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目的采用脉搏波传导速度评价不同糖耐量人群早期动脉硬化情况及其相关影响因素。方法选取糖耐量异常者30例,初诊2型糖尿病者30例,除外心脑血管疾病及其他疾病。另选取健康体检者30例作为对照组。分别测量身高、体重、血压,检测空腹、餐后血糖、血脂水平,并测定其脉搏波传导速度,比较三组人群各项指标差异,并分析其相关性。结果糖尿病及糖耐量异常人群均出现脉搏波传导速度异常;脉搏波传导速度与空腹、餐后血糖水平正相关。结论糖尿病前期人群及糖尿病早期即有血管内皮功能障碍存在,应予以早期干预。  相似文献   

正常个体餐后血糖很少升高超过7.8mmol/L,随着糖耐量受损,餐后血糖水平将进行性升高.如果75克葡萄糖负荷后2小时血糖浓度超过11.1mmol/L,便可诊断为糖尿病.相当一部分的2型糖尿病病人仅表现为单纯餐后血糖升高,空腹血糖(FBG)水平却低于目前所规定的糖尿病诊断阈值7.0mmol/L,有人称这种糖尿病的早期阶段为"餐后糖尿病".由此可见,餐后高血糖是提示葡萄糖稳态异常最早期的指标.餐后高血糖与HbA1c关系密切.  相似文献   

越来越多的研究显示,餐后血糖与心血管事件的关系比空腹血糖更密切。糖尿病干预研究(DIS)结果表明,心肌梗死发生率与病死率只与餐后血糖密切相关,与空腹血糖无明显相关性。檀香山心脏研究也发现仅餐后高血糖增加心肌梗死危险和心血管死亡率。2007年国际糖尿病联盟(DF)颁布了一项以循证证据为基础的《餐后血糖管理指南》,明确推荐控制餐后血糖到7.8mmol/L以下,体现了餐后血糖在临床治疗中的重要性。  相似文献   

餐后血糖达标是糖尿病管理中的一个重要环节。餐后血糖的理想控制不仅仅会增强糖尿病患者控制糖尿病的信心,而且能给您带来实实在在的益处——即餐后血糖达标对心血管系统的保护作用。  相似文献   

目的研究小儿糖尿病与肥胖症之间的关系,且分析治疗对照性以及相关性。方法将该院2012年11月-2016年11月期间收治的22例小儿肥胖症患儿作为该研究的实验组,同时选取同期收治的22例不伴肥胖儿童作为该研究的参照组,对两组儿童空腹血糖、餐后2 h血糖以及糖尿病、葡萄糖耐量异常等情况予以分析。结果经检查后实验组儿童空腹血糖(5.91±0.42)mmol/L、餐后2 h血糖(8.74±0.47)mmol/L等指标比参照组儿童空腹血糖(4.15±0.21)mmol/L、餐后2 h血糖(7.14±0.52)mmol/L,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。经检查后实验组儿童糖尿病发生率18.18%、葡萄糖耐量异常率27.27%等指标与参照组儿童糖尿病发生率0.00%、葡萄糖耐量异常率4.54%对比,数据差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论经研究显示小儿糖尿病中肥胖症是引发疾病的关键因素,需要以有效控制儿童饮食方式来改善肥胖症状,在治疗小儿肥胖症以及小儿糖尿病的时候存在相通性,均需要控制儿童饮食,为以后治疗疾病提供依据。  相似文献   

冠心病患者的糖代谢异常分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨冠心病患者血糖代谢异常的发生率以及糖代谢异常对心血管事件发生和影响预后的可能机制。方法选择病情稳定的冠心病(NACS)患者和急性冠脉综合征(ACS)患者各110例。抽取静脉血检查空腹血糖(FBG)和餐后2小时血糖(2hPG),若其中任何1项异常,则进行口服葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT)。根据血糖结果分为糖代谢正常组和糖代谢异常组(包括糖耐量异常组和糖尿病组)。同时行丙二醛(MDA)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)测定。结果糖代谢异常发生率在NACS和ACS患者中分别占44.54%和63.64%。无论NACS患者或ACS患者,糖代谢异常组的MDA升高和SOD降低与糖代谢正常组比较差异均有显著性;合并糖尿病和合并糖耐量异常的患者组间MDA及SOD水平比较,差异无显著性。结论糖代谢异常在冠心病患者中发生率较高,其中新识别糖代谢异常需要行OGTT检查;合并糖代谢异常的冠心病患者脂质过氧化程度高;合并糖耐量异常与合并糖尿病一样,对冠心病患者有相等程度的氧化应激。  相似文献   

