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目的:对中面部老化在睑袋整形术的同时矫正泪槽畸形采用眶隔脂肪释放与填充剂矫正的疗效进行对比。方法:46例睑袋整形术,其中33例采用睑袋整形术切口,皮下锐性分离皮瓣约1cm,于皮肤切口缘下方4mm切开眼轮匝肌,眼轮匝肌与眶隔之间钝、锐性游离达眶缘,松解眶肌筋膜韧带(王韧带),于眶缘处分离支持韧带,在骨膜上分离眼轮匝肌达眶缘下1~2cm,弓状缘释放眶隔脂肪并重置,6-0可吸收线将眶隔脂肪固定于眶缘下骨膜上。如果脂肪较多者适当去除部分脂肪,以局部平整为度。去除多余的眼轮匝肌和皮肤后缝合切口;另外13例采用睑袋整形术方法同上,只是不行眶隔脂肪释放,于术后2个月后采用填充剂治疗泪槽畸形。结果:本组46例中33例眶隔脂肪释放重置者,泪槽畸形均矫正,回访3~12个月效果良好。13例填充剂治疗泪槽畸形矫正者,回访3~12个月,其中5例填充爱贝芙者泪槽畸形改善较好,8例填充玻尿酸者,泪槽畸形仍较明显。结论:睑袋整形术时采用眶隔脂肪释放重置矫正中面部老化泪槽畸形是一种很好的方法。虽然填充剂也能解决泪槽畸形,但毕竟有时效性,加之填充剂本身也有一定的并发症,故在睑袋整形术时不要轻易将眶隔脂肪去除。  相似文献   

目的探讨采用皮瓣和肌瓣法(简称双瓣法)行睑袋成形术的操作方法和临床效果。方法对36例采用下睑成形术切口人路,分别形成皮瓣和肌瓣,在皮肤和眼轮匝肌表面与眶隔之间进行分离,直达眶下缘凹陷部,术中充分剥离松解弓状缘眼轮匝肌,特别是泪槽处眶下缘骨膜面的眼轮匝肌,将眶隔脂肪释放,缝合固定于眶下缘下方骨膜面上,行睑颊沟填充。然后设计眼轮匝肌瓣,将眼轮匝肌瓣上提和缝合固定,提升面中部使下睑区域达到年轻化效果。结果36例术后未出现血肿和下睑退缩现象。所有患者术后经3~18个月随访,均未出现睑外翻及面神经损伤等并发症。结论双瓣法既能矫正睑袋畸形,又能有效提升面颊部,达到面中部年轻化的效果,是一种较好的睑袋切除术式。  相似文献   

目的 探讨伴有明显泪槽和睑颊沟的眼袋整形手术方法.方法 2007年1月至2011年6月,对56例眼袋伴泪槽和睑颊沟畸形者,在术中充分剥离松解弓状缘眼轮匝肌,尤其是附着在内侧泪槽处眶下缘骨膜面的眼轮匝肌,将眶隔脂肪释放重置并缝合固定于眶下缘下方4 ~6 mm处骨膜面上,进行泪槽和睑颊沟充填.结果 术后随访3 ~18个月,54例眼袋消失,无下睑凹陷、不平整等;1例术后1个月出现下睑皮下局部凹凸不平,3个月后经结膜入路修复后改善;1例出现下睑缘轻度退缩,经局部理疗后睑缘退缩消失.结论 剥离松解弓状缘眼轮匝肌,行眶隔重置,对矫正伴有泪槽及睑颊沟畸形的眼袋效果良好.  相似文献   

目的:介绍睑袋成形术中利用眼轮匝肌矫正泪沟畸形的方法。方法:在常规睑袋成形术中,利用切下的眼轮匝肌组织瓣,平铺于泪沟凹陷处的骨膜上,适当固定,填充泪沟局部凹陷,达到平坦,过渡自然的外观。结果:本组共施行手术71例,术后随访3~21个月,泪沟畸形及睑袋畸形、睑颊沟显现等体征均得以矫正,中面部较术前明显年轻,无下睑凹陷、外翻或巩膜过分显露、睑球分离等并发症发生,效果满意。结论:利用眼轮匝肌瓣法矫治泪沟畸形的睑袋成形术操作简单、设计合理,适用于修复伴有泪沟、睑颊沟显现且眶隔脂肪不多的睑袋求美者。  相似文献   

