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目的 通过建立人-舱外服上肢交互生物力学仿真模型计算穿着舱外服后航天员上肢关节力矩和肌肉力,满足出舱活动风险评估的需求。方法 分别建立舱外服手臂的刚体运动学模型和关节阻尼力矩迟滞模型以描述舱外服关节的运动和力学特性。通过对舱外航天服肘部和人体肘部位置进行约束实现人体和舱外服手臂之间的运动学耦合,利用虚拟反作用力元实现两者之间的动力学耦合,在反向运动生物力学架构下建立一体化仿真模型。利用该模型对宇航员穿着加压、未加压舱外服和不穿着舱外服3种工况下肘弯曲/伸展进行仿真案例分析。结果 3种工况下肱二头肌的预测肌肉激活和积分肌电的相关性分别为0.86、0.71、0.65,肱三头肌对应的相关性分别为0.75、0.61、0.60,采用预测肌肉激活和积分肌电的一致性定性验证了模型的正确性,利用舱外服肘关节阻尼力矩与人体肘关节肌肉承受力矩之间的一致性验证了模型的合理性。结论 该人服系统上肢交互生物力学仿真模型能有效计算航天员穿着舱外服后的上肢关节力矩和肌肉力,且仿真结果和实验表明,加压后舱外服关节阻尼力矩造成较大的人体关节力矩和肌肉负荷,为航天员出舱活动中的体力负荷和骨肌风险评估提供方法学支撑。  相似文献   

目的 通过建立人-舱外服上肢交互生物力学仿真模型计算穿着舱外服后航天员上肢关节力矩和肌肉力,满足出舱活动风险评估的需求。方法 分别建立舱外服手臂的刚体运动学模型和关节阻尼力矩迟滞模型以描述舱外服关节的运动和力学特性。通过对舱外航天服肘部和人体肘部位置进行约束实现人体和舱外服手臂之间的运动学耦合,利用虚拟反作用力元实现两者之间的动力学耦合,在反向运动生物力学架构下建立一体化仿真模型。利用该模型对宇航员穿着加压、未加压舱外服和不穿着舱外服3种工况下肘弯曲/伸展进行仿真案例分析。结果 3种工况下肱二头肌的预测肌肉激活和积分肌电的相关性分别为0.86、0.71、0.65,肱三头肌对应的相关性分别为0.75、0.61、0.60,采用预测肌肉激活和积分肌电的一致性定性验证了模型的正确性,利用舱外服肘关节阻尼力矩与人体肘关节肌肉承受力矩之间的一致性验证了模型的合理性。结论 该人服系统上肢交互生物力学仿真模型能有效计算航天员穿着舱外服后的上肢关节力矩和肌肉力,且仿真结果和实验表明,加压后舱外服关节阻尼力矩造成较大的人体关节力矩和肌肉负荷,为航天员出舱活动中的体力负荷和骨肌风险评估提供方法学支撑。  相似文献   

目的目前航天员舱外活动所建的航天员生物力学模型缺乏人体解剖信息,且未见合理的验证方法;本文旨在给出相应解决方法,为航天员舱外活动仿真的进一步应用提供依据。方法选取典型舱外活动实例,建立带有肌肉作用力的航天员上肢反向运动学、动力学模型并进行仿真计算;利用运动学结果驱动OpenGL软件生成动画,实现运动学验证,进而辅以实物模型完成模型的动力学验证。结果运动学验证表明计算结果的正确性,动力学验证及仿真所得两块肌肉力结果的平均相对误差分别为14.54%和0.91%。结论本文建立了合理的航天员上肢模型,并进行了仿真计算;该仿真结果可信,提出的验证方法可行,为航天员舱外活动的生物力学仿真及验证提供支持。  相似文献   