急性冠脉综合征患者糖代谢异常的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探讨急性冠脉综合征(ACS)患者血糖代谢情况以及糖代谢异常对ACS预后影响的可能机制。方法:检测110例ACS患者的空腹血糖(FBG)、餐后2h血糖(2hPG)、MDA、SOD水平,FBG或2hPG中任一项异常则择期行口服葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT),根据OGTT结果分为:合并糖尿病组(DM组,36例)、合并糖耐量异常组(IGT组,34例)、40例糖代谢正常患者作为对照组(NGT组)。另入选110例病情稳定的冠心病患者行MDA和SOD的检测。结果:①入院时已确诊糖尿病17例,糖耐量异常3例;入院后经OGTT确诊糖尿病19例,糖耐量异常31例。②合并糖代谢异常的ACS患者MDA显著高于糖代谢正常的ACS患者(P<0.001),SOD水平则显著降低(P<0.001);餐后2h血糖与MDA呈显著正相关。③合并糖尿病和合并糖耐量异常的ACS患者组间MDA、SOD水平比较,差异无显著性意义。结论:在ACS患者中糖代谢异常的发生率高,大部分是入院后经OGTT诊断。同糖尿病患者一样,ACS合并糖耐量异常患者血浆脂质过氧化程度升高,抗氧化能力降低。  相似文献   

随着年龄增长患2型糖尿病者有增多趋势,同时老年人全身各脏器功能也逐渐老化。临床上诊断空腹血糖异常、糖耐量异常、糖尿病或监测糖尿病治疗效果,通常靠测量空腹血糖和餐后2h血糖来确定,而老年人肝脏功能的变化是否影响血糖值的变化有待研究验证。  相似文献   

糖耐量异常是糖尿病的前期状态,主要表现为餐后血糖升高.近年来的研究显示,糖耐量异常状态的大血管病变情况与糖尿病相似,它与动脉粥样硬化性疾病的关系日益受到重视.文章就其与颈动脉粥样硬化的关系做了综述.  相似文献   

看血糖化验单的时候,首先要看血糖的具体值。其次要判定是测的空腹血糖还是测的餐后2小时血糖,因为空腹血糖以及餐后2小时血糖被诊断为血糖异常的标准不同。空腹血糖如果≥6.1mmol/L,便可被诊断为血糖异常。而餐后2小时血糖如果≥7.8mmol/L,便可以被诊断为血糖异常。一旦被诊断为血糖异常之后,还需要具体的评估这个值是否己经达到了被诊断为糖尿病的标准,如果没有达到被诊断为糖尿病的标准,称之为糖耐量损害。  相似文献   

The relationship between post-prandial plasma glucose (PPG) and post-challenge plasma glucose (PCG) within individuals was investigated in Japanese population. The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and measurements of PPG 2h after ingestion of a standardized rice-based meal (PPG2h), were performed in 4471 middle-aged Japanese subjects (2774 men and 1697 women, 50.7+/-8.5 years). There was a loose correlation between PPG2h and PCG2h (r=0.327, p<0.001). The diabetes group (n=170) showed the highest PPG2h, followed by the IGT group (n=786) and the NGT group (n=3414) (p<0.05). At the cutoff point of 140 mg/dl (7.8 mmol/l) for PPG2h, specificities were 94.9% for IGT plus diabetes and 92.9% for diabetes, but sensitivities were as low as 23.2% for IGT plus diabetes and 44.7% for diabetes. The correlation of PPG2h with PCG2h was stronger in the obese group (BMI>or=25 kg/m2) than in the lean group (BMI<20 kg/m2). We conclude that the correlation between PPG2h and PCG2h was significant but not very tight. In evaluating PPG2h, if the cutoff point of 140 mg/dl (7.8 mmol/l) for PCG2h is extrapolated, the majority of subjects with dysglycemia could be overlooked.  相似文献   

