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目的 探讨Stanford B型胸主动脉夹层动脉瘤(TAD)腔内隔绝术(EVE)后截瘫或轻瘫的综合防治措施。方法 回顾在1998年至2001年实施的116例TAD EVE。对于可能发生截瘫的高危患者,术后常规给予地塞米松。结果 包括接受脊髓动脉造影者在内,成功释放并固定移植物的115例中,均无截瘫或轻瘫发生。结论 EVE虽避免了长时间主动脉阻断,但仍可因封闭肋间动脉造成脊髓的严重缺血,包括选择性脊髓动脉造影、糖皮质激素在内的综合性预防措施能减小发生截瘫/轻瘫的危险,而选择适当长度的移植物是其关键。  相似文献   

目的:探讨主-髂-股动脉多发病变腔内治疗的策略、技巧及临床意义。方法本组8例主-髂-股动脉多发病变患者,术前均行CTA或MRA血管成像,肾动脉水平以下腹主动脉完全闭塞2例,腹主动脉远段闭塞4例,腹主动脉远段狭窄1例、膜性闭塞1例;病变累及髂总动脉12条,髂外动脉8条,股动脉1条,腘动脉2条;选择不同的路径,贯通、溶栓、球囊扩张、支架植入。结果术后8例患者腹主动脉全部开通,12条髂总动脉除3条未处理外9条全部贯通,髂外动脉均贯通,股动脉、腘动脉未处理。随访1~12个月,5例患者下肢缺血症状消失,2例明显改善;1例1年后又形成血栓闭塞,插管溶栓后恢复正常。结论血管腔内治疗主-髂-股动脉多发病变,对改善下肢缺血症状疗效显著,操作简便,并发症少,是安全有效的方法。  相似文献   

目的:讨论复合腹主动脉病变进行腔内隔绝术(EVE)的可行性。方法:1例腹主动脉并存真性、假性和夹层动脉瘤患者,经双侧股动脉切开、肱动脉切开引入贯穿导丝,利用导丝导向技术和牵张技术成功置入模块式支架-人造血管移植物,以隔绝瘤体。结果:腔内隔绝操作技术完全成功,3个瘤体同时被隔绝,未加用任何延伸移植,未出现内漏、移位等并发症,重建血流通畅。结论:本例为EVE扩大适应证提供了经验。  相似文献   

目的 建立经导管主动脉瓣置换的动物实验方法,确定主动脉窦部造影的最佳体位.方法 选用健康杂种犬10只,分别测量股动脉、髂总动脉、腹主动脉直径,穿刺置入12、14、16 F输送导管,经右颈动脉送入猪尾巴导管,行左心室造影,确定主动脉窦部造影最佳体位,并作影像分析.结果测得股动脉直径(3.14±0.39)mm,髂总动脉直径(3.65±0.45)mm,腹主动脉直径(5.07±0.63)mm.经腹主动脉可置入16 F输送导管,主动脉造影示左前斜位32°±5°、头足位10°±3°可清楚显示左右冠脉开口及主动脉窦部.结论 经腹主动脉可建立经导管主动脉瓣置换实验的血管径路,左前斜位32°±5°、头足位10°±3°可获得清晰的主动脉窦部影像.  相似文献   

腹主动脉瘤腔内隔绝术导入动脉相关并发症的认识和处理   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
目的:探讨腹主动脉瘤(AAA)腔内隔绝术(EVE)中导入动脉相关并发症的处理方法。方法:自1997年3月至2002年10月共对136例AAA实施了EVE,导入动脉主要相关并发症有导入动脉不良(包括动脉冗和扭曲、直径过细、局部狭窄或闭塞)、导入动脉阻控过久、导入动脉毁损或破裂等。针对不同情况采用了经髂动脉导入、导丝牵引技术、球囊扩张、主-单髂型移植物、不完全导入动脉阻断法、导入动脉修复重建等多种技术和处理方法。结果:41例导入动脉不良者均顺利完成手术;123例采用动脉不完全阻断法,未发生下肢缺血并发症;全组因导入动脉相关并发症死亡2例。结论:重视术前对导入动脉的评估,采用针对性的处理方法,有助于正确认识和克服导入动脉相关并发症带来的不利影响。  相似文献   

