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大肠癌发病的环境因素与遗传因素   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
以全人群大肠癌病例-对照研究数据(850名大肠癌新发病例及857名对照),详细分析了影响大肠癌发病的环境因素及遗传因素;并以该病例为先证者,调查了病例、对照两级两系三代亲属的大肠癌罹患情形。结果表明:①环境因素在大肠癌发病过程中起着决定性的作用;②与大肠癌先证者有血缘关系和共同生活经历的家族成员,具有比一般人群更高的患大肠癌超额危险性;而该家族集聚性、环境因素的决定作用约占83%,遗传易感性的影响约占17%。  相似文献   

大肠癌的病例对照调查研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
1982年在浙江省海宁县进行过一次大肠癌病例对照配对调查,97例病人是在1978年1月到1980年12月经病理学确诊的大肠癌原发病例。根据年龄、性别、住处等条件将这些病例与健康人和非消化道肿瘤病人做了配对,对病例和对照都做了病史和饮食等调查。上述两种对照均是从邻居中选出的,而且病例和对照是在同一天调查的。调查结果表明:息肉史、居住地方豢养家畜及饮用池塘水、泯沟水与大肠癌发病有明显关系,饮用水的RR不仅数值高,而且与饮用年数呈剂量反应关系。至于主食,副食(其中包括蔬菜、肉类、蛋类水产品及豆制品等)与大肠癌发病似无关联。  相似文献   

血吸虫病与大肠癌的地区相关分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文应用1974~1976年浙江省肿瘤死亡回顾调查和1975~1978年中国恶性肿瘤调查研究的资料以及中华人民共和国血吸虫病地图集,探讨了血吸虫病与大肠癌之间的统计学关系。地区相关分析结果表明,在我国和浙江省的血吸虫病流行区,血吸虫病发病率与大肠癌死亡率高低变化呈直线相关关系。我国南方12个省市自治区和浙江省嘉兴地区10个县的血吸虫病发病率与大肠癌死亡率间的等级相关系数分别为0.706和0.903,都具有非常显著的相关性,说明在我国血吸虫病严重流行地区血吸虫病可能是大肠癌高发的一个危险因素。  相似文献   

大肠癌是常见的癌症之一。据统计,近年来其发病率呈上升趋势。因此,应重视大肠癌的早期防治。大肠癌的病因:临床发现大肠癌与消化道的疾病有一定关系。如日本血吸虫病、溃疡性结肠炎、多发性肠息肉(即大肠腺瘤)等。有高脂肪饮食习惯者大肠癌的发病率较高。这是因为高脂肪饮食可使粪便中的胆酸、胆固醇代谢产物及厌氧菌含量明显增  相似文献   

日本血吸虫病与肝癌死亡率的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨日本血吸虫病与肝癌死亡率的关系,对江苏省原昆山县1984-1986年15周岁以上有或无日本血吸虫病史人群中肝癌死亡病例的资料进行了回顾性定群研究。结果发现,无论男女,有日本血吸虫病史人群的肝癌死亡率显著高于无日本血吸虫病史人群,有晚期日本血吸虫病史人群的肝癌死亡率理高。  相似文献   

大肠癌、胃癌及肿瘤家族史与血型的关系高晓虹,李东光,来匡逮为深入研究大肠癌、胃癌发病原因,对已进行过的大肠癌、胃癌的病例对照研究中,曾对199例大肠癌及89例胃癌患者及他们的对照进行了大肠癌、胃癌与血型及肿瘤家族史等因素的探讨。1材料与方法采用配对病...  相似文献   

目的 探讨职业、体力活动与大肠癌的关系。方法 应用病例对照研究,单因素、条件Logistic回归分析方法。结果 单因素分析结果未发现职业与大肠癌有关。结论 随着体力活动降低,大肠癌发生的危险性增大,OR值为1.90(1.22~2.97)。  相似文献   

