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Finger fillet flaps have been used to treat a variety of complex hand deformities providing stable soft tissue coverage and preventing pathologic contractures. Fillet flaps have not been reported in the coverage of segmental extensor tendon deficit in an adjacent digit. A 20-year-old man involved in a motor vehicle crash sustaining a 30% total body surface area burn, primarily to left arm and bilateral lower extremities. In particular, his left index finger extensor mechanism was disrupted with exposure of the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint. In addition, the middle finger had a segmental exposure of the extensor tendon. The nonfunctional index finger was sacrificed to provide coverage, via a forked fillet finger flap, of the exposed extensor tendon at the PIP and metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints. Total active motion of left fingers at 12 months consisted of the third digit 0 to 86 degrees at the MCP joint, 0 to 88 degrees at the PIP joint and 0 to 33 degrees at the distal interphalangeal joint. Gross grip strength improved to 26 lb at 1 year follow-up. Adequate soft tissue coverage of extensor tendons can be challenging in the traumatic hand. With this novel approach of a forked finger fillet flap we were able to provide adequate soft tissue coverage of exposed tendons and joints improving the patient's strength and active range of motion especially in the middle finger. Prevention of postburn boutonnière deformity was an additional benefit.  相似文献   

The hands and forearms are frequent sites of burn injury, and due to the high concentration of superficial tendons, bones, and joints, flaps are frequently needed to cover defects in these areas. We present a patient who suffered remote electrical injury to the right forearm which later developed into an open wound with exposed tendon. Successful coverage of this defect was accomplished with an islanded fasciocutaneous flap based on perforating arterial branches of the radial artery, which was harvested from an area of burn injury. Surgical treatment of hand and forearm wounds with axial pedicled flaps from areas of burn injury have been reported, but to our knowledge no reports describe the use of perforator flaps.  相似文献   

背景手指离断合并邻近部位皮肤软组织缺损常有发生.传统的处理方法常导致再植手指过短或伤指缺失,而且软组织缺损还要二期覆盖,因此治疗结果不尽理想.目的观察应用游离的前臂内侧静脉皮瓣修复手指离断合并软组织缺损,对其功能恢复的影响.设计以患者为研究对象,前后对照观察研究.单位一所大学医院骨科.对象选择2000-10/2004-05中山大学附属第三医院骨科收治的创伤性手指离断合并指背或手背软组织缺损的患者11例,男8例,女3例;年龄20~45岁.方法切取同侧前臂内侧静脉皮瓣,面积为1.5 cm×1.0 cm~5.0 cm×6.5 cm,根据缺损软组织性质原方向或倒置后覆盖软组织缺损处.皮瓣远近两端静脉和创面相应处动脉或静脉行端端吻合;一期行13个离断手指再植.供区创面根据缺损大小直接缝合或游离植皮覆盖.术后在专业人员指导下进行早期功能锻炼.主要观察指标①手指运动和感觉功能恢复情况.②术后皮瓣成活情况.结果移植的11例静脉皮瓣中9例完全存活,再植的13个手指中12个成活.7例1年随访时,再植的手指运动功能良好;修复皮瓣的感觉恢复不理想.结论游离的前臂内侧静脉皮瓣可以应用于伴有手指离断的指背、手背的软组织缺损修复重建.该皮瓣具有取材方便、厚薄适中、柔韧性好的优点.感觉恢复不良是其主要缺陷.  相似文献   

