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中国办世博是我们百年的梦想,中国办世博是中国智慧的展现,更是中国实力的体现。美丽的黄浦江两岸设立展馆154个,吸引全球189个国家和57个国际组织参展。让"不出国门,看遍世界"的神话变为现实。看世博,让我看出了骄傲和自豪。每日数十万甚至逾百万的人近距离地认识世界,感受世界多元文化和科技的魅力。  相似文献   

不同厂家甲硝唑片含量及溶出度考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邵红燕 《中国药师》2002,5(5):312-312
目的:对8个厂家12个批号的甲哨唑片剂进行质量评价。方法:按照中国药典方法以紫外分光光度法测定含量,用转篮法测定溶出度。结果:8个厂家12个批号上市产品中7个厂家11个批号的产品达到中国药典要求,约占厂家的87.5%和产品总数的92%。结论:建议加强对药品溶出度的监测,确保药品质量。  相似文献   

目的对收集的中国先天性副肌强直(PC)一家系致病基因进行初步筛查。方法采用测序的方法对中国PC家系的患者和正常人的SCN4A基因24个外显子测序,分析比较中国PC家系的患者和正常人与正常人群的差异。结果未发现该中国PC家系在SCN4A基因24个外显子存在致病突变。结论该中国PC家系的发病与SCN4A基因无关。  相似文献   

2014年9月8日,广州白云山医药集团股份有限公司、广州白云山制药总厂在广州东方宾馆召开首个中国伟哥——白云山金戈新闻发布会。16年磨一剑的白云山金戈惊艳亮相会场,标志着首个中国伟哥打破了外资企业在中国长达13年的ED市场垄断,对推动我国生物医药健康产业发展意义重大,并将造福国内消费者。  相似文献   

专家介绍,前列腺癌在中国每年新发病率为10万人里4至5个,每年以10%的速度增长。随着中国进入老年社会,10年后,每年新发病例将达到10万人里有60到70个。  相似文献   

金蛇狂舞辞旧岁,万马奔腾迎新春。60年1个甲子轮回,2014又是甲午年。回想往前数两个甲子,甲午即1894年,那时蓄谋侵略中国已久的日本军国主义,悍然挑起了中日甲午战争,旨在瓜分掠夺中国。中国军民对日本的侵略进行了英勇抗击,但是,由于清政府的腐败无能,最终以中国失败而告终,清政府被迫签订了《马关条约》,又一次让中国背上了割地赔款的耻辱。教训极为深刻!毛泽东主席曾深刻指出:"中国落后的原因,主要是没有新式工业。日本帝国主义为什么敢于这样地欺负中国,就是因为中国没有强大的工业,它欺侮我们的落后。因此,  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒(2019 novel coronavirus,2019-nCoV)于武汉暴发以来,截至2020年2月18日,已经蔓延至全球多个国家和地区,包括13个亚洲国家,9个欧洲国家,2个北美洲国家,1个大洋洲国家和1个非洲国家。全球现存病例数58620例,其中中国57939例;全球累计死亡1873例,其中中国1870例;全球累计治愈12837例,其中中国12721例。由于国家和政府强有力的措施和政策,以及相关专业人员的付出和辛劳,疫情已经得到控制,然而尽快确定药物治疗方案,对应对2019-nCoV暴发依然至关重要。全球多个国家和地区的科研工作者夜以继日研发相关治疗药物和疫苗,但目前还没有药物或疫苗被批准用于治疗2019-nCoV。  相似文献   

据统计,全美有8000万人存在不同程度的脱发。其中,男性到50岁时有50%出现脱发。中国脱发现状同样堪忧。中国男性脱发的发病率在25%左右,即每4个中国男人中有1个脱发。但却有95%以上的脱发男士走入治疗误区。脱发原因既有内因也有外因,还可能是某些疾病的征兆。专家强调,如果出现3—6个月持续性的脱发,就应该去专科医院进行正规的治疗。  相似文献   

目的 发现并考证中国药典2015年版中药材植物基源的中文名及拉丁学名与经典分类著作不同、同基源的相同部位作2种药材分别收载等情况,并提出建议。方法 查询历版中国药典,并借助《中国植物志》、《中国法定药用植物》、FOC、CFH数据库及其他相关著作,对上述情况进行考订。结果 中国药典2015年版一部和附录中,存在上述情况的品种共计50个。其中,中药材基源植物中文通用名与其他植物重名或相似的24个,中药材基源植物拉丁学名引用或拼写不同于分类学著作的16个,同物异名作2种药材分别收载的8个,存在其他情况的品种2个。而后对上述情况进行考订。结论 经研究考订,44个品种已考证清楚,6个尚待进一步研究。  相似文献   

第六届中国药学会学术年会,定于2006年10月10日至12日在广州市举行。大会主题是:医药自主创新与可持续发展。大会将邀请国家政府部门领导和中国药学会所属十五个专业委员会推荐的著名专家作大会报告,并进行七个分会场专题学术交流,其中设有“中国医药企业自主创新论坛”分会场。年会授予参会代表中国药学会继续药学教  相似文献   