山西省太肠癌危险因素的病例对照研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文对原发性大肠癌发病危险因素进行病例对照研究。病例202例,对照404例,条件Logistic回归分析表明:既往肠道病史、精神因素、富含脂肪蛋白质食物摄取量多。不良饮食习惯和少食水果为大肠癌发病的危险因素,其相对危险性分别为2.86、8.67、1.64、2.70和1.48。血硒水平测定结果:病例组均值(0.1349ppm)低于对照组(0.1502ppm),差异有显著性。对主食、蔬菜、茶、烟、酒、婚姻、生育、大肠癌家族史、ABO血型等因素的研究结果提示这些因素可能与大肠癌发病无关。  相似文献   

本文对山梨县境内的慢性日本血吸虫病肝损害,特别是肝硬化、肝纤维化以及肝炎的流行病学进行了探讨。调查了日本血吸虫病轻感染的高中学生97名和住院病人中有日本血吸虫病感染者508名的二组。轻感染的高中学生组,8年间的追踪观察,未发现由于日本血吸虫病而引起任何肝损害。关于住院病人组、肝损害有较高的比率,然而这些损害与病人的性别、年龄乃至肝组织内的日本血吸虫卵的分布密度之间不认为有相互的关系。日本血吸虫病肝损害,特别是肝硬化发展时,除反复再感染外,有必要考虑其他重要因素的介入,即山梨县境内来说,日本血吸虫病显著减轻的现在,因日本血吸虫病单独原因难以引起肝损害。  相似文献   

目的评价亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶(MTFHR)基因多态性与大肠癌易感性的关系。方法计算机检索知网、万方、Pub Med、Embase和Web of Science数据库,2000年1月到2015年12月MTFHR基因C677T多态性与大肠癌的病例对照研究,应用Rev Man 5.3软件进行定量分析。结果共纳入7篇病例-对照研究:大肠癌病例组3 331例,正常对照组3 910例。Meta分析结果显示,CT vs CC基因型发生大肠癌风险差异有统计学意义[OR=0.89,95%CI(0.80~1.00),P=0.04]。(CT+TT)vs CC基因型发生大肠癌风险的差异有统计学意义[OR=0.89,95%CI(0.81~0.99),P=0.03]。按照人种、对照设计,(CT+TT)vs CC基因型在其亚组人群的发病风险差异无统计学意义。结论 MTFHR C677T基因多态性与大肠癌易感性有关,(CT+TT)vs CC基因型和CT vs CC基因型发生大肠癌的风险降低。  相似文献   

Collinear nutrients and the risk of colon cancer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The relationship between colon cancer risk and the relative contributions of fat and caloric intake are assessed. A lack of consensus exists regarding the role of each of these dietary factors in the development of colon cancer. This lack of agreement originates from the high correlations between the nutrients, as well as the manner in which researchers treat these dietary variables in their analyses. Four proposed methods are evaluated which attempt to address the collinearity problem in nutritional epidemiology: (1) exclude one or more collinear variables, (2) use the proportion of calories consumed attributable to each dietary component, (3) use a regression-adjustment approach to purge the collinearity correlated nutrients, and (4) ridge regression. Diagnostic tests are reported which assess the degree of collinearity on data collected for a case-control study of colon cancer conducted in Utah between 1979 and 1983. Using logistic regression analyses, we apply each of these methods to case-control data. We find that the risks associated with fat and caloric consumption are extremely sensitive to a priori analytic decisions made by epidemiologist about the underlying collinearity problem.  相似文献   

Tobacco smoking as a risk factor for colon polyps.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
BACKGROUND: Data from a cancer screening project among pattern makers were used to evaluate the association between tobacco smoking and prevalence of colon polyps. METHODS: From 1981-1983, 549 White men were examined by flexible sigmoidoscopy and completed self-administered questionnaires including smoking histories. RESULTS: One or more colon polyps were detected in 76 men. Standardized prevalence rates (SPR) for polyps increased by smoking category (never smoked = 0.094; ex-smokers = 0.118, current smokers = 0.214) and by cigarettes per day, years of smoking, and pack-years among both current and ex-smokers. Both adenomatous and hyperplastic polyps showed an association with smoking while other types of polyps and polyps with unspecified histology did not. The risk associated with smoking was greater for polyps greater than one centimeter in diameter. An interaction with occupational exposures was suggested by a greater increase in the SPR for polyps among current smokers employed as pattern makers for more than 10 years than among current smokers similarly employed for 10 years or less. CONCLUSIONS: Since at least some colon polyps are considered precursor lesions to colon cancer, one of the most common cancers in the United States, this report suggests that the possible link between colon polyps and smoking deserves further evaluation.  相似文献   