基于肌电信号的手臂运动状态的辨识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究的目的是利用人体上肢肌肉的肌电信号辨识人体肘关节运动状态。当人体手臂做屈伸运动时,采集肱二头肌和肱三头肌的肌电(EMGs)信号和肘关节角度信号,对EMGs进行处理和特征提取。提取的特征值作为一个四层的神经网络模型的输入信号,运用改进后的误差反传学习算法最优化网络各层权值,映射出人体表面肌电信号和手臂运动状态间的非线性关系,并将处理后的肌电信号转换为相应时刻的肘关节运动角度。试验结果表明神经网络预测出的肘关节运动角度与测角仪测出的实际运动角度最大误差小于1度。  相似文献   

目的 设计基于多传感器信息的新型穿戴式上肢外骨骼康复机器人,以解决上肢外骨骼康复机器人便携性不佳、患者参与度较低、训练模式自适应不足等问题,并探究受试者穿戴外骨骼时肌肉激活程度、肌电信号预测关节角度的准确性以及实现上肢康复训练的可行性.方法 该设备机械结构包括肘关节和腕关节,采用模块化设计并结合3D打印技术;控制系统包括肌电采集、应力采集、姿态采集等单元,并设计主动、被动和助动三种训练模式.受试者穿戴外骨骼机器人后进行屈-伸肘实验,对比有、无辅助力时手臂肌肉激活程度;分析肘关节角度,并对比肌电信号预测的关节运动角度;验证机器人运行性能与应力检测效果.结果 受试者穿戴外骨骼康复机器人安全可靠地完成了屈-伸肘动作,受试者肱二头肌、肱三头肌肌肉激活程度在有、无辅助力时分别减弱约32%、11%,肌电信号预测关节角度准确度约95%,应力测量值误差均低于5%.结论 上肢外骨骼机器人可以给人体提供辅助力、预测关节角度,机器人通过肌电、应力以及位置信息辅助患者实现上肢康复训练具有可行性.  相似文献   

本文拟探明穿戴式下肢外骨骼对人体下肢相应关节参数与肌肉运动学、动力学参数的影响变化,进而为优化其结构、提高其系统性能提供科学依据。本文通过采集受试者的行走数据,以人体下肢各关节在矢状面上的关节角度作为下肢外骨骼仿真分析的驱动数据,运用人体生物力学分析软件Anybody分别建立了人体模型(即未穿戴下肢外骨骼的人体模型)和人-机系统模型(即穿戴下肢外骨骼后的模型),并对比分析了两种情况下人体下肢运动时的运动学参数(关节力、关节力矩)及肌肉参数(肌肉力、肌肉激活程度、肌肉收缩速度、肌肉长度)的变化情况。实验结果表明,人体穿戴下肢外骨骼后行走的步态满足正常步态,但会出现个别肌肉力突增的现象;下肢主要肌肉的最大肌肉激活程度均未超过1,说明肌肉均未出现疲劳或损伤状况;股直肌的最大肌肉激活程度增加最多(0.456),半腱肌的最大肌肉激活程度增加最少(0.013),提示下肢外骨骼最容易引起股直肌疲劳或损伤。通过本文研究结果说明,为避免出现个别肌肉力突增导致人体下肢损伤,在设计下肢外骨骼时,要特别注意人体体段长与下肢外骨骼杆长的一致性和运动的平稳性。  相似文献   

