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目的探讨侧视内镜联合X线监视下肠道金属支架置入,治疗胃出口、十二指肠及空肠恶性梗阻的临床价值。方法回顾性分析23例胃出口、十二指肠及空肠恶性梗阻部位与肠腔严重成角的患者。经十二指肠侧视内镜置入导丝,联合X线监视下置入并释放自膨式肠道金属支架。结果 23例患者共置入金属支架28枚,全部成功。其中5例因肿瘤生长至再狭窄,而再次置入半覆膜金属支架。置入成功率100.0%。1例胆道支架后再放置十二指肠支架的患者出现一过性胆红素升高,未发生消化道穿孔及其他严重并发症。所有患者支架置入后24 h梗阻症状缓解或消除。随访时间3~12个月,所有患者均保持支架通畅。结论侧视内镜联合X线放置胃十二指肠及空肠金属支架,较前视内镜联合X线方法对恶性梗阻部位与肠腔严重成角的患者置入难度及风险减轻,成功率高,操作精准,并发症少。  相似文献   

目的 探讨经结肠镜钳道(钳道直径3.8 mm)直视下置入金属支架治疗胃十二指肠恶性梗阻的操作方法及疗效。方法 该组38例胃十二指肠恶性梗阻患者在联合 X 线监视经结肠镜钳道直视下,置入42枚金属内支架治疗。结果 38例患者支架置入均获得了成功,随访期间患者均能进食流质或普食,呕吐减轻,生活质量提高,未出现严重并发症。结论 经结肠镜钳道直视下联合 X 线监视置入金属内支架治疗胃十二指肠恶性梗阻,安全有效,操作简便、时间短,患者痛苦小,定位准确,支架一次性置入成功率高、覆盖病变完全,同时利用现有的大钳道结肠镜,不需要购置特制的大钳道胃镜,充分利用了设备资源,适合推广应用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨经内镜下逆行胰胆管造影(ERCP)与经皮肝穿刺置入胆道支架,后经口置入十二指肠支架的方法,评价金属支架在治疗恶性胆道合并十二指肠梗阻的作用.方法 恶性梗阻性黄疸合并十二指肠梗阻病例16例经ERCP方法先置入胆道金属支架11例,经皮肝穿刺置入胆道金属支架4例,后经口置入16个十二指肠金属支架,单纯置入胆道外引流1例.结果 14例患者一次同时成功放置胆道和十二指肠金属支架,其中4例胆道支架是经皮肝胆管造影(PTC)方法置入,1例放置胆道支架后2个月因十二指肠梗阻,再置入十二指肠金属支架.1例导丝不能通过胆道阻塞段,仅放置胆道外引流管.随访期间,除1例仅能进流质外其余患者能正常饮食或进半流质,黄疸基本消退,疗效满意,无严重的并发症发生.结论 运用内镜或介入置入金属内支架是一种简单、有效的治疗方法,时不能手术治疗的恶性梗阻性黄疸合并十二指肠梗阻有很好的缓解作用.  相似文献   