目的:探讨在下睑袋矫正术中应用自体脂肪填充矫正泪槽畸形的效果。方法:2017年6月-2018年12月,对112例皮肤松弛的睑袋伴泪槽畸形(伴或不伴有睑颊沟畸形)患者,采用皮肤入路,去除多余的眶隔脂肪,不离断泪槽韧带,用自体脂肪颗粒填充矫正泪槽畸形及睑颊沟畸形。结果:术后随访3~18个月,其中107例睑袋及泪槽畸形、睑颊沟畸形消失,无睑缘退缩、睑外翻发生,睑颊过渡平滑,矫正效果好;3例睑袋改善效果好,但仍有泪槽畸形,3~6个月后予以再次填充改善;2例填充区域外观不平整。结论:经皮肤入路,去除多余眶脂肪,不离断泪槽韧带,自体脂肪颗粒填充可以有效矫正睑袋和泪槽畸形。  相似文献   

目的探讨经睑缘切口眶隔释放、泪沟及睑颊沟填充的中面部年轻化的方法和疗效。方法自2018年12月至2019年12月,沈阳医学院附属中心医院医学美容科共收治了50例中、重度下睑袋伴泪沟和睑颊沟畸形的患者,年龄45~63岁。经睑缘切口,离断眼轮匝肌支持韧带,钝性分离颧前间隙,眶隔脂肪复合组织转移填充泪沟及睑颊沟,将眼轮匝肌肌皮瓣上提、固定于眶外侧缘下方,距离外眦韧带约1 cm处,以提升中面部,达到面部年轻化的效果。术后随访6~12个月,对患者的满意度进行评价。结果 50例患者中,1例分离眶缘时局部血肿,1例分离颧前间隙时局部血肿,经及时局部加压包扎24 h,1周后血肿完全吸收,未影响手术效果;余者手术顺利,效果满意。45例获随访6个月,满意36例(80.0%),较满意7例(15.6%),一般1例(2.2%),不满意1例(2.2%);总满意率为95.6%;无下睑外翻、睑球分离、面神经损伤等并发症出现。结论经睑缘切口眶隔释放的中面部年轻化,有效地改善了泪沟、睑颊沟畸形,提升了中面部的软组织,且手术损伤较小,值得临床应用。  相似文献   

衰老所致泪槽畸形和睑颊沟畸形发生机制的解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 研究衰老所致泪槽畸形及脸颊沟畸形解剖学方面的形成机制.方法 对6具60岁以上泪槽畸形及睑颊沟畸形较明显的尸体标本(男性3具,女性3具,平均年龄67.2岁)的下睑及眶周区域做逐层解剖(12侧),观察眶部各层组织间的相互关系.结果 泪槽畸形及睑颊沟畸形处于眼睑较薄皮肤与颧颊部较厚皮肤的交界处,皮肤与眼轮匝肌附着较紧密;颧部脂肪上缘覆盖于眼轮匝肌睑部与眶部的结合部,并与泪槽及睑颊沟的位置相对应,颧部脂肪七缘不随颧脂肪垫下移;内侧眼轮匝肌眶部与提上唇鼻翼肌之间隙与泪槽位置不对应;眼轮匝肌限制韧带起于眶下缘并止于眼轮匝肌睑部与眶部的结合部,外宽内窄,在内侧1/3延续为内眦部深层眼轮匝肌,直接贴附于眶下缘骨面;眼轮匝肌下脂肪位于眶部外下方,薄且松弛;眶隔附着于眶下缘.眶脂肪向前下方膨出.结论 泪槽畸形和睑颊沟畸形形成是衰老所致各层组织松弛、萎缩和下移等综合因素共同作用的结果,其中眶隔及眼轮匝肌限制韧带限制组织下移的作用町能是眶下缘凹陷更加凸显的关键.  相似文献   