目的探讨应用指动脉远侧指间关节背侧支逆行岛状皮瓣修复手指指端缺损的方法和疗效。方法本院于2010年6月--2012年3月期间应用指动脉远侧指间关节背侧支逆行岛状皮瓣修复手指指端缺损并指骨外露患者16例,其中食指10例,中指4例,环指2例。皮瓣切取范围1.0cm×2.6cm--1.5cm×3.6cm。结果本组有5例患者皮瓣术后出现水疱,3例皮瓣淤血,2例皮瓣远端部分坏死,经换药后愈合,其余全部成活,且供区伤口皮瓣完全成活。平均随访6个月,静态2点辨别觉6--8mm,手指外观及功能均满意。结论该皮瓣操作简便,不损伤指固有动脉及神经,成功率高,是修复指端软组织缺损的一种有效治疗方法。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this current work is to develop a method of estimating force produced by the extrinsic and intrinsic hand muscles, and to estimate the contribution of these muscles to the finger joint moments. DESIGN: Experimental methods and a biomechanical model were developed for the estimation of (a) moments produced at finger joints, and (b) contribution of the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles to the moments, (c) forces of the extrinsic and intrinsic muscles within individual fingers. BACKGROUND: Because of the differential insertions of the extrinsic flexors, it is possible to isolate their mechanical effect at finger joints. METHODS: During the experiment, the location of force application was varied in parallel along individual fingers. The points of force application were on the distal phalanx, at the distal interphalangeal joint, or at the proximal interphalangeal joint. RESULTS: When the point of force application was varied in the proximal direction from the distal phalanx to the proximal interphalangeal joint the moment at a given joint decreased. The intrinsic and extrinsic muscle forces were dependent on the experimental conditions. The extrinsic muscles were the major contributors in counterbalancing finger joint moments when the point of force application was distal beyond the proximal interphalangeal joint. CONCLUSION: This current work provides both an experimental protocol and a biomechanical model that allows estimation of the contribution of the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles to finger joint moments. RELEVANCE: This study suggests ways of identifying the source of functional deficiency in the hand.  相似文献   

Several splints are being used, both dynamic and static, for the purpose of increasing finger flexion. The joints affected by the splint as well as the maximum degree of motion feasible vary with the splint design. This paper suggests a splint design for which the specific goal is maximum flexion of the distal and proximal interphalangeal joints (DIP and PIP) while maintaining metacarpophalangeal joint (MCP) flexion.  相似文献   

目的:评价指动脉皮瓣修复手指深度烧伤的临床效果。方法:手指深度烧伤伴肌腱及指骨外露患者32例共36指,应用带指动脉、神经蒂顺行岛状皮瓣推进术或指固有动脉逆行岛状皮瓣转移术(包含吻合指神经背侧支指动脉逆行岛状皮瓣转移术)治疗,分别于术后3、6、12个月运用美国手外科学会总主动活动度(TAM)系统评定标准和按英国医学研究会(BMRC)标准,对患者供瓣区及被修复手指的感觉、运动、外观以及生活和工作质量进行评价。结果:术后半个月36指皮瓣全部存活,所有伤指运动功能恢复良好,无明显关节活动受限;长度良好,色泽正常,外观不臃肿,指腹饱满,质地柔软;指固有动脉顺行岛状皮瓣及吻合指固有神经背侧支指动脉逆行岛状皮瓣感觉恢复好;日常生活不受影响且恢复了工作。29例32指获完整随访,其中行带指动脉、神经蒂顺行岛状皮瓣推进术9指的术后3、6、12个月的平均综合评定均为优;指固有动脉逆行岛状皮瓣转移术15指术后3、6、12个月的平均综合评定分别为良、良、优,吻合指神经背侧支指动脉逆行岛状皮瓣转移术8指术后3、6、12个月的平均综合评定分别为良、优、优。结论:该类术式简单,可一次完成,皮瓣外形佳,是目前较为理想的治疗方法,使手指保持良好的功能与形态,供区功能和外形也较好。  相似文献   

Anchor钉重建伸肌腱止点治疗锤状指   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨治疗锤状指的手术方法.方法 对12例锤状指的患者采用Anchor钉重建伸肌腱止点的手术方法治疗.结果 术后随访2~12个月,11例患者于术后6周左右复查X线片均未见骨锚松动、脱落;术后8周远侧指间关节活动自如.结论 使用Anchor钉重建伸肌腱止点治疗锤状指,具有操作简单、肌腱修复可靠、术后并发症少的优点,是一种值得推广的手术方法.  相似文献   

