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投入:工作倦怠研究的新视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 对工作投入的相关研究进行综述.方法 文献整理法.结果 投入是雇员持续的、积极的情感激活状态,其特征为活力、奉献和专注;国外关于投入的测量方法主要有两种;倦怠和投入是可以相互区分的两个心理学概念.结论 投入是倦怠未来研究的新方向,应当对工作投入问题加以关注.  相似文献   

耳廓软骨膜炎1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 临床资料患者女,19岁.主因"左耳水肿红斑3 d"于2007年10月9日来空军总医院门诊就诊.患者3 d前无明显诱因自觉左耳烧灼、痒痛,次日晨耳前上部位突然高度水肿、胀痛难忍,自服"扑尔敏"、外用"肤轻松",症状不能缓解,为进一步治疗来我院就诊.患者病程中无发热,精神饮食睡眠均正常.既往及家族史无特殊.体格检查;系统检查未见异常.皮肤科检查:左耳廓前部红肿,触之坚硬,压痛明显,表面无破溃、渗出糜烂,耳垂正常.  相似文献   

1 临床资料患者, 女性, 11岁.右膝斑块7年就诊.7年前无诱因患者右膝部出现豆粒大小红色丘疹, 圆形, 边界清楚, 表面无鳞屑, 无水疱、 大疱, 无出血、渗出、溃破, 自觉微痒, 当时未介意.此后皮损渐增至鸡蛋大小, 偶感瘙痒, 无其他任何不适, 按"湿疹"在多家医院诊治, 皮损从未消退.  相似文献   

考试是教学活动中的一个重要环节,目前考试成绩仍然是衡量教学质量最常用的指标,而考卷的质量直接影响到学生的考试成绩。为了更好地组织出符合教学大纲要求,既能涵盖《组织学与胚胎学》主要内容,又能够有一定区分度的试卷,我们将Microsoft Excel软件应用到其中,具体体会报道如下。  相似文献   

有限自制力的理论假设及相关研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自我控制与理性和谐的生活秩序息息相关。近十年来关于自我控制的研究表明.自制力类似于肌肉的力量,是有限而易消耗的,休息后能自动恢复;为了克服有限的资源与无限的需要的矛盾.个体倾向于有选择地使用宝贵的自制力资源;通过预期、启动等途径能在一定程度上降低自制力消耗的效应.通过锻炼能够有效地提升自制力的强度。未来的研究最重要的是找到直接测量自制力资源的途径.确立有限自制力理论的说服力。  相似文献   

大学生消费心理及消费行为的调查与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨大学生的实际消费心理及消费行为并进行分析.方法 采用问卷调查的方法,并结合一定量的访谈.结果 绝大多数大学生具有健康的消费心理,只有5%左右的大学生具有病态的消费心理,但却有约20%的大学生对消费意义的认知不清.结论 大学生的消费心理及消费行为应受到关注,学校应加强这方面的教育.  相似文献   

李苑  吴泰顺  朱志良 《医学信息》2008,21(4):439-441
伴随着互联网技术的飞速发展,特别是Web2.0技术的出现,给众多网站带来了新的活力.这些网站更加的注重与用户的交互性,让用户也成为了网上信息的提供者,网上虚拟社区也如雨后春笋迅速发展.本文着重介绍了疫苗接种网上虚拟社区的建设,这种专注于特定领域的虚拟社区,将吸引想从该网站--疫苗接种大众资讯网获取各种疫苗接种信息的专业与非专业人士,在这里可以充分的与他人在这个虚拟的环境里尽情交流疫苗接种知识.  相似文献   