目的介绍睑袋整形术中处理眶隔及眶隔脂肪并充分矫正宽大泪沟和睑颊沟的方法。方法自2016年7月至2017年11月,共35例患者接受眶隔脂肪瓣翻转填充法睑袋整形术。术中完整显露眶隔后,将眶下剥离范围延伸到距眶缘1 cm,在眶隔上缘将眶隔剪开后形成蒂在上的向下翻转的脂肪瓣,充分填充泪沟与睑颊沟基底。结果本组共35例患者,术后随访4~12个月。睑袋畸形及泪沟、睑颊沟显现等体征均得以矫正,眶周及中面部较术前明显年轻,远期无下睑凹陷、外翻或巩膜过分显露、睑球分离、眶下神经支配区域麻木疼痛等并发症发生,效果满意。结论眶下沟槽区域充分剥离同时眶隔脂肪瓣翻转填充对较重泪沟以及睑颊沟的患者改善较明显,值得推广。  相似文献   

目的 探讨睑袋合并严重沟槽畸形矫正的方法.方法 通过下睑皮肤切口,在眼轮匝肌深面分离,暴露眶隔及眶下缘骨膜,充分分离颧前间隙,打开眶膈将眶脂肪游离、释放,然后重置于沟槽畸形处眼轮匝肌深面,与眶缘下方的骨膜缝合固定,若沟槽畸形矫正不满意,将眼轮匝肌肌皮瓣向上提拉展平,并嘱患者睁眼上视,将超出切口缘部分多余的肌皮瓣,设计成内侧蒂眼轮匝肌瓣,去除表皮后转位填充于沟槽畸形相对应的位置,缝合固定.结果 临床治疗72例睑袋合并严重沟槽畸形患者,通过内侧蒂眼轮匝肌瓣转位及眶脂肪重置进行矫正.随访3~6个月,所有患者术后睑袋、泪槽沟及睑颊沟畸形均得到良好纠正.结论 眶脂肪重置结合内侧蒂眼轮匝肌瓣转位矫正睑袋合并严重沟槽畸形是一种行之有效的好方法.  相似文献   

目的探讨睑袋改良整形术治疗中老年人睑袋及恢复中面部原有平衡的临床疗效。方法于下睑缘下1.0~1.5 mm处沿下睑缘行切口,将下睑眼轮匝肌肌皮瓣进行叠加,加强下睑眼轮匝肌功能,解决下睑退缩问题,并形成下睑缘"卧蚕"样隆起形态;将下睑眶隔脂肪进行释放重置填充泪沟,解决眼窝凹陷问题;同时向下分离眶下缘至颧骨骨膜表面,将中面部松弛的组织向上提拉固定,使中面部皮肤收紧,展平加深的鼻唇沟。结果本组12例患者的睑袋消失,泪沟及鼻唇沟凹陷和中面部组织松弛问题均得到明显改善,且中面部明显年轻化,无并发症发生。结论睑袋改良整形术安全可靠,效果明显且疗效可靠,并易推广,是治疗中老年人睑袋及中面部年轻化的有效方法。  相似文献   

Periorbital aesthetic surgery for men. Eyelids and related structures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article has provided an overview of recent advances and contemporary philosophy in male blepharoplasty and aesthetic periorbital surgery. It has emphasized the importance of proper brow positioning, invagination procedures on the upper lid with minimal skin excision, restoration of tone in the lower lid without deforming the aperture, designing skin and muscle excisions to prevent deformity, and repair of the deforming tear trough or nasal-jugal ditch through an extremely helpful new tear trough implant.  相似文献   

Eyelid rejuvenation surgery may be slowly shifting from pure fat removal techniques to those that preserve and reposition the periorbital fat. The traditional subciliary incision blepharoplasty was fraught with minor and major complications, and while the transconjunctival blepharoplasty afforded lower morbidity, its inability to address all aspects of periorbital rejuvenation eventually limited its popularity. Coincidentally, a search by aesthetic surgeons was on for better techniques to lift the midface, soften the nasolabial fold, and efface the tear trough deformity. In an effort to avoid the lid malposition complications that often accompany transblepharoplasty cheek lifting, innovative canthoplasty and canthopexy techniques were developed, which paved the way for a safe return to subciliary blepharoplasty surgery. Effacement of the tear trough deformity, now considered to be a major determinant in successful periorbital rejuvenation, could be achieved through fat repositioning and without the use of alloplastic implants or free fat grafts, thus improving reliability while minimizing complications. By preserving periorbital fat the hollowed out orbit, often seen after traditional blepharoplasty, could be avoided. The technique described in this article is a composite of several previously published approaches, is simple for the experienced blepharoplasty surgeon to master, and has been used with safety and reliability over the past 18 months in the senior author's practice.  相似文献   

