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铬中毒的临床反应和实验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
铬是人体必需微量元素,但中毒对人体有很大危害。从急性全身毒性、免疫学反应、慢性毒性、致癌性、生殖异常及分析方法、人体浓度、辅助实验等方面对铬中毒的临床反应和实验研究作一阐述。  相似文献   

金属的致癌作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了金属对人和实验动物的致癌作用。重点介绍:根据流行病学研究确定的4种致癌性金属:砷、镉、铬、镍;对实验动物有致癌性的9种金属,(铍、镉、钴、铬、铁、镍、铅、钛和锌)化合物。金属对人的致癌性与职业、环境或医源性接触金属有关的人类恶性肿瘤的流行病学调查情况如下: [砷] 资料表明接触砷化合物可增加人类癌症发病的危险,例如吸入无机砷化合物的炼铜工人、金矿工人、农业工人(洗羊工人、酿  相似文献   

铬及其化合物的遗传毒性研究进展   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
铬及其化合物的遗传毒性研究进展哈尔滨医科大学公共卫生学院张忠义,刚葆琪综述近几十年来,已有研究表明,铬及其化合物对人和动物具有致癌性[1,2]。本文仅就铬及其化合物的遗传毒性研究进展做一综述。一、铬及其化合物的类型[3,4]到目前为止,用通常的遗传毒...  相似文献   

β-熊果苷和氢醌的安全性日益受到人们的关注。笔者对β-熊果苷和氢醌的安全性评价研究,包括急性毒性、皮肤(眼)刺激性、皮肤致敏性、致突变性(遗传毒性)、生殖发育毒性、慢性毒性(致癌性)、人群流行病学研究以及世界主要国家对β-熊果苷和氢醌的化妆品法规管理现状进行了论述。  相似文献   

铬(Cr)遍布于自然界,在水体和大气中均含有微量的铬。铬是人体必需的微量元素,有多种价态,其中仅三价铬与六价铬具有生物意义。若大量的铬污染环境,则危害人体健康。铬中毒主要是由于饮用被含铬工业废水污染的水,导致腹部不适及腹泻等中毒症状;铬为皮肤变态反应原,引起过敏性皮炎或湿疹,湿疹的特征多呈小块,以亚急表现为主,呈红斑、浸润、渗出、脱屑、病程长,久而不愈;由呼吸进入,对呼吸道有刺激和腐蚀作用。铬还是致癌因子,动物实验证明,铬酸铅、铬酸锌、重铬酸钠等有致癌性。在一些工业发达国家,经流行病等调查证实,用铬矿石生产重铬酸盐…  相似文献   

自从把致癌性列入许多化学物质的毒性实验项目以来,金属的致癌性研究逐渐增多。对金属加工工业的长期流行病学调查也证明了金属的致癌性。表1是直到目前为止的金属致癌实验报告的总结。从表1可以看出,无论从实验研究还是从工业生产的流行病学调查来看,镍是致癌性很强的金属,特别是羰基镍,吸入时能引起鼻癌和肺癌。实验证明羰基镍抑制苯并芘羟化酶,或抑制该酶的诱导,使苯并芘的致癌性长期持续地起作用。目前只看到由吸入引起的癌症。已知铬可引起工人肺癌。铬酸盐的烟和雾最危险。经口投与是否致癌尚不明了。铍可致肺肉芽肿,虽然也有受检工人和附近  相似文献   

目的评价昆山市生活饮用水致癌性金属污染物的暴露水平及人群致癌性风险。方法收集2010—2015年间昆山市末梢水和出厂水中铬(六价)、砷、镉3种致癌性金属元素的监测数据,按照美国环保局饮用水途经暴露健康风险评价模型对其致癌性健康风险进行评价。结果 2010—2015年间共监测出厂水32份,末梢水252份,3种金属监测结果均符合《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB5749-2006)的限值要求。铬(六价)、砷、镉在出厂水和末梢水中总致癌风险(R总)分别为71.94×10~(-6)/年和53.98×10~(-6)/年,以六价铬的危害最大,风险排序均为R_(六价铬)R_砷R_镉。结论昆山市饮用水中3种金属污染物的总体致癌性风险处于美国EPA认定的可接受风险水平(1×10-6~1×10~(-4)/年)之间,但依然有潜在的风险。  相似文献   

一、铬众所周知,无论是流行病学还是实验医学都证实6价铬具有致癌性。其病例多见于从事铬酸盐、铬色素或铬电镀作业工人。关于这些肺癌病例的原发部位和组织型,国内外都有许多报导,但如发生在大支气管时,则以扁平上皮癌的比率高,且多数以Baetjer的结果为标准。  相似文献   