目的探讨内镜直视联合X线监视下金属内支架置入治疗胃十二指肠恶性梗阻的临床价值。方法选择2013年1月-2015年12月该院消化内科收治的胃十二指肠恶性梗阻患者70例为研究对象,按照患者住院先后顺序编号,将奇数号患者纳入观察组,偶数号患者纳入对照组,每组患者35例。两组患者在内科基础治疗的前提下,观察组采用内镜直视联合X线监视下金属内支架置入,对照组采用单纯胃镜引导下金属内支架置入。记录两组患者手术操作时间,支架一次性置入成功率、准确率、覆盖病变、支架脱落/移位及并发症情况,并进行统计学分析。结果平均手术操作时间观察组(9.71±3.60)min,对照组(21.01±5.20)min;支架一次性置入成功率观察组97.14%,对照组77.14%;术后4周复查支架通畅率观察组97.14%,对照组74.28%;覆盖病变两组无明显差别。并发症:两组患者均出现少量出血,经处理后出血停止;观察组未见消化道溃疡,支架移位1例,胃肠道并发症1例,代谢并发症1例;对照组支架移位4例,胃肠道并发症6例,代谢并发症7例。结论胃镜-X线联合金属内支架置入治疗胃十二指肠恶性梗阻操作时间短、置入成功率高、支架定位准确、并发症少,存活时间长,是一种简单可行、安全有效的方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨经内镜置入胆道支架和十二指肠支架对胆道、十二指肠恶性梗阻的治疗价值。方法对19例同时存在胆道、十二指肠恶性梗阻的患者经内镜行胆道支架置入后再行十二指肠支架置入,观察手术的成功率、临床症状缓解率、并发症发生情况、支架通畅时间及患者生存期等指标。结果 17例经内镜成功置入胆道、十二指肠支架,2例因内镜逆行胰胆管造影术(ERCP)插管失败改行经皮肝穿刺胆管外引流成功。手术成功率89.5%,临床症状缓解率88.2%,术后恢复经口进食的平均时间(3.5±1.9)d,术前胃出口梗阻中位评分(GOOSS)[1(0~1)分升至2(2~3)分]明显升高(P0.001)d,中位胆道支架通畅时间85(31~139)d,中位生存时间:91(35~139)d,10(58.8%)例患者再发胆管支架堵塞,3(17.6%)例患者十二指肠支架再发堵塞,患者未出现严重并发症。结论经内镜联合胆道、十二指肠支架置入治疗胆道及十二指肠恶性梗阻安全有效。  相似文献   

目的 探讨联合X线透视的十二指肠镜下放置金属支架治疗不能手术切除的十二指肠中下段恶性梗阻的方法 和临床价值.方法 20例患者均有明显的梗阻症状,其中十二指肠肿瘤15例,胰头癌2例、壶腹癌3例,在X线透视监视下,经十二指肠镜置入自膨式金属内支架25枚.结果 20例患者全部一次成功置放支架,一次性成功率为100%,操作时间最短20 min,最长1.5h,平均40min.5例患者分别置入胆道支架和肠道支架,其中3例分2次放置.置入后梗阻症状缓解,当日即能进软食,1周呕吐消失率100%,腹胀缓解率达85%(17/20).无严重并发症发生,随访时间2~16个月,患者平均生存4.6个月.结论 对于不能或拒绝手术的十二指肠中下段恶性梗阻的患者,经由联合X线透视的十二指肠镜置入金属内支架是安全、有效、创伤小的治疗方法 .  相似文献   

肠道恶性梗阻内镜水囊扩张和支架治疗   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
目的:探讨经内镜水囊扩张和金属支架置入术治疗肠道恶性梗阻的临床运用价值。方法:经内镜水囊扩张和金属支架置入术共治疗18例肠道恶性梗阻的病人,其中十二指肠恶性狭窄7例,直肠恶性狭窄8例,乙状结肠恶性狭窄3例。结果:7例十二指肠恶性梗阻经内镜水囊扩张后放置支架成功;11例结直肠恶性梗阻中,8例扩张后放置金属支架作姑息治疗.2例经内镜水囊扩张和支架治疗解除梗阻后接受手术治疗,1例直肠癌术后狭窄伴盆腔广泛转移者扩张治疗失败。结论:经内镜水囊扩张和金属支架置入术治疗肠道恶性狭窄梗阻是一种操作简单、经济有效、并发症少的方法,可以显著降低病人的创伤和痛苦,提高病人的生活质量。  相似文献   

目的探讨内镜下支架置入对恶性胆道梗阻患者的临床应用价值。方法 23例恶性胆道梗阻患者,内镜下置入胆道塑料或金属支架,观察术后并发症以及手术前后胆红素变化。结果 23例恶性胆道梗阻患者中,内镜下植入支架成功23次,2例未能成功,3例2次更换支架,操作成功率为91.3%,消除黄疸总有效率为86.9%,并发症发生率为8.7%,平均存活期约为6.9个月。结论经内镜胆道支架置入术可解决恶性胆道梗阻引起的黄疸,且创伤小、并发症少,能提高患者生存质量。  相似文献   