背景:指端皮肤和软组织缺损合并甲床部分缺失理想的治疗方法以术后尽可能地保留手指的长度、恢复指端外形及具有良好的感觉为目的,以往的治疗方法包括指骨缩短或皮瓣覆盖创面,各有不足之处.目的:比较不同治疗方法一期修复甲床缺损的效果,综合评价其功能恢复情况.方法:选择2002-12/2009-02在解放军第四五八医院整形外科就诊的40例51指甲床缺损就诊者.在骨膜存在条件下,当甲床缺损≥5 mm,但小于同指甲床面积的1/3者,采用同指中厚断层残留甲床移植;当甲床缺损在大于同指甲床面积的1/3者或合并两指甲床缺损时,采用第一、二足趾为供区:当末节指骨骨膜缺损时,甲床缺损面积在1/3~1/2范围内,采用有血供的断层甲床组织瓣局部转移.伤者术后随访,观察指甲形态和手指功能.结果与结论:经过1个月~2年随访,平均6个月.优良36例44指,即86.3%的病例获得良好的外形及对捏、持物功能.提示根据不同伤情采用对应甲床修复方法可达到一期修复甲床缺损的目的,恢复指甲形态和手指功能.  相似文献   

目的探讨临床应用腓肠神经营养血管蒂逆行岛状皮瓣修复下肢复杂性软组织缺损的方法及临床应用体会。方法 2007年~2010年对足踝部、跟部、胫前下1/3伴有骨、肌腱和钢板外露创面应用腓肠神经营养血管蒂逆行岛状皮瓣修复,术前常规行多普勒血流探测仪检查和下肢静脉造影,术中必要时将小隐静脉与浅静脉吻合。结果临床应用16例患者,其中14例应用该皮瓣修复,2例同时将小隐静脉与创面附近浅静脉吻合,皮瓣均一期愈合。结论腓肠神经营养血管逆行岛状皮瓣修复下肢复杂性软组织缺损创面手术简便,临床效果好。  相似文献   

Background. Primary reconstruction of flexor tendons lesions resulting from serious hand mutilations is not always possible. This causes problems in the rehabilitation of finger joints that are unable to perform active flexion. There is no generally accepted approach to such cases. The authors used a dynamic splinting regimen to treat fingers with unrepaired flexor tendons qualified for secondary reconstruction. Material and methods. Our research involved 39 patients treated in the Department Limb Replantation at St. Jadwiga's Hospital in Trzebnica, Poland, who had been referred for flexor tendon repair (from 1 to 3) in secondary reconstruction. The time from the primary operation ranged from 10 to 14 weeks. There were 27 men and 12 women, ranging in age from 19 to 60 years (ave. 39.5), divided into two groups. 24 patients (group I) had their fingers mobilized by dynamic splinting method, while in 14 patients (group II) no specific regimen of rehabilitation applied: the patients mobilized their fingers with their unimpaired hand. Results. The loss of total passive motion of finger joints was up to 75.65 degrees (~29%) greater in group II. Conclusions. The method applied is very effective in maintaining a wide range of passive motion in finger joints, which is essential for secondary flexor tendon reconstruction.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The mapping from muscle activation to joint torque production can be difficult to determine for the multi-articular muscles of the fingers. This relationship was examined in vivo as a function of posture in the index finger. METHODS: Five healthy adults participated in an experiment in which the seven muscles of the index finger were sequentially electrically stimulated using intramuscular electrodes. Each muscle was stimulated at 12 different finger postures consisting of specified flexion of the metacarpophalangeal, proximal interphalangeal, and distal interphalangeal joints, while fingertip forces and moments were recorded. FINDINGS: Repeated measures analysis of variance revealed that joint torques resulting from the stimulation were significantly dependent upon finger posture (p < 0.05). The magnitude of the change in joint torque across postures was generally greater than 60%. This value is much larger than the difference attributable to the increase in active muscle force that occurs at longer muscle length, in accordance with the force-length curve (10-20% for the estimated length changes). In addition, the relative distribution of the joint torques generated by a given muscle activation was dependent upon finger posture for the intrinsic muscles and the long finger flexors (p < 0.05); the ratio of one joint torque to another varied with posture for these muscles, in some cases by more than 50%. INTERPRETATION: Joint torque is a product of both muscle force and the corresponding moment arm. As the change in active muscle force was limited, these data suggest that substantial changes in muscle moment arms occur with posture. Therefore, this postural dependence should be considered when constructing biomechanical models of the hand or planning tendon transfers for the fingers.  相似文献   