目的分析冲击载荷作用下羽毛球运动员下肢关节肌肉的动态响应变化。方法基于Any Body Modeling System软件建立人体肌骨模型,采用实测表面肌电信号进行验证,以运动捕捉系统和测力台测量数据进行模型驱动,对羽毛球右前场蹬跨步上网过程中下肢肌肉肌力、关节力和关节力矩进行逆向动力学仿真与分析。结果所建人体下肢肌骨模型经肌电信号验证有效。羽毛球蹬跨步上网过程中,髋、踝关节Z方向内力峰值显著高于X和Y方向内力峰值,而膝关节X方向内力峰值显著高于Y和Z方向内力峰值;缓冲期,髋关节X、Y、Z方向依次表现为内收力矩、伸髋力矩和内旋力矩,膝关节X、Y、Z方向依次表现为外展力矩、屈膝力矩、外旋力矩,踝关节X、Y方向依次表现为内翻力矩、跖屈力矩,且髋、膝、踝关节X方向力矩峰值显著高于Y和Z方向;股外侧肌、股二头肌、胫骨前肌、腓肠肌内侧在对抗地面冲击载荷时的肌力发挥较大,股直肌、半膜肌、比目鱼肌发挥的作用相对较小。结论建立的下肢肌骨模型可为冲击载荷作用下运动员下肢生物力学特性分析提供技术平台。为避免运动损伤,类似羽毛球前场蹬跨步上网冲击动作中尤其要重视触地瞬间地面反作用力载荷对髋、膝、踝关节前后及内外侧方向生物力学性质的影响,同时在对羽毛球运动员进行专项训练时切勿忽视对股外侧肌、股二头肌、胫骨前肌的专项力量发展。  相似文献   

下肢运动信息采集与运动仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 建立人体下肢3D模型与生物力学模型,进行运动学和动力学分析,搭建下肢控制平台为主动式下肢假肢和人体下肢助行器的控制研究提供理论依据。方法 利用VICON人体三维运动捕捉系统采集平地行走人体下肢髋、膝、踝运动信息。利用Solidworks建立人体下肢3D模型,进行下肢运动学分析。基于Matlab中Simulink的机械仿真模块(SimMechanics)建立人体下肢模型,进行动力学分析,产生运动信号。基于Quanser半实物仿真平台搭建控制模型,接收SimMechanics产生的运动控制信号,实现对双下肢运动平台的控制。结果 利用运动学分析得到各个关节的速度和加速度信号,利用动力学仿真得到各个关节的力矩信号,对建立的人体双下肢模型进行模拟仿真,通过仿真验证了模型的合理性,利用输出的信号对双下肢运动平台进行控制实现了平地行走功能。结论 建立的平台可以进行人体下肢运动学、动力学和控制方法的研究,为主动式假肢和人体下肢助行器的控制提供借鉴作用。  相似文献   

