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有关勃起功能障碍(ED)的临床研究主要集中在男性患者以及各种治疗方法对患者勃起功能(EF)和性生活质量影响方面。但是,ED对男性患者及其女性伴侣的生活质量都产生了巨大影响。目前,研究男性ED治疗对女性伴侣影响的文献相当有限。确定他达拉非5mg每日一次在改善男性ED患者勃起功能和性生活质量方面的疗效,及这种治疗对其女性伴侣性生活质量的影响。  相似文献   

2006年2月24~26日,第一届“勃起功能障碍(ED)全球视点:从科学进展到伴侣的解决方案”亚太地区研讨会在中国上海举行。会议就男性的性健康问题、尤其是勃起功能障碍(ED)的最新科学数据及其对女性伴侣的影响进行了广泛的探讨。主要内容包括ED患者及其伴侣与医生这3者之间交流的重要性,女性伴侣在患者寻求和坚持药物治疗中的作用,慢性疾病对性健康的影响,睾酮在ED中的作用,特殊人群的性健康,如何进行个体化治疗以及如何获得成功的治疗反应,磷酸二酯酶5(PDE5)抑制剂(尤其是伐地那非)治疗ED的显著疗效和安全性,以及亚洲地区ED的治疗现状等。  相似文献   

以往的研究已经表明,勃起功能障碍(ED)不仅是男性健康问题,也是夫妻或伴侣问的人际关系问题。因此,ED治疗可能会对男性患者及其伴侣同时产生影响。  相似文献   

勃起功能障碍(ED)既影响患者也影响其女性伴侣对性生活的满意度,对ED的治疗,比如口服万艾可,能明显提高患者的满意度,而治疗是否也能提高女性伴侣对性生活的满意度呢?Cayan S等的研究对此作出了回答。研究者将87名妇女按她们的性伴侣是否有ED分为2组。男性ED患者中,30例分别行阴茎假体治疗(17例)或口服枸橼酸西地那非治疗(13例)。  相似文献   

虽然全球已发表了许多有关西地那非(万艾可()治疗满意度方面的文章,但涉及女性伴侣性生活满意度的资料却很少。为此,国外学者Ichikawa T等进行了一项旨在了解男性勃起功能障碍(ED)患者口服西地那非治疗后,其女性性伴侣的满意度调查。共有98例男性ED患者的女性伴侣完成了有关治疗效果、性满意度和生活质量变化的调查表。调查结果表明:90%女性伴侣认为治疗有效;60%认为生活质量改善。大多数(66.7%)女性伴侣对西地那非治疗满意,仅20%不满意。只有20%女性伴侣担心是否有不良反应。由此提示,男性ED患者的女性性伴侣对口服西地那非具有相对较…  相似文献   

治疗满意度量表(TSS)是为评估男性勃起功能障碍(ED)患者及其性伴侣对ED治疗的满意度而制订的一个新量表。该自我报告式的调查问卷由四大部分组成:未治疗期的患者,治疗期的患者,未治疗期患者的性伴侣,以及治疗期患者的性伴侣。对以下6个方面进行评估:自信心、勃起的容易度、对勃起功能的满意度、性快感、对性高潮的满意度以及治疗满意度。TSS量表已经过多国有效性检验和心理学测验,被证明能可靠评价患者及其伴侣对ED治疗的满意度。在最近完成的一项双盲、多中心、平行组、灵活剂量的临床试验中,应用这个新的TSS量表比较了ED患者及其伴侣对伐地那非和安慰剂治疗的满意度。结果发现,伐地那非能显着改善勃起功能以及ED患者和伴侣的自信心、感知到的勃起容易度、性快感、对勃起功能、高潮和药物治疗的满意度。  相似文献   

5型磷酸二酯酶(phosphodiesterase type 5,PDE5)抑制剂———西地那非、他达拉非和伐地那非是治疗勃起功能障碍(erectile dysfunction,ED)的一线药物。给予患者尝试所有三种药物的机会可以大大提高患者的治疗依从性,同时大多数患者会偏好使用其中一种药物。ED患者普遍偏好使用他达拉非,而且不受ED病情、病因、给药顺序、患者年龄以及剂量的影响。女性伴侣与ED患者的药物选择偏好基本一致,并影响男性伴侣的药物选择。他达拉非起效时间长达36 h,患者可以在较为自由的治疗时间窗内达到勃起,无需刻意安排服药与性活动尝试,性活动时压力明显下降,有助于改善患者的心理状态以及与伴侣的关系。女性伴侣感到回归轻松、自然的性活动,性生活质量得到了整体改善。临床医师开具PDE5抑制剂处方时应考虑患者及其伴侣的药物选择偏好。  相似文献   