王平  刘伟 《医学信息》2008,21(6):966-967
目的 通过研究骨科创伤患者引发的血栓栓塞及肺动脉栓塞,以探讨对其发病机制、临床特征、高危因素及病死率的早期治疗及预防.方法 统计自2000年2月~2006年1月的骨科创伤患者,合并血栓栓塞及肺动脉栓塞共18例(960人).进行临床资料回顾性研究分析.结果 血栓栓塞占骨科创伤病人并发症的2.76%.肺动脉栓塞占血栓栓塞的10.02%(3人).且全部死亡.其中年龄大于50岁,合并腰椎、骨盆或下肢外伤的病例占所有血栓栓塞病例的56.31%(11人).结论 年龄大于50岁,肥胖病合并腰椎、骨盆或下肢外伤,合并心血管病患,长期制动的患者,引发血栓栓塞发病率明显增高.病人可因下床,排便,咳嗽等而突然导致肺动脉栓塞死亡.诊治和预防血栓栓塞应引起骨科医生的高度重视.  相似文献   

乙肝病毒血清标记物与血清HBV-DNA的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨不同乙肝感染模式的患者与HBV-DNA定量结果进行对比分析.方法:采用ELISA方法检测乙肝病毒血清标记物, 荧光定量PCR (FQ-PCR) 检测HBV-DNA, 比较二者之间的关系.结果:HBsAg、 HBeAg、 HBcAb阳性组和HBsAg、 HBeAg阳性组 HBV-DNA检出率较高, 分别为96.61%和100%.HBsAg、 HBeAg、 HBcAb阳性组HBV-DNA含量平均水平为3.86×108, HBsAg、 HBeAg阳性组HBV-DNA含量平均水平为1.73×108;HBsAg、 HBeAb、 HBcAb阳性组和HBsAg、 HBcAb阳性组检出率也较高, 达45% 以上, HBV-DNA含量平均水平分别为1.30×107和1.31×106.结论:FQ-PCR检测HBVDNA能准确地反映体内的HBV真实感染和复制情况, 在乙肝的诊断和治疗中, 不能单凭两对半的检测, 同时应做HBV-DNA的定量测定.  相似文献   

郭磊  冯洪山  张宛东 《医学信息》2008,21(2):244-246
目的 探讨影响中药饮片质量的因素以及保证质量的方法.方法 对本院常用中药饮片进行分析,总结其特性.结果 由于标准的不统一,产地和加工的不同,使同一种饮片质量会产生较大的差异.结论 要从立法、标准的制定、生产和加工各个环节入手.才能确保饮片的质量.  相似文献   

背景:研究表明,脐血干细胞移植对脊髓损伤的恢复起促进作用,而电针也能够通过抑制星形胶质细胞增生,来减少损伤部瘢痕形成,故推测两者结合可能在急性脊髓损伤治疗中发挥重要作用。 目的:观察人脐血干细胞局部移植联合督脉电针治疗后大鼠脊髓损伤组织神经生长因子、神经营养因子3的表达。 方法:选取雌性SD大鼠72只,随机分为对照组、损伤组、移植组、联合组。对照组单纯性背部切口后缝合,损伤组脊髓横断处(T10水平)放置约1 mm×2 mm×2 mm大小、浸润生理盐水的明胶海绵;移植组及联合组在脊髓横断处放置浸润人脐血干细胞悬液的明胶海绵,联合组于造模后1 h开始给予督脉电针治疗。在相应处理7,14,28 d后应用免疫组织化学、Western Blot及实时荧光定量PCR方法检测脊髓组织神经生长因子、神经营养因子3表达量的变化。 结果与结论:脊髓损伤后,移植组与损伤组相比,联合组与移植组相比,神经生长因子、神经营养因子3在7,14,28 d表达量均增加(P < 0.05)。Western Blot、实时荧光定量PCR与免疫组化结果相一致。结果显示人脐血干细胞移植与电针联合治疗脊髓损伤具有协同作用,显著上调损伤脊髓神经生长因子、神经营养因子3的表达水平,有利于脊髓损伤后功能恢复。中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:干细胞;骨髓干细胞;造血干细胞;脂肪干细胞;肿瘤干细胞;胚胎干细胞;脐带脐血干细胞;干细胞诱导;干细胞分化;组织工程全文链接:  相似文献   