目的探讨在眼轮匝肌悬吊法睑袋成形术中,通过眼轮匝肌支持韧带完全松解,使附着在眶缘骨膜上松弛的皮肤、皮下组织得以充分释放,以达到下睑组织和眶颧组织整体提紧效果的改良手术方法。方法对409例具有较明显沟槽畸形的患者,在行眼轮匝肌悬吊法睑袋成形术过程中,增加了眼轮匝肌支持韧带离断、韧带断端上提与眶隔筋膜固定的操作,对眼轮匝肌悬吊法进行改进。结果经术后随访1~3年,全部受术者沟槽畸形改观明显,无1例出现并发症,得到比较满意的疗效。结论改良的眼轮匝肌悬吊法睑袋成形术。松解了眶颧部皮肤,有利于恢复睑颊复合体的平整自然,对改善沟槽畸形尤为有效。此法简单易行,安全性高,可作为下睑袋成形术的优选术式。  相似文献   

Introduction Lower lid blepharoplasty traditionally is considered a more complex procedure than upper lid blepharoplasty. More factors effect the success of the procedure and complications are more frequent. In lower lid blepharoplasty the following anatomic features are observed pre‐operatively and are often modified surgically: Lateral canthus position, interpalpebral slant, lower lid position, size and shape of the lateral scleral triangle, lower lid fat pad buldes, lower lid tone, lid‐cheek junction, and tear trough deformity. The following findings significantly effect surgical execution but are not modified surgically: presense of dry eyes/tear quality and the presence of relative enophthalmos or exopthalmos. Methods/Techniques Lower lid blepharoplasty is performed with the patient in a supine position and with conscious sedation or general anesthesia. Corneal protection lenses are placed. Local anesthesia is injected for hemostasis in the lower lid, along the infraorbial rim, and at the lateral orbital rim. A scalpel is used to make an incision from the lateral canthus in a lateral direction one cm long. The angel in changed infero‐obliquely to travel in a subcilliary location for one cm. The bovie is used to incise to that lateral orbial rim taking care to preserve the periosteum. Scissors are used to create a plane in the subcilliary location between the muscle and the skin. A subcilliary skin incision is made with the scissors. An incision is then made in the orbicularis oculi muscle inferior to the skin incision in order to preserve at least 4 mm of pre‐tarsal muscle. A skin muscle flap is then raised in the pre‐septal plane. The orbito‐malar ligament released and small portion of the lateral superior cheek is raised in a pre‐periosteal plane. Scissors are used to perform a septectomy. If the preoperative inspection demonstrated fat bulges and an absent tear trough, a conservative amount of fat is resected at the level of the orbital rim. If a prominent lid cheek junction is present and if a medial tear trough is present the fat is reposition over the infra‐orbital rim. In the case of medial tear trough correction, the medial origin of the levator labii superioris alaque nasae is elevated. Fat pads are repositioned beneath the tear trough and sutured in place to the periosteum of the superior maxilla using 6‐O vicryl. Attention is then turned to the lateral canthus. A canthopexy or lateral canthoplasty is performed in almost every lower lid blepharoplasty in order to shape the lower lid margin and the lateral scleral triangle. If the lower lid has minimal laxity defined by less than 6 mm of lid distraction from the globe with forcep retraction, a canthopexy is attempted in order to avoid a lateral canthotomy and the potential associated morbidity. If there is significant lower lid laxity, a lateral canthotomy and lateral canthoplasty is performed. 4‐O mersiline suture is used to the suture the lateral canthus to the lateral orbital rim. If lid tightening does not occur sufficiently, the lower lid is too long. In this case a lower cantholysis in performed and the lid is shortened laterally using scissors. 4‐O mersiline is used to re‐construct the lateral canthus by suturing the lower lid lateral cut margin to the lateral orbital rim in a posterior position. The vertical position and the depth of the canthoplasty or canthopexy suture placement is determined by the preoperative assessment of globe prominence using a Hertel exophthalmeter. Subsequent to management of the lateral canthus, skin‐muscle flap is redraped, trimmed and fixed in place at and lateral to the lateral orbital rim. Conservative resection of skin in important for the avoidance of complications. Results 485 patients underwent lower blepharoplasty with the technique described. The average age of the patient was 52 years. 90% patients were women and 10% were men. 73%% underwent canthopexy and 27% underwent canthoplasty. 185 were secondary lower bleaphroplasties. Satisfaction rates were high. Minor complications included chemosis, lateral canthal webbing, and excess skin requiring revision. Major complications included hematoma, lid malposition or ectropion. 3% required re‐operation for lower lid retraction. Conclusions Lower lid belpharoplasty is an important procedure in order to achieve a balanced natural appearance. Complications, while more common than those in upper lid belpahroplasty, occur at relatively low rates. Satisfaction rates are generally high. The keys to success are proper canthal positioning for lid shape and support bolstered by an orbicularis flap properly placed and firmly fixed to the lateral orbital periosteum in order to correct lower lid laxity.  相似文献   

