际市场经济对促进高等护理教育发展的经验,提出发展我国高等护理教育是市场经济的需要;②论述了护理素质教育的内涵及途径;③分析了知识经济的主要特征,提出了知识经济时代对培养护理人才的要求及建议。  相似文献   

Despite improvements in technology and health care, the number of people with disabilities, and the complexity of needs that they and their families experience, continue to increase. In response to these needs, specialized technology has been developed that helps people with disabilities to become more independent and more involved in the activities in their homes, schools, and communities. However, many individuals with disabilities, their family members, and many rehabilitation service providers are not aware of the availability, use of, and benefits afforded by assistive technology devices. Further, many providers have not received the pre-service academic preparation required to provide services and support to their clients. Preparation includes acquiring the knowledge and skills needed for evaluation of client needs, making appropriate assistive technology recommendations, and developing advocacy skills such as writing letters of necessity that justify funding for assistive technology devices. This article provides information about these issues and suggests that further information is available through continuing education courses as well as articles in the reference list and other sources cited in the accompanying tables.  相似文献   

该文在大量查阅和研究国外相关信息和研究成果的基础上,给出了特殊教育教师为学生选择辅助技术必须了解的辅助技术产品知识,给出了辅助技术适配过程中教师、语言治疗师、物理治疗师、作业治疗师、辅助技术专家等所需关注的评估内容,以及辅助技术适配评估的模式、步骤与方法。  相似文献   

文中简要回顾了辅助器具从单件制作到批量生产再到大规模产业的形成过程,介绍了国际上对辅助器具、无障碍环境以及辅助技术服务的最新认识,对我国辅具行业提出了两点建议:搞好社区康复中辅助器具工作,使普通型辅具进家庭、进社区;培养一大批能从事辅助技术服务的专业人才并构建覆盖全国的辅助技术服务体系。  相似文献   

The training of providers working with children who need assistive technology devices or services has not kept pace with the explosion of new, more sophisticated assistive technology devices now available. This article reports on a national survey of 272 pediatric occupational therapists, who responded to questions about their training needs in the area of assistive technology and delivering assistive technology services. A sizable percentage of these therapists reported less-than-adequate training in policies governing assistive technology services and the organization and function of the service system. The therapists would like training that is accessible and affordable in the areas of funding of technology and services; collaborating with families and other service providers; and accessing reliable, knowledgeable vendors. These findings underscore the need to develop pre-service and in-service training in assistive technology for providers who work with children who have disabilities.  相似文献   

脑瘫儿童辅助技术产品品种丰富,功能繁多,涉及姿势、移动、沟通、教育、生涯发展等方面。功能精准与功能整合正成为体位保持、移动辅助技术产品的发展趋向;辅助沟通装置形成多个技术系列的产品;在教育、社会技能以及职业生涯等领域的辅助技术中,具有各种功能的软件是其重要组成部分;计算机信息技术、开关技术在脑瘫辅助技术领域的大量应用,为该领域带来了革命性的变化。  相似文献   

What factors regarding partnership/collaboration on a statement of AT (assistive technology) need result in students obtaining AT that they use and are satisfied in using? This is one of the questions posited in a study, which investigated both quantitatively and qualitatively the impact of assistive technology on quality of life, self-esteem and satisfaction of AT use of students with disabilities. A mixed methods approach was used to gather data from 45 students with disabilities in their final year of second level education. Following data analysis clear groupings emerged signifying key characteristics which defined novice to power users of AT in education.  相似文献   

As early as 1988, the United States federal government mandated the creation of formal and informal programs to increase acquisition of assistive technology by persons with disabilities, with a special attention to underrepresented groups. This study compared the methods used by Hispanics with disabilities to learn about assistive technology with Whites and non-Whites. The study is the combination of the national study and a targeted study of Hispanics, due to this group's lower representation in the national sample. This study sought to answer the following questions: (1) Are there intergroup differences between Hispanics with disabilities and non-Hispanics with disabilities in terms of how they learn about assistive technology, and (2) are there intragroup differences among Hispanics' actions on how they learn about assistive technology? Findings indicated that regardless of ethnic/racial group, most individuals with disabilities learn about assistive technology through doctors or other medical professionals. However, some differences were found on the use of extended family, friends, and neighbors and the Internet as other methods to learn about assistive technology. Additionally, the Hispanics from the national sample appear more aligned with the overall sample, while the Hispanics from the Hispanic-only sample seem to be using services at higher percentages.  相似文献   

Aim.?This study explored the experience of children with physical disabilities using assistive technology for participation with schoolwork to gain a greater understanding of their perspectives and subjective experiences.

Method.?A qualitative study involving thematic analysis of in-depth interviews of the child with a parent or significant adult. Purposeful sampling from a larger study recruited five children aged between 10 and 14 years, with differing physical disabilities who attended mainstream schools. All children used computer-based assistive technology.

Results.?All of the children recognised that assistive technology enabled them to participate and reduced the impact of their physical disability, allowing independent participation, and facilitated higher learning outcomes. Issues related to ease of use, social implications and assistive technology systems are discussed.  相似文献   

Purpose.?To obtain insight into the prevalence of the non-use of assistive technology in The Netherlands. Relationships between non-use and possible determinants were also investigated. The results of the study might lead to improvement of products and of the service delivery system for assistive technology.

Method.?A study was performed into user satisfaction and the non-use of 14 categories of assistive technology provided by health care insurers. The design was a survey among a stratified sample of users who had received an assistive device, recruited through a sample of health insurance companies. Two independent samples were selected: one in 2001 and one in 2003. Three aspects of non-use were measured. The total number of respondents was 2272.

Results.?Ninety-two percent of the respondents used the assistive device at the time of the survey. Less than 1% of the respondents never used the device. A majority of the respondents used the assistive device (about) as much as expected and 6% used the assistive device less than expected. Relationships between non-use and other investigated aspects were found.

Conclusions.?The average level of non-use of assistive technology found in this study is less than often reported in the literature and varies between the various categories of assistive technology. Improving the quality of the assistive technology and the services, and providing assistive technology that solves the users' problem as much as possible, could enhance the use of assistive technology provided.  相似文献   

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