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目的 观察Ilizarov技术治疗手腕部瘢痕挛缩畸形的临床效果。 方法 2017年4月~2020年1月,应用Ilizarov技术治疗7例手腕部瘢痕挛缩畸形患者,男3例,女4例;年龄12~52岁,平均24岁;左手部2例,左腕关节1例,右腕关节4例;创面感染致瘢痕增生2例,开水烫伤致瘢痕增生1例,火焰烧伤致瘢痕增生4例。瘢痕形成6月~34年,平均7年。根据Mayo评分法评估手腕部功能,术前患者手腕部功能可5例,差2例。 结果 腕关节畸形均获得矫正,以腕关节中立位为0°测量,腕关节掌屈可达到55~70°,背伸可达0~55°,无明显疼痛及麻木感,手指活动灵活。患者均无针道感染、肢端感觉麻木等并发症。术后随访5月~24月(平均15月),末次随访时评估手腕部功能,良4例、可3例,较术前显著改善。 结论 应用Ilizarov技术治疗手腕部瘢痕挛缩畸形安全有效,可为烧伤后肢体功能重建提供一种新的疗法。  相似文献   

<正>500多年前,意大利人达芬奇创作出历史上最负盛名的肖像画杰作《蒙娜丽莎》。19世纪中叶,"她"正式入驻世界上最著名的艺术博物馆——法国的卢浮宫,刚开始被该馆收藏,"她"的知名度还不是很高,后来到了1911年,该馆的一个油漆  相似文献   

个体人格类型与气味偏好的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨气味偏好与个体人格之间的初步关系。为在行为层面上研究人格提供新的路径。方法:以艾森克的现代人格理论模型为框架,采用人格问卷和实验结合的方法进行研究,通过实验法在控制的条件下得到个体的气味偏好数据,通过人格问卷得到同一群体的人格各维度分值。结果:不同人格特征的个体在气味偏好上存在显著差异。结论:气味偏好和人格之间存在一定的联系。  相似文献   

目的:探讨淋巴细胞趋化因子在正常肾脏和肾结核中的表达以及淋巴细胞趋化因子和浸润CD4 、D8 T细胞在肾脏结核病灶中的分布特点.方法:6例正常肾脏和10例肾结核病变组织,经匀浆后,采用RT-PCR法扩增人淋巴细胞趋化因子(hLptn)的含编码区序列的cDNA;扩增cDNA的克隆至pGM-T Easy T载体,测序;应用免疫组织化学方法检测正常肾脏和肾结核中的hLptn的表达和结核病灶中的CD4、CD8分子的表达.结果:正常肾脏和肾结核组织均表达hLptn mRNA,应用RT-PCR法克隆的cDNA序列与GenBank中U23772的序列一致;hLptn在正常的肾小球、肾小管中和结核病变中残存的肾小球、肾小管中均有表达;结核病变中有散在的CD4和CD8分子阳性细胞,与hLptn的分布无重叠.结论:淋巴细胞趋化因子在肾脏的肾小球和肾小管中呈结构性表达,肾结核肉芽肿中淋巴细胞的募集可能非依赖于hLptn的作用.  相似文献   

投入:工作倦怠研究的新视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 对工作投入的相关研究进行综述.方法 文献整理法.结果 投入是雇员持续的、积极的情感激活状态,其特征为活力、奉献和专注;国外关于投入的测量方法主要有两种;倦怠和投入是可以相互区分的两个心理学概念.结论 投入是倦怠未来研究的新方向,应当对工作投入问题加以关注.  相似文献   

目的 探讨大学生完美主义与自尊的关系.方法 采用FMPS完美主义量表与自尊量表(SES)对620名大学生进行了调查.结果 大学生的自尊与完美主义的担心错误、行为的迟疑、父母批评以及完美主义总分存在非常显著的相关,而与条理性、个人标准则存在非常显著的负相关(P<0.05,P<0.01);大学生完美主义的担心错误、条理性、个人标准以及完美主义总分对其自尊有非常显著的预测作用(P<0.05,P<0.01).结论 大学生的完美主义与自尊存在显著的相关.  相似文献   

