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从企业经营管理发展的历史来看,七十年代美容业刚刚传入中国大陆,由于对美容的狭隘理解和浮浅认识,工匠作坊式的经营制约着美容业的深化和发展。到了八十年代开始讲求经营管理效率。如今则蜕变为强化企业竞争力,以创造利润和使顾客满意为手段。而这些发展都跟资讯科技息息相关。美容业是一个很传统的行业,虽然这几年有所改善与发展,但跟国际化、科学化相比,脚步似乎太慢了,观念更无法跟上时代。因此,如果仍旧是手足无措地观望而不从根本上提高和改变的话,我们的美容院恐怕要永远积弱不振下去了。现在是抛掉传统包袱的时候了,唯有去除旧观念,才能面对苛刻  相似文献   

最近看了一部香港电视连续剧, 片名大概叫《忘情阔少爷》,剧情颇引人入胜,就断断续续看了,不经意的在片尾职员表里看到陈志阳的名字。一部戏,幕后总是易被忽视的,就想:这是我们熟识的那个人称“世哥”的化妆大师吗?  相似文献   

在灰色、熟稔的城市呆久了,换一个环境、呼吸一下新鲜空气、采撷一些淳朴动人的异域民风,自然便成为人们的向往。那么,不妨选择一个清风、阳光、蓝天、白云的日子,好好整装,作一次长途或短途旅行,让驿动的心飞扬在浪漫的旅程里——  相似文献   

周围神经离断后神经束会形成“蕈状分叉”,分离的周围神经常需修整。然而,神经束犹如“滑润的通心粉”,无创修整并非容易。作者用纤维蛋白胶稳固神经切端,使修整可获满意效果。操作技术:确定需修整的神经末端,用以稳固神经切端的纤维蛋白胶具有两种凝血酶强度,常选用浓度较低(4IU/ml)者。取封闭的  相似文献   

漫长的炎炎烈日过去,浓郁质朴的秋天又向我们走来。当你仰望蔚蓝的天空,感受眼中浓艳的色彩,是否觉得生命有如自然界的万物复苏一样?  相似文献   

虽然美的概念迄今为止难以有一个定论,但爱美之心人人皆有之,还是可以大体划出一个范围的。具体说来,美总是和人的创造,人的追求,人的情感联系在一起的。因此过去常说,美就是生活。虽嫌笼统,却大致不差。也因此,凡是背离人性,扼杀创造,损害感情,以至于绝望于生活、灰心于前途,很难说是美的形象。而从社会的进步和历史的发展来看,人类对美的感知和追求,也常常和生活条件的变化,和人对自身的认识密不可分。不能设想穷困潦倒、面带菜色有什么美感而言,也不能设想穷奢极欲、暴虐乖戾有什么美感可言,所以古人说“充实之为美”。对于人的形体的美,也应该放在这个基点上去考虑。即使是不承认形体的美,也不能离开社会的进步和人对自身  相似文献   

1958年5月,上钢三厂邱财康被1200℃的钢水烫伤全身,总面积89%、Ⅲ度23%TBSA,被送到上海广慈医院(现上海瑞金医院)救治获得成功.突破了当时国外文献报道烧伤面积超过80%TBSA就难以生存的治疗"极限",开创了中国乃至世界成功救治大面积烧伤之先河.随后的50年进程中,在中国烧伤事业的奠基人之一史济湘教授和杨之骏教授的引领下,瑞金医院烧伤科敢于创新,克服重重困难,取得了一个又一个令人瞩目的成就.  相似文献   

在美学史上,一直把关的本质问题作为美学研究的基本问题,在研究方法上,也往往从考察美的本质问题入手.其实,这种问题的提出方式和研究方法,一开始就错了,致使美学基本问题长期得不到解决.现在,应当对美的本质命题的合理性进行反思,并找出科学的研究方法.简要地说,就是由研究美的本质改为研究审美的本质,而把美的本质问题从属于审美的本质问题.  相似文献   

当门体分流脑病(PSE)治疗实际上有了新进展的时刻,最近,有前途的新药物也已问世。然而,对 PSE病人进行严格的、全面地治疗仍然是必要的。出血、感染、便秘、氮血症、酸碱失衡和电解质紊乱应及时发现和纠正,并审慎地使用止痛药或镇静剂。当考虑出血,便秘或大量蛋白质饮食摄入参与了 PSE 时,采用灌肠和/或泻剂作单纯肠道清洁仍然是最合理和最有效的初期治疗。限制蛋白质摄入作为一种短暂性的措施是有效而又恰当的,但长时间限制蛋白质饮食,尤其是低于每公斤体重0.5克蛋白的情况,如有可能,应予避免。  相似文献   

