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目的探讨手术室信息系统联合短信平台通知连台手术接患者时间的应用效果。方法选择2011年1~6月连台手术患者4 120例作为观察组,采用手术室信息系统联合短信平台提前30min通知手术科室准备接患者。选择2010年6~12月实施前的连台手术患者3 880例作为对照组,电话通知手术科室准备接患者。结果手术室到手术科室不能按时接走患者的发生率观察组显著低于对照组,接台手术间隔时间观察组显著短于对照组,手术科室和患者对手术室满意度观察组显著高于对照组(均P<0.01)。结论信息平台联合短信平台用于通知连台手术接患者提高了工作效率以及手术科室和手术患者对手术室的满意度,信息平台操作简便、准确,优于电话通知途径。  相似文献   

目的 探讨接送闭环管理信息系统在手术室接台手术中的应用效果。方法 回顾性分析2021年6月至2022年12月手术室200台接台手术情况,其中采用传统手术交接方式者为对照组,100台;采用接送闭环管理信息系统进行交接者为观察组,100台。记录两组接/送患者时间、交接失误率、连台手术间隔时间、连台手术延迟发生率以及护理工作满意度。结果 观察组连台手术间隔时间为(45.12±3.81) min,明显短于对照组连台手术间隔时间(57.63±4.25) min,P<0.05。观察组连台手术延迟发生率5%,较对照组连台手术延迟率24.0%显著下降,P<0.05。观察组接/送患者时间为(16.73±4.32) min,明显短于对照组接/送患者时间为(24.96±5.71) min,P<0.05。观察组手术交接失误率为0%,相比对照组手术交接失误率4%显著下降,P<0.05。观察组患者对管理模式的满意度,明显高于对照组,P<0.05。结论 接送闭环管理信息系统应用于手术室接台手术护理中具有较好的效果,能够实现手术室-转运-病房间的无缝隙对接,将预防控制贯穿于整个手术交接过...  相似文献   

目的提高手术室工作效率。方法将手术室2014年10月13~24日择期手术1034台次作为对照组,采用原手术室信息系统实施管理。将手术室2015年4月13~24日择期手术1234台次作为观察组,采用互联网手术信息平台实施管理,手术人员通过手机登录身份确认查阅手术基本资料、手术进展及次日手术安排情况;短信提醒接台手术医生。结果观察组首台手术准时率显著高于对照组、连台手术间隔时间显著短于对照组(均P0.01);观察组较对照组每间手术间日均手术多0.96台次。结论基于互联网的手术信息平台能有效增加单位时间手术量,有效提高手术室工作效率。  相似文献   

目的探讨人脸识别考勤系统联合信息系统提高首台手术准时率的效果。方法选择2012年1~4月首台手术的1 790例作为观察组,采取人脸识别考勤系统联合手术麻醉信息系统、短信提醒系统、手术信息显示系统多部门协作进行管理。选择2011年1~4月首台手术1 548例作为对照组,采取巡回护士电话催促手术医生到位、护士长登记上报的方式管理。结果观察组首台手术准时率较对照组显著上升,因手术医生迟到造成首台手术未准时开台率显著下降(均P<0.01)。结论加强首台手术准时开始工作的管理非常必要,人脸识别考勤系统及各信息平台优势明显,提高了首台手术的准时率。  相似文献   

目的准确把控连台手术前预防性抗生素的使用时机,促进抗生素在规定时间内合理使用。方法将2017年7~9月连台手术5 832台次作为对照组,采用连台手术集中式给药方式预防性使用抗生素,由护士手工登记用药时间;2017年11~12月连台手术4 661台次作为观察组,在医院手术麻醉信息系统界面上设计"患者入手术室"和"使用抗生素"模块,等候区专职护士登陆监控系统实时查看手术间手术进展,判断并预防性应用抗生素,通过模块点击记录抗生素使用时间。结果两组连台手术抗生素使用时间合格率比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。结论借助信息技术规范管理连台手术抗生素应用,实现了该项工作的精细化管理,确保患者及时准确用药,同时也减少手术护士的书写工作。  相似文献   