目的:探讨内镜联合X线下金属支架置入术治疗胃十二指肠恶性梗阻的围手术期护理方法。方法:选择符合手术适应证、因恶性肿瘤引起胃十二指肠梗阻的28例病人,行内镜联合X线下金属支架置入术。结果:28例病人置放支架29次,共29枚,置2枚支架1例,均成功置入,未出现消化道大出血、支架滑脱、移位及穿孔等严重并发症。结论:内镜联合X线下金属支架置入术是一种创伤小、安全有效、并发症较少的治疗方法,围手术期行之有效的护理配合是取得满意疗效的重要保证。  相似文献   

目的探讨金属腔内支架置入治疗胃十二指肠恶性梗阻的护理要点。方法回顾分析2002年10月至2004年11月行金属腔内支架置入治疗24例恶性肿瘤引起的胃十二指肠恶性梗阻患者的护理经验。结果24例金属支架置入预定的部位。术后第1天进流质,第3天开始半流质。未见置入支架引起的消化道穿孔、出血等并发症。21例在1~24个月的随访期间,仅2例出现梗阻。无金属支架移位。结论胃十二指肠恶性梗阻金属内支架置入治疗除了需要重视术前的心理护理和有效的胃肠道准备外,术中生命体征和氧饱和度的动态监护及术后饮食指导护理是其治疗成功的基础和保障。  相似文献   

目的探讨用于扩张治疗晚期胃窦恶性肿瘤所致胃出口梗阻的金属支架的个体化设计的可行性及临床效果。方法对不能手术的7例胃窦晚期恶性肿瘤所致的胃出口梗阻,分别根据肿瘤占据胃窦腔后剩余胃窦残腔的形状设计金属支架的形状,2例设计成漏斗型,5例设计成碟盘型。结果7例均置入成功,支架置入后行钡餐造影观察,金属支架与胃窦残腔贴合紧密,钡剂排空完全,胃窦残腔被支架扩张而成形。结论用于扩张治疗胃窦晚期恶性肿瘤所导致的胃出口梗阻的金属支架设计应个体化,以提高食物的排空率。  相似文献   

Kim JH  Yoo BM  Lee KJ  Hahm KB  Cho SW  Park JJ  Kim SS  Park HC  Kim JH 《Endoscopy》2001,33(10):838-842
BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: Peroral intubation of a self-expanding metal stent is usually difficult in patients with unresectable malignant gastric outlet obstruction, because the delivery systems currently available are not long enough and cannot easily pass the angulated gastroduodenal structure. We carried out a prospective study to assess the efficacy of a coil stent with a newly developed long delivery system, for palliation of unresectable malignant gastric outlet obstruction. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In 29 patients with unresectable malignant gastric outlet obstruction, caused by gastric cancer (26 patients), pancreatic head cancer (two patients), or duodenal cancer (one patient), peroral intubation of a self-expanding nickel-titanium coil stent was attempted, using a lengthened delivery system of 150 cm, under endoscopic and fluoroscopic guidance. RESULTS: Management was successful in 26 of 29 patients (89.7 %) without immediate major complications. In one patient in whom peroral intubation failed, percutaneous intubation of the coil stent via percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy was done. After insertion of the coil stent, food ingestion with symptomatic improvement with regard to vomiting was achieved in 26 of 27 patients (96.3 %), including the patient with percutaneous stent insertion. During the follow-up period, dysphagia and Karnofsky scores improved significantly. Stent migration occurred in two patients, and tumor ingrowth in another two; re-intervention was done successfully performed in two instances. The mean survival time was 124 days (range 34 - 310 days) in the 22 patients who had no need for re-intervention during follow-up; among these was a patient who experienced stent occlusion by food material, which was easily corrected with endoscopic flushing. CONCLUSIONS: Peroral intubation of a self-expanding coil stent using a long delivery system is a safe and effective palliative technique for unresectable malignant gastric outlet obstruction, and significantly improves the quality of life of patients.  相似文献   

