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1998年 1月至 1999年 5月 ,我们应用电视胸腔镜手术 (VATS)治疗自发性气胸 16例 ,现报告如下。  本组男 14例 ,女 2例。年龄 16~ 6 3岁 ,平均 2 1 4岁。复发性气胸 10例 ,原气胸行胸腔闭式引流 1周以上 4例 ,血气胸 2例。  手术方法 :术前准备同开胸手术。全麻气管内置双腔插管 ,健侧单肺通气。侧卧位于腋中线第 6肋间做长1 5cm切口置入胸腔镜 ,在其监视下于第 3或第 4肋间腋前线 ,第 4肋间腋后线做操作孔。探明病变部位和范围。应用内镜切开缝合器切除肺大泡 3例 ,圈套器套扎肺大泡3例 ,其余均采用附加胸壁小切口 (8~ 10cm )…  相似文献   

目的探讨电视胸腔镜手术(VATS)治疗巨型肺大泡的安全性及可行性,总结手术方法及临床经验。方法回顾性分析2007年1月至2012年12月宝鸡市中心医院19例有临床症状、巨型肺大泡患者的临床资料,其中男15例、女4例,年龄38~77岁。所有患者均采用VATS肺大泡切除+机械性胸膜固定术治疗。结果 12例(63.2%)患者行VATS肺大泡切除+胸膜固定术,7例(36.8%)中转开胸。围术期无死亡及严重并发症发生。手术时间35~75 min。4例出现持续性肺漏气〉7 d,1例伤口感染,2例出现皮下气肿,3例术后因肺部感染发生急性呼吸衰竭行机械通气,经保守治疗后治愈。术后5~11 d成功拔除胸腔引流管。术后住院时间5~15 d。术后近期症状缓解。术后随访19例,随访时间3个月至3年。随访期间患者的临床症状明显缓解,呼吸困难分级降级,术后肺功能明显改善。复查胸部CT无肺大泡复发,残留的肺大泡无增大。结论 VATS肺大泡切除联合胸膜固定术治疗巨型肺大泡是安全、有效的,残端补片及加强缝合能减少术后肺漏气的发生。  相似文献   

目的探讨胸腔镜手术(VATS)适应证选择和并发症的防治。方法回顾性总结8年胸腔镜微创外科手术304例的体会。手术包括:肺大泡切除222例,纵隔肿瘤、囊肿切除29例,食管疾病手术10例,肺叶切除或肺楔形切除15例,肺气肿减容手术4例,胸外伤手术18例,其他胸部疾病手术6例。结果298例经VATS或胸腔镜辅助小切口完成手术,6例因胸腔粘连或恶性肿瘤未达到根治,术中转传统开胸手术。主要并发症6例占2.98%,包括肺泡漏≥4天4例;1例贲门失弛缓症肌层切开术中发生食管黏膜破裂,当即进行了修补;1例肺气肿减容术后肺内感染。结论①自发性气胸肺大泡切除、某些胸部良性疾病是VATS主要适应证,对胸部恶性肿瘤VATS手术应当持慎重的态度;②注重对胸外科医生VATS手术培训和掌握循环渐进的原则,是减少并发症的重要环节;③胸腔镜或胸腔镜辅助的微创外科手术方法选择应当依据病情倡导个性化原则。  相似文献   

目的探讨胸腔镜手术治疗老年肺气肿自发性气胸的适应证和手术方法。方法1994年9月~2011年12月,胸腔镜手术治疗43例老年肺气肿自发性气胸。单发或成簇大疱者行完全胸腔镜手术(video-assisted thoracosc opiesurgery,VATS),多发肺大疱和经济较困难者行胸腔镜辅助小切口手术(video-assisted minithoracotomy,VAMT),中重度肺气肿肺大疱切除或肺减容者行胸腔镜辅助小切口管状奈维垫片手术(VAMT+Neoveil)。结果VATS组16例,VAMT组15例,VAMT+Neoveil组12例。术后持续漏气超过15天8例,无其他并发症,均治愈出院,无死亡。随访1年5例,2~4年38例,复发2例,经胸腔闭式引流术治愈。结论电视胸腔镜手术是治疗老年肺气肿自发性气胸有效的治疗方法,直线切割缝合器加管状奈维垫片切除肺气肿肺大疱术后胸腔引流时间和住院时间短,并发症少,且操作简单,安全确切,扩大肺气肿自发性气胸手术适应证。  相似文献   