在勃起功能障碍(ED)治疗中,伴侣满意度对治疗的持续性具有重要影响。为综合分析西地那非治疗ED后患者伴侣对总体治疗满意度和有效性的反应,Montorsi F等组织进行了14项双盲、安慰剂对照研究。在这14项利用西地那非治疗ED的研究中,每位伴侣主要通过国际勃起功能评分(IIEF)中改进后、的分别评价勃起频率,维持勃起的能力和性交满意度的3个问题,评价男方的勃起功能和自己的性交满意度。在其中6项研究中,伴侣对西地那非的治疗满  相似文献   

男性透析患者中,常会发生勃起功能障碍(ED),为评估枸橼酸西地那非对此类ED患者的临床有效性,Chen J等人进行了一项相关研究。共35位行透析并伴有各种病因所致ED的男性患者(平均年龄60.7岁)服用西地那非25mg到100mg至少6个月。用国际勃起功能评分问卷(IIEF)、整体性评估问题、伴侣满意问题来评估西地那非的有效性,并记录治疗期间发生的任何不良反应。结果显示,根据国际勃起功能评分问卷和整体性评估问题的结果,治疗的有效性为80%(28/35)。伴侣满意度与IIEF  相似文献   

勃起功能障碍(ED)被公认为是一种极具代表性的心身疾病。社会心理因素在ED的发病过程中起到了关键性作用。ED对患者及其伴侣的社会心理健康以及人际关系也会产生重大影响。治疗上既包括性心理治疗,又需要适当的药物等治疗,"心身同治"是其治疗的核心。而随着健康医学模式的发展,ED的治疗目标也随之发生了巨大变革,不再单单追求阴茎勃起的硬度和维持时间,更为注重重建患者和伴侣之间自然和睦的性生活以及亲密无间的伴侣关系。新型5型磷酸二酯酶抑制剂他达拉非可有效提高各种病因和程度的ED患者勃起功能,同时明显降低患者的性时间顾虑,并很好地满足了患者及其伴侣的治疗预期,使患者及其伴侣回归正常、自然的性生活,给患者和伴侣带来巨大的社会心理收益。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Data on female partners' satisfaction are scarce, although there have been many articles on patient satisfaction after sildenafil citrate treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the satisfaction of female partners of patients receiving sildenafil citrate for their erectile dysfunction (ED) and to assess the female partners' sexual function. METHODS: Ninety-eight patients with ED were treated. Their female partners were asked to answer a questionnaire we have prepared to evaluate the efficacy of treatment, sexual satisfaction and changes in quality of life. It also included a question about female sexual function. From the results, the relationship between their female partner's satisfaction and efficacy of treatment, as well as female sexual function, were assessed. RESULTS: Thirty (31%) questionnaires were returned to us for analysis. Effectiveness of the treatment was acknowledged by 90% of the partners. An improvement in their partner's quality of life was noticed by 60% of the women. The majority (66.7%) of the female partners were satisfied with sildenafil citrate treatment and 20% were disappointed. Moreover, 20% of the female partners were concerned about adverse events. Regarding female sexual function, some form of sexual dysfunction affected 46.7% of the women. Furthermore, a significant number (P = 0.0230) of the female partners disappointed with the treatment had some kind of sexual dysfunction. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicated that female partners reported relatively high levels of treatment satisfaction. Female partners' sexual function and anxiety regarding adverse events should be evaluated when their satisfaction with sildenafil citrate treatment is poor despite an improvement of erectile function.  相似文献   

目的:探讨ED性治疗的临床应用。方法:在男科门诊用性治疗的方法对ED患者及伴侣进行治疗。参加性治疗的ED患者及伴侣共11对,其中2例患者伴有射精障碍,2例患者伴有性欲减退,1例患者的伴侣患有阴道痉挛。治疗前后通过访谈对患者和伴侣的性关系和整体关系进行评估,用IIEF对患者的性功能包括勃起功能(EF)、性高潮(OF)、性欲(SD)、性交满意度(IS)、总体满意度(OS)进行评估,并在治疗过程中通过观察和访谈分析性治疗存在的问题。结果:11对病例中,有5对病例完成性治疗全过程,1对由治疗师中止治疗,5对中途先后退出。5对完成治疗的病例,患者与伴侣的性关系比治疗前更加满意。IIEF问卷结果除SD外,EF、OF、IS、OS都比治疗前有所提高,尤其是EF的提高最明显。结论:性治疗是有效的治疗ED的方法。性治疗不仅能够改善患者的ED、伴发的其他性功能障碍,以及伴侣的性功能障碍,还能改善患者与伴侣的整体关系。  相似文献   