目的探讨腔内溶栓术及成形术治疗腹主动脉-双髂动脉闭塞的临床疗效及价值。方法对15例腹主动脉及双髂动脉完全闭塞患者,采用腔内溶栓及成形术等综合介入治疗。其中男13例,女2例;5例为肾动脉水平下腹主动脉闭塞,10例为腹主动脉末端及双髂动脉完全闭塞;血管闭塞长度14.1~33.5(19.61±6.24)cm。结果 15例患者均成功开通闭塞段血管。1例1周后发生左侧髂动脉急性栓塞;2例在半年内发生支架内闭塞;5例2年后再次出现跛行症状,给予对症治疗后症状改善。5例术中发生血管夹层,6例术中发生肢体远端血管栓塞,15例患者因留管溶栓均出现大小不等的穿刺点血肿,对症治疗后症状改善。结论利用多种介入方法对主-髂动脉长段闭塞病变进行综合治疗是一种治疗长段大血管闭塞的有效方法。对于腹主动脉及双髂动脉完全闭塞患者可优先考虑施行综合介入治疗。  相似文献   

主-髂-股动脉闭塞性病变介入治疗的技术探讨及疗效观察   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:29  
目的探讨主-髂-股动脉闭塞性病变介入治疗的技术要点。方法本组34例主-髂-股动脉闭塞的患者中,腹主动脉下段、双侧髂动脉完全闭塞8例,同时肾动脉受累3例;单侧髂动脉闭塞23例,其中病变累及股总动脉4例;单纯单侧股浅动脉长段闭塞3例。分别行闭塞段开通、经导管局部溶栓、血管腔内成形术(PTA)和内支架置人等多种介入方法综合治疗。结果除3例髂动脉闭塞未能开通外,8条腹主动脉,36条髂动脉,4条股总动脉和3条股浅动脉均得以开通,开通率为94%。共置入裸支架46枚,覆膜支架3枚。其中包括腹主动脉支架6枚,髂动脉支架34枚,股总动脉支架2枚、股浅动脉支架4枚和肾动脉支架3枚。在治疗成功的31例中,9例临床症状和体征得到缓解,21例明显改善,1例因长期慢性肾功能衰竭于术后第2天死亡;其中4例合并有并发症。术后平均随访21.5个月(2~53个月),除2例分别在术后2个月和14个月发生支架内再闭塞行二次介入治疗外,其余患者症状均无加重或复发。结论综合应用多种介入方法治疗主-髂-股动脉闭塞性病变是一项安全有效的治疗手段,可获得满意的临床效果。  相似文献   

目的 总结腹主动脉瘤腔内修复术(EVAR)围手术期处理的临床经验.方法 回顾分析22例腹主动脉瘤患者EVAR临床经过,通过术前对主要脏器功能进行评估和保护,CTA测量近远侧瘤颈长度、直径、角度和构型,瘤体与分支动脉的关系,最低肾动脉开口至腹主动脉分叉的距离,导入途径的直径、扭曲和钙化程度.根据CTA测量结果,选择覆膜支架和手术方式.术时采用局麻20例,中转全麻l例,1例通过髂总动脉重建导人途径采用硬膜外麻醉,1例合并Stanf.0rd A型主动脉夹层,术时采用全麻.在支架释放前准确定位最低肾动脉位置,至少保留一侧通畅的髂内动脉,若双侧需要覆盖,分期覆盖或髂内动脉重建.支架植入后复查造影,有无内漏.正确判断内漏类型并进行相应处理.支架近端Ⅰ内漏2例,球囊扩张1例,植入Cuff 1例;支架远端Ⅰ内漏1例,球囊扩张时,动脉破裂,行人工血管补片修补术;Ⅲ型内漏3例,球囊扩张后支架植入1例.1例合并Starford A型主动脉夹层先行胸主动脉腔内修复术,后行EVAR.术后7一10 d复查CTA,以后每年复查1次.结果 EVAR手术全获成功.主要并发症为单侧髂肢扭结继发血栓形成,Fogarty导管取栓并支架植人1例;腹壁切口裂开1例,清创缝合;无手术死亡,随访6个月~5年,患者均存活.结论 CTA图像质量高、测量准确,是EVAR术前评估和术后随访的金标准.EVAR是高危、高龄腹主动脉瘤患者有效的治疗方法.  相似文献   