目的 探讨左侧桡骨远端骨折后并发复杂区域性疼痛综合征(CRPS)患者的发生发展以及重复经颅磁刺激(rTMS)联合常规康复的疗效。方法 对1例患者采用rTMS联合常规康复治疗3周。采用视觉模拟评分(VAS)评价疼痛,测量手体积和手指周径测量评价水肿情况,并测量被动关节活动度,采用改良Barthel指数评价日常生活活动能力。结果 治疗前,患者VAS评分8分,左手容积330 ml,皮温36.8 ℃,左侧肘关节前屈、伸展,左前臂旋前、旋后,左侧腕关节屈曲、伸展、尺侧偏、桡侧偏,左手掌指关节(MCP),近段指间关节(PIP),远端指间关节(DIP)活动均受限,左侧手指周径明显大于右侧,改良Barthel指数85分。3周后,患者VAS疼痛评分2分,左手容积310 ml,皮温33.8 ℃,左侧肘关节,左侧腕关节及左侧MCP、PIP、DIP关节活动度均较前好转,改良Barthel指数100分。结论 采用rTMS联合常规康复治疗桡骨远端骨折后CRPS患者取得较好的疗效,患者左上肢关节活动度、水肿程度明显好转,日常生活活动能力提高。  相似文献   

目的探讨腹壁下动脉穿支(DIEP)皮瓣延迟带蒂转移修复前臂大面积软组织缺损的临床应用价值。 方法选择2012年1月至2018年1月在兰州手足外科医院就诊的前臂大面积软组织缺损患者9例,采用DIEP皮瓣延迟带蒂转移进行修复,分析其临床效果。患者年龄18~51岁,软组织缺损范围24.0 cm×8.0 cm~32.0 cm×8.5 cm。DIEP皮瓣以外侧穿支供血,供区直接缝合。皮瓣延迟的时间6~10 d;断蒂时间18~21 d。 结果1例发生小的皮缘裂开,术后2周自然愈合,皮瓣全部成活。术后随访2.0~4.5年,平均(3.8±1.4)年。供区切口愈合好,未发生腹壁切口疝,未见明显功能障碍;受区外形、功能均恢复较好,临床效果均满意。 结论DIEP皮瓣延迟带蒂转移修复前臂大面积软组织缺损安全、可靠,可降低对供区的损伤。  相似文献   

目的:总结5种不同穿支皮瓣急诊修复拇指皮肤软组织缺损并重建感觉的临床应用。方法:回顾性分析2010年4月-2013年6月根据对手部创伤评估、皮肤缺损大小、部位及术者手术熟练程度采用5种不同穿支皮瓣急诊修复拇指皮肤软组织缺损135例的l临床资料。结果:135例皮瓣全部成活,术后122例经3-24个月随访,皮瓣血运、质地、弹性良好,拇指对指、侧捏力近正常,手指末节指腹两点辨别觉4-9 mm,掌指关节、指间关节活动度45°-85°结论:根据对手部皮肤缺损大小、部位及供区条件,5种手术方法均适合拇指皮肤缺损的修复。  相似文献   