张凯 《中华男科学杂志》2005,11(10):796-799
万艾可(枸橼酸西地那非)起效快,使患者达到和维持坚硬的勃起,已被证实为首选的勃起功能障碍(ED)治疗药物。近年来,有关万艾可疗效的研究越来越多地关注其对整体性生活的改善,即对患者心理因素的影响。通过应用心理学评价工具,如勃起功能障碍治疗满意度量表、自尊心和性关系问卷、勃起功能障碍心理影响评分等,研究发现万艾可显著改善以下心理性因素:ED患者及其伴侣对性交和性关系的满意度、患者的自信心和自尊心、与伴侣亲近和进行性交的欲望等。服用万艾可的ED患者性交尝试次数显著增加,健康相关的生活质量显著提高。因此,万艾可产生更好的勃起,进一步促进更好的性生活良性循环。  相似文献   

We evaluated 113 female partners of men with erectile dysfunction (ED) attending a sexual dysfunction clinic in order to define sexual dysfunction among these women. In all, 51 (45%) women denied having any sexual dysfunction. The other 62 (55%) responded to questions classifying their complaint(s) according to the international classification of female sexual dysfunction (FSD) in the following topics (40/62, 65%, reported having more than one problem): decreased sexual desire (n=35, 56%), sexual aversion (none), arousal (n=23, 37%) and orgasmic disorders (n=39, 63%), dyspareunia (n=19, 31%), vaginismus (n=3, 5%), and noncoital sexual pain (none). Many female partners of men with ED report having some form of sexual disorder, mostly orgasmic problems and decreased sexual desire. Therefore, for optimal outcome of ED treatment, evaluation and treatment of male and FSD should be addressed as one unit within the context of the couple, and be incorporated into one clinic of sexual medicine.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the influence of vardenafil on treatment satisfaction in men with erectile dysfunction (ED) and their female partners. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This was a pooled analysis of three randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 12-week studies of flexible-dose vardenafil vs placebo, in men with ED for >/=6 months (n = 788) and their untreated female partners. Measures of efficacy included the Treatment Satisfaction Scale (TSS), International Index of Erectile Function, Erectile Function domain (IIEF-EF), and Sexual Encounter Profile (SEP) questions 2 and 3 (SEP-2, 'Were you able to insert your penis into your partner's vagina?'; and SEP-3, 'Did your erection last long enough for you to have sexual intercourse?'). In addition to the overall analysis, there was a subgroup analysis for potential moderators of response, e.g. whether patients who had undergone previous phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE-5) treatment. RESULTS: At baseline, least-squares (LS) mean scores for all TSS domains were similar in the vardenafil and placebo groups. After 12 weeks of treatment, vardenafil significantly improved the LS mean score for all domains compared with placebo, among both patients and their female partners (P < 0.0001, 'last'-observation-carried- forward analysis). Absolute between- group differences in LS mean TSS scores (vardenafil - placebo) were: ease of erection (patients 23.4, partners 24.9), erectile function satisfaction (36.7 and 32.9), pleasure from sexual activity (23.0, 23.7), satisfaction with orgasm (27.6, 21.8), confidence to complete sexual activity (28.2, 32.5), and satisfaction with medication (37.4, 35.6). The benefits of vardenafil were greater in men who had undergone previous PDE-5-inhibitor treatment and men aged <45 years, while the overall pattern of benefit was similar in all examined subgroups. There were significant benefits with vardenafil in all other variables (IIEF-EF scores and positive response rates to SEP-2 and SEP-3). CONCLUSIONS: Vardenafil significantly improved treatment satisfaction in men with ED, and in their partners. The results provide further evidence of the validity of the TSS.  相似文献   