目的:研究接力穿刺技术治疗无对侧股动脉入路的下肢动脉硬化闭塞症患者的有效性和安全性。 方法:选取2014年4月—2017年9月入住我院的22例无对侧股动脉入路的下肢动脉硬化闭塞症患者,22例中对侧股动脉植入覆膜支架5例,主髂动脉病变已行对吻支架6例,主髂动脉病变同时累及双侧股动脉3例,腹主动脉瘤腔内修复术后4例,对侧截肢术后4例,采用接力穿刺技术(先肱动脉入路完成患侧髂股动脉病变治疗,获得患侧股动脉安全穿刺区,然后接力顺行穿刺患侧股动脉完成股腘动脉、甚至膝下动脉病变的腔内治疗)进行一期血运重建,治疗其下肢动脉硬化闭塞症,总结手术成功率及并发症情况。 结果:手术成功率为100%,共植入103枚支架,平均4.7枚/人。所有缺血症状术后立即得到缓解,患肢踝肱指数(ABI)显著提高[(0.90±0.16)vs.(0.33±0.18),t=18.80,P<0.01)。随访2~36月(平均19.5个月),围手术期及随访期间无严重手术相关并发症,术后1年的一期通畅率为81.8%(18/22)。 结论:应用接力穿刺技术治疗无对侧股动脉入路、肱动脉入路腔内器械过短无法完成血运重建的下肢动脉硬化闭塞症是安全、有效的,可以作为首选治疗方法。  相似文献   

彩色多普勒超声诊断假性动脉瘤   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
假性动脉瘤主要由外伤、动脉硬化或医源性等因素所致。可发生于股动脉、动脉、腹主动脉、颈总动脉、肝动脉等。临床表现为进行性增大的搏动肿块。本文总结了 10例假性动脉瘤的超声表现 ,旨在评价彩色多普勒超声对该病的临床诊断价值。1 资料与方法1 1 一般资料 假性动脉瘤患者 10例 ,男 7例 ,女 3例 ,年龄 4~ 6 2岁 ,平均 30岁。其中股动脉假性动脉瘤 4例 ,动脉、尺动脉、腹主动脉、髂总动脉、降主动脉及肠系膜动脉假性动脉瘤各 1例。 4例患者有外伤史、2例有股动脉造影史 ,其余 4例无明确病因。 10例患者有 6例经手术或血管造影证…  相似文献   

