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声门上型喉癌声带不同活动情况组织病理学分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 :探讨声门上型喉癌声带不同活动情况下的组织病理学特点 ,为喉部分切除术提供理论依据。方法 :84例声门上型喉癌喉切除标本 ,经火棉胶包埋 ,制成连续切片 ,苏木精 伊红染色 ,光学显微镜下观察。结果 :声带固定 2 6例中杓状软骨、声门旁间隙下区以及两者同时受侵率分别为 4 6 .2 %、15 .4 %、38.5 % ;声带活动受限 30例中杓状软骨、声门旁间隙下区以及两者同时受侵率分别为 4 6 .7%、6 .7%、13.3% ;声带活动良好 2 8例中杓状软骨及声门旁间隙下区无受侵。声带固定、声带活动受限、声带活动良好 3组之间杓状软骨及声门旁间隙下区的受侵率差异有统计学意义 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;侵犯声门旁间隙下区的肿瘤均侵犯了喉室 ,声带活动受限及声带固定者中 ,肿瘤组织侵犯声门旁间隙下区占侵犯喉室比例分别为 4 0 .0 % (6 / 15 )、73.7% (14 / 19) ,两者之间差异有统计学意义 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 :肿瘤侵犯杓状软骨及声门旁间隙下区是声门上型喉癌引起声带活动受限或固定的主要原因 ,观察声带活动及喉室的受侵情况 ,可为喉部分切除术提供参考依据。  相似文献   

目的探讨喉环状软骨上部分切除术(supracricold partial laryngectomy,SCPL)治疗甲状软骨受侵的局部晚期喉癌的操作方法和治疗效果。方法回顾性分析中国医学科学院肿瘤医院头颈外科1996~2006年3月10年间采用SCPL治疗的甲状软骨受侵的喉鳞状细胞癌(简称喉癌)20例,其中声门上型9例,声门型10例,声门下型1例,术中整块切除喉内病变、大部分甲状软骨与受侵的喉前组织,残喉上下拉拢缝合。总结术后病理结果,随访喉功能保留及生存情况。结果17例患者术后成功拔除胃管和气管套管,拔管率85%,全组病例局部复发3例,死亡3例,Kaplan—Meier法估计3年生存率84.7%,局部控制率85%。T3(12例)和T4(8例)病变2组生存率无统计学差异(P=0.415)。结论部分甲状软骨受侵的局部晚期喉癌仍可通过部分喉切除保留喉功能,环状软骨上部分喉切除为一种简便有效的术式。  相似文献   

目的 探讨环甲膜联合喉室入路切除T1b声门型喉癌的疗效。 方法 回顾性分析16例声门型喉癌(T1bN0M0 13例、T1bN1M0 3例)患者的临床资料,手术采用环甲膜联合喉室入路切除肿瘤,室带下拉修复声带,带状肌肌膜内翻扩大喉腔,分析术后随访复发情况、拔管率、声嘶情况、声门形态、吞咽情况等。 结果 16例患者中除1例术后局部复发外,其余随访至今均无复发,拔管率100%,声嘶均有不同程度改善,声门形态接近正常三角形,患者术后第5天开始进食。 结论 对于T1b声门型喉癌,采用环甲膜联合喉室入路能直视下彻底切除肿瘤、保存喉功能,安全有效。  相似文献   

本文回顾分析了中国医学科学院肿瘤医院1979年至1990年168例声门上型喉癌行部分喉切除术患者的临床资料,研究了喉外侵犯对声门上型喉癌水平部分喉切除术的影响,发现舌根受侵切除部分舌根使水平部分喉切除术的拔管率由92.10%降为58.82%,梨状窝受侵者切除部分梨状窝使3/4部分喉切除术的拔管率由67.39%降为33.33%(P<0.05)。梨状窝内壁受侵组的生存率低于舌根受侵组(P<0.01)。因此,将声门上型喉癌梨状窝内壁受侵定为T_4病变更合适。结论:声门上型喉癌侵及舌根及梨状窝内壁时部分喉切除术后的拔管率降低,梨状窝内壁受侵时生存率也明显降低。  相似文献   