本文对同时接触硒和致癌性混合气体的76例死亡炼铜工人进行了肺组织硒浓度、以及肺组织锑、砷、镉、铬、钴、镧、铅浓度的测定,探讨肺硒浓度与肺癌的关系以及硒对接触上述致癌性混合气体工人的保护作用。作者收集了1975年4月以后相继死亡的76例男性炼铜工人的肺组织标本。对照标本中15例为来自离冶炼厂50 km的农村死亡者,10例为来自离冶炼厂800 km的斯德哥尔摩城市的死亡者。冶炼工人与对照组间进行了年龄配对。根据临床及尸解诊断设两个观察组:1组:  相似文献   

[野村茂等:化合物健康障害 関检讨结果报告书,1984,103(日文)] 铬及其化合物的动物实验直到1940年代尚不多见,从1955年Hueper的实验起才算正式开展起来。至今已对23种单一物质及混合物或2~4种组合物进行了实验。主要查找对给药部位致癌性,也观察给药部位以外器官组织的致癌性,及与其他致癌物并用的相互作用。实验的主要结果如下:  相似文献   

Since as early as the 50s of the last century, it has been known that chromium is essential for normal glucose metabolism. Too little chromium in the diet may lead to insulin resistance. However, there is still no standard against which chromium deficiency can be established. Nevertheless, chromium supplements are becoming increasingly popular. Various systematic reviews have been unable to demonstrate any effects of chromium on glycaemic regulation (possibly due partly to the low dosages used), but there is a slight reduction in body weight averaging 1 kg. In a double-blind randomised placebo-controlled trial in a Chinese population with type-2 diabetes mellitus, supplementation with 1000 micrograms of chromium led to a fall in the glycosylated haemoglobin level (HbA1c) by 2%. Toxic effects of chromium are seldom seen; recently, however, the safety of one of the dosage forms of chromium, chromium picolinate, has been questioned. One should be aware that individual patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus may have an increased risk of hypoglycaemic episodes when taking chromium supplements as self-medication.  相似文献   

2013年日照市部分食品中铬含量调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的调查日照市部分食品中铬含量,为食品安全风险评价提供基础资料与科学依据。方法在日照市辖区内各县、区农贸市场、超市、食堂等进行随机采样,并对食品样品中铬含量进行测定。结果在9类共120份检品中,除猪皮冻与奶糖两类食品存在部分检品含铬量超出限量1.0mg/kg外,其他各类铬含量符合要求,猪皮冻与奶糖两类食品合格率分别为76.19%与62.50%。结论在个别食品中存在以工业明胶代替食用明胶的可能,仍需加强对食品加工企业的监管。  相似文献   

Effects of Chromium on Body Composition and Weight Loss   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Chromium is an essential nutrient involved in the regulation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Normal dietary intake of chromium in humans and farm animals is often suboptimal. In addition to its effects on glucose, insulin, and lipid metabolism, chromium has been reported to increase lean body mass and decrease percentage body fat, which may lead to weight loss in humans. The effects of chromium on body composition are controversial but are supported by animal studies, which increase their validity. A subject's response to chromium depends on his or her chromium status, diet consumed, type and amount of supplemental chromium, and study duration. There have been no confirmed negative effects of chromium in nutritional studies. Chromium is only a small part of the puzzle in the control of weight loss and body composition, and its effects, if present, will be small compared with those of exercise and a well-balanced diet.  相似文献   

The independent use of nutritional supplements has increased dramatically over the past several years. St. John's Wort for the treatment of depression, chromium for improvement of abnormal glucose and insulin regulation, and garlic for hypercholesterolemia, are among the more popular nutritional supplements being used by the population at large for their respective conditions. Depression, diabetes, and hypercholesterolemia are common to the renal patient. However, the efficacy of St. John's Wort, chromium, and garlic for these problems in the patient with impaired renal function is not known. This article reviews the pharmacology, efficacy, safety, and pharmokinetics of these three food supplements in the nonrenal patient. There are encouraging data suggesting successful treatment in the otherwise normal individual. However, clinical studies examining the safety of these three supplements for the treatment of depression, diabetes, and hypercholesterolemia in the patient with renal disease are lacking and preclude recommendation of their use.  相似文献   