A prospective study was undertaken to compare the use of passive exercise with that of static wrapping to increase finger flexion range of motion in burn patients. Six patients (four males and two females) with combined full- and partial-thickness dorsal hand burns were randomized to receive either treatment. Results showed that metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint flexion improved an average of 7.46 degrees with passive exercise and 2.65 degrees with static wrapping. Proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint flexion improved an average of 9.68 degrees with static wrapping and 4.28 degrees with passive exercise. The percentages of improvement in the MCP joint with passive exercise and static wrapping were 8.53% and 2.92%, respectively. In the PIP joint, the respective percentages were 3.69% and 8.09%. All differences were statistically significant at a P value of less than .001. It was concluded that in the rehabilitation of hands and/or fingers with recently healed burns, manual passive exercise is significantly better than static wrapping for increasing MCP joint flexion, while static wrapping is more effective for increasing PIP joint flexion.  相似文献   

目的:介绍应用微型骨锚治疗陈旧性锤状指的临床疗效。方法:15例患者全部为闭合性损伤,受伤时间为3~6周。应用微型骨锚修复重建指伸肌腱终腱止点,辅以克氏针固定远侧指间关节(DIP)6周;肌腱修复采用褥式缝合方式。结果:术后15例均获得3~10个月的时间随访,平均6.4个月。手指屈曲畸形没有复发,治愈率100%。参照Dargan功能评定方法评定:优10例,良3例,可2例。优良率86.7%。1例出现远侧指间关节背侧轻微疼痛并发症,术后6月恢复。结论:采用微型骨锚治疗陈旧性锤状指疗效确切,操作简单,指根麻醉下即可进行手术,容易普及推广。  相似文献   

Full-thickness burn wounds to the tibia present a challenging coverage problem. If skin grafting fails, few local options exist, and free tissue transfer may be required for coverage. We report on the use of the tibialis anterior muscle flap to cover longitudinal tibial defects in five extremities in four patients. These patients sustained 80, 55, 40, and 11% total body surface area burns. Postoperatively, all five extremity wounds healed with full coverage of the tibia. Minimal deficits in ankle inversion and eversion resulted, but all patients are fully capable of walking and able to bear weight. We feel that the tibialis anterior muscle flap is a safe, reliable, technically simple alternative for coverage of the burned tibia.  相似文献   

Tissue-expanded radial forearm free flap in neck burn contracture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neck contracture after burn injury can result in severe functional as well as aesthetic deformities. Contracture can recur even after wide and complete release and full-thickness skin grafting. Recurrence is partly due to the inherent difficulties in both early postoperative immobilization and the required long-term splinting. When adjacent tissues are also burned, adequate local tissue for reconstruction may not be available; therefore, free-tissue transfer may be necessary. The large surface area that is required after adequate release may be provided by tissue expansion before free-tissue transfer. In the case presented the use of tissue-expanded radial forearm free flap for the reconstruction of a recurrent neck contracture is described.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:使用通用量角器测量远端指间关节活动度,探讨不同年龄和不同姿势对测量结果的影响。 方法:选取40名健康志愿者(20名年轻人和20名老年人),对其在四个姿势下(即姿势1近端指间关节屈曲并主动屈曲远端指间关节、姿势2近端指间关节屈曲并被动屈曲远端指间关节,姿势3近端指间关节伸直并主动屈曲远端指间关节,姿势4近端指间关节伸直并被动屈曲远端指间关节)分别进行远端指间关节活动度的测量。 结果:在同一年龄组,近端指间关节屈曲和伸直位可对远端指间关节的活动度产生明显的影响。即使保持近端指间关节在同一姿势,远端指间关节主动活动度和被动活动度值间差异具有显著性。另外,近端指间关节伸直位时远端指间关节主动屈曲的活动度明显小于近端指间关节屈曲位时远端指间关节被动屈曲的活动度。在同一姿势下,年轻人与老年人的远端指间关节活动度也存在显著性差异。 结论:不同年龄和不同姿势可明显影响远端指间关节活动度的测量结果。  相似文献   

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