目的了解层流手术间首台手术与第2台手术空气细菌污染情况。方法选择一面积38m2、空气洁净度100级的层流手术间进行20个(40台次)连台无菌手术,将20个连台手术平均分成A、B两组,A组第1台手术患者麻醉时采样1次,手术开始后10min再采样1次;第1台手术结束后,常规清理术后用物,然后关闭手术间自净30min后进行第2台手术,采样时间同第1台手术。B组第1台手术结束,常规清理术后用物,立即进行第2台手术,采样时间及方法同A组。采用"五点法"在手术间布置细菌培养基采样。结果两组不同时间、手术台次的手术间空气细菌菌落数比较,差异无统计学意义(均P0.05);第1台、第2台手术麻醉时手术间空气细菌菌落数显著高于手术进行10min时(均P0.01)。结论在层流净化空调设备运行良好的条件下,连台手术是可以直接接台的,不需要间隔自净;手术过程中,减少人员流动和开关门次数对控制层流手术室空气中细菌数量至关重要。  相似文献   

目的探讨术前预康复护理在日间膝关节镜手术患者中的应用效果。方法将预约日间膝关节镜手术的1220例患者按时间段分为对照组620例,观察组600例。对照组采用常规术前护理模式,观察组采用术前预康复护理模式。结果观察组日间手术临时取消率、术前等待时间和患者满意度显著优于对照组(均P<0.01)。结论对膝关节镜日间手术患者设计并实施术前预康复护理方案可提高日间手术工作效率,提高患者满意度。  相似文献   

目的 探讨全流程可追溯信息系统在手术室器械管理中应用及效果。方法 选择2021年10-12月7 715个手术器械包作为对照组,采用常规手术器械管理方法;2023年4-6月8 417个手术器械包作为观察组,将手术麻醉临床信息系统与消毒供应中心追溯系统对接,通过控制入库、领用、术前清点、使用记录、术后归位5个关键环节,实现手术室器械全流程可追溯信息化管理。结果观察组手术器械交接缺陷率为0.90%,显著低于对照组的2.10%(P<0.05);全流程可追溯信息化管理后,手术医生对手术器械准备、器械性能、器械传递、器械清点和手术配合的满意度显著高于信息化管理前(均P<0.05)。结论 全流程可追溯信息化管理手术室器械,有利于降低术后器械交接缺陷率,提升手术医生对手术器械管理满意度。  相似文献   

目的降低脊柱骨科手术患者手术压疮发生率。方法将2014年1~12月脊柱骨科术后返回病房时皮肤仍存在压之褪色的局限性红斑的40例患者分为常规组,2015年1~12月的患者46例为干预组。常规组按常规实施皮肤护理,手术结束患者离开手术室前,手术室护士与手术医生查看和记录患者皮肤完整情况,并与病房护士进行交接。干预组在常规护理基础上使用手术患者皮肤管理记录单记录患者术中及术后皮肤情况,与病房护士共同对手术患者进行皮肤管理。结果常规组术后6d内发生压疮6例,干预组未发生压疮,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论手术室与病房护士共同管理患者皮肤,有效防止交接遗漏,使手术室护理延伸至病房,可有效降低手术压疮的发生,提升手术室护理质量。  相似文献   

目的探讨手术室实施区域专科分组排班与层级管理干预效果。方法 2012年7月至2013年6月(管理前)为常规专科组管理,护士长负责排班,设置8个手术专科组,由8名专科组长负责专科业务管理。2013年7月至2014年6月(管理后)实施区域专科分组排班与层级管理:将8个专科组人员划分为4大区域组,由4位区域组长负责组内排班、手术调配及各项管理工作;护士长负责手术室监督与总体管理。结果管理后,第1台手术9:00之前准点开台率从72.81%提高到85.20%、接台手术等待时间从(61.82±6.15)min缩短到(57.15±5.97)min、月平均手术量从(1 753.63±111.15)台次增加到(1 821.52±96.61)台次;护理不良事件总发生率从0.09%降至0.04%;手术患者、外科医生、手术室护士对手术室的总体满意分别从89.00%、88.78%、87.63%提高到95.00%、98.10%、97.94%,各项数据比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.05,P0.01)。结论手术室实施区域专科分组排班与层级管理,能提高手术室工作效率、护理质量和医护患三方的满意度。  相似文献   