目的:分析不同种质紫苏叶挥发性成分的化学型,并探讨其种质、叶片颜色与化学型的关系。方法:采用气质联用技术(GC-MS),以P4峰为参照,绘制30批紫苏叶挥发性成分的指纹图谱,采用《中药色谱指纹图谱相似度评价系统(2004A版)》进行相似度评价,确定共有峰。采用同一GC-MS法测定紫苏叶挥发性成分;采用Qualitative Navigator(B.08.00)软件分析并与NIST 17标准质谱数据库进行检索比对,分析各色谱峰对应的化合物;采用Origin 2018软件进行聚类分析。结果:30批紫苏叶挥发性成分共有13个共有峰,相似度为0.13~1.00。从30批不同种质紫苏叶样品中共鉴定出54种成分;聚类分析结果显示,30批样品可聚为三大类,其中SCY-1、YNT-9、YNX-17、YN-28为一类,以榄香素(PP-e)为主要挥发性成分,为PP-e型;GS-4、GS-7、GS-11、GS-19、HBA-14、HBA-20、GZZ-8、LN-39、GSL-27、GSQ-32、GSQ-33、GST-31、YNW-12、LN-38为一类,除LN-38外均以紫苏酮(PK)含量最高,为PK型[LN-38中芹菜脑(PP-a)含量高于紫苏酮,为PP-a型];HBS-2、HBS-3、HBS-6、HBS-15、HBS-16、HBS-24、HBS-25、GX-26、SXS-30、SCC-36、RB-37、SC-29为一类,以紫苏醛(PA)含量较高,为PA型;不同种质紫苏叶颜色特征结果显示,叶片颜色两面绿的白苏均为PK型,而叶片单面或两面紫的紫苏大多为PA型,耳齿紫苏多为PP-e型。结论:紫苏叶挥发性成分化学型与其叶片颜色之间存在一定的对应关系,叶片单面或两面紫的紫苏叶大多为PA型;叶片颜色为两面绿的野生紫苏、耳齿紫苏、白苏均不属于PA型,其中白苏均为PK型;耳齿紫苏多为PP-e型。  相似文献   

作者对15种川产五加属药用植物的根进行了形态和组织比较研究,描述其鉴定特征,列表进行组织特征比较。  相似文献   

采集了300多号中国香茅属标本并研究了国内外近1000份标本。分类学研究表明中国有12种香茅,其中一种为中国新记录种,即滇西香茅,而金沙香茅和西昌香茅为新种。形态学和显著鉴定学的研究表明药用的商品有7种香茅。  相似文献   

Wistar (W) and Sprague-Dawley (S.D.) rats responded differently to electroshock and metrazole test when fed with two diets (A and B). Latency periods of B for male (m) and female (f) were: W.m. greater than W.f. (P less than 0.001); W.m. greater than S.D.m. (P less than 0.05); S.D.f. greater than W.m. (P less than 0.001); S.D.m. B greater than S.D.m. A (P less than 0.001); W.m. B greater than W and S.D.m. A (P less than 0.001). Preconvulsive period for B were: W.f. and m. greater than S.D.f. and m. (P less than 0.001); W.m. greater than S.D.m. (P less than 0.001); W.m. greater than S.D.f. (P less than 0.001); S.D.m. greater than S.D.f. (P less than 0.001) and W.m. greater than W.f. (P less than 0.001). Effects of A were negligible. Phenytoin and phenobarbital protected against electroshock.  相似文献   

Binding affinity at the [3H]-BK binding site and activity as inositol phosphate (IP) production by the peptide bradykinin (BK) and the nonpeptide FR190997 were studied at wild-type or point-mutated human B2 receptors (hB2R) expressed in CHO cells. The effect of the following mutations were analyzed: E47A (TM1), W86A and T89A (TM2), I110A, L114A and S117A (TM3), T158A, M165T and L166F (TM4), T197A and S211A (TM5), F252A, W256A and F259A (TM6), S291A, F292A, Y295A and Y295F (TM7), and the double mutation W256A/Y295F. As the wild-type receptor-binding affinity of FR190997 was 40-fold lower than BK, whereas their agonist potency was comparable, both agonists produced similar maximal effects (Emax). Mutations were evaluated as affecting the affinity and/or efficacy of FR190997 compared with BK. Two mutations were found to impair the agonist affinity of both agonists drastically: W86A and F259A. BK agonist affinity (pEC50) was reduced by 1400- and 150-fold, and that of FR190997 was reduced by 400- and 25-fold, at the W86A and F259A mutant B2 receptors, respectively. Contrary to BK, the affinity of FR190997 was selectively decreased at I110A, Y295A, and Y295F mutants (>103-fold), and a different efficacy was measured at the Y295 mutants, FR190997 being devoid of the capability to trigger IP production at Y295A mutant. L114A, F252A, and W256A selectively impaired the efficacy of FR190997, whereas its binding affinity was not affected. As a consequence, FR190997 behaved as a high-affinity antagonist in blocking the IP production induced by BK. The lack of capability of FR190997 to activate or to bind the double mutant W256A/Y295F suggests that these residues are part of the same binding site, which is also important for receptor activation by the nonpeptide ligand. Overall, by means of mutational analysis, we indicate an hB2R recognition site for the nonpeptide agonist FR190997 (between TM3, 6, and 7), different from that of BK, and show that in the same binding crevice some mutations (L114, W256, and F252) are selectively responsible for the agonist properties of only FR190997.  相似文献   