Background In recent years, stent placement for malignant colorectal obstruction has become an accepted alternative to surgery. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of self-expandable metallic stents (SEMS) as palliative management for patients with unresectable malignant colorectal obstruction. Methods Twelve patients with unresectable malignant colorectal obstruction were treated with SEMS as palliative therapy. The sites of obstruction were located in the rectum (n = 9), the descending colon (n = 1), and the transverse colon (n = 2). All procedures were performed with combined endoscopic and fluoroscopic guidance. We analyzed the technical and clinical success rates of stent placement and the complications associated with the procedure. Results The stents were successfully implanted and bowel obstruction was relieved in all cases; the technical and clinical success rates were 100%. Two complications occurred, including stent migration. There was no case requiring reintervention. All patients died of initial disease or another coexisting disease between 9 and 534 days (mean 133 ± 148 days) after stent placement. None of the patients with stent in position at death had clinical or radiologic signs of bowel obstruction. Conclusions SEMS placement in patients with malignant colorectal obstruction is technically feasible and safe, making it useful as a palliative treatment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: The outcome of stenting gastric outlet stricture is favorable compared with a bypass operation which has significant morbidity and mortality. In Japan, this procedure is particularly complicated by a lack of enteral stents. We report some technical stratagems for stent placement for gastric outlet strictures. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between February 1993 and July 2001, 23 patients with gastric outlet strictures (14 men, nine women; mean age 72 years) underwent stent placement using an esophageal stent system. The Ultraflex or Z-stents were used in 18 or five patients, respectively. With the Ultraflex, we increased the length of the delivery system. Some patients underwent stent placement with the help of endoscopic assistance with a grasping forceps or a home-made sheath. RESULTS: The metal stent was successfully inserted in all patients. There were no complications during the procedure. Migration occurred in two out of five patients treated with the Z-stent, whereas there was no migration in patients treated with the Ultraflex stent. In two patients, curable pancreatitis was caused by pressure on the duodenal papilla. One of these patients also experienced bile stasis which required biliary decompression. There were three cases of obstruction, caused by tumor ingrowth (1), hyperplasia (1) and stent fracture (1); recanalization by an additional stent placement and/or cutting stent filaments was successful. All the patients died, with a median survival period of 52 days. There was no procedure-related mortality. CONCLUSIONS: With some technical modification, stent placement for gastric outlet stricture, even using an esophageal stent, is feasible. This procedure offers good palliation with no major complications.  相似文献   