基于关节坐标系的肌肉骨骼间附着点坐标转换方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的运动状态下对人体骨肌系统进行运动学及动力学分析时,应避免对人体造成伤害。本研究通过尸体切片、CT或者MRI图像重建等方法构建静态骨肌模型,并将其应用于活体进行分析。方法采用尸体切片数据重建下肢的三维骨肌模型,并对此骨肌模型及活体下肢建立统一规则的关节坐标系,详细描述人体骨肌系统模型和活体上相关肌肉骨骼间附着点空间坐标值转换。结果对研究对象膝关节屈曲运动中股二头肌短头力臂及长度进行计算和分析。结论该方法对提高人体运动学和动力学仿真及肌肉力预测具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的针对目前台式上肢康复机器人体积庞大、不便移动的缺点,设计了一款新型的可穿戴式上肢康复机器人,并通过对其运动特性的分析和关节力矩的计算,验证设计的合理性。方法首先,根据模块化设计原理,进行总体结构设计;然后,利用SOILDWORKS进行三维建模,并运用SOILDWORKS Motion对机器人肘关节屈曲/伸展运动、肩关节屈曲/伸展运动、肩肘关节联动运动进行运动仿真;最后,基于拉格朗日方法建立系统的动力学方程,并应用MATLAB软件计算得到机械臂关节力矩的变化曲线。结果仿真结果证实了肩关节、肘关节、腕关节运动仿真曲线平滑,动力学分析证实关节力矩变化曲线平滑且最大关节力矩均小于电机经减速后输出的额定转矩。结论该可穿戴式上肢康复机器人设计合理,为后续上肢康复机器人的研究奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated abnormal joint torque coupling and associated muscle coactivations of the upper extremity in individuals with unilateral stroke. We investigated the effect of upper limb configuration on the expression of the well-documented patterns of shoulder abduction/elbow flexion and shoulder adduction/elbow extension. Maximal isometric shoulder and elbow torques were measured in stroke subjects in four different arm configurations. Additionally, an isometric combined torque task was completed where subjects were required to maintain various levels of shoulder abduction/adduction torque while attempting to maximize elbow flexion or extension torque. The dominant abduction/elbow flexion pattern was insensitive to changes in limb configuration while the elbow extension component of the adduction/extension pattern changed to elbow flexion at smaller shoulder abduction angles. This effect was not present in control subjects without stroke. The reversal of the torque-coupling pattern could not be explained by mechanical factors such as muscle length changes or muscle strength imbalances across the elbow joint. Potential neural mechanisms underlying the sensitivity of the adduction/elbow extension pattern to different somatosensory input resultant from changes in limb configuration are discussed along with the implications for future research.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that unconstrained upper limb movements are coordinated via a kinetic constraint that produces dynamic muscle torques at each moving joint that are a linear function of a single torque command. This constraint has been termed linear synergy (Gottlieb et al. J Neurophysiol 75:1760–1764, 1996). The current study tested two hypotheses: (1) that the extent of covariation between dynamic muscle torques at the shoulder and elbow varied with the direction of movement and (2) that the extent to which muscle torques deviated from linear synergy would be reproduced by a simulation of pointing movements in which the path of the hand was constrained to be straight. Dynamic muscle torques were calculated from sagittal plane pointing movements performed by 12 participants to targets in eight different directions. The results of principal component analyses performed on the muscle torque data demonstrated direction-dependent variation in the extent to which dynamic muscle torques covaried at the shoulder and elbow. Linear synergy was deviated from substantially in movement directions for which the magnitude of muscle torque was low at one joint. A simulation of movements with straight hand paths was able to accurately estimate the amount of covariation between muscle torques at the two joints in many directions. These results support the idea that a kinematic constraint is imposed by the central nervous system during unconstrained pointing movements. Linear synergy may also be applied as a coordinating constraint in circumstances where its application allows the path of the moving endpoint to remain close to a straight line.  相似文献   

Kinematically unconstrained biomechanical models of the glenohumeral (GH) joint are needed to study the GH joint function, especially the mechanisms of joint stability. The purpose of this study is to develop a large-scale multibody model of the upper limb that simulates the 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) of the GH joint and to propose a novel inverse dynamics procedure that allows the evaluation of not only the muscle and joint reaction forces of the upper limb but also the GH joint translations. The biomechanical model developed is composed of 7 rigid bodies, constrained by 6 anatomical joints, and acted upon by 21 muscles. The GH joint is described as a spherical joint with clearance. Assuming that the GH joint translates according to the muscle load distribution, the redundant muscle load sharing problem is formulated considering as design variables the 3 translational coordinates associated with the GH joint translations, the joint reaction forces associated with the remaining kinematic constraints, and the muscle activations. For the abduction motion in the frontal plane analysed, the muscle and joint reaction forces estimated by the new biomechanical model proposed are similar to those estimated by a model in which the GH joint is modeled as an ideal spherical joint. Even though this result supports the assumption of an ideal GH joint to study the muscle load sharing problem, only a 6 DOF model of the GH joint, as the one proposed here, provides information regarding the joint translations. In this study, the biomechanical model developed predicts an initial upward and posterior migration of the humeral head, followed by an inferior and anterior movement, which is in good agreement with the literature.  相似文献   