肝病伴糖代谢异常患者的临床分析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
目的探讨肝病伴糖代谢异常的临床特点及其可能机制.方法分别对29例慢性乙型肝炎伴糖代谢异常患者及62例乙型肝炎后肝硬化伴糖代谢异常患者进行相关分析.结果 (1)乙型肝炎后肝硬化患者中肝源性糖耐量减低(IGT)及肝源性糖尿病(DM)发生率高于慢性乙型肝炎患者(20.53%对3.82%,P<0.05;24.11%对1.64%,P<0.01).(2)慢性乙型肝炎及乙型肝炎后肝硬化伴肝源性IGT或DM患者均无糖尿病症状,而19例慢性乙型肝炎伴原发性DM者中12例有症状,12例乙型肝炎后肝硬化伴原发性DM者中6例有症状.(3)慢性乙型肝炎伴肝源性IGT或DM者,空腹血糖(FPG)、餐后血糖(PPG)水平均低于伴原发性DM者(P<0.05);但前者葡萄糖负荷后胰岛素(PINS)及C肽(PCP)分泌水平高于后者(P<0.05).(4)乙型肝炎后肝硬化伴肝源性DM与伴原发性DM患者的FPG、PPG水平差异均无统计学意义,伴肝源性DM患者空腹胰岛素(FINS)、PINS、空腹C肽(FCP)及PCP水平高于伴原发性DM患者(P<0.05),但两者的PINS/FINS、PCP/FCP值差异无统计学意义,且小于5;伴肝源性DM患者其FPG、PPG水平均显著高于伴肝源性IGT者(P<0.05),FINS、PINS及FCP、PCP水平均低于肝源性IGT患者(P<0.05,P<0.01).结论肝病继发糖代谢异常者多发生于肝硬化患者,且以肝功能损害较重者为主,多无症状;慢性乙型肝炎伴肝源性DM患者胰岛β细胞分泌胰岛素的功能增强,而乙型肝炎后肝硬化伴肝源性DM患者则减弱.  相似文献   

Racial origin and family history of type 2 diabetes impact upon the risk of developing impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and type 2 diabetes, both of which are common in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). We examined the effects of race and family history of type 2 diabetes on the risk of IGT and type 2 diabetes in a large cohort of women with PCOS. Data obtained at baseline were analyzed from 408 premenopausal women with PCOS. Multivariate linear regression models were used to assess the impact of race (white, black, and other) and family history of type 2 diabetes on body mass index, waist circumference, and waist to hip ratio; glycemic measures (glucose and insulin levels obtained during a standard 75-g oral glucose tolerance test, fasting glucose to insulin ratio, and homeostasis model assessment model of insulin resistance derived from fasting levels of glucose and insulin), hemoglobin A(1c), and SHBG, and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate levels. Sixteen (4%) of the 408 patients had type 2 diabetes, 94 (23%) had IGT, and the remaining 298 (73%) had normal glucose tolerance. A history of type 2 diabetes in either parent (FHxPOS) was present in seven (44%) of the 16 diabetic women with PCOS, 37 (39%) of the 94 women with IGT, and 62 (21%) of those with normal glucose tolerance (P < 0.01, by chi(2) test). The prevalences of IGT and type 2 diabetes were significantly higher in FHxPOS PCOS women compared with FHxNEG PCOS women, IGT evident in 37 (35%) FHxPOS compared with 57 (19%) FHxNEG women, and type 2 diabetes evident in seven (7%) FHxPOS compared with nine (3%) FHxNEG women. Among the 392 nondiabetic subjects, after adjustment for the effects of race, FHxPOS differed significantly from FHxNEG patients in having a higher mean waist to hip ratio, hemoglobin A(1c) level, 2-h glucose level, fasting glucose and insulin levels, glucose to insulin ratio, homeostasis model assessment model of insulin resistance, and areas under the glucose and insulin curves during the oral glucose tolerance test. A family history of type 2 diabetes was present with a significantly greater frequency among women with PCOS who had IGT or type 2 diabetes compared with those with normal glucose tolerance. Conversely, a family history of type 2 diabetes in a first-degree relative was associated with a significantly higher risk for IGT or type 2 diabetes in women with PCOS. Even among nondiabetic women with PCOS, a positive family history of type 2 diabetes was strongly associated with metabolic characteristics associated with an increased risk for type 2 diabetes. Finally, the fasting glucose concentration was poorly associated with 2-h glucose concentrations among PCOS women with IGT, suggesting that the fasting glucose concentration is inadequate to predict the presence of IGT in PCOS.  相似文献   



To evaluate the predictive power of the 5-time point oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) for new-onset diabetes after kidney transplantation (NODAT).