目的:探讨多项技术综合应用下睑成形术矫正下睑泪槽畸形的可行性,总结手术操作技巧及经验。方法:经皮肤肌皮瓣手术入路,采用弓状缘眶隔脂肪释放、眶内脂肪保留、眶隔紧缩重置技术及眶肌筋膜韧带提紧悬吊相结合的综合手术方法。结果:本组56例患者,术后无明显出血、瘀斑,无睑球分离、下睑外翻等并发症出现。随访2~30个月,下睑部皮肤平整,泪槽畸形明显改善,患者自感外观效果满意。结论:多项技术综合应用下睑成形术矫正下睑泪槽畸形是获得面中部年轻化的行之有效的手术方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨通过结膜入路矫正下睑袋畸形的同时,以眶隔脂肪填充修复泪槽沟畸形的方法。方法:通过结膜入路释放眶隔脂肪,将其以缝线内固定的方法稳妥填充泪槽沟畸形。结果:手术方法简单,未见感染、出血等并发症,术后效果满意,长期观察未见眶隔脂肪脱落造成泪槽沟复发畸形。结论:改良固定眶隔脂肪的方法在结膜入路下睑袋整复术中安全可靠,值得进一步临床推广。  相似文献   

The lower eyelid can be a challenging area in facial rejuvenation. While lower eyelid bags are commonly the reason that patients present for lower eyelid rejuvenation, a separate entity known as a tear trough deformity may occur in conjunction with lower eyelid bags or alone. In this article, the authors outline the current understanding of the tear trough anatomy; describe multiple classification systems, which provide an objective means of evaluating the deformity and aid the surgeon in choosing appropriate treatment options; and review surgical and nonsurgical techniques for correcting the tear trough deformity. Treatment options include hyaluronic acid filler, fat grafting, skeletal implants, and fat transposition. Each procedure is associated with advantages and disadvantages, and each should be considered more complex than traditional lower blepharoplasty alone. While lower blepharoplasty removes excess fat and may tighten the anterior lamella, tear trough procedures require the addition of volume to the underlying depression. These procedures requiring release of the ligamentous structures and orbicularis (of which the tear trough is composed), as well as fat transposition or fat grafting, are associated with additional complications, which are also reviewed.  相似文献   

Mid-face rejuvenation has long been a difficult area for aesthetic facial surgeons. In this article the author reviews the techniques currently available and examines in-depth two techniques that he feels are noteworthy for their efficacy in improving mid-face aging. One of these techniques is the "SMAS division mid-face lift" which targets aging of the mid-face associated with a deep nasolabial fold. The other technique is known as a "SOOF lift blepharoplasty" and helps to improve aging of the lower lid associated with a tear trough deformity. Facial aesthetic surgeons should gain a better appreciation of the approaches available for improving this challenging area after digesting the contents of this review article.  相似文献   

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