Duodenal self-expandable metal stents (SEMS) are designed for palliation and prompt relief of malignant gastric outlet obstruction (GOO). This mini-invasive endoscopic treatment is preferable to surgery due to its lower morbidity and mortality, shorter hospitalization, and earlier symptoms relief; furthermore endoscopic enteral stenting can be performed under conscious sedation, reducing the risk of general anesthesia in these already fragile patients. The stent placement technique is well established and should be performed in referral centers with adequate materials and equipment. Duodenal stents can be covered and uncovered. Nitinol stents have almost replaced other materials, being more flexible with a satisfactory axial and radial force. Common duodenal SEMS-related complications are recurrence of GOO symptoms due to stent clogging (tissue ingrowth/overgrowth and food impaction) and stent migration. These complications can be usually managed endoscopically. Perforation and bleeding are the most severe, but rare, complications. After stent placement, malignant GOO patients usually have improvement of the GOO symptoms with good resumption of fluids and solids. Choosing the most appropriate type of stent is arduous and should be done mainly in relation to the morphological aspects of the stricture. Endoscopic duodenal SEMS placement is indicated in symptomatic GOO patients suffering from unresectable malignancy or those inoperable due to advanced age or comorbidities. The absence of peritoneal carcinomatosis and multiple small bowel strictures is a key point for the clinical success of duodenal SEMS. Almost all symptomatic malignant GOO patients are candidates for the duodenal SEMS procedure; resolution of GOO, avoiding the need for a permanent naso-gastric or percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube, significantly improves the patients’ quality of life and dignity, even if life expectancy is short. Endoscopic duodenal SEMS insertion, after an adequate training, is a reproducible, simple, safe, and cost-effective procedure.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: Gastric outlet obstruction is a late event in the natural history of biliopancreatic tumours. Metallic self-expanding stents inserted under endoscopic and fluoroscopic guidance can be used for palliation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility, efficacy, and complications of endoscopic duodenal stenting in patients with malignant gastric outlet obstruction. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between August 1998 and November 2001, 63 patients (31 women, 32 men; mean age 73 +/- 12) presenting with clinical symptoms of duodenal obstruction underwent endoscopic stenting with large metallic prostheses. Complications and clinical outcome were assessed both retrospectively and prospectively. RESULTS: Of the patients, 58 needed one duodenal stent and two overlapping stents were required in five patients. Stenting was immediately successful in 60/63 patients (95%). At the time of the duodenal procedure, 25 previously inserted biliary stents were still patent; biliary stenting was attempted during the same procedure in 18 patients; and 20 patients had no biliary stricture. There was no procedure-related mortality. There were complications in 30 % of patients: 13 stent obstructions, 4 stent migrations and 2 duodenal perforations (treated surgically). For 44 patients (70%) there were no minor or major digestive problem during their remaining lifetime. An exclusively peroral diet was possible in 58 patients (92%), but was considered satisfactory (solid or soft) in 46/63 patients (73%). Of the patients, 53 (84 %) died between 1 and 64 weeks after the duodenal stenting (median survival 7 weeks).CONCLUSIONS: Endoscopic stenting for the palliation of malignant gastric outlet obstruction is feasible and well-tolerated in most patients. Most dysfunctions can be managed endoscopically.  相似文献   

AIM: To assess the safety and efficacy of self-expandable metal stents(SEMSs) for malignant colorectal obstruction. METHODS: Data regarding technical success, clinical success, and procedure related complications were collected from included studies. Der Simonian-Laird random effects model was used to generate the overall outcome. Thirty international studies with a total of 2058 patients with malignant colorectal obstruction were included. RESULTS: The technical and clinical success rates for SEMS placement were 94%(95%CI: 92-96) and 91%(95%CI: 88-93), respectively. Overall complication rate for SEMS was 23%(95%CI: 18-29). Stent migration8%(95%CI: 6-10) and stent obstruction 8%(95%CI: 6-11) were the most common complications, followed by perforation 5%(95%CI: 4%-7%). Surgical or endoscopic re-interventions were needed in 14%(95%CI: 10-18) of patients. Endoscopic repeat stent placement was required in 8%(95%CI: 6-10), while surgical intervention was needed in 6%(95%CI: 4-8).CONCLUSION: SEMS are effective when used as palliation or bridge to surgery for malignant colorectal obstruction with high technical and clinical success. About 14% of patients require repeat endoscopic or surgical intervention for stent failure or to manage stent related complications.  相似文献   

Borgulya M  Ell C  Pohl J 《Endoscopy》2012,44(4):422-424
Placement of self-expanding metal stents (SEMSs) is a well-established treatment for esophageal stenosis and postoperative anastomotic leaks. Conventional endoscopic procedures for SEMS placement require fluoroscopic guidance, but transnasal endoscopy (TNE) with ultraslim endoscopes may allow precise stent release under direct visual control without the need for fluoroscopy. This prospectively collected data investigated the feasibility and safety of TNE-guided SEMS placement without fluoroscopy. Between March 2009 and February 2011, 20 consecutive patients underwent TNE-guided SEMS placement without fluoroscopy. The technical success rate was 100 % and no fluoroscopy was required during the procedures. Five patients underwent SEMS placement as a bedside procedure in the intensive care unit. The mean intervention time was 13.4 minutes (range 6 - 26) and there were no early complications. In summary, TNE-guided SEMS placement allows precise stent placement without fluoroscopic control and can therefore be performed as a simple bedside procedure.  相似文献   

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