犯罪知识测试(Guilty Knowledge Test,简称GKT),是Lykken在1959年引入的一种测谎测试程序。本文就GKT测试的认知原理一定向反应有关理论的发展及其与GKT测试的关系进行了介绍,并以此为起点,对GKT测谎研究的四种范式进行了分析与探讨,最后指出GKT测谎模式还存在的问题、相关的扩展性研究以及发展趋势。  相似文献   

目的 对近年来关于科技人员人格和创造力的研究结果进行总结,了解高创造力科技人员的人格特点.方法 利用文献法整合国内外相关研究,对科技人员人格、创造力和人格与创造力关系的相关研究结果进行总结归纳.结果 人格特征对科技人员创造力的产生和发展有直接的、重要的影响.结论 高创造力的科技人员具有明显的人格特征,通过人格特征的分析将有助于高创造力科技人员的选拔与测评.  相似文献   

目的 研究高中生主观幸福感的现状.方法 采用自编主观幸福感量表(SSWBS)对580名高中生进行了调查.结果 ①高中生的主观幸福感可以聚类为高、中、低3种类型.②高中生主观幸福感存在显著的成绩差异(t分别为1.721,2.420,1.890,3.057;P<0.05).结论 高中生的主观幸福感状况整体上显著偏低(P<0.05).  相似文献   

耳廓软骨膜炎1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 临床资料患者女,19岁.主因"左耳水肿红斑3 d"于2007年10月9日来空军总医院门诊就诊.患者3 d前无明显诱因自觉左耳烧灼、痒痛,次日晨耳前上部位突然高度水肿、胀痛难忍,自服"扑尔敏"、外用"肤轻松",症状不能缓解,为进一步治疗来我院就诊.患者病程中无发热,精神饮食睡眠均正常.既往及家族史无特殊.体格检查;系统检查未见异常.皮肤科检查:左耳廓前部红肿,触之坚硬,压痛明显,表面无破溃、渗出糜烂,耳垂正常.  相似文献   

在肘部和腕部放置气袖,指尖放置脉搏传感器,同步放气,肘部达到收缩压时,腕部开始收到脉搏信号,腕部达到收缩压时,指尖收到脉搏信号,于是测出压降,近而得到阻力。  相似文献   

gamma-Immunoglobulins induce the fusion of oleic acid-containing liposomes into tubular structures. An F(ab')2 preparation does not exert the same influence unless it is several orders of magnitude more concentrated. The same is true for several proteins with an isoelectric point higher or lower than the IgG isoelectric point. The Fc of IgG seems thus to exert a specific destabilizing and fusogenic action on artificial lipid membranes. An hypothesis is presented concerning the mode of action of Fc gamma on lymphocyte membrane which is based on the facts mentioned above and on the existence of a phospholipasic activity of Fc gamma membrane receptor.  相似文献   

To study the biological effects of extremely low frequency (ELF) electric fields, a fundamental study is conducted of the human perception threshold of an electric field. The perception threshold is measured with human subjects, and the results are analysed. It is clear that field perception is based on the movement of hair and not on other sensations. Variance in the perception threshold and its causes are investigated. The perception threshold decreases by almost 30% as the relative humidity increases from 50 to 90%. The perception threshold is also dependent on the physical condition (length and density) of the hair and the psychological condition (degree of awareness) of the subject. The dependence on these is much smaller than that on relative humidity. The cause of the gender difference in the threshold is ascribed to the difference in the physical condition of the hair. Through this study, some factors to be taken into account for the safety standard are made clear.  相似文献   

Analysis of the phage sequence space: the benefit of structured information   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phages are the most abundant biological entities on Earth and are central players in the evolution of their bacterial hosts and the emergence of new pathogens. In addition, they bear an enormous potential for the development of new drugs, therapies or nanotechnologies. As a result, interest in phages is reviving. In the genomic era, our perspective on the phage sequence space remains incredibly sparse. The modular and combinatorial structure of phage genomes is largely documented. It is confirmed by new sequence information and it fuels a recurrent debate on the need to revise phage taxonomy. The absence of structured, computer readable information on phages is a major bottleneck for an extensive global analysis of phage genomes and their relationships, but such information is essential to reassess phage classification. Based on the ACLAME database, which is dedicated to the organization and analysis of prokaryotic mobile genetic elements, we discuss here how structured information on phage-encoded proteins helps global in silico analysis and allows the prediction of prophages in bacterial genome sequences, providing access to additional phage sequence information.  相似文献   