正声门型喉癌T1B期是指肿瘤原发于一侧声带向前侵及前联合,并越过前联合侵及对侧声带,喉室及声门下黏膜正常,声带活动好。此类喉癌因前联合受累,支撑喉镜下对肿瘤边界的显露受限,内镜下激光手术治疗有一定的局限性。喉室及声门下联合入路喉部分切除术(图1、图2)对此型喉癌有满意的治疗效果。  相似文献   

为提高喉癌患者的生存质量 ,不仅要求肿瘤切除彻底 ,而且还应尽量保留喉功能。我科 1 996年 6月~ 1 999年 6月应用会厌瓣进行声门癌喉部分切除术后功能重建 1 5例 ,报告如下。1   资料与方法1 .1   一般资料1 5例声门癌患者均为男性 ,年龄 45~ 6 8岁 ,平均 5 8.6岁。按 UICC(1 987) TNM分期标准 :T1b2例 ,T2 1 1例 ,T32例。均无淋巴结转移与远处转移。病理检查 :均为鳞状细胞癌。1 .2   手术方式垂直或扩大垂直半喉切除术 1 2例。适应于肿瘤位于单侧声带、喉室或已侵及前联合及对侧声带受侵不超过前 1 /2 ,向下侵犯不超过声门下 1 …  相似文献   

声门上水平喉部分切除术应用55例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 评价声门上水平部分喉切除术的手术方法及远期疗效。方法 我科 1 986~1 995年采用声门上水平部分喉切除治疗喉癌声门上型 5 5例 ,男 32例 ,女 2 3例。平均年龄 5 6岁。Ⅰ期 1 1例 ,Ⅱ期 2 6例 ,Ⅲ期 1 1例 ,Ⅳ期 7例。对声门上水平部分喉切除加以改进。用两侧梨状窝内侧壁粘膜缝合 ,封闭甲状软骨断面的后 1 / 3,用甲状软骨外骨膜同喉室底壁粘膜缝合 ,封闭甲状软骨断面的前 2 / 3。切除舌骨 ,将保留的甲状软骨同舌根缝合 ,使舌根起到会厌的作用。结果  3年生存率为 85 % (47/ 5 5 ) ;5年生存率为 77% (37/ 48)。喉功能恢复情况 :拔管率为 96 % ,吞咽功能在 8~ 30d恢复 ,无呛咳。发音功能良好。常见并发症 :舌根及前联合处有肉芽及息肉生长 (4例 )。结论 该术式能彻底切除肿瘤 ,并完全保留喉的生理功能 ,是喉癌外科治疗中理想的部分喉切除术。  相似文献   

声门上水平喉部分切除术应用55例   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
目的 评价声门上水平部分喉切除术的手术方法及远期疗效。方法 我科1986~1995年采用声门上水平部分喉切除治疗喉癌声门上型55型,男32例,女23例,平均年龄56岁,I期11例,II期26例,Ⅲ期11例,Ⅳ期7例。对声门上水平部分喉切除加以改进。用两侧梨状窝内侧壁粘膜缝合,封闭甲状软骨断面的后1/3,用甲状软骨外骨膜同喉室底壁粘膜缝合,封闭甲状软骨断面的前2/3,切除舌骨,将保留的甲状软骨同舌根  相似文献   

喉外侵犯对声门上型喉癌部分喉切除术的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李进让  屠规益 《耳鼻咽喉》1998,5(5):259-262
本文回顾分析了中国医学科学院肿瘤医院1979年至1990年168例声门上型喉癌行部分喉切除术患者的临床资料,研究了喉外侵犯对声门上型喉癌水平部分喉切除术的影响,发现舌根受侵切除部分舌根使水平部分喉切除术的拔管率由92.10%降为58.82%,梨状窝受侵者切除部分梨状窝使3/4部分喉切除术的拔管率由67.39%降为33.33%(P〈0.05)。梨状窝内壁受侵组的生存率低于舌根受侵组(P〈0.01)。  相似文献   

喉声门型癌声门下受侵与外科治疗选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨喉声门型癌声门下受侵合适的外科治疗方式。方法回顾性分析102例喉声门型癌声门下受侵患者的局部声门下受侵范围及所行手术方式。根据受侵范围,将患者分为两组。第一组为声门下受侵在声带游离缘下0.5cm~1.0cm之间,第二组为声门下受侵达声带游离缘下1.0cm以上。分析比较两组患者的不同手术方式的3年无瘤生存率及淋巴结转移率。结果102例喉声门型癌声门下受侵患者总的3年无瘤生存率为58.8%。两组的生存率分别为66.7%(22/33)、55.1%(38/69)。第一组病例喉全切除术、喉近全切除术、喉部分切除术的生存率分别为60.0%(6/10)、2/2、66.7%(14/21);第二组病例喉全切除术、喉近全切除术、喉部分切除术的生存率分别为58.7%(27/46)、50.0%(6/12)、45.5%(5/11)。本资料两组患者的淋巴结阳性率分别为6.1%(2/33)、15.9%(11/69)。淋巴结阳性与阴性患者的生存率分别为23.1%(3/13)、64.0%(57/89)。结论声门下受侵是影响喉声门型癌预后的一个较为重要因素。喉声门型癌声门下受侵患者,声门下受侵范围未超过声带游离缘下1.0cm,如无其它禁忌证,应行喉部分切除术;声门下受侵范围超过声带游离缘下1.0cm,应考虑行喉全切除术。淋巴结转移是影响声门下受侵喉声门型癌的重要因素,随着声门下受侵范围的增大,淋巴结转移率也随之增高。  相似文献   

Twenty patients with supraglottic carcinoma extending onto an arytenoid or true vocal cord underwent supraglottic laryngectomy with vertical extension that included the resection of an arytenoid. In these patients, the contralateral superior thyroid cornu was used to reconstruct the resulting defect. In this technique, the thyroid cornu is mobilized and greenstick fractured across the posterior commissure, thus maintaining its blood supply by leaving the inferior and middle pharyngeal constrictor muscles attached. This muscle-cartilage pedicle provides bulk for the posterior glottis and can be anchored anteriorly to form a new hemilarynx. This reconstruction has provided excellent anteroposterior diameter and bulk in the laryngeal remnant, resulting in preservation of airway and voice and prevention of aspiration comparable with that achieved following supraglottic laryngectomy without vertical extension or resection of an arytenoid. It is a reliable technique for reconstructing extended laryngeal defects and is herein presented with long-term follow-up.  相似文献   

The partial horizontal supracricoid laryngectomy with cricohyoidopexy consists of resection of the whole thyroid cartilage and paraglottic space, as well as the epiglottis and the whole pre-epiglottic space. The cricoid cartilage, the hyoid bone, and at least one arytenoid cartilage are spared. Sixty-eight patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the supraglottis who underwent this procedure during the period from 1974 through 1986 are presented. Conventional horizontal supraglottic laryngectomy was contraindicated in all cases. All but three patients (95.4%) recovered physiologic deglutition, and none required a permanent tracheostomy. The 3-year actuarial survival rate was 71.4%. No local recurrences were encountered. The indications for the procedure are carcinomas of the supraglottis that 1. involve the glottis and anterior commissure, 2. invade the ventricle, 3. present with a marked limitation of true vocal cord mobility (transglottic lesions), and 4. invade the thyroid cartilage. The procedure is presented as a useful alternative to radiation therapy, horizontal supraglottic laryngectomy, and total laryngectomy in select cases of supraglottic carcinoma.  相似文献   

老龄喉癌喉部分切除术远期疗效观察   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目的 探讨老龄喉癌患者行保留喉功能切除术的远期疗效。方法 总结1986 ̄1996年间99例65岁以上老龄喉癌患者行各种喉部分切降术的临床资料,其中声带切除44例、垂直半喉切除31例、声门上水平半喉切除15例、声门水平切除2例、水平垂直(3/4)切除22例、喉近全切除5例、喉全切除环咽吻合10例。结果 术后全部病例均恢复了发音功能及吞咽功能,拔管率为91.9%。术中无死亡,术后无严重并发症。3、5年  相似文献   

保留功能的喉癌手术70例报告   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 :探讨喉部分切除术治疗声门型、声门上型喉癌的远期疗效和功能恢复。方法 :对 1978年 7月~1998年 8月间手术的 70例临床资料进行总结和随访。其中声门型喉癌 6 0例、声门上型喉癌 10例 ;施行喉裂开声带切除术 2 2例 ,垂直半喉切除术 2 2例 ,Majer- Piquet手术 17例 ,水平半喉切除术 7例 ,Arslan手术 2例。结果 :1、3及 5年生存率分别为 98.5 3%、87.0 4%和 78.2 6 %。拔管率为 10 0 %。全部病例恢复经口进食 ,一经拔管均能发音。并发症发生率和术后复发率各为 15 .71%和 13.0 4%。结论 :喉部分切除术是功能保全性喉部恶性肿瘤根治的有效术式。它在切除肿瘤、延长生命的同时可以较好地保留喉的生理功能 ,提高患者术后的生活质量  相似文献   

The mechanisms of vocal fold fixation were determined by means of a whole-organ serial section study. A total of 80 laryngectomy specimens, 36 supraglottic and 44 glottic carcinomas, was investigated. In the supraglottic carcinomas, the most frequent cause of fixation of the ipsilateral vocal fold was a deep massive tumor invasion in the arytenoid eminence and the second most frequent cause was an extensive involvement of the thyroarytenoid (TA) muscle. Fixation of the contralateral vocal fold resulted from a deep tumor invasion in the contralateral arytenoid eminence. In the glottic carcinomas, fixation of the ipsilateral vocal fold resulted from an extensive invasion into the TA muscle. Fixation of the contralateral vocal fold was caused chiefly by an invasion into the contralateral TA muscle through the anterior commissure region. It resulted occasionally from an invasion into the interarytenoid muscle and contralateral arytenoid cartilage and cricoarytenoid joint via the posterior part of the larynx.  相似文献   

The published literature contains relatively few references to vocal rehabilitation for persons with partial laryngectomy. Articles on various types of surgery indicate that many individuals develop satisfactory voice following limited surgery, particularly supraglottic procedures. An informal questionnaire completed by 10 laryngologists who had had substantial experience with sub-total laryngectomy revealed that an average of 25 percent of their patients with laryngeal cancer receive partial laryngectomy. Lesions limited to the epiglottis, supraglottic areas or one vocal cord are regularly treated by limited excision. Half of the questionnaires indicated that partial laryngectomy can be used for bilateral vocal cord lesions under certain circumstances. The questionnaire confirmed the published reports that most of the subsequent voices were satisfactory or good and many recover without special vocal retraining. None reported employment of partial laryngectomy for sub-glottal cancer. Hemilaryngectomy and cordectomy frequently resulted in some impairment of voice. Speech therapy is often recommended when possible. Therapy applicable to voice following partial laryngectomy combines five emphases: 1. strengthening glottic closure and loudness of the voice; 2. improving the efficiency of breath expenditure; 3. increasing the articulately skill and intelligibility of speech; 4. recognizing and compensating for hearing loss; and 5. aiding the patient to reduce detrimental environmental influences and to adjust to his environmental requirements.  相似文献   

A spectrum of treatment plans and surgical procedures is available for management of early and moderately advanced laryngeal cancer. While the approach of chemotherapy and irradiation, or irradiation alone, followed by total laryngectomy for failure is often employed in practice by present day clinicians, the options of conventional conservation surgery (CCS), transoral endoscopic laser surgery (TLS) and supracricoid partial laryngectomy (SCPL) provide a wide choice of treatments that may help attain the goal of cure with preservation of laryngeal function and integrity of the airway. While CCS has been supplanted for many early-stage lesions by TLS and for more advanced stages by SCPL, centres throughout the world have reported favourable results with CCS, which is often modified to include resection of more extensive tumours than was previously possible. During the past decade a number of extended CCS procedures have been developed for management of glottic tumours involving both vocal cords and the anterior commissure, the paraglottic space and with vocal cord fixation, and for supraglottic tumours involving the glottis or hypopharynx. TLS has proved an effective, minimally invasive and functionally satisfactory procedure for management of suitable T1 and T2 glottic cancers, and stage I-III supraglottic cancers. The procedure may be effectively employed in combination with neck dissection and postoperative radiotherapy when necessary, particularly for moderately advanced supraglottic carcinomas. SCPL has proven effective in management of glottic and supraglottic cancers of all stages, even with involvement of paraglottic space and thyroid cartilage, provided at least one arytenoid unit can be preserved with clear margins. Invasion of cricoid cartilage is the most significant limitation for this procedure. All three surgical approaches have been employed for irradiation failure, but with greatly increased failure and complication rates compared with the results of treatment of non-irradiated patients. Thus a decision to treat laryngeal cancer initially with irradiation may preclude a satisfactory result from partial laryngectomy should radiation fail. The treatment of laryngeal cancer should be individualized according to the size and extent of the tumour, the age and physical condition of the patient, and the skill and experience of the surgeon with various treatment modalities and surgical procedures.  相似文献   

《Acta oto-laryngologica》2012,132(4):456-465
A spectrum of treatment plans and surgical procedures is available for management of early and moderately advanced laryngeal cancer. While the approach of chemotherapy and irradiation, or irradiation alone, followed by total laryngectomy for failure is often employed in practice by present day clinicians, the options of conventional conservation surgery (CCS), transoral endoscopic laser surgery (TLS) and supracricoid partial laryngectomy (SCPL) provide a wide choice of treatments that may help attain the goal of cure with preservation of laryngeal function and integrity of the airway. While CCS has been supplanted for many early-stage lesions by TLS and for more advanced stages by SCPL, centres throughout the world have reported favourable results with CCS, which is often modified to include resection of more extensive tumours than was previously possible. During the past decade a number of extended CCS procedures have been developed for management of glottic tumours involving both vocal cords and the anterior commissure, the paraglottic space and with vocal cord fixation, and for supraglottic tumours involving the glottis or hypopharynx. TLS has proved an effective, minimally invasive and functionally satisfactory procedure for management of suitable T1 and T2 glottic cancers, and stage I-III supraglottic cancers. The procedure may be effectively employed in combination with neck dissection and postoperative radiotherapy when necessary, particularly for moderately advanced supraglottic carcinomas. SCPL has proven effective in management of glottic and supraglottic cancers of all stages, even with involvement of paraglottic space and thyroid cartilage, provided at least one arytenoid unit can be preserved with clear margins. Invasion of cricoid cartilage is the most significant limitation for this procedure. All three surgical approaches have been employed for irradiation failure, but with greatly increased failure and complication rates compared with the results of treatment of non-irradiated patients. Thus a decision to treat laryngeal cancer initially with irradiation may preclude a satisfactory result from partial laryngectomy should radiation fail. The treatment of laryngeal cancer should be individualized according to the size and extent of the tumour, the age and physical condition of the patient, and the skill and experience of the surgeon with various treatment modalities and surgical procedures.  相似文献   

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