We performed a retrospective study of 145 patients without diabetes who received kidney transplantations at our hospital. The 5-time point OGTT was performed before transplantation. The area under a receiver-operating characteristic curve (aROC) was used for evaluating the predictive power of 5-time point OGTT values.


Seventeen patients developed NODAT within 1 year after transplantation. All postload plasma glucose (PPG) levels were higher in patients who developed NODAT than in those who did not; fasting plasma glucose levels were not different. The aROC for the area under the glucose concentration-time curve was significantly greater than that for fasting plasma glucose. Univariate and multivariate analyses showed that each PPG level was an independent risk factor for NODAT. Furthermore, patients with normal glucose tolerance (NGT) or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) could be stratified with a 1-h plasma glucose (1h-PG) cut-off point of 8.4 mmol/L. The incidences of NODAT were 23.5%, 16.7%, 9.1%, and 0% for patients with IGT + 1h-PG ≥8.4 mmol/L,IGT + 1h-PG <8.4 mmol/L, NGT + 1h-PG ≥ 8.4 mmol/L, and NGT + 1h-PG < 8.4 mmol/L, respectively.


The area under the glucose concentration-time curve and each PPG concentration during the 5-time point OGTT are strong predictors of NODAT. A 1h-PG cut-off point of 8.4 mmol/L plus NGT/IGT can be used to identify patients at intermediate and high risk of developing NODAT.  相似文献   

To evaluate the factors causing glucose intolerance in type 2 diabetes in Japan, insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity were compared across the range of glucose tolerance. Subjects were divided into 3 groups: normal glucose tolerance (NGT), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), and type 2 diabetes (DM) according to the criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO). We examined insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity using fasting blood glucose and insulin levels and 75 g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). We used homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) beta-cell and insulinogenic index (30 minutes) to estimate insulin secretion and HOMA-insulin resistance (IR) and insulin sensitivity index (ISI) composite for insulin sensitivity. Although insulin resistance plays an important role in the development of diabetes in many ethnic populations, the differences in insulin sensitivity between NGT and IGT and between IGT and DM are small in Japanese patients. On the other hand, as glucose intolerance increases, insulin secretion decreases most remarkably both between NGT and IGT and between IGT and DM in Japanese patients. Decreasing insulin secretion and decreasing insulin sensitivity both occur in developing type 2 diabetes in Japanese patients, but decreased basal and early-phase insulin secretion had more pronounced contribution to glucose tolerance than the indices of insulin sensitivity. Japanese type 2 diabetic patients are characterized by a larger decrease in insulin secretion and show less attribution of insulin resistance.  相似文献   

The independent contribution of postprandial glucose (PPG) excursions to the overall glucose exposure and its role in the development of both micro- and macrovascular complications of diabetes remain subject to continuing debate in type 2 diabetes. Discussion continues on whether postprandial hyperglycemia is the main contributor to the overall hyperglycemia in fairly well-controlled individuals, whereas basal hyperglycemia becomes the preponderant contributor in poorly controlled patients. The concern about the role of PPG as a risk factor for diabetes complications is related to the controversial data obtained in individuals with impaired glucose tolerance. It remains, however, that the total glucose exposure as reflected by hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels is an undoubted major vascular risk factor. Excluding the contribution of PPG is nonsensical. In support of this position is the fact that the absolute impact of PPG on HbA1c, expressed as percentage levels of HbA1c, remains constant at 1% across the HbA1c continuum in non-insulin-treated type 2 diabetes patients. This key feature clearly depicts the absolute contribution of PPG in contrast to its relative contribution and better explains why PPG contributes to the excess of glycation with the basal hyperglycemia.  相似文献   

To evaluate the clinical significance of proinsulin determination, we measured glucose, insulin, C-peptide and proinsulin during 75-g oral glucose loading in 59 patients. In a 2.5-year follow-up study of 37 subjects with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) at the initial test, 11 patients changed from IGT to a normal state and 5 patients showed worsening to overt Type 2 diabetes with elevation of fasting plasma glucose; 21 patients remained unchanged. Although our data showed that both fasting (IGT: p = 0.4523) and 120-min plasma glucose (IGT: p = 0.8168) values at the initial test were not significantly correlated with increased fasting plasma glucose levels in a 2.5-year follow-up study, subjects with a higher 120-min proinsulin response to glucose during the initial OGTT showed a significant correlation (IGT: p <0.0001) with increased fasting plasma glucose levels after follow-up period and developed Type 2 diabetes. The present findings suggest that the proinsulin response to glucose loading might be a useful indicator for predicting worsening to diabetes in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance.  相似文献   