背景:单纯的神经干细胞移植对受损脊髓组织的修复作用并不理想,为了进一步提高移植细胞在体内的存活、增殖及定向分化为神经元的比例,必须进一步改善脊髓损伤区的微环境。 目的:观察神经干细胞移植联合电针刺激对脊髓损伤大鼠后肢功能及电生理的影响。 方法:将脊髓损伤模型SD大鼠72只按随机数字表法分为4组:对照组尾静脉注入培养液,神经干细胞组经尾静脉注入等体积神经干细胞悬液,电针刺激组自模型完成6 h起采用督脉加体穴电针1周,联合组尾静脉注射神经干细胞后,同时采用督脉加体穴电针1周。分别于造模前、造模后1,3 d、1-4 周通过BBB评分、斜板试验进行运动功能评定。造模后4周取材行病理切片苏木精-伊红染色,荧光显微镜观测CM-Dil 标记的神经干细胞存活及分布情况,辣根过氧化物酶示踪观察神经纤维再生情况,运动诱发电位和体感诱发电位观察大鼠神经电生理恢复情况。 结果与结论:造模后2-4周大鼠下肢运动功能评价联合组优于神经干细胞组及电针刺激组,神经干细胞组和电针刺激组优于对照组。造模后4周,神经干细胞组和电针刺激组损伤区可见少量神经轴索样结构,脊髓空洞较小,联合组可见较多神经轴索样结构,未见脊髓空洞。造模后4周,CM-Dil 阳性细胞和辣根过氧化物酶阳性神经纤维数:联合组>神经干细胞组与电针刺激组>对照组,各组之间差异有显著性意义(P < 0.05)。运动诱发电位和体感诱发电位的潜伏期:联合组<神经干细胞组与电针刺激组<对照组,各组之间差异有显著性意义(P < 0.05);运动诱发电位和体感诱发电位的波幅:联合组>神经干细胞组与电针刺激组>对照组,各组之间差异有显著性意义(P < 0.05)。结果提示神经干细胞移植的同时联合电针刺激能够促进脊髓损伤大鼠神经突触的再生,改善其大鼠肢体运动功能及电生理功能。中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:干细胞;骨髓干细胞;造血干细胞;脂肪干细胞;肿瘤干细胞;胚胎干细胞;脐带脐血干细胞;干细胞诱导;干细胞分化;组织工程   相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A large number of studies have verified that propofol could effectively reduce secondary nerve injury by improving microenvironment of spinal cord injury. OBJECTIVE: To study the effects of propofol on spinal cord edema and electrophysiology of the hind limb in rats with spinal cord injury. METHODS: Rat models of acute spinal cord injury were established by using the modified Allen method. A total of 40 rat models were randomly divided into spinal cord injury group and propofol group (n=20). Rats in the propofol group were injected with propofol through the caudal vein. The spinal cords of an additional 20 rats were exposed in the sham surgery group. Motor function was evaluated using BBB score and inclined plate test before modeling, 1, 3 days, 1-4 weeks after modeling. Neuronal apoptosis was detected after spinal cord injury using TUNEL assay at 72 hours after modeling. AQP4/9, matrix metalloproteinases 9/2 mRNA and protein expressions were measured using RT-PCR and western blot assay. At 4 weeks after modeling, pathological changes of the spinal cord were observed using immunohistochemistry and hematoxylin-eosin staining. Neurophysiological recovery was analyzed using motor evoked potentials and somatosensory evoked potentials. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: (1) At 1-4 weeks after modeling, BBB score and inclined plate test score were higher in the propofol group than in the spinal cord injury group (P < 0.05), but lower than in the sham surgery group (P < 0.05). (2) The number of apoptotic cells was significantly more in the spinal cord injury group than in the propofol group (P < 0.05). No apoptotic cells were found in the sham surgery group. (3) At 72 hours after spinal cord injury, AQP4/9 and matrix metalloproteinases 9/2 mRNA and protein expression was higher in the propofol group than in the sham surgery group (P < 0.05). AQP4/9 and matrix metalloproteinases 9/2 mRNA and protein expression was significantly reduced in the propofol group (P < 0.05). (4) At 4 weeks after modeling, the spinal cord was loose, and the cavity was small. Partial neuronal necrosis could be seen. The degree of nerve fiber density in the propofol group was between the sham surgery group and spinal cord injury group. (5) Motor evoked potentials and somatosensory evoked potentials were obviously recovered, the latency was short, amplitude was increased in the propofol group, which showed significant differences as compared with the sham surgery group and the spinal cord injury group (P < 0.05). Results suggested that propofol can reduce apoptosis in rat neurons after spinal cord injury, reduce spinal cord edema-related gene expression, and improve electrophysiological function and limb motor function.    相似文献   