To study the biological effects of extremely low frequency (ELF) electric fields, a fundamental study is conducted of the human perception threshold of an electric field. The perception threshold is measured with human subjects, and the results are analysed. It is clear that field perception is based on the movement of hair and not on other sensations. Variance in the perception threshold and its causes are investigated. The perception threshold decreases by almost 30% as the relative humidity increases from 50 to 90%. The perception threshold is also dependent on the physical condition (length and density) of the hair and the psychological condition (degree of awareness) of the subject. The dependence on these is much smaller than that on relative humidity. The cause of the gender difference in the threshold is ascribed to the difference in the physical condition of the hair. Through this study, some factors to be taken into account for the safety standard are made clear.  相似文献   

膝关节前交叉韧带的解剖学观测   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在50侧尸体膝关节上,对前交叉韧带的股骨附着区、胫骨附着区、长度、方向和宽度进行了形态学测量,提供了详细的数据。股骨附着区呈椭圆形,胫骨附着区似三角形。前交叉韧带本身呈50°扭曲状态,随屈膝程度的增加,其扭曲程度也增加,这种变化的幅度,在韧带表面的纤维较中心部位者为大,这与前交叉韧带两附着区的形态有密切关系,尤其是股骨附着区。  相似文献   

Toxicological effects of trichloroethylene exposure on immune disorders   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trichloroethylene (TCE) is one of the most common ground water contaminants in USA. Even though recent regulation mandates restricted utilization of TCE, its use is not completely prohibited, especially in industrial and manufacturing processes. The risk of TCE on human health is an ongoing field of study and its implications on certain diseases such as cancer has been recognized and well-documented. However, the link between TCE and immune disorders is still an under-studied area. Studies on the risk of TCE on the immune system is usually focused on certain immune class disorders, but consensus on the impact of TCE on the immune system has not been established. This review presents representative work that investigates the effect of TCE on immune disorders and highlights future opportunities. We attempt to provide a broader perspective of the risks of TCE on the immune system and human health.  相似文献   

We have shown that fibroadenoma of the breast is polyclonal and that phyllodes tumour is monoclonal in origin. It is not known whether a giant fibroadenoma which is histologically identical to the more usual type of fibroadenoma but grows to be a huge mass, like a phyllodes tumour, is polyclonal or monoclona. Clonal analysis was conducted on the DNA samples extracted from the paraffin sections of a giant fibroadenoma resected from a 21-year-old woman. The method used was based on trinucleotide repeat polymorphism of the X-chromosome-linked androgen receptor gene and on random inactivation of the gene by methylation. Clonal analysis showed that the giant fibroadenoma and the adjacent normal breast tissue are polyclonal in origin. Although the term giant fibroadenoma has often been used interchangeably with the term benign phyllodes tumour, because of their similarity in clinical appearance, our present results demonstrate that a giant fibroadenoma is a polyclonal fibroadenoma that has attained an immense size and is different from the monoclonal phyllodes tumour.  相似文献   

The physical aspects of using radioisotopes in a computerized transaxial tomography (CTT) system are discussed with particular emphasis on the effect of detector response on system design. Annihilation coincidence detection (ACD) of positron emitting radiopharmaceuticals is contrasted with single photon detection systems and a CTT system based on ACD is described. The potential capabilities of an ACD imaging system is investigated in terms of resolution and efficiency. Intrinsic properties of positron decay, the positron range and the angular distribution of annihilation photons, define the limit of resolution in an ACD imaging system and estimates are made of these limits. The effect of detector size, detector separation and energy discrimination are discussed in terms of their role in determining the level of image noise due to acceptance of scattered radiation and random coincidence events. Estimates of photon limitations in positron emission CTT are made and the effect of statistics on resolution is discussed.  相似文献   

近年来弱电磁场(波)生物效应机理研究的进展   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
由于实验结果的不严密和重复性较差,弱电磁场生物效应的研究一直存在着较大的分歧,但该项研究有着重要的意义,它关系着人类的健康和以电磁波为载体的电子信息产业的发展,本文就近几年来在弱电磁场(波)生物效应的机理研究的作一个综述。  相似文献   

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