Tea infusion is the most frequently consumed beverage worldwide next to water, with about 20 billion cups consumed daily. In Taiwan, daily consumption averages 2.5 cups of tea infusion per person. Many studies have concluded that tea has numerous beneficial effects on health. However, some undesirable trace elements, such as arsenic, chromium, cadmium, lead, etc., are a concern. This study has three aims: (1) to measure the concentrations of arsenic and heavy metal elements, such as chromium, cadmium, and lead, as well as the essential trace elements contained in dried tea leaves of the common brands in Taiwan; (2) to determine the percentage released and concentration of each of these elements after infusion of these tea leaves with boiling water; (3) to assess the carcinogenic risk from daily tea consumption, to provide reference values for the general public. This study showed the total content of arsenic and heavy metals in green tea, oolong tea, and black tea produced in Taiwan was 0.11, 5.61, and 10.11 ug/g, respectively, indicating that the level of arsenic and heavy metal contamination of tea leaves was lower in Taiwan than other regions of the world. The hazard index (HI) of daily tea drinking of green tea, oolong tea, and black tea was low and within the bounds of safety (<1). Tea is an indispensable part of everyday life for many people in Taiwan, studies should continue to ensure that public health is maintained.  相似文献   

目的 掌握影响陕西省农村饮水安全工程水质卫生状况的因素,为提升农村饮水安全制定相关政策措施提供科学依据。方法 对陕西省全部涉农区县的1 495处农村饮水安全工程开展卫生学调查和水质分析。按照关中平原、秦巴山区和陕北高原分别分析可能影响农村饮水水质的因素。结果 关中平原、秦巴山区和陕北高原3个区域工程消毒措施配备率均低于40.00%,且按照要求使用率低于15.00%;关中平原水样达标率(70.76%),高于秦巴山区(35.57%)与陕北高原(28.79%);关中平原总大肠菌群的达标率(82.23%)高于秦巴山区(36.75%)和陕北高原(53.93%)( P <0.05);关中平原达标率较低的指标包括氟化物(95.23%)和六价铬(96.33%);陕北高原达标率较低的指标依次为硫酸盐(87.53%)、氟化物(89.39%)、六价铬(89.74%)、硝酸盐氮(92.36%)和总硬度(92.70%)。结论 微生物指标是主要超标指标,局部区域氟化物和六价铬超标严重,应当因地制宜的采取措施巩固提升农村饮水水质。  相似文献   

This is a review of studies dealing with the physiological role of chromium in the body and its harmful effects to human health. Trivalent chromium is discussed as a trace element essential to normal metabolism of hydrocarbons and to functioning of some enzymes. Toxic and carcinogenic effects of chromium due to occupational exposure, environmental pollution, food contamination and accidental poisoning are described.  相似文献   

最近出现了"毒胶囊"事件,简析"毒胶囊"事件的元凶———铬污染的来源,分析铬在自然界中的分布及其两种主要的存在形态,以及不同形态之间相互转化的条件,讨论六价铬对动植物的毒害作用及三价铬对人体的积极作用。  相似文献   

This study evaluated aquatic toxicities of chromium and chromium-containing laboratory samples representative of effluents from chromium electroplating industries, and compared the aquatic environmental risks of hexavalent and trivalent chromium electroplating operations. Trivalent chromium electroplating has emerged as an acceptable alternative to hazardous hexavalent chromium electroplating. This process substitution has reduced the human health impact in the workplace and minimized the production of hazardous sludge regulated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The thrust behind this research was to investigate whether trivalent chromium electroplating operations have lower adverse impacts on standardized toxicity test organisms. Ceriodaphnia dubia and Pimephales promelas were used to investigate toxicities of trivalent chromium (Cr (III)), hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI)), and industrial effluents. In agreement with previous studies, Cr (III) was found to be less toxic than Cr (VI). Despite having several organic and inorganic constituents in the effluents obtained from trivalent chromium plating baths, they exhibited less adverse effects to C. dubia than effluents obtained from hexavalent chromium electroplating baths. Thus, transition from hexavalent to trivalent chromium electroplating processes may be justified. However, because of the presence of organic constituents such as formate, oxalate, and triethylene glycol in effluents, trivalent chromium electroplating operations may face additional regulatory requirements for removal of total organic carbon.  相似文献   

The present study analyzed the feature of occupational chromium poisoning in China since the 1980s. The collected data were acquired from 18 previous surveys of chromium poisoning in 14 cities of China. The method of risk assessment was applied to calculate the relative risk and 95 % CI, p < 0.05 was considered as a significant risk. The results showed that nasal disease was the most common sign of occupational chromium poisoning, and the prevalence rate of nasal disease was 17.83 % in total population of 6,998. Further, the risk analysis showed that occupational chromium poisoning led to an increased risk of lung or liver cancer in male workers due to the definite carcinogenicity of hexavalent chromium. Significantly, an increased risk of spontaneous or threatened abortion was also found in female workers. In conclusion, these studies suggest that early detection of impaired reproductive function or impaired lung or liver function in female or male workers is essential for controlling occupational chromium poisoning in China.  相似文献   

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