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在解剖一具成年男性尸体标本时发现其有右双肾动静脉、左双睾丸静脉、右睾丸动脉起于右下肾动脉、右睾丸静脉汇入右下肾静脉、左副肾动脉及下腔静脉受压扩张等多种变异(图1),此多变异共存现象少见,现报道如下:  相似文献   

<正>在解剖一具成年男子尸体时,发现其双侧均出现两支睾丸动脉,且伴有双侧肾上腺动脉变异(图1),此类变异少有报道。详细变异描述如下:在该标本右侧,于腹主动脉发出右肾动脉的上夹角处发出第一支睾丸动脉,行于下腔静脉后方,而后勾绕右肾静脉,与右睾丸静脉伴行;在近第一支睾丸动脉起点处又发出右肾上腺中动脉。在距离右肾动脉起点下方36.9mm,于腹主动脉右前方发出第二支睾丸动脉,行于下腔静脉前方,后与右睾丸  相似文献   

据谭允西等 1 0 0具尸体右睾丸静脉的观察统计 ,1条者 99例 ,2条者 1例 ,在 99例 1条者中 ,注入下腔静脉者 83例 ,注入右肾静脉者 1 5例 ,注入右肾静脉与下腔静脉汇合角处 1例 ;1例 2条者皆注入下腔静脉。作者在解剖 1具中年男性尸体时发现其右睾丸静脉分叉变异 ,现报道如下 :该例标本右睾丸静脉形成后经回肠末段、十二指肠水平部后方 ,沿腰大肌的前方伴右睾丸动脉上行 ,在第 3腰椎平面以锐角分叉为 2支 ,1支斜向左上注入下腔静脉 ,其起始处压扁外径 5 3mm ,长 0 85cm ,1支继续上行在右肾静脉下方注入右肾静脉 ,其起始处压扁外径 3 0mm ,…  相似文献   

<正>本文作者在局解实验中解剖1老年男性标本时,发现其左右肾动静脉、左睾丸动脉等处同时存在变异,现报道如下:右肾为双肾动脉注入(见图1A)。右肾动脉前支长5.82cm,起始部位外径3.34mm,在距其起始点3.89cm和4.78cm处分别发出右睾丸动脉和右肾上极动脉,外径分别为1.02 mm和3.01 mm,右肾上极动脉长度为3.48cm,至右肾上端入肾。右肾动脉后支长5.68cm,外径6.88mm。  相似文献   

<正>笔者在解剖1具成年男性尸体标本时,发现右侧睾丸血管和肾上腺血管等多处变异,现报道如下。该例标本有双条睾丸动脉,并有伴行静脉。第1支睾丸动脉在右肾动脉起始处上方0.5 cm处起自腹主动脉前壁,于下腔静脉后方右行进入脂肪囊内,越过右肾前面中上部,至肾右缘后分出上、下2支:上支进入右肾上腺,成为该腺体的动脉之一;下  相似文献   

<正>在解剖1成年男尸时,见其右肾3支副肾动脉变[1]异,该变异率为1.66%,右肾动脉早发分支合并右睾丸静脉注入右肾静脉。为积累国人解剖学资料,现报道如下:右肾动脉:自腹主动脉右侧壁发出,起始外径为5.26mm。距右肾动脉起始处16.36发出早发分支(由肾动脉发出并与肾动脉根部的距离不超过20.00mm的细小肾动脉分支)[2]为右肾动脉后支,经右肾静脉后方进入肾门,该支起始外径为2.76mm,右肾动脉前支起始外径为3.84mm。3支右副肾动脉:在距右肾动脉起始处12.68mm发出1副肾动脉,斜向外下越过右肾静脉前方,距右  相似文献   

右肾动脉、睾丸动脉及肾上腺下动脉变异1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者在解剖一具成年男性尸体时,发现其右肾动脉、右睾丸动脉及右肾上腺下动脉变异.经查文献资料,此种变异的报道很少,现报道如下:  相似文献   

睾丸动脉支数的变化,通常有左1右2(8.4%)和左2右1(4.5%),但鲜见左2右2的报道.作者在制作动脉标本时,在成年男性尸体上,见左、右侧睾丸动脉均有2支(左2右2),分别起自肾动脉、主动脉腹部、根据起始,将起自肾动脉的称为上睾丸动脉(变异的睾丸动脉);起自主动脉腹部的称为下睾丸动脉.1.上睾丸动脉 左上睾丸动脉起自左肾动脉干,外径1.0mm,在同名静脉的内侧于腰大肌前面下行、至第四腰椎高度,与下睾丸动脉一起、下行经腹股沟管至睾丸.右上睾丸动脉发自右肾动脉前干,外径1.2mm,在同名静脉的外侧、腰大肌前面下行至第五腰椎处,与同侧下睾丸动脉一起到达睾丸.2.下睾丸动脉左、右侧均在第三腰椎处,肠系膜下动脉下方12mm、主动脉腹部分叉处上方45mm处发自主动脉腹部的前外侧壁,左下睾丸动脉外径1.1mm,右下睾丸动脉外径1.0mm.同时,本例还发现左肾上端平第十二胸椎,下端至第三腰椎,位置低于右肾.左肾动脉在右肾动脉起点下方10mm处发自主动脉腹部的左壁.从动脉起始部位看,左肾位置低于右肾并非后天肾脏位置下移所致  相似文献   