肺减容术治疗慢性阻塞性肺气肿   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的 为了提高肺气肿患者生存质量 ,探讨肺减容手术治疗慢性阻塞性肺气肿的可行性。 方法 本组肺减容手术 16例 ,其中同期双侧肺减容手术 9例 ,胸腔镜辅助小切口肺减容术 4例 ,标准后外侧切口单侧肺减容术 3例。术前根据计算机体层摄影术 (CT)和同位素肺通气肺灌注扫描选择肺气肿手术“靶区”,术中使用带牛心包垫的直线型切割缝合器切除病变 ,防止肺泡漏。 结果 手术时间 90~ 2 5 0分钟 ,平均 146分钟 ;主要并发症有肺泡漏≥ 7天 6例 ,心房颤动 2例 ,呼吸衰竭 1例 ,术后胸腔内出血 1例。 13例手术结束即拔出气管内插管 ,3例带管回病房需要机械通气。随访2~ 40个月 ,14例健在 ,术后患者呼吸困难指数上升为 级 1例 , 级 10例 , 级 3例。 结论 慢性阻塞性肺气肿选择性手术能改善患者肺功能 ,长期效果尚需要观察  相似文献   

目的观察和分析胸腔镜下肺大泡切除手术的护理效果。方法对36例胸腔镜下肺大泡切除手术患者给予心理、健康指导、管道及体位护理等综合性护理方法。结果本组患者均成功完成手术,手术时间(72.00±3.00)min、住院时间(7.30±0.50)d,手术出血量(80.00±10.00)m L,术后切口疼痛评分(2.10±1.00)分,本组组护理满意度100.00%。结论综合性护理方法能提高胸腔镜手术质量及护理满意度,降低护理风险,值得推广。  相似文献   

对于骨肿瘤切除后遗留的范围较大的节段性骨缺损,通过自体骨移植修复较困难。1992年以来,我们采用瘤段切除、短缩对合、胫骨干骺端截骨,同期牵伸延长的方法治疗下肢恶性骨肿瘤6例,取得满意疗效,现报告如下。一、临床资料本组骨肿瘤患者6例,男性2例,女性4例,年龄17~36岁,平均23岁。骨肉瘤3例,Ⅲ级骨巨细胞瘤3例。肿瘤部位及分期:股骨下端骨肉瘤2例,胫骨上端骨肉瘤1例,瘤骨长度范围为3cm~5cm,按Enneking外科分期ⅠA期2例,ⅡA期1例;股骨下端Ⅲ级骨巨细胞瘤3例,瘤骨长度范围分别为5cm、6cm和7cm。二、手术方法根据Enn…  相似文献   

电视胸腔镜辅助小切口在肺癌手术中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨电视胸腔镜辅助小切口在肺癌根治术中应用疗效。方法对我科于2002年1月至2007年6月在电视胸腔镜辅助小切口施行肺癌手术的临床资料进行回顾分析。本组共施行肺叶切除101例,全肺切除27例,全肺切除 肺动脉成形2例。结果手术时间90~230min,术中出血平均为130ml,术后胸腔引流液平均为150ml,胸腔引流时间2.5d,术后平均住院天数9d。本组所有患者均治愈出院。手术后并发症发生5例,其中胸腔内出血1例,肺部感染2例,肺不张1例及偶发室早1例。随访最长5年,术后复发5例。术后Ⅰ期患者的3年及5年生存率分别为46.2%和92。5%,Ⅱ期3年和5年生存率分别为62%和42%。结论电视胸腔镜辅加小切口行肺癌根治术其具有电视胸腔镜手术优点如创伤小,疼痛轻,术后恢复快,且其费用及五生存率与传统开胸无显著性差异,因此该术式具有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

肺减容术治疗重度肺气肿临床探讨   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
目的 研究肺减容术对重度肺气肿的手术适应证和临床疗效。方法 选择20例重度肺气肿患者,经胸骨正中劈开切口或电视辅助胸腔镜途径,用直线切割缝合器或Endo GIA,切除因过度膨胀而破坏的、无功能肺组织。每侧肺切除其容量的20% ̄30%。结果术后呼吸困难明显减轻或消失;95%患者呼吸困难指数从4 ̄5级转变为1 ̄2级。肺功能1秒时间肺活量(FEV1)增加41.4%,残气量(RV)和肺总量(TLC)分别  相似文献   