实用骨科杂志以“实用和普及为主 ,兼顾提高”为办刊宗旨 ,鲜明地面向广大第一线临床医师 ,从十年来刊登的内容看 ,她相当广泛地反映了临床工作中众所关心的课题 ,实实在在地提出了客观存在的有待解决的问题 ,也在一定程度上表达了临床医师寻求探索的若干思路。即使是对临床高年医师 ,也会有所启发。任何有所作为的临床医师 ,都是从实践中不断总结 ,不断提高而达到的。但必须具备两个条件 :其一是科学的思维方法 ,其二是坚实的基本功 (知识和操作 )。有其一而无其二 ,可能力不从心 ,难以解决患者的疾痛 ,甚至贻误病情。有其二而无其一 ,充其…  相似文献   

牙体、牙弓及颌骨的阻力中心在正畸矫治力系统中具有重要的意义,也是正畸学领域争论较多的一个问题。Dermaut等研究表明,当力作用于物体阻力中心时,物体将发生平动,否则将发生平动和转动的复合运动。目前,国内外多数学者认为牙体、牙弓及颌骨存在阻力中心,但其位置存在争议。本文就牙体、牙弓及颌骨的阻力中心及其临床意义作一综述。  相似文献   

Complications related to ureterolithotomy and ultrasonic ureterolithotripsy performed under the control of visual endoscope were analyzed in 86 ureterolithiasis patients, methods of their prevention discussed. All the aforementioned complications were distributed into three groups: inapplicability of surgery due to anatomic and functional defects of lower and upper urinary tracts, intraoperative, and postoperative complications. The commonest ones were ureteral abruption and perforation, acute pyelonephritis, temporary vesicoureteral reflux. Their control measures were considered as relative methods of treatment: immediate surgical intervention in case of ureteral abruption, renal catheterization in patients with insignificant ureteral perforation or acute pyelonephritis. Adequate ureteroscopy, careful consideration of pro- and contraindications, catheterization of renal pelvis and urinary bladder performed within 2-3 days after the surgery and adequate antibacterial therapy are the most decisive steps in the control of aforementioned complications.  相似文献   

AIMS: To understand their possible importance in long- and short-term control of continence, some properties of the striated muscles of the urethra and pelvic floor (levator ani) of dogs and sheep were investigated, especially fiber types and contractile characteristics. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Striated muscles of urethra and levator ani of 29 male and 6 female dogs and 11 male and 6 female sheep were removed and cut into strips. Some strips were frozen and stained for ATPase at pH 9.4 and 4.3 for fiber typing; others were set up in an organ bath to study contractile responses to nerve stimulation. RESULTS: All muscles contained both type I (slow) and type II fibers, ranging from 97% type II in female greyhound urethra to 60% in female sheep levator ani. For each muscle, there were fewer type II muscles in sheep than in dog. The diameters of the urethral fibers were about 60% of the levator ani in dogs and 34% in sheep. Contraction of the urethral muscle was faster than for levator ani and declined to about 80% of the peak, 500 msec after the beginning of stimulation at 20 Hz. The levator ani contraction rose to a steady level as long as stimulation continued. CONCLUSIONS: Both the levator ani and urethral striated muscles contain slow and fast fiber types. The levator ani muscles are capable of sustained contraction with rapid onset which will produce long-term closure of the urethra. The circular urethral muscle contraction was faster but less well maintained.  相似文献   

AIM: Chondroblastomas and chondromyxoidfiibromas are rare benign skeletal neoplasms with reported overlapping histology. Aim of this study was to analyse the biochemical composition of the matrix of these tumour entities in order to further characterise the cellular phenotypes of these neoplasms using typical cell biological marker genes. METHODS: The matrix compositions of chondroblastomas and chondromyxoidfibromas were analyzed by HE-histology, histochemistry, and immunolocalization techniques. Cellular gene expression patterns were detected by mRNA in situ hybridization. RESULTS: Chondroblastomas are rich in collagen type I and show foci of an osteoid-like matrix, whereas collagen type II as a typical marker of chondrocytic differentiation was not detected in any of the specimens. Chondromyxoidfiibromas had foci of chondroid appearance with chondroblastic cellular differentiation characterised by collagen type II expression. CONCLUSION: These results characterise chondroblastomas and chondromyxoidfiibromas as skeletal neoplasms that have a different biology and which can be distinguished by matrix protein expression products: collagen type II, the typical marker of chondroblast differentiation, could only be detected in chondromyxoidfibromas, but not in chondroblastomas. Thus, both neoplasms are clearly different on the cell biological level.  相似文献   

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