Table-moving contrast-enhanced MR angiography (MRA) was performed in 14 cases of abdominal aortic aneurysm to evaluate its clinical usefulness. In all cases, aneurysms were clearly demonstrated and image quality was clinically acceptable. Findings of reconstructed MRA were highly consistent with those of DSA, and thrombosed areas were confirmed on source images. Main aortic branches including renal arteries, common iliac arteries, and internal and external iliac arteries were readily identified on reconstructed MRA and/or source images. Additional findings such as thoracic aortic aneurysm (n = 1), common iliac aneurysm (n = 6), external iliac aneurysm (n = 1), internal iliac aneurysm (n = 1), femoral arterial obstruction (n = 2), and femoral arterial stenosis (n = 4) were also detected. Although table-moving MRA may have disadvantages like reduced blood signal and limited spatial resolution compared with the conventional contrast-enhanced technique, the images that were obtained provided sufficient contrast and resolution for preoperative evaluation. Because abdominal aortic aneurysm is accompanied by various arterial abnormalities in many of the large arteries, table-moving MRA was considered a suitable technique for comprehensive assessment.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare helical CT-angiography (CTA) and two techniques of MR angiography (MRA) to conventional angiography in aorto-iliac occlusive disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The abdominal aorta and iliac arteries in 22 patients (4 for preoperative assessment of abdominal aortic aneurysm and 18 for peripheral vascular disease) were imaged using four techniques: digital subtraction angiography ("gold standard"), 2D TOF MR angiography, 3D Gd-enhanced MR angiography and helical CT angiography. Source (CTA and 2D TOF MRA) and MIPed images (after subtraction measures before and after gadolinium injection for 3D Gd-MRA) were reviewed. RESULTS: Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for the detection of significant (>50%) stenosis and occlusion of aorto-iliac arteries were respectively: 38%, 89%, 77% for 2D TOF MRA; 75%, 71%, 72% for 3D Gd-MRA and 95%, 90%, 92% for CTA. Excluding the internal iliac arteries, results were 54%, 96%, 88% for 2D TOF MRA; 96%, 80%, 83% for 3D Gd-MRA and 92%, 93%, 95% for CTA. CONCLUSION: 3D Gd-MRA, a technique with potential for further improvement, is superior to 2D TOF MRA for detecting significant stenosis and occlusion of aorto-iliac arteries. Results at Gd-MRA are nearly similar to those at CTA (after excluding internal iliac arteries). Results at Gd-MRA are not affected by calcified plaque.  相似文献   

The purpose was to evaluate the diagnostic results of different ultrasound techniques: color-coded Doppler (CCD), power Doppler (PD) and B-flow in the diagnosis of vascular dissection. Findings from 68 patients with arterial dissection proven either by vascular ultrasound (US) or by magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), computed tomographic angiography (CTA) or intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography (DSA) were reviewed in retrospect. The study compared results from three different modes of ultrasound, i.e., CCD, PD and B-flow, in dissections of the carotid artery (n=11), of the vertebral artery (n=9), of the abdominal aorta (n=13), of the iliac artery (n=12) and of the femoral artery (n=23). MRA, CTA and DSA were considered as reference standard. The sensitivity of CCD for detecting all dissections was 78%, 84% for the PD and 98% for B-flow. For carotid artery dissection, the sensitivity of CCD, PD and B-flow was 82, 91 and 98%, for the vertebral artery 67, 78 and 98%, for the abdominal aorta 85, 85 and 98%, for the iliac artery 67, 75 and 98%, for the femoral artery 83, 87 and 98%, respectively. Intima flaps, fissures of membranes and residual flow within the true and false lumen were better detected by B-flow than by CCD and PD. The lack of angle dependence of the US probe in B-flow made the examination procedure easier. In the cine mode of B-flow, the pulse synchronic movement of the membrane was more apparent than in any other imaging method. With B-flow, accuracy for the diagnosis of arterial dissection is improved compared to CCD and PD. Flow within the true and false lumen, low-echo thrombi, intramural hematoma and even movements of the dissection membrane are clearly distinguished.  相似文献   

目的 探讨磁共振血管造影(MRA)、CT血管造影(CTA)在诊断颈动脉狭窄及内膜切除术后随访中的价值。方法 11例22支颈动脉行MRA、CTA、CT仿真内窥镜(CTVE)、多普勒超声(DUS)检查。12支结果与DSA对照。3支颈动脉重度狭窄者行内膜切除术,MRA采用二维、三维时间飞越法。CTA经最大强度投影(MIP)及遮盖表现显示法(SSD)三维重建。应用导航功能行CTVE成像。结果 颈动脉轻度狭窄8支,中度狭窄3支,重度狭窄5支,闭塞1支,5支正常。12支颈动脉与DSA对照:CTA评估血管狭窄与DSA相符者11支,MRA与DSA相符者9支,DUS与DSA相符者7支。CTA、CTVE显示斑块、壁血栓6支,3支手术证实。术后MRA示狭窄解除,CTA示斑块消失。结论 MRA、DUS可用于颈动脉狭窄的筛选及术后随访。CTA评估血管狭窄程度与DSA、手术比较有较好的一致性,并能直接显示钙化斑块。  相似文献   