在解剖一成年男尸时发现:右侧睾丸动脉起始于右肾动脉,右侧睾丸静脉汇入右肾静脉。具体报道如下:右侧睾丸动脉(长度:45cm,直径:0.10cm)在其距肾动脉起始3.1cm处以锐角起自于肾动脉,经腰大肌和输尿管前面外下行进入右腹股沟管至右侧睾丸。观察左侧睾丸动脉及静脉,其起始及走行未  相似文献   

陶伟  周望  张珀  张家玉 《解剖学杂志》2019,42(3):334-334
<正>笔者在解剖1老年男性尸体时发现右肾2支肾动脉和2支肾静脉,其中上支肾动脉自腹主动脉发出后经右膈脚肌腱之间穿过,而下支肾动脉发出右睾丸动脉,此种变异罕见,现报道如下:右肾上支动脉为腹主动脉在发出肠系膜上动脉水平自腹主动脉右侧壁发出,其起始处外径5.2 mm,,穿右膈脚肌腱  相似文献   

Intersection patterns of human coronary veins and arteries   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Intersections between the coronary veins (CV) and arteries (CA) of 103 adult human hearts were mapped on the heart surface. Then the correlations of these intersection patterns to their localization were studied. Eight spots were selected where one of four major CV (anterior cardiac vein, middle cardiac vein, left posterior ventricular vein, and great cardiac vein) intersected with one of CA and their branches (right coronary artery, posterior interventricular branch, left posterior ventricular branch, circumflex branch, diagonal branch, and anterior interventricular branch). The great cardiac vein (GCV) ran beneath the anterior interventricular branch in 56 specimens out of 103, beneath the diagonal branch in 75 specimens out of 103, and beneath the circumflex branch in 36 specimens out of 103, while the other CV mostly ran over CA. The present observations suggest that the CV on the right side may be formed prior to CA, while the CV on the left side may be formed simultaneously with CA.  相似文献   

How do veins talk to arteries?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

In order to compare neuro-effector function in different blood vessels, frequency-response relationships were determined for the following preparations: 1)Isolated rings of the proximal saphenous, distal saphenous and ear arteries, the parietal branch of the internal iliac vein and the small saphenous vein from the rabbit, 2) spiral strips of the rabbit pulmonary artery and 3) longitudinal preparations of the rat portal vein. In each rabbit tissue only one low (less than or equal to 4 Hz) and one high (larger than or equal to 8 Hz) transmural nerve stimulation frequency was applied until steady state responses were obtained and these were expressed as a percentage of a maximum response to exogenous noradrenaline (NA) applied in each experiment. The general shape of the frequency-response curves was similar, but differences in steepness and amplitude of the maximum neurogenic response relative to exogenous NA were found. The steepness of the frequency-response relationships of the veins tended to be greater than those of the arteries. It appears that factors such as close neuro-muscular contacts, presence of terminal nerve fibres within the media and the operation of mechanisms for myogenic propagation of activity contribute to the effectiveness of neurogenic vascular control as revealed by frequency-response curves. In vivo, geometrical factors can greatly augment the hemodynamic significance of the observed differences.  相似文献   

Adrenergic mechanisms in canine intralobar pulmonary arteries and veins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The responses of canine intralobar pulmonary arteries (IPA) and veins (IPV) to transmural nerve stimulation (TNS), and exogenously administered norepinephrine (NE) were studied to evaluate the alpha-adrenergic neuroeffector system in the canine pulmonary vasculature. IPA and IPV elicited contractions in response to both NE (10(-10) to 10(-5) M) and TNS (0.5-32 Hz, 2 ms duration and delay). The equilibrium (steady state) contractile responses of IPA and IPV to TNS were abolished with the adrenergic neuronal blocking agents guanethidine and bretylium and the depolarization blocking agent tetrodotoxin in concentrations which did not affect the responses to NE or KCl. The contractile responses of IPA and IPV to TNS and NE were reduced in a concentration-dependent way, by the alpha-adrenergic receptor-blocking agents phentolamine, tolazoline and clonidine. The contractile responses of IPA and IPV to TNS and NE were enhanced after inhibition of neuronal reuptake of NE (uptake1) with cocaine, as well as after blockade of extraneuronal reuptake of NE (uptake2) with hydrocortisone. Analysis of the equilibrium responses of the IPA and IPV to TNS and NE with an Arunlakshana-Schild plot to define the concentration of alpha 1-receptor antagonists necessary to double the ED50 for TNS and NE (defined as the pA2), demonstrated that the postsynaptic alpha-receptors of IPV differed from that of IPA. These data support the conclusions that IPA and IPV 1) contain a functional adrenergic innervation and neuroeffector system, 2) contract in response to both TNS and NE, 3) demonstrate the presence of mechanisms for both uptake1 and uptake2 of NE, and 4) IPV contain postsynaptic alpha-receptors that may differ from each other.  相似文献   

Evidence for the development of the cardiac myxoma from organizing thrombi has been presented previously. In this study, many of the features of the myxoma were observed in organizing thrombi in arteries and veins. Individual undifferentiated mesenchymal cells, cords of similar cells, vascular bud-like cellular aggregates, fibroblasts, well-formed vessels, and multiwalled vessels set within a loose, mucoid ground substance were present in the thrombi. These areas resembled the basilar layer of the cardiac myxoma. Cartilage-like cells, like those in the superficial zone of myxomas, were noted in some thrombi, and ossification had occurred rarely. These observations support a thrombogenic origin of the myxoma. Local physical factors may provide the stimulus for varying differentiation of mesenchymal cells in both the peripheral thrombi and the myxoma.  相似文献   

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