应用数量化学分类法分析了浙江紫堇属植物的亲缘关系,提出白花土元胡和珠芽尖距紫堇值得进一步研究开发。将两者与延胡索作了薄层层析比较,结果表明白花土元胡的成分与延胡索的相似。  相似文献   

J M Carsi  L T Potter 《Toxicon》2000,38(2):187-198
The venom of the green mamba, Dendroaspis angusticeps, was found to have at least six trace m1-specific toxins that block the binding of 3H-N-methylscopolamine to cloned m1 muscarinic receptors. Four were isolated by gel filtration, cation exchange HPLC and reversed-phase HPLC and named m1-toxins1-4. Recovery was 180, 90, 20 and 10 microg/g dry venom, respectively. m1-Toxin1 (the original m1-toxin) was found to have the sequence, L T C V K S N S I W F P T S E D C P D G Q N LC F K R W Q Y I S P R M Y D F T R G C A A T C P K A E Y R D V I N C C G T D K C N K, calculated mass = 7473 Da and calculated pI = 8.2. This sequence had been predicted previously from a cDNA cloned from the venom glands of this snake. The binding of m1-toxin1 was irreversible, so its Kd could not be determined. m1-Toxin2 differed only in proline-19, mass = 7455 and pI = 8.5. Partial sequence data for m1-toxin3 showed aspartate-7 and m1-toxin4 showed isoleucine-12, asparagine-16 and alanine-19. m1-Toxins1-4 have seven conserved amino acids not found in homologous mamba toxins that bind to other muscarinic receptors (MT1, MT2, m4-toxin = MT3, MT4, MT5, MTalpha and MTbeta). Some of these residues may be essential for m1-specificity. Since m1-toxin1 binds irreversibly in artificial cerebrospinal fluid at 37 degrees C, it is a particularly attractive antagonist for studies in vivo.  相似文献   

肾茶研究新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肾荼是唇形科肾茶属植物,我国及东南亚国家民间广泛用于治疗急慢性肾炎、膀胱炎、尿路结石、胆囊炎、胆结石、风湿性关节炎、痛风和其他一些疾病。历史悠久,毒性很小。本文综述了近年来肾茶化学成分、药理与临床扣安全用药方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

Two ecotypes of the green alga Stigeoclonium tenue Kütz. coming from polluted or unpolluted freshwaters and showing various Zn-tolerance were compared for their production of non-proteinaceous thiols in response to Zn. In short-term (17 h) exposures to 15 microM Zn they did not reveal any significant difference in levels of glutathione, phytochelatins and some unknown thiols. However, after prolonged metal exposure (48 h) the Zn-tolerant S. tenue (T) isolated from Zn-polluted mining water, produced at the expense of GSH besides phytochelatins (PC(2)-PC(4)) much higher amounts of novel, phytochelatin-related peptides. After a 6-week exposure to 30 microM Zn, phytochelatins (approximately 6 micromol SH per g D.W.) and the novel thiol peptides (approximately 31 micromol SH per g D.W.), only in the surviving Zn-tolerant alga, were produced. HPLC analysis suggested that the novel peptides (P1-P3) differ from each other by one gammaGlu-Cys unit. ESI/MS analysis of the purified, most abundant peptides P2 and P3, of m/z values 643 and 875, respectively, suggested that they contain one cysteine residue more than PC(2) and PC(3). A 22-fold higher concentration of these peptides in Zn-tolerant S. tenue (T) than in Zn-sensitive S. tenue (S) was also observed in response to Pb exposure. Biosynthesis of the large amounts of the novel thiol peptides, which contain more SH-groups than phytochelatins, detected in the Zn-tolerant organism after long Zn exposure, and lack of such a response in the Zn-sensitive ecotype S. tenue (S), isolated from unpolluted water, suggest that they are essential in the adaptation of S. tenue (T) to increased heavy metal concentrations.  相似文献   

报道了地肤子与藜的抗菌、清炎及利尿等药理作用的比较研究实验。结果表明,地肤子对浅部真菌有效,对巴豆油致耳肿有较强的抑制作用,对大白鼠有较弱的利尿作用,藜对残部真菌无效,有较弱的抗炎作用,但无利尿作用。  相似文献   

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