背景:随着对脊髓损伤研究的不断深入,国内外学者不断设计出各种脊髓损伤模型,主要包括脊髓挫伤、重物坠击、脊髓压迫、化学灼伤、放射性损伤及激素横断半横断损伤等,然而各种制备方法都存在一定的局限。 目的:设计脊髓损伤致伤器并建立不同程度脊髓损伤动物模型。 方法:实验自行设计包括致伤部件及传动装置的脊髓损伤致伤器,利用不同致伤质量m1=10 g,m2=20 g,m3=30 g及时间T1=3 s,T2=5 s,造成不同质量×时间暨不同程度SD大鼠脊髓背侧压迫损伤,分为m1T1,m2T1,m3T1,m1T2,m2T2,m3T2共6组,并设假手术组进行对照。 结果与结论:造模后各实验组BBB评分均低于假手术组(P < 0.01),m1T1组与其他各实验组相比差异有显著性意义(P < 0.01),建模后8周m1T2组BBB评分高于与m2T2组及m3T2组(P < 0.05)。建模后8周各组体感诱发电位和运动诱发电位潜伏期明显长于假手术组(P < 0.01)。除了m1T1组与m1T2组外,其他各组间建模后体感诱发电位潜伏期均明显延长(P < 0.05)。所有组建模后运动诱发电位潜伏期均明显延长(P < 0.05)。结果证实,实验所设计的脊髓损伤致伤器可制备出不同程度的脊髓背侧压迫损伤动物模型。 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:肾移植;肝移植;移植;心脏移植;组织移植;皮肤移植;皮瓣移植;血管移植;器官移植;组织工程全文链接:  相似文献   

目的 确定脊髓挫伤速度是脊髓损伤的因素,探讨不同速度的脊髓挫伤对大鼠颈脊髓原发性损伤的影响。  方法    20只成年雄性Sprague-Dawley大鼠随机分为快速组(500 mm/s,n=8)、慢速组(5 mm/s,n=8)和对照组(n=4)。用直径为4 mm的平头圆锥打击头在C5水平产生1.5 mm的挫伤位移。损伤后即行心脏固定,切取以挫伤部位为中心长约1.5 cm的脊髓组织。行连续矢状位冰冻切片。HE染色观察脊髓大体形态,计算出血量。β-APP免疫组化后观察轴索损伤程度。  结果 挫伤后观察到脊髓表面有一带状出血,且快速组出血带颜色更深。快速组挫伤位移为(1.50±0.05) mm,最大力为(5.3±1.2) N;慢速组挫伤位移为(1.51±0.04) mm,最大力为(2.8±0.6) N,两组间最大力的差异有显著性(P=0.001)。HE染色显示脊髓出血大部分都集中在灰质,白质相对较少。快速组脊髓总出血量、灰质出血量和白质出血量分别为0.94、0.71和0.23 mm3,慢速组分别为0.55、0.43和0.12 mm3,其中两组间总出血量和灰质出血量的差异有显著性(P<0.05)。β-APP免疫组化观察到快速组轴索断裂比慢速组更为严重。  结论 脊髓挫伤速度是影响脊髓原发性损伤的因素,快速的脊髓挫伤导致的原发性脊髓损伤更为严重,导致更多的脊髓出血和轴索断裂。  相似文献   