目的:探讨16层螺旋CT血管造影对下肢动脉狭窄及闭塞性病变的临床应用价值。方法对20例下肢动脉闭塞性疾病患者行16层螺旋CT血管造影(CTA),CTA重建采用最大密度投影(MIP)、容积再现技术(VR)、多平面重组(MPR)及曲面重建(CPR)。将下肢血管分成8段,每段血管的狭窄程度分为:正常、轻度狭窄、中度狭窄、重度狭窄、闭塞5个级别。结果20例患者共显示狭窄段72个,其中髂总动脉狭窄5段,髂外动脉狭窄8段,股动脉狭窄10段,动脉狭窄22段,胫前动脉狭窄11段,胫后动脉狭窄12段,腓动脉狭窄4段。结论16层螺旋CT是下肢动脉狭窄及闭塞性病变的可靠评估方法。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (CE MRA) and multislice computed tomographic angiography (MS CTA) in the follow-up of thoracic stent-graft placement. The CE MRA and MS CTA were performed following nitinol stent-graft treatment due to thoracic aneurysm (n=4), intramural bleeding (n=2) and type-B aortic dissection (n=5). Corresponding evaluation of arterial-phase imaging characteristics focused on the stent-graft morphology and leakage assessment. Stent-graft and aneurysm extensions were comparable between both techniques. Complete exclusion (aneurysm, n=4; dissection, n=2) was assessed with high confidence with CE MRA and MS CTA. Incomplete exclusion (intramural bleeding, n=2; dissection, n=3) was assigned to lower confidence scores on CE MRA compared with MS CTA. On CE MRA the stent-graft lumen demonstrated an inhomogeneous signal, the stent struts could not be assessed. The CE MRA can be used as alternative non-invasive imaging for follow-up of nitinol stent grafts. Arterial-phase leak assessment can be less evident in CE MRA compared with MS CTA studies; therefore, the use of late-phase imaging seems to be necessary. The diagnostic gap of stent-graft fracture evaluation using MRA may be filled with plain radiographs.  相似文献   