Dietary factors in colon cancer: international relationships   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The relationship between dietary factors and mortality from colon cancer was explored by an analysis of the correlation between age-adjusted colon cancer death rates for men in 38 countries and estimates of the availability of a number of dietary components. Cereals were the only source of fiber found to be negatively associated with colon cancer mortality after adjustment for the availability of total or animal fats, or total or red meats, foods that were themselves positively associated with mortality. The estimate of dietary fiber from cereals was more closely associated with mortality than that of crude fiber. The previously postulated protective effects of vitamins C and A and of cruciferous vegetables were not supported by the international data; we found no evidence of a negative association between colon cancer mortality and availability of these dietary factors. The positive association previously reported between colon cancer and beer consumption disappeared following adjustment for animal fat.  相似文献   

The relationship between dietary factors and mortality from colon cancer was explored by an analysis of the correlation between age‐adjusted colon cancer death rates for men in 38 countries and estimates of the availability of a number of dietary components. Cereals were the only source of fiber found to be negatively associated with colon cancer mortality after adjustment for the availability of total or animal fats, or total or red meats, foods that were themselves positively associated with mortality. The estimate of dietary fiber from cereals was more closely associated with mortality than that of crude fiber. The previously postulated protective effects of vitamins C and A and of cruciferous vegetables were not supported by the international data; we found no evidence of a negative association between colon cancer mortality and availability of these dietary factors. The positive association previously reported between colon cancer and beer consumption disappeared following adjustment for animal fat. (Nutr Cancer 6, 160–170, 1984)  相似文献   

烟台地区居民饮食与胃癌关系的病例-对照研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文对男性125例胃癌,198例对照进行了通讯病例-对照研究分析,结果表明:无胃病史在17年前饮食中多吃含蛋白和VitB2多的粮食(小麦、玉米、豆类),多吃大蒜,少吃地瓜干,不吸烟等的人患胃癌的危险性小,这些因素的联合有进一步降低患胃癌危险性的作用,其作用机理有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to describe and analyze the incidence trend of colon cancer in Tianjin, China from 1981 to 2000. Tumour cases were coded by ICD-9 in this study. Incidence rates were calculated by five-year age-groups as well as sex and year of diagnosis. From 1981 to 2000, the total number of colon cancer cases ascertained in urban Tianjin was 4954, including 2547 males and 2407 females. 67.88% colon cancer cases occurred in the age group 55-79 and age specific incidence rate reached its peak in the age group 75-79. The mean incidence rate of colon cancer during the 20 years was 7.01/100000 and this rate had been increasing constantly from 1981 to 2000. The average age at diagnosis was 62.41 years. An ascending trend was observed in the mean age at diagnosis of colon cancer from 1981 through 2000. As for the sex ratio, there was no clear trend exhibited. The incidence trend of colon cancer during 1981 to 2000 in Tianjin warranted a further research on its risk factors and prevention warranted.  相似文献   

Su LJ  Arab L 《Nutrition and cancer》2004,50(2):111-119
The epidemiologic findings on the relationship between alcohol consumption and colon cancer are inconsistent. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) I Epidemiologic Follow-Up Study (NHEFS) included a prospective cohort population representative of the general U.S. population, which had not been fully utilized for examining the risk between colon cancer and alcohol drinking. The NHEFS consisted of 10,220 participants prospectively followed over a decade. Alcohol consumption, amount and type of beverage, and drinking patterns at baseline were considered in examination of the effect of alcohol consumption on the risk of colon cancer. The consumption of one or more alcoholic beverages a day at baseline was associated with approximately a 70% greater risk of colon cancer [relative risk (RR)=1.69; 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.03, 2.79], with a strong positive dose-response relationship (P=0.04). This association appeared to be exclusively related to daily drinking of one or more drinks of liquor (RR=2.48; 95% CI=1.66, 4.53). Additionally, more than a 70% increased risk of colon cancer was observed for more than 34 yr of alcohol drinking history compared with nondrinkers (RR=1.73; 95% CI=1.08, 2.78). Overall, alcohol consumption was significantly associated with increased risk of colon cancer. The most important factor for colon cancer seems to be liquor consumption.  相似文献   