Using the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) for investigating female sexual function has become widespread. A score of 26.5 has been suggested as delineating 'functional' from 'dysfunctional' women. This study aimed to understand in greater detail what contributes to changes in women's FSFI scores while their partners are taking oral erectile medications for erection problems. Couples randomized to receive two erectile medications for two 3-month phases, completed questionnaires. FSFI scores were augmented by individual interviews at baseline, 3 and 6 months, in order to better understand what the scores meant in the context of ED medication use. In all, 50% of the women scored <26.5 at baseline; of these 56% recovered by 6 months. A number of 'dysfunctional' women recorded low FSFI scores solely as a result of their partner's ED. Overall, 22% were still 'dysfunctional' at 6 months, but one third of these appeared 'functional' at 3 months. A further group of women continued to record low scores despite reporting much improved sexual satisfaction. The women's interviews elaborate on their FSFI results, with five themes emerging to provide more clarity about the relative changes seen in a prospective study situation, and potentially in clinical practise contexts. The increasing use of questionnaires to determine sexual function should be supplemented with good clinical interviewing. The interview details explain how FSFI fluctuations occurred and contain clinical implications for research and practise in the area of couple's sexuality.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of female sexual dysfunction (FSD), urinary symptoms, and depressive symptoms in female partners of men presenting with erectile dysfunction (ED). A multi-component questionnaire was administered to female partners of men with erectile dysfunction presenting to a urology center. It contained a standardized sexual function component (the Brief Index of Sexual Function for Women), a depression scale (Centers for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression, CES-D), a demographics questionnaire and a general medical questionnaire. A total of 73 consecutive female partners of male patients presenting with ED, were surveyed using the questionnaire at their counterpart’s visit. Fifty-two women responded, of whom 50 filled out the questionnaire adequately for proper evaluation. This indicated a response rate of 68% (50/73). The mean age was 44.8 years (range 20.0–83.0). Thirty-eight of the 50 women (76%) reported being sexually active. A variety of sexual behaviors were reported including 40% (20/50) of women engaging in vaginal intercourse. Sexual dysfunction symptoms included: anxiety/inhibition (26%), hypoactive desire (20%), arousal/lubrication difficulty (30%), orgasmic difficulty (24%), dyspareunia (18%), incontinence during intercourse (8%), and sexual dissatisfaction (34%). Eight women (16%) reported difficulty communicating sexual issues with their partners. Forty-one women (82%) rated sexual activity as an important part of their lives. Urinary symptoms of frequency and urgency were reported by 18/50 (36%). Depressive symptoms were present in 22/50 (44%). FSD disorders, urinary symptoms and depressive symptoms are common in partners of men with erectile dysfunction.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the early development of a pluri-language self-report questionnaire to assess male patients and their female partners' satisfaction with drug treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED). METHODS: This first development phase proceeded in several parts. Item generation followed literature review, hypothesized characteristics of the drug and in-depth interviews with patients and their partners. Perceptions and feelings related to ED and patients' expectations of treatment were explored. Items were generated simultaneously in 5 languages (American English, Canadian French, English, French and German). Content and face validity were empirically assessed by interviews with a few patients and partners in each country. Conceptual equivalence between languages was ascertained. RESULTS: The final content domains included satisfaction with: sexual spontaneity, quality of erection, quality of ejaculation, sexual pleasure, orgasm, confidence, reliability of treatment, side effects, convenience, overall satisfaction, conformity to treatment expectations and intent to continue use of drug. Cognitive debriefing with patients and partners found few issues with comprehension, however some words were considered problematic. The simultaneous development for the different languages allowed adaptation of the content at this stage and ensured consistency of all language versions. The final questionnaire consisted of 4 modules: unmedicated patient, medicated patient, unmedicated partner, and medicated partner modules. The questionnaire was then linguistically validated into 15 additional languages for further psychometric validation. CONCLUSIONS: The Treatment Satisfaction Scale (TSS) is a multi-facetted measure of patients' and partners' satisfaction with their sexual life relating to erectile dysfunction and intended for prospective use. Its simultaneous development for a variety of countries and languages has fostered true item equivalence across language versions. However, further work is needed to validate the TSS psychometrically, including identification of domains, test responsiveness and determination of appropriate scoring prior to its clinical use.  相似文献   

他达拉非独特的时间顾虑收益   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
社会心理因素在勃起功能障碍(ED)的发病过程中占到了十分重要的地位。一种理想的治疗药物应能给患者及其伴侣带来满意的社会心理收益。"心理与人际关系量表"(PAIRS量表)既能评价ED对患者及其伴侣的心理及人际关系影响,又能预测ED患者对治疗的满意度。利用PAIRS量表对5型磷酸二酯酶(phosphodies-terasetype5,PDE5)抑制剂治疗ED的疗效进行评估,发现在降低ED患者性活动相关性时间顾虑方面,他达拉非明显优于西地那非和伐地那非。这也正是ED患者及其伴侣在临床治疗条件下偏好使用他达拉非的深层原因。与此相关的药物属性则是他达拉非长达36h的卓越疗效。  相似文献   

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