目的探讨单孔电视辅助胸腔镜手术在肺叶切除中的临床价值。方法 2014年4月至2015年3月,对118例术前疑诊或诊断为Ⅰ~Ⅱ期的周围型肺癌(T_1N_0M_0~T_3N_0M_0)或良性病变的患者在全麻下行双腔气管插管后,于腋前线第5肋间作长约4cm的切口为操作孔,未用器械撑开肋骨,同一切口置入胸腔镜,行单孔电视辅助胸腔镜下肺叶切除术。结果 118例患者均经肋间入路成功完成单孔胸腔镜下肺叶切除术,无中转开胸或小切口辅助切除,无手术死亡。其中23例左肺上叶切除,11例左肺下叶切除,49例右肺上叶切除,12例右肺中叶切除,23例右肺下叶切除。手术时间(224.8±6.3)min,术中出血量(93.2±5.8)ml,无术中输血。术后并发肺炎9例,漏气1例,肺气肿1例,乳糜胸4例,下肢深静脉血栓1例,均经对症保守治疗后而好转。结论单孔胸腔镜下肺叶切除术安全、可行。  相似文献   

Objective: Surgical treatment of bullous emphysema has received renewed attention because of recent advances in minimally invasive techniques. We describe our experience in the thoracoscopic management of patients with bullous emphysema over the last 5 years. Methods: Twenty-five patients (24 male, one female) with a mean age of 57 years with giant bullae associated with various degree of underlying emphysema, were operated on thoracoscopically at our Institution. The severity of the emphysema was classified according to the criteria of the American Thoracic Society: five patients were in stage I (FEV1>50%), eight patients were in stage II (FEV1 35 to 49%) and 12 patients were in stage III (FEV1<35%). Nine patients underwent operation to treat complications related to bullae, 12 presented dyspnoea and four were asymptomatic. We performed 23 unilateral and two bilateral staged thoracoscopic procedures. Results: No intra-operative complications developed. Mean operative time was 107±25 min. No patient dead. Mean post-operative chest tube duration was 8±4.13 days and mean post-operative hospital stay was 11±5.76 days. The most frequent post-operative complication was air-leakage that in 12 patients lasted more than 7 days. Pulmonary function tests were obtained 3–6 months after the operation and statistical comparison between pre-operative and post-operative data was performed using Student's paired t-test. We observed best results in I and II stage patients, but also stage III patients experienced clinical improvement and better quality of life. Conclusions: Our experience supports the safety and effectiveness of video-assisted thoracoscopy for the treatment of giant bullae. Minimally invasive approach is fully justified especially in the group of patients with severe impairment of lung function.  相似文献   

目的探讨重症慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,COPD)合并肺大疱行胸腔镜肺大疱切除术、肺减容术(1ung volume reduction surgery,LVRS)的可行性。方法2007年6月一2012年4月,对12例重症COPD(合并Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭)的肺大疱行胸腔镜肺大疱切除、LVRS。术前、术中、术后充分做好肺保护,术中用垫有奈维材料的内镜切割缝合器(Endo.GIA)切除肺大疱和肺的边缘组织。比较患者手术前后血气分析及肺功能改善情况。结果全组无死亡,未出现持续性漏气和严重肺部感染,术后2天内均脱离呼吸机。术后呼吸困难症状明显改善,英国医学研究委员会(medical research council,MRC)呼吸困难量表分级由Ⅳ级降为Ⅱ级3例,Ⅲ级9例。术后3个月复查肺功能第1秒用力呼气容积(FEV1)、FEV,占预计值百分比(FEV1%)及血气分析氧分压(PaO2)升高,二氧化碳分压(PaCO2)降低(P〈0.01)。结论对于肺功能较差的重症COPD合并肺大疱患者可行胸腔镜肺大疱切除、肺减容术,手术治疗能有效改善肺功能。  相似文献   

Endobronchial valves are increasingly used as a treatment modality as a less invasive alternative to lung volume reduction surgery in patients with severe emphysema. Endobronchial valves have also been used to treat patients with persistent pulmonary air leaks and those with bronchopleural fistulae. We report a case of a 61-year-old male with severe bullous emphysema. Following video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery and giant bullectomy, he had a persistent air leak. We inserted two endobronchial valves (in the lingular lobe and the anterior segment of the upper lobe) and the air leak ceased immediately. However, over the subsequent 5 months following the insertion of the endobronchial valves, the patient suffered recurrent chest infections and the endobronchial valves were found to have migrated to the orifice of the basal segment of the left lower lobe and the orifice of the basal segments of the right lower lobe.  相似文献   