To investigate the time course of glucose metabolism in obesity 33 patients (21 to 69 years old; body mass index [BMI], 25.7 to 53.3 kg/m2) with different degrees of glucose intolerance or diabetes who had been studied initially and 6 years later were submitted to the same 100-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) with indirect calorimetry. From a group of 13 obese subjects with normal glucose tolerance (NGT), four developed impaired glucose tolerance (IGT); from a group of nine patients with IGT, three developed non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM); five of six obese NIDDM subjects with high insulin response developed NIDDM with low insulin response. Five patients had diabetes with hypoinsulinemia initially. As previously seen in a cross-sectional study, the 3-hour glucose storage measured by continuous indirect calorimetry remained unaltered in patients with IGT, whereas it decreased in NIDDM patients. A further decrease in glucose storage was observed with the lowering of the insulin response in the previously hyperinsulinemic diabetics. These results confirm cross-sectional studies that suggest successive phases in the evolution of obesity to diabetes: A, NGT; B, IGT (the hyperglycemia normalizing the glucose storage over 3 hours); C, diabetes with increased insulin response, where hyperglycemia does not correct the resistance to glucose storage anymore; and D, diabetes with low insulin response, with a low glucose storage and an elevated fasting and postload glycemia.  相似文献   

Glucose tolerance and insulin response were examined using a 100 g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in 108 parents of 23 patients with insulin-dependent (IDDM) and 31 patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), whose age of onset of diabetes was less than 35 years. Thirty-two age-matched healthy volunteers without a family history of diabetes were also examined as a control group. Diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) were significantly more frequent in parents of NIDDM (diabetes 34%, IGT 27%) than in parents of IDDM (diabetes 7%, IGT 13%) (P less than 0.001). At least one parent had diabetes or IGT in 30% of IDDM and 84% of NIDDM patients (P less than 0.001), and both parents had diabetes or IGT in 9% of IDDM and 39% of NIDDM patients (P less than 0.02). Even in cases with 'normal' glucose tolerance, the mean plasma glucose was higher in parents of NIDDM than in control subjects, suggesting a high prevalence of abnormal glucose tolerance including the marginal degree of abnormality in the families of NIDDM. The early phase insulin response was decreased more among parents of NIDDM with the greater impairment of glucose tolerance. However, among those with 'normal' glucose tolerance, early phase insulin response did not differ between parents of IDDM and NIDDM, and control subjects. The results confirmed a stronger familial background in NIDDM patients of younger onset than in IDDM. The different patterns of glucose tolerance among two parents of young-onset NIDDM patients suggest heterogeneity of the mode of inheritance of NIDDM among families.  相似文献   

AIMS: To compare the performance of fasting glycaemia (FG) and oral glucose tolerance testing (OGTT) in screening for diabetes mellitus in obese patients. METHODS: A consecutive series of 528 (445 female, 83 male) obese (body mass index > 30 kg/m2) outpatients, aged 45.2 +/- 14.3 years, was studied with FG and OGTT. The association of categories of glucose tolerance (diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT)) and fasting glycaemia (diabetes and impaired fasting glucose (IFG)) with hypertension and hyperlipidaemia were also assessed. RESULTS: Prevalence of diabetes and IGT were 20.1 and 22.9%, respectively. FG (> 7 mmol/l) had a sensitivity of 56.7%. Using FG > 6.1 mmol/l, and OGTT in those above the threshold, the sensitivity for diabetes would have been 89.6%, with a positive predictive value of 59.0%, but 68.8% of cases of IGT would not have been detected. Patients with impaired fasting glucose (FG of 6.1-7.0 mmol/l) showed lower insulin sensitivity and impaired beta cell function, and a weaker association to hypertriglyceridaemia, when compared to IGT. CONCLUSION: FG > 7.0 mmol/l does not show a sufficient sensitivity for the screening of diabetes in obese patients. FG > 6. mmol/l has a satisfactory sensitivity for diabetes, but not for IGT. IFG has different pathophysiological features than IGT and cannot be assumed to have the same prognostic value of IGT.  相似文献   

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