Quantitative review of studies of dietary fat and rat colon carcinoma   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A quantitative overview of 14 studies of rat colon carcinogenesis was undertaken to examine the relationship between fat intake, and fat intake by degree of saturation, on the incidence of colon carcinoma while controlling for calorie consumption. Calorie consumption was not recorded in 11 of the 14 studies. Hence, two types of analyses were conducted. The first examines carcinoma incidence as a function of percent fat (by weight), with calories controlled for by including weight gain per week in the analysis. The second estimates calories per day, for studies not providing such information, using weight gain per week and age at death, followed by a joint analysis of estimated fat calories and estimated total calories. With either approach, a rather strong positive relationship between colon carcinoma incidence and fat intake is indicated for Fischer 344 rats, but no association is apparent for Sprague-Dawley rats. This situation is somewhat clarified when the degree of saturation is taken into account: both strains gave results that suggest a negative relationship between colon cancer incidence and omega-3 fatty acids intake and a positive relationship with non-omega-3 polyunsaturated fat intake among Fischer 344 rats. These analyses suggest an important and specific role for dietary fat in the promotion of rat colon carcinoma.  相似文献   

A quantitative overview of 14 studies of rat colon carcinogenesis was undertaken to examine the relationship between fat intake, and fat intake by degree of saturation, on the incidence of colon carcinoma while controlling for calorie consumption. Calorie consumption was not recorded in 11 of the 14 studies. Hence, two types of analyses were conducted. The first examines carcinoma incidence as a function of percent fat (by weight), with calories controlled for by including weight gain per week in the analysis. The second estimates calories per day, for studies not providing such information, using weight gain per week and age at death, followed by a joint analysis of estimated fat calories and estimated total calories. With either approach, a rather strong positive relationship between colon carcinoma incidence and fat intake is indicated for Fischer 344 rats, but no association is apparent for Sprague‐Dawley rats. This situation is somewhat clarified when the degree of saturation is taken into account: both strains gave results that suggest a negative relationship between colon cancer incidence and omega‐3 fatty acids intake and a positive relationship with non‐omega‐3 polyunsaturated fat intake among Fischer 344 rats. These analyses suggest an important and specific role for dietary fat in the promotion of rat colon carcinoma.  相似文献   

Wang Q  Chen Q  He M  Mir P  Su J  Yang Q 《Nutrition and cancer》2011,63(7):1044-1052
Antioxidant extracts from 5 potato lines were evaluated for antioxidant activity, total phenolics, chlorogenic acid, anthocyanin content, and in vitro anticancer capacity. Analysis showed that Mexican wild species S. pinnatisectum had the highest antioxidant activity, total phenolic, and chlorogenic acid content. The proliferation of colon cancer and liver cancer cells was significantly inhibited by potato antioxidant extracts. The highest antiproliferative activity was observed in extracts of S. pinnatisectum and the lowest in Northstar. An inverse correlation was found between total phenolics and the EC(50) of colon cancer cell (R(2) = 0.9303), as well as liver cancer cell proliferation (R(2) = 0.8992). The relationship between antioxidant activity and EC(50) of colon cancer/liver cancer cell proliferation was significant (R(2) = 0.8144; R(2) = 0.956, respectively). A significant difference in inhibition of cancer cells (P < 0.01) existed between the 3 polyphenols: chlorogenic acid, pelargonidin chloride, and malvidin chloride, suggesting that chlorogenic acid was a critical factor in the antiproliferation of colon cancer and liver cancer cells.  相似文献   

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