A 44-year-old male was admitted to our hospital owing to severe dyspnea of sudden onset. Chest X-ray disclosed bilateral giant bullae. His pulmonary function was severely depressed. VC (%) was 2.61 l (66.3%) and FEV1% (%) was 1.47 l (64.5%). Indication of surgical repair of giant bullae are; space occupying lesion more than 25-50% in 1 thorax, progressive dyspnea, enlargement over time irrespective of symptoms, and expectation that re-expand the normal lung. He was conducted two-staged bullectomy using video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) with small incisions. First operation was performed to left lung. Pulmonary function improved. VC (%) increased 3.02 l (76.8%) and FEV1% (%) 2.36 l (76.6%). After second operation, which was performed to right lung, VC (%) was 2.40 l (60.5%) and FEV1% (%) was 2.21 l (92.1%). Hugh-Jones grade improved class IV to class I. Postoperative course was uneventful and he was discharged 15 days after second operation. Two-staged bullectomy was appropriate in this case, because he might have suffered from re-expansion pulmonary edema after first surgery. The extent of recovery of pulmonary function was unpredictable. And performing right lung bullectomy just after the left bullectomy may be dangerous, because the patient have to receive anesthesia with his resected left lung. There is some possibility that patient who has bilateral giant bullae shows severe dyspnea during the progress, care should be taken to conduct operation as soon as possible.  相似文献   

Between July 1986 and December 1990, 22 patients underwent 23 operative procedures for bullous disease at Harefield Hospital. Their ages ranged from 21 to 71 years (mean 49.8 years). There were 18 males and 4 females. All patients were operated upon for symptoms of exertional dyspnoea. Four patients belonged to functional class IV, 11 to class III and 3 to class II. In 80% of patients, computed tomography was performed as part of the preoperative assessment. The bullae were dealt with in 13 patients on the right side, in 7 on the left and in 2 bilaterally. Six patients were treated by a modified Monaldi procedure and 17 by bullectomy. There was no operative mortality. Mean hospital stay was 14.8 days. Two patients required a second operative procedure during their hospital stay for persistent air leak and pneumothorax. One of these had a Monaldi procedure in the first instance but underwent bullectomy later. All patients improved symptomatically, 10 patients moving up two grades and 12, one grade. Mean FEV1, FVC and MVV were significantly improved postoperatively, but there were no significant changes in RV or TLC. A graduated exercise test was performed in 4 patients. Improvements were seen in ventilation and oxygen consumption at anaerobic threshold and maximum exercise. Surgery for bullous disease improves symptoms by reducing airway obstruction and increasing ventilatory capacity on exercise.  相似文献   

A retrospective analysis of 198 patients (164 men and 28 women) with the first episode of primary spontaneous pneumothorax (PSP) was made. All the patients underwent diagnostic thoracoscopy (DT) under local anesthesia before insertion of a chest tube. For 115 patients the chest tube thoracoscopy was the only treatment procedure (group I) and 77 patients underwent video-assisted thoracoscopic (VATS) wedge (atypical) resection and pleurectomy (group II). The patients were followed-up from 13 through 77 months. In group I there were 19 recurrences (16.5%), and only two recurrences in group II. In patients of group II having no pathological changes there were no recurrences while in group I there were two (3.3%). The recurrence rate in patients with pathological changes (II, III and IV stages of Vanderschuren classification) was 3% after VATS and as high as 31.5% after the chest tube treatment. The diagnostic thoracoscopy should be performed in all patients with the first episode of PSP for the assessment of the lung and pleura condition. The presence of any pathological changes points to a high risk of recurrences and should be considered as an indication for antirelapse measures (VATS). Surgery is not necessary when no morphological alterations are revealed at DT.  相似文献   

A 56-year-old woman visited our hospital for mild exertional dyspnea. Radiological investigations revealed a giant bulla of the left lung that was treated with video-assisted thoracoscopic bullectomy. The result of treatment was a better stamina, and, more strikingly, a major change of voice.  相似文献   

The results of changes in dyspnea and pulmonary function are reported in 27 emphysematous patients followed up for about 10 years after removal of giant bullae, which occupied at least 50% of a hemithorax. In 10 patients bilateral bullectomy was done. The spirographic improvement depends on the type of bulla. Resection of bullae at open communication with the bronchial tree resulted predominantly in improvement of forced expiratory volume as a percentage of vital capacity, whereas after closed bullae were resected, the increase in vital capacity was most apparent. Dyspnea lessened in all patients. Seven older patients died of ventilatory insufficiency. Preoperatively they were clinically and functionally severely disabled. They improved markedly after bullectomy, and their mean survival time was more than 7 years. In all 27 patients improvement of dyspnea and pulmonary function lasted several years and only gradually returned to preoperative values and beyond. No giant bullae recurred in the observation period; neither was there an accelerated progression of the emphysematous process. Our present selection criteria, based on previous experience, are as follows: giant bullae occupying at least 50% of a hemithorax, definite displacement of adjacent lung tissue, exclusion of the presence of vanishing lung syndrome, and absence of chronic purulent bronchitis.  相似文献   