Extracranial arterial dissections are a recognised cause of stroke, particularly in young adults. Clinical diagnosis may be difficult, and the classical triad of symptoms is uncommon. Imaging plays a pivotal role in the diagnosis of extracranial arterial dissections, and this review provides a detailed discussion of the relative merits and limitations of currently available imaging modalities. Conventional arteriography has been the reference standard for demonstrating an intimal flap and double lumen, which are the hallmarks of a dissection, and for detecting complications such as stenosis, occlusion or pseudoaneurysm. Noninvasive vascular imaging methods, such as ultrasound (US), magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and computed tomography angiography (CTA) are increasingly replacing conventional angiography for the diagnosis of carotid and vertebral dissections. Ultrasound provides dynamic and "real-time" information regarding blood flow. Source data of MRA and CTA and additional cross-sectional images can provide direct visualisation of the mural haematoma and information about the vessel lumen. Anticoagulation to prevent strokes is the mainstay of medical treatment, but randomised trials to define the optimal treatment regime are lacking. Surgery has a limited role in management of dissections, but endovascular procedures are gaining importance for treatment of complications and if medical management fails.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare multi-detector row spiral computed tomographic (CT) angiography with digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in evaluation of the infrarenal aorta and lower-extremity arterial system. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease were evaluated with multi-detector row CT angiography and DSA. Arteries depicted at CT angiography and DSA were graded separately for degree of stenosis as 23 anatomic segments (infrarenal aorta, right and left common iliac artery, internal iliac artery, external iliac artery, common femoral artery, superficial femoral artery, deep femoral artery, popliteal artery, anterior tibial artery, tibioperoneal trunk, posterior tibial artery, and peroneal artery). Grades included the following: 1, normal patency; 2, moderate (< or =50%) stenosis; 3, focal severe (>50%) stenosis; 4, multiple severe stenoses; and 5, occlusion. Three readers independently interpreted the images, and statistical analysis was performed. The results of image interpretation were evaluated for strength of agreement by using Cohen kappa statistics. On the basis of consensus readings, sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy for detection of stenotic lesions were calculated, with findings at DSA used as the reference standard. RESULTS: Substantial to almost perfect interobserver agreement was achieved in all cases. At DSA, 349 diseased segments were found among the 1,137 segments evaluated. Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy, based on a consensus reading of multi-detector row CT angiograms, were 96%, 93%, and 94%, respectively. A statistically significant difference (P <.05) between DSA and multi-detector row CT angiography was present only in arteries graded 1 or 2. Interobserver agreement was almost perfect among the three readers for treatment recommendations based on findings at CT angiography and DSA. CONCLUSION: Multi-detector row CT angiography appears consistent and accurate in the assessment of patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the clinical utility of a contrast-enhanced, centric reordered, three-dimensional (3D) MR angiography (MRA) pulse sequence in imaging the abdominal aorta and renal and peripheral lower extremity arteries. Twenty-eight MRA studies were performed on 23 patients and four volunteers at 1.5 T using a 3D contrast-enhanced, centric reordered pulse sequence. In 20 patients, the abdominal aorta and renal arteries were imaged, and in seven patients, the lower extremity arteries were imaged. In 19 patients, a total of 51 renal vessels were evaluated (33 renal arteries using .1 mmol/kg of gadopentetate dimeglumine and 18 renal arteries using .2 mmol/kg of gadoteridol). A total of 70 peripheral arterial segments were assessed using .2 mmol/kg of gadoteridol. Correlation with conventional angiography was made for the following 14 cases: renal artery stenosis (four cases), abdominal aortic stenosis (one case), arteriovenous fistula in a transplant kidney (one case), renal arteriovenous malformation (one case), common iliac artery aneurysms (one case), and peripheral lower extremity (six cases). Of the 70 peripheral arterial segments evaluated, in 35, there was correlation with x-ray angiography. The mean percent of aortic signal enhancement was significantly higher in the .2 mmol/kg dose group (370.8 ± 190.3) than in the .1 mmol/kg dose group (184.5 ± 128.9) (P = .02). However, there was no apparent difference between the two doses for visualization of the renal and accessory renal arteries. There was concordance between the contrast-enhanced 3D MRA studies and conventional angiography in all cases of renal artery and peripheral arterial stenoses and occlusions, including visualization of reconstituted peripheral arterial segments. There was no evidence of spin dephasing effects at sites of stenoses on the 3D contrast-enhanced MRA studies. Contrast-enhanced, centric reordered, 3D MRA can rapidly image the abdominal aorta and renal and accessory renal arteries, as well as peripheral lower extremity arteries, with high resolution. Accurate depiction of the vascular lumen at sites of stenosis is made because of the lack of spin dephasing effects, even with hemody-namically significant stenoses. Additional larger clinical trials are required with this promising technique.  相似文献   

Introduction Cervical artery dissection is an important cause of ischemic stroke, particularly in young patients. The diagnosis can be made with invasive catheter angiography or non-invasive imaging, either with MRI in conjunction with MR angiography (MRA) or CT angiography (CTA). Both modalities have been shown to have a high specificity and sensitivity. New developments such as multi-slice CTA (MSCTA) are emerging as an alternative methods for imaging the cervical and intracranial arteries. However, the contribution of modern MSCTA to carotid artery dissection has not been reported.Methods We present a retrospective series of seven patients in whom both MSCTA and cervical axial T1 MRI and MRA were performed in the acute to subacute setting of internal carotid artery dissection.Results Carotid artery dissection was identified in all seven patients by MSCTA. The combination of MRI and MRA identified dissection in five of the seven patients. Additionally, a pseudoaneurysm was identified by MSCTA that was missed by MRI and MRA.Conclusion Our findings confirm that MSCTA is a complementary technique in comparison to cervical axial T1 MRI and cervical MRA for diagnosing carotid artery dissection, and at times may provide additional information that can impact patient management.  相似文献   

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