目的探究神经电刺激对大鼠脊髓顿挫伤(SCC)后的干预效果并探讨相应机制。方法将大鼠分为:假手术组、对照组和实验组。用Allen’s法复制大鼠T9脊髓钝挫伤模型。实验组用神经电刺激干预。定期观察大鼠后肢运动功能恢复情况;用免疫组织化学染色技术以及蛋白质印记技术检测神经生长因子和巢蛋白的表达。结果脊髓损伤后,大鼠的运动功能迅速下降。随着时间的推移,实验组大鼠运动功能评分逐渐升高,第7天较对照组明显上调(P<0.05)。与对照组相比,实验组神经生长因子和巢蛋白表达明显上调(P<0.05)。结论电刺激可能创造有利于神经元存活和可塑性的微环境,有利于大鼠后肢运动功能的恢复。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We built Sprague-Dawley rat models with mild, moderate, and severe spinal cord injuries to accord with the spinal cord injury types for basic empirical study, and consequently to further understand the microenvironmental change in Sprague-Dawley rats with spinal cord injury, and to provide help for clinical treatment. OBJECTIVE: To observe the changes in nerve function, pathological manifestation and motor sensory evoked potential in Allen’s models and Sprague-Dawley rats with complete spinal cord transection at different time points after spinal cord injury by simulating the microenviroment in Sprague-Dawley rats. METHODS: A total of 125 healthy adult female Sprague-Dawley rats were selected and randomly divided into group sham operation group, 100 gcf hit potential group (20 g×5 cm), 200 gcf hit potential (20 g×10 cm), 300 gcf hit potential group (20 g×15 cm), and spinal cord complete transection group with 25 rats in each group. At 1, 5, 7, 14 and 28 days after model establishment, the degree of spinal cord injury was identified by the BBB scores of motion function, motor evoked potential, and pathological section. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: (1) Totally 24 Sprague-Dawley rats died in the experiment. The death rate and the rate of complications were highest in the spinal cord complete transection group. The BBB score of each group was decreased. The BBB scores in every group increased as time went on. There were significant differences between each surgery group and the sham operation group at corresponding time points (P < 0.05).  No significant difference was found between the 300 gcf hit potential group and the spinal cord complete transection group at corresponding time points (P > 0.05). (2) In each surgery group, the infiltration of inflammatory cells and obvious swelling of neurons were visible at 1 day after injury. Neural cells reduced with time prolonged. At 28 days after injury, a large number of astrocytes proliferated, scar and spinal cord cavity formed. Above symptoms were worse in the 300 gcf hit potential group and spinal cord complete transection group than in the 100 gcf and 200 gcf hit potential groups. (3) Significant differences in amplitude and latency were detectable between each surgery group and the sham operation group (P < 0.05). No significant difference in amplitude and latency was detected between the 300 gcf hit potential group and the spinal cord complete transection group at corresponding time points (P > 0.05). Results confirmed that hit potential of 20 g×5 cm, 20 g×10 cm and 20 g×15 cm can simulate the microenvironment of Sprague-Dawley rats with mild, moderate and severe spinal cord injury. The rate of complication was lower in modified Allen’s model of different hit potentials than in models of spinal cord complete transection, and was more accorded with basic research.    相似文献   

 BACKGROUND: Studies have suggested that interleukin-6 is crucial for inducing cell apoptosis after acute spinal cord injury. OBJECTIVE: To observe the effect of interleukin-6 receptor monoclonal antibody combined with bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells to treat acute spinal cord injury in rats. METHODS: Thirty Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into sham group, model group (spinal cord injury group), treatment group 1 (interleukin-6 receptor monoclonal antibody transplantation group), treatment group 2 (bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation group), treatment group 3 (bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell+interleukin-6 receptor monoclonal antibody group), with six rats in each group. In the sham group, the spinal cord was only exposed with no injury, and in the other four groups, rat models of acute spinal cord injury were made using modified Allen’s method. Local injection treatment was performed in all the groups at 28 days after modeling. Basso, Beattie and Bresnahan (BBB) scoring and improved Tarlov scoring were used at 1 day before treatment and 1, 3, 7, 14, 28 days after treatment to test the hindlimb function. At 28 days after treatment, TUNEL method was used to detect cell apoptosis in the spinal cord. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Compared with the sham group, BBB scores and improved Tarlov scores were decreased significantly in the other four groups (P < 0.05). At 7 days after treatment, the BBB scores and improved Tarlov scores in the treatment group 3 were significantly higher than those in the model group (P < 0.05). At 14 days after treatment, the BBB scores and improved Tarlov scores in the treatment groups 1 and 2 were significantly higher than those in the model group (P < 0.05); compared with the treatment group 2, the BBB score and improved Tarlov score were significantly increased in the treatment group 3 (P < 0.05). Compared with the sham group, the number of apoptotic cells was significantly increased in the other four groups (P < 0.05); compared with the model group, the number of apoptotic cells was significantly decreased in the three treatment groups (P < 0.05); compared with the treatment group 2, the number of apoptotic cells was significantly lower in the treatment group 3 (P < 0.05). These findings indicate that the combined use of interleukin-6 receptor monoclonal antibody and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation is better than bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation alone in the treatment of spinal cord injury, and interleukin-6 receptor monoclonal antibody reduces cell apoptosis in spinal cord injury, which is of positive significance for preventing against acute spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