Background: We observed a remarkable increase in the number of young patients who presented with lung emphysema and secondary spontaneous pneumothorax (SSP) at our institution for over a period of 30 months; most of them have a common history of marijuana abuse. Study design: Retrospective case series. Methods: Seventeen young patients presented with spontaneous pneumothorax with bullous lung emphysema were systematically evaluated over a period of 30 months. All were regular marijuana smokers. Clinical history, chest X-ray, CT-scan, lung function test, and laboratory and histological examinations were assessed. We compared the findings of this group (group I) with the findings of non-marijuana smoking patients (group II) in the same period. The findings of this series were also compared with the findings of 75 patients presented with pneumothorax in a previous period from January 2000 till March 2002 (group III). Results: In group I, there were 17 patients: the median age of the patients was 27 years (range 19–43 years), 16 males and 1 female. All were living in Switzerland. All but one smoked marijuana daily for a mean of 8.8 years and tobacco for 11.8 years. CT-scan showed multiple bullae at the apex or significant bullous emphysema with predominance in the upper lobes only in two patients. Only two patients had reduced forced first second expiratory volume (FEV1) and one reduced vital capacity (VC) below the predicted 50%. This correlated with the subjectively asymptomatic condition of the patients. All but two patients were treated by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) for prevention of relapsing pneumothorax. Histology showed severe lung emphysema, inflammation, and heavily pigmented macrophages. In group II, there were 85 patients: there were 78 males, the median age was 24 years (range 17–40 years), 74 patients smoked tobacco for 13.4 years but no marijuana. CT-scan in 72 patients showed only small bullae at the apex but no significant emphysema; other clinical, laboratory, and histopathological findings showed no significant difference in group I. In group III, there were 75 patients: there were 71 males and 4 females. Mean age was 25 years (range 16–46 years). Six smoked marijuana daily for a mean of 3.2 years, and 62 smoked tobacco for 14 years. CT-scan done in 59 patients showed few small bullae at the apex but no significant lung emphysema. The presence of lung emphysema on CT-scan in group I was significantly different than in groups II and III (p = 0.14). No significant difference was found among all groups in the form of clinical, laboratory, and histopathological findings. Conclusions: In case of emphysema in young individuals, marijuana abuse has to be considered in the differential diagnosis. The period of marijuana smoking seems to play an important role in the development of lung emphysema. This obviously quite frequent condition in young and so far asymptomatic patients will have medical, financial, and ethical impact, as some of these patients may be severely handicapped or even become lung transplant candidates in the future.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Bilateral staple lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) immediately improves pulmonary function and dyspnea symptoms in patients with advanced heterogeneous emphysema to a greater degree than do unilateral procedures. However, the long-term outcome after these surgical procedures needs to be critically evaluated. We compare 2-year survival of patients who underwent unilateral versus bilateral video-assisted LVRS in a large cohort treated by a single surgical group. METHODS: The cases of all 260 patients who underwent video-assisted thoracoscopic stapled LVRS from April 1994 to March 1996 were analyzed to compare results after unilateral versus bilateral procedures. Overall survival was calculated by Kaplan-Meier methods; Cox proportional hazard methods were used to adjust for patient heterogeneity and baseline differences between groups. RESULTS: Overall survival at 2 years was 86.4% (95% CI 80. 9%-91.8%) after bilateral LVRS versus 72.6% (95% CI 64.2%-81.2%) after unilateral LVRS (P =.001 for overall survival comparison). Improved survival after bilateral LVRS was seen among high- and low-risk subgroups as well. Average follow-up time was 28.5 months (range, 6 days to 46.6 months) for the bilateral LVRS group and 29.3 months (range, 6 days to 45.0 months) for the unilateral LVRS patients. CONCLUSIONS: Comparison of unilateral versus bilateral thoracoscopic LVRS procedures for the treatment of emphysema reveals that bilateral LVRS by video-assisted thoracoscopy resulted in better overall survival at 2-year follow-up than did unilateral LVRS. This survival study, together with other studies demonstrating improved lung function after bilateral LVRS, suggests that bilateral surgery appears to be the procedure of choice for patients undergoing LVRS for most eligible patients with severe heterogeneous emphysema.  相似文献   

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