The name Morton is associated with a foot structure characterized by a short first metatarsal in comparison with the adjacent second metatarsal. Dudley Morton is credited with recognizing a short first metatarsal as being a primary defect of the foot. Morton, an anatomist, approached his observation from an evolutionary perspective. His theory of disordered foot function was based on the premise that human alignment centered on an "axis of leverage" and around an "axis of balance." Morton concluded that the presence of a short first metatarsal was compounded when the first metatarsal segment was hypermobile. Shortness and hypermobility diminished the capacity of the first metatarsal segment to carry weight, allowed pronation during activity, and led to an overload of the central metatarsals. The term Morton Foot sprang from his teachings. The extensive writings of Morton are commonly cited even today. This study compares Morton's teachings with research published during the last 70 years, which either supports or refutes his claims.  相似文献   

Hypermobility of the first ray: a critical review of the literature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors provide a detailed review of the available literature regarding first ray sagittal plane direction and range of motion with special emphasis on whether or not hypermobility of the first ray can truly be supported as a definable clinical entity. They also describe a novel clinical test for assessing sagittal plane instability of the first ray. The authors believe that this test, when combined with previously defined clinical tests, helps to identify those few patients that would benefit from an arthrodesis procedure of the medial pillar of the foot for the treatment of the hallux valgus deformity.  相似文献   

J G Carlier  O P Steeno 《Andrologia》1985,17(1):104-106
In our study the mean age of the age at first ejaculation in Belgium is 13 yrs 2 mos, corresponding with a testicular volume of 10 ml with the orchidometer of Prader. These data are in agreement with those of Laron et al. (1980) and Richardson and Short (1978). The relationship between the age at first ejaculation and the testicular volume means that once this testicular volume (10 ml) has been reached, the question about the presence of ejaculations no longer need be posed "prematurely" (and becomes the possible cause of feelings of inferiority). The age at first ejaculation certainly can be used as an index of genital and sexual maturation in male puberty.  相似文献   

Although hallux abductovalgus (HAV) is widely considered to be a triplanar deformity involving the transverse, sagittal, and frontal planes, most of the published literature has focused on evaluating the deformity in only the transverse plane, and we are unaware of any investigation objectively evaluating the relationship among the 3 planes in the setting of HAV deformity. The objective of this investigation was to quantitatively evaluate radiographic measurement of the relationship between the transverse, sagittal, and frontal planes in the HAV deformity. Anteroposterior, lateral, and sesamoid axial radiographs from 42 consecutive feet were evaluated with measurement of the first intermetatarsal angle, hallux abductus angle, metatarsal sesamoid position, first metatarsal inclination angle, sesamoid rotation angle, and tibial sesamoid grade. Variables were graphically depicted against each other on frequency scatter plots with calculation of a regression line and Pearson's correlation coefficient. As transverse plane deformity increased, the frontal plane deformity also tended to increase and the first metatarsal inclination angle tended to decrease. And as frontal plane deformity increased, the first metatarsal inclination angle tended to decrease. To our knowledge, these are the first quantitative and objective data in support of a triplanar component to the HAV deformity, and we believe this reinforces the evaluation of this deformity with emphasis on all 3 planes.  相似文献   

It is customary for patients undergoing kidney transplantation to receive their first dose of cyclosporin either just before or during the transplant operation. This ensures the early establishment of good levels of immuno-suppression but might depress early graft function and contribute towards the development of acute tubular necrosis. In a controlled clinical trial, we have studied the effects of withholding cyclosporin for 12 h in patients undergoing cadaveric renal transplantation. Consecutive adult recipients of a cadaveric renal transplant were randomised to receive their first dose of cyclosporin (10 mg/kg p. o.) 6 h prior to transplant surgery or 12 h afterwards. All patients received azathioprine (1.5 mg/kg i.v.) and methylprednisolone (0.5 gi.v) in addition during surgery. From the 2nd day onwards both groups were treated with an identical triple immunosuppressive regimen. The 27 patients who received their first dose of cyclosporin post-operatively had significantly better immediate and subsequent function than did the 26 patients who received their cyclosporin at the time of surgery. The delayed dosing was associated with improved graft survival and no increase in the frequency of rejection episodes. This regimen is recommended for all patients receiving triple therapy.  相似文献   