Summary Load perturbations were applied to the arm of human subjects under conditions where both limb segments (upper arm and forearm) were free to move. The perturbations consisted of pulses of torque 50 ms in duration and of pseudo-random sequences of such pulses. They were applied to either the forearm or the upper arm. Under all conditions, the perturbations resulted in angular motion at the shoulder and elbow joints and evoked consistent responses in muscles acting about these joints (biceps, triceps, anterior and posterior deltoid). Activity in biceps and triceps was not related simply to angular motion at the elbow joint. For example, activation of biceps could be evoked during elbow flexion (by applying a torque perturbation at the shoulder) as well as during elbow extension (by applying a torque perturbation at the elbow). The effect of varying degrees of dynamic coupling between upper arm and forearm on EMG responses was investigated by applying torque perturbations to the upper arm over a wide range of elbow angles. When the forearm is extended, such a perturbation induces a greater amount of elbow flexion than when the forearm is in a flexed position. The results of these experiments showed that the larger was the amount of flexion of the forearm induced by the perturbation, the larger was the activation of biceps. The results are incompatible with the notion of a negative feedback of total muscle length as being responsible for the EMG activity following the load perturbations. It is suggested that the EMG responses can best be interpreted functionally in terms of parameters more global than muscle length. Among such global parameters, changes in net torque at a joint resulting from the perturbation gave the best correlation with the pattern of EMG activities observed.  相似文献   

Strategies used by the CNS to optimize arm movements in terms of speed, accuracy, and resistance to fatigue remain largely unknown. A hypothesis is studied that the CNS exploits biomechanical properties of multijoint limbs to increase efficiency of movement control. To test this notion, a novel free-stroke drawing task was used that instructs subjects to make straight strokes in as many different directions as possible in the horizontal plane through rotations of the elbow and shoulder joints. Despite explicit instructions to distribute strokes uniformly, subjects showed biases to move in specific directions. These biases were associated with a tendency to perform movements that included active motion at one joint and largely passive motion at the other joint, revealing a tendency to minimize intervention of muscle torque for regulation of the effect of interaction torque. Other biomechanical factors, such as inertial resistance and kinematic manipulability, were unable to adequately account for these significant biases. Also, minimizations of jerk, muscle torque change, and sum of squared muscle torque were analyzed; however, these cost functions failed to explain the observed directional biases. Collectively, these results suggest that knowledge of biomechanical cost functions regarding interaction torque (IT) regulation is available to the control system. This knowledge may be used to evaluate potential movements and to select movement of "low cost." The preference to reduce active regulation of interaction torque suggests that, in addition to muscle energy, the criterion for movement cost may include neural activity required for movement control.  相似文献   

We studied the patterns of EMG activity in elbow muscles in three normal human subjects. The myoelectrical activity of 7-10 muscles that act across the human elbow joint was simultaneously recorded with intramuscular electrodes during isometric joint torques exerted over a range of directions. These directions included flexion, extension, varus (internal humeral rotation), valgus (external humeral rotation), and several intermediate directions. The forces developed at the wrist covered a range of 360 degrees, all orthogonal to the long axis of the forearm. The levels of EMG activity were observed to increase with increasing joint torque in an approximately linear manner. All muscles were active for ranges less than 360 degrees and most were active for less than 180 degrees. The EMG activity was observed to vary in a systematic manner with changes in torque direction and, when examined over the full angular range at a variety of torque levels, is simply scaled with increasing torque magnitude. There were no torque directions or torque magnitudes for which a single muscle was observed to be active alone. In all cases, joint torque appeared to be produced by a combination of muscles. The direction for which the EMG of a muscle reached a maximum value was observed to correspond to the direction of greatest mechanical advantage as predicted by a simple mechanical model of the elbow and relevant muscles. Muscles were relatively inactive during varus torques. This implies that the muscles were not acting to stabilize the joint in this direction and could have been allowing ligaments to carry the load. Plots of EMG activity in one muscle against EMG activity in another demonstrate some instances of pure synergies, but patterns of coactivation for most muscles are more complicated and vary with torque direction. The complexity of these patterns raises the possibility that synergies are determined by the task and may have no independent existence. Activity in two heads of triceps brachii (medial head--a single-joint muscle and long head--a two-joint muscle) covaried closely for a range of torque magnitudes and directions, though shoulder torque and hence the forces experienced by the long head of the triceps undoubtedly varied. The similarity of activation patterns indicates that elbow torque was the principal determining factor. The origins of muscle synergies are discussed. It is suggested that they are best understood on the basis of a model which encodes limb torque in premotor neurons.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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