背景:骶段的脊髓和腰椎病变导致脊髓损伤使骶髓初级排尿中枢受损或其周围神经(副交感和体神经)病变引起逼尿肌无反射,会导致尿潴留,进而导致膀胱组织细胞形态学也发生了病理性变化。 目的:观察电针次髎、中极、三阴交穴对骶髓损伤后尿潴留模型大鼠最大膀胱容量及其组织形态学的影响。 方法:SD雌性大鼠40只,随机抽取10只为空白组,其余制备骶髓损伤模型后随机摸球法均分为模型组、电针穴位组和电针对照点组。模型组大鼠只捆绑不针刺,穴位组取大鼠“次髎”、“中极”、“三阴交”,对照点组取非穴对照点,针刺后加电针,均治疗20 min。且所有大鼠在治疗后第14天和第22天行膀胱容量检测,治疗结束后取膀胱组织行苏木精-伊红染色观察大鼠膀胱组织形态学变化。 结果与结论:①电针穴位组最大膀胱容量较治疗前明显降低(P < 0.01),并且较对照点组疗效更明显(P < 0.05),穴位组膀胱容量差值(d值)较对照点组差异更明显(P < 0.05)。②电针穴位组膀胱组织形态学较模型组及对照点组有明显改善。说明电针次髎、中极、三阴交穴可有效降低骶髓损伤后尿潴留大鼠最大膀胱容量并使受损的膀胱组织细胞得到一定程度修复。 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:组织构建;骨细胞;软骨细胞;细胞培养;成纤维细胞;血管内皮细胞;骨质疏松;组织工程全文链接:  相似文献   

张可  曾园山  秦丽娜  刘洲  丁英  阮经文 《解剖学研究》2012,34(6):411-414,423,482
目的 观察督脉电针对早期受损伤的脊髓神经营养素-3(NT-3)表达的影响及其细胞定位.方法 成年雌性大鼠分为损伤组和电针加损伤组.全横断损伤两组大鼠的脊髓1d后,开始对电针+损伤组大鼠进行督脉电针,损伤组大鼠不做督脉电针.电针加损伤组在电针后1、3和7d时间点取出脊髓损伤区组织,损伤组也在相应时间点取出损伤区组织,用ELISA方法检测损伤区组织NT-3水平.再取电针后7d大鼠脊髓损伤区及其邻近组织切片做NT-3的免疫荧光组织化学双标染色.结果 电针加损伤组和损伤组的脊髓损伤区组织NT-3表达在时间上基本一致;在前3 d,NT-3水平是下降的,在后3 d,NT-3水平是增高的.但是,与损伤组相比,电针加损伤组的NT-3水平是明显增高(P<0.05).免疫荧光双标染色结果显示,神经元、星形胶质细胞、少突胶质细胞和巨噬细胞都有NT-3的表达.结论 督脉电针可以促进受损伤早期的脊髓组织细胞合成和分泌内源性NT-3,这可能是督脉电针促进急性脊髓损伤修复的适宜微环境因素之一.  相似文献   

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