Data about forty-six "first anaesthetics" have been collected from the literature. This makes it possible to get an impression of how fast the news of either anaesthesia spread to Europe and other parts of the world. Most European countries had the news within 4 months and other parts of the world within 9 months. The use of ether seems not to have spread faster in the US than in Europe.  相似文献   



To evaluate the clinical accuracy and delivery of information on thermal burn first aid available on the leading video-streaming website, YouTube.


YouTube was searched using four separate search terms. The first 20 videos identified for each search term were included in the study if their primary focus was on thermal burn first aid. Videos were scored by two independent reviewers using a standardised scoring system and the scores totalled to give each video an overall score out of 20.


A total of 47 videos were analysed. The average video score was 8.5 out of a possible 20. No videos scored full-marks. A low correlation was found between the score given by the independent reviewers and the number of views the video received per month (Spearman's rank correlation co-efficient = 0.03, p = 0.86).


The current standard of videos covering thermal burn first aid available on YouTube is unsatisfactory. In addition to this, viewers do not appear to be drawn to videos of higher quality. Organisations involved in managing burns and providing first aid care should be encouraged to produce clear, structured videos that can be made available on leading video streaming websites.  相似文献   



The administration of first aid in burns has been shown to have a significant influence on the ultimate severity of the burn. We wanted to assess in-hospital healthcare (HCW), and non-healthcare workers’ (nHCW) knowledge of first aid in burns.


A purpose-designed questionnaire, including information about previous attendance at a first aid course and four clinical scenarios of burns, was distributed to HCWs in the local hospitals and non-medical students in the Universities of Leeds and Sheffield.


697 questionnaires were completed – 397 (57%) from HCW and 300 (43%) from nHCW. 59% of HCW had attended a first aid course, 68% of these courses included teaching on first aid in burns.HCW who had completed a first aid course generally did better than those who had not. Only 16% of HCW achieved correct answers in all questions compared to 30% nHCW.


We show that the knowledge of first aid in burns is relatively poor amongst HCW and that attendance at a burns first aid course improves knowledge (although perhaps not as much as one might hope). We recommend that the burns content of first aid courses be reviewed, and that there is a requirement for ALL hospital healthcare workers to undertake a first aid course, which includes appropriate burns first aid.  相似文献   

Surgical Principles The sling is made by routing part of the extensor carpi radialis longus, from its insertion, through the interspace between the second and third metacarpals, encircling the base of the first metacarpal and then suturing the tendon on itself at its point of entry between the second and third metacarpal. The entire procedure is carried out from the dorsal surface of the hand and deep to the adductor pollicis. Stability of the first carpo-metacarpal joint is restored without interfering with the excursion of the first metacarpal. During pinching great lateral forces act on the first carpo-metacarpal joint and tend to dislocate it laterally. This tendency is normally kept in check by the first intermetacarpal ligament [7]. As with all joints, instability in the carpo-metacarpal joint will promote the early onset of secondary degenerative changes. Increased stability would prevent the changes, or at least delay them, until the usual age of occurrence in the general population. However, no procedure carried out at the stage where significant cartilaginous degeneration is already present, will be able to control the process of arthritis. For the first metacarpal to move laterally the intermetacarpal ligament has to stretch [1]. Re-inforcing the ligament must, therefore, control this tendency. The extensor sling procedure provides a new ligament which lies in the coronal plane of the hand between the first and second metacarpal and prevents lateral subluxation. At the same time it does not interfere with circumduction of the first metacarpal provided that the ligament is sited at the base of the metacarpal.  相似文献   

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