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教学本身就是一种"临床性"的实践活动,教学中的缺憾是必然的,正如没有最好只有更好一样.常言道:学无止境.那么,当前我们的课堂教学中存在什么问题呢?笔者结合近几年的教学实践活动,整理出以下几个主要问题: 1。大力推进"素质教育",就是要以培养学生的数学素质即数学思维能力为核心,让学生学会用数学的观点去看待事物、分析事物,去解决问题.  相似文献   

本文旨在通过分析"首因效应"的源起和应用特点,探究结合初中语文教学内容,应用"首因效应"提升课堂教学质量的方法,初中语文教学起到十分重要的过渡作用,各位语文教师要高度重视.以下笔者就结合教学实践做几点简要论述,望抛砖引玉.  相似文献   

音乐是一门积聚灵感、催发情感、激活想象的艺术,它是实施美育教育的主要途径之一.随着音乐新课程改革的不断深入,音乐课堂教学也迎来了一系列崭新的变化,纵观多次名师音乐展示课活动,许多教师都会在课堂教学的后半程进行拓展教学.  相似文献   

课堂教学是学生发展的天地.教师要实现这一目标,其先决条件应该是让学生在课堂中"活力四射","活"即不呆板、不被动.让学生真正成为课堂的主人.那怎样才能让学生在课堂中"活力四射"呢?就本人多年来的教学实践,谈几点拙见.  相似文献   

基于"平安医院"视角下"医护平安"的思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
随着社会经济的发展和人们维权意识的提高,患者对医疗服务产品的期望值也越来越高。2005年卫生部和国家中医药管理局组织开展"以患者为中心、以提高医疗服务质量为主题"的医院管理年活动,受到全社会的广泛关注,医疗质量和患者的医疗安全受到业内人士的充分重视:2006年"医院管理年活动"进一步要求医疗机构必须树立"以人为本、  相似文献   

数学是培养和发展思维能力的一门主要学科. 在教学过程中,精心设计问题,创设问题情景,激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生主动自觉地实现思维过程,变课堂为"学堂",是提高数学课堂效率重要手段,是优化课堂教学过程,优化学生思维流程的关键.设计问题时,教师应按教学要求和内容,遵循认知规律,站在学生的角度精心设计.那么如何把握数学课堂教学中"问题"的设计呢?现结合本人的教学实践谈几点见解.  相似文献   

《灵枢·邪客篇》说:"心者,五脏六腑之大主也,精神之所舍也."精神是指人的意识、思维活动和一般的心理状态.古人云"心之官则思".这里的"心"其实指的是"心神",即现代医学的脑.中医认为,心为君主之官,主神明,主血脉,是生命活动的主宰.在心的统领之下,各脏腑协调,共同维持人体正常功能.但人有喜、怒、忧、思、悲、恐、惊"七情",突然或剧烈或长期的精神刺激,使情绪反应过于强烈或持久,就会引起心神的过度活动,导致心神损伤,这就叫"心劳".心劳神伤,即由此而来. 《延命金丹》曰:"凡欲身之无病,必须先正其心,使其心不妄求,心不狂思,不贪嗜欲,则心君泰然."孟子亦云:"养心莫善于寡欲."如果能做到"不贪得、不患失、不动情、不小气",则可防"心劳".心不劳,则五脏安和,自然可益寿延年.  相似文献   

我们的课堂是一种动态的存在,它会因为各方面的因素而没按预设的程序进行,继而发生课堂突发事件.本文就以个人粗略见解浅谈下在小学数学课堂教学中的突发事件,如何做到临"危"不乱,化"险"为夷.  相似文献   

新课改倡导新的学习方式,即自主学习、合作学习、探究学习.在这种全新的学习方式上,教师只起到了帮助、引导的作用.在新课改思想的指导下,"激趣、导学、探究"的新型教学理念逐步深入我校教师的教学中."激趣"与"导学"是密切相关的,激之以趣,使学生乐学,授之以渔,使学生会学,我们把"激趣"与"导学"用到初中英语课堂教学中,以培养学生的良好学习方法为重点,引导学生养成良好的学习习惯,激发学生的求知欲,帮助学生树立学习信心.  相似文献   

为高起点落实省委"能力作风建设年"活动部署和楼阳生书记动员讲话精神,在河南省委高校工委活动专班的具体指导下,河南工业大学党委以"能力作风建设年"启动为契机,在全校掀起了"改革·创新·发展"大学习大讨论,从"锚定发展势头、书记校长带头、凝聚活水源头、紧握进退关头"4个方面发力,达到了统一思想、明确目标、振奋精神、鼓足干劲...  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo describe food and beverage types offered and consumed during classroom celebrations at an elementary school in a low-income, urban community. In addition, to report student intake of fresh fruit provided alongside other party foods.MethodsObservations held during 4 classroom celebrations. Food and beverage items were measured and counted before and after each celebration. Consumption data were recorded in aggregate for the entire classroom and later adjusted to mean intake per student.ResultsMajority of items offered were low-nutrient, energy-dense foods. Mean caloric intake during celebrations ranged from 259 to 455 cal. Fruit provided during 2 of the 4 classroom celebrations resulted in a mean intake of 1 full serving per student.Conclusions and ImplicationsCaloric intake from low-nutrient, energy-dense foods and beverages offered during classroom celebrations contributed 20% or more of daily caloric needs. However, fresh fruit may be a reasonable addition to the party food table.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the general health education program for third graders at Hult Health Education Center (Hult HEC). A quasi-experimental, nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design with four groups was employed to collect pretest and posttest data from 168 third graders. The four groups included a control group, a traditional classroom health education group, a group that visited Hult HEC, and a group that visited Hult HEC and incorporated center curricular materials in the classroom. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was calculated to test for posttest differences among the four groups, while reducing the effects of initial group pretest score differences. A statistically significant difference occurred in posttest scores among the four groups (F = 120.62, df = 4, 163, p = .0001). Post hoc testing revealed the best results were obtained when combining curricular materials with a visit to the Hult HEC.  相似文献   

Efforts to prevent the onset of cigarette smoking with young adolescents have been primarily successful in delaying onset, particularly with classroom curricula that emphasize social competencies. Maintenance of these reductions has been difficult to sustain into later adolescence, suggesting the need for programs to complement and supplement curricula. Since one group of adolescents more difficult to influence are those whose parents smoke, parental involvement in smoking prevention may be a powerful enhancer. This paper describes the "Unpuffables Program," an activity package program around smoking, for preadolescents and their parents. Two pilot evaluation studies in Minnesota and Massachusetts focus on the feasibility of and receptivity to the "Unpuffables Program." High awareness and participation rates were found in both settings. The program appears to provide an opportunity for smoking to be discussed at home, motivating smokers to consider cessation, and reinforcing nonsmoking parents' attitudes and behaviors.  相似文献   

目的 了解延边贫困地区儿童对营养知识、态度及膳食行为现况, 评价以“营养课堂”形式的干预措施对儿童营养知识、态度及膳食行为的影响效果。方法 采用随机抽样和整群抽样相结合的方法, 在延边地区抽取两所学校作为研究对象, 开展“营养课堂”, 并实施干预前后进行变化比较, 以评价其效果。结果 干预后两组的营养知识和膳食行为改变量差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);干预组的营养态度变化在干预前后有统计学意义(P=0.000)。结论 以“营养课堂”为主的干预模式对于儿童营养知识、态度及膳食行为改变效果明显。  相似文献   

Health education and behavior change interventions typically pay little attention to the intervention's instructional foundation. Combining the fields of health literacy, cognitive psychology, and adult learning theory, this article provides an integrative scientific approach, called the BEAN (Better Education and iNnovation) model, to creating an instructional foundation based on how individuals acquire knowledge and skills. The article uses a case study example from an adult literacy center's health literacy class to explore how environmental factors and instructional strategies can be applied to health education and behavior change interventions. Data for this case study were derived through 20 hours of classroom observation and qualitative interviews with 21 adult education students and 3 instructors. Results provide practical examples of environmental factors and instructional strategies designed to facilitate learning, such as fostering autonomy, activating prior knowledge, and fostering perspective change. Results also describe the resulting health behavior changes of students attending the health literacy class, such as increased medication adherence and physical activity, improved nutritional habits, and increased question asking of health practitioners. This article serves as a first step to encouraging researchers and educators to consider the importance of drawing on cognitive psychology and theories of adult learning to create a scientifically based instructional foundation for health behavior change programs. Additionally, by drawing on the expertise of adult educators well versed in the science of instructional design, this article also demonstrates that the adult education classroom is an excellent setting for conducting health education and behavior change interventions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Effective physical activity (PA) interventions are warranted for youth, and schools have been identified as logical locations for such involvement. Experts and professionals in the field promote comprehensive school PA programs, including classroom PA. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a low‐cost, teacher‐directed classroom‐based intervention on the school PA of elementary children. METHODS: Nine classroom teachers were provided inexpensive curricula and trained to implement and instruct PA breaks (2 × 30 minute training sessions). The teachers were encouraged to lead 1 activity break per day after the training. One hundred and six elementary students wore pedometers up to 12 days over 3 monitoring periods during the school year (baseline, follow‐up, post follow‐up) to assess the effectiveness and the sustainability of the intervention. The teachers self‐reported the frequency of activity breaks instructed. RESULTS: The teachers (n = 5) who complied with the recommended 1 activity break per day had students who accrued ~33% more mean school steps/day at follow‐up (~1100) and post follow‐up (~1350) compared to controls. Teachers (n = 4) in the intervention who did not comply with the 1 activity break per day recommendation had students accrue similar mean school steps/day as controls. CONCLUSION: Inexpensive, teacher‐directed classroom‐based PA interventions can be effective in improving children's PA levels if teachers implement 1 activity break per school day. We recommend promoting the notion of 1 activity break per day in the classroom as part of a comprehensive school PA program that includes quality physical education, recess, and before/after school programs.  相似文献   

A school health nurse describes how he developed sessions on sex education for 14-15 year olds in the classroom setting, taking students' actual questions as a starting point. He compiled an information booklet and, with a colleague, set up a website to provide further information for the students and answer individual e-mailed queries.  相似文献   

The impact of music activity on children’s motor and cognitive skills has been investigated with music learning, instrument lessons and classroom music. While none have employed natural utterances, singing games or playground/street songs, these musical experiences of childhood are acknowledged as a major platform for child development. The current study isolated handclapping songs exploring the association of performance quality with classroom academic achievement and examined whether children who spontaneously engage in handclapping songs activity demonstrate improved motor or cognitive abilities. Finally, the study investigated the outcome of a two‐group eight‐week classroom intervention. The study found that: (1) children who were more skillful at performing handclapping songs were more efficient First Graders; (2) Second Graders who spontaneously engage in handclapping songs were advantaged in bimanual coupling patterns, verbal memory and handwriting; and (3) classroom handclapping songs training was more efficient than music appreciation classes in developing non‐music skills among Second and Third Graders.  相似文献   

多媒体技术作为网络辅助教学平台,使学生的学习环境得到了很大的改善。在“细胞膜的亚显微结构和功能”一节的教学中,通过应用多媒体课件,可以突出重点,突破难点,不仅能优化课堂教学,诱导学生思维,而且能提高学生素质,调动学生的学习兴趣,